Download OU M.Pharma Ph.Chemistry 2nd Sem 2019 13169PCI Computer Aided Drug Design Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) M.Pharma-Ph.Chemistry (Master of Pharmacy) 2nd Semester 2019 13169PCI Computer Aided Drug Design Previous Question Paper

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Code No: 13169/PCI
M. Pharmacy (Pharmaceutical Chemistry) II-Semester (PCI) (Suppl.)
Examination, February 2019
Subject: Computer Aided Drug Design
Time : 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 75
Note: Answer any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks
1. a) What is QSAR? Describe the physicochemical parameters used in QSAR.
b) Explain how hydrophobicity constant and Hammet comnstants of a substituent
are measured experimentally? (10+5)
2. a) Discuss in detail abt Hansch analysis and its applications.
b) Write a note on 3D QSAR studies. (9+6)
3. a) What is quantum mechanics? Describe the use of quantum mechanics in drug
b) What is molecular docking? Discuss the general method of molecular docking. (8+7)
4. a) Describe the steps involved in Homology modeling of a protein. (8+7)
b) Discuss the concept of predicting ADMET properties and its importance in drug
5. a) What is known as pharmacophore? Discuss the concept of Pharmacophore based
virtual screening.
b) Write a note on Similarity based Virtual screening (8+7)
6. a) Write a note on Scoring techniques in Molecular docking.
b) Write a note on Fragment based drug design. (7+8)
7. a) What is virtual screening? Enumerate varis virtual screening techniques .
b) Write a note on Privileged structures. (8+7)
8. a) Discuss the importance of molecular Mechanics in drug design.
b) What is Free Wilson analysis? What are the advantages and disadvantages
over hansch analysis?
******* - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 19 July 2020