Download RGUHS (Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences ) MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) First Year (Phase-I) 2014 June 1053 Physiology Paper I Revised Scheme Previous Question Paper
M.B.B.S. PHASE - I Degree Examination - June 2014
Time: 3 Hrs.
[Max. Marks: 100]
PHYSIOLOGY - PAPER I (Revised Scheme)
QP Code: 1053
Your answers should be specific to the questions asked.
Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary.
2 X 9 = 18 Marks
Define cardiac cycle. Describe with a neat diagram the mechanical changes during cardiac cycle.
Describe in detail the mechanism of respiration.
10 X 5 = 50 Marks
Describe the stages of erythropoesis
Give the composition and functions of saliva
List the properties of cardiac muscle. Explain its refractory period
Write a short note on functions of leukocytes
Explain gastric phase of gastric secretion
Describe oxygen hemoglobin dissociation curve
Describe the structure and function of Juxtaglomerular apparatus
10. Describe the movements of small intestine
11. Give a brief account of haemophilia
12. Describe the long term regulation of blood pressure
16 X 2 = 32 Marks
13. Enumerate two differences between active and passive transport
14. List four functions of Bile
15. Define acquired immunity. Give an example
16. What is osmotic diuresis? Give an example
17. Mention any two types of hypoxia. Give an example for each
18. What is Haldanes's effect?
19. Name the Proteolytic enzymes of pancreatic secretion
20. State Landsteiner's law
21. List the types small intestinal movements
22. Draw and label a Nephron
23. What is the normal bleeding time? Name one condition where it is prolonged
24. Give the value of normal inulin clearance. What does it indicate?
25. List four factors influencing coronary blood flow
26. Give the normal value of ECF volume. Name one substance used to measure it
27. Define stroke volume. Give its normal value
28. Define residual volume. Give its normal value.
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