Download OU BBA LLB-5 Years 1st Semester 2018 March-April Financial Accounting Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) BA LLB-5 Years Course (Bachelor of Business Administration & Bachelor of Legislative Law-5 YDC) 1st Semester 2018 March-April Financial Accounting Question Paper

Coda MD. 5531
IBA. LLB [5 TOG] I Yaar1~sam?st?rr
Examinations, March! April 2111B
Paper - W : Financial Accuun?nq
Time 4 3 Huurs
Man. Hams : ED
PART ? A [5115:3121 Marks]
Answer any FIVE uf the fallmudng:
?1" TypEe? of accounts
Purchases Book 1P5. Purchases Return Beak
Ela nit. Racnnciliatiun statEH'nanl
Errors. :11 Gommissinn
Suspenae Acuou 111
Capital Prn?t V5. Revenue Pro?t
ca #11:: L11th
Straight Line Method Vs. Diminishing Balance methud
PART ?- a {41:12:11 n 5:) Marks}
Answer" any FOUR 0f the lalluwing quastiuna:
Explain the nbjectiuea. 1.1535 and Iimulalmns of Financial accounting.
Tranaamians 01 Ramesh for April 2:11? are an
van helaw. Jnumalise them.
1913 F15.
1 Ramesh started husmess with cash 1D.|:IE1D
2 Paid into Bank ?.DEHJ
:3 Bcughl guard: Ear mar. 5th?
213 Cash paid Ehyam 5,0131]
29 Cash Sales EDD
31} Paid rent 54:]
31} Paid saiary 11K]
1 Describe the praparation :11 trial balance.
Explain the causes cf difference in bank balance according lo pass book and cash bank.
13 Explain the types uf accuunting ermrs.
1-1 Dr?arentiata batman Capital and Revenue
mmlain the mathnds of depreciation.
Pro?t and Lesa.
1E Friarn tha inllnwing balancas prepare Tradin and Profll and Loss and .5 Balanua 511331.
|_[-?*E1='it Salami RF: ..... EE_diIEQEEnEE E_
1 Machinery 3.5m] lIII.E|F:Iit'.?I| Amunt 1D,ICIEIIEI
-DEbtar5 2.?DD Ereditum 1,403
'Drawings gnu Sales; 14.5%
I Purchases 9.501]
I Wages 5.1101]
Hank '1.50u
Opening Staci: 2.1101]
Rent 451]
Sundry expenses EDD
_?:ar?age_lnward5 | 513__
Clnsmg 510:1: was F15. EDD.
A ?fth

This post was last modified on 26 January 2020