Download University of Jaffna (University of Sri Lanka) MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) 2012 August Community and Family Medicine Previous Question Paper
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DATE: 28.08.2012
(9.00 AM -- 12.00 PM)
Answer All Six Questions
Answer each question in a separate answer book
1.1. List the common Occupational Diseases in Sri Lanka
(20 marks)
1.2. Describe the role of Occupational Health in routine management of a chronic respiratory
(30 marks)
1.3. List the measures that can be carried out by the health professionals to prevent
Occupational Diseases
(30 marks)
1.4. List the activities which have been taken by the state to improve the Occupational Health
and Safety in Sri Lanka
(20 marks)
2. Maintaining good medical records and good patient compliance to the management protocol
are mainstays of chronic disease management in primary health care
2.1. List five characteristics of a good medical record
(20 marks)
2.2. What are the different types of medical records that are used in primary health care
(20 marks)
2.3. List the factors which could influence on patient compliance to the management
(20 marks)
2.4. Consider diabetic as an example and explain how a primary care physician could
achieve a good patient compliance
(40 marks)
3. You have been appointed as a MOH in a war affected district. You have noticed that teenage
pregnancies, low BMI among newly registered eligible couple and unmet need for Family
planning are unusually higher than the national level.
3.1. Define the words in Bold letter
(20 marks)
3.2. List the possible reasons for these findings
(20 marks)
3.3. What are the possible approaches available for a MOH to improve the situation?
(30 marks)
3.4. List the steps will be taken by a MOH to show the effectiveness of the
(30 marks)
contd . . .2
4. Write Short notes on
4.1. Health related Millennium Development Goals
(25 Marks)
4.2. Indirect standardization
(25 Marks)
4.3. Civil registration system in Sri Lanka
(25 marks)
4.4. Handling elders in primary care setting
(25 marks)
5.1. Draw a sketch of the currently used growth chart for children and explain the
"Reference curves"
(30 marks)
5.2. Explain the meaning of "growth faltering" in Children and the possible causes
(20 marks)
5.3. List the anthropometric methods used in assessment of Nutritional status in
children 0-5 years.
(20 marks)
5.4. Describe the role of the Public Health midwife in managing a child with growth
(30 marks)
6. A study was conducted on injuries among factory workers during the past twelve months. A
sample of 540 male factory workers was interviewed and 42% gave a history of injury.
Leave records of a sample of 270 female health workers were perused and it was found that
36% had a history of injury during the same period. An appropriate statistical test was
applied to compare the history of injury between the two groups. The test statistics indicated
a "p value of 0.09".
6.1. What is the study design used?
(10 marks)
6.2. Explain the "p value of 0.09"?
(30 marks)
6.3. What are the statistical tests that could be applied?
(10 marks)
6.4. What can be concluded from the above findings?
(30 marks)
6.5. How could evidence be utilised in real practice
(20 marks)
This post was last modified on 19 October 2021