Download Goa University BA LLB-5 Years Course (Bachelor Of Arts and LLB Five Years) 2016 Oct 2nd Semester Contract I Question Paper
Duration: 3 Hours Total Marks: 75
Instructions: 1) A nswer any eight questions?'om Q. No l to 12 8 X8
2) Q. No [3 and Q. No. 14 are compulsory.
3) Students are advised to incorporate the exact question number in the answer scripts.
4) Incorporate case laws in your answer
Q. l) A contract without consideration is void. Explain the statement and explain its exceptions. 8
Q2) What is meant by offer? Explain the different types of offers.
Q.3) Explain various agreements opposing Public Policy.
Q4) What is meant by free consent? De?ne and distinguish Fraud and Misrepresentation.
Q.5) All contracts are agreements but all agreements are not contracts. Explain the Statement.
Q.6) De?ne the term Acceptance. What are the essentials of valid acceptance?
Q7) What is meant by breach of contract? Explain the remedies for breach of contract.
Q.8) Agreement with minor is void. Explain the law governing a minor?s agreement.
0.9) Explain agreement in restraint of trade with exceptions.
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