Download OU (Osmania University) M.Pharma-Pharmacology (Master of Pharmacy) 1st Sem 2019 13155PCI Pharmacological Toxicological Screening Methods I Previous Question Paper
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Code No: 13155/PCI
M. Pharmacy (Pharmacology) I?Semester (PCI) (Main &Backlog) Examination,
February 2019
Subject: Pharmacological Toxicological Screening Methods ? I
Time: 3 Hrs Max.Marks:75
Note: Answer Any Five Questions. All Questions Carry Equal Marks
1. a) What are different types of bioassays? Discuss abt quantal bioassays. (7)
b) Discuss abt role of animals in experimental pharmacology. (8)
2. List t and explain in detail any two screening methods of following classes of
a) Anti-epileptics
b) Nootropics (8+7)
3. a) Discuss abt anesthesia and euthana sia of experimental animals. (7)
b) Discuss alternatives to animal screening methods. (8)
4. List t and explain in detail any two screening methods of following classes
of drugs
a) Anti-dyslipidemics
b) Anti-ulcers (8+7)
5. Discuss abt screening methods of analgesics. (15)
6. List t and explain in detail any two sc reening methods of following classes
of drugs
a) Diuretics
b) Anxiolytics (8+7)
7. Discuss abt screening methods of anti -hypertensive drugs. (15)
8. a) Discuss abt screening models of immunosuppressant drugs. (7)
b) Discuss abt immunoassay of insulin. (8)
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