Download WBUHS (The West Bengal University of Health Sciences) MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) 2nd Year (Second Year) WBUHS Forensic Medicine And Toxicology 2015 Previous Question Paper
The West Bengal University of Health Sciences
M.B.B.S. 2nd Professional Examination, 2015
Subject ? Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Time: 2hrs
Full Marks :40
Use Separate answer script for each group
Attempt all questions. The figures in the margin indicate distribution of marks in each question.
Group ? A
1. a) Define Mechanical Injury. Enumerate and briefly describe different types of lacerated injury.
b) Define Delusion. Briefly describe the different types of Delusion. Write Medicolegal importance of Delusion.
Group ? B
2. a) Write down the medico legal importance of (any two) :
2 x 22
i) Hymen
ii) Brain Death
iii) Lochin
b) Write Short notes on ( any two ):
2 x 22
i) Choking
ii) Biological Age
iii) Hostile Witness
Group ? C
3. a) Differentiate between ( any two ) :
2 x 22
i) Live birth and still birth
ii) Suicidal cut throat and Homicidal Cut throat injury
iii) Temporary and permanent teeth
b) Explain why ( any two ) :
2 x 22
i) Dactylography is still considered a surest datum for identification
ii) Abrasion is medicolegally
superior to Bruise.
iii) Spermatozoa may not be found after recent sexual intercourse in alleged rape
Group ? D
4. a) What is Plumbism? Describe in short the sign, symptom and management of a case of plumbism.
b) Write specific antidote for ( any two ) :
2 x 1
i) Methyl alcohol poisoning
ii) Organo phosphorus poisoning
iii) Cobra bite
c) Explain why?
2 x 1.5
i) Poison may not be detected in Viscera even after death from poisoning.
ii) Some amount of Fresh Potassium permanganate Solution is left in the stomach after completion of gastric
This post was last modified on 24 March 2023