Download BAMS 2021 March 2nd Year 1362 Dravyaguna Vigyan Paper II Question Paper

Download BAMS (Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery) 2021 March 2nd Year 1362 Dravyaguna Vigyan Paper II Previous Question Paper

[BAMS 0321]

MARCH 2021
Sub. Code: 1362
Q.P. Code : 641362

Time: Three Hours Answer ALL questions Maximum : 100 Marks

I. Essay Questions:
(2 x 15 = 30)

1. Explain the Drugs Maricha, Bakuchi and Harithaki in detail.
2. Explain the following in detail.
(a) Gorochana (b) Madhu varga (c) Manjishta.
II. Write Notes on:
(10 x 5 = 50)

1. Explain Synonyms and Varieties of Haridra, Ela, Satavari.
2. Explain the drugs Madanaphala, Kumari, Bringaraja in detail.
3. Explain any three drugs which mainly act as Medhya Dravyas?
4. Write the therapeutic indications, shodana, matra and fatal dose of any two
toxic Drugs.
5. Explain the parts used, indications and yoga of Brahmi, Khadira, Vacha.
6. Explain the different botanical sources of Madukaparni and Bringaraja, used
in different places.
7. Explain the drugs Parisha, Bakula, Kadamba and parnayavani in detail.
8. Explain any three drugs that has brimhana property.
9. Explain the habit, parts used and indications of Avartaki, Chirabilwa, Shati.
10. Explain any three drugs that act on Ama vata.
III. Short answers on:

(10 x 2 = 20)
1. What are the basonyms of Indrayava, gandaari, Amshumathi and Varshabu?
2. Write the botanical name and family name of Karanja and lata karanja.
3. What are the botanical name and special indications of Changeri and Patranga?
4. Write about drugs used in Hair fall.
5. Short notes on mamsa varga.
6. Name two drugs that act as Hepatoprotective.
7. Name any four Zingiberaceae family drugs.
8. Differntiate Nava guggulu and purana guggulu.
9. Write the rasapanchaka of Rasona.
10. Write the difference in properties of Shunti and Ardraka.

This post was last modified on 26 October 2021