Download PTU MBA 2020 March 3rd Sem 70768 Multilateral Trade Agreements And Regulations Question Paper

Download PTU (I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University Jalandhar (IKGPTU) ) MBA (Master of Business Administration) 2020 March 3rd Sem 70768 Multilateral Trade Agreements And Regulations Previous Question Paper

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Roll No. Total No. of Pages : 03
Total No. of Questions : 15
MBA (IB) (Sem.?3)
Subject Code : MBA-IB-305
M.Code : 70768
Time : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 60

1. SECTION-A contains SIX Questions carrying FIVE marks each and students has
to attempt any FOUR Questions.
2. SECTION-B consists of FOUR Subsections : Units-I, II, III & IV. Each Subsection
contains TWO Questions carrying EIGHT marks each and student has to
attempt any ONE Question from each Subsection.
3. SECTION-C is COMPULSORY and consists of ONE Case Study carrying EIGHT

Write briefly :
1) How is trade distorted?
2) Describe the concept of law and how it is different from Provisions?
3) What is the objective of SPS agreement?
4) Comment on Reconciliation and Arbitration.
5) What kinds of subsidies are there?
6) What is intellectual property right?

7) What is the Direction and Composition of International Trade? Comment on ?Trade as
an Engine of Growth?.
8) Discuss the structure and decision making in NAFTA, ASEAN and MERCOSUR. - FirstRanker's Choice
1 | M- 70768 (S13)-2443

Roll No. Total No. of Pages : 03
Total No. of Questions : 15
MBA (IB) (Sem.?3)
Subject Code : MBA-IB-305
M.Code : 70768
Time : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 60

1. SECTION-A contains SIX Questions carrying FIVE marks each and students has
to attempt any FOUR Questions.
2. SECTION-B consists of FOUR Subsections : Units-I, II, III & IV. Each Subsection
contains TWO Questions carrying EIGHT marks each and student has to
attempt any ONE Question from each Subsection.
3. SECTION-C is COMPULSORY and consists of ONE Case Study carrying EIGHT

Write briefly :
1) How is trade distorted?
2) Describe the concept of law and how it is different from Provisions?
3) What is the objective of SPS agreement?
4) Comment on Reconciliation and Arbitration.
5) What kinds of subsidies are there?
6) What is intellectual property right?

7) What is the Direction and Composition of International Trade? Comment on ?Trade as
an Engine of Growth?.
8) Discuss the structure and decision making in NAFTA, ASEAN and MERCOSUR.
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9) What are the Objectives, Functions of WTO for the International Business? Highlight the
Progress of WTO in the last decade.
10) Explain the Tariff and Non-Tariff barriers. What are the implications for WTO members?

11) Discuss the International law for Sales of Goods and how it is different from domestic
12) Describe the International Treaties and International Mercantile Customs and Usages.
What are the rules on international Sale of Goods?

13) Put a light on the Intellectual Property and describe the WIPO, Patents, Copyright and
Industrial Designs.
14) What is the role of WTO, Indian Patent office, Geographical Indications and Trade
Secrets for International Business?

Mahindra & Mahindra (M & M) is a major player in the tractor and certain segments of
the automobile market in India. After an impressive growth for a few years, the tractor
market in India has been stagnating during 1998-1999 to 2000-2001.
M & M has been selling its tractors and utility vehicles in foreign markets including
USA. Some of the components for its products have been sourced from abroad.
M & M has a 100 per cent subsidiary in USA, Mahindra USA, with a strong network of
100 dealers. Mahindra has a five per cent market share in the US market in the 20-30
horse power (HP) range. - FirstRanker's Choice
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Roll No. Total No. of Pages : 03
Total No. of Questions : 15
MBA (IB) (Sem.?3)
Subject Code : MBA-IB-305
M.Code : 70768
Time : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 60

1. SECTION-A contains SIX Questions carrying FIVE marks each and students has
to attempt any FOUR Questions.
2. SECTION-B consists of FOUR Subsections : Units-I, II, III & IV. Each Subsection
contains TWO Questions carrying EIGHT marks each and student has to
attempt any ONE Question from each Subsection.
3. SECTION-C is COMPULSORY and consists of ONE Case Study carrying EIGHT

Write briefly :
1) How is trade distorted?
2) Describe the concept of law and how it is different from Provisions?
3) What is the objective of SPS agreement?
4) Comment on Reconciliation and Arbitration.
5) What kinds of subsidies are there?
6) What is intellectual property right?

7) What is the Direction and Composition of International Trade? Comment on ?Trade as
an Engine of Growth?.
8) Discuss the structure and decision making in NAFTA, ASEAN and MERCOSUR.
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9) What are the Objectives, Functions of WTO for the International Business? Highlight the
Progress of WTO in the last decade.
10) Explain the Tariff and Non-Tariff barriers. What are the implications for WTO members?

11) Discuss the International law for Sales of Goods and how it is different from domestic
12) Describe the International Treaties and International Mercantile Customs and Usages.
What are the rules on international Sale of Goods?

13) Put a light on the Intellectual Property and describe the WIPO, Patents, Copyright and
Industrial Designs.
14) What is the role of WTO, Indian Patent office, Geographical Indications and Trade
Secrets for International Business?

Mahindra & Mahindra (M & M) is a major player in the tractor and certain segments of
the automobile market in India. After an impressive growth for a few years, the tractor
market in India has been stagnating during 1998-1999 to 2000-2001.
M & M has been selling its tractors and utility vehicles in foreign markets including
USA. Some of the components for its products have been sourced from abroad.
M & M has a 100 per cent subsidiary in USA, Mahindra USA, with a strong network of
100 dealers. Mahindra has a five per cent market share in the US market in the 20-30
horse power (HP) range.
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As a part of the strategy aimed at building a global supply chain, Mahindra USA has
signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Korean tractor major Tong
Yang, a part of the $ 2 billion Tong Yang Moolsam group, according to which Mahindra
will source high horse power (mostly 25-40 hp range) and sell them around the world
under the M & M brand name. To start with, the premium range of tractors will be sold in
the US.
M & M?s current tractor range is more utility-oriented and lacks the aesthetic appeal that
Tong Yang?s tractors have a must for a strong presence in the US market.
Questions :
a) What are the advantages and disadvantages of global sourcing?
b) How will the foreign market expansion help M & M?
c) How does the strategic alliance with Tong Yang benefit M & M?
d) What are the possible risks of the alliance? How can they be overcome/ minimized?

NOTE : Disclosure of Identity by writing Mobile No. or Making of passing request on any
page of Answer Sheet will lead to UMC against the Student. - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 22 March 2020