Download OU BBA LLB-5 Years 2nd Semester 2018 Sept Law of Torts Including Motor Vehicle Accidents and Consumer Protection Laws Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) BA LLB-5 Years Course (Bachelor of Business Administration & Bachelor of Legislative Law-5 YDC) 2nd Semester 2018 Sept Law of Torts Including Motor Vehicle Accidents and Consumer Protection Laws Question Paper

Emit: ND. 9331
ELHA. LL.Et. [?T??i I J'I'etau- H?Samester Examination. SeptEmt-cr 2MB
Subject: L A W
Papar' Nut 2 Law cf Tarts Including Mntor Uchicln Accidents and Cunsumar
Protectlnn Laws
Time . 3 Hnurs Max. Marius : B?
PART ? .?. taxa=3? Marks]
Answnr any FIVE nf tI'IE' fallawing:
Nnmlnal Damagea
F'rndu nt Llatuliw
Strum Liabllity
Damnurrl sine Injurla
De?nmun nf Consumer
Abaternent nf Nuisance
MaIItJIULFE pmsecuttnl?l
Jnint tort feasnrs
PART - B [2x15 = 3!} Mama}
Answer any TWO uttha inlluwing questions:
Q DIEBIJS'E rm: geneml principles of LiEtIIIiW in Tarts
1D Exatmne Th-E Liamllty 431' the State fur 'E'mts.
11 Fullein H'IE HEEEHHH?IL-JI'II r3-f damage; and Hlnds cardamagig-j
?.1? W?trz 1hr: EFIEI'IT features ur Consumer Protemmn mst 1535
PART ? :22 {2x19 = 2|] Markst
Answer artyI TWD of the folluwing queatluns:
'53 The Plaintiff WEE aerinuaiy iHjurEd dLJE-10 emlomn fill a burnt] In a|11:|||ar','grnund
during praCIi-Se by military ghcr?unnel IE tr": Stabs liable fur the Injury gauged I::-1h?;-
1:1 The plalnll? a y?ung glrl was choked due 1:: a radlugrapher oi the nu?pttal wha-
r'IeglIgEmHy gave her 2WD umla OF rad?: heat In?tead Elf 14300 units ts the h??plt?i
ham: fur the 3:1 r}! ?13 radiography
15- Twc persnns Juun?rly.r wrme u It-ELEEI' CUI'IIEIHII'IQ ueiamatmy matte: abuut 1hr.- ptanntt?
and aent ?15 same to the plalnn? by regIEterEd ppm The ulalntl? med a c354: at
dEfaI?nminn an the def?ndants. Dramas,
15 The cnmplamant a gmornmenl aervarv was under mt,- Ceumal Unuetnnmm i'ieann
S?henlt: t'?G-H?i He mm 3 :ar: ~'.-..- delcwmuv car" sterner: agdlnst the L?tnctm'a ?
Justliy hlE?: :331??1:

This post was last modified on 26 January 2020