Download MBBS Important Topics Pediatric Spotter

Download MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) Important Topics Pediatric Spotter for MBBS 1st Year Important Topics, MBBS 2nd Year Important Topics, MBBS 3rd Year Important Topics & MBBS Final Year Important Topics.

Caused by Sarcoptes scabei
Treatment - oral - ivermectin, topical - permethrine and benzyl benzoate
Koilonychia- Spoon shaped nails
Iron deficiency anemia

Undescended testes - cryptorchidism
Complications - torsion, trauma and seminoma
Should be corrected in one year by surgery - orchidopexy

DD - Kawasaki disease

Epicanthal fold
Seen in Down's and turners, Mongolian race, Kawasaki disease. Sometimes
normally seen in newborn but disappears in 1-2 months of age

Congenital hypothyroidism
Macroglossia, cretin facies
Should be diagnosed within 72 hours by heel prick blood sample. Maximum by 1
month and thyroxine should be started
Dose of T4 - 10-15 micrograms per kg per day

Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
Due to systemic spread of exotoxin of Staph. aureus
Treatment is supportive

Ambiguous genitalia
Causes - 46 XX -congenital adrenal hyperplasia, maternal virilisation, aromatase
46 XY - maternal virilisation

(Don't know for sure)
Cracked skin
DD - Kawasaki disease


Causes - suppurative lung diseases, Crohn's disease, cyanotic heart disease, liver

Polymorphic varicella rash

Strawberry tongue - Scarlett fever
Also seen in Kawasaki disease, toxic shock syndr, and in Vitamin

Sub-ungual peeling
DD - Kawasaki disease

Mantoux test
The two bars indicate the lines drawn to measure the diameter of induration
Delayed type 4 hypersensitivity reaction

Peri-orbital puffiness
Nephrotic syndrome

Seen in Turner's, Trisomy 13

Hypertelorism (maldevelopment of sphenoid bone)
Causes - Trisomy 21, congenital hypothyroidism, thalasemia major, turner's synd,
william's syndrome

Vitamin A deficiency
Treatment - less than 6 months 50,000 IU
6 - 12 months - 1 lakh IU
Greater than 1 year - 2 lakh IU
Prophylaxis - 1 lakh IU at 9 months
2 lakh IU at 16-24 months

Collodion baby

Genu valgum - knock knees
Causes - rickets, fracture of medial epiphyseal plates

Herpes zoster ophthalmicus

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Gives the appearance of a male genitalia to a female baby

Palmar erythema/carotinemia

Nephrotic syndrome

Mumps - parotid swelling

Cleft palate

Sturge-Weber syndrome
Facial nevus flammens usually in the distribution of the first branch of trigeminal
Surgery is necessary for symptomatic cases

Dengue rash

Turner's syndrome
A - webbed neck
B - cubitus valgus (increased carrying angle)
C - lymphedema


Maculopapular rash - morbilliform rash



(Jayawardane sir told this won't be kept for exam)

Congenital inguinal hernia or hydrocoele

Down's syndrome
Mongoloid facies

Cleft palate

Diaper rash - inflammation of the skin by persistent contact with anemia

Right-sided facial palsy

Henoch-Sch?nlein purpura / meningococcal rash (I don't know)
Small vessel vasculitis.
Purpura found over buttocks and lower limbs and is palpable
Complications - renal failure, CNS vasculitis, GB syndrome, coma
Treatment - prednisolone and supportive

Congenital hypothyroidism

This post was last modified on 24 July 2021