Download MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences 1020 Anatomy Paper I 2022 March Previous Question Paper
'Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka
MBBS Phase -- I (CBME) Degree Examination - 22 Feb 2022
Time: Three Hours
Max. Marks: 100 Marks
Q.P. CODE: 1020
(QP contains two pages)
Your answers should be specific to the questions asked
Draw neat, labeled diagrams wherever necessary
2 x 10 = 20 Marks
A person was brought with severe chest pain and sweating since 20 minutes.
Coronary angiogram revealed 90% blockage of left anterior descending artery.
a) Describe the origin, branches and area of distribution of left coronary artery
b) Add a note on coronary dominance of heart
c) Write in detail about the venous drainage of heart
Write in detail about a) Presenting parts
b) Coverings
c) Relations
d) Blood supply
e) Applied anatomy of thyroid gland
8 x 5 = 40 Marks
Describe the origin, insertion, nerve supply action and structures under the
cover of Deltoid.
Describe the features and structures attached to clavicle.
Describe the origin course branches and termination of posterior interrosseous nerve.
Describe the attachments of constrictors of pharynx. Mention the structures
passing between the constrictors.
Describe the floor of the 4th ventricle with a neat labelled diagram.
Draw a neat labelled diagram of transverse section of medulla oblongata at the
level of sensory decussation.
Classify intraembryonic mesoderm. Enumerate its derivatives,
10. Compare and contrast the microscopic structure of sensory and sympathetic ganglia.
10 x 3 .= 30 Marks
11. Mention the formation and fate of notochord,
12. Differentiate between tendon and aponeurosis with examples.
13. Mention the boundaries and contents of quadrangular space.
14. Name the major openings of diaphragm and their vertebral levels.
Mention the boundaries of transverse pericardial sinus and its clinical significance.
16. Write the attachments and action of lateral pterygoid muscle.
17. Name the dangerous layer of scalp and its clinical Importance.
18. List the contents of middle ear.
19. Name the components of blood brain barrier.
20. Classify fibrous joints with examples.
Page 1 of 2
Multiple Choice Questions
21 i) Superior venacava opens into right atrium at the level of
A. 2rd right costal cartilage
B. 2nd left costal cartilage
C. 3rd right costal cartilage
D. 3rd left costal cartilage
21 ii) Left recurrent laryngeal nerve hooks around
A. Pulmonary trunk
B. Left common carotid artery
C. Left subclavian artery
D. Arch of aorta
21 Hi) Structures passing through 4th compartment of extensor retinaculum of hand
A. Abductor pollicis longus
B. Extensor digitiminimi
C. Extensor digit orum
D. Flexor digitorum
21 iv) Which of the following is pneumatic bone
A . F r o n t a l
B . P a r i e t a l
C . Occipit al
D . Pa lat in e
21 v)
Filum terminale is a modification of
A. Cranial dura mater
B. Spinal dura mater
C. P i a m a t e r
D. Arachnoid mater
22 i)
Arrector pill muscle is supplied by
A. Sensory nerve
B. Motor nerve
C. Parasympathetic nerve
D. Sympathetic nerve
22 ii) Maxillary nerve comes out of skull through the following foramen
A. Foramen lacerum
B. Foramen rotundum
C. Foramen ovale
D. Foramen spinosum
22 iii) Muscles of tongue develop from
A. Endoderm
B. Ectoderm
C. Mesoderm
D. Connecting st alk
22 iv)
Dermis of the skin is
A. Dense regular connective tissue
B. Dense irregular connective tissue
C. Loose areolar tissue
D. Adipose tissue
22 v)
Maxillary sinus opens into
A. Middle meatus
B. Inferior meatus
C. Superior meatus
D. Supreme meatus
This post was last modified on 22 May 2022