Download OU M.Pharma Pharmaceutics 2nd Sem 2019 13322PCI Cosmetics And Cosmeceuticals Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) M.Pharma-Pharmaceutics (Master of Pharmacy) 2nd Semester 2019 13322PCI Cosmetics And Cosmeceuticals Previous Question Paper

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Code. No: 13322/PCI
M. Pharmacy (Pharmaceutics) II-Semester (PCI) (Main) Examination,
August 2019
Subject : Cosmetics and Cosmeceuticals
Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 75
Note: Answer any Five Questions. All Questions Carry Equal Marks.
1. Write a note on Regulatory provisions relating to manufacture of cosmetics 15
2. Write a note on Indian regulatory requirements for labeling of cosmetics 15
3. Discuss in detail abt skin related problems 15
4. (a) Write a note on structure of skin and its functions 10
(b) Explain abt cleansing and care of body and under arms. 5
5. (a) Give detailed accnt of varis building blocks for formulation of body creams 10
(b) Write a note on factors affecting microbial preservative efficacy. 5
6. Write a note on classification and EU regulations of perfumes 15
7. Explain abt the design of skin protectants 15
8. (a) What are the challenges in formulating herbal cosmetics 8
(b) Write a note on herbal ingredients used in skin care products. 7
******* - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 19 July 2020