Download OU BBA LLB-5 Years 1st Semester 2018 March-April Business Economics Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) BA LLB-5 Years Course (Bachelor of Business Administration & Bachelor of Legislative Law-5 YDC) 1st Semester 2018 March-April Business Economics Question Paper

Cada Ha. FEED
EBA. LLB {5 TDD} I ?i'aar l-Samarstar Examlnaliunl, March! hprll 2MB
Subiact: Law
Fapar -+ III : Buulnasa Emmi:
Tima : 3 Hours Mu. Marks : ED
PART - A [516:3D Marks]
Answer any FWE cf the falinwlng:
Dm?auntlng Pr?rncipla
Cnm??lrrad and Unmnstrainad npumizatinn.
Demand Schedule .m.
Demand forecasting E?. t
Law ufsupply in L
Featums cf uihgupuly market '1
Demand Fuil and mat push In?athrm . '
?? Gunnept m? Matinnal tnmma. . '-.
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PAHTL B?i-[Il? : I 5!] llama]
Amer sin};r FDUH af the following quadH-? s:
9 Discuss tha nature and scape anuslnasa. Economics.
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113 What are the factors deten'nlnhg the Demand??
11 Distinguish bemeenblndhrhplua] Demand and Market Demand.
#12 What dc: you understahd by production funcllun? Dasariha the various stages of a latal
productiun functlpqn with help of diagram.
13 Distingu?l?j?n bitumen return tn .3 facinr and return tn main and explain the reasons fur
mmmmam? dimmumias of scale.
14 Haw 'ara price and output determined under munnpnlyr?
15 *?. firm under par?fa?t competition earns onFy normal pro?ts in the lung mn?. Explain.
1B Mat are the lam dateminlng gmwlh nf rm emmy and ?lm discuss the nbatadea In

This post was last modified on 26 January 2020