Download OU M.Pharma Ph.Analysis 2nd Sem 2018 1208PCI Herbal And Cosmetic Analysis Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) M.Pharma-Ph.Analysis (Master of Pharmacy) 2nd Semester 2018 1208PCI Herbal And Cosmetic Analysis Previous Question Paper

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Code No. 1208/PCI
M. Pharmacy (Pharm.Analysis) II-Semester (PCI) (Main) Examination, August 2018
Subject: Herbal & Cosmetic Analysis
Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 75
Note: Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1 (a) Write note Herbal medicines Vs Conventional drugs. 5
(b) Explain the standardization of herbal drugs according to WHO
guidelines. 10
2 What is adulteration and deterioration? Explain types, causes and measure
of adulteration. 15
3 (a) Describe the stability testing of natural products with suitable examples. 8
(b) Write a note on effect of herbal medicine on clinical laboratory testing. 7
4 (a) Write the spontanes reporting schemes for bio drug adverse reactions
and bio drug-food interactions. 10
(b) Write abt AYUSH guideline on safety monitoring of natural medicine. 5
5 Explain the general methods of analysis of raw materials used in cosmetic
manufacture as per BIS. 15
6 Write the analysis of lipsticks and hair products as per BIS. 15
7 Write notes on 3x5=15
(a) Determination of pesticide residues in herbal formulations.
(b) Challenges in monitoring the safety of herbal medicines.
(c) Determination of iodine value of cosmetic products.
8 Write abt Indian patent law applicable for herbal drugs and natural products. 15
***** - FirstRanker's Choice

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