Download JNTUH (Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad) MBA (Master of Business Administration) 4th Semester (Fourth Semester) R15 2018 Jan 724AP Cyber Security Previous Question Paper
Code No: 724AP
MBA IV Semester Examinations, January-2018
Time: 3hours Max.Marks:75
Note: This question paper contains two parts A and B.
Part A is compulsory which carries 25 marks. Answer all questions in Part A.
Part B consists of 5 Units. Answer any one full question from each unit. Each
question carries 10 marks and may have a, b, c as sub questions.
PART - A 5 ? 5 marks = 25
1.a) How criminals plan the attacks? [5]
b) State and explain the concept of Trojan horse? [5]
c) Why do we need cyber law? [5]
d) Illustrate the real life use of forensics? [5]
e) What are the web threats for organizations? [5]
PART - B 5 ? 10 marks = 50
2. Give an example cases to explain Credit Card Frauds in Mobile and Wireless
Computing Era? [10]
3. Explain Organizational Security Policies and measures in Mobile Computing Era?
4. Describe in detail about Proxy Servers and Anonymizers? [10]
5. List and explain the techniques for password cracking? [10]
6. Explain how forensic analysis is performed on E-mail data? [10]
7. With a neat diagram explain the lifecycle of digital forensics? [10]
8. Describe in detail about the working characteristics of a cell phone? [10]
9. Explain in detail about the organizational guidelines on cell phone forensics?
10. Illustrate in detail about security risk and perils for organization? [10]
11. Explain the organizational guidelines for internet usage? [10]
R15 - FirstRanker's Choice
This post was last modified on 23 October 2020