Download BHMS 2020 Feb 4th Year Practice Of Medicine Paper III Question Papers

Download BHMS (Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery) 2020 Feb 4th Year Practice Of Medicine Paper III Previous Question Papers

[LQ 1249] FEBRUARY 2020 Sub. Code: 1249
Q.P. Code : 581249
Time: Three Hours Maximum : 100 Marks
Answer All questions
I. Essay Questions: (2 x 15 = 30)

1. Describe the aetiology, pathology, and clinical features, of Eczema. Write the
Indications of Ars-iod, Graphitis, Chrysorobinum, and Petrolium.

2. Describe the aetiology, pathology, and clinical features, of Hypertension write the
Indications of Nat.Mur, Spigelia, cactus and Glonoine.

II. Write Notes on: (10 x 5 = 50)

1. Indications of Calc.phos and acid.phos in Anaemia.
2. Indications of Baryta.mur and Crataegus in Arteriosclerosis.
3. Indications of Mezerium and Rananculus bulbosus in Herpes-zoaster.
4. Indications of Mercurius and Zinc-Met in Parkinsonism.
5. Indications of Ratanhia and Nit-Acid in Haemorrhoids.
6. Indications of Rhustox and Valeriana in Sciatica.
7. Indications of Lycopodium and Cuprum-Ars in Chronic renal Failure.
8. Indications of Anacardium and Lac-Caninum in Schizophrenia.
9. Indications of Phosphorus and Sulphuric-Acid in Purpura.
10. Indications of Iris-tenax and Belladonna in Pancreatitis.

III. Short Answers on: (10 x 2 = 20)

1. Obesity-Amm.Mur.
2. Urticaria-Apis-Mel.
3. Alcoholism-Agaricus.
4. Impotency-Onosmodium.
5. Acne-Kali-brom.
6. Haemorrhage-Millifolium.
7. Allergic rhinitis-Ars-iod.
8. Worm infestation-Teucrium Marum Verum.
9. Sunstroke-Glonoine.
10. Renal calculi-Ocimum canum.

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This post was last modified on 21 February 2020