Download JNTU-Hyderabad MBA 2nd Sem R17 2018 Dec 742AE Entrepreneurship Question Paper

Download JNTUH (Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad) MBA (Master of Business Administration) 2nd Semester (Second Semester) R17 2018 Dec 742AE Entrepreneurship Previous Question Paper

Code No: 742AE
MBA II Semester Examinations, December - 2018
Time: 3hours Max.Marks:75

Note: This question paper contains two parts A and B.
Part A is compulsory which carries 25 marks. Answer all questions in Part A. Part B
consists of 5 Units. Answer any one full question from each unit. Each question carries
10 marks and may have a, b, c as sub questions.

PART - A 5 ? 5 Marks = 25

1.a) Explain briefly about evolution of entrepreneurship in India? [5]
b) Write about entrepreneurial ego? [5]
c) How do you identify opportunities for launching entrepreneurial venture? [5]
d) What do you mean by patents, copyrights and trademarks? [5]
e) Write briefly about the strategic planning process? [5]

PART - B 5 ? 10 Marks = 50

2. Illustrate the various functions of entrepreneurs? [10]
3. Explain the role of entrepreneurship in economic development of India? [10]

4.a) Describe the motivation of cycle?
b) Write briefly about the entrepreneurial competencies? [5+5]
5. Explain about the strategies for sustaining corporate entrepreneurship? [10]

6.a) How do you find gaps in the market place for launching entrepreneurial venture?
b) Briefly discuss about the techniques for generating ideas? [5+5]
7. Explain about the methods for initiating a new venture? [10]

8. How do you carryout industry and competitor analysis? [10]
9. Explain about the sources of finance available to an entrepreneur? [10]

10. Explain about the internal and external growth strategies? [10]
11. Write about the initiatives taken by the Indian government in promotion of
entrepreneurship? [10]


R17 - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 23 October 2020