Download OU (Osmania University) M.Pharma-Pharmaceutics (Master of Pharmacy) 1st Sem 2019 13147 Modern Pharmaceutical Analytical Techniques Previous Question Paper
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CODE NO: 13147/PCI
M. Pharmacy (Common Paper for all Specialization) I ? Semester
(Main & Backlog) Examination, January 2019
Subject : Modern Pharmaceutical Analytical Techniques
Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 75
Note: Answer any Five Questions. All Questions Carry Equal Marks.
1) a) With a neat labeled diagram explain UV/Visible instrumentation. 8
b) Briefly explain the electronic transitions with examples 8
2) a) Explain the factors affecting vibrational frequencies in IR. 8
(b) Write the sampling methods in IR spectroscopy. 7
3 (a) Briefly explain the srce of AAS. 8
(b) List and explain the interferences. 5
(c) List some metals that can be analysed by AAS. 2
4 (a) Explain NMR instrumentation. 8
(b) Briefly explain spin-spin cpling with a suitable example. 7
5 (a) What is the principle of MS. With a neat labelled diagram briefly explain the
components of MS instrumentation. 8
(b)Explain Quadrupole and time of flight analysers in detail. 7
6. (a) What are the column efficiency parameters? 7
(b) List and explain any 2 GC detectors. 8
7. Explain the principle and application of capillary electophoresis. Give a labelled diagram
to indicate the components of the instrument.
8 (a) Discuss the principle, instrumentation working and application of
a. Paper electrophoresis
b. Gel electrophoresis 7+8
******* - FirstRanker's Choice
This post was last modified on 19 July 2020