Download RGUHS (Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences ) MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) First Year (Phase-I) 2015 Dec 1053 Physiology Paper I Previous Question Paper
M.B.B.S. PHASE - I Degree Examination - DECEMBER 2015
Time: 3 Hrs.
[Max. Marks: 100]
PHYSIOLOGY - PAPER I (Revised Scheme)
QP Code: 1053
Your answers should be specific to the questions asked.
Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary.
2 X 9 = 18 Marks
Describe in detail the mechanism of Antigen recognition and activation of specific immune response
in both humoral and cell mediated immunity. How does HIV disease compromise immunity?
Describe the properties of cardiac muscle.
10 X 5 = 50 Marks
Describe the type of movements of large intestine and their functions.
What is meant by Goldblatt hypertension? Explain the underlying mechanism of hypertension.
Define renal plasma clearance of a substance. Give the formula for clearance and explain its utility
in the study of renal functions.
Describe the factors maintaining fluidity of blood in the intact vascular system and the factors
favoring tendency for clot formation.
Describe the process of fat reabsorption in the small intestine.
Draw the diagram of left ventricular pressure-volume loop and explain the causation of component
In which type of hypoxia oxygen therapy is most helpful? What are the effects of excess oxygen
administration (oxygen toxicity)?
10. Describe the mode of propagation of cardiac impulse over the heart.
11. Describe the composition and functions of pancreatic secretion.
12. Describe the causes and treatment of decompression sickness.
16 X 2 = 32 Marks
13. What is facultative reabsorption of water and the effect of its defect?
14. What is `peptic ulcer'? Mention two causes for it.
15. How does heparin act as an anticoagulant?
16. What is Haldane effect? How is it beneficial?
17. What are `J' receptors? How are they stimulated and their reflex effects?
18. Give an example of primary active transport in the cell membrane. What is its function?
19. Name the bile salts and their functions.
20. How and where chylomicrons are formed and their functions?
21. How macrophages are derived and what are their function?
22. Outline the structure of mitochondria and its function.
23. What is the effect of vitamin K deficiency on coagulation?
24. What is meant by filtration fraction and how is it calculated?
25. Name the synthetic functions of kidney.
26. Describe anaemic hypoxia.
27. What is positive pressure breathing and its application?
28. How is alveolar ventilation calculated? Give the formula.
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