Download GAU BAMS 1st Year Sanskrit Question Bank Question Bank

Download GAU (Gujarat Ayurved University Jamnagar) BAMS (Bachelor of Ayurvedic medicine and Surgery) 1st Year Sanskrit Question Bank Question Bank (Important Questions)

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For 10 Marks Questions

1 Write the "prRFZ6 :YFG" the all alphabets.
2. ItGF[l?WFo VFeIFgTZ AF?xR ? Explain.
3. Explain with examples the Sthan and Prayatnas of letters.
4. Write Shiva Sutras and explain in detail "Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra.
5. Write the meaning with examples of any five following terms.
(A) U]6 (B) 5|FlT5lNS (C) 8L (D) DF+F (E) NLW" (F) pNF?
6. Write Shiva Sutras with their manifistation and explain in detail
"Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra and example.
7. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
8. Explain the classification of the vowels.
9. Explain with Sutrartha & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) VG]GFl;So (C) 8L (D) VJ;FGo
10. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) ;J6" (C) U]6 (D) :JlZT
11. How many places are there in mouth. Explain them with sootra.
For 5 Marks Questions :
Explain the sajnaas.
1 ?????? & ????? & ?????
2 ???? & ?????? & ??????
3 ??
4 ?? & ????
5 ?????
Part A 50 Marks
;\7F5|SZ6D? - FirstRanker's Choice
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For 10 Marks Questions

1 Write the "prRFZ6 :YFG" the all alphabets.
2. ItGF[l?WFo VFeIFgTZ AF?xR ? Explain.
3. Explain with examples the Sthan and Prayatnas of letters.
4. Write Shiva Sutras and explain in detail "Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra.
5. Write the meaning with examples of any five following terms.
(A) U]6 (B) 5|FlT5lNS (C) 8L (D) DF+F (E) NLW" (F) pNF?
6. Write Shiva Sutras with their manifistation and explain in detail
"Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra and example.
7. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
8. Explain the classification of the vowels.
9. Explain with Sutrartha & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) VG]GFl;So (C) 8L (D) VJ;FGo
10. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) ;J6" (C) U]6 (D) :JlZT
11. How many places are there in mouth. Explain them with sootra.
For 5 Marks Questions :
Explain the sajnaas.
1 ?????? & ????? & ?????
2 ???? & ?????? & ??????
3 ??
4 ?? & ????
5 ?????
Part A 50 Marks

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6 ?????? & ?????
7 ??????????? ????? ? Explain
8 ????????????? @???????:? Explain
9 ????????????????? ???????? Explain
10 ??????????????? ??@???????:? Explain
11 ??: ????????: ?????? ? Explain
12 ???@??????: ?????:? Explain
13 ?????????? Explain
14 ?????????: ? Explain
15 ????? ?? ???:? Explain
16 ???????????:? Explain
17 ??????: ??????:? Explain

For 2 Marks Questions :
Give the answer of following question
1. How many Vowels are there according to aachaarya Paanini.
2. Which letters are knowing as Semivowels / ardhaswara.
3. Which letters are consider as GUNA .
4. Write down the all MAAHESHWARSOOTRA.
5. What is LOP explain with sootra.
6. Explain ?IT? with sootra.
Etc. - FirstRanker's Choice
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For 10 Marks Questions

1 Write the "prRFZ6 :YFG" the all alphabets.
2. ItGF[l?WFo VFeIFgTZ AF?xR ? Explain.
3. Explain with examples the Sthan and Prayatnas of letters.
4. Write Shiva Sutras and explain in detail "Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra.
5. Write the meaning with examples of any five following terms.
(A) U]6 (B) 5|FlT5lNS (C) 8L (D) DF+F (E) NLW" (F) pNF?
6. Write Shiva Sutras with their manifistation and explain in detail
"Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra and example.
7. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
8. Explain the classification of the vowels.
9. Explain with Sutrartha & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) VG]GFl;So (C) 8L (D) VJ;FGo
10. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) ;J6" (C) U]6 (D) :JlZT
11. How many places are there in mouth. Explain them with sootra.
For 5 Marks Questions :
Explain the sajnaas.
1 ?????? & ????? & ?????
2 ???? & ?????? & ??????
3 ??
4 ?? & ????
5 ?????
Part A 50 Marks

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6 ?????? & ?????
7 ??????????? ????? ? Explain
8 ????????????? @???????:? Explain
9 ????????????????? ???????? Explain
10 ??????????????? ??@???????:? Explain
11 ??: ????????: ?????? ? Explain
12 ???@??????: ?????:? Explain
13 ?????????? Explain
14 ?????????: ? Explain
15 ????? ?? ???:? Explain
16 ???????????:? Explain
17 ??????: ??????:? Explain

For 2 Marks Questions :
Give the answer of following question
1. How many Vowels are there according to aachaarya Paanini.
2. Which letters are knowing as Semivowels / ardhaswara.
3. Which letters are consider as GUNA .
4. Write down the all MAAHESHWARSOOTRA.
5. What is LOP explain with sootra.
6. Explain ?IT? with sootra.

Page 3 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions :
1) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) WFT' + V\X (B) DCF + .g?
(C) lJQ6J[ (D) zLXo
2) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding
(A) lJ8? + D}+;\U|C (B) S{lRN? + UEF"lN
(C) TT? + z]tJF (D) 5IF"I{ZFI]~rIT[
3) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) ;F1FL + .tI]rIT[ (B) ZDF + .lQ8o
(C) lNjI + VF{QFlWo (D) 5FJSo
4) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) QF0? + DF;Fo (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) TT? + 8LSF (D) 5]Go + ZDT[
5) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) U]~ + pNIo (B) DCF + .g?
(C) jIFlW + VFT]Z (D) lJQ6J[
6) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) 5|FS? + >J (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) 5]Go + ZDT[ (D) l5A[gGZo
7) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) ZDF + .lQ8o (B) lNjI + VF{QFlWo
(C) ;C;F + >J (D) GFjID?

8) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
Part A 50 Marks
;lgW5|SZ6D? - FirstRanker's Choice
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For 10 Marks Questions

1 Write the "prRFZ6 :YFG" the all alphabets.
2. ItGF[l?WFo VFeIFgTZ AF?xR ? Explain.
3. Explain with examples the Sthan and Prayatnas of letters.
4. Write Shiva Sutras and explain in detail "Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra.
5. Write the meaning with examples of any five following terms.
(A) U]6 (B) 5|FlT5lNS (C) 8L (D) DF+F (E) NLW" (F) pNF?
6. Write Shiva Sutras with their manifistation and explain in detail
"Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra and example.
7. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
8. Explain the classification of the vowels.
9. Explain with Sutrartha & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) VG]GFl;So (C) 8L (D) VJ;FGo
10. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) ;J6" (C) U]6 (D) :JlZT
11. How many places are there in mouth. Explain them with sootra.
For 5 Marks Questions :
Explain the sajnaas.
1 ?????? & ????? & ?????
2 ???? & ?????? & ??????
3 ??
4 ?? & ????
5 ?????
Part A 50 Marks

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6 ?????? & ?????
7 ??????????? ????? ? Explain
8 ????????????? @???????:? Explain
9 ????????????????? ???????? Explain
10 ??????????????? ??@???????:? Explain
11 ??: ????????: ?????? ? Explain
12 ???@??????: ?????:? Explain
13 ?????????? Explain
14 ?????????: ? Explain
15 ????? ?? ???:? Explain
16 ???????????:? Explain
17 ??????: ??????:? Explain

For 2 Marks Questions :
Give the answer of following question
1. How many Vowels are there according to aachaarya Paanini.
2. Which letters are knowing as Semivowels / ardhaswara.
3. Which letters are consider as GUNA .
4. Write down the all MAAHESHWARSOOTRA.
5. What is LOP explain with sootra.
6. Explain ?IT? with sootra.

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For 10 Marks Questions :
1) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) WFT' + V\X (B) DCF + .g?
(C) lJQ6J[ (D) zLXo
2) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding
(A) lJ8? + D}+;\U|C (B) S{lRN? + UEF"lN
(C) TT? + z]tJF (D) 5IF"I{ZFI]~rIT[
3) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) ;F1FL + .tI]rIT[ (B) ZDF + .lQ8o
(C) lNjI + VF{QFlWo (D) 5FJSo
4) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) QF0? + DF;Fo (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) TT? + 8LSF (D) 5]Go + ZDT[
5) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) U]~ + pNIo (B) DCF + .g?
(C) jIFlW + VFT]Z (D) lJQ6J[
6) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) 5|FS? + >J (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) 5]Go + ZDT[ (D) l5A[gGZo
7) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) ZDF + .lQ8o (B) lNjI + VF{QFlWo
(C) ;C;F + >J (D) GFjID?

8) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
Part A 50 Marks

Page 4 of 27

(A) WFT' +V\X (B) VF;G[+ VF:T[
(C) NX"G + VF{t;]?ID? (D) U|LQDT]"o
9) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DW] + VlZ (B) DCF+ .g?
(C) 5]G;? + ZDT[ (D) DClQF"o
10) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) VG? + lRT
(C) lRT? + VFGgN (D) HUrKlgTo
11) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) IlN + Vl5 (B) VlE + pNIo
(C) ;}I" + pNI (D) CF[T'SFZo
12) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) lRT? + VFGgNo
(C) VG? + lRT (D) 5]G;? + ZDT[
13) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??: (B) ???? + ???
(C) ????? + ????? (D) ??? + ??
14) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?
? ? ?+ ? (B) ?? + ??:
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?? + ??
15. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ???+?????:
(C) ? ? ??+ ???? (D) ??+?????
16. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????????? (B) ????????
(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :
17. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding - FirstRanker's Choice
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For 10 Marks Questions

1 Write the "prRFZ6 :YFG" the all alphabets.
2. ItGF[l?WFo VFeIFgTZ AF?xR ? Explain.
3. Explain with examples the Sthan and Prayatnas of letters.
4. Write Shiva Sutras and explain in detail "Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra.
5. Write the meaning with examples of any five following terms.
(A) U]6 (B) 5|FlT5lNS (C) 8L (D) DF+F (E) NLW" (F) pNF?
6. Write Shiva Sutras with their manifistation and explain in detail
"Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra and example.
7. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
8. Explain the classification of the vowels.
9. Explain with Sutrartha & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) VG]GFl;So (C) 8L (D) VJ;FGo
10. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) ;J6" (C) U]6 (D) :JlZT
11. How many places are there in mouth. Explain them with sootra.
For 5 Marks Questions :
Explain the sajnaas.
1 ?????? & ????? & ?????
2 ???? & ?????? & ??????
3 ??
4 ?? & ????
5 ?????
Part A 50 Marks

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6 ?????? & ?????
7 ??????????? ????? ? Explain
8 ????????????? @???????:? Explain
9 ????????????????? ???????? Explain
10 ??????????????? ??@???????:? Explain
11 ??: ????????: ?????? ? Explain
12 ???@??????: ?????:? Explain
13 ?????????? Explain
14 ?????????: ? Explain
15 ????? ?? ???:? Explain
16 ???????????:? Explain
17 ??????: ??????:? Explain

For 2 Marks Questions :
Give the answer of following question
1. How many Vowels are there according to aachaarya Paanini.
2. Which letters are knowing as Semivowels / ardhaswara.
3. Which letters are consider as GUNA .
4. Write down the all MAAHESHWARSOOTRA.
5. What is LOP explain with sootra.
6. Explain ?IT? with sootra.

Page 3 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions :
1) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) WFT' + V\X (B) DCF + .g?
(C) lJQ6J[ (D) zLXo
2) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding
(A) lJ8? + D}+;\U|C (B) S{lRN? + UEF"lN
(C) TT? + z]tJF (D) 5IF"I{ZFI]~rIT[
3) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) ;F1FL + .tI]rIT[ (B) ZDF + .lQ8o
(C) lNjI + VF{QFlWo (D) 5FJSo
4) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) QF0? + DF;Fo (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) TT? + 8LSF (D) 5]Go + ZDT[
5) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) U]~ + pNIo (B) DCF + .g?
(C) jIFlW + VFT]Z (D) lJQ6J[
6) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) 5|FS? + >J (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) 5]Go + ZDT[ (D) l5A[gGZo
7) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) ZDF + .lQ8o (B) lNjI + VF{QFlWo
(C) ;C;F + >J (D) GFjID?

8) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
Part A 50 Marks

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(A) WFT' +V\X (B) VF;G[+ VF:T[
(C) NX"G + VF{t;]?ID? (D) U|LQDT]"o
9) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DW] + VlZ (B) DCF+ .g?
(C) 5]G;? + ZDT[ (D) DClQF"o
10) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) VG? + lRT
(C) lRT? + VFGgN (D) HUrKlgTo
11) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) IlN + Vl5 (B) VlE + pNIo
(C) ;}I" + pNI (D) CF[T'SFZo
12) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) lRT? + VFGgNo
(C) VG? + lRT (D) 5]G;? + ZDT[
13) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??: (B) ???? + ???
(C) ????? + ????? (D) ??? + ??
14) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?
? ? ?+ ? (B) ?? + ??:
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?? + ??
15. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ???+?????:
(C) ? ? ??+ ???? (D) ??+?????
16. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????????? (B) ????????
(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :
17. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
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(A) ???+???? (B) ???+?
(C) ?? + ? ? ? ? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
18. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ??+??:
(C) ?? +??: (D) ??+ ??:
19. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+???? (B) ??+???
(C) ???? + ? (D) ? ? ? + ?
20. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ???+??
(C) ??+ ??: (D) ??+ ??:
21. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????? (B) ????
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
22. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ??????????
(C) ??? ?? + ? ??? ? ? (D) ? ? ??+ ????
23. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ??? ? ?? + ? ?
? ? ? (D) ? ? ?? ?
? ? ? ?
24. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ????? ? : (D) ? ?
?+ ?? ? ?:
25. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+???? (B) ???+????? - FirstRanker's Choice
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For 10 Marks Questions

1 Write the "prRFZ6 :YFG" the all alphabets.
2. ItGF[l?WFo VFeIFgTZ AF?xR ? Explain.
3. Explain with examples the Sthan and Prayatnas of letters.
4. Write Shiva Sutras and explain in detail "Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra.
5. Write the meaning with examples of any five following terms.
(A) U]6 (B) 5|FlT5lNS (C) 8L (D) DF+F (E) NLW" (F) pNF?
6. Write Shiva Sutras with their manifistation and explain in detail
"Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra and example.
7. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
8. Explain the classification of the vowels.
9. Explain with Sutrartha & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) VG]GFl;So (C) 8L (D) VJ;FGo
10. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) ;J6" (C) U]6 (D) :JlZT
11. How many places are there in mouth. Explain them with sootra.
For 5 Marks Questions :
Explain the sajnaas.
1 ?????? & ????? & ?????
2 ???? & ?????? & ??????
3 ??
4 ?? & ????
5 ?????
Part A 50 Marks

Page 2 of 27

6 ?????? & ?????
7 ??????????? ????? ? Explain
8 ????????????? @???????:? Explain
9 ????????????????? ???????? Explain
10 ??????????????? ??@???????:? Explain
11 ??: ????????: ?????? ? Explain
12 ???@??????: ?????:? Explain
13 ?????????? Explain
14 ?????????: ? Explain
15 ????? ?? ???:? Explain
16 ???????????:? Explain
17 ??????: ??????:? Explain

For 2 Marks Questions :
Give the answer of following question
1. How many Vowels are there according to aachaarya Paanini.
2. Which letters are knowing as Semivowels / ardhaswara.
3. Which letters are consider as GUNA .
4. Write down the all MAAHESHWARSOOTRA.
5. What is LOP explain with sootra.
6. Explain ?IT? with sootra.

Page 3 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions :
1) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) WFT' + V\X (B) DCF + .g?
(C) lJQ6J[ (D) zLXo
2) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding
(A) lJ8? + D}+;\U|C (B) S{lRN? + UEF"lN
(C) TT? + z]tJF (D) 5IF"I{ZFI]~rIT[
3) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) ;F1FL + .tI]rIT[ (B) ZDF + .lQ8o
(C) lNjI + VF{QFlWo (D) 5FJSo
4) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) QF0? + DF;Fo (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) TT? + 8LSF (D) 5]Go + ZDT[
5) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) U]~ + pNIo (B) DCF + .g?
(C) jIFlW + VFT]Z (D) lJQ6J[
6) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) 5|FS? + >J (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) 5]Go + ZDT[ (D) l5A[gGZo
7) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) ZDF + .lQ8o (B) lNjI + VF{QFlWo
(C) ;C;F + >J (D) GFjID?

8) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
Part A 50 Marks

Page 4 of 27

(A) WFT' +V\X (B) VF;G[+ VF:T[
(C) NX"G + VF{t;]?ID? (D) U|LQDT]"o
9) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DW] + VlZ (B) DCF+ .g?
(C) 5]G;? + ZDT[ (D) DClQF"o
10) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) VG? + lRT
(C) lRT? + VFGgN (D) HUrKlgTo
11) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) IlN + Vl5 (B) VlE + pNIo
(C) ;}I" + pNI (D) CF[T'SFZo
12) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) lRT? + VFGgNo
(C) VG? + lRT (D) 5]G;? + ZDT[
13) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??: (B) ???? + ???
(C) ????? + ????? (D) ??? + ??
14) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?
? ? ?+ ? (B) ?? + ??:
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?? + ??
15. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ???+?????:
(C) ? ? ??+ ???? (D) ??+?????
16. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????????? (B) ????????
(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :
17. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
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(A) ???+???? (B) ???+?
(C) ?? + ? ? ? ? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
18. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ??+??:
(C) ?? +??: (D) ??+ ??:
19. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+???? (B) ??+???
(C) ???? + ? (D) ? ? ? + ?
20. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ???+??
(C) ??+ ??: (D) ??+ ??:
21. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????? (B) ????
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
22. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ??????????
(C) ??? ?? + ? ??? ? ? (D) ? ? ??+ ????
23. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ??? ? ?? + ? ?
? ? ? (D) ? ? ?? ?
? ? ? ?
24. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ????? ? : (D) ? ?
?+ ?? ? ?:
25. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+???? (B) ???+?????
Page 6 of 27

(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :

26. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?? (B) ???+?????
(C) ? ?
?+??: (D) ??????? :
27. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+???? ???? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+ ?? (D) ???????
28. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+?? (B) ??:+?? ?
(C) ?
?:+ ???? (D) ?? :+ ??
29. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+????? (B) ??:+????
(C) ? ?? :+ ?? ?? (D) ?? :+ ? ?? ?
30. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ???:+????? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+?? : (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
31. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+????? (B) ????+???????
(C) ???? + ? ?? (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
32. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ? ?? ? : (B) ???+???????
(C) ? ? ? ? ? + ??? ? : (D) ? ? ? ? ? +?? :
33. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??? ? (B) ????+????: - FirstRanker's Choice
Page 1 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions

1 Write the "prRFZ6 :YFG" the all alphabets.
2. ItGF[l?WFo VFeIFgTZ AF?xR ? Explain.
3. Explain with examples the Sthan and Prayatnas of letters.
4. Write Shiva Sutras and explain in detail "Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra.
5. Write the meaning with examples of any five following terms.
(A) U]6 (B) 5|FlT5lNS (C) 8L (D) DF+F (E) NLW" (F) pNF?
6. Write Shiva Sutras with their manifistation and explain in detail
"Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra and example.
7. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
8. Explain the classification of the vowels.
9. Explain with Sutrartha & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) VG]GFl;So (C) 8L (D) VJ;FGo
10. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) ;J6" (C) U]6 (D) :JlZT
11. How many places are there in mouth. Explain them with sootra.
For 5 Marks Questions :
Explain the sajnaas.
1 ?????? & ????? & ?????
2 ???? & ?????? & ??????
3 ??
4 ?? & ????
5 ?????
Part A 50 Marks

Page 2 of 27

6 ?????? & ?????
7 ??????????? ????? ? Explain
8 ????????????? @???????:? Explain
9 ????????????????? ???????? Explain
10 ??????????????? ??@???????:? Explain
11 ??: ????????: ?????? ? Explain
12 ???@??????: ?????:? Explain
13 ?????????? Explain
14 ?????????: ? Explain
15 ????? ?? ???:? Explain
16 ???????????:? Explain
17 ??????: ??????:? Explain

For 2 Marks Questions :
Give the answer of following question
1. How many Vowels are there according to aachaarya Paanini.
2. Which letters are knowing as Semivowels / ardhaswara.
3. Which letters are consider as GUNA .
4. Write down the all MAAHESHWARSOOTRA.
5. What is LOP explain with sootra.
6. Explain ?IT? with sootra.

Page 3 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions :
1) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) WFT' + V\X (B) DCF + .g?
(C) lJQ6J[ (D) zLXo
2) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding
(A) lJ8? + D}+;\U|C (B) S{lRN? + UEF"lN
(C) TT? + z]tJF (D) 5IF"I{ZFI]~rIT[
3) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) ;F1FL + .tI]rIT[ (B) ZDF + .lQ8o
(C) lNjI + VF{QFlWo (D) 5FJSo
4) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) QF0? + DF;Fo (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) TT? + 8LSF (D) 5]Go + ZDT[
5) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) U]~ + pNIo (B) DCF + .g?
(C) jIFlW + VFT]Z (D) lJQ6J[
6) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) 5|FS? + >J (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) 5]Go + ZDT[ (D) l5A[gGZo
7) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) ZDF + .lQ8o (B) lNjI + VF{QFlWo
(C) ;C;F + >J (D) GFjID?

8) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
Part A 50 Marks

Page 4 of 27

(A) WFT' +V\X (B) VF;G[+ VF:T[
(C) NX"G + VF{t;]?ID? (D) U|LQDT]"o
9) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DW] + VlZ (B) DCF+ .g?
(C) 5]G;? + ZDT[ (D) DClQF"o
10) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) VG? + lRT
(C) lRT? + VFGgN (D) HUrKlgTo
11) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) IlN + Vl5 (B) VlE + pNIo
(C) ;}I" + pNI (D) CF[T'SFZo
12) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) lRT? + VFGgNo
(C) VG? + lRT (D) 5]G;? + ZDT[
13) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??: (B) ???? + ???
(C) ????? + ????? (D) ??? + ??
14) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?
? ? ?+ ? (B) ?? + ??:
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?? + ??
15. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ???+?????:
(C) ? ? ??+ ???? (D) ??+?????
16. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????????? (B) ????????
(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :
17. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
Page 5 of 27

(A) ???+???? (B) ???+?
(C) ?? + ? ? ? ? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
18. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ??+??:
(C) ?? +??: (D) ??+ ??:
19. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+???? (B) ??+???
(C) ???? + ? (D) ? ? ? + ?
20. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ???+??
(C) ??+ ??: (D) ??+ ??:
21. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????? (B) ????
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
22. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ??????????
(C) ??? ?? + ? ??? ? ? (D) ? ? ??+ ????
23. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ??? ? ?? + ? ?
? ? ? (D) ? ? ?? ?
? ? ? ?
24. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ????? ? : (D) ? ?
?+ ?? ? ?:
25. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+???? (B) ???+?????
Page 6 of 27

(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :

26. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?? (B) ???+?????
(C) ? ?
?+??: (D) ??????? :
27. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+???? ???? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+ ?? (D) ???????
28. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+?? (B) ??:+?? ?
(C) ?
?:+ ???? (D) ?? :+ ??
29. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+????? (B) ??:+????
(C) ? ?? :+ ?? ?? (D) ?? :+ ? ?? ?
30. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ???:+????? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+?? : (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
31. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+????? (B) ????+???????
(C) ???? + ? ?? (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
32. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ? ?? ? : (B) ???+???????
(C) ? ? ? ? ? + ??? ? : (D) ? ? ? ? ? +?? :
33. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??? ? (B) ????+????:
Page 7 of 27

(C) ? ? ? ? ? + ?? ?? : (D) ? ? ? + ?: Etc.
For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf .lT + VgI[ sBf 5]G~l?T sCf 5`RFT? + Vl5

2. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf I:DFT? + VY[[" sBf lJnFrKF:+ sCf 5]Go + J{nF
3. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf TT? + VlWS'tI sBf T:DFlNtIFlN sCf R[Q8F
4. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf IYF + pJFR sBf >TFgI[J sCf QF^DW]ZFNIo
5. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf D]lG + >?ID? sBf klQF + p5F;GF sCf DD[J
6. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf 5\R + .lg?IFl6 sBf p5[g?o sCf :JFUTD?
7. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf DW] + VlZo sBf l5T' + VFN[Xo sCf ,FS'lTo
8. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf DGo + VG]S}, sBf DCT? + R?D? sCf DCT? + K+D?
Etc. - FirstRanker's Choice
Page 1 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions

1 Write the "prRFZ6 :YFG" the all alphabets.
2. ItGF[l?WFo VFeIFgTZ AF?xR ? Explain.
3. Explain with examples the Sthan and Prayatnas of letters.
4. Write Shiva Sutras and explain in detail "Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra.
5. Write the meaning with examples of any five following terms.
(A) U]6 (B) 5|FlT5lNS (C) 8L (D) DF+F (E) NLW" (F) pNF?
6. Write Shiva Sutras with their manifistation and explain in detail
"Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra and example.
7. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
8. Explain the classification of the vowels.
9. Explain with Sutrartha & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) VG]GFl;So (C) 8L (D) VJ;FGo
10. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) ;J6" (C) U]6 (D) :JlZT
11. How many places are there in mouth. Explain them with sootra.
For 5 Marks Questions :
Explain the sajnaas.
1 ?????? & ????? & ?????
2 ???? & ?????? & ??????
3 ??
4 ?? & ????
5 ?????
Part A 50 Marks

Page 2 of 27

6 ?????? & ?????
7 ??????????? ????? ? Explain
8 ????????????? @???????:? Explain
9 ????????????????? ???????? Explain
10 ??????????????? ??@???????:? Explain
11 ??: ????????: ?????? ? Explain
12 ???@??????: ?????:? Explain
13 ?????????? Explain
14 ?????????: ? Explain
15 ????? ?? ???:? Explain
16 ???????????:? Explain
17 ??????: ??????:? Explain

For 2 Marks Questions :
Give the answer of following question
1. How many Vowels are there according to aachaarya Paanini.
2. Which letters are knowing as Semivowels / ardhaswara.
3. Which letters are consider as GUNA .
4. Write down the all MAAHESHWARSOOTRA.
5. What is LOP explain with sootra.
6. Explain ?IT? with sootra.

Page 3 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions :
1) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) WFT' + V\X (B) DCF + .g?
(C) lJQ6J[ (D) zLXo
2) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding
(A) lJ8? + D}+;\U|C (B) S{lRN? + UEF"lN
(C) TT? + z]tJF (D) 5IF"I{ZFI]~rIT[
3) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) ;F1FL + .tI]rIT[ (B) ZDF + .lQ8o
(C) lNjI + VF{QFlWo (D) 5FJSo
4) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) QF0? + DF;Fo (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) TT? + 8LSF (D) 5]Go + ZDT[
5) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) U]~ + pNIo (B) DCF + .g?
(C) jIFlW + VFT]Z (D) lJQ6J[
6) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) 5|FS? + >J (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) 5]Go + ZDT[ (D) l5A[gGZo
7) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) ZDF + .lQ8o (B) lNjI + VF{QFlWo
(C) ;C;F + >J (D) GFjID?

8) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
Part A 50 Marks

Page 4 of 27

(A) WFT' +V\X (B) VF;G[+ VF:T[
(C) NX"G + VF{t;]?ID? (D) U|LQDT]"o
9) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DW] + VlZ (B) DCF+ .g?
(C) 5]G;? + ZDT[ (D) DClQF"o
10) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) VG? + lRT
(C) lRT? + VFGgN (D) HUrKlgTo
11) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) IlN + Vl5 (B) VlE + pNIo
(C) ;}I" + pNI (D) CF[T'SFZo
12) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) lRT? + VFGgNo
(C) VG? + lRT (D) 5]G;? + ZDT[
13) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??: (B) ???? + ???
(C) ????? + ????? (D) ??? + ??
14) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?
? ? ?+ ? (B) ?? + ??:
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?? + ??
15. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ???+?????:
(C) ? ? ??+ ???? (D) ??+?????
16. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????????? (B) ????????
(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :
17. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
Page 5 of 27

(A) ???+???? (B) ???+?
(C) ?? + ? ? ? ? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
18. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ??+??:
(C) ?? +??: (D) ??+ ??:
19. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+???? (B) ??+???
(C) ???? + ? (D) ? ? ? + ?
20. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ???+??
(C) ??+ ??: (D) ??+ ??:
21. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????? (B) ????
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
22. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ??????????
(C) ??? ?? + ? ??? ? ? (D) ? ? ??+ ????
23. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ??? ? ?? + ? ?
? ? ? (D) ? ? ?? ?
? ? ? ?
24. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ????? ? : (D) ? ?
?+ ?? ? ?:
25. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+???? (B) ???+?????
Page 6 of 27

(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :

26. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?? (B) ???+?????
(C) ? ?
?+??: (D) ??????? :
27. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+???? ???? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+ ?? (D) ???????
28. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+?? (B) ??:+?? ?
(C) ?
?:+ ???? (D) ?? :+ ??
29. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+????? (B) ??:+????
(C) ? ?? :+ ?? ?? (D) ?? :+ ? ?? ?
30. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ???:+????? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+?? : (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
31. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+????? (B) ????+???????
(C) ???? + ? ?? (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
32. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ? ?? ? : (B) ???+???????
(C) ? ? ? ? ? + ??? ? : (D) ? ? ? ? ? +?? :
33. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??? ? (B) ????+????:
Page 7 of 27

(C) ? ? ? ? ? + ?? ?? : (D) ? ? ? + ?: Etc.
For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf .lT + VgI[ sBf 5]G~l?T sCf 5`RFT? + Vl5

2. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf I:DFT? + VY[[" sBf lJnFrKF:+ sCf 5]Go + J{nF
3. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf TT? + VlWS'tI sBf T:DFlNtIFlN sCf R[Q8F
4. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf IYF + pJFR sBf >TFgI[J sCf QF^DW]ZFNIo
5. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf D]lG + >?ID? sBf klQF + p5F;GF sCf DD[J
6. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf 5\R + .lg?IFl6 sBf p5[g?o sCf :JFUTD?
7. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf DW] + VlZo sBf l5T' + VFN[Xo sCf ,FS'lTo
8. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf DGo + VG]S}, sBf DCT? + R?D? sCf DCT? + K+D?
Page 8 of 27

JFrI5|IF[UFo ( ST"lZ SD"l6 EFJJFrI5|IF[UFo )
For 2 Marks Questions :
(1) Make Vachya Parivartana of the following Sentences.
Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(1) tJIF lS\ l?IT[ m
(2) ;o .:T[G 5]:TS\ U'C6FlT ?
(3) lJnF lJGI\ NNFlT ?
(4) tJIF 5]Z:SFZo U'?T[ ?
(5) KF+[6 5F9o VeI:T[ ?
(6) VC\ l5TZF{ JgN[ ?
(7) VFZ1FSFo ZFQ8=\ Z1FlgT
(8) ,TF ZFQ8=ULT\ UFIlT ?
(9) ;o .:T[G 5]:TS\ U'C6FlT ?
(10) DIF GF8S\ N'xIT[ ?
(11) ;5F"o 5JG\ l5AlgT ?
(12) DI]Z{o G'tIT[ ?
(13) T[G J'1FFo ? xIgT[ ?
(14) DLZF T0FU[ SD,FlG 5xIlT ?
(15) 5]+o l5TZ\ ;[JT[ ?
(16) DLZIF O,FlG BFngT[ ?
(17) tJIF 5]Z:SFZo U'?T[ ?
(18) KF+FlEo lX1FSF\ VlEGgnT[ ?
(19) DIF 5F9o :DI"T[ ?
(20) DLZF T0FU[ SD,FlG 5xIlgT ?
Part A 50 Marks
JFrI5|IF[UFo ( ST"lZ SD"l6 EFJJFrI5|IF[UFo )
gW5|SZ6D? - FirstRanker's Choice
Page 1 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions

1 Write the "prRFZ6 :YFG" the all alphabets.
2. ItGF[l?WFo VFeIFgTZ AF?xR ? Explain.
3. Explain with examples the Sthan and Prayatnas of letters.
4. Write Shiva Sutras and explain in detail "Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra.
5. Write the meaning with examples of any five following terms.
(A) U]6 (B) 5|FlT5lNS (C) 8L (D) DF+F (E) NLW" (F) pNF?
6. Write Shiva Sutras with their manifistation and explain in detail
"Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra and example.
7. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
8. Explain the classification of the vowels.
9. Explain with Sutrartha & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) VG]GFl;So (C) 8L (D) VJ;FGo
10. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) ;J6" (C) U]6 (D) :JlZT
11. How many places are there in mouth. Explain them with sootra.
For 5 Marks Questions :
Explain the sajnaas.
1 ?????? & ????? & ?????
2 ???? & ?????? & ??????
3 ??
4 ?? & ????
5 ?????
Part A 50 Marks

Page 2 of 27

6 ?????? & ?????
7 ??????????? ????? ? Explain
8 ????????????? @???????:? Explain
9 ????????????????? ???????? Explain
10 ??????????????? ??@???????:? Explain
11 ??: ????????: ?????? ? Explain
12 ???@??????: ?????:? Explain
13 ?????????? Explain
14 ?????????: ? Explain
15 ????? ?? ???:? Explain
16 ???????????:? Explain
17 ??????: ??????:? Explain

For 2 Marks Questions :
Give the answer of following question
1. How many Vowels are there according to aachaarya Paanini.
2. Which letters are knowing as Semivowels / ardhaswara.
3. Which letters are consider as GUNA .
4. Write down the all MAAHESHWARSOOTRA.
5. What is LOP explain with sootra.
6. Explain ?IT? with sootra.

Page 3 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions :
1) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) WFT' + V\X (B) DCF + .g?
(C) lJQ6J[ (D) zLXo
2) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding
(A) lJ8? + D}+;\U|C (B) S{lRN? + UEF"lN
(C) TT? + z]tJF (D) 5IF"I{ZFI]~rIT[
3) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) ;F1FL + .tI]rIT[ (B) ZDF + .lQ8o
(C) lNjI + VF{QFlWo (D) 5FJSo
4) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) QF0? + DF;Fo (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) TT? + 8LSF (D) 5]Go + ZDT[
5) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) U]~ + pNIo (B) DCF + .g?
(C) jIFlW + VFT]Z (D) lJQ6J[
6) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) 5|FS? + >J (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) 5]Go + ZDT[ (D) l5A[gGZo
7) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) ZDF + .lQ8o (B) lNjI + VF{QFlWo
(C) ;C;F + >J (D) GFjID?

8) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
Part A 50 Marks

Page 4 of 27

(A) WFT' +V\X (B) VF;G[+ VF:T[
(C) NX"G + VF{t;]?ID? (D) U|LQDT]"o
9) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DW] + VlZ (B) DCF+ .g?
(C) 5]G;? + ZDT[ (D) DClQF"o
10) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) VG? + lRT
(C) lRT? + VFGgN (D) HUrKlgTo
11) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) IlN + Vl5 (B) VlE + pNIo
(C) ;}I" + pNI (D) CF[T'SFZo
12) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) lRT? + VFGgNo
(C) VG? + lRT (D) 5]G;? + ZDT[
13) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??: (B) ???? + ???
(C) ????? + ????? (D) ??? + ??
14) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?
? ? ?+ ? (B) ?? + ??:
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?? + ??
15. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ???+?????:
(C) ? ? ??+ ???? (D) ??+?????
16. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????????? (B) ????????
(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :
17. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
Page 5 of 27

(A) ???+???? (B) ???+?
(C) ?? + ? ? ? ? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
18. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ??+??:
(C) ?? +??: (D) ??+ ??:
19. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+???? (B) ??+???
(C) ???? + ? (D) ? ? ? + ?
20. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ???+??
(C) ??+ ??: (D) ??+ ??:
21. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????? (B) ????
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
22. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ??????????
(C) ??? ?? + ? ??? ? ? (D) ? ? ??+ ????
23. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ??? ? ?? + ? ?
? ? ? (D) ? ? ?? ?
? ? ? ?
24. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ????? ? : (D) ? ?
?+ ?? ? ?:
25. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+???? (B) ???+?????
Page 6 of 27

(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :

26. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?? (B) ???+?????
(C) ? ?
?+??: (D) ??????? :
27. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+???? ???? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+ ?? (D) ???????
28. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+?? (B) ??:+?? ?
(C) ?
?:+ ???? (D) ?? :+ ??
29. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+????? (B) ??:+????
(C) ? ?? :+ ?? ?? (D) ?? :+ ? ?? ?
30. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ???:+????? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+?? : (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
31. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+????? (B) ????+???????
(C) ???? + ? ?? (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
32. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ? ?? ? : (B) ???+???????
(C) ? ? ? ? ? + ??? ? : (D) ? ? ? ? ? +?? :
33. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??? ? (B) ????+????:
Page 7 of 27

(C) ? ? ? ? ? + ?? ?? : (D) ? ? ? + ?: Etc.
For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf .lT + VgI[ sBf 5]G~l?T sCf 5`RFT? + Vl5

2. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf I:DFT? + VY[[" sBf lJnFrKF:+ sCf 5]Go + J{nF
3. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf TT? + VlWS'tI sBf T:DFlNtIFlN sCf R[Q8F
4. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf IYF + pJFR sBf >TFgI[J sCf QF^DW]ZFNIo
5. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf D]lG + >?ID? sBf klQF + p5F;GF sCf DD[J
6. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf 5\R + .lg?IFl6 sBf p5[g?o sCf :JFUTD?
7. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf DW] + VlZo sBf l5T' + VFN[Xo sCf ,FS'lTo
8. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf DGo + VG]S}, sBf DCT? + R?D? sCf DCT? + K+D?
Page 8 of 27

JFrI5|IF[UFo ( ST"lZ SD"l6 EFJJFrI5|IF[UFo )
For 2 Marks Questions :
(1) Make Vachya Parivartana of the following Sentences.
Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(1) tJIF lS\ l?IT[ m
(2) ;o .:T[G 5]:TS\ U'C6FlT ?
(3) lJnF lJGI\ NNFlT ?
(4) tJIF 5]Z:SFZo U'?T[ ?
(5) KF+[6 5F9o VeI:T[ ?
(6) VC\ l5TZF{ JgN[ ?
(7) VFZ1FSFo ZFQ8=\ Z1FlgT
(8) ,TF ZFQ8=ULT\ UFIlT ?
(9) ;o .:T[G 5]:TS\ U'C6FlT ?
(10) DIF GF8S\ N'xIT[ ?
(11) ;5F"o 5JG\ l5AlgT ?
(12) DI]Z{o G'tIT[ ?
(13) T[G J'1FFo ? xIgT[ ?
(14) DLZF T0FU[ SD,FlG 5xIlT ?
(15) 5]+o l5TZ\ ;[JT[ ?
(16) DLZIF O,FlG BFngT[ ?
(17) tJIF 5]Z:SFZo U'?T[ ?
(18) KF+FlEo lX1FSF\ VlEGgnT[ ?
(19) DIF 5F9o :DI"T[ ?
(20) DLZF T0FU[ SD,FlG 5xIlgT ?
Part A 50 Marks
JFrI5|IF[UFo ( ST"lZ SD"l6 EFJJFrI5|IF[UFo )

Page 9 of 27

(21) T[G\ J'1FFo ? xIgT[ ?
(22) VC\ 5|lTlNG\ U'CSFI"\ SZF[lD ?
(23) HGFo 5|NX"GL\ 5xIlgT ?
(24) ,TF ZFQ8=ULT\ UFIlT ?
(25) KF+[6 5F9o VeI:IT[ ?
(26) N[Jo 5|FTo ;%TJFN[G lJnF,I\ UrKlT ?Etc. - FirstRanker's Choice
Page 1 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions

1 Write the "prRFZ6 :YFG" the all alphabets.
2. ItGF[l?WFo VFeIFgTZ AF?xR ? Explain.
3. Explain with examples the Sthan and Prayatnas of letters.
4. Write Shiva Sutras and explain in detail "Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra.
5. Write the meaning with examples of any five following terms.
(A) U]6 (B) 5|FlT5lNS (C) 8L (D) DF+F (E) NLW" (F) pNF?
6. Write Shiva Sutras with their manifistation and explain in detail
"Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra and example.
7. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
8. Explain the classification of the vowels.
9. Explain with Sutrartha & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) VG]GFl;So (C) 8L (D) VJ;FGo
10. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) ;J6" (C) U]6 (D) :JlZT
11. How many places are there in mouth. Explain them with sootra.
For 5 Marks Questions :
Explain the sajnaas.
1 ?????? & ????? & ?????
2 ???? & ?????? & ??????
3 ??
4 ?? & ????
5 ?????
Part A 50 Marks

Page 2 of 27

6 ?????? & ?????
7 ??????????? ????? ? Explain
8 ????????????? @???????:? Explain
9 ????????????????? ???????? Explain
10 ??????????????? ??@???????:? Explain
11 ??: ????????: ?????? ? Explain
12 ???@??????: ?????:? Explain
13 ?????????? Explain
14 ?????????: ? Explain
15 ????? ?? ???:? Explain
16 ???????????:? Explain
17 ??????: ??????:? Explain

For 2 Marks Questions :
Give the answer of following question
1. How many Vowels are there according to aachaarya Paanini.
2. Which letters are knowing as Semivowels / ardhaswara.
3. Which letters are consider as GUNA .
4. Write down the all MAAHESHWARSOOTRA.
5. What is LOP explain with sootra.
6. Explain ?IT? with sootra.

Page 3 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions :
1) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) WFT' + V\X (B) DCF + .g?
(C) lJQ6J[ (D) zLXo
2) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding
(A) lJ8? + D}+;\U|C (B) S{lRN? + UEF"lN
(C) TT? + z]tJF (D) 5IF"I{ZFI]~rIT[
3) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) ;F1FL + .tI]rIT[ (B) ZDF + .lQ8o
(C) lNjI + VF{QFlWo (D) 5FJSo
4) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) QF0? + DF;Fo (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) TT? + 8LSF (D) 5]Go + ZDT[
5) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) U]~ + pNIo (B) DCF + .g?
(C) jIFlW + VFT]Z (D) lJQ6J[
6) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) 5|FS? + >J (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) 5]Go + ZDT[ (D) l5A[gGZo
7) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) ZDF + .lQ8o (B) lNjI + VF{QFlWo
(C) ;C;F + >J (D) GFjID?

8) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
Part A 50 Marks

Page 4 of 27

(A) WFT' +V\X (B) VF;G[+ VF:T[
(C) NX"G + VF{t;]?ID? (D) U|LQDT]"o
9) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DW] + VlZ (B) DCF+ .g?
(C) 5]G;? + ZDT[ (D) DClQF"o
10) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) VG? + lRT
(C) lRT? + VFGgN (D) HUrKlgTo
11) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) IlN + Vl5 (B) VlE + pNIo
(C) ;}I" + pNI (D) CF[T'SFZo
12) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) lRT? + VFGgNo
(C) VG? + lRT (D) 5]G;? + ZDT[
13) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??: (B) ???? + ???
(C) ????? + ????? (D) ??? + ??
14) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?
? ? ?+ ? (B) ?? + ??:
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?? + ??
15. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ???+?????:
(C) ? ? ??+ ???? (D) ??+?????
16. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????????? (B) ????????
(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :
17. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
Page 5 of 27

(A) ???+???? (B) ???+?
(C) ?? + ? ? ? ? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
18. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ??+??:
(C) ?? +??: (D) ??+ ??:
19. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+???? (B) ??+???
(C) ???? + ? (D) ? ? ? + ?
20. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ???+??
(C) ??+ ??: (D) ??+ ??:
21. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????? (B) ????
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
22. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ??????????
(C) ??? ?? + ? ??? ? ? (D) ? ? ??+ ????
23. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ??? ? ?? + ? ?
? ? ? (D) ? ? ?? ?
? ? ? ?
24. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ????? ? : (D) ? ?
?+ ?? ? ?:
25. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+???? (B) ???+?????
Page 6 of 27

(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :

26. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?? (B) ???+?????
(C) ? ?
?+??: (D) ??????? :
27. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+???? ???? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+ ?? (D) ???????
28. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+?? (B) ??:+?? ?
(C) ?
?:+ ???? (D) ?? :+ ??
29. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+????? (B) ??:+????
(C) ? ?? :+ ?? ?? (D) ?? :+ ? ?? ?
30. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ???:+????? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+?? : (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
31. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+????? (B) ????+???????
(C) ???? + ? ?? (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
32. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ? ?? ? : (B) ???+???????
(C) ? ? ? ? ? + ??? ? : (D) ? ? ? ? ? +?? :
33. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??? ? (B) ????+????:
Page 7 of 27

(C) ? ? ? ? ? + ?? ?? : (D) ? ? ? + ?: Etc.
For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf .lT + VgI[ sBf 5]G~l?T sCf 5`RFT? + Vl5

2. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf I:DFT? + VY[[" sBf lJnFrKF:+ sCf 5]Go + J{nF
3. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf TT? + VlWS'tI sBf T:DFlNtIFlN sCf R[Q8F
4. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf IYF + pJFR sBf >TFgI[J sCf QF^DW]ZFNIo
5. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf D]lG + >?ID? sBf klQF + p5F;GF sCf DD[J
6. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf 5\R + .lg?IFl6 sBf p5[g?o sCf :JFUTD?
7. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf DW] + VlZo sBf l5T' + VFN[Xo sCf ,FS'lTo
8. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf DGo + VG]S}, sBf DCT? + R?D? sCf DCT? + K+D?
Page 8 of 27

JFrI5|IF[UFo ( ST"lZ SD"l6 EFJJFrI5|IF[UFo )
For 2 Marks Questions :
(1) Make Vachya Parivartana of the following Sentences.
Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(1) tJIF lS\ l?IT[ m
(2) ;o .:T[G 5]:TS\ U'C6FlT ?
(3) lJnF lJGI\ NNFlT ?
(4) tJIF 5]Z:SFZo U'?T[ ?
(5) KF+[6 5F9o VeI:T[ ?
(6) VC\ l5TZF{ JgN[ ?
(7) VFZ1FSFo ZFQ8=\ Z1FlgT
(8) ,TF ZFQ8=ULT\ UFIlT ?
(9) ;o .:T[G 5]:TS\ U'C6FlT ?
(10) DIF GF8S\ N'xIT[ ?
(11) ;5F"o 5JG\ l5AlgT ?
(12) DI]Z{o G'tIT[ ?
(13) T[G J'1FFo ? xIgT[ ?
(14) DLZF T0FU[ SD,FlG 5xIlT ?
(15) 5]+o l5TZ\ ;[JT[ ?
(16) DLZIF O,FlG BFngT[ ?
(17) tJIF 5]Z:SFZo U'?T[ ?
(18) KF+FlEo lX1FSF\ VlEGgnT[ ?
(19) DIF 5F9o :DI"T[ ?
(20) DLZF T0FU[ SD,FlG 5xIlgT ?
Part A 50 Marks
JFrI5|IF[UFo ( ST"lZ SD"l6 EFJJFrI5|IF[UFo )

Page 9 of 27

(21) T[G\ J'1FFo ? xIgT[ ?
(22) VC\ 5|lTlNG\ U'CSFI"\ SZF[lD ?
(23) HGFo 5|NX"GL\ 5xIlgT ?
(24) ,TF ZFQ8=ULT\ UFIlT ?
(25) KF+[6 5F9o VeI:IT[ ?
(26) N[Jo 5|FTo ;%TJFN[G lJnF,I\ UrKlT ?Etc.
Page 10 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) ClZQIFDo (B) C; (C) 5xIlT (D) NNlT
2. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) V:T] (B) V59D? (C) V5RG? (D) A|JLlD (E) NNlT
3. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 59[ID? (B) GDT] (C) 5xIFlD (D) VlTQ9T? (E) HI[o
4. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 59[ID? (B) GDT] (C) 5xIFlD (D) VlTQ9T? (E) HI[o
5. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) VEJG? (B) :DlZQIFDo (C) HIT] (D) lTQ9[I]o (E) GDgT]
6. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) .ZT] (B) S]IF"T? (C) EJlgT (D) .rKFlD (E) VRF[ZIT?
7. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) ,ET] (B) V5RT? (C) ClZQIlT (D) HlGQI;[ (E) VG'tID?
8. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 5xIFlD (B) V;[JT? (C) V,E[ (D) HIT] (E) VRF[ZIT?
Part A 50 Marks
WFT]5|SZ6D? - FirstRanker's Choice
Page 1 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions

1 Write the "prRFZ6 :YFG" the all alphabets.
2. ItGF[l?WFo VFeIFgTZ AF?xR ? Explain.
3. Explain with examples the Sthan and Prayatnas of letters.
4. Write Shiva Sutras and explain in detail "Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra.
5. Write the meaning with examples of any five following terms.
(A) U]6 (B) 5|FlT5lNS (C) 8L (D) DF+F (E) NLW" (F) pNF?
6. Write Shiva Sutras with their manifistation and explain in detail
"Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra and example.
7. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
8. Explain the classification of the vowels.
9. Explain with Sutrartha & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) VG]GFl;So (C) 8L (D) VJ;FGo
10. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) ;J6" (C) U]6 (D) :JlZT
11. How many places are there in mouth. Explain them with sootra.
For 5 Marks Questions :
Explain the sajnaas.
1 ?????? & ????? & ?????
2 ???? & ?????? & ??????
3 ??
4 ?? & ????
5 ?????
Part A 50 Marks

Page 2 of 27

6 ?????? & ?????
7 ??????????? ????? ? Explain
8 ????????????? @???????:? Explain
9 ????????????????? ???????? Explain
10 ??????????????? ??@???????:? Explain
11 ??: ????????: ?????? ? Explain
12 ???@??????: ?????:? Explain
13 ?????????? Explain
14 ?????????: ? Explain
15 ????? ?? ???:? Explain
16 ???????????:? Explain
17 ??????: ??????:? Explain

For 2 Marks Questions :
Give the answer of following question
1. How many Vowels are there according to aachaarya Paanini.
2. Which letters are knowing as Semivowels / ardhaswara.
3. Which letters are consider as GUNA .
4. Write down the all MAAHESHWARSOOTRA.
5. What is LOP explain with sootra.
6. Explain ?IT? with sootra.

Page 3 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions :
1) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) WFT' + V\X (B) DCF + .g?
(C) lJQ6J[ (D) zLXo
2) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding
(A) lJ8? + D}+;\U|C (B) S{lRN? + UEF"lN
(C) TT? + z]tJF (D) 5IF"I{ZFI]~rIT[
3) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) ;F1FL + .tI]rIT[ (B) ZDF + .lQ8o
(C) lNjI + VF{QFlWo (D) 5FJSo
4) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) QF0? + DF;Fo (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) TT? + 8LSF (D) 5]Go + ZDT[
5) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) U]~ + pNIo (B) DCF + .g?
(C) jIFlW + VFT]Z (D) lJQ6J[
6) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) 5|FS? + >J (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) 5]Go + ZDT[ (D) l5A[gGZo
7) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) ZDF + .lQ8o (B) lNjI + VF{QFlWo
(C) ;C;F + >J (D) GFjID?

8) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
Part A 50 Marks

Page 4 of 27

(A) WFT' +V\X (B) VF;G[+ VF:T[
(C) NX"G + VF{t;]?ID? (D) U|LQDT]"o
9) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DW] + VlZ (B) DCF+ .g?
(C) 5]G;? + ZDT[ (D) DClQF"o
10) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) VG? + lRT
(C) lRT? + VFGgN (D) HUrKlgTo
11) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) IlN + Vl5 (B) VlE + pNIo
(C) ;}I" + pNI (D) CF[T'SFZo
12) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) lRT? + VFGgNo
(C) VG? + lRT (D) 5]G;? + ZDT[
13) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??: (B) ???? + ???
(C) ????? + ????? (D) ??? + ??
14) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?
? ? ?+ ? (B) ?? + ??:
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?? + ??
15. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ???+?????:
(C) ? ? ??+ ???? (D) ??+?????
16. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????????? (B) ????????
(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :
17. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
Page 5 of 27

(A) ???+???? (B) ???+?
(C) ?? + ? ? ? ? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
18. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ??+??:
(C) ?? +??: (D) ??+ ??:
19. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+???? (B) ??+???
(C) ???? + ? (D) ? ? ? + ?
20. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ???+??
(C) ??+ ??: (D) ??+ ??:
21. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????? (B) ????
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
22. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ??????????
(C) ??? ?? + ? ??? ? ? (D) ? ? ??+ ????
23. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ??? ? ?? + ? ?
? ? ? (D) ? ? ?? ?
? ? ? ?
24. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ????? ? : (D) ? ?
?+ ?? ? ?:
25. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+???? (B) ???+?????
Page 6 of 27

(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :

26. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?? (B) ???+?????
(C) ? ?
?+??: (D) ??????? :
27. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+???? ???? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+ ?? (D) ???????
28. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+?? (B) ??:+?? ?
(C) ?
?:+ ???? (D) ?? :+ ??
29. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+????? (B) ??:+????
(C) ? ?? :+ ?? ?? (D) ?? :+ ? ?? ?
30. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ???:+????? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+?? : (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
31. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+????? (B) ????+???????
(C) ???? + ? ?? (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
32. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ? ?? ? : (B) ???+???????
(C) ? ? ? ? ? + ??? ? : (D) ? ? ? ? ? +?? :
33. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??? ? (B) ????+????:
Page 7 of 27

(C) ? ? ? ? ? + ?? ?? : (D) ? ? ? + ?: Etc.
For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf .lT + VgI[ sBf 5]G~l?T sCf 5`RFT? + Vl5

2. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf I:DFT? + VY[[" sBf lJnFrKF:+ sCf 5]Go + J{nF
3. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf TT? + VlWS'tI sBf T:DFlNtIFlN sCf R[Q8F
4. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf IYF + pJFR sBf >TFgI[J sCf QF^DW]ZFNIo
5. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf D]lG + >?ID? sBf klQF + p5F;GF sCf DD[J
6. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf 5\R + .lg?IFl6 sBf p5[g?o sCf :JFUTD?
7. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf DW] + VlZo sBf l5T' + VFN[Xo sCf ,FS'lTo
8. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf DGo + VG]S}, sBf DCT? + R?D? sCf DCT? + K+D?
Page 8 of 27

JFrI5|IF[UFo ( ST"lZ SD"l6 EFJJFrI5|IF[UFo )
For 2 Marks Questions :
(1) Make Vachya Parivartana of the following Sentences.
Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(1) tJIF lS\ l?IT[ m
(2) ;o .:T[G 5]:TS\ U'C6FlT ?
(3) lJnF lJGI\ NNFlT ?
(4) tJIF 5]Z:SFZo U'?T[ ?
(5) KF+[6 5F9o VeI:T[ ?
(6) VC\ l5TZF{ JgN[ ?
(7) VFZ1FSFo ZFQ8=\ Z1FlgT
(8) ,TF ZFQ8=ULT\ UFIlT ?
(9) ;o .:T[G 5]:TS\ U'C6FlT ?
(10) DIF GF8S\ N'xIT[ ?
(11) ;5F"o 5JG\ l5AlgT ?
(12) DI]Z{o G'tIT[ ?
(13) T[G J'1FFo ? xIgT[ ?
(14) DLZF T0FU[ SD,FlG 5xIlT ?
(15) 5]+o l5TZ\ ;[JT[ ?
(16) DLZIF O,FlG BFngT[ ?
(17) tJIF 5]Z:SFZo U'?T[ ?
(18) KF+FlEo lX1FSF\ VlEGgnT[ ?
(19) DIF 5F9o :DI"T[ ?
(20) DLZF T0FU[ SD,FlG 5xIlgT ?
Part A 50 Marks
JFrI5|IF[UFo ( ST"lZ SD"l6 EFJJFrI5|IF[UFo )

Page 9 of 27

(21) T[G\ J'1FFo ? xIgT[ ?
(22) VC\ 5|lTlNG\ U'CSFI"\ SZF[lD ?
(23) HGFo 5|NX"GL\ 5xIlgT ?
(24) ,TF ZFQ8=ULT\ UFIlT ?
(25) KF+[6 5F9o VeI:IT[ ?
(26) N[Jo 5|FTo ;%TJFN[G lJnF,I\ UrKlT ?Etc.
Page 10 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) ClZQIFDo (B) C; (C) 5xIlT (D) NNlT
2. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) V:T] (B) V59D? (C) V5RG? (D) A|JLlD (E) NNlT
3. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 59[ID? (B) GDT] (C) 5xIFlD (D) VlTQ9T? (E) HI[o
4. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 59[ID? (B) GDT] (C) 5xIFlD (D) VlTQ9T? (E) HI[o
5. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) VEJG? (B) :DlZQIFDo (C) HIT] (D) lTQ9[I]o (E) GDgT]
6. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) .ZT] (B) S]IF"T? (C) EJlgT (D) .rKFlD (E) VRF[ZIT?
7. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) ,ET] (B) V5RT? (C) ClZQIlT (D) HlGQI;[ (E) VG'tID?
8. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 5xIFlD (B) V;[JT? (C) V,E[ (D) HIT] (E) VRF[ZIT?
Part A 50 Marks

Page 11 of 27

5 Marks
For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Write a short note write a short note on Tt5]~QF;DF;
2. Write a short note write a short note on VjIILEFJ;DF;
3. Write a short note write a short note on AC]J|LlC;DF;
4. Give two example of ?g?;DF; with explanation
5. J'1FXFBF Tt5]~QFo xJ[TFxJo SD"WFZIo ?
Z?TJ:+F[ AC]A|LlCo ?g?xRg?lNJFSZF{ ? Explain
6. 5NFGF\ I]U5ntJ\ ;DF;o ;F[@lEWLIT[ ? Explain
7. T+FQ8WF Tt5]~QFo ;%TWF SD"WFZIo ?
;%TWF R AC]ALlClN"U]ZFEFlQFTF[ l?WF ?? Explain

Part A 50 Marks
;DF;5|SZ6? - FirstRanker's Choice
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For 10 Marks Questions

1 Write the "prRFZ6 :YFG" the all alphabets.
2. ItGF[l?WFo VFeIFgTZ AF?xR ? Explain.
3. Explain with examples the Sthan and Prayatnas of letters.
4. Write Shiva Sutras and explain in detail "Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra.
5. Write the meaning with examples of any five following terms.
(A) U]6 (B) 5|FlT5lNS (C) 8L (D) DF+F (E) NLW" (F) pNF?
6. Write Shiva Sutras with their manifistation and explain in detail
"Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra and example.
7. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
8. Explain the classification of the vowels.
9. Explain with Sutrartha & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) VG]GFl;So (C) 8L (D) VJ;FGo
10. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) ;J6" (C) U]6 (D) :JlZT
11. How many places are there in mouth. Explain them with sootra.
For 5 Marks Questions :
Explain the sajnaas.
1 ?????? & ????? & ?????
2 ???? & ?????? & ??????
3 ??
4 ?? & ????
5 ?????
Part A 50 Marks

Page 2 of 27

6 ?????? & ?????
7 ??????????? ????? ? Explain
8 ????????????? @???????:? Explain
9 ????????????????? ???????? Explain
10 ??????????????? ??@???????:? Explain
11 ??: ????????: ?????? ? Explain
12 ???@??????: ?????:? Explain
13 ?????????? Explain
14 ?????????: ? Explain
15 ????? ?? ???:? Explain
16 ???????????:? Explain
17 ??????: ??????:? Explain

For 2 Marks Questions :
Give the answer of following question
1. How many Vowels are there according to aachaarya Paanini.
2. Which letters are knowing as Semivowels / ardhaswara.
3. Which letters are consider as GUNA .
4. Write down the all MAAHESHWARSOOTRA.
5. What is LOP explain with sootra.
6. Explain ?IT? with sootra.

Page 3 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions :
1) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) WFT' + V\X (B) DCF + .g?
(C) lJQ6J[ (D) zLXo
2) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding
(A) lJ8? + D}+;\U|C (B) S{lRN? + UEF"lN
(C) TT? + z]tJF (D) 5IF"I{ZFI]~rIT[
3) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) ;F1FL + .tI]rIT[ (B) ZDF + .lQ8o
(C) lNjI + VF{QFlWo (D) 5FJSo
4) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) QF0? + DF;Fo (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) TT? + 8LSF (D) 5]Go + ZDT[
5) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) U]~ + pNIo (B) DCF + .g?
(C) jIFlW + VFT]Z (D) lJQ6J[
6) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) 5|FS? + >J (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) 5]Go + ZDT[ (D) l5A[gGZo
7) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) ZDF + .lQ8o (B) lNjI + VF{QFlWo
(C) ;C;F + >J (D) GFjID?

8) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
Part A 50 Marks

Page 4 of 27

(A) WFT' +V\X (B) VF;G[+ VF:T[
(C) NX"G + VF{t;]?ID? (D) U|LQDT]"o
9) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DW] + VlZ (B) DCF+ .g?
(C) 5]G;? + ZDT[ (D) DClQF"o
10) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) VG? + lRT
(C) lRT? + VFGgN (D) HUrKlgTo
11) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) IlN + Vl5 (B) VlE + pNIo
(C) ;}I" + pNI (D) CF[T'SFZo
12) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) lRT? + VFGgNo
(C) VG? + lRT (D) 5]G;? + ZDT[
13) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??: (B) ???? + ???
(C) ????? + ????? (D) ??? + ??
14) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?
? ? ?+ ? (B) ?? + ??:
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?? + ??
15. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ???+?????:
(C) ? ? ??+ ???? (D) ??+?????
16. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????????? (B) ????????
(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :
17. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
Page 5 of 27

(A) ???+???? (B) ???+?
(C) ?? + ? ? ? ? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
18. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ??+??:
(C) ?? +??: (D) ??+ ??:
19. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+???? (B) ??+???
(C) ???? + ? (D) ? ? ? + ?
20. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ???+??
(C) ??+ ??: (D) ??+ ??:
21. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????? (B) ????
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
22. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ??????????
(C) ??? ?? + ? ??? ? ? (D) ? ? ??+ ????
23. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ??? ? ?? + ? ?
? ? ? (D) ? ? ?? ?
? ? ? ?
24. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ????? ? : (D) ? ?
?+ ?? ? ?:
25. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+???? (B) ???+?????
Page 6 of 27

(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :

26. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?? (B) ???+?????
(C) ? ?
?+??: (D) ??????? :
27. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+???? ???? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+ ?? (D) ???????
28. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+?? (B) ??:+?? ?
(C) ?
?:+ ???? (D) ?? :+ ??
29. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+????? (B) ??:+????
(C) ? ?? :+ ?? ?? (D) ?? :+ ? ?? ?
30. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ???:+????? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+?? : (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
31. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+????? (B) ????+???????
(C) ???? + ? ?? (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
32. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ? ?? ? : (B) ???+???????
(C) ? ? ? ? ? + ??? ? : (D) ? ? ? ? ? +?? :
33. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??? ? (B) ????+????:
Page 7 of 27

(C) ? ? ? ? ? + ?? ?? : (D) ? ? ? + ?: Etc.
For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf .lT + VgI[ sBf 5]G~l?T sCf 5`RFT? + Vl5

2. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf I:DFT? + VY[[" sBf lJnFrKF:+ sCf 5]Go + J{nF
3. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf TT? + VlWS'tI sBf T:DFlNtIFlN sCf R[Q8F
4. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf IYF + pJFR sBf >TFgI[J sCf QF^DW]ZFNIo
5. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf D]lG + >?ID? sBf klQF + p5F;GF sCf DD[J
6. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf 5\R + .lg?IFl6 sBf p5[g?o sCf :JFUTD?
7. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf DW] + VlZo sBf l5T' + VFN[Xo sCf ,FS'lTo
8. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf DGo + VG]S}, sBf DCT? + R?D? sCf DCT? + K+D?
Page 8 of 27

JFrI5|IF[UFo ( ST"lZ SD"l6 EFJJFrI5|IF[UFo )
For 2 Marks Questions :
(1) Make Vachya Parivartana of the following Sentences.
Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(1) tJIF lS\ l?IT[ m
(2) ;o .:T[G 5]:TS\ U'C6FlT ?
(3) lJnF lJGI\ NNFlT ?
(4) tJIF 5]Z:SFZo U'?T[ ?
(5) KF+[6 5F9o VeI:T[ ?
(6) VC\ l5TZF{ JgN[ ?
(7) VFZ1FSFo ZFQ8=\ Z1FlgT
(8) ,TF ZFQ8=ULT\ UFIlT ?
(9) ;o .:T[G 5]:TS\ U'C6FlT ?
(10) DIF GF8S\ N'xIT[ ?
(11) ;5F"o 5JG\ l5AlgT ?
(12) DI]Z{o G'tIT[ ?
(13) T[G J'1FFo ? xIgT[ ?
(14) DLZF T0FU[ SD,FlG 5xIlT ?
(15) 5]+o l5TZ\ ;[JT[ ?
(16) DLZIF O,FlG BFngT[ ?
(17) tJIF 5]Z:SFZo U'?T[ ?
(18) KF+FlEo lX1FSF\ VlEGgnT[ ?
(19) DIF 5F9o :DI"T[ ?
(20) DLZF T0FU[ SD,FlG 5xIlgT ?
Part A 50 Marks
JFrI5|IF[UFo ( ST"lZ SD"l6 EFJJFrI5|IF[UFo )

Page 9 of 27

(21) T[G\ J'1FFo ? xIgT[ ?
(22) VC\ 5|lTlNG\ U'CSFI"\ SZF[lD ?
(23) HGFo 5|NX"GL\ 5xIlgT ?
(24) ,TF ZFQ8=ULT\ UFIlT ?
(25) KF+[6 5F9o VeI:IT[ ?
(26) N[Jo 5|FTo ;%TJFN[G lJnF,I\ UrKlT ?Etc.
Page 10 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) ClZQIFDo (B) C; (C) 5xIlT (D) NNlT
2. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) V:T] (B) V59D? (C) V5RG? (D) A|JLlD (E) NNlT
3. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 59[ID? (B) GDT] (C) 5xIFlD (D) VlTQ9T? (E) HI[o
4. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 59[ID? (B) GDT] (C) 5xIFlD (D) VlTQ9T? (E) HI[o
5. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) VEJG? (B) :DlZQIFDo (C) HIT] (D) lTQ9[I]o (E) GDgT]
6. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) .ZT] (B) S]IF"T? (C) EJlgT (D) .rKFlD (E) VRF[ZIT?
7. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) ,ET] (B) V5RT? (C) ClZQIlT (D) HlGQI;[ (E) VG'tID?
8. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 5xIFlD (B) V;[JT? (C) V,E[ (D) HIT] (E) VRF[ZIT?
Part A 50 Marks

Page 11 of 27

5 Marks
For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Write a short note write a short note on Tt5]~QF;DF;
2. Write a short note write a short note on VjIILEFJ;DF;
3. Write a short note write a short note on AC]J|LlC;DF;
4. Give two example of ?g?;DF; with explanation
5. J'1FXFBF Tt5]~QFo xJ[TFxJo SD"WFZIo ?
Z?TJ:+F[ AC]A|LlCo ?g?xRg?lNJFSZF{ ? Explain
6. 5NFGF\ I]U5ntJ\ ;DF;o ;F[@lEWLIT[ ? Explain
7. T+FQ8WF Tt5]~QFo ;%TWF SD"WFZIo ?
;%TWF R AC]ALlClN"U]ZFEFlQFTF[ l?WF ?? Explain

Part A 50 Marks
Page 12 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ??????? ?? ? (B) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
(c) ? ? ? ? ??? ??? ? ? ? (D) ??? ?? ? ? ? ?
2. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??? ????? ? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ? ? ? ? ??? ??? ? ? ? (D) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
3. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ?? ? ? ? ? ? : (B) ? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ?: (D) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
4. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??? ? ???? ? ? ?? ?? ? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ????????? (D) ? ? ??? ? ?
5. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ???? (B) ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ????????? (D) ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
6. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ?????? (B) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?? ?? ?? ???? (D) ??? ?? ? ? ? ?
7. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ?: (B) ?? ? ?? ? : - FirstRanker's Choice
Page 1 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions

1 Write the "prRFZ6 :YFG" the all alphabets.
2. ItGF[l?WFo VFeIFgTZ AF?xR ? Explain.
3. Explain with examples the Sthan and Prayatnas of letters.
4. Write Shiva Sutras and explain in detail "Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra.
5. Write the meaning with examples of any five following terms.
(A) U]6 (B) 5|FlT5lNS (C) 8L (D) DF+F (E) NLW" (F) pNF?
6. Write Shiva Sutras with their manifistation and explain in detail
"Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra and example.
7. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
8. Explain the classification of the vowels.
9. Explain with Sutrartha & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) VG]GFl;So (C) 8L (D) VJ;FGo
10. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) ;J6" (C) U]6 (D) :JlZT
11. How many places are there in mouth. Explain them with sootra.
For 5 Marks Questions :
Explain the sajnaas.
1 ?????? & ????? & ?????
2 ???? & ?????? & ??????
3 ??
4 ?? & ????
5 ?????
Part A 50 Marks

Page 2 of 27

6 ?????? & ?????
7 ??????????? ????? ? Explain
8 ????????????? @???????:? Explain
9 ????????????????? ???????? Explain
10 ??????????????? ??@???????:? Explain
11 ??: ????????: ?????? ? Explain
12 ???@??????: ?????:? Explain
13 ?????????? Explain
14 ?????????: ? Explain
15 ????? ?? ???:? Explain
16 ???????????:? Explain
17 ??????: ??????:? Explain

For 2 Marks Questions :
Give the answer of following question
1. How many Vowels are there according to aachaarya Paanini.
2. Which letters are knowing as Semivowels / ardhaswara.
3. Which letters are consider as GUNA .
4. Write down the all MAAHESHWARSOOTRA.
5. What is LOP explain with sootra.
6. Explain ?IT? with sootra.

Page 3 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions :
1) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) WFT' + V\X (B) DCF + .g?
(C) lJQ6J[ (D) zLXo
2) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding
(A) lJ8? + D}+;\U|C (B) S{lRN? + UEF"lN
(C) TT? + z]tJF (D) 5IF"I{ZFI]~rIT[
3) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) ;F1FL + .tI]rIT[ (B) ZDF + .lQ8o
(C) lNjI + VF{QFlWo (D) 5FJSo
4) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) QF0? + DF;Fo (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) TT? + 8LSF (D) 5]Go + ZDT[
5) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) U]~ + pNIo (B) DCF + .g?
(C) jIFlW + VFT]Z (D) lJQ6J[
6) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) 5|FS? + >J (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) 5]Go + ZDT[ (D) l5A[gGZo
7) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) ZDF + .lQ8o (B) lNjI + VF{QFlWo
(C) ;C;F + >J (D) GFjID?

8) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
Part A 50 Marks

Page 4 of 27

(A) WFT' +V\X (B) VF;G[+ VF:T[
(C) NX"G + VF{t;]?ID? (D) U|LQDT]"o
9) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DW] + VlZ (B) DCF+ .g?
(C) 5]G;? + ZDT[ (D) DClQF"o
10) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) VG? + lRT
(C) lRT? + VFGgN (D) HUrKlgTo
11) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) IlN + Vl5 (B) VlE + pNIo
(C) ;}I" + pNI (D) CF[T'SFZo
12) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) lRT? + VFGgNo
(C) VG? + lRT (D) 5]G;? + ZDT[
13) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??: (B) ???? + ???
(C) ????? + ????? (D) ??? + ??
14) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?
? ? ?+ ? (B) ?? + ??:
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?? + ??
15. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ???+?????:
(C) ? ? ??+ ???? (D) ??+?????
16. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????????? (B) ????????
(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :
17. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
Page 5 of 27

(A) ???+???? (B) ???+?
(C) ?? + ? ? ? ? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
18. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ??+??:
(C) ?? +??: (D) ??+ ??:
19. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+???? (B) ??+???
(C) ???? + ? (D) ? ? ? + ?
20. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ???+??
(C) ??+ ??: (D) ??+ ??:
21. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????? (B) ????
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
22. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ??????????
(C) ??? ?? + ? ??? ? ? (D) ? ? ??+ ????
23. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ??? ? ?? + ? ?
? ? ? (D) ? ? ?? ?
? ? ? ?
24. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ????? ? : (D) ? ?
?+ ?? ? ?:
25. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+???? (B) ???+?????
Page 6 of 27

(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :

26. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?? (B) ???+?????
(C) ? ?
?+??: (D) ??????? :
27. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+???? ???? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+ ?? (D) ???????
28. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+?? (B) ??:+?? ?
(C) ?
?:+ ???? (D) ?? :+ ??
29. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+????? (B) ??:+????
(C) ? ?? :+ ?? ?? (D) ?? :+ ? ?? ?
30. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ???:+????? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+?? : (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
31. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+????? (B) ????+???????
(C) ???? + ? ?? (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
32. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ? ?? ? : (B) ???+???????
(C) ? ? ? ? ? + ??? ? : (D) ? ? ? ? ? +?? :
33. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??? ? (B) ????+????:
Page 7 of 27

(C) ? ? ? ? ? + ?? ?? : (D) ? ? ? + ?: Etc.
For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf .lT + VgI[ sBf 5]G~l?T sCf 5`RFT? + Vl5

2. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf I:DFT? + VY[[" sBf lJnFrKF:+ sCf 5]Go + J{nF
3. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf TT? + VlWS'tI sBf T:DFlNtIFlN sCf R[Q8F
4. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf IYF + pJFR sBf >TFgI[J sCf QF^DW]ZFNIo
5. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf D]lG + >?ID? sBf klQF + p5F;GF sCf DD[J
6. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf 5\R + .lg?IFl6 sBf p5[g?o sCf :JFUTD?
7. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf DW] + VlZo sBf l5T' + VFN[Xo sCf ,FS'lTo
8. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf DGo + VG]S}, sBf DCT? + R?D? sCf DCT? + K+D?
Page 8 of 27

JFrI5|IF[UFo ( ST"lZ SD"l6 EFJJFrI5|IF[UFo )
For 2 Marks Questions :
(1) Make Vachya Parivartana of the following Sentences.
Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(1) tJIF lS\ l?IT[ m
(2) ;o .:T[G 5]:TS\ U'C6FlT ?
(3) lJnF lJGI\ NNFlT ?
(4) tJIF 5]Z:SFZo U'?T[ ?
(5) KF+[6 5F9o VeI:T[ ?
(6) VC\ l5TZF{ JgN[ ?
(7) VFZ1FSFo ZFQ8=\ Z1FlgT
(8) ,TF ZFQ8=ULT\ UFIlT ?
(9) ;o .:T[G 5]:TS\ U'C6FlT ?
(10) DIF GF8S\ N'xIT[ ?
(11) ;5F"o 5JG\ l5AlgT ?
(12) DI]Z{o G'tIT[ ?
(13) T[G J'1FFo ? xIgT[ ?
(14) DLZF T0FU[ SD,FlG 5xIlT ?
(15) 5]+o l5TZ\ ;[JT[ ?
(16) DLZIF O,FlG BFngT[ ?
(17) tJIF 5]Z:SFZo U'?T[ ?
(18) KF+FlEo lX1FSF\ VlEGgnT[ ?
(19) DIF 5F9o :DI"T[ ?
(20) DLZF T0FU[ SD,FlG 5xIlgT ?
Part A 50 Marks
JFrI5|IF[UFo ( ST"lZ SD"l6 EFJJFrI5|IF[UFo )

Page 9 of 27

(21) T[G\ J'1FFo ? xIgT[ ?
(22) VC\ 5|lTlNG\ U'CSFI"\ SZF[lD ?
(23) HGFo 5|NX"GL\ 5xIlgT ?
(24) ,TF ZFQ8=ULT\ UFIlT ?
(25) KF+[6 5F9o VeI:IT[ ?
(26) N[Jo 5|FTo ;%TJFN[G lJnF,I\ UrKlT ?Etc.
Page 10 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) ClZQIFDo (B) C; (C) 5xIlT (D) NNlT
2. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) V:T] (B) V59D? (C) V5RG? (D) A|JLlD (E) NNlT
3. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 59[ID? (B) GDT] (C) 5xIFlD (D) VlTQ9T? (E) HI[o
4. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 59[ID? (B) GDT] (C) 5xIFlD (D) VlTQ9T? (E) HI[o
5. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) VEJG? (B) :DlZQIFDo (C) HIT] (D) lTQ9[I]o (E) GDgT]
6. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) .ZT] (B) S]IF"T? (C) EJlgT (D) .rKFlD (E) VRF[ZIT?
7. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) ,ET] (B) V5RT? (C) ClZQIlT (D) HlGQI;[ (E) VG'tID?
8. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 5xIFlD (B) V;[JT? (C) V,E[ (D) HIT] (E) VRF[ZIT?
Part A 50 Marks

Page 11 of 27

5 Marks
For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Write a short note write a short note on Tt5]~QF;DF;
2. Write a short note write a short note on VjIILEFJ;DF;
3. Write a short note write a short note on AC]J|LlC;DF;
4. Give two example of ?g?;DF; with explanation
5. J'1FXFBF Tt5]~QFo xJ[TFxJo SD"WFZIo ?
Z?TJ:+F[ AC]A|LlCo ?g?xRg?lNJFSZF{ ? Explain
6. 5NFGF\ I]U5ntJ\ ;DF;o ;F[@lEWLIT[ ? Explain
7. T+FQ8WF Tt5]~QFo ;%TWF SD"WFZIo ?
;%TWF R AC]ALlClN"U]ZFEFlQFTF[ l?WF ?? Explain

Part A 50 Marks
Page 12 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ??????? ?? ? (B) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
(c) ? ? ? ? ??? ??? ? ? ? (D) ??? ?? ? ? ? ?
2. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??? ????? ? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ? ? ? ? ??? ??? ? ? ? (D) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
3. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ?? ? ? ? ? ? : (B) ? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ?: (D) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
4. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??? ? ???? ? ? ?? ?? ? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ????????? (D) ? ? ??? ? ?
5. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ???? (B) ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ????????? (D) ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
6. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ?????? (B) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?? ?? ?? ???? (D) ??? ?? ? ? ? ?
7. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ?: (B) ?? ? ?? ? :
Page 13 of 27

(c) ?? ? ????? : (D) ? ? ? ? ? ?
8. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?????? (B) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (c) ?? ? ?? ?? (D) ??? ? ?
? ? ? ?
9.Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ??? ?? ?? :
(c) ?
? ? ? ? ?: (D) ? ? ? ? ? ?
10. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ??? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ? ? ? ?
? ? ?
(c) ??????? ?? ? (D) ???? ?? :
11. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??????? ?? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ?
? ? ? ? ? ? (D) ?????? ??
12. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? (B) ????? ??
(c) ???? ??? (D) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
13. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?? ?? ? (D) ?? ??? ? ?
14. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?? ? ? ?? ? (B) ? ??? :
(c) ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? (D) ??????
15. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ?? ? ? ??? ? ? (B) ? ? ? ?
? ? ? - FirstRanker's Choice
Page 1 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions

1 Write the "prRFZ6 :YFG" the all alphabets.
2. ItGF[l?WFo VFeIFgTZ AF?xR ? Explain.
3. Explain with examples the Sthan and Prayatnas of letters.
4. Write Shiva Sutras and explain in detail "Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra.
5. Write the meaning with examples of any five following terms.
(A) U]6 (B) 5|FlT5lNS (C) 8L (D) DF+F (E) NLW" (F) pNF?
6. Write Shiva Sutras with their manifistation and explain in detail
"Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra and example.
7. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
8. Explain the classification of the vowels.
9. Explain with Sutrartha & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) VG]GFl;So (C) 8L (D) VJ;FGo
10. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) ;J6" (C) U]6 (D) :JlZT
11. How many places are there in mouth. Explain them with sootra.
For 5 Marks Questions :
Explain the sajnaas.
1 ?????? & ????? & ?????
2 ???? & ?????? & ??????
3 ??
4 ?? & ????
5 ?????
Part A 50 Marks

Page 2 of 27

6 ?????? & ?????
7 ??????????? ????? ? Explain
8 ????????????? @???????:? Explain
9 ????????????????? ???????? Explain
10 ??????????????? ??@???????:? Explain
11 ??: ????????: ?????? ? Explain
12 ???@??????: ?????:? Explain
13 ?????????? Explain
14 ?????????: ? Explain
15 ????? ?? ???:? Explain
16 ???????????:? Explain
17 ??????: ??????:? Explain

For 2 Marks Questions :
Give the answer of following question
1. How many Vowels are there according to aachaarya Paanini.
2. Which letters are knowing as Semivowels / ardhaswara.
3. Which letters are consider as GUNA .
4. Write down the all MAAHESHWARSOOTRA.
5. What is LOP explain with sootra.
6. Explain ?IT? with sootra.

Page 3 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions :
1) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) WFT' + V\X (B) DCF + .g?
(C) lJQ6J[ (D) zLXo
2) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding
(A) lJ8? + D}+;\U|C (B) S{lRN? + UEF"lN
(C) TT? + z]tJF (D) 5IF"I{ZFI]~rIT[
3) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) ;F1FL + .tI]rIT[ (B) ZDF + .lQ8o
(C) lNjI + VF{QFlWo (D) 5FJSo
4) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) QF0? + DF;Fo (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) TT? + 8LSF (D) 5]Go + ZDT[
5) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) U]~ + pNIo (B) DCF + .g?
(C) jIFlW + VFT]Z (D) lJQ6J[
6) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) 5|FS? + >J (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) 5]Go + ZDT[ (D) l5A[gGZo
7) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) ZDF + .lQ8o (B) lNjI + VF{QFlWo
(C) ;C;F + >J (D) GFjID?

8) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
Part A 50 Marks

Page 4 of 27

(A) WFT' +V\X (B) VF;G[+ VF:T[
(C) NX"G + VF{t;]?ID? (D) U|LQDT]"o
9) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DW] + VlZ (B) DCF+ .g?
(C) 5]G;? + ZDT[ (D) DClQF"o
10) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) VG? + lRT
(C) lRT? + VFGgN (D) HUrKlgTo
11) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) IlN + Vl5 (B) VlE + pNIo
(C) ;}I" + pNI (D) CF[T'SFZo
12) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) lRT? + VFGgNo
(C) VG? + lRT (D) 5]G;? + ZDT[
13) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??: (B) ???? + ???
(C) ????? + ????? (D) ??? + ??
14) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?
? ? ?+ ? (B) ?? + ??:
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?? + ??
15. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ???+?????:
(C) ? ? ??+ ???? (D) ??+?????
16. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????????? (B) ????????
(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :
17. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
Page 5 of 27

(A) ???+???? (B) ???+?
(C) ?? + ? ? ? ? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
18. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ??+??:
(C) ?? +??: (D) ??+ ??:
19. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+???? (B) ??+???
(C) ???? + ? (D) ? ? ? + ?
20. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ???+??
(C) ??+ ??: (D) ??+ ??:
21. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????? (B) ????
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
22. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ??????????
(C) ??? ?? + ? ??? ? ? (D) ? ? ??+ ????
23. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ??? ? ?? + ? ?
? ? ? (D) ? ? ?? ?
? ? ? ?
24. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ????? ? : (D) ? ?
?+ ?? ? ?:
25. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+???? (B) ???+?????
Page 6 of 27

(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :

26. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?? (B) ???+?????
(C) ? ?
?+??: (D) ??????? :
27. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+???? ???? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+ ?? (D) ???????
28. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+?? (B) ??:+?? ?
(C) ?
?:+ ???? (D) ?? :+ ??
29. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+????? (B) ??:+????
(C) ? ?? :+ ?? ?? (D) ?? :+ ? ?? ?
30. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ???:+????? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+?? : (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
31. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+????? (B) ????+???????
(C) ???? + ? ?? (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
32. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ? ?? ? : (B) ???+???????
(C) ? ? ? ? ? + ??? ? : (D) ? ? ? ? ? +?? :
33. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??? ? (B) ????+????:
Page 7 of 27

(C) ? ? ? ? ? + ?? ?? : (D) ? ? ? + ?: Etc.
For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf .lT + VgI[ sBf 5]G~l?T sCf 5`RFT? + Vl5

2. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf I:DFT? + VY[[" sBf lJnFrKF:+ sCf 5]Go + J{nF
3. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf TT? + VlWS'tI sBf T:DFlNtIFlN sCf R[Q8F
4. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf IYF + pJFR sBf >TFgI[J sCf QF^DW]ZFNIo
5. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf D]lG + >?ID? sBf klQF + p5F;GF sCf DD[J
6. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf 5\R + .lg?IFl6 sBf p5[g?o sCf :JFUTD?
7. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf DW] + VlZo sBf l5T' + VFN[Xo sCf ,FS'lTo
8. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf DGo + VG]S}, sBf DCT? + R?D? sCf DCT? + K+D?
Page 8 of 27

JFrI5|IF[UFo ( ST"lZ SD"l6 EFJJFrI5|IF[UFo )
For 2 Marks Questions :
(1) Make Vachya Parivartana of the following Sentences.
Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(1) tJIF lS\ l?IT[ m
(2) ;o .:T[G 5]:TS\ U'C6FlT ?
(3) lJnF lJGI\ NNFlT ?
(4) tJIF 5]Z:SFZo U'?T[ ?
(5) KF+[6 5F9o VeI:T[ ?
(6) VC\ l5TZF{ JgN[ ?
(7) VFZ1FSFo ZFQ8=\ Z1FlgT
(8) ,TF ZFQ8=ULT\ UFIlT ?
(9) ;o .:T[G 5]:TS\ U'C6FlT ?
(10) DIF GF8S\ N'xIT[ ?
(11) ;5F"o 5JG\ l5AlgT ?
(12) DI]Z{o G'tIT[ ?
(13) T[G J'1FFo ? xIgT[ ?
(14) DLZF T0FU[ SD,FlG 5xIlT ?
(15) 5]+o l5TZ\ ;[JT[ ?
(16) DLZIF O,FlG BFngT[ ?
(17) tJIF 5]Z:SFZo U'?T[ ?
(18) KF+FlEo lX1FSF\ VlEGgnT[ ?
(19) DIF 5F9o :DI"T[ ?
(20) DLZF T0FU[ SD,FlG 5xIlgT ?
Part A 50 Marks
JFrI5|IF[UFo ( ST"lZ SD"l6 EFJJFrI5|IF[UFo )

Page 9 of 27

(21) T[G\ J'1FFo ? xIgT[ ?
(22) VC\ 5|lTlNG\ U'CSFI"\ SZF[lD ?
(23) HGFo 5|NX"GL\ 5xIlgT ?
(24) ,TF ZFQ8=ULT\ UFIlT ?
(25) KF+[6 5F9o VeI:IT[ ?
(26) N[Jo 5|FTo ;%TJFN[G lJnF,I\ UrKlT ?Etc.
Page 10 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) ClZQIFDo (B) C; (C) 5xIlT (D) NNlT
2. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) V:T] (B) V59D? (C) V5RG? (D) A|JLlD (E) NNlT
3. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 59[ID? (B) GDT] (C) 5xIFlD (D) VlTQ9T? (E) HI[o
4. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 59[ID? (B) GDT] (C) 5xIFlD (D) VlTQ9T? (E) HI[o
5. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) VEJG? (B) :DlZQIFDo (C) HIT] (D) lTQ9[I]o (E) GDgT]
6. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) .ZT] (B) S]IF"T? (C) EJlgT (D) .rKFlD (E) VRF[ZIT?
7. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) ,ET] (B) V5RT? (C) ClZQIlT (D) HlGQI;[ (E) VG'tID?
8. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 5xIFlD (B) V;[JT? (C) V,E[ (D) HIT] (E) VRF[ZIT?
Part A 50 Marks

Page 11 of 27

5 Marks
For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Write a short note write a short note on Tt5]~QF;DF;
2. Write a short note write a short note on VjIILEFJ;DF;
3. Write a short note write a short note on AC]J|LlC;DF;
4. Give two example of ?g?;DF; with explanation
5. J'1FXFBF Tt5]~QFo xJ[TFxJo SD"WFZIo ?
Z?TJ:+F[ AC]A|LlCo ?g?xRg?lNJFSZF{ ? Explain
6. 5NFGF\ I]U5ntJ\ ;DF;o ;F[@lEWLIT[ ? Explain
7. T+FQ8WF Tt5]~QFo ;%TWF SD"WFZIo ?
;%TWF R AC]ALlClN"U]ZFEFlQFTF[ l?WF ?? Explain

Part A 50 Marks
Page 12 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ??????? ?? ? (B) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
(c) ? ? ? ? ??? ??? ? ? ? (D) ??? ?? ? ? ? ?
2. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??? ????? ? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ? ? ? ? ??? ??? ? ? ? (D) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
3. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ?? ? ? ? ? ? : (B) ? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ?: (D) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
4. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??? ? ???? ? ? ?? ?? ? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ????????? (D) ? ? ??? ? ?
5. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ???? (B) ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ????????? (D) ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
6. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ?????? (B) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?? ?? ?? ???? (D) ??? ?? ? ? ? ?
7. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ?: (B) ?? ? ?? ? :
Page 13 of 27

(c) ?? ? ????? : (D) ? ? ? ? ? ?
8. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?????? (B) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (c) ?? ? ?? ?? (D) ??? ? ?
? ? ? ?
9.Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ??? ?? ?? :
(c) ?
? ? ? ? ?: (D) ? ? ? ? ? ?
10. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ??? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ? ? ? ?
? ? ?
(c) ??????? ?? ? (D) ???? ?? :
11. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??????? ?? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ?
? ? ? ? ? ? (D) ?????? ??
12. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? (B) ????? ??
(c) ???? ??? (D) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
13. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?? ?? ? (D) ?? ??? ? ?
14. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?? ? ? ?? ? (B) ? ??? :
(c) ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? (D) ??????
15. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ?? ? ? ??? ? ? (B) ? ? ? ?
? ? ?
Page 14 of 27

(c) ??????? : (D) ? ? ?? ? ? ?

For 5 Marks Questions

1. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf l?lJW sBf ;CF[?ZTg+[6 sCf IXF[?Z[
2. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf IYF[JFR sBf lGJT"lgT sCf ;lJ\XG
3. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf QFF[0XlJWo sBf IYF[JFR sCf l?lJ`Ro
4. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf TYFp%IF sBf XLTF[Q6\ sCf 5LTFdAZo
5. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf IYFN[XD? sBf p5U'CD? sCf WDF"tDF
6. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf 5|tIn CD? sBf .g?FuGL sCf lR+U]o
7. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf N?F[5N[Xo sBf ;D1FD? sCf N]oBFTLT
8. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf XLTF[Q6\ sBf IYFN[XD? sCf l?lJW
Etc - FirstRanker's Choice
Page 1 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions

1 Write the "prRFZ6 :YFG" the all alphabets.
2. ItGF[l?WFo VFeIFgTZ AF?xR ? Explain.
3. Explain with examples the Sthan and Prayatnas of letters.
4. Write Shiva Sutras and explain in detail "Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra.
5. Write the meaning with examples of any five following terms.
(A) U]6 (B) 5|FlT5lNS (C) 8L (D) DF+F (E) NLW" (F) pNF?
6. Write Shiva Sutras with their manifistation and explain in detail
"Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra and example.
7. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
8. Explain the classification of the vowels.
9. Explain with Sutrartha & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) VG]GFl;So (C) 8L (D) VJ;FGo
10. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) ;J6" (C) U]6 (D) :JlZT
11. How many places are there in mouth. Explain them with sootra.
For 5 Marks Questions :
Explain the sajnaas.
1 ?????? & ????? & ?????
2 ???? & ?????? & ??????
3 ??
4 ?? & ????
5 ?????
Part A 50 Marks

Page 2 of 27

6 ?????? & ?????
7 ??????????? ????? ? Explain
8 ????????????? @???????:? Explain
9 ????????????????? ???????? Explain
10 ??????????????? ??@???????:? Explain
11 ??: ????????: ?????? ? Explain
12 ???@??????: ?????:? Explain
13 ?????????? Explain
14 ?????????: ? Explain
15 ????? ?? ???:? Explain
16 ???????????:? Explain
17 ??????: ??????:? Explain

For 2 Marks Questions :
Give the answer of following question
1. How many Vowels are there according to aachaarya Paanini.
2. Which letters are knowing as Semivowels / ardhaswara.
3. Which letters are consider as GUNA .
4. Write down the all MAAHESHWARSOOTRA.
5. What is LOP explain with sootra.
6. Explain ?IT? with sootra.

Page 3 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions :
1) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) WFT' + V\X (B) DCF + .g?
(C) lJQ6J[ (D) zLXo
2) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding
(A) lJ8? + D}+;\U|C (B) S{lRN? + UEF"lN
(C) TT? + z]tJF (D) 5IF"I{ZFI]~rIT[
3) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) ;F1FL + .tI]rIT[ (B) ZDF + .lQ8o
(C) lNjI + VF{QFlWo (D) 5FJSo
4) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) QF0? + DF;Fo (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) TT? + 8LSF (D) 5]Go + ZDT[
5) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) U]~ + pNIo (B) DCF + .g?
(C) jIFlW + VFT]Z (D) lJQ6J[
6) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) 5|FS? + >J (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) 5]Go + ZDT[ (D) l5A[gGZo
7) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) ZDF + .lQ8o (B) lNjI + VF{QFlWo
(C) ;C;F + >J (D) GFjID?

8) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
Part A 50 Marks

Page 4 of 27

(A) WFT' +V\X (B) VF;G[+ VF:T[
(C) NX"G + VF{t;]?ID? (D) U|LQDT]"o
9) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DW] + VlZ (B) DCF+ .g?
(C) 5]G;? + ZDT[ (D) DClQF"o
10) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) VG? + lRT
(C) lRT? + VFGgN (D) HUrKlgTo
11) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) IlN + Vl5 (B) VlE + pNIo
(C) ;}I" + pNI (D) CF[T'SFZo
12) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) lRT? + VFGgNo
(C) VG? + lRT (D) 5]G;? + ZDT[
13) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??: (B) ???? + ???
(C) ????? + ????? (D) ??? + ??
14) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?
? ? ?+ ? (B) ?? + ??:
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?? + ??
15. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ???+?????:
(C) ? ? ??+ ???? (D) ??+?????
16. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????????? (B) ????????
(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :
17. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
Page 5 of 27

(A) ???+???? (B) ???+?
(C) ?? + ? ? ? ? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
18. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ??+??:
(C) ?? +??: (D) ??+ ??:
19. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+???? (B) ??+???
(C) ???? + ? (D) ? ? ? + ?
20. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ???+??
(C) ??+ ??: (D) ??+ ??:
21. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????? (B) ????
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
22. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ??????????
(C) ??? ?? + ? ??? ? ? (D) ? ? ??+ ????
23. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ??? ? ?? + ? ?
? ? ? (D) ? ? ?? ?
? ? ? ?
24. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ????? ? : (D) ? ?
?+ ?? ? ?:
25. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+???? (B) ???+?????
Page 6 of 27

(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :

26. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?? (B) ???+?????
(C) ? ?
?+??: (D) ??????? :
27. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+???? ???? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+ ?? (D) ???????
28. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+?? (B) ??:+?? ?
(C) ?
?:+ ???? (D) ?? :+ ??
29. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+????? (B) ??:+????
(C) ? ?? :+ ?? ?? (D) ?? :+ ? ?? ?
30. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ???:+????? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+?? : (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
31. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+????? (B) ????+???????
(C) ???? + ? ?? (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
32. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ? ?? ? : (B) ???+???????
(C) ? ? ? ? ? + ??? ? : (D) ? ? ? ? ? +?? :
33. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??? ? (B) ????+????:
Page 7 of 27

(C) ? ? ? ? ? + ?? ?? : (D) ? ? ? + ?: Etc.
For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf .lT + VgI[ sBf 5]G~l?T sCf 5`RFT? + Vl5

2. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf I:DFT? + VY[[" sBf lJnFrKF:+ sCf 5]Go + J{nF
3. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf TT? + VlWS'tI sBf T:DFlNtIFlN sCf R[Q8F
4. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf IYF + pJFR sBf >TFgI[J sCf QF^DW]ZFNIo
5. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf D]lG + >?ID? sBf klQF + p5F;GF sCf DD[J
6. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf 5\R + .lg?IFl6 sBf p5[g?o sCf :JFUTD?
7. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf DW] + VlZo sBf l5T' + VFN[Xo sCf ,FS'lTo
8. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf DGo + VG]S}, sBf DCT? + R?D? sCf DCT? + K+D?
Page 8 of 27

JFrI5|IF[UFo ( ST"lZ SD"l6 EFJJFrI5|IF[UFo )
For 2 Marks Questions :
(1) Make Vachya Parivartana of the following Sentences.
Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(1) tJIF lS\ l?IT[ m
(2) ;o .:T[G 5]:TS\ U'C6FlT ?
(3) lJnF lJGI\ NNFlT ?
(4) tJIF 5]Z:SFZo U'?T[ ?
(5) KF+[6 5F9o VeI:T[ ?
(6) VC\ l5TZF{ JgN[ ?
(7) VFZ1FSFo ZFQ8=\ Z1FlgT
(8) ,TF ZFQ8=ULT\ UFIlT ?
(9) ;o .:T[G 5]:TS\ U'C6FlT ?
(10) DIF GF8S\ N'xIT[ ?
(11) ;5F"o 5JG\ l5AlgT ?
(12) DI]Z{o G'tIT[ ?
(13) T[G J'1FFo ? xIgT[ ?
(14) DLZF T0FU[ SD,FlG 5xIlT ?
(15) 5]+o l5TZ\ ;[JT[ ?
(16) DLZIF O,FlG BFngT[ ?
(17) tJIF 5]Z:SFZo U'?T[ ?
(18) KF+FlEo lX1FSF\ VlEGgnT[ ?
(19) DIF 5F9o :DI"T[ ?
(20) DLZF T0FU[ SD,FlG 5xIlgT ?
Part A 50 Marks
JFrI5|IF[UFo ( ST"lZ SD"l6 EFJJFrI5|IF[UFo )

Page 9 of 27

(21) T[G\ J'1FFo ? xIgT[ ?
(22) VC\ 5|lTlNG\ U'CSFI"\ SZF[lD ?
(23) HGFo 5|NX"GL\ 5xIlgT ?
(24) ,TF ZFQ8=ULT\ UFIlT ?
(25) KF+[6 5F9o VeI:IT[ ?
(26) N[Jo 5|FTo ;%TJFN[G lJnF,I\ UrKlT ?Etc.
Page 10 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) ClZQIFDo (B) C; (C) 5xIlT (D) NNlT
2. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) V:T] (B) V59D? (C) V5RG? (D) A|JLlD (E) NNlT
3. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 59[ID? (B) GDT] (C) 5xIFlD (D) VlTQ9T? (E) HI[o
4. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 59[ID? (B) GDT] (C) 5xIFlD (D) VlTQ9T? (E) HI[o
5. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) VEJG? (B) :DlZQIFDo (C) HIT] (D) lTQ9[I]o (E) GDgT]
6. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) .ZT] (B) S]IF"T? (C) EJlgT (D) .rKFlD (E) VRF[ZIT?
7. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) ,ET] (B) V5RT? (C) ClZQIlT (D) HlGQI;[ (E) VG'tID?
8. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 5xIFlD (B) V;[JT? (C) V,E[ (D) HIT] (E) VRF[ZIT?
Part A 50 Marks

Page 11 of 27

5 Marks
For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Write a short note write a short note on Tt5]~QF;DF;
2. Write a short note write a short note on VjIILEFJ;DF;
3. Write a short note write a short note on AC]J|LlC;DF;
4. Give two example of ?g?;DF; with explanation
5. J'1FXFBF Tt5]~QFo xJ[TFxJo SD"WFZIo ?
Z?TJ:+F[ AC]A|LlCo ?g?xRg?lNJFSZF{ ? Explain
6. 5NFGF\ I]U5ntJ\ ;DF;o ;F[@lEWLIT[ ? Explain
7. T+FQ8WF Tt5]~QFo ;%TWF SD"WFZIo ?
;%TWF R AC]ALlClN"U]ZFEFlQFTF[ l?WF ?? Explain

Part A 50 Marks
Page 12 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ??????? ?? ? (B) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
(c) ? ? ? ? ??? ??? ? ? ? (D) ??? ?? ? ? ? ?
2. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??? ????? ? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ? ? ? ? ??? ??? ? ? ? (D) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
3. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ?? ? ? ? ? ? : (B) ? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ?: (D) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
4. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??? ? ???? ? ? ?? ?? ? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ????????? (D) ? ? ??? ? ?
5. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ???? (B) ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ????????? (D) ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
6. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ?????? (B) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?? ?? ?? ???? (D) ??? ?? ? ? ? ?
7. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ?: (B) ?? ? ?? ? :
Page 13 of 27

(c) ?? ? ????? : (D) ? ? ? ? ? ?
8. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?????? (B) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (c) ?? ? ?? ?? (D) ??? ? ?
? ? ? ?
9.Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ??? ?? ?? :
(c) ?
? ? ? ? ?: (D) ? ? ? ? ? ?
10. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ??? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ? ? ? ?
? ? ?
(c) ??????? ?? ? (D) ???? ?? :
11. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??????? ?? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ?
? ? ? ? ? ? (D) ?????? ??
12. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? (B) ????? ??
(c) ???? ??? (D) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
13. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?? ?? ? (D) ?? ??? ? ?
14. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?? ? ? ?? ? (B) ? ??? :
(c) ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? (D) ??????
15. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ?? ? ? ??? ? ? (B) ? ? ? ?
? ? ?
Page 14 of 27

(c) ??????? : (D) ? ? ?? ? ? ?

For 5 Marks Questions

1. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf l?lJW sBf ;CF[?ZTg+[6 sCf IXF[?Z[
2. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf IYF[JFR sBf lGJT"lgT sCf ;lJ\XG
3. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf QFF[0XlJWo sBf IYF[JFR sCf l?lJ`Ro
4. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf TYFp%IF sBf XLTF[Q6\ sCf 5LTFdAZo
5. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf IYFN[XD? sBf p5U'CD? sCf WDF"tDF
6. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf 5|tIn CD? sBf .g?FuGL sCf lR+U]o
7. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf N?F[5N[Xo sBf ;D1FD? sCf N]oBFTLT
8. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf XLTF[Q6\ sBf IYFN[XD? sCf l?lJW
Page 15 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) A, + DT]5 (B) lSXF[Z + 0L5
(C) J{xI + 8F5 (D) Xl?T + V6?
(E) ?F{6 + .?F?
2. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) GLlT + DT]5 (B) UF[5 + 0L5
(C) ?I[Q9 + 8F5? (D) Xl?T + V6?
(E) lGQFFN? + .?F?
3. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) 5F,? + TjID? (B) S, + .G?
(C) ,E + XFGR? (D) ;%T + .S?
(E) zwWF + DT]5
4. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) ,3] + tJ (B) XF[EG + 8F5
(C) ;DFH + .S (D) G{lTS + 0L5?
(E) U]6 + DT]5
5. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) 59 + TjID? (B) U]6 + .G?
(C) IH? + XFGR? (D) GFIS + 8F5
(E) Xl?T + DT]<

Part A 50 Marks
5|tIIFo - FirstRanker's Choice
Page 1 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions

1 Write the "prRFZ6 :YFG" the all alphabets.
2. ItGF[l?WFo VFeIFgTZ AF?xR ? Explain.
3. Explain with examples the Sthan and Prayatnas of letters.
4. Write Shiva Sutras and explain in detail "Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra.
5. Write the meaning with examples of any five following terms.
(A) U]6 (B) 5|FlT5lNS (C) 8L (D) DF+F (E) NLW" (F) pNF?
6. Write Shiva Sutras with their manifistation and explain in detail
"Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra and example.
7. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
8. Explain the classification of the vowels.
9. Explain with Sutrartha & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) VG]GFl;So (C) 8L (D) VJ;FGo
10. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) ;J6" (C) U]6 (D) :JlZT
11. How many places are there in mouth. Explain them with sootra.
For 5 Marks Questions :
Explain the sajnaas.
1 ?????? & ????? & ?????
2 ???? & ?????? & ??????
3 ??
4 ?? & ????
5 ?????
Part A 50 Marks

Page 2 of 27

6 ?????? & ?????
7 ??????????? ????? ? Explain
8 ????????????? @???????:? Explain
9 ????????????????? ???????? Explain
10 ??????????????? ??@???????:? Explain
11 ??: ????????: ?????? ? Explain
12 ???@??????: ?????:? Explain
13 ?????????? Explain
14 ?????????: ? Explain
15 ????? ?? ???:? Explain
16 ???????????:? Explain
17 ??????: ??????:? Explain

For 2 Marks Questions :
Give the answer of following question
1. How many Vowels are there according to aachaarya Paanini.
2. Which letters are knowing as Semivowels / ardhaswara.
3. Which letters are consider as GUNA .
4. Write down the all MAAHESHWARSOOTRA.
5. What is LOP explain with sootra.
6. Explain ?IT? with sootra.

Page 3 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions :
1) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) WFT' + V\X (B) DCF + .g?
(C) lJQ6J[ (D) zLXo
2) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding
(A) lJ8? + D}+;\U|C (B) S{lRN? + UEF"lN
(C) TT? + z]tJF (D) 5IF"I{ZFI]~rIT[
3) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) ;F1FL + .tI]rIT[ (B) ZDF + .lQ8o
(C) lNjI + VF{QFlWo (D) 5FJSo
4) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) QF0? + DF;Fo (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) TT? + 8LSF (D) 5]Go + ZDT[
5) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) U]~ + pNIo (B) DCF + .g?
(C) jIFlW + VFT]Z (D) lJQ6J[
6) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) 5|FS? + >J (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) 5]Go + ZDT[ (D) l5A[gGZo
7) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) ZDF + .lQ8o (B) lNjI + VF{QFlWo
(C) ;C;F + >J (D) GFjID?

8) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
Part A 50 Marks

Page 4 of 27

(A) WFT' +V\X (B) VF;G[+ VF:T[
(C) NX"G + VF{t;]?ID? (D) U|LQDT]"o
9) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DW] + VlZ (B) DCF+ .g?
(C) 5]G;? + ZDT[ (D) DClQF"o
10) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) VG? + lRT
(C) lRT? + VFGgN (D) HUrKlgTo
11) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) IlN + Vl5 (B) VlE + pNIo
(C) ;}I" + pNI (D) CF[T'SFZo
12) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) lRT? + VFGgNo
(C) VG? + lRT (D) 5]G;? + ZDT[
13) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??: (B) ???? + ???
(C) ????? + ????? (D) ??? + ??
14) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?
? ? ?+ ? (B) ?? + ??:
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?? + ??
15. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ???+?????:
(C) ? ? ??+ ???? (D) ??+?????
16. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????????? (B) ????????
(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :
17. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
Page 5 of 27

(A) ???+???? (B) ???+?
(C) ?? + ? ? ? ? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
18. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ??+??:
(C) ?? +??: (D) ??+ ??:
19. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+???? (B) ??+???
(C) ???? + ? (D) ? ? ? + ?
20. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ???+??
(C) ??+ ??: (D) ??+ ??:
21. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????? (B) ????
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
22. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ??????????
(C) ??? ?? + ? ??? ? ? (D) ? ? ??+ ????
23. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ??? ? ?? + ? ?
? ? ? (D) ? ? ?? ?
? ? ? ?
24. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ????? ? : (D) ? ?
?+ ?? ? ?:
25. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+???? (B) ???+?????
Page 6 of 27

(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :

26. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?? (B) ???+?????
(C) ? ?
?+??: (D) ??????? :
27. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+???? ???? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+ ?? (D) ???????
28. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+?? (B) ??:+?? ?
(C) ?
?:+ ???? (D) ?? :+ ??
29. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+????? (B) ??:+????
(C) ? ?? :+ ?? ?? (D) ?? :+ ? ?? ?
30. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ???:+????? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+?? : (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
31. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+????? (B) ????+???????
(C) ???? + ? ?? (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
32. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ? ?? ? : (B) ???+???????
(C) ? ? ? ? ? + ??? ? : (D) ? ? ? ? ? +?? :
33. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??? ? (B) ????+????:
Page 7 of 27

(C) ? ? ? ? ? + ?? ?? : (D) ? ? ? + ?: Etc.
For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf .lT + VgI[ sBf 5]G~l?T sCf 5`RFT? + Vl5

2. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf I:DFT? + VY[[" sBf lJnFrKF:+ sCf 5]Go + J{nF
3. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf TT? + VlWS'tI sBf T:DFlNtIFlN sCf R[Q8F
4. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf IYF + pJFR sBf >TFgI[J sCf QF^DW]ZFNIo
5. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf D]lG + >?ID? sBf klQF + p5F;GF sCf DD[J
6. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf 5\R + .lg?IFl6 sBf p5[g?o sCf :JFUTD?
7. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf DW] + VlZo sBf l5T' + VFN[Xo sCf ,FS'lTo
8. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf DGo + VG]S}, sBf DCT? + R?D? sCf DCT? + K+D?
Page 8 of 27

JFrI5|IF[UFo ( ST"lZ SD"l6 EFJJFrI5|IF[UFo )
For 2 Marks Questions :
(1) Make Vachya Parivartana of the following Sentences.
Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(1) tJIF lS\ l?IT[ m
(2) ;o .:T[G 5]:TS\ U'C6FlT ?
(3) lJnF lJGI\ NNFlT ?
(4) tJIF 5]Z:SFZo U'?T[ ?
(5) KF+[6 5F9o VeI:T[ ?
(6) VC\ l5TZF{ JgN[ ?
(7) VFZ1FSFo ZFQ8=\ Z1FlgT
(8) ,TF ZFQ8=ULT\ UFIlT ?
(9) ;o .:T[G 5]:TS\ U'C6FlT ?
(10) DIF GF8S\ N'xIT[ ?
(11) ;5F"o 5JG\ l5AlgT ?
(12) DI]Z{o G'tIT[ ?
(13) T[G J'1FFo ? xIgT[ ?
(14) DLZF T0FU[ SD,FlG 5xIlT ?
(15) 5]+o l5TZ\ ;[JT[ ?
(16) DLZIF O,FlG BFngT[ ?
(17) tJIF 5]Z:SFZo U'?T[ ?
(18) KF+FlEo lX1FSF\ VlEGgnT[ ?
(19) DIF 5F9o :DI"T[ ?
(20) DLZF T0FU[ SD,FlG 5xIlgT ?
Part A 50 Marks
JFrI5|IF[UFo ( ST"lZ SD"l6 EFJJFrI5|IF[UFo )

Page 9 of 27

(21) T[G\ J'1FFo ? xIgT[ ?
(22) VC\ 5|lTlNG\ U'CSFI"\ SZF[lD ?
(23) HGFo 5|NX"GL\ 5xIlgT ?
(24) ,TF ZFQ8=ULT\ UFIlT ?
(25) KF+[6 5F9o VeI:IT[ ?
(26) N[Jo 5|FTo ;%TJFN[G lJnF,I\ UrKlT ?Etc.
Page 10 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) ClZQIFDo (B) C; (C) 5xIlT (D) NNlT
2. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) V:T] (B) V59D? (C) V5RG? (D) A|JLlD (E) NNlT
3. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 59[ID? (B) GDT] (C) 5xIFlD (D) VlTQ9T? (E) HI[o
4. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 59[ID? (B) GDT] (C) 5xIFlD (D) VlTQ9T? (E) HI[o
5. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) VEJG? (B) :DlZQIFDo (C) HIT] (D) lTQ9[I]o (E) GDgT]
6. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) .ZT] (B) S]IF"T? (C) EJlgT (D) .rKFlD (E) VRF[ZIT?
7. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) ,ET] (B) V5RT? (C) ClZQIlT (D) HlGQI;[ (E) VG'tID?
8. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 5xIFlD (B) V;[JT? (C) V,E[ (D) HIT] (E) VRF[ZIT?
Part A 50 Marks

Page 11 of 27

5 Marks
For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Write a short note write a short note on Tt5]~QF;DF;
2. Write a short note write a short note on VjIILEFJ;DF;
3. Write a short note write a short note on AC]J|LlC;DF;
4. Give two example of ?g?;DF; with explanation
5. J'1FXFBF Tt5]~QFo xJ[TFxJo SD"WFZIo ?
Z?TJ:+F[ AC]A|LlCo ?g?xRg?lNJFSZF{ ? Explain
6. 5NFGF\ I]U5ntJ\ ;DF;o ;F[@lEWLIT[ ? Explain
7. T+FQ8WF Tt5]~QFo ;%TWF SD"WFZIo ?
;%TWF R AC]ALlClN"U]ZFEFlQFTF[ l?WF ?? Explain

Part A 50 Marks
Page 12 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ??????? ?? ? (B) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
(c) ? ? ? ? ??? ??? ? ? ? (D) ??? ?? ? ? ? ?
2. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??? ????? ? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ? ? ? ? ??? ??? ? ? ? (D) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
3. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ?? ? ? ? ? ? : (B) ? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ?: (D) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
4. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??? ? ???? ? ? ?? ?? ? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ????????? (D) ? ? ??? ? ?
5. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ???? (B) ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ????????? (D) ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
6. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ?????? (B) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?? ?? ?? ???? (D) ??? ?? ? ? ? ?
7. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ?: (B) ?? ? ?? ? :
Page 13 of 27

(c) ?? ? ????? : (D) ? ? ? ? ? ?
8. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?????? (B) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (c) ?? ? ?? ?? (D) ??? ? ?
? ? ? ?
9.Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ??? ?? ?? :
(c) ?
? ? ? ? ?: (D) ? ? ? ? ? ?
10. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ??? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ? ? ? ?
? ? ?
(c) ??????? ?? ? (D) ???? ?? :
11. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??????? ?? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ?
? ? ? ? ? ? (D) ?????? ??
12. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? (B) ????? ??
(c) ???? ??? (D) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
13. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?? ?? ? (D) ?? ??? ? ?
14. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?? ? ? ?? ? (B) ? ??? :
(c) ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? (D) ??????
15. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ?? ? ? ??? ? ? (B) ? ? ? ?
? ? ?
Page 14 of 27

(c) ??????? : (D) ? ? ?? ? ? ?

For 5 Marks Questions

1. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf l?lJW sBf ;CF[?ZTg+[6 sCf IXF[?Z[
2. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf IYF[JFR sBf lGJT"lgT sCf ;lJ\XG
3. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf QFF[0XlJWo sBf IYF[JFR sCf l?lJ`Ro
4. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf TYFp%IF sBf XLTF[Q6\ sCf 5LTFdAZo
5. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf IYFN[XD? sBf p5U'CD? sCf WDF"tDF
6. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf 5|tIn CD? sBf .g?FuGL sCf lR+U]o
7. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf N?F[5N[Xo sBf ;D1FD? sCf N]oBFTLT
8. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf XLTF[Q6\ sBf IYFN[XD? sCf l?lJW
Page 15 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) A, + DT]5 (B) lSXF[Z + 0L5
(C) J{xI + 8F5 (D) Xl?T + V6?
(E) ?F{6 + .?F?
2. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) GLlT + DT]5 (B) UF[5 + 0L5
(C) ?I[Q9 + 8F5? (D) Xl?T + V6?
(E) lGQFFN? + .?F?
3. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) 5F,? + TjID? (B) S, + .G?
(C) ,E + XFGR? (D) ;%T + .S?
(E) zwWF + DT]5
4. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) ,3] + tJ (B) XF[EG + 8F5
(C) ;DFH + .S (D) G{lTS + 0L5?
(E) U]6 + DT]5
5. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) 59 + TjID? (B) U]6 + .G?
(C) IH? + XFGR? (D) GFIS + 8F5
(E) Xl?T + DT]<

Part A 50 Marks

Page 16 of 27


For 10 Marks Questions
1. Write any four usage of the Panchami Vibhakti
2. What is Karan ? which Vibhakti is useful for it ? Write the usage ? any
3. Where the Chaturthi Vibhakti is used ? Explain in the context of Karaka.
4. Where the Dwity Vibhakti is used ? Explain in context of Karaka.
5. What is V5FNFG ? Which Vibhakti is useful for it ? Write usage any four.

?????????? ? ? :

For 2 Marks Questions
1. Make the correction of sentence.
ZFDo DD :G[C5F+o ?
2. Make the correction of sentence.
J'1F:I O,\ 5TlT ?
3. Make the correction of sentence.
T[ U]ZJ[ GDo ?
4. Translate the sentence in to English.
tJD[J 5FSD? SZF[lQF lSD? ?
5. Translate the sentence in to English.
SlT AF,SFo T+ ;lgT ?
6. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Hetal killed Roma.

Part A 50 Marks
?????????? ? ? : - FirstRanker's Choice
Page 1 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions

1 Write the "prRFZ6 :YFG" the all alphabets.
2. ItGF[l?WFo VFeIFgTZ AF?xR ? Explain.
3. Explain with examples the Sthan and Prayatnas of letters.
4. Write Shiva Sutras and explain in detail "Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra.
5. Write the meaning with examples of any five following terms.
(A) U]6 (B) 5|FlT5lNS (C) 8L (D) DF+F (E) NLW" (F) pNF?
6. Write Shiva Sutras with their manifistation and explain in detail
"Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra and example.
7. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
8. Explain the classification of the vowels.
9. Explain with Sutrartha & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) VG]GFl;So (C) 8L (D) VJ;FGo
10. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) ;J6" (C) U]6 (D) :JlZT
11. How many places are there in mouth. Explain them with sootra.
For 5 Marks Questions :
Explain the sajnaas.
1 ?????? & ????? & ?????
2 ???? & ?????? & ??????
3 ??
4 ?? & ????
5 ?????
Part A 50 Marks

Page 2 of 27

6 ?????? & ?????
7 ??????????? ????? ? Explain
8 ????????????? @???????:? Explain
9 ????????????????? ???????? Explain
10 ??????????????? ??@???????:? Explain
11 ??: ????????: ?????? ? Explain
12 ???@??????: ?????:? Explain
13 ?????????? Explain
14 ?????????: ? Explain
15 ????? ?? ???:? Explain
16 ???????????:? Explain
17 ??????: ??????:? Explain

For 2 Marks Questions :
Give the answer of following question
1. How many Vowels are there according to aachaarya Paanini.
2. Which letters are knowing as Semivowels / ardhaswara.
3. Which letters are consider as GUNA .
4. Write down the all MAAHESHWARSOOTRA.
5. What is LOP explain with sootra.
6. Explain ?IT? with sootra.

Page 3 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions :
1) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) WFT' + V\X (B) DCF + .g?
(C) lJQ6J[ (D) zLXo
2) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding
(A) lJ8? + D}+;\U|C (B) S{lRN? + UEF"lN
(C) TT? + z]tJF (D) 5IF"I{ZFI]~rIT[
3) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) ;F1FL + .tI]rIT[ (B) ZDF + .lQ8o
(C) lNjI + VF{QFlWo (D) 5FJSo
4) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) QF0? + DF;Fo (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) TT? + 8LSF (D) 5]Go + ZDT[
5) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) U]~ + pNIo (B) DCF + .g?
(C) jIFlW + VFT]Z (D) lJQ6J[
6) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) 5|FS? + >J (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) 5]Go + ZDT[ (D) l5A[gGZo
7) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) ZDF + .lQ8o (B) lNjI + VF{QFlWo
(C) ;C;F + >J (D) GFjID?

8) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
Part A 50 Marks

Page 4 of 27

(A) WFT' +V\X (B) VF;G[+ VF:T[
(C) NX"G + VF{t;]?ID? (D) U|LQDT]"o
9) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DW] + VlZ (B) DCF+ .g?
(C) 5]G;? + ZDT[ (D) DClQF"o
10) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) VG? + lRT
(C) lRT? + VFGgN (D) HUrKlgTo
11) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) IlN + Vl5 (B) VlE + pNIo
(C) ;}I" + pNI (D) CF[T'SFZo
12) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) lRT? + VFGgNo
(C) VG? + lRT (D) 5]G;? + ZDT[
13) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??: (B) ???? + ???
(C) ????? + ????? (D) ??? + ??
14) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?
? ? ?+ ? (B) ?? + ??:
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?? + ??
15. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ???+?????:
(C) ? ? ??+ ???? (D) ??+?????
16. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????????? (B) ????????
(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :
17. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
Page 5 of 27

(A) ???+???? (B) ???+?
(C) ?? + ? ? ? ? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
18. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ??+??:
(C) ?? +??: (D) ??+ ??:
19. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+???? (B) ??+???
(C) ???? + ? (D) ? ? ? + ?
20. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ???+??
(C) ??+ ??: (D) ??+ ??:
21. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????? (B) ????
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
22. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ??????????
(C) ??? ?? + ? ??? ? ? (D) ? ? ??+ ????
23. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ??? ? ?? + ? ?
? ? ? (D) ? ? ?? ?
? ? ? ?
24. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ????? ? : (D) ? ?
?+ ?? ? ?:
25. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+???? (B) ???+?????
Page 6 of 27

(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :

26. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?? (B) ???+?????
(C) ? ?
?+??: (D) ??????? :
27. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+???? ???? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+ ?? (D) ???????
28. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+?? (B) ??:+?? ?
(C) ?
?:+ ???? (D) ?? :+ ??
29. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+????? (B) ??:+????
(C) ? ?? :+ ?? ?? (D) ?? :+ ? ?? ?
30. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ???:+????? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+?? : (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
31. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+????? (B) ????+???????
(C) ???? + ? ?? (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
32. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ? ?? ? : (B) ???+???????
(C) ? ? ? ? ? + ??? ? : (D) ? ? ? ? ? +?? :
33. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??? ? (B) ????+????:
Page 7 of 27

(C) ? ? ? ? ? + ?? ?? : (D) ? ? ? + ?: Etc.
For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf .lT + VgI[ sBf 5]G~l?T sCf 5`RFT? + Vl5

2. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf I:DFT? + VY[[" sBf lJnFrKF:+ sCf 5]Go + J{nF
3. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf TT? + VlWS'tI sBf T:DFlNtIFlN sCf R[Q8F
4. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf IYF + pJFR sBf >TFgI[J sCf QF^DW]ZFNIo
5. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf D]lG + >?ID? sBf klQF + p5F;GF sCf DD[J
6. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf 5\R + .lg?IFl6 sBf p5[g?o sCf :JFUTD?
7. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf DW] + VlZo sBf l5T' + VFN[Xo sCf ,FS'lTo
8. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf DGo + VG]S}, sBf DCT? + R?D? sCf DCT? + K+D?
Page 8 of 27

JFrI5|IF[UFo ( ST"lZ SD"l6 EFJJFrI5|IF[UFo )
For 2 Marks Questions :
(1) Make Vachya Parivartana of the following Sentences.
Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(1) tJIF lS\ l?IT[ m
(2) ;o .:T[G 5]:TS\ U'C6FlT ?
(3) lJnF lJGI\ NNFlT ?
(4) tJIF 5]Z:SFZo U'?T[ ?
(5) KF+[6 5F9o VeI:T[ ?
(6) VC\ l5TZF{ JgN[ ?
(7) VFZ1FSFo ZFQ8=\ Z1FlgT
(8) ,TF ZFQ8=ULT\ UFIlT ?
(9) ;o .:T[G 5]:TS\ U'C6FlT ?
(10) DIF GF8S\ N'xIT[ ?
(11) ;5F"o 5JG\ l5AlgT ?
(12) DI]Z{o G'tIT[ ?
(13) T[G J'1FFo ? xIgT[ ?
(14) DLZF T0FU[ SD,FlG 5xIlT ?
(15) 5]+o l5TZ\ ;[JT[ ?
(16) DLZIF O,FlG BFngT[ ?
(17) tJIF 5]Z:SFZo U'?T[ ?
(18) KF+FlEo lX1FSF\ VlEGgnT[ ?
(19) DIF 5F9o :DI"T[ ?
(20) DLZF T0FU[ SD,FlG 5xIlgT ?
Part A 50 Marks
JFrI5|IF[UFo ( ST"lZ SD"l6 EFJJFrI5|IF[UFo )

Page 9 of 27

(21) T[G\ J'1FFo ? xIgT[ ?
(22) VC\ 5|lTlNG\ U'CSFI"\ SZF[lD ?
(23) HGFo 5|NX"GL\ 5xIlgT ?
(24) ,TF ZFQ8=ULT\ UFIlT ?
(25) KF+[6 5F9o VeI:IT[ ?
(26) N[Jo 5|FTo ;%TJFN[G lJnF,I\ UrKlT ?Etc.
Page 10 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) ClZQIFDo (B) C; (C) 5xIlT (D) NNlT
2. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) V:T] (B) V59D? (C) V5RG? (D) A|JLlD (E) NNlT
3. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 59[ID? (B) GDT] (C) 5xIFlD (D) VlTQ9T? (E) HI[o
4. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 59[ID? (B) GDT] (C) 5xIFlD (D) VlTQ9T? (E) HI[o
5. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) VEJG? (B) :DlZQIFDo (C) HIT] (D) lTQ9[I]o (E) GDgT]
6. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) .ZT] (B) S]IF"T? (C) EJlgT (D) .rKFlD (E) VRF[ZIT?
7. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) ,ET] (B) V5RT? (C) ClZQIlT (D) HlGQI;[ (E) VG'tID?
8. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 5xIFlD (B) V;[JT? (C) V,E[ (D) HIT] (E) VRF[ZIT?
Part A 50 Marks

Page 11 of 27

5 Marks
For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Write a short note write a short note on Tt5]~QF;DF;
2. Write a short note write a short note on VjIILEFJ;DF;
3. Write a short note write a short note on AC]J|LlC;DF;
4. Give two example of ?g?;DF; with explanation
5. J'1FXFBF Tt5]~QFo xJ[TFxJo SD"WFZIo ?
Z?TJ:+F[ AC]A|LlCo ?g?xRg?lNJFSZF{ ? Explain
6. 5NFGF\ I]U5ntJ\ ;DF;o ;F[@lEWLIT[ ? Explain
7. T+FQ8WF Tt5]~QFo ;%TWF SD"WFZIo ?
;%TWF R AC]ALlClN"U]ZFEFlQFTF[ l?WF ?? Explain

Part A 50 Marks
Page 12 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ??????? ?? ? (B) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
(c) ? ? ? ? ??? ??? ? ? ? (D) ??? ?? ? ? ? ?
2. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??? ????? ? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ? ? ? ? ??? ??? ? ? ? (D) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
3. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ?? ? ? ? ? ? : (B) ? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ?: (D) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
4. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??? ? ???? ? ? ?? ?? ? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ????????? (D) ? ? ??? ? ?
5. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ???? (B) ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ????????? (D) ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
6. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ?????? (B) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?? ?? ?? ???? (D) ??? ?? ? ? ? ?
7. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ?: (B) ?? ? ?? ? :
Page 13 of 27

(c) ?? ? ????? : (D) ? ? ? ? ? ?
8. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?????? (B) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (c) ?? ? ?? ?? (D) ??? ? ?
? ? ? ?
9.Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ??? ?? ?? :
(c) ?
? ? ? ? ?: (D) ? ? ? ? ? ?
10. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ??? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ? ? ? ?
? ? ?
(c) ??????? ?? ? (D) ???? ?? :
11. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??????? ?? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ?
? ? ? ? ? ? (D) ?????? ??
12. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? (B) ????? ??
(c) ???? ??? (D) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
13. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?? ?? ? (D) ?? ??? ? ?
14. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?? ? ? ?? ? (B) ? ??? :
(c) ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? (D) ??????
15. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ?? ? ? ??? ? ? (B) ? ? ? ?
? ? ?
Page 14 of 27

(c) ??????? : (D) ? ? ?? ? ? ?

For 5 Marks Questions

1. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf l?lJW sBf ;CF[?ZTg+[6 sCf IXF[?Z[
2. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf IYF[JFR sBf lGJT"lgT sCf ;lJ\XG
3. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf QFF[0XlJWo sBf IYF[JFR sCf l?lJ`Ro
4. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf TYFp%IF sBf XLTF[Q6\ sCf 5LTFdAZo
5. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf IYFN[XD? sBf p5U'CD? sCf WDF"tDF
6. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf 5|tIn CD? sBf .g?FuGL sCf lR+U]o
7. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf N?F[5N[Xo sBf ;D1FD? sCf N]oBFTLT
8. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf XLTF[Q6\ sBf IYFN[XD? sCf l?lJW
Page 15 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) A, + DT]5 (B) lSXF[Z + 0L5
(C) J{xI + 8F5 (D) Xl?T + V6?
(E) ?F{6 + .?F?
2. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) GLlT + DT]5 (B) UF[5 + 0L5
(C) ?I[Q9 + 8F5? (D) Xl?T + V6?
(E) lGQFFN? + .?F?
3. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) 5F,? + TjID? (B) S, + .G?
(C) ,E + XFGR? (D) ;%T + .S?
(E) zwWF + DT]5
4. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) ,3] + tJ (B) XF[EG + 8F5
(C) ;DFH + .S (D) G{lTS + 0L5?
(E) U]6 + DT]5
5. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) 59 + TjID? (B) U]6 + .G?
(C) IH? + XFGR? (D) GFIS + 8F5
(E) Xl?T + DT]<

Part A 50 Marks

Page 16 of 27


For 10 Marks Questions
1. Write any four usage of the Panchami Vibhakti
2. What is Karan ? which Vibhakti is useful for it ? Write the usage ? any
3. Where the Chaturthi Vibhakti is used ? Explain in the context of Karaka.
4. Where the Dwity Vibhakti is used ? Explain in context of Karaka.
5. What is V5FNFG ? Which Vibhakti is useful for it ? Write usage any four.

?????????? ? ? :

For 2 Marks Questions
1. Make the correction of sentence.
ZFDo DD :G[C5F+o ?
2. Make the correction of sentence.
J'1F:I O,\ 5TlT ?
3. Make the correction of sentence.
T[ U]ZJ[ GDo ?
4. Translate the sentence in to English.
tJD[J 5FSD? SZF[lQF lSD? ?
5. Translate the sentence in to English.
SlT AF,SFo T+ ;lgT ?
6. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Hetal killed Roma.

Part A 50 Marks
?????????? ? ? :
Page 17 of 27

7. Make the correction of sentence
T[ U]ZJ[ GDo ?
8. Make the correction of sentence.

9. Make the correction of sentence.
UF[lJgNF[ UF[5F,[G lJ??Zo ?
10. Translate the sentence in to English.
11. Translate the sentence in to English.
tJD[J 5FSD? SZF[lQF lSD? ?

12. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Krishna is playing with ball.
13. Make the correction of sentence.
VC\ H,\ IFlD ?
14. Make the correction of sentence.
UF[lJgNF[ UF[5F,[G lJ??Zo ?
15. Make the correction of sentence.
J'1FFl6 5+Fl6 5TlgT ?
16. Translate the sentence in to English.
HFT:I lC W|]JF[ D'tI]o ?
17. Translate the sentence in to English.
DCFHGF[ I[G UTFo ; 5gYFo ?
18. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Gentlemen are always admirable.
19. Make the correction of sentence.
7FGFT? lJGF ;]B\ GFl:T ?
20. Make the correction of sentence.
;o ZY:I lJnF,I\ UrKlT ?
21. Make the correction of sentence. - FirstRanker's Choice
Page 1 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions

1 Write the "prRFZ6 :YFG" the all alphabets.
2. ItGF[l?WFo VFeIFgTZ AF?xR ? Explain.
3. Explain with examples the Sthan and Prayatnas of letters.
4. Write Shiva Sutras and explain in detail "Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra.
5. Write the meaning with examples of any five following terms.
(A) U]6 (B) 5|FlT5lNS (C) 8L (D) DF+F (E) NLW" (F) pNF?
6. Write Shiva Sutras with their manifistation and explain in detail
"Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra and example.
7. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
8. Explain the classification of the vowels.
9. Explain with Sutrartha & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) VG]GFl;So (C) 8L (D) VJ;FGo
10. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) ;J6" (C) U]6 (D) :JlZT
11. How many places are there in mouth. Explain them with sootra.
For 5 Marks Questions :
Explain the sajnaas.
1 ?????? & ????? & ?????
2 ???? & ?????? & ??????
3 ??
4 ?? & ????
5 ?????
Part A 50 Marks

Page 2 of 27

6 ?????? & ?????
7 ??????????? ????? ? Explain
8 ????????????? @???????:? Explain
9 ????????????????? ???????? Explain
10 ??????????????? ??@???????:? Explain
11 ??: ????????: ?????? ? Explain
12 ???@??????: ?????:? Explain
13 ?????????? Explain
14 ?????????: ? Explain
15 ????? ?? ???:? Explain
16 ???????????:? Explain
17 ??????: ??????:? Explain

For 2 Marks Questions :
Give the answer of following question
1. How many Vowels are there according to aachaarya Paanini.
2. Which letters are knowing as Semivowels / ardhaswara.
3. Which letters are consider as GUNA .
4. Write down the all MAAHESHWARSOOTRA.
5. What is LOP explain with sootra.
6. Explain ?IT? with sootra.

Page 3 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions :
1) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) WFT' + V\X (B) DCF + .g?
(C) lJQ6J[ (D) zLXo
2) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding
(A) lJ8? + D}+;\U|C (B) S{lRN? + UEF"lN
(C) TT? + z]tJF (D) 5IF"I{ZFI]~rIT[
3) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) ;F1FL + .tI]rIT[ (B) ZDF + .lQ8o
(C) lNjI + VF{QFlWo (D) 5FJSo
4) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) QF0? + DF;Fo (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) TT? + 8LSF (D) 5]Go + ZDT[
5) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) U]~ + pNIo (B) DCF + .g?
(C) jIFlW + VFT]Z (D) lJQ6J[
6) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) 5|FS? + >J (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) 5]Go + ZDT[ (D) l5A[gGZo
7) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) ZDF + .lQ8o (B) lNjI + VF{QFlWo
(C) ;C;F + >J (D) GFjID?

8) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
Part A 50 Marks

Page 4 of 27

(A) WFT' +V\X (B) VF;G[+ VF:T[
(C) NX"G + VF{t;]?ID? (D) U|LQDT]"o
9) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DW] + VlZ (B) DCF+ .g?
(C) 5]G;? + ZDT[ (D) DClQF"o
10) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) VG? + lRT
(C) lRT? + VFGgN (D) HUrKlgTo
11) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) IlN + Vl5 (B) VlE + pNIo
(C) ;}I" + pNI (D) CF[T'SFZo
12) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) lRT? + VFGgNo
(C) VG? + lRT (D) 5]G;? + ZDT[
13) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??: (B) ???? + ???
(C) ????? + ????? (D) ??? + ??
14) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?
? ? ?+ ? (B) ?? + ??:
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?? + ??
15. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ???+?????:
(C) ? ? ??+ ???? (D) ??+?????
16. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????????? (B) ????????
(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :
17. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
Page 5 of 27

(A) ???+???? (B) ???+?
(C) ?? + ? ? ? ? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
18. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ??+??:
(C) ?? +??: (D) ??+ ??:
19. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+???? (B) ??+???
(C) ???? + ? (D) ? ? ? + ?
20. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ???+??
(C) ??+ ??: (D) ??+ ??:
21. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????? (B) ????
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
22. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ??????????
(C) ??? ?? + ? ??? ? ? (D) ? ? ??+ ????
23. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ??? ? ?? + ? ?
? ? ? (D) ? ? ?? ?
? ? ? ?
24. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ????? ? : (D) ? ?
?+ ?? ? ?:
25. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+???? (B) ???+?????
Page 6 of 27

(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :

26. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?? (B) ???+?????
(C) ? ?
?+??: (D) ??????? :
27. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+???? ???? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+ ?? (D) ???????
28. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+?? (B) ??:+?? ?
(C) ?
?:+ ???? (D) ?? :+ ??
29. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+????? (B) ??:+????
(C) ? ?? :+ ?? ?? (D) ?? :+ ? ?? ?
30. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ???:+????? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+?? : (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
31. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+????? (B) ????+???????
(C) ???? + ? ?? (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
32. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ? ?? ? : (B) ???+???????
(C) ? ? ? ? ? + ??? ? : (D) ? ? ? ? ? +?? :
33. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??? ? (B) ????+????:
Page 7 of 27

(C) ? ? ? ? ? + ?? ?? : (D) ? ? ? + ?: Etc.
For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf .lT + VgI[ sBf 5]G~l?T sCf 5`RFT? + Vl5

2. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf I:DFT? + VY[[" sBf lJnFrKF:+ sCf 5]Go + J{nF
3. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf TT? + VlWS'tI sBf T:DFlNtIFlN sCf R[Q8F
4. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf IYF + pJFR sBf >TFgI[J sCf QF^DW]ZFNIo
5. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf D]lG + >?ID? sBf klQF + p5F;GF sCf DD[J
6. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf 5\R + .lg?IFl6 sBf p5[g?o sCf :JFUTD?
7. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf DW] + VlZo sBf l5T' + VFN[Xo sCf ,FS'lTo
8. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf DGo + VG]S}, sBf DCT? + R?D? sCf DCT? + K+D?
Page 8 of 27

JFrI5|IF[UFo ( ST"lZ SD"l6 EFJJFrI5|IF[UFo )
For 2 Marks Questions :
(1) Make Vachya Parivartana of the following Sentences.
Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(1) tJIF lS\ l?IT[ m
(2) ;o .:T[G 5]:TS\ U'C6FlT ?
(3) lJnF lJGI\ NNFlT ?
(4) tJIF 5]Z:SFZo U'?T[ ?
(5) KF+[6 5F9o VeI:T[ ?
(6) VC\ l5TZF{ JgN[ ?
(7) VFZ1FSFo ZFQ8=\ Z1FlgT
(8) ,TF ZFQ8=ULT\ UFIlT ?
(9) ;o .:T[G 5]:TS\ U'C6FlT ?
(10) DIF GF8S\ N'xIT[ ?
(11) ;5F"o 5JG\ l5AlgT ?
(12) DI]Z{o G'tIT[ ?
(13) T[G J'1FFo ? xIgT[ ?
(14) DLZF T0FU[ SD,FlG 5xIlT ?
(15) 5]+o l5TZ\ ;[JT[ ?
(16) DLZIF O,FlG BFngT[ ?
(17) tJIF 5]Z:SFZo U'?T[ ?
(18) KF+FlEo lX1FSF\ VlEGgnT[ ?
(19) DIF 5F9o :DI"T[ ?
(20) DLZF T0FU[ SD,FlG 5xIlgT ?
Part A 50 Marks
JFrI5|IF[UFo ( ST"lZ SD"l6 EFJJFrI5|IF[UFo )

Page 9 of 27

(21) T[G\ J'1FFo ? xIgT[ ?
(22) VC\ 5|lTlNG\ U'CSFI"\ SZF[lD ?
(23) HGFo 5|NX"GL\ 5xIlgT ?
(24) ,TF ZFQ8=ULT\ UFIlT ?
(25) KF+[6 5F9o VeI:IT[ ?
(26) N[Jo 5|FTo ;%TJFN[G lJnF,I\ UrKlT ?Etc.
Page 10 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) ClZQIFDo (B) C; (C) 5xIlT (D) NNlT
2. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) V:T] (B) V59D? (C) V5RG? (D) A|JLlD (E) NNlT
3. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 59[ID? (B) GDT] (C) 5xIFlD (D) VlTQ9T? (E) HI[o
4. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 59[ID? (B) GDT] (C) 5xIFlD (D) VlTQ9T? (E) HI[o
5. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) VEJG? (B) :DlZQIFDo (C) HIT] (D) lTQ9[I]o (E) GDgT]
6. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) .ZT] (B) S]IF"T? (C) EJlgT (D) .rKFlD (E) VRF[ZIT?
7. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) ,ET] (B) V5RT? (C) ClZQIlT (D) HlGQI;[ (E) VG'tID?
8. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 5xIFlD (B) V;[JT? (C) V,E[ (D) HIT] (E) VRF[ZIT?
Part A 50 Marks

Page 11 of 27

5 Marks
For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Write a short note write a short note on Tt5]~QF;DF;
2. Write a short note write a short note on VjIILEFJ;DF;
3. Write a short note write a short note on AC]J|LlC;DF;
4. Give two example of ?g?;DF; with explanation
5. J'1FXFBF Tt5]~QFo xJ[TFxJo SD"WFZIo ?
Z?TJ:+F[ AC]A|LlCo ?g?xRg?lNJFSZF{ ? Explain
6. 5NFGF\ I]U5ntJ\ ;DF;o ;F[@lEWLIT[ ? Explain
7. T+FQ8WF Tt5]~QFo ;%TWF SD"WFZIo ?
;%TWF R AC]ALlClN"U]ZFEFlQFTF[ l?WF ?? Explain

Part A 50 Marks
Page 12 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ??????? ?? ? (B) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
(c) ? ? ? ? ??? ??? ? ? ? (D) ??? ?? ? ? ? ?
2. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??? ????? ? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ? ? ? ? ??? ??? ? ? ? (D) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
3. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ?? ? ? ? ? ? : (B) ? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ?: (D) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
4. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??? ? ???? ? ? ?? ?? ? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ????????? (D) ? ? ??? ? ?
5. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ???? (B) ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ????????? (D) ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
6. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ?????? (B) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?? ?? ?? ???? (D) ??? ?? ? ? ? ?
7. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ?: (B) ?? ? ?? ? :
Page 13 of 27

(c) ?? ? ????? : (D) ? ? ? ? ? ?
8. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?????? (B) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (c) ?? ? ?? ?? (D) ??? ? ?
? ? ? ?
9.Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ??? ?? ?? :
(c) ?
? ? ? ? ?: (D) ? ? ? ? ? ?
10. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ??? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ? ? ? ?
? ? ?
(c) ??????? ?? ? (D) ???? ?? :
11. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??????? ?? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ?
? ? ? ? ? ? (D) ?????? ??
12. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? (B) ????? ??
(c) ???? ??? (D) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
13. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?? ?? ? (D) ?? ??? ? ?
14. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?? ? ? ?? ? (B) ? ??? :
(c) ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? (D) ??????
15. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ?? ? ? ??? ? ? (B) ? ? ? ?
? ? ?
Page 14 of 27

(c) ??????? : (D) ? ? ?? ? ? ?

For 5 Marks Questions

1. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf l?lJW sBf ;CF[?ZTg+[6 sCf IXF[?Z[
2. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf IYF[JFR sBf lGJT"lgT sCf ;lJ\XG
3. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf QFF[0XlJWo sBf IYF[JFR sCf l?lJ`Ro
4. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf TYFp%IF sBf XLTF[Q6\ sCf 5LTFdAZo
5. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf IYFN[XD? sBf p5U'CD? sCf WDF"tDF
6. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf 5|tIn CD? sBf .g?FuGL sCf lR+U]o
7. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf N?F[5N[Xo sBf ;D1FD? sCf N]oBFTLT
8. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf XLTF[Q6\ sBf IYFN[XD? sCf l?lJW
Page 15 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) A, + DT]5 (B) lSXF[Z + 0L5
(C) J{xI + 8F5 (D) Xl?T + V6?
(E) ?F{6 + .?F?
2. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) GLlT + DT]5 (B) UF[5 + 0L5
(C) ?I[Q9 + 8F5? (D) Xl?T + V6?
(E) lGQFFN? + .?F?
3. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) 5F,? + TjID? (B) S, + .G?
(C) ,E + XFGR? (D) ;%T + .S?
(E) zwWF + DT]5
4. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) ,3] + tJ (B) XF[EG + 8F5
(C) ;DFH + .S (D) G{lTS + 0L5?
(E) U]6 + DT]5
5. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) 59 + TjID? (B) U]6 + .G?
(C) IH? + XFGR? (D) GFIS + 8F5
(E) Xl?T + DT]<

Part A 50 Marks

Page 16 of 27


For 10 Marks Questions
1. Write any four usage of the Panchami Vibhakti
2. What is Karan ? which Vibhakti is useful for it ? Write the usage ? any
3. Where the Chaturthi Vibhakti is used ? Explain in the context of Karaka.
4. Where the Dwity Vibhakti is used ? Explain in context of Karaka.
5. What is V5FNFG ? Which Vibhakti is useful for it ? Write usage any four.

?????????? ? ? :

For 2 Marks Questions
1. Make the correction of sentence.
ZFDo DD :G[C5F+o ?
2. Make the correction of sentence.
J'1F:I O,\ 5TlT ?
3. Make the correction of sentence.
T[ U]ZJ[ GDo ?
4. Translate the sentence in to English.
tJD[J 5FSD? SZF[lQF lSD? ?
5. Translate the sentence in to English.
SlT AF,SFo T+ ;lgT ?
6. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Hetal killed Roma.

Part A 50 Marks
?????????? ? ? :
Page 17 of 27

7. Make the correction of sentence
T[ U]ZJ[ GDo ?
8. Make the correction of sentence.

9. Make the correction of sentence.
UF[lJgNF[ UF[5F,[G lJ??Zo ?
10. Translate the sentence in to English.
11. Translate the sentence in to English.
tJD[J 5FSD? SZF[lQF lSD? ?

12. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Krishna is playing with ball.
13. Make the correction of sentence.
VC\ H,\ IFlD ?
14. Make the correction of sentence.
UF[lJgNF[ UF[5F,[G lJ??Zo ?
15. Make the correction of sentence.
J'1FFl6 5+Fl6 5TlgT ?
16. Translate the sentence in to English.
HFT:I lC W|]JF[ D'tI]o ?
17. Translate the sentence in to English.
DCFHGF[ I[G UTFo ; 5gYFo ?
18. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Gentlemen are always admirable.
19. Make the correction of sentence.
7FGFT? lJGF ;]B\ GFl:T ?
20. Make the correction of sentence.
;o ZY:I lJnF,I\ UrKlT ?
21. Make the correction of sentence.
Page 18 of 27

U]~ lXQI\ ?]wIlT ?

22. Translate the sentence in to English.
tJD[J 5FS\ SZF[lQF lSD? ?

23. Translate the sentence in to English.
SlT AF,SFo T+ ;lgT ?
24. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
It was Sanday yesterday.
25. Make the correction of sentence.
N[J:I GDo ?
26. Make the correction of sentence.
;o ;}I"D? 5xIFlD ?
27. Make the correction of sentence.
H8FI]o 5|F6\ TtIFH ?
28. Translate the sentence in to English.
;o :GFG\ XLW|\ SZF[T] ?
29. Translate the sentence in to English.
U|FD:I Nl1F6To JGD? Vl:T ?
30. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Ganga starts from the Himalaya.
Etc. - FirstRanker's Choice
Page 1 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions

1 Write the "prRFZ6 :YFG" the all alphabets.
2. ItGF[l?WFo VFeIFgTZ AF?xR ? Explain.
3. Explain with examples the Sthan and Prayatnas of letters.
4. Write Shiva Sutras and explain in detail "Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra.
5. Write the meaning with examples of any five following terms.
(A) U]6 (B) 5|FlT5lNS (C) 8L (D) DF+F (E) NLW" (F) pNF?
6. Write Shiva Sutras with their manifistation and explain in detail
"Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra and example.
7. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
8. Explain the classification of the vowels.
9. Explain with Sutrartha & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) VG]GFl;So (C) 8L (D) VJ;FGo
10. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) ;J6" (C) U]6 (D) :JlZT
11. How many places are there in mouth. Explain them with sootra.
For 5 Marks Questions :
Explain the sajnaas.
1 ?????? & ????? & ?????
2 ???? & ?????? & ??????
3 ??
4 ?? & ????
5 ?????
Part A 50 Marks

Page 2 of 27

6 ?????? & ?????
7 ??????????? ????? ? Explain
8 ????????????? @???????:? Explain
9 ????????????????? ???????? Explain
10 ??????????????? ??@???????:? Explain
11 ??: ????????: ?????? ? Explain
12 ???@??????: ?????:? Explain
13 ?????????? Explain
14 ?????????: ? Explain
15 ????? ?? ???:? Explain
16 ???????????:? Explain
17 ??????: ??????:? Explain

For 2 Marks Questions :
Give the answer of following question
1. How many Vowels are there according to aachaarya Paanini.
2. Which letters are knowing as Semivowels / ardhaswara.
3. Which letters are consider as GUNA .
4. Write down the all MAAHESHWARSOOTRA.
5. What is LOP explain with sootra.
6. Explain ?IT? with sootra.

Page 3 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions :
1) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) WFT' + V\X (B) DCF + .g?
(C) lJQ6J[ (D) zLXo
2) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding
(A) lJ8? + D}+;\U|C (B) S{lRN? + UEF"lN
(C) TT? + z]tJF (D) 5IF"I{ZFI]~rIT[
3) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) ;F1FL + .tI]rIT[ (B) ZDF + .lQ8o
(C) lNjI + VF{QFlWo (D) 5FJSo
4) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) QF0? + DF;Fo (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) TT? + 8LSF (D) 5]Go + ZDT[
5) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) U]~ + pNIo (B) DCF + .g?
(C) jIFlW + VFT]Z (D) lJQ6J[
6) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) 5|FS? + >J (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) 5]Go + ZDT[ (D) l5A[gGZo
7) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) ZDF + .lQ8o (B) lNjI + VF{QFlWo
(C) ;C;F + >J (D) GFjID?

8) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
Part A 50 Marks

Page 4 of 27

(A) WFT' +V\X (B) VF;G[+ VF:T[
(C) NX"G + VF{t;]?ID? (D) U|LQDT]"o
9) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DW] + VlZ (B) DCF+ .g?
(C) 5]G;? + ZDT[ (D) DClQF"o
10) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) VG? + lRT
(C) lRT? + VFGgN (D) HUrKlgTo
11) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) IlN + Vl5 (B) VlE + pNIo
(C) ;}I" + pNI (D) CF[T'SFZo
12) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) lRT? + VFGgNo
(C) VG? + lRT (D) 5]G;? + ZDT[
13) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??: (B) ???? + ???
(C) ????? + ????? (D) ??? + ??
14) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?
? ? ?+ ? (B) ?? + ??:
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?? + ??
15. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ???+?????:
(C) ? ? ??+ ???? (D) ??+?????
16. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????????? (B) ????????
(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :
17. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
Page 5 of 27

(A) ???+???? (B) ???+?
(C) ?? + ? ? ? ? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
18. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ??+??:
(C) ?? +??: (D) ??+ ??:
19. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+???? (B) ??+???
(C) ???? + ? (D) ? ? ? + ?
20. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ???+??
(C) ??+ ??: (D) ??+ ??:
21. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????? (B) ????
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
22. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ??????????
(C) ??? ?? + ? ??? ? ? (D) ? ? ??+ ????
23. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ??? ? ?? + ? ?
? ? ? (D) ? ? ?? ?
? ? ? ?
24. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ????? ? : (D) ? ?
?+ ?? ? ?:
25. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+???? (B) ???+?????
Page 6 of 27

(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :

26. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?? (B) ???+?????
(C) ? ?
?+??: (D) ??????? :
27. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+???? ???? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+ ?? (D) ???????
28. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+?? (B) ??:+?? ?
(C) ?
?:+ ???? (D) ?? :+ ??
29. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+????? (B) ??:+????
(C) ? ?? :+ ?? ?? (D) ?? :+ ? ?? ?
30. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ???:+????? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+?? : (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
31. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+????? (B) ????+???????
(C) ???? + ? ?? (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
32. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ? ?? ? : (B) ???+???????
(C) ? ? ? ? ? + ??? ? : (D) ? ? ? ? ? +?? :
33. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??? ? (B) ????+????:
Page 7 of 27

(C) ? ? ? ? ? + ?? ?? : (D) ? ? ? + ?: Etc.
For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf .lT + VgI[ sBf 5]G~l?T sCf 5`RFT? + Vl5

2. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf I:DFT? + VY[[" sBf lJnFrKF:+ sCf 5]Go + J{nF
3. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf TT? + VlWS'tI sBf T:DFlNtIFlN sCf R[Q8F
4. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf IYF + pJFR sBf >TFgI[J sCf QF^DW]ZFNIo
5. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf D]lG + >?ID? sBf klQF + p5F;GF sCf DD[J
6. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf 5\R + .lg?IFl6 sBf p5[g?o sCf :JFUTD?
7. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf DW] + VlZo sBf l5T' + VFN[Xo sCf ,FS'lTo
8. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf DGo + VG]S}, sBf DCT? + R?D? sCf DCT? + K+D?
Page 8 of 27

JFrI5|IF[UFo ( ST"lZ SD"l6 EFJJFrI5|IF[UFo )
For 2 Marks Questions :
(1) Make Vachya Parivartana of the following Sentences.
Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(1) tJIF lS\ l?IT[ m
(2) ;o .:T[G 5]:TS\ U'C6FlT ?
(3) lJnF lJGI\ NNFlT ?
(4) tJIF 5]Z:SFZo U'?T[ ?
(5) KF+[6 5F9o VeI:T[ ?
(6) VC\ l5TZF{ JgN[ ?
(7) VFZ1FSFo ZFQ8=\ Z1FlgT
(8) ,TF ZFQ8=ULT\ UFIlT ?
(9) ;o .:T[G 5]:TS\ U'C6FlT ?
(10) DIF GF8S\ N'xIT[ ?
(11) ;5F"o 5JG\ l5AlgT ?
(12) DI]Z{o G'tIT[ ?
(13) T[G J'1FFo ? xIgT[ ?
(14) DLZF T0FU[ SD,FlG 5xIlT ?
(15) 5]+o l5TZ\ ;[JT[ ?
(16) DLZIF O,FlG BFngT[ ?
(17) tJIF 5]Z:SFZo U'?T[ ?
(18) KF+FlEo lX1FSF\ VlEGgnT[ ?
(19) DIF 5F9o :DI"T[ ?
(20) DLZF T0FU[ SD,FlG 5xIlgT ?
Part A 50 Marks
JFrI5|IF[UFo ( ST"lZ SD"l6 EFJJFrI5|IF[UFo )

Page 9 of 27

(21) T[G\ J'1FFo ? xIgT[ ?
(22) VC\ 5|lTlNG\ U'CSFI"\ SZF[lD ?
(23) HGFo 5|NX"GL\ 5xIlgT ?
(24) ,TF ZFQ8=ULT\ UFIlT ?
(25) KF+[6 5F9o VeI:IT[ ?
(26) N[Jo 5|FTo ;%TJFN[G lJnF,I\ UrKlT ?Etc.
Page 10 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) ClZQIFDo (B) C; (C) 5xIlT (D) NNlT
2. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) V:T] (B) V59D? (C) V5RG? (D) A|JLlD (E) NNlT
3. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 59[ID? (B) GDT] (C) 5xIFlD (D) VlTQ9T? (E) HI[o
4. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 59[ID? (B) GDT] (C) 5xIFlD (D) VlTQ9T? (E) HI[o
5. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) VEJG? (B) :DlZQIFDo (C) HIT] (D) lTQ9[I]o (E) GDgT]
6. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) .ZT] (B) S]IF"T? (C) EJlgT (D) .rKFlD (E) VRF[ZIT?
7. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) ,ET] (B) V5RT? (C) ClZQIlT (D) HlGQI;[ (E) VG'tID?
8. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 5xIFlD (B) V;[JT? (C) V,E[ (D) HIT] (E) VRF[ZIT?
Part A 50 Marks

Page 11 of 27

5 Marks
For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Write a short note write a short note on Tt5]~QF;DF;
2. Write a short note write a short note on VjIILEFJ;DF;
3. Write a short note write a short note on AC]J|LlC;DF;
4. Give two example of ?g?;DF; with explanation
5. J'1FXFBF Tt5]~QFo xJ[TFxJo SD"WFZIo ?
Z?TJ:+F[ AC]A|LlCo ?g?xRg?lNJFSZF{ ? Explain
6. 5NFGF\ I]U5ntJ\ ;DF;o ;F[@lEWLIT[ ? Explain
7. T+FQ8WF Tt5]~QFo ;%TWF SD"WFZIo ?
;%TWF R AC]ALlClN"U]ZFEFlQFTF[ l?WF ?? Explain

Part A 50 Marks
Page 12 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ??????? ?? ? (B) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
(c) ? ? ? ? ??? ??? ? ? ? (D) ??? ?? ? ? ? ?
2. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??? ????? ? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ? ? ? ? ??? ??? ? ? ? (D) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
3. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ?? ? ? ? ? ? : (B) ? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ?: (D) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
4. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??? ? ???? ? ? ?? ?? ? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ????????? (D) ? ? ??? ? ?
5. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ???? (B) ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ????????? (D) ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
6. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ?????? (B) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?? ?? ?? ???? (D) ??? ?? ? ? ? ?
7. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ?: (B) ?? ? ?? ? :
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(c) ?? ? ????? : (D) ? ? ? ? ? ?
8. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?????? (B) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (c) ?? ? ?? ?? (D) ??? ? ?
? ? ? ?
9.Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ??? ?? ?? :
(c) ?
? ? ? ? ?: (D) ? ? ? ? ? ?
10. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ??? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ? ? ? ?
? ? ?
(c) ??????? ?? ? (D) ???? ?? :
11. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??????? ?? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ?
? ? ? ? ? ? (D) ?????? ??
12. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? (B) ????? ??
(c) ???? ??? (D) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
13. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?? ?? ? (D) ?? ??? ? ?
14. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?? ? ? ?? ? (B) ? ??? :
(c) ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? (D) ??????
15. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ?? ? ? ??? ? ? (B) ? ? ? ?
? ? ?
Page 14 of 27

(c) ??????? : (D) ? ? ?? ? ? ?

For 5 Marks Questions

1. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf l?lJW sBf ;CF[?ZTg+[6 sCf IXF[?Z[
2. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf IYF[JFR sBf lGJT"lgT sCf ;lJ\XG
3. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf QFF[0XlJWo sBf IYF[JFR sCf l?lJ`Ro
4. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf TYFp%IF sBf XLTF[Q6\ sCf 5LTFdAZo
5. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf IYFN[XD? sBf p5U'CD? sCf WDF"tDF
6. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf 5|tIn CD? sBf .g?FuGL sCf lR+U]o
7. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf N?F[5N[Xo sBf ;D1FD? sCf N]oBFTLT
8. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf XLTF[Q6\ sBf IYFN[XD? sCf l?lJW
Page 15 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) A, + DT]5 (B) lSXF[Z + 0L5
(C) J{xI + 8F5 (D) Xl?T + V6?
(E) ?F{6 + .?F?
2. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) GLlT + DT]5 (B) UF[5 + 0L5
(C) ?I[Q9 + 8F5? (D) Xl?T + V6?
(E) lGQFFN? + .?F?
3. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) 5F,? + TjID? (B) S, + .G?
(C) ,E + XFGR? (D) ;%T + .S?
(E) zwWF + DT]5
4. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) ,3] + tJ (B) XF[EG + 8F5
(C) ;DFH + .S (D) G{lTS + 0L5?
(E) U]6 + DT]5
5. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) 59 + TjID? (B) U]6 + .G?
(C) IH? + XFGR? (D) GFIS + 8F5
(E) Xl?T + DT]<

Part A 50 Marks

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For 10 Marks Questions
1. Write any four usage of the Panchami Vibhakti
2. What is Karan ? which Vibhakti is useful for it ? Write the usage ? any
3. Where the Chaturthi Vibhakti is used ? Explain in the context of Karaka.
4. Where the Dwity Vibhakti is used ? Explain in context of Karaka.
5. What is V5FNFG ? Which Vibhakti is useful for it ? Write usage any four.

?????????? ? ? :

For 2 Marks Questions
1. Make the correction of sentence.
ZFDo DD :G[C5F+o ?
2. Make the correction of sentence.
J'1F:I O,\ 5TlT ?
3. Make the correction of sentence.
T[ U]ZJ[ GDo ?
4. Translate the sentence in to English.
tJD[J 5FSD? SZF[lQF lSD? ?
5. Translate the sentence in to English.
SlT AF,SFo T+ ;lgT ?
6. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Hetal killed Roma.

Part A 50 Marks
?????????? ? ? :
Page 17 of 27

7. Make the correction of sentence
T[ U]ZJ[ GDo ?
8. Make the correction of sentence.

9. Make the correction of sentence.
UF[lJgNF[ UF[5F,[G lJ??Zo ?
10. Translate the sentence in to English.
11. Translate the sentence in to English.
tJD[J 5FSD? SZF[lQF lSD? ?

12. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Krishna is playing with ball.
13. Make the correction of sentence.
VC\ H,\ IFlD ?
14. Make the correction of sentence.
UF[lJgNF[ UF[5F,[G lJ??Zo ?
15. Make the correction of sentence.
J'1FFl6 5+Fl6 5TlgT ?
16. Translate the sentence in to English.
HFT:I lC W|]JF[ D'tI]o ?
17. Translate the sentence in to English.
DCFHGF[ I[G UTFo ; 5gYFo ?
18. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Gentlemen are always admirable.
19. Make the correction of sentence.
7FGFT? lJGF ;]B\ GFl:T ?
20. Make the correction of sentence.
;o ZY:I lJnF,I\ UrKlT ?
21. Make the correction of sentence.
Page 18 of 27

U]~ lXQI\ ?]wIlT ?

22. Translate the sentence in to English.
tJD[J 5FS\ SZF[lQF lSD? ?

23. Translate the sentence in to English.
SlT AF,SFo T+ ;lgT ?
24. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
It was Sanday yesterday.
25. Make the correction of sentence.
N[J:I GDo ?
26. Make the correction of sentence.
;o ;}I"D? 5xIFlD ?
27. Make the correction of sentence.
H8FI]o 5|F6\ TtIFH ?
28. Translate the sentence in to English.
;o :GFG\ XLW|\ SZF[T] ?
29. Translate the sentence in to English.
U|FD:I Nl1F6To JGD? Vl:T ?
30. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Ganga starts from the Himalaya.

Page 19 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Identify the Roopa
sAf XF:+\ sBf S:DFT? sCf lGlN"X[T?
2. Identify the Roopa
sAf pJFR sBf T:DFT? sCf 5]~QF:I
3. Identify the Roopa
sAf I:I sBf >T[QFF\ sCf I:DFT?
4. Identify the Roopa
sAf lXQI:I sBf 59lgT sCf S:DFT?
5. Identify the Roopa
sAf J'QFFT? sBf G'tIlgT sCf 59lT
6. Identify the Roopa
sAf O,[ sBf ;BLQF] sCf Gn{
7. Identify the Roopa
sAf ,1DLo sBf GNLQF] sCf O,[QF]
8. Identify the Roopa
sAf ,TF sBf ClZ6F sCf ZFDF6FD?
Part A 50 Marks
QF0?l,\U5|SZ6? - FirstRanker's Choice
Page 1 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions

1 Write the "prRFZ6 :YFG" the all alphabets.
2. ItGF[l?WFo VFeIFgTZ AF?xR ? Explain.
3. Explain with examples the Sthan and Prayatnas of letters.
4. Write Shiva Sutras and explain in detail "Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra.
5. Write the meaning with examples of any five following terms.
(A) U]6 (B) 5|FlT5lNS (C) 8L (D) DF+F (E) NLW" (F) pNF?
6. Write Shiva Sutras with their manifistation and explain in detail
"Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra and example.
7. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
8. Explain the classification of the vowels.
9. Explain with Sutrartha & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) VG]GFl;So (C) 8L (D) VJ;FGo
10. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) ;J6" (C) U]6 (D) :JlZT
11. How many places are there in mouth. Explain them with sootra.
For 5 Marks Questions :
Explain the sajnaas.
1 ?????? & ????? & ?????
2 ???? & ?????? & ??????
3 ??
4 ?? & ????
5 ?????
Part A 50 Marks

Page 2 of 27

6 ?????? & ?????
7 ??????????? ????? ? Explain
8 ????????????? @???????:? Explain
9 ????????????????? ???????? Explain
10 ??????????????? ??@???????:? Explain
11 ??: ????????: ?????? ? Explain
12 ???@??????: ?????:? Explain
13 ?????????? Explain
14 ?????????: ? Explain
15 ????? ?? ???:? Explain
16 ???????????:? Explain
17 ??????: ??????:? Explain

For 2 Marks Questions :
Give the answer of following question
1. How many Vowels are there according to aachaarya Paanini.
2. Which letters are knowing as Semivowels / ardhaswara.
3. Which letters are consider as GUNA .
4. Write down the all MAAHESHWARSOOTRA.
5. What is LOP explain with sootra.
6. Explain ?IT? with sootra.

Page 3 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions :
1) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) WFT' + V\X (B) DCF + .g?
(C) lJQ6J[ (D) zLXo
2) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding
(A) lJ8? + D}+;\U|C (B) S{lRN? + UEF"lN
(C) TT? + z]tJF (D) 5IF"I{ZFI]~rIT[
3) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) ;F1FL + .tI]rIT[ (B) ZDF + .lQ8o
(C) lNjI + VF{QFlWo (D) 5FJSo
4) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) QF0? + DF;Fo (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) TT? + 8LSF (D) 5]Go + ZDT[
5) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) U]~ + pNIo (B) DCF + .g?
(C) jIFlW + VFT]Z (D) lJQ6J[
6) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) 5|FS? + >J (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) 5]Go + ZDT[ (D) l5A[gGZo
7) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) ZDF + .lQ8o (B) lNjI + VF{QFlWo
(C) ;C;F + >J (D) GFjID?

8) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
Part A 50 Marks

Page 4 of 27

(A) WFT' +V\X (B) VF;G[+ VF:T[
(C) NX"G + VF{t;]?ID? (D) U|LQDT]"o
9) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DW] + VlZ (B) DCF+ .g?
(C) 5]G;? + ZDT[ (D) DClQF"o
10) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) VG? + lRT
(C) lRT? + VFGgN (D) HUrKlgTo
11) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) IlN + Vl5 (B) VlE + pNIo
(C) ;}I" + pNI (D) CF[T'SFZo
12) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) lRT? + VFGgNo
(C) VG? + lRT (D) 5]G;? + ZDT[
13) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??: (B) ???? + ???
(C) ????? + ????? (D) ??? + ??
14) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?
? ? ?+ ? (B) ?? + ??:
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?? + ??
15. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ???+?????:
(C) ? ? ??+ ???? (D) ??+?????
16. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????????? (B) ????????
(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :
17. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
Page 5 of 27

(A) ???+???? (B) ???+?
(C) ?? + ? ? ? ? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
18. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ??+??:
(C) ?? +??: (D) ??+ ??:
19. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+???? (B) ??+???
(C) ???? + ? (D) ? ? ? + ?
20. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ???+??
(C) ??+ ??: (D) ??+ ??:
21. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????? (B) ????
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
22. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ??????????
(C) ??? ?? + ? ??? ? ? (D) ? ? ??+ ????
23. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ??? ? ?? + ? ?
? ? ? (D) ? ? ?? ?
? ? ? ?
24. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ????? ? : (D) ? ?
?+ ?? ? ?:
25. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+???? (B) ???+?????
Page 6 of 27

(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :

26. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?? (B) ???+?????
(C) ? ?
?+??: (D) ??????? :
27. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+???? ???? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+ ?? (D) ???????
28. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+?? (B) ??:+?? ?
(C) ?
?:+ ???? (D) ?? :+ ??
29. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+????? (B) ??:+????
(C) ? ?? :+ ?? ?? (D) ?? :+ ? ?? ?
30. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ???:+????? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+?? : (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
31. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+????? (B) ????+???????
(C) ???? + ? ?? (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
32. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ? ?? ? : (B) ???+???????
(C) ? ? ? ? ? + ??? ? : (D) ? ? ? ? ? +?? :
33. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??? ? (B) ????+????:
Page 7 of 27

(C) ? ? ? ? ? + ?? ?? : (D) ? ? ? + ?: Etc.
For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf .lT + VgI[ sBf 5]G~l?T sCf 5`RFT? + Vl5

2. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf I:DFT? + VY[[" sBf lJnFrKF:+ sCf 5]Go + J{nF
3. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf TT? + VlWS'tI sBf T:DFlNtIFlN sCf R[Q8F
4. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf IYF + pJFR sBf >TFgI[J sCf QF^DW]ZFNIo
5. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf D]lG + >?ID? sBf klQF + p5F;GF sCf DD[J
6. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf 5\R + .lg?IFl6 sBf p5[g?o sCf :JFUTD?
7. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf DW] + VlZo sBf l5T' + VFN[Xo sCf ,FS'lTo
8. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf DGo + VG]S}, sBf DCT? + R?D? sCf DCT? + K+D?
Page 8 of 27

JFrI5|IF[UFo ( ST"lZ SD"l6 EFJJFrI5|IF[UFo )
For 2 Marks Questions :
(1) Make Vachya Parivartana of the following Sentences.
Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(1) tJIF lS\ l?IT[ m
(2) ;o .:T[G 5]:TS\ U'C6FlT ?
(3) lJnF lJGI\ NNFlT ?
(4) tJIF 5]Z:SFZo U'?T[ ?
(5) KF+[6 5F9o VeI:T[ ?
(6) VC\ l5TZF{ JgN[ ?
(7) VFZ1FSFo ZFQ8=\ Z1FlgT
(8) ,TF ZFQ8=ULT\ UFIlT ?
(9) ;o .:T[G 5]:TS\ U'C6FlT ?
(10) DIF GF8S\ N'xIT[ ?
(11) ;5F"o 5JG\ l5AlgT ?
(12) DI]Z{o G'tIT[ ?
(13) T[G J'1FFo ? xIgT[ ?
(14) DLZF T0FU[ SD,FlG 5xIlT ?
(15) 5]+o l5TZ\ ;[JT[ ?
(16) DLZIF O,FlG BFngT[ ?
(17) tJIF 5]Z:SFZo U'?T[ ?
(18) KF+FlEo lX1FSF\ VlEGgnT[ ?
(19) DIF 5F9o :DI"T[ ?
(20) DLZF T0FU[ SD,FlG 5xIlgT ?
Part A 50 Marks
JFrI5|IF[UFo ( ST"lZ SD"l6 EFJJFrI5|IF[UFo )

Page 9 of 27

(21) T[G\ J'1FFo ? xIgT[ ?
(22) VC\ 5|lTlNG\ U'CSFI"\ SZF[lD ?
(23) HGFo 5|NX"GL\ 5xIlgT ?
(24) ,TF ZFQ8=ULT\ UFIlT ?
(25) KF+[6 5F9o VeI:IT[ ?
(26) N[Jo 5|FTo ;%TJFN[G lJnF,I\ UrKlT ?Etc.
Page 10 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) ClZQIFDo (B) C; (C) 5xIlT (D) NNlT
2. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) V:T] (B) V59D? (C) V5RG? (D) A|JLlD (E) NNlT
3. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 59[ID? (B) GDT] (C) 5xIFlD (D) VlTQ9T? (E) HI[o
4. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 59[ID? (B) GDT] (C) 5xIFlD (D) VlTQ9T? (E) HI[o
5. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) VEJG? (B) :DlZQIFDo (C) HIT] (D) lTQ9[I]o (E) GDgT]
6. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) .ZT] (B) S]IF"T? (C) EJlgT (D) .rKFlD (E) VRF[ZIT?
7. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) ,ET] (B) V5RT? (C) ClZQIlT (D) HlGQI;[ (E) VG'tID?
8. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 5xIFlD (B) V;[JT? (C) V,E[ (D) HIT] (E) VRF[ZIT?
Part A 50 Marks

Page 11 of 27

5 Marks
For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Write a short note write a short note on Tt5]~QF;DF;
2. Write a short note write a short note on VjIILEFJ;DF;
3. Write a short note write a short note on AC]J|LlC;DF;
4. Give two example of ?g?;DF; with explanation
5. J'1FXFBF Tt5]~QFo xJ[TFxJo SD"WFZIo ?
Z?TJ:+F[ AC]A|LlCo ?g?xRg?lNJFSZF{ ? Explain
6. 5NFGF\ I]U5ntJ\ ;DF;o ;F[@lEWLIT[ ? Explain
7. T+FQ8WF Tt5]~QFo ;%TWF SD"WFZIo ?
;%TWF R AC]ALlClN"U]ZFEFlQFTF[ l?WF ?? Explain

Part A 50 Marks
Page 12 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ??????? ?? ? (B) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
(c) ? ? ? ? ??? ??? ? ? ? (D) ??? ?? ? ? ? ?
2. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??? ????? ? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ? ? ? ? ??? ??? ? ? ? (D) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
3. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ?? ? ? ? ? ? : (B) ? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ?: (D) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
4. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??? ? ???? ? ? ?? ?? ? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ????????? (D) ? ? ??? ? ?
5. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ???? (B) ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ????????? (D) ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
6. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ?????? (B) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?? ?? ?? ???? (D) ??? ?? ? ? ? ?
7. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ?: (B) ?? ? ?? ? :
Page 13 of 27

(c) ?? ? ????? : (D) ? ? ? ? ? ?
8. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?????? (B) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (c) ?? ? ?? ?? (D) ??? ? ?
? ? ? ?
9.Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ??? ?? ?? :
(c) ?
? ? ? ? ?: (D) ? ? ? ? ? ?
10. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ??? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ? ? ? ?
? ? ?
(c) ??????? ?? ? (D) ???? ?? :
11. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??????? ?? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ?
? ? ? ? ? ? (D) ?????? ??
12. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? (B) ????? ??
(c) ???? ??? (D) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
13. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?? ?? ? (D) ?? ??? ? ?
14. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?? ? ? ?? ? (B) ? ??? :
(c) ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? (D) ??????
15. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ?? ? ? ??? ? ? (B) ? ? ? ?
? ? ?
Page 14 of 27

(c) ??????? : (D) ? ? ?? ? ? ?

For 5 Marks Questions

1. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf l?lJW sBf ;CF[?ZTg+[6 sCf IXF[?Z[
2. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf IYF[JFR sBf lGJT"lgT sCf ;lJ\XG
3. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf QFF[0XlJWo sBf IYF[JFR sCf l?lJ`Ro
4. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf TYFp%IF sBf XLTF[Q6\ sCf 5LTFdAZo
5. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf IYFN[XD? sBf p5U'CD? sCf WDF"tDF
6. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf 5|tIn CD? sBf .g?FuGL sCf lR+U]o
7. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf N?F[5N[Xo sBf ;D1FD? sCf N]oBFTLT
8. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf XLTF[Q6\ sBf IYFN[XD? sCf l?lJW
Page 15 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) A, + DT]5 (B) lSXF[Z + 0L5
(C) J{xI + 8F5 (D) Xl?T + V6?
(E) ?F{6 + .?F?
2. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) GLlT + DT]5 (B) UF[5 + 0L5
(C) ?I[Q9 + 8F5? (D) Xl?T + V6?
(E) lGQFFN? + .?F?
3. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) 5F,? + TjID? (B) S, + .G?
(C) ,E + XFGR? (D) ;%T + .S?
(E) zwWF + DT]5
4. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) ,3] + tJ (B) XF[EG + 8F5
(C) ;DFH + .S (D) G{lTS + 0L5?
(E) U]6 + DT]5
5. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) 59 + TjID? (B) U]6 + .G?
(C) IH? + XFGR? (D) GFIS + 8F5
(E) Xl?T + DT]<

Part A 50 Marks

Page 16 of 27


For 10 Marks Questions
1. Write any four usage of the Panchami Vibhakti
2. What is Karan ? which Vibhakti is useful for it ? Write the usage ? any
3. Where the Chaturthi Vibhakti is used ? Explain in the context of Karaka.
4. Where the Dwity Vibhakti is used ? Explain in context of Karaka.
5. What is V5FNFG ? Which Vibhakti is useful for it ? Write usage any four.

?????????? ? ? :

For 2 Marks Questions
1. Make the correction of sentence.
ZFDo DD :G[C5F+o ?
2. Make the correction of sentence.
J'1F:I O,\ 5TlT ?
3. Make the correction of sentence.
T[ U]ZJ[ GDo ?
4. Translate the sentence in to English.
tJD[J 5FSD? SZF[lQF lSD? ?
5. Translate the sentence in to English.
SlT AF,SFo T+ ;lgT ?
6. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Hetal killed Roma.

Part A 50 Marks
?????????? ? ? :
Page 17 of 27

7. Make the correction of sentence
T[ U]ZJ[ GDo ?
8. Make the correction of sentence.

9. Make the correction of sentence.
UF[lJgNF[ UF[5F,[G lJ??Zo ?
10. Translate the sentence in to English.
11. Translate the sentence in to English.
tJD[J 5FSD? SZF[lQF lSD? ?

12. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Krishna is playing with ball.
13. Make the correction of sentence.
VC\ H,\ IFlD ?
14. Make the correction of sentence.
UF[lJgNF[ UF[5F,[G lJ??Zo ?
15. Make the correction of sentence.
J'1FFl6 5+Fl6 5TlgT ?
16. Translate the sentence in to English.
HFT:I lC W|]JF[ D'tI]o ?
17. Translate the sentence in to English.
DCFHGF[ I[G UTFo ; 5gYFo ?
18. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Gentlemen are always admirable.
19. Make the correction of sentence.
7FGFT? lJGF ;]B\ GFl:T ?
20. Make the correction of sentence.
;o ZY:I lJnF,I\ UrKlT ?
21. Make the correction of sentence.
Page 18 of 27

U]~ lXQI\ ?]wIlT ?

22. Translate the sentence in to English.
tJD[J 5FS\ SZF[lQF lSD? ?

23. Translate the sentence in to English.
SlT AF,SFo T+ ;lgT ?
24. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
It was Sanday yesterday.
25. Make the correction of sentence.
N[J:I GDo ?
26. Make the correction of sentence.
;o ;}I"D? 5xIFlD ?
27. Make the correction of sentence.
H8FI]o 5|F6\ TtIFH ?
28. Translate the sentence in to English.
;o :GFG\ XLW|\ SZF[T] ?
29. Translate the sentence in to English.
U|FD:I Nl1F6To JGD? Vl:T ?
30. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Ganga starts from the Himalaya.

Page 19 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Identify the Roopa
sAf XF:+\ sBf S:DFT? sCf lGlN"X[T?
2. Identify the Roopa
sAf pJFR sBf T:DFT? sCf 5]~QF:I
3. Identify the Roopa
sAf I:I sBf >T[QFF\ sCf I:DFT?
4. Identify the Roopa
sAf lXQI:I sBf 59lgT sCf S:DFT?
5. Identify the Roopa
sAf J'QFFT? sBf G'tIlgT sCf 59lT
6. Identify the Roopa
sAf O,[ sBf ;BLQF] sCf Gn{
7. Identify the Roopa
sAf ,1DLo sBf GNLQF] sCf O,[QF]
8. Identify the Roopa
sAf ,TF sBf ClZ6F sCf ZFDF6FD?
Part A 50 Marks

Page 20 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions :
1. lCTFlCT\ ;]B\ N]oBDFI]:T:I lCTF@lCT\ ?
DFG\ R TrR I+F[?TDFI]J["N:; prIT[ ??
2. IFJN?l:DG XZLZ[ 5|F6F[ J;lT TFJNJFI]o ? Explain
3. VFgTlZ1FD]NSFGF\ s5yITDtJ[ z[Q9TDD?f Explain and write about water.
4. Explain cc VIYFA,DFZdEo 5|F6F[5ZF[lWGFD?cc and write about Vyayama.
5. RZS:;]z]TxR{J JFuE8xR TYF@5Zo ?
D]bIFxR ;\lCTF JFrIFl:T:+ >J I]U[ I]U[ ??
T?NFZF[uINFG:I GFgTF[ J{ lJnT[ ?JlRT? ??
7. lGNFG[ DFWJo z[Q9o ;}+:YFG[ T] JFuE8o ?
XZLZ[ X]z]To z[Q9o RZS:T] lRlSlt;T[ ?? Explain
8. jIFIFDo :I{Y" SZF6FD? ? Explain and write about physical exercises :
9. ;no O,lT UFgWJ"D? DF;D[S\ 5]ZF6SD? ?
J[NFo O,lgT SF,[QF] ?IF[lTJ{"nF{ lGZgTZD? ?? Explain
10. Il:DG? 7FT[ ;J"lDN\ 7FTD? EJlT lGlxRT\ ?
Tl:DG? 5lZzDo SFI"o lSDgIT? XF:+EFlQFT\ ?? Explain
11. VQ8F\U;\U|C[ 7FT[ J'YF 5|F?Tg+IF[o zDo ?
VQ8F\U;\U|C[@7FT[ J'YF 5|F?Tg+IF[o zDo ?? Explain

Part B 50 Marks
J{nSLI v ;]EFlQFT;FlCtID? - FirstRanker's Choice
Page 1 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions

1 Write the "prRFZ6 :YFG" the all alphabets.
2. ItGF[l?WFo VFeIFgTZ AF?xR ? Explain.
3. Explain with examples the Sthan and Prayatnas of letters.
4. Write Shiva Sutras and explain in detail "Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra.
5. Write the meaning with examples of any five following terms.
(A) U]6 (B) 5|FlT5lNS (C) 8L (D) DF+F (E) NLW" (F) pNF?
6. Write Shiva Sutras with their manifistation and explain in detail
"Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra and example.
7. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
8. Explain the classification of the vowels.
9. Explain with Sutrartha & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) VG]GFl;So (C) 8L (D) VJ;FGo
10. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) ;J6" (C) U]6 (D) :JlZT
11. How many places are there in mouth. Explain them with sootra.
For 5 Marks Questions :
Explain the sajnaas.
1 ?????? & ????? & ?????
2 ???? & ?????? & ??????
3 ??
4 ?? & ????
5 ?????
Part A 50 Marks

Page 2 of 27

6 ?????? & ?????
7 ??????????? ????? ? Explain
8 ????????????? @???????:? Explain
9 ????????????????? ???????? Explain
10 ??????????????? ??@???????:? Explain
11 ??: ????????: ?????? ? Explain
12 ???@??????: ?????:? Explain
13 ?????????? Explain
14 ?????????: ? Explain
15 ????? ?? ???:? Explain
16 ???????????:? Explain
17 ??????: ??????:? Explain

For 2 Marks Questions :
Give the answer of following question
1. How many Vowels are there according to aachaarya Paanini.
2. Which letters are knowing as Semivowels / ardhaswara.
3. Which letters are consider as GUNA .
4. Write down the all MAAHESHWARSOOTRA.
5. What is LOP explain with sootra.
6. Explain ?IT? with sootra.

Page 3 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions :
1) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) WFT' + V\X (B) DCF + .g?
(C) lJQ6J[ (D) zLXo
2) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding
(A) lJ8? + D}+;\U|C (B) S{lRN? + UEF"lN
(C) TT? + z]tJF (D) 5IF"I{ZFI]~rIT[
3) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) ;F1FL + .tI]rIT[ (B) ZDF + .lQ8o
(C) lNjI + VF{QFlWo (D) 5FJSo
4) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) QF0? + DF;Fo (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) TT? + 8LSF (D) 5]Go + ZDT[
5) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) U]~ + pNIo (B) DCF + .g?
(C) jIFlW + VFT]Z (D) lJQ6J[
6) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) 5|FS? + >J (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) 5]Go + ZDT[ (D) l5A[gGZo
7) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) ZDF + .lQ8o (B) lNjI + VF{QFlWo
(C) ;C;F + >J (D) GFjID?

8) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
Part A 50 Marks

Page 4 of 27

(A) WFT' +V\X (B) VF;G[+ VF:T[
(C) NX"G + VF{t;]?ID? (D) U|LQDT]"o
9) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DW] + VlZ (B) DCF+ .g?
(C) 5]G;? + ZDT[ (D) DClQF"o
10) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) VG? + lRT
(C) lRT? + VFGgN (D) HUrKlgTo
11) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) IlN + Vl5 (B) VlE + pNIo
(C) ;}I" + pNI (D) CF[T'SFZo
12) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) lRT? + VFGgNo
(C) VG? + lRT (D) 5]G;? + ZDT[
13) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??: (B) ???? + ???
(C) ????? + ????? (D) ??? + ??
14) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?
? ? ?+ ? (B) ?? + ??:
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?? + ??
15. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ???+?????:
(C) ? ? ??+ ???? (D) ??+?????
16. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????????? (B) ????????
(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :
17. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
Page 5 of 27

(A) ???+???? (B) ???+?
(C) ?? + ? ? ? ? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
18. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ??+??:
(C) ?? +??: (D) ??+ ??:
19. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+???? (B) ??+???
(C) ???? + ? (D) ? ? ? + ?
20. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ???+??
(C) ??+ ??: (D) ??+ ??:
21. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????? (B) ????
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
22. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ??????????
(C) ??? ?? + ? ??? ? ? (D) ? ? ??+ ????
23. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ??? ? ?? + ? ?
? ? ? (D) ? ? ?? ?
? ? ? ?
24. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ????? ? : (D) ? ?
?+ ?? ? ?:
25. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+???? (B) ???+?????
Page 6 of 27

(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :

26. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?? (B) ???+?????
(C) ? ?
?+??: (D) ??????? :
27. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+???? ???? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+ ?? (D) ???????
28. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+?? (B) ??:+?? ?
(C) ?
?:+ ???? (D) ?? :+ ??
29. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+????? (B) ??:+????
(C) ? ?? :+ ?? ?? (D) ?? :+ ? ?? ?
30. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ???:+????? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+?? : (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
31. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+????? (B) ????+???????
(C) ???? + ? ?? (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
32. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ? ?? ? : (B) ???+???????
(C) ? ? ? ? ? + ??? ? : (D) ? ? ? ? ? +?? :
33. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??? ? (B) ????+????:
Page 7 of 27

(C) ? ? ? ? ? + ?? ?? : (D) ? ? ? + ?: Etc.
For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf .lT + VgI[ sBf 5]G~l?T sCf 5`RFT? + Vl5

2. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf I:DFT? + VY[[" sBf lJnFrKF:+ sCf 5]Go + J{nF
3. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf TT? + VlWS'tI sBf T:DFlNtIFlN sCf R[Q8F
4. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf IYF + pJFR sBf >TFgI[J sCf QF^DW]ZFNIo
5. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf D]lG + >?ID? sBf klQF + p5F;GF sCf DD[J
6. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf 5\R + .lg?IFl6 sBf p5[g?o sCf :JFUTD?
7. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf DW] + VlZo sBf l5T' + VFN[Xo sCf ,FS'lTo
8. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf DGo + VG]S}, sBf DCT? + R?D? sCf DCT? + K+D?
Page 8 of 27

JFrI5|IF[UFo ( ST"lZ SD"l6 EFJJFrI5|IF[UFo )
For 2 Marks Questions :
(1) Make Vachya Parivartana of the following Sentences.
Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(1) tJIF lS\ l?IT[ m
(2) ;o .:T[G 5]:TS\ U'C6FlT ?
(3) lJnF lJGI\ NNFlT ?
(4) tJIF 5]Z:SFZo U'?T[ ?
(5) KF+[6 5F9o VeI:T[ ?
(6) VC\ l5TZF{ JgN[ ?
(7) VFZ1FSFo ZFQ8=\ Z1FlgT
(8) ,TF ZFQ8=ULT\ UFIlT ?
(9) ;o .:T[G 5]:TS\ U'C6FlT ?
(10) DIF GF8S\ N'xIT[ ?
(11) ;5F"o 5JG\ l5AlgT ?
(12) DI]Z{o G'tIT[ ?
(13) T[G J'1FFo ? xIgT[ ?
(14) DLZF T0FU[ SD,FlG 5xIlT ?
(15) 5]+o l5TZ\ ;[JT[ ?
(16) DLZIF O,FlG BFngT[ ?
(17) tJIF 5]Z:SFZo U'?T[ ?
(18) KF+FlEo lX1FSF\ VlEGgnT[ ?
(19) DIF 5F9o :DI"T[ ?
(20) DLZF T0FU[ SD,FlG 5xIlgT ?
Part A 50 Marks
JFrI5|IF[UFo ( ST"lZ SD"l6 EFJJFrI5|IF[UFo )

Page 9 of 27

(21) T[G\ J'1FFo ? xIgT[ ?
(22) VC\ 5|lTlNG\ U'CSFI"\ SZF[lD ?
(23) HGFo 5|NX"GL\ 5xIlgT ?
(24) ,TF ZFQ8=ULT\ UFIlT ?
(25) KF+[6 5F9o VeI:IT[ ?
(26) N[Jo 5|FTo ;%TJFN[G lJnF,I\ UrKlT ?Etc.
Page 10 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) ClZQIFDo (B) C; (C) 5xIlT (D) NNlT
2. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) V:T] (B) V59D? (C) V5RG? (D) A|JLlD (E) NNlT
3. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 59[ID? (B) GDT] (C) 5xIFlD (D) VlTQ9T? (E) HI[o
4. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 59[ID? (B) GDT] (C) 5xIFlD (D) VlTQ9T? (E) HI[o
5. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) VEJG? (B) :DlZQIFDo (C) HIT] (D) lTQ9[I]o (E) GDgT]
6. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) .ZT] (B) S]IF"T? (C) EJlgT (D) .rKFlD (E) VRF[ZIT?
7. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) ,ET] (B) V5RT? (C) ClZQIlT (D) HlGQI;[ (E) VG'tID?
8. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 5xIFlD (B) V;[JT? (C) V,E[ (D) HIT] (E) VRF[ZIT?
Part A 50 Marks

Page 11 of 27

5 Marks
For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Write a short note write a short note on Tt5]~QF;DF;
2. Write a short note write a short note on VjIILEFJ;DF;
3. Write a short note write a short note on AC]J|LlC;DF;
4. Give two example of ?g?;DF; with explanation
5. J'1FXFBF Tt5]~QFo xJ[TFxJo SD"WFZIo ?
Z?TJ:+F[ AC]A|LlCo ?g?xRg?lNJFSZF{ ? Explain
6. 5NFGF\ I]U5ntJ\ ;DF;o ;F[@lEWLIT[ ? Explain
7. T+FQ8WF Tt5]~QFo ;%TWF SD"WFZIo ?
;%TWF R AC]ALlClN"U]ZFEFlQFTF[ l?WF ?? Explain

Part A 50 Marks
Page 12 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ??????? ?? ? (B) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
(c) ? ? ? ? ??? ??? ? ? ? (D) ??? ?? ? ? ? ?
2. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??? ????? ? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ? ? ? ? ??? ??? ? ? ? (D) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
3. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ?? ? ? ? ? ? : (B) ? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ?: (D) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
4. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??? ? ???? ? ? ?? ?? ? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ????????? (D) ? ? ??? ? ?
5. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ???? (B) ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ????????? (D) ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
6. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ?????? (B) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?? ?? ?? ???? (D) ??? ?? ? ? ? ?
7. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ?: (B) ?? ? ?? ? :
Page 13 of 27

(c) ?? ? ????? : (D) ? ? ? ? ? ?
8. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?????? (B) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (c) ?? ? ?? ?? (D) ??? ? ?
? ? ? ?
9.Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ??? ?? ?? :
(c) ?
? ? ? ? ?: (D) ? ? ? ? ? ?
10. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ??? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ? ? ? ?
? ? ?
(c) ??????? ?? ? (D) ???? ?? :
11. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??????? ?? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ?
? ? ? ? ? ? (D) ?????? ??
12. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? (B) ????? ??
(c) ???? ??? (D) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
13. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?? ?? ? (D) ?? ??? ? ?
14. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?? ? ? ?? ? (B) ? ??? :
(c) ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? (D) ??????
15. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ?? ? ? ??? ? ? (B) ? ? ? ?
? ? ?
Page 14 of 27

(c) ??????? : (D) ? ? ?? ? ? ?

For 5 Marks Questions

1. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf l?lJW sBf ;CF[?ZTg+[6 sCf IXF[?Z[
2. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf IYF[JFR sBf lGJT"lgT sCf ;lJ\XG
3. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf QFF[0XlJWo sBf IYF[JFR sCf l?lJ`Ro
4. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf TYFp%IF sBf XLTF[Q6\ sCf 5LTFdAZo
5. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf IYFN[XD? sBf p5U'CD? sCf WDF"tDF
6. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf 5|tIn CD? sBf .g?FuGL sCf lR+U]o
7. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf N?F[5N[Xo sBf ;D1FD? sCf N]oBFTLT
8. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf XLTF[Q6\ sBf IYFN[XD? sCf l?lJW
Page 15 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) A, + DT]5 (B) lSXF[Z + 0L5
(C) J{xI + 8F5 (D) Xl?T + V6?
(E) ?F{6 + .?F?
2. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) GLlT + DT]5 (B) UF[5 + 0L5
(C) ?I[Q9 + 8F5? (D) Xl?T + V6?
(E) lGQFFN? + .?F?
3. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) 5F,? + TjID? (B) S, + .G?
(C) ,E + XFGR? (D) ;%T + .S?
(E) zwWF + DT]5
4. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) ,3] + tJ (B) XF[EG + 8F5
(C) ;DFH + .S (D) G{lTS + 0L5?
(E) U]6 + DT]5
5. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) 59 + TjID? (B) U]6 + .G?
(C) IH? + XFGR? (D) GFIS + 8F5
(E) Xl?T + DT]<

Part A 50 Marks

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For 10 Marks Questions
1. Write any four usage of the Panchami Vibhakti
2. What is Karan ? which Vibhakti is useful for it ? Write the usage ? any
3. Where the Chaturthi Vibhakti is used ? Explain in the context of Karaka.
4. Where the Dwity Vibhakti is used ? Explain in context of Karaka.
5. What is V5FNFG ? Which Vibhakti is useful for it ? Write usage any four.

?????????? ? ? :

For 2 Marks Questions
1. Make the correction of sentence.
ZFDo DD :G[C5F+o ?
2. Make the correction of sentence.
J'1F:I O,\ 5TlT ?
3. Make the correction of sentence.
T[ U]ZJ[ GDo ?
4. Translate the sentence in to English.
tJD[J 5FSD? SZF[lQF lSD? ?
5. Translate the sentence in to English.
SlT AF,SFo T+ ;lgT ?
6. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Hetal killed Roma.

Part A 50 Marks
?????????? ? ? :
Page 17 of 27

7. Make the correction of sentence
T[ U]ZJ[ GDo ?
8. Make the correction of sentence.

9. Make the correction of sentence.
UF[lJgNF[ UF[5F,[G lJ??Zo ?
10. Translate the sentence in to English.
11. Translate the sentence in to English.
tJD[J 5FSD? SZF[lQF lSD? ?

12. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Krishna is playing with ball.
13. Make the correction of sentence.
VC\ H,\ IFlD ?
14. Make the correction of sentence.
UF[lJgNF[ UF[5F,[G lJ??Zo ?
15. Make the correction of sentence.
J'1FFl6 5+Fl6 5TlgT ?
16. Translate the sentence in to English.
HFT:I lC W|]JF[ D'tI]o ?
17. Translate the sentence in to English.
DCFHGF[ I[G UTFo ; 5gYFo ?
18. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Gentlemen are always admirable.
19. Make the correction of sentence.
7FGFT? lJGF ;]B\ GFl:T ?
20. Make the correction of sentence.
;o ZY:I lJnF,I\ UrKlT ?
21. Make the correction of sentence.
Page 18 of 27

U]~ lXQI\ ?]wIlT ?

22. Translate the sentence in to English.
tJD[J 5FS\ SZF[lQF lSD? ?

23. Translate the sentence in to English.
SlT AF,SFo T+ ;lgT ?
24. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
It was Sanday yesterday.
25. Make the correction of sentence.
N[J:I GDo ?
26. Make the correction of sentence.
;o ;}I"D? 5xIFlD ?
27. Make the correction of sentence.
H8FI]o 5|F6\ TtIFH ?
28. Translate the sentence in to English.
;o :GFG\ XLW|\ SZF[T] ?
29. Translate the sentence in to English.
U|FD:I Nl1F6To JGD? Vl:T ?
30. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Ganga starts from the Himalaya.

Page 19 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Identify the Roopa
sAf XF:+\ sBf S:DFT? sCf lGlN"X[T?
2. Identify the Roopa
sAf pJFR sBf T:DFT? sCf 5]~QF:I
3. Identify the Roopa
sAf I:I sBf >T[QFF\ sCf I:DFT?
4. Identify the Roopa
sAf lXQI:I sBf 59lgT sCf S:DFT?
5. Identify the Roopa
sAf J'QFFT? sBf G'tIlgT sCf 59lT
6. Identify the Roopa
sAf O,[ sBf ;BLQF] sCf Gn{
7. Identify the Roopa
sAf ,1DLo sBf GNLQF] sCf O,[QF]
8. Identify the Roopa
sAf ,TF sBf ClZ6F sCf ZFDF6FD?
Part A 50 Marks

Page 20 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions :
1. lCTFlCT\ ;]B\ N]oBDFI]:T:I lCTF@lCT\ ?
DFG\ R TrR I+F[?TDFI]J["N:; prIT[ ??
2. IFJN?l:DG XZLZ[ 5|F6F[ J;lT TFJNJFI]o ? Explain
3. VFgTlZ1FD]NSFGF\ s5yITDtJ[ z[Q9TDD?f Explain and write about water.
4. Explain cc VIYFA,DFZdEo 5|F6F[5ZF[lWGFD?cc and write about Vyayama.
5. RZS:;]z]TxR{J JFuE8xR TYF@5Zo ?
D]bIFxR ;\lCTF JFrIFl:T:+ >J I]U[ I]U[ ??
T?NFZF[uINFG:I GFgTF[ J{ lJnT[ ?JlRT? ??
7. lGNFG[ DFWJo z[Q9o ;}+:YFG[ T] JFuE8o ?
XZLZ[ X]z]To z[Q9o RZS:T] lRlSlt;T[ ?? Explain
8. jIFIFDo :I{Y" SZF6FD? ? Explain and write about physical exercises :
9. ;no O,lT UFgWJ"D? DF;D[S\ 5]ZF6SD? ?
J[NFo O,lgT SF,[QF] ?IF[lTJ{"nF{ lGZgTZD? ?? Explain
10. Il:DG? 7FT[ ;J"lDN\ 7FTD? EJlT lGlxRT\ ?
Tl:DG? 5lZzDo SFI"o lSDgIT? XF:+EFlQFT\ ?? Explain
11. VQ8F\U;\U|C[ 7FT[ J'YF 5|F?Tg+IF[o zDo ?
VQ8F\U;\U|C[@7FT[ J'YF 5|F?Tg+IF[o zDo ?? Explain

Part B 50 Marks

Page 21 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Write a short note on : C\;F[NSD?
2. Write a short note on : Hygiene.
3. Write a short note on : Vayu
4. Write a short note on : Types of Bath.
5. Write a short note on : Divine physician.
6. Write a short note on water
7. lGNFW[ DFWJo z[Q9o ;}+:YFG[ T] JFuE8o ?
XFZLZ[ ;]z]To z[Q9`RZS:T] lRlSt;S[ ?? Explain.
Etc. - FirstRanker's Choice
Page 1 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions

1 Write the "prRFZ6 :YFG" the all alphabets.
2. ItGF[l?WFo VFeIFgTZ AF?xR ? Explain.
3. Explain with examples the Sthan and Prayatnas of letters.
4. Write Shiva Sutras and explain in detail "Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra.
5. Write the meaning with examples of any five following terms.
(A) U]6 (B) 5|FlT5lNS (C) 8L (D) DF+F (E) NLW" (F) pNF?
6. Write Shiva Sutras with their manifistation and explain in detail
"Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra and example.
7. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
8. Explain the classification of the vowels.
9. Explain with Sutrartha & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) VG]GFl;So (C) 8L (D) VJ;FGo
10. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) ;J6" (C) U]6 (D) :JlZT
11. How many places are there in mouth. Explain them with sootra.
For 5 Marks Questions :
Explain the sajnaas.
1 ?????? & ????? & ?????
2 ???? & ?????? & ??????
3 ??
4 ?? & ????
5 ?????
Part A 50 Marks

Page 2 of 27

6 ?????? & ?????
7 ??????????? ????? ? Explain
8 ????????????? @???????:? Explain
9 ????????????????? ???????? Explain
10 ??????????????? ??@???????:? Explain
11 ??: ????????: ?????? ? Explain
12 ???@??????: ?????:? Explain
13 ?????????? Explain
14 ?????????: ? Explain
15 ????? ?? ???:? Explain
16 ???????????:? Explain
17 ??????: ??????:? Explain

For 2 Marks Questions :
Give the answer of following question
1. How many Vowels are there according to aachaarya Paanini.
2. Which letters are knowing as Semivowels / ardhaswara.
3. Which letters are consider as GUNA .
4. Write down the all MAAHESHWARSOOTRA.
5. What is LOP explain with sootra.
6. Explain ?IT? with sootra.

Page 3 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions :
1) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) WFT' + V\X (B) DCF + .g?
(C) lJQ6J[ (D) zLXo
2) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding
(A) lJ8? + D}+;\U|C (B) S{lRN? + UEF"lN
(C) TT? + z]tJF (D) 5IF"I{ZFI]~rIT[
3) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) ;F1FL + .tI]rIT[ (B) ZDF + .lQ8o
(C) lNjI + VF{QFlWo (D) 5FJSo
4) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) QF0? + DF;Fo (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) TT? + 8LSF (D) 5]Go + ZDT[
5) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) U]~ + pNIo (B) DCF + .g?
(C) jIFlW + VFT]Z (D) lJQ6J[
6) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) 5|FS? + >J (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) 5]Go + ZDT[ (D) l5A[gGZo
7) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) ZDF + .lQ8o (B) lNjI + VF{QFlWo
(C) ;C;F + >J (D) GFjID?

8) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
Part A 50 Marks

Page 4 of 27

(A) WFT' +V\X (B) VF;G[+ VF:T[
(C) NX"G + VF{t;]?ID? (D) U|LQDT]"o
9) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DW] + VlZ (B) DCF+ .g?
(C) 5]G;? + ZDT[ (D) DClQF"o
10) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) VG? + lRT
(C) lRT? + VFGgN (D) HUrKlgTo
11) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) IlN + Vl5 (B) VlE + pNIo
(C) ;}I" + pNI (D) CF[T'SFZo
12) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) lRT? + VFGgNo
(C) VG? + lRT (D) 5]G;? + ZDT[
13) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??: (B) ???? + ???
(C) ????? + ????? (D) ??? + ??
14) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?
? ? ?+ ? (B) ?? + ??:
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?? + ??
15. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ???+?????:
(C) ? ? ??+ ???? (D) ??+?????
16. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????????? (B) ????????
(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :
17. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
Page 5 of 27

(A) ???+???? (B) ???+?
(C) ?? + ? ? ? ? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
18. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ??+??:
(C) ?? +??: (D) ??+ ??:
19. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+???? (B) ??+???
(C) ???? + ? (D) ? ? ? + ?
20. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ???+??
(C) ??+ ??: (D) ??+ ??:
21. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????? (B) ????
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
22. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ??????????
(C) ??? ?? + ? ??? ? ? (D) ? ? ??+ ????
23. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ??? ? ?? + ? ?
? ? ? (D) ? ? ?? ?
? ? ? ?
24. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ????? ? : (D) ? ?
?+ ?? ? ?:
25. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+???? (B) ???+?????
Page 6 of 27

(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :

26. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?? (B) ???+?????
(C) ? ?
?+??: (D) ??????? :
27. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+???? ???? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+ ?? (D) ???????
28. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+?? (B) ??:+?? ?
(C) ?
?:+ ???? (D) ?? :+ ??
29. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+????? (B) ??:+????
(C) ? ?? :+ ?? ?? (D) ?? :+ ? ?? ?
30. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ???:+????? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+?? : (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
31. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+????? (B) ????+???????
(C) ???? + ? ?? (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
32. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ? ?? ? : (B) ???+???????
(C) ? ? ? ? ? + ??? ? : (D) ? ? ? ? ? +?? :
33. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??? ? (B) ????+????:
Page 7 of 27

(C) ? ? ? ? ? + ?? ?? : (D) ? ? ? + ?: Etc.
For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf .lT + VgI[ sBf 5]G~l?T sCf 5`RFT? + Vl5

2. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf I:DFT? + VY[[" sBf lJnFrKF:+ sCf 5]Go + J{nF
3. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf TT? + VlWS'tI sBf T:DFlNtIFlN sCf R[Q8F
4. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf IYF + pJFR sBf >TFgI[J sCf QF^DW]ZFNIo
5. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf D]lG + >?ID? sBf klQF + p5F;GF sCf DD[J
6. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf 5\R + .lg?IFl6 sBf p5[g?o sCf :JFUTD?
7. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf DW] + VlZo sBf l5T' + VFN[Xo sCf ,FS'lTo
8. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf DGo + VG]S}, sBf DCT? + R?D? sCf DCT? + K+D?
Page 8 of 27

JFrI5|IF[UFo ( ST"lZ SD"l6 EFJJFrI5|IF[UFo )
For 2 Marks Questions :
(1) Make Vachya Parivartana of the following Sentences.
Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(1) tJIF lS\ l?IT[ m
(2) ;o .:T[G 5]:TS\ U'C6FlT ?
(3) lJnF lJGI\ NNFlT ?
(4) tJIF 5]Z:SFZo U'?T[ ?
(5) KF+[6 5F9o VeI:T[ ?
(6) VC\ l5TZF{ JgN[ ?
(7) VFZ1FSFo ZFQ8=\ Z1FlgT
(8) ,TF ZFQ8=ULT\ UFIlT ?
(9) ;o .:T[G 5]:TS\ U'C6FlT ?
(10) DIF GF8S\ N'xIT[ ?
(11) ;5F"o 5JG\ l5AlgT ?
(12) DI]Z{o G'tIT[ ?
(13) T[G J'1FFo ? xIgT[ ?
(14) DLZF T0FU[ SD,FlG 5xIlT ?
(15) 5]+o l5TZ\ ;[JT[ ?
(16) DLZIF O,FlG BFngT[ ?
(17) tJIF 5]Z:SFZo U'?T[ ?
(18) KF+FlEo lX1FSF\ VlEGgnT[ ?
(19) DIF 5F9o :DI"T[ ?
(20) DLZF T0FU[ SD,FlG 5xIlgT ?
Part A 50 Marks
JFrI5|IF[UFo ( ST"lZ SD"l6 EFJJFrI5|IF[UFo )

Page 9 of 27

(21) T[G\ J'1FFo ? xIgT[ ?
(22) VC\ 5|lTlNG\ U'CSFI"\ SZF[lD ?
(23) HGFo 5|NX"GL\ 5xIlgT ?
(24) ,TF ZFQ8=ULT\ UFIlT ?
(25) KF+[6 5F9o VeI:IT[ ?
(26) N[Jo 5|FTo ;%TJFN[G lJnF,I\ UrKlT ?Etc.
Page 10 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) ClZQIFDo (B) C; (C) 5xIlT (D) NNlT
2. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) V:T] (B) V59D? (C) V5RG? (D) A|JLlD (E) NNlT
3. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 59[ID? (B) GDT] (C) 5xIFlD (D) VlTQ9T? (E) HI[o
4. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 59[ID? (B) GDT] (C) 5xIFlD (D) VlTQ9T? (E) HI[o
5. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) VEJG? (B) :DlZQIFDo (C) HIT] (D) lTQ9[I]o (E) GDgT]
6. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) .ZT] (B) S]IF"T? (C) EJlgT (D) .rKFlD (E) VRF[ZIT?
7. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) ,ET] (B) V5RT? (C) ClZQIlT (D) HlGQI;[ (E) VG'tID?
8. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 5xIFlD (B) V;[JT? (C) V,E[ (D) HIT] (E) VRF[ZIT?
Part A 50 Marks

Page 11 of 27

5 Marks
For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Write a short note write a short note on Tt5]~QF;DF;
2. Write a short note write a short note on VjIILEFJ;DF;
3. Write a short note write a short note on AC]J|LlC;DF;
4. Give two example of ?g?;DF; with explanation
5. J'1FXFBF Tt5]~QFo xJ[TFxJo SD"WFZIo ?
Z?TJ:+F[ AC]A|LlCo ?g?xRg?lNJFSZF{ ? Explain
6. 5NFGF\ I]U5ntJ\ ;DF;o ;F[@lEWLIT[ ? Explain
7. T+FQ8WF Tt5]~QFo ;%TWF SD"WFZIo ?
;%TWF R AC]ALlClN"U]ZFEFlQFTF[ l?WF ?? Explain

Part A 50 Marks
Page 12 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ??????? ?? ? (B) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
(c) ? ? ? ? ??? ??? ? ? ? (D) ??? ?? ? ? ? ?
2. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??? ????? ? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ? ? ? ? ??? ??? ? ? ? (D) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
3. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ?? ? ? ? ? ? : (B) ? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ?: (D) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
4. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??? ? ???? ? ? ?? ?? ? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ????????? (D) ? ? ??? ? ?
5. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ???? (B) ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ????????? (D) ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
6. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ?????? (B) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?? ?? ?? ???? (D) ??? ?? ? ? ? ?
7. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ?: (B) ?? ? ?? ? :
Page 13 of 27

(c) ?? ? ????? : (D) ? ? ? ? ? ?
8. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?????? (B) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (c) ?? ? ?? ?? (D) ??? ? ?
? ? ? ?
9.Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ??? ?? ?? :
(c) ?
? ? ? ? ?: (D) ? ? ? ? ? ?
10. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ??? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ? ? ? ?
? ? ?
(c) ??????? ?? ? (D) ???? ?? :
11. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??????? ?? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ?
? ? ? ? ? ? (D) ?????? ??
12. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? (B) ????? ??
(c) ???? ??? (D) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
13. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?? ?? ? (D) ?? ??? ? ?
14. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?? ? ? ?? ? (B) ? ??? :
(c) ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? (D) ??????
15. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ?? ? ? ??? ? ? (B) ? ? ? ?
? ? ?
Page 14 of 27

(c) ??????? : (D) ? ? ?? ? ? ?

For 5 Marks Questions

1. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf l?lJW sBf ;CF[?ZTg+[6 sCf IXF[?Z[
2. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf IYF[JFR sBf lGJT"lgT sCf ;lJ\XG
3. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf QFF[0XlJWo sBf IYF[JFR sCf l?lJ`Ro
4. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf TYFp%IF sBf XLTF[Q6\ sCf 5LTFdAZo
5. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf IYFN[XD? sBf p5U'CD? sCf WDF"tDF
6. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf 5|tIn CD? sBf .g?FuGL sCf lR+U]o
7. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf N?F[5N[Xo sBf ;D1FD? sCf N]oBFTLT
8. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf XLTF[Q6\ sBf IYFN[XD? sCf l?lJW
Page 15 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) A, + DT]5 (B) lSXF[Z + 0L5
(C) J{xI + 8F5 (D) Xl?T + V6?
(E) ?F{6 + .?F?
2. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) GLlT + DT]5 (B) UF[5 + 0L5
(C) ?I[Q9 + 8F5? (D) Xl?T + V6?
(E) lGQFFN? + .?F?
3. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) 5F,? + TjID? (B) S, + .G?
(C) ,E + XFGR? (D) ;%T + .S?
(E) zwWF + DT]5
4. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) ,3] + tJ (B) XF[EG + 8F5
(C) ;DFH + .S (D) G{lTS + 0L5?
(E) U]6 + DT]5
5. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) 59 + TjID? (B) U]6 + .G?
(C) IH? + XFGR? (D) GFIS + 8F5
(E) Xl?T + DT]<

Part A 50 Marks

Page 16 of 27


For 10 Marks Questions
1. Write any four usage of the Panchami Vibhakti
2. What is Karan ? which Vibhakti is useful for it ? Write the usage ? any
3. Where the Chaturthi Vibhakti is used ? Explain in the context of Karaka.
4. Where the Dwity Vibhakti is used ? Explain in context of Karaka.
5. What is V5FNFG ? Which Vibhakti is useful for it ? Write usage any four.

?????????? ? ? :

For 2 Marks Questions
1. Make the correction of sentence.
ZFDo DD :G[C5F+o ?
2. Make the correction of sentence.
J'1F:I O,\ 5TlT ?
3. Make the correction of sentence.
T[ U]ZJ[ GDo ?
4. Translate the sentence in to English.
tJD[J 5FSD? SZF[lQF lSD? ?
5. Translate the sentence in to English.
SlT AF,SFo T+ ;lgT ?
6. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Hetal killed Roma.

Part A 50 Marks
?????????? ? ? :
Page 17 of 27

7. Make the correction of sentence
T[ U]ZJ[ GDo ?
8. Make the correction of sentence.

9. Make the correction of sentence.
UF[lJgNF[ UF[5F,[G lJ??Zo ?
10. Translate the sentence in to English.
11. Translate the sentence in to English.
tJD[J 5FSD? SZF[lQF lSD? ?

12. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Krishna is playing with ball.
13. Make the correction of sentence.
VC\ H,\ IFlD ?
14. Make the correction of sentence.
UF[lJgNF[ UF[5F,[G lJ??Zo ?
15. Make the correction of sentence.
J'1FFl6 5+Fl6 5TlgT ?
16. Translate the sentence in to English.
HFT:I lC W|]JF[ D'tI]o ?
17. Translate the sentence in to English.
DCFHGF[ I[G UTFo ; 5gYFo ?
18. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Gentlemen are always admirable.
19. Make the correction of sentence.
7FGFT? lJGF ;]B\ GFl:T ?
20. Make the correction of sentence.
;o ZY:I lJnF,I\ UrKlT ?
21. Make the correction of sentence.
Page 18 of 27

U]~ lXQI\ ?]wIlT ?

22. Translate the sentence in to English.
tJD[J 5FS\ SZF[lQF lSD? ?

23. Translate the sentence in to English.
SlT AF,SFo T+ ;lgT ?
24. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
It was Sanday yesterday.
25. Make the correction of sentence.
N[J:I GDo ?
26. Make the correction of sentence.
;o ;}I"D? 5xIFlD ?
27. Make the correction of sentence.
H8FI]o 5|F6\ TtIFH ?
28. Translate the sentence in to English.
;o :GFG\ XLW|\ SZF[T] ?
29. Translate the sentence in to English.
U|FD:I Nl1F6To JGD? Vl:T ?
30. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Ganga starts from the Himalaya.

Page 19 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Identify the Roopa
sAf XF:+\ sBf S:DFT? sCf lGlN"X[T?
2. Identify the Roopa
sAf pJFR sBf T:DFT? sCf 5]~QF:I
3. Identify the Roopa
sAf I:I sBf >T[QFF\ sCf I:DFT?
4. Identify the Roopa
sAf lXQI:I sBf 59lgT sCf S:DFT?
5. Identify the Roopa
sAf J'QFFT? sBf G'tIlgT sCf 59lT
6. Identify the Roopa
sAf O,[ sBf ;BLQF] sCf Gn{
7. Identify the Roopa
sAf ,1DLo sBf GNLQF] sCf O,[QF]
8. Identify the Roopa
sAf ,TF sBf ClZ6F sCf ZFDF6FD?
Part A 50 Marks

Page 20 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions :
1. lCTFlCT\ ;]B\ N]oBDFI]:T:I lCTF@lCT\ ?
DFG\ R TrR I+F[?TDFI]J["N:; prIT[ ??
2. IFJN?l:DG XZLZ[ 5|F6F[ J;lT TFJNJFI]o ? Explain
3. VFgTlZ1FD]NSFGF\ s5yITDtJ[ z[Q9TDD?f Explain and write about water.
4. Explain cc VIYFA,DFZdEo 5|F6F[5ZF[lWGFD?cc and write about Vyayama.
5. RZS:;]z]TxR{J JFuE8xR TYF@5Zo ?
D]bIFxR ;\lCTF JFrIFl:T:+ >J I]U[ I]U[ ??
T?NFZF[uINFG:I GFgTF[ J{ lJnT[ ?JlRT? ??
7. lGNFG[ DFWJo z[Q9o ;}+:YFG[ T] JFuE8o ?
XZLZ[ X]z]To z[Q9o RZS:T] lRlSlt;T[ ?? Explain
8. jIFIFDo :I{Y" SZF6FD? ? Explain and write about physical exercises :
9. ;no O,lT UFgWJ"D? DF;D[S\ 5]ZF6SD? ?
J[NFo O,lgT SF,[QF] ?IF[lTJ{"nF{ lGZgTZD? ?? Explain
10. Il:DG? 7FT[ ;J"lDN\ 7FTD? EJlT lGlxRT\ ?
Tl:DG? 5lZzDo SFI"o lSDgIT? XF:+EFlQFT\ ?? Explain
11. VQ8F\U;\U|C[ 7FT[ J'YF 5|F?Tg+IF[o zDo ?
VQ8F\U;\U|C[@7FT[ J'YF 5|F?Tg+IF[o zDo ?? Explain

Part B 50 Marks

Page 21 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Write a short note on : C\;F[NSD?
2. Write a short note on : Hygiene.
3. Write a short note on : Vayu
4. Write a short note on : Types of Bath.
5. Write a short note on : Divine physician.
6. Write a short note on water
7. lGNFW[ DFWJo z[Q9o ;}+:YFG[ T] JFuE8o ?
XFZLZ[ ;]z]To z[Q9`RZS:T] lRlSt;S[ ?? Explain.

Page 22 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions :
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
2P VluGo ;F[DF[ JFI]o ;?J\ ZH:TDo
5`R[lg?IFl6 E}TFtD[lT 5|F6Fo ??
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
DF\;FN[J\ 1FTFT? l1F5\ XF[l6T\ ;\5|l;rIT[ ??
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
$P 5]^0ZLS[6 ; ? X\ ?NI\ :IFNWF[D]BD? ?
HFU|T:Tl?S;lT :J5T`R lGDL,lT ??
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
lNJF:J%G`R T'8?X},lC?SF HL6F"lT;FlZ6FD? ??
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
&P .lg?IFY["QJ ;\5|Fl%TUF{ZJ\ H'dE6\ S,Do ?
lG?FT":I[J I:I[CF T:I Tg?F\ lJlGlN"X[T? ??
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
*P lNJFZF+F{ R I[ lGtI\ :J%GHFUZ6F[lRTFo ?
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
(P lG?FlTIF[U[ JDG\ lCT\ ;\XF[WGFlG R ?
, ? WG\ Z?TDF[1F`R DGF[jIFS],FGFlG R ??
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
Part B 50 Marks
;]z]T;\lCTF - FirstRanker's Choice
Page 1 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions

1 Write the "prRFZ6 :YFG" the all alphabets.
2. ItGF[l?WFo VFeIFgTZ AF?xR ? Explain.
3. Explain with examples the Sthan and Prayatnas of letters.
4. Write Shiva Sutras and explain in detail "Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra.
5. Write the meaning with examples of any five following terms.
(A) U]6 (B) 5|FlT5lNS (C) 8L (D) DF+F (E) NLW" (F) pNF?
6. Write Shiva Sutras with their manifistation and explain in detail
"Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra and example.
7. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
8. Explain the classification of the vowels.
9. Explain with Sutrartha & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) VG]GFl;So (C) 8L (D) VJ;FGo
10. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) ;J6" (C) U]6 (D) :JlZT
11. How many places are there in mouth. Explain them with sootra.
For 5 Marks Questions :
Explain the sajnaas.
1 ?????? & ????? & ?????
2 ???? & ?????? & ??????
3 ??
4 ?? & ????
5 ?????
Part A 50 Marks

Page 2 of 27

6 ?????? & ?????
7 ??????????? ????? ? Explain
8 ????????????? @???????:? Explain
9 ????????????????? ???????? Explain
10 ??????????????? ??@???????:? Explain
11 ??: ????????: ?????? ? Explain
12 ???@??????: ?????:? Explain
13 ?????????? Explain
14 ?????????: ? Explain
15 ????? ?? ???:? Explain
16 ???????????:? Explain
17 ??????: ??????:? Explain

For 2 Marks Questions :
Give the answer of following question
1. How many Vowels are there according to aachaarya Paanini.
2. Which letters are knowing as Semivowels / ardhaswara.
3. Which letters are consider as GUNA .
4. Write down the all MAAHESHWARSOOTRA.
5. What is LOP explain with sootra.
6. Explain ?IT? with sootra.

Page 3 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions :
1) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) WFT' + V\X (B) DCF + .g?
(C) lJQ6J[ (D) zLXo
2) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding
(A) lJ8? + D}+;\U|C (B) S{lRN? + UEF"lN
(C) TT? + z]tJF (D) 5IF"I{ZFI]~rIT[
3) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) ;F1FL + .tI]rIT[ (B) ZDF + .lQ8o
(C) lNjI + VF{QFlWo (D) 5FJSo
4) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) QF0? + DF;Fo (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) TT? + 8LSF (D) 5]Go + ZDT[
5) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) U]~ + pNIo (B) DCF + .g?
(C) jIFlW + VFT]Z (D) lJQ6J[
6) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) 5|FS? + >J (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) 5]Go + ZDT[ (D) l5A[gGZo
7) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) ZDF + .lQ8o (B) lNjI + VF{QFlWo
(C) ;C;F + >J (D) GFjID?

8) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
Part A 50 Marks

Page 4 of 27

(A) WFT' +V\X (B) VF;G[+ VF:T[
(C) NX"G + VF{t;]?ID? (D) U|LQDT]"o
9) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DW] + VlZ (B) DCF+ .g?
(C) 5]G;? + ZDT[ (D) DClQF"o
10) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) VG? + lRT
(C) lRT? + VFGgN (D) HUrKlgTo
11) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) IlN + Vl5 (B) VlE + pNIo
(C) ;}I" + pNI (D) CF[T'SFZo
12) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) lRT? + VFGgNo
(C) VG? + lRT (D) 5]G;? + ZDT[
13) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??: (B) ???? + ???
(C) ????? + ????? (D) ??? + ??
14) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?
? ? ?+ ? (B) ?? + ??:
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?? + ??
15. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ???+?????:
(C) ? ? ??+ ???? (D) ??+?????
16. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????????? (B) ????????
(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :
17. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
Page 5 of 27

(A) ???+???? (B) ???+?
(C) ?? + ? ? ? ? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
18. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ??+??:
(C) ?? +??: (D) ??+ ??:
19. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+???? (B) ??+???
(C) ???? + ? (D) ? ? ? + ?
20. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ???+??
(C) ??+ ??: (D) ??+ ??:
21. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????? (B) ????
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
22. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ??????????
(C) ??? ?? + ? ??? ? ? (D) ? ? ??+ ????
23. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ??? ? ?? + ? ?
? ? ? (D) ? ? ?? ?
? ? ? ?
24. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ????? ? : (D) ? ?
?+ ?? ? ?:
25. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+???? (B) ???+?????
Page 6 of 27

(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :

26. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?? (B) ???+?????
(C) ? ?
?+??: (D) ??????? :
27. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+???? ???? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+ ?? (D) ???????
28. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+?? (B) ??:+?? ?
(C) ?
?:+ ???? (D) ?? :+ ??
29. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+????? (B) ??:+????
(C) ? ?? :+ ?? ?? (D) ?? :+ ? ?? ?
30. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ???:+????? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+?? : (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
31. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+????? (B) ????+???????
(C) ???? + ? ?? (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
32. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ? ?? ? : (B) ???+???????
(C) ? ? ? ? ? + ??? ? : (D) ? ? ? ? ? +?? :
33. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??? ? (B) ????+????:
Page 7 of 27

(C) ? ? ? ? ? + ?? ?? : (D) ? ? ? + ?: Etc.
For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf .lT + VgI[ sBf 5]G~l?T sCf 5`RFT? + Vl5

2. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf I:DFT? + VY[[" sBf lJnFrKF:+ sCf 5]Go + J{nF
3. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf TT? + VlWS'tI sBf T:DFlNtIFlN sCf R[Q8F
4. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf IYF + pJFR sBf >TFgI[J sCf QF^DW]ZFNIo
5. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf D]lG + >?ID? sBf klQF + p5F;GF sCf DD[J
6. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf 5\R + .lg?IFl6 sBf p5[g?o sCf :JFUTD?
7. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf DW] + VlZo sBf l5T' + VFN[Xo sCf ,FS'lTo
8. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf DGo + VG]S}, sBf DCT? + R?D? sCf DCT? + K+D?
Page 8 of 27

JFrI5|IF[UFo ( ST"lZ SD"l6 EFJJFrI5|IF[UFo )
For 2 Marks Questions :
(1) Make Vachya Parivartana of the following Sentences.
Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(1) tJIF lS\ l?IT[ m
(2) ;o .:T[G 5]:TS\ U'C6FlT ?
(3) lJnF lJGI\ NNFlT ?
(4) tJIF 5]Z:SFZo U'?T[ ?
(5) KF+[6 5F9o VeI:T[ ?
(6) VC\ l5TZF{ JgN[ ?
(7) VFZ1FSFo ZFQ8=\ Z1FlgT
(8) ,TF ZFQ8=ULT\ UFIlT ?
(9) ;o .:T[G 5]:TS\ U'C6FlT ?
(10) DIF GF8S\ N'xIT[ ?
(11) ;5F"o 5JG\ l5AlgT ?
(12) DI]Z{o G'tIT[ ?
(13) T[G J'1FFo ? xIgT[ ?
(14) DLZF T0FU[ SD,FlG 5xIlT ?
(15) 5]+o l5TZ\ ;[JT[ ?
(16) DLZIF O,FlG BFngT[ ?
(17) tJIF 5]Z:SFZo U'?T[ ?
(18) KF+FlEo lX1FSF\ VlEGgnT[ ?
(19) DIF 5F9o :DI"T[ ?
(20) DLZF T0FU[ SD,FlG 5xIlgT ?
Part A 50 Marks
JFrI5|IF[UFo ( ST"lZ SD"l6 EFJJFrI5|IF[UFo )

Page 9 of 27

(21) T[G\ J'1FFo ? xIgT[ ?
(22) VC\ 5|lTlNG\ U'CSFI"\ SZF[lD ?
(23) HGFo 5|NX"GL\ 5xIlgT ?
(24) ,TF ZFQ8=ULT\ UFIlT ?
(25) KF+[6 5F9o VeI:IT[ ?
(26) N[Jo 5|FTo ;%TJFN[G lJnF,I\ UrKlT ?Etc.
Page 10 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) ClZQIFDo (B) C; (C) 5xIlT (D) NNlT
2. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) V:T] (B) V59D? (C) V5RG? (D) A|JLlD (E) NNlT
3. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 59[ID? (B) GDT] (C) 5xIFlD (D) VlTQ9T? (E) HI[o
4. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 59[ID? (B) GDT] (C) 5xIFlD (D) VlTQ9T? (E) HI[o
5. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) VEJG? (B) :DlZQIFDo (C) HIT] (D) lTQ9[I]o (E) GDgT]
6. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) .ZT] (B) S]IF"T? (C) EJlgT (D) .rKFlD (E) VRF[ZIT?
7. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) ,ET] (B) V5RT? (C) ClZQIlT (D) HlGQI;[ (E) VG'tID?
8. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 5xIFlD (B) V;[JT? (C) V,E[ (D) HIT] (E) VRF[ZIT?
Part A 50 Marks

Page 11 of 27

5 Marks
For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Write a short note write a short note on Tt5]~QF;DF;
2. Write a short note write a short note on VjIILEFJ;DF;
3. Write a short note write a short note on AC]J|LlC;DF;
4. Give two example of ?g?;DF; with explanation
5. J'1FXFBF Tt5]~QFo xJ[TFxJo SD"WFZIo ?
Z?TJ:+F[ AC]A|LlCo ?g?xRg?lNJFSZF{ ? Explain
6. 5NFGF\ I]U5ntJ\ ;DF;o ;F[@lEWLIT[ ? Explain
7. T+FQ8WF Tt5]~QFo ;%TWF SD"WFZIo ?
;%TWF R AC]ALlClN"U]ZFEFlQFTF[ l?WF ?? Explain

Part A 50 Marks
Page 12 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ??????? ?? ? (B) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
(c) ? ? ? ? ??? ??? ? ? ? (D) ??? ?? ? ? ? ?
2. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??? ????? ? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ? ? ? ? ??? ??? ? ? ? (D) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
3. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ?? ? ? ? ? ? : (B) ? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ?: (D) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
4. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??? ? ???? ? ? ?? ?? ? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ????????? (D) ? ? ??? ? ?
5. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ???? (B) ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ????????? (D) ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
6. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ?????? (B) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?? ?? ?? ???? (D) ??? ?? ? ? ? ?
7. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ?: (B) ?? ? ?? ? :
Page 13 of 27

(c) ?? ? ????? : (D) ? ? ? ? ? ?
8. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?????? (B) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (c) ?? ? ?? ?? (D) ??? ? ?
? ? ? ?
9.Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ??? ?? ?? :
(c) ?
? ? ? ? ?: (D) ? ? ? ? ? ?
10. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ??? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ? ? ? ?
? ? ?
(c) ??????? ?? ? (D) ???? ?? :
11. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??????? ?? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ?
? ? ? ? ? ? (D) ?????? ??
12. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? (B) ????? ??
(c) ???? ??? (D) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
13. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?? ?? ? (D) ?? ??? ? ?
14. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?? ? ? ?? ? (B) ? ??? :
(c) ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? (D) ??????
15. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ?? ? ? ??? ? ? (B) ? ? ? ?
? ? ?
Page 14 of 27

(c) ??????? : (D) ? ? ?? ? ? ?

For 5 Marks Questions

1. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf l?lJW sBf ;CF[?ZTg+[6 sCf IXF[?Z[
2. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf IYF[JFR sBf lGJT"lgT sCf ;lJ\XG
3. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf QFF[0XlJWo sBf IYF[JFR sCf l?lJ`Ro
4. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf TYFp%IF sBf XLTF[Q6\ sCf 5LTFdAZo
5. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf IYFN[XD? sBf p5U'CD? sCf WDF"tDF
6. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf 5|tIn CD? sBf .g?FuGL sCf lR+U]o
7. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf N?F[5N[Xo sBf ;D1FD? sCf N]oBFTLT
8. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf XLTF[Q6\ sBf IYFN[XD? sCf l?lJW
Page 15 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) A, + DT]5 (B) lSXF[Z + 0L5
(C) J{xI + 8F5 (D) Xl?T + V6?
(E) ?F{6 + .?F?
2. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) GLlT + DT]5 (B) UF[5 + 0L5
(C) ?I[Q9 + 8F5? (D) Xl?T + V6?
(E) lGQFFN? + .?F?
3. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) 5F,? + TjID? (B) S, + .G?
(C) ,E + XFGR? (D) ;%T + .S?
(E) zwWF + DT]5
4. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) ,3] + tJ (B) XF[EG + 8F5
(C) ;DFH + .S (D) G{lTS + 0L5?
(E) U]6 + DT]5
5. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) 59 + TjID? (B) U]6 + .G?
(C) IH? + XFGR? (D) GFIS + 8F5
(E) Xl?T + DT]<

Part A 50 Marks

Page 16 of 27


For 10 Marks Questions
1. Write any four usage of the Panchami Vibhakti
2. What is Karan ? which Vibhakti is useful for it ? Write the usage ? any
3. Where the Chaturthi Vibhakti is used ? Explain in the context of Karaka.
4. Where the Dwity Vibhakti is used ? Explain in context of Karaka.
5. What is V5FNFG ? Which Vibhakti is useful for it ? Write usage any four.

?????????? ? ? :

For 2 Marks Questions
1. Make the correction of sentence.
ZFDo DD :G[C5F+o ?
2. Make the correction of sentence.
J'1F:I O,\ 5TlT ?
3. Make the correction of sentence.
T[ U]ZJ[ GDo ?
4. Translate the sentence in to English.
tJD[J 5FSD? SZF[lQF lSD? ?
5. Translate the sentence in to English.
SlT AF,SFo T+ ;lgT ?
6. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Hetal killed Roma.

Part A 50 Marks
?????????? ? ? :
Page 17 of 27

7. Make the correction of sentence
T[ U]ZJ[ GDo ?
8. Make the correction of sentence.

9. Make the correction of sentence.
UF[lJgNF[ UF[5F,[G lJ??Zo ?
10. Translate the sentence in to English.
11. Translate the sentence in to English.
tJD[J 5FSD? SZF[lQF lSD? ?

12. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Krishna is playing with ball.
13. Make the correction of sentence.
VC\ H,\ IFlD ?
14. Make the correction of sentence.
UF[lJgNF[ UF[5F,[G lJ??Zo ?
15. Make the correction of sentence.
J'1FFl6 5+Fl6 5TlgT ?
16. Translate the sentence in to English.
HFT:I lC W|]JF[ D'tI]o ?
17. Translate the sentence in to English.
DCFHGF[ I[G UTFo ; 5gYFo ?
18. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Gentlemen are always admirable.
19. Make the correction of sentence.
7FGFT? lJGF ;]B\ GFl:T ?
20. Make the correction of sentence.
;o ZY:I lJnF,I\ UrKlT ?
21. Make the correction of sentence.
Page 18 of 27

U]~ lXQI\ ?]wIlT ?

22. Translate the sentence in to English.
tJD[J 5FS\ SZF[lQF lSD? ?

23. Translate the sentence in to English.
SlT AF,SFo T+ ;lgT ?
24. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
It was Sanday yesterday.
25. Make the correction of sentence.
N[J:I GDo ?
26. Make the correction of sentence.
;o ;}I"D? 5xIFlD ?
27. Make the correction of sentence.
H8FI]o 5|F6\ TtIFH ?
28. Translate the sentence in to English.
;o :GFG\ XLW|\ SZF[T] ?
29. Translate the sentence in to English.
U|FD:I Nl1F6To JGD? Vl:T ?
30. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Ganga starts from the Himalaya.

Page 19 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Identify the Roopa
sAf XF:+\ sBf S:DFT? sCf lGlN"X[T?
2. Identify the Roopa
sAf pJFR sBf T:DFT? sCf 5]~QF:I
3. Identify the Roopa
sAf I:I sBf >T[QFF\ sCf I:DFT?
4. Identify the Roopa
sAf lXQI:I sBf 59lgT sCf S:DFT?
5. Identify the Roopa
sAf J'QFFT? sBf G'tIlgT sCf 59lT
6. Identify the Roopa
sAf O,[ sBf ;BLQF] sCf Gn{
7. Identify the Roopa
sAf ,1DLo sBf GNLQF] sCf O,[QF]
8. Identify the Roopa
sAf ,TF sBf ClZ6F sCf ZFDF6FD?
Part A 50 Marks

Page 20 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions :
1. lCTFlCT\ ;]B\ N]oBDFI]:T:I lCTF@lCT\ ?
DFG\ R TrR I+F[?TDFI]J["N:; prIT[ ??
2. IFJN?l:DG XZLZ[ 5|F6F[ J;lT TFJNJFI]o ? Explain
3. VFgTlZ1FD]NSFGF\ s5yITDtJ[ z[Q9TDD?f Explain and write about water.
4. Explain cc VIYFA,DFZdEo 5|F6F[5ZF[lWGFD?cc and write about Vyayama.
5. RZS:;]z]TxR{J JFuE8xR TYF@5Zo ?
D]bIFxR ;\lCTF JFrIFl:T:+ >J I]U[ I]U[ ??
T?NFZF[uINFG:I GFgTF[ J{ lJnT[ ?JlRT? ??
7. lGNFG[ DFWJo z[Q9o ;}+:YFG[ T] JFuE8o ?
XZLZ[ X]z]To z[Q9o RZS:T] lRlSlt;T[ ?? Explain
8. jIFIFDo :I{Y" SZF6FD? ? Explain and write about physical exercises :
9. ;no O,lT UFgWJ"D? DF;D[S\ 5]ZF6SD? ?
J[NFo O,lgT SF,[QF] ?IF[lTJ{"nF{ lGZgTZD? ?? Explain
10. Il:DG? 7FT[ ;J"lDN\ 7FTD? EJlT lGlxRT\ ?
Tl:DG? 5lZzDo SFI"o lSDgIT? XF:+EFlQFT\ ?? Explain
11. VQ8F\U;\U|C[ 7FT[ J'YF 5|F?Tg+IF[o zDo ?
VQ8F\U;\U|C[@7FT[ J'YF 5|F?Tg+IF[o zDo ?? Explain

Part B 50 Marks

Page 21 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Write a short note on : C\;F[NSD?
2. Write a short note on : Hygiene.
3. Write a short note on : Vayu
4. Write a short note on : Types of Bath.
5. Write a short note on : Divine physician.
6. Write a short note on water
7. lGNFW[ DFWJo z[Q9o ;}+:YFG[ T] JFuE8o ?
XFZLZ[ ;]z]To z[Q9`RZS:T] lRlSt;S[ ?? Explain.

Page 22 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions :
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
2P VluGo ;F[DF[ JFI]o ;?J\ ZH:TDo
5`R[lg?IFl6 E}TFtD[lT 5|F6Fo ??
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
DF\;FN[J\ 1FTFT? l1F5\ XF[l6T\ ;\5|l;rIT[ ??
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
$P 5]^0ZLS[6 ; ? X\ ?NI\ :IFNWF[D]BD? ?
HFU|T:Tl?S;lT :J5T`R lGDL,lT ??
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
lNJF:J%G`R T'8?X},lC?SF HL6F"lT;FlZ6FD? ??
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
&P .lg?IFY["QJ ;\5|Fl%TUF{ZJ\ H'dE6\ S,Do ?
lG?FT":I[J I:I[CF T:I Tg?F\ lJlGlN"X[T? ??
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
*P lNJFZF+F{ R I[ lGtI\ :J%GHFUZ6F[lRTFo ?
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
(P lG?FlTIF[U[ JDG\ lCT\ ;\XF[WGFlG R ?
, ? WG\ Z?TDF[1F`R DGF[jIFS],FGFlG R ??
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
Part B 50 Marks
Page 23 of 27

Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
!_P lJQFHFTF[ IYF SL8F[ G lJQF[6 lJ5nT[ ?
T?t5|S'TIF[ DtI"\ XSG]JlgT G AFlWT]D? ??
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.

For 5 Marks Questions :
Write a short note on :

!P ;Fl?JS5|S'lT:
2P ZFH;5|S'lT:
# TFD;5|S'lT:
$P lGN|F ;FtdILS'TF I{:T] ZF+F{ R IlN JF lNJF ? Explain
?P 5`RDL 5]ZLQFWZF GFD4 IF@gTo SF[Q9[ D,DlElJEHT[ 5?JFXI:YF ?? Explain
&P ;%TDL X]?WZF GFD? IF ;J"5|Fl6GF\ ;J"XZLZjIFl5GL ?? Explain
*P S,F B(P l?TLIF Z?TWZF DF\;:IFeIgTZTo4 T:IF\ XF[l6T\ lJX[QFT`R l;ZF;] IS't%,LCF[`R EJlT ?? Explain
)P RT]YL" `,[QDWZF GFD? ;J";lgWQF] 5|F6E'TF\ EJlT ?? Explain

;]z]T;\lCTF Sandhi
For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Do the process of sandhi:
(A) ?????? (B)?????? @??????? (c) ????
2 .Do the process of sandhi:
(A) ???+?? (B) ????? (c) ??????????
3.Do the process of sandhi:
(A)?? @?? (B) ?????? (c) ?????????
4.Do the process of sandhi: - FirstRanker's Choice
Page 1 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions

1 Write the "prRFZ6 :YFG" the all alphabets.
2. ItGF[l?WFo VFeIFgTZ AF?xR ? Explain.
3. Explain with examples the Sthan and Prayatnas of letters.
4. Write Shiva Sutras and explain in detail "Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra.
5. Write the meaning with examples of any five following terms.
(A) U]6 (B) 5|FlT5lNS (C) 8L (D) DF+F (E) NLW" (F) pNF?
6. Write Shiva Sutras with their manifistation and explain in detail
"Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra and example.
7. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
8. Explain the classification of the vowels.
9. Explain with Sutrartha & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) VG]GFl;So (C) 8L (D) VJ;FGo
10. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) ;J6" (C) U]6 (D) :JlZT
11. How many places are there in mouth. Explain them with sootra.
For 5 Marks Questions :
Explain the sajnaas.
1 ?????? & ????? & ?????
2 ???? & ?????? & ??????
3 ??
4 ?? & ????
5 ?????
Part A 50 Marks

Page 2 of 27

6 ?????? & ?????
7 ??????????? ????? ? Explain
8 ????????????? @???????:? Explain
9 ????????????????? ???????? Explain
10 ??????????????? ??@???????:? Explain
11 ??: ????????: ?????? ? Explain
12 ???@??????: ?????:? Explain
13 ?????????? Explain
14 ?????????: ? Explain
15 ????? ?? ???:? Explain
16 ???????????:? Explain
17 ??????: ??????:? Explain

For 2 Marks Questions :
Give the answer of following question
1. How many Vowels are there according to aachaarya Paanini.
2. Which letters are knowing as Semivowels / ardhaswara.
3. Which letters are consider as GUNA .
4. Write down the all MAAHESHWARSOOTRA.
5. What is LOP explain with sootra.
6. Explain ?IT? with sootra.

Page 3 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions :
1) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) WFT' + V\X (B) DCF + .g?
(C) lJQ6J[ (D) zLXo
2) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding
(A) lJ8? + D}+;\U|C (B) S{lRN? + UEF"lN
(C) TT? + z]tJF (D) 5IF"I{ZFI]~rIT[
3) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) ;F1FL + .tI]rIT[ (B) ZDF + .lQ8o
(C) lNjI + VF{QFlWo (D) 5FJSo
4) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) QF0? + DF;Fo (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) TT? + 8LSF (D) 5]Go + ZDT[
5) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) U]~ + pNIo (B) DCF + .g?
(C) jIFlW + VFT]Z (D) lJQ6J[
6) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) 5|FS? + >J (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) 5]Go + ZDT[ (D) l5A[gGZo
7) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) ZDF + .lQ8o (B) lNjI + VF{QFlWo
(C) ;C;F + >J (D) GFjID?

8) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
Part A 50 Marks

Page 4 of 27

(A) WFT' +V\X (B) VF;G[+ VF:T[
(C) NX"G + VF{t;]?ID? (D) U|LQDT]"o
9) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DW] + VlZ (B) DCF+ .g?
(C) 5]G;? + ZDT[ (D) DClQF"o
10) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) VG? + lRT
(C) lRT? + VFGgN (D) HUrKlgTo
11) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) IlN + Vl5 (B) VlE + pNIo
(C) ;}I" + pNI (D) CF[T'SFZo
12) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) lRT? + VFGgNo
(C) VG? + lRT (D) 5]G;? + ZDT[
13) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??: (B) ???? + ???
(C) ????? + ????? (D) ??? + ??
14) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?
? ? ?+ ? (B) ?? + ??:
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?? + ??
15. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ???+?????:
(C) ? ? ??+ ???? (D) ??+?????
16. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????????? (B) ????????
(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :
17. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
Page 5 of 27

(A) ???+???? (B) ???+?
(C) ?? + ? ? ? ? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
18. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ??+??:
(C) ?? +??: (D) ??+ ??:
19. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+???? (B) ??+???
(C) ???? + ? (D) ? ? ? + ?
20. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ???+??
(C) ??+ ??: (D) ??+ ??:
21. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????? (B) ????
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
22. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ??????????
(C) ??? ?? + ? ??? ? ? (D) ? ? ??+ ????
23. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ??? ? ?? + ? ?
? ? ? (D) ? ? ?? ?
? ? ? ?
24. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ????? ? : (D) ? ?
?+ ?? ? ?:
25. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+???? (B) ???+?????
Page 6 of 27

(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :

26. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?? (B) ???+?????
(C) ? ?
?+??: (D) ??????? :
27. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+???? ???? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+ ?? (D) ???????
28. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+?? (B) ??:+?? ?
(C) ?
?:+ ???? (D) ?? :+ ??
29. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+????? (B) ??:+????
(C) ? ?? :+ ?? ?? (D) ?? :+ ? ?? ?
30. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ???:+????? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+?? : (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
31. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+????? (B) ????+???????
(C) ???? + ? ?? (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
32. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ? ?? ? : (B) ???+???????
(C) ? ? ? ? ? + ??? ? : (D) ? ? ? ? ? +?? :
33. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??? ? (B) ????+????:
Page 7 of 27

(C) ? ? ? ? ? + ?? ?? : (D) ? ? ? + ?: Etc.
For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf .lT + VgI[ sBf 5]G~l?T sCf 5`RFT? + Vl5

2. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf I:DFT? + VY[[" sBf lJnFrKF:+ sCf 5]Go + J{nF
3. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf TT? + VlWS'tI sBf T:DFlNtIFlN sCf R[Q8F
4. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf IYF + pJFR sBf >TFgI[J sCf QF^DW]ZFNIo
5. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf D]lG + >?ID? sBf klQF + p5F;GF sCf DD[J
6. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf 5\R + .lg?IFl6 sBf p5[g?o sCf :JFUTD?
7. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf DW] + VlZo sBf l5T' + VFN[Xo sCf ,FS'lTo
8. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf DGo + VG]S}, sBf DCT? + R?D? sCf DCT? + K+D?
Page 8 of 27

JFrI5|IF[UFo ( ST"lZ SD"l6 EFJJFrI5|IF[UFo )
For 2 Marks Questions :
(1) Make Vachya Parivartana of the following Sentences.
Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(1) tJIF lS\ l?IT[ m
(2) ;o .:T[G 5]:TS\ U'C6FlT ?
(3) lJnF lJGI\ NNFlT ?
(4) tJIF 5]Z:SFZo U'?T[ ?
(5) KF+[6 5F9o VeI:T[ ?
(6) VC\ l5TZF{ JgN[ ?
(7) VFZ1FSFo ZFQ8=\ Z1FlgT
(8) ,TF ZFQ8=ULT\ UFIlT ?
(9) ;o .:T[G 5]:TS\ U'C6FlT ?
(10) DIF GF8S\ N'xIT[ ?
(11) ;5F"o 5JG\ l5AlgT ?
(12) DI]Z{o G'tIT[ ?
(13) T[G J'1FFo ? xIgT[ ?
(14) DLZF T0FU[ SD,FlG 5xIlT ?
(15) 5]+o l5TZ\ ;[JT[ ?
(16) DLZIF O,FlG BFngT[ ?
(17) tJIF 5]Z:SFZo U'?T[ ?
(18) KF+FlEo lX1FSF\ VlEGgnT[ ?
(19) DIF 5F9o :DI"T[ ?
(20) DLZF T0FU[ SD,FlG 5xIlgT ?
Part A 50 Marks
JFrI5|IF[UFo ( ST"lZ SD"l6 EFJJFrI5|IF[UFo )

Page 9 of 27

(21) T[G\ J'1FFo ? xIgT[ ?
(22) VC\ 5|lTlNG\ U'CSFI"\ SZF[lD ?
(23) HGFo 5|NX"GL\ 5xIlgT ?
(24) ,TF ZFQ8=ULT\ UFIlT ?
(25) KF+[6 5F9o VeI:IT[ ?
(26) N[Jo 5|FTo ;%TJFN[G lJnF,I\ UrKlT ?Etc.
Page 10 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) ClZQIFDo (B) C; (C) 5xIlT (D) NNlT
2. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) V:T] (B) V59D? (C) V5RG? (D) A|JLlD (E) NNlT
3. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 59[ID? (B) GDT] (C) 5xIFlD (D) VlTQ9T? (E) HI[o
4. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 59[ID? (B) GDT] (C) 5xIFlD (D) VlTQ9T? (E) HI[o
5. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) VEJG? (B) :DlZQIFDo (C) HIT] (D) lTQ9[I]o (E) GDgT]
6. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) .ZT] (B) S]IF"T? (C) EJlgT (D) .rKFlD (E) VRF[ZIT?
7. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) ,ET] (B) V5RT? (C) ClZQIlT (D) HlGQI;[ (E) VG'tID?
8. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 5xIFlD (B) V;[JT? (C) V,E[ (D) HIT] (E) VRF[ZIT?
Part A 50 Marks

Page 11 of 27

5 Marks
For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Write a short note write a short note on Tt5]~QF;DF;
2. Write a short note write a short note on VjIILEFJ;DF;
3. Write a short note write a short note on AC]J|LlC;DF;
4. Give two example of ?g?;DF; with explanation
5. J'1FXFBF Tt5]~QFo xJ[TFxJo SD"WFZIo ?
Z?TJ:+F[ AC]A|LlCo ?g?xRg?lNJFSZF{ ? Explain
6. 5NFGF\ I]U5ntJ\ ;DF;o ;F[@lEWLIT[ ? Explain
7. T+FQ8WF Tt5]~QFo ;%TWF SD"WFZIo ?
;%TWF R AC]ALlClN"U]ZFEFlQFTF[ l?WF ?? Explain

Part A 50 Marks
Page 12 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ??????? ?? ? (B) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
(c) ? ? ? ? ??? ??? ? ? ? (D) ??? ?? ? ? ? ?
2. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??? ????? ? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ? ? ? ? ??? ??? ? ? ? (D) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
3. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ?? ? ? ? ? ? : (B) ? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ?: (D) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
4. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??? ? ???? ? ? ?? ?? ? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ????????? (D) ? ? ??? ? ?
5. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ???? (B) ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ????????? (D) ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
6. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ?????? (B) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?? ?? ?? ???? (D) ??? ?? ? ? ? ?
7. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ?: (B) ?? ? ?? ? :
Page 13 of 27

(c) ?? ? ????? : (D) ? ? ? ? ? ?
8. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?????? (B) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (c) ?? ? ?? ?? (D) ??? ? ?
? ? ? ?
9.Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ??? ?? ?? :
(c) ?
? ? ? ? ?: (D) ? ? ? ? ? ?
10. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ??? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ? ? ? ?
? ? ?
(c) ??????? ?? ? (D) ???? ?? :
11. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??????? ?? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ?
? ? ? ? ? ? (D) ?????? ??
12. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? (B) ????? ??
(c) ???? ??? (D) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
13. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?? ?? ? (D) ?? ??? ? ?
14. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?? ? ? ?? ? (B) ? ??? :
(c) ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? (D) ??????
15. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ?? ? ? ??? ? ? (B) ? ? ? ?
? ? ?
Page 14 of 27

(c) ??????? : (D) ? ? ?? ? ? ?

For 5 Marks Questions

1. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf l?lJW sBf ;CF[?ZTg+[6 sCf IXF[?Z[
2. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf IYF[JFR sBf lGJT"lgT sCf ;lJ\XG
3. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf QFF[0XlJWo sBf IYF[JFR sCf l?lJ`Ro
4. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf TYFp%IF sBf XLTF[Q6\ sCf 5LTFdAZo
5. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf IYFN[XD? sBf p5U'CD? sCf WDF"tDF
6. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf 5|tIn CD? sBf .g?FuGL sCf lR+U]o
7. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf N?F[5N[Xo sBf ;D1FD? sCf N]oBFTLT
8. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf XLTF[Q6\ sBf IYFN[XD? sCf l?lJW
Page 15 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) A, + DT]5 (B) lSXF[Z + 0L5
(C) J{xI + 8F5 (D) Xl?T + V6?
(E) ?F{6 + .?F?
2. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) GLlT + DT]5 (B) UF[5 + 0L5
(C) ?I[Q9 + 8F5? (D) Xl?T + V6?
(E) lGQFFN? + .?F?
3. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) 5F,? + TjID? (B) S, + .G?
(C) ,E + XFGR? (D) ;%T + .S?
(E) zwWF + DT]5
4. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) ,3] + tJ (B) XF[EG + 8F5
(C) ;DFH + .S (D) G{lTS + 0L5?
(E) U]6 + DT]5
5. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) 59 + TjID? (B) U]6 + .G?
(C) IH? + XFGR? (D) GFIS + 8F5
(E) Xl?T + DT]<

Part A 50 Marks

Page 16 of 27


For 10 Marks Questions
1. Write any four usage of the Panchami Vibhakti
2. What is Karan ? which Vibhakti is useful for it ? Write the usage ? any
3. Where the Chaturthi Vibhakti is used ? Explain in the context of Karaka.
4. Where the Dwity Vibhakti is used ? Explain in context of Karaka.
5. What is V5FNFG ? Which Vibhakti is useful for it ? Write usage any four.

?????????? ? ? :

For 2 Marks Questions
1. Make the correction of sentence.
ZFDo DD :G[C5F+o ?
2. Make the correction of sentence.
J'1F:I O,\ 5TlT ?
3. Make the correction of sentence.
T[ U]ZJ[ GDo ?
4. Translate the sentence in to English.
tJD[J 5FSD? SZF[lQF lSD? ?
5. Translate the sentence in to English.
SlT AF,SFo T+ ;lgT ?
6. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Hetal killed Roma.

Part A 50 Marks
?????????? ? ? :
Page 17 of 27

7. Make the correction of sentence
T[ U]ZJ[ GDo ?
8. Make the correction of sentence.

9. Make the correction of sentence.
UF[lJgNF[ UF[5F,[G lJ??Zo ?
10. Translate the sentence in to English.
11. Translate the sentence in to English.
tJD[J 5FSD? SZF[lQF lSD? ?

12. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Krishna is playing with ball.
13. Make the correction of sentence.
VC\ H,\ IFlD ?
14. Make the correction of sentence.
UF[lJgNF[ UF[5F,[G lJ??Zo ?
15. Make the correction of sentence.
J'1FFl6 5+Fl6 5TlgT ?
16. Translate the sentence in to English.
HFT:I lC W|]JF[ D'tI]o ?
17. Translate the sentence in to English.
DCFHGF[ I[G UTFo ; 5gYFo ?
18. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Gentlemen are always admirable.
19. Make the correction of sentence.
7FGFT? lJGF ;]B\ GFl:T ?
20. Make the correction of sentence.
;o ZY:I lJnF,I\ UrKlT ?
21. Make the correction of sentence.
Page 18 of 27

U]~ lXQI\ ?]wIlT ?

22. Translate the sentence in to English.
tJD[J 5FS\ SZF[lQF lSD? ?

23. Translate the sentence in to English.
SlT AF,SFo T+ ;lgT ?
24. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
It was Sanday yesterday.
25. Make the correction of sentence.
N[J:I GDo ?
26. Make the correction of sentence.
;o ;}I"D? 5xIFlD ?
27. Make the correction of sentence.
H8FI]o 5|F6\ TtIFH ?
28. Translate the sentence in to English.
;o :GFG\ XLW|\ SZF[T] ?
29. Translate the sentence in to English.
U|FD:I Nl1F6To JGD? Vl:T ?
30. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Ganga starts from the Himalaya.

Page 19 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Identify the Roopa
sAf XF:+\ sBf S:DFT? sCf lGlN"X[T?
2. Identify the Roopa
sAf pJFR sBf T:DFT? sCf 5]~QF:I
3. Identify the Roopa
sAf I:I sBf >T[QFF\ sCf I:DFT?
4. Identify the Roopa
sAf lXQI:I sBf 59lgT sCf S:DFT?
5. Identify the Roopa
sAf J'QFFT? sBf G'tIlgT sCf 59lT
6. Identify the Roopa
sAf O,[ sBf ;BLQF] sCf Gn{
7. Identify the Roopa
sAf ,1DLo sBf GNLQF] sCf O,[QF]
8. Identify the Roopa
sAf ,TF sBf ClZ6F sCf ZFDF6FD?
Part A 50 Marks

Page 20 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions :
1. lCTFlCT\ ;]B\ N]oBDFI]:T:I lCTF@lCT\ ?
DFG\ R TrR I+F[?TDFI]J["N:; prIT[ ??
2. IFJN?l:DG XZLZ[ 5|F6F[ J;lT TFJNJFI]o ? Explain
3. VFgTlZ1FD]NSFGF\ s5yITDtJ[ z[Q9TDD?f Explain and write about water.
4. Explain cc VIYFA,DFZdEo 5|F6F[5ZF[lWGFD?cc and write about Vyayama.
5. RZS:;]z]TxR{J JFuE8xR TYF@5Zo ?
D]bIFxR ;\lCTF JFrIFl:T:+ >J I]U[ I]U[ ??
T?NFZF[uINFG:I GFgTF[ J{ lJnT[ ?JlRT? ??
7. lGNFG[ DFWJo z[Q9o ;}+:YFG[ T] JFuE8o ?
XZLZ[ X]z]To z[Q9o RZS:T] lRlSlt;T[ ?? Explain
8. jIFIFDo :I{Y" SZF6FD? ? Explain and write about physical exercises :
9. ;no O,lT UFgWJ"D? DF;D[S\ 5]ZF6SD? ?
J[NFo O,lgT SF,[QF] ?IF[lTJ{"nF{ lGZgTZD? ?? Explain
10. Il:DG? 7FT[ ;J"lDN\ 7FTD? EJlT lGlxRT\ ?
Tl:DG? 5lZzDo SFI"o lSDgIT? XF:+EFlQFT\ ?? Explain
11. VQ8F\U;\U|C[ 7FT[ J'YF 5|F?Tg+IF[o zDo ?
VQ8F\U;\U|C[@7FT[ J'YF 5|F?Tg+IF[o zDo ?? Explain

Part B 50 Marks

Page 21 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Write a short note on : C\;F[NSD?
2. Write a short note on : Hygiene.
3. Write a short note on : Vayu
4. Write a short note on : Types of Bath.
5. Write a short note on : Divine physician.
6. Write a short note on water
7. lGNFW[ DFWJo z[Q9o ;}+:YFG[ T] JFuE8o ?
XFZLZ[ ;]z]To z[Q9`RZS:T] lRlSt;S[ ?? Explain.

Page 22 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions :
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
2P VluGo ;F[DF[ JFI]o ;?J\ ZH:TDo
5`R[lg?IFl6 E}TFtD[lT 5|F6Fo ??
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
DF\;FN[J\ 1FTFT? l1F5\ XF[l6T\ ;\5|l;rIT[ ??
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
$P 5]^0ZLS[6 ; ? X\ ?NI\ :IFNWF[D]BD? ?
HFU|T:Tl?S;lT :J5T`R lGDL,lT ??
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
lNJF:J%G`R T'8?X},lC?SF HL6F"lT;FlZ6FD? ??
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
&P .lg?IFY["QJ ;\5|Fl%TUF{ZJ\ H'dE6\ S,Do ?
lG?FT":I[J I:I[CF T:I Tg?F\ lJlGlN"X[T? ??
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
*P lNJFZF+F{ R I[ lGtI\ :J%GHFUZ6F[lRTFo ?
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
(P lG?FlTIF[U[ JDG\ lCT\ ;\XF[WGFlG R ?
, ? WG\ Z?TDF[1F`R DGF[jIFS],FGFlG R ??
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
Part B 50 Marks
Page 23 of 27

Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
!_P lJQFHFTF[ IYF SL8F[ G lJQF[6 lJ5nT[ ?
T?t5|S'TIF[ DtI"\ XSG]JlgT G AFlWT]D? ??
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.

For 5 Marks Questions :
Write a short note on :

!P ;Fl?JS5|S'lT:
2P ZFH;5|S'lT:
# TFD;5|S'lT:
$P lGN|F ;FtdILS'TF I{:T] ZF+F{ R IlN JF lNJF ? Explain
?P 5`RDL 5]ZLQFWZF GFD4 IF@gTo SF[Q9[ D,DlElJEHT[ 5?JFXI:YF ?? Explain
&P ;%TDL X]?WZF GFD? IF ;J"5|Fl6GF\ ;J"XZLZjIFl5GL ?? Explain
*P S,F B(P l?TLIF Z?TWZF DF\;:IFeIgTZTo4 T:IF\ XF[l6T\ lJX[QFT`R l;ZF;] IS't%,LCF[`R EJlT ?? Explain
)P RT]YL" `,[QDWZF GFD? ;J";lgWQF] 5|F6E'TF\ EJlT ?? Explain

;]z]T;\lCTF Sandhi
For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Do the process of sandhi:
(A) ?????? (B)?????? @??????? (c) ????
2 .Do the process of sandhi:
(A) ???+?? (B) ????? (c) ??????????
3.Do the process of sandhi:
(A)?? @?? (B) ?????? (c) ?????????
4.Do the process of sandhi:
Page 24 of 27

(A) ???????? (B) ?????? (c)? ??????
5.Do the process of sandhi:
(A) ????????? ?? (B) ????????? (c)??@?????:
6.Do the process of sandhi:
(A)???@????????? (B) ????????????? (c) ??@?????: Etc.

Sushrut Samhita,sareera sthanam chepter_4
Identify the name of Roopa
For 5Marks Questions :
1.Identify the name of Roopa :
(A) ???? ?????: (B) ???????? (c)????
2.Identify the name of Roopa :
(A) ???: (B) ???????? (c) ??????
3.Identify the name of Roopa :
(A) ??? : (B) ????? (c) ????

4.Identify the name of Roopa :
(A) ???: (B) ??????? (c)????
5.Identify the name of Roopa :
(A) ??????? (B) ??????? (c)??????????
Sushrut Samhita,sareera sthanam chepter_4

For 5Marks Questions : - FirstRanker's Choice
Page 1 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions

1 Write the "prRFZ6 :YFG" the all alphabets.
2. ItGF[l?WFo VFeIFgTZ AF?xR ? Explain.
3. Explain with examples the Sthan and Prayatnas of letters.
4. Write Shiva Sutras and explain in detail "Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra.
5. Write the meaning with examples of any five following terms.
(A) U]6 (B) 5|FlT5lNS (C) 8L (D) DF+F (E) NLW" (F) pNF?
6. Write Shiva Sutras with their manifistation and explain in detail
"Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra and example.
7. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
8. Explain the classification of the vowels.
9. Explain with Sutrartha & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) VG]GFl;So (C) 8L (D) VJ;FGo
10. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) ;J6" (C) U]6 (D) :JlZT
11. How many places are there in mouth. Explain them with sootra.
For 5 Marks Questions :
Explain the sajnaas.
1 ?????? & ????? & ?????
2 ???? & ?????? & ??????
3 ??
4 ?? & ????
5 ?????
Part A 50 Marks

Page 2 of 27

6 ?????? & ?????
7 ??????????? ????? ? Explain
8 ????????????? @???????:? Explain
9 ????????????????? ???????? Explain
10 ??????????????? ??@???????:? Explain
11 ??: ????????: ?????? ? Explain
12 ???@??????: ?????:? Explain
13 ?????????? Explain
14 ?????????: ? Explain
15 ????? ?? ???:? Explain
16 ???????????:? Explain
17 ??????: ??????:? Explain

For 2 Marks Questions :
Give the answer of following question
1. How many Vowels are there according to aachaarya Paanini.
2. Which letters are knowing as Semivowels / ardhaswara.
3. Which letters are consider as GUNA .
4. Write down the all MAAHESHWARSOOTRA.
5. What is LOP explain with sootra.
6. Explain ?IT? with sootra.

Page 3 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions :
1) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) WFT' + V\X (B) DCF + .g?
(C) lJQ6J[ (D) zLXo
2) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding
(A) lJ8? + D}+;\U|C (B) S{lRN? + UEF"lN
(C) TT? + z]tJF (D) 5IF"I{ZFI]~rIT[
3) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) ;F1FL + .tI]rIT[ (B) ZDF + .lQ8o
(C) lNjI + VF{QFlWo (D) 5FJSo
4) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) QF0? + DF;Fo (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) TT? + 8LSF (D) 5]Go + ZDT[
5) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) U]~ + pNIo (B) DCF + .g?
(C) jIFlW + VFT]Z (D) lJQ6J[
6) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) 5|FS? + >J (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) 5]Go + ZDT[ (D) l5A[gGZo
7) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) ZDF + .lQ8o (B) lNjI + VF{QFlWo
(C) ;C;F + >J (D) GFjID?

8) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
Part A 50 Marks

Page 4 of 27

(A) WFT' +V\X (B) VF;G[+ VF:T[
(C) NX"G + VF{t;]?ID? (D) U|LQDT]"o
9) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DW] + VlZ (B) DCF+ .g?
(C) 5]G;? + ZDT[ (D) DClQF"o
10) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) VG? + lRT
(C) lRT? + VFGgN (D) HUrKlgTo
11) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) IlN + Vl5 (B) VlE + pNIo
(C) ;}I" + pNI (D) CF[T'SFZo
12) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) lRT? + VFGgNo
(C) VG? + lRT (D) 5]G;? + ZDT[
13) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??: (B) ???? + ???
(C) ????? + ????? (D) ??? + ??
14) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?
? ? ?+ ? (B) ?? + ??:
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?? + ??
15. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ???+?????:
(C) ? ? ??+ ???? (D) ??+?????
16. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????????? (B) ????????
(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :
17. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
Page 5 of 27

(A) ???+???? (B) ???+?
(C) ?? + ? ? ? ? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
18. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ??+??:
(C) ?? +??: (D) ??+ ??:
19. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+???? (B) ??+???
(C) ???? + ? (D) ? ? ? + ?
20. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ???+??
(C) ??+ ??: (D) ??+ ??:
21. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????? (B) ????
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
22. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ??????????
(C) ??? ?? + ? ??? ? ? (D) ? ? ??+ ????
23. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ??? ? ?? + ? ?
? ? ? (D) ? ? ?? ?
? ? ? ?
24. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ????? ? : (D) ? ?
?+ ?? ? ?:
25. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+???? (B) ???+?????
Page 6 of 27

(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :

26. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?? (B) ???+?????
(C) ? ?
?+??: (D) ??????? :
27. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+???? ???? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+ ?? (D) ???????
28. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+?? (B) ??:+?? ?
(C) ?
?:+ ???? (D) ?? :+ ??
29. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+????? (B) ??:+????
(C) ? ?? :+ ?? ?? (D) ?? :+ ? ?? ?
30. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ???:+????? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+?? : (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
31. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+????? (B) ????+???????
(C) ???? + ? ?? (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
32. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ? ?? ? : (B) ???+???????
(C) ? ? ? ? ? + ??? ? : (D) ? ? ? ? ? +?? :
33. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??? ? (B) ????+????:
Page 7 of 27

(C) ? ? ? ? ? + ?? ?? : (D) ? ? ? + ?: Etc.
For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf .lT + VgI[ sBf 5]G~l?T sCf 5`RFT? + Vl5

2. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf I:DFT? + VY[[" sBf lJnFrKF:+ sCf 5]Go + J{nF
3. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf TT? + VlWS'tI sBf T:DFlNtIFlN sCf R[Q8F
4. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf IYF + pJFR sBf >TFgI[J sCf QF^DW]ZFNIo
5. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf D]lG + >?ID? sBf klQF + p5F;GF sCf DD[J
6. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf 5\R + .lg?IFl6 sBf p5[g?o sCf :JFUTD?
7. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf DW] + VlZo sBf l5T' + VFN[Xo sCf ,FS'lTo
8. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf DGo + VG]S}, sBf DCT? + R?D? sCf DCT? + K+D?
Page 8 of 27

JFrI5|IF[UFo ( ST"lZ SD"l6 EFJJFrI5|IF[UFo )
For 2 Marks Questions :
(1) Make Vachya Parivartana of the following Sentences.
Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(1) tJIF lS\ l?IT[ m
(2) ;o .:T[G 5]:TS\ U'C6FlT ?
(3) lJnF lJGI\ NNFlT ?
(4) tJIF 5]Z:SFZo U'?T[ ?
(5) KF+[6 5F9o VeI:T[ ?
(6) VC\ l5TZF{ JgN[ ?
(7) VFZ1FSFo ZFQ8=\ Z1FlgT
(8) ,TF ZFQ8=ULT\ UFIlT ?
(9) ;o .:T[G 5]:TS\ U'C6FlT ?
(10) DIF GF8S\ N'xIT[ ?
(11) ;5F"o 5JG\ l5AlgT ?
(12) DI]Z{o G'tIT[ ?
(13) T[G J'1FFo ? xIgT[ ?
(14) DLZF T0FU[ SD,FlG 5xIlT ?
(15) 5]+o l5TZ\ ;[JT[ ?
(16) DLZIF O,FlG BFngT[ ?
(17) tJIF 5]Z:SFZo U'?T[ ?
(18) KF+FlEo lX1FSF\ VlEGgnT[ ?
(19) DIF 5F9o :DI"T[ ?
(20) DLZF T0FU[ SD,FlG 5xIlgT ?
Part A 50 Marks
JFrI5|IF[UFo ( ST"lZ SD"l6 EFJJFrI5|IF[UFo )

Page 9 of 27

(21) T[G\ J'1FFo ? xIgT[ ?
(22) VC\ 5|lTlNG\ U'CSFI"\ SZF[lD ?
(23) HGFo 5|NX"GL\ 5xIlgT ?
(24) ,TF ZFQ8=ULT\ UFIlT ?
(25) KF+[6 5F9o VeI:IT[ ?
(26) N[Jo 5|FTo ;%TJFN[G lJnF,I\ UrKlT ?Etc.
Page 10 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) ClZQIFDo (B) C; (C) 5xIlT (D) NNlT
2. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) V:T] (B) V59D? (C) V5RG? (D) A|JLlD (E) NNlT
3. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 59[ID? (B) GDT] (C) 5xIFlD (D) VlTQ9T? (E) HI[o
4. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 59[ID? (B) GDT] (C) 5xIFlD (D) VlTQ9T? (E) HI[o
5. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) VEJG? (B) :DlZQIFDo (C) HIT] (D) lTQ9[I]o (E) GDgT]
6. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) .ZT] (B) S]IF"T? (C) EJlgT (D) .rKFlD (E) VRF[ZIT?
7. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) ,ET] (B) V5RT? (C) ClZQIlT (D) HlGQI;[ (E) VG'tID?
8. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 5xIFlD (B) V;[JT? (C) V,E[ (D) HIT] (E) VRF[ZIT?
Part A 50 Marks

Page 11 of 27

5 Marks
For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Write a short note write a short note on Tt5]~QF;DF;
2. Write a short note write a short note on VjIILEFJ;DF;
3. Write a short note write a short note on AC]J|LlC;DF;
4. Give two example of ?g?;DF; with explanation
5. J'1FXFBF Tt5]~QFo xJ[TFxJo SD"WFZIo ?
Z?TJ:+F[ AC]A|LlCo ?g?xRg?lNJFSZF{ ? Explain
6. 5NFGF\ I]U5ntJ\ ;DF;o ;F[@lEWLIT[ ? Explain
7. T+FQ8WF Tt5]~QFo ;%TWF SD"WFZIo ?
;%TWF R AC]ALlClN"U]ZFEFlQFTF[ l?WF ?? Explain

Part A 50 Marks
Page 12 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ??????? ?? ? (B) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
(c) ? ? ? ? ??? ??? ? ? ? (D) ??? ?? ? ? ? ?
2. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??? ????? ? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ? ? ? ? ??? ??? ? ? ? (D) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
3. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ?? ? ? ? ? ? : (B) ? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ?: (D) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
4. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??? ? ???? ? ? ?? ?? ? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ????????? (D) ? ? ??? ? ?
5. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ???? (B) ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ????????? (D) ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
6. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ?????? (B) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?? ?? ?? ???? (D) ??? ?? ? ? ? ?
7. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ?: (B) ?? ? ?? ? :
Page 13 of 27

(c) ?? ? ????? : (D) ? ? ? ? ? ?
8. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?????? (B) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (c) ?? ? ?? ?? (D) ??? ? ?
? ? ? ?
9.Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ??? ?? ?? :
(c) ?
? ? ? ? ?: (D) ? ? ? ? ? ?
10. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ??? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ? ? ? ?
? ? ?
(c) ??????? ?? ? (D) ???? ?? :
11. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??????? ?? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ?
? ? ? ? ? ? (D) ?????? ??
12. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? (B) ????? ??
(c) ???? ??? (D) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
13. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?? ?? ? (D) ?? ??? ? ?
14. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?? ? ? ?? ? (B) ? ??? :
(c) ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? (D) ??????
15. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ?? ? ? ??? ? ? (B) ? ? ? ?
? ? ?
Page 14 of 27

(c) ??????? : (D) ? ? ?? ? ? ?

For 5 Marks Questions

1. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf l?lJW sBf ;CF[?ZTg+[6 sCf IXF[?Z[
2. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf IYF[JFR sBf lGJT"lgT sCf ;lJ\XG
3. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf QFF[0XlJWo sBf IYF[JFR sCf l?lJ`Ro
4. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf TYFp%IF sBf XLTF[Q6\ sCf 5LTFdAZo
5. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf IYFN[XD? sBf p5U'CD? sCf WDF"tDF
6. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf 5|tIn CD? sBf .g?FuGL sCf lR+U]o
7. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf N?F[5N[Xo sBf ;D1FD? sCf N]oBFTLT
8. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf XLTF[Q6\ sBf IYFN[XD? sCf l?lJW
Page 15 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) A, + DT]5 (B) lSXF[Z + 0L5
(C) J{xI + 8F5 (D) Xl?T + V6?
(E) ?F{6 + .?F?
2. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) GLlT + DT]5 (B) UF[5 + 0L5
(C) ?I[Q9 + 8F5? (D) Xl?T + V6?
(E) lGQFFN? + .?F?
3. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) 5F,? + TjID? (B) S, + .G?
(C) ,E + XFGR? (D) ;%T + .S?
(E) zwWF + DT]5
4. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) ,3] + tJ (B) XF[EG + 8F5
(C) ;DFH + .S (D) G{lTS + 0L5?
(E) U]6 + DT]5
5. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) 59 + TjID? (B) U]6 + .G?
(C) IH? + XFGR? (D) GFIS + 8F5
(E) Xl?T + DT]<

Part A 50 Marks

Page 16 of 27


For 10 Marks Questions
1. Write any four usage of the Panchami Vibhakti
2. What is Karan ? which Vibhakti is useful for it ? Write the usage ? any
3. Where the Chaturthi Vibhakti is used ? Explain in the context of Karaka.
4. Where the Dwity Vibhakti is used ? Explain in context of Karaka.
5. What is V5FNFG ? Which Vibhakti is useful for it ? Write usage any four.

?????????? ? ? :

For 2 Marks Questions
1. Make the correction of sentence.
ZFDo DD :G[C5F+o ?
2. Make the correction of sentence.
J'1F:I O,\ 5TlT ?
3. Make the correction of sentence.
T[ U]ZJ[ GDo ?
4. Translate the sentence in to English.
tJD[J 5FSD? SZF[lQF lSD? ?
5. Translate the sentence in to English.
SlT AF,SFo T+ ;lgT ?
6. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Hetal killed Roma.

Part A 50 Marks
?????????? ? ? :
Page 17 of 27

7. Make the correction of sentence
T[ U]ZJ[ GDo ?
8. Make the correction of sentence.

9. Make the correction of sentence.
UF[lJgNF[ UF[5F,[G lJ??Zo ?
10. Translate the sentence in to English.
11. Translate the sentence in to English.
tJD[J 5FSD? SZF[lQF lSD? ?

12. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Krishna is playing with ball.
13. Make the correction of sentence.
VC\ H,\ IFlD ?
14. Make the correction of sentence.
UF[lJgNF[ UF[5F,[G lJ??Zo ?
15. Make the correction of sentence.
J'1FFl6 5+Fl6 5TlgT ?
16. Translate the sentence in to English.
HFT:I lC W|]JF[ D'tI]o ?
17. Translate the sentence in to English.
DCFHGF[ I[G UTFo ; 5gYFo ?
18. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Gentlemen are always admirable.
19. Make the correction of sentence.
7FGFT? lJGF ;]B\ GFl:T ?
20. Make the correction of sentence.
;o ZY:I lJnF,I\ UrKlT ?
21. Make the correction of sentence.
Page 18 of 27

U]~ lXQI\ ?]wIlT ?

22. Translate the sentence in to English.
tJD[J 5FS\ SZF[lQF lSD? ?

23. Translate the sentence in to English.
SlT AF,SFo T+ ;lgT ?
24. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
It was Sanday yesterday.
25. Make the correction of sentence.
N[J:I GDo ?
26. Make the correction of sentence.
;o ;}I"D? 5xIFlD ?
27. Make the correction of sentence.
H8FI]o 5|F6\ TtIFH ?
28. Translate the sentence in to English.
;o :GFG\ XLW|\ SZF[T] ?
29. Translate the sentence in to English.
U|FD:I Nl1F6To JGD? Vl:T ?
30. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Ganga starts from the Himalaya.

Page 19 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Identify the Roopa
sAf XF:+\ sBf S:DFT? sCf lGlN"X[T?
2. Identify the Roopa
sAf pJFR sBf T:DFT? sCf 5]~QF:I
3. Identify the Roopa
sAf I:I sBf >T[QFF\ sCf I:DFT?
4. Identify the Roopa
sAf lXQI:I sBf 59lgT sCf S:DFT?
5. Identify the Roopa
sAf J'QFFT? sBf G'tIlgT sCf 59lT
6. Identify the Roopa
sAf O,[ sBf ;BLQF] sCf Gn{
7. Identify the Roopa
sAf ,1DLo sBf GNLQF] sCf O,[QF]
8. Identify the Roopa
sAf ,TF sBf ClZ6F sCf ZFDF6FD?
Part A 50 Marks

Page 20 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions :
1. lCTFlCT\ ;]B\ N]oBDFI]:T:I lCTF@lCT\ ?
DFG\ R TrR I+F[?TDFI]J["N:; prIT[ ??
2. IFJN?l:DG XZLZ[ 5|F6F[ J;lT TFJNJFI]o ? Explain
3. VFgTlZ1FD]NSFGF\ s5yITDtJ[ z[Q9TDD?f Explain and write about water.
4. Explain cc VIYFA,DFZdEo 5|F6F[5ZF[lWGFD?cc and write about Vyayama.
5. RZS:;]z]TxR{J JFuE8xR TYF@5Zo ?
D]bIFxR ;\lCTF JFrIFl:T:+ >J I]U[ I]U[ ??
T?NFZF[uINFG:I GFgTF[ J{ lJnT[ ?JlRT? ??
7. lGNFG[ DFWJo z[Q9o ;}+:YFG[ T] JFuE8o ?
XZLZ[ X]z]To z[Q9o RZS:T] lRlSlt;T[ ?? Explain
8. jIFIFDo :I{Y" SZF6FD? ? Explain and write about physical exercises :
9. ;no O,lT UFgWJ"D? DF;D[S\ 5]ZF6SD? ?
J[NFo O,lgT SF,[QF] ?IF[lTJ{"nF{ lGZgTZD? ?? Explain
10. Il:DG? 7FT[ ;J"lDN\ 7FTD? EJlT lGlxRT\ ?
Tl:DG? 5lZzDo SFI"o lSDgIT? XF:+EFlQFT\ ?? Explain
11. VQ8F\U;\U|C[ 7FT[ J'YF 5|F?Tg+IF[o zDo ?
VQ8F\U;\U|C[@7FT[ J'YF 5|F?Tg+IF[o zDo ?? Explain

Part B 50 Marks

Page 21 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Write a short note on : C\;F[NSD?
2. Write a short note on : Hygiene.
3. Write a short note on : Vayu
4. Write a short note on : Types of Bath.
5. Write a short note on : Divine physician.
6. Write a short note on water
7. lGNFW[ DFWJo z[Q9o ;}+:YFG[ T] JFuE8o ?
XFZLZ[ ;]z]To z[Q9`RZS:T] lRlSt;S[ ?? Explain.

Page 22 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions :
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
2P VluGo ;F[DF[ JFI]o ;?J\ ZH:TDo
5`R[lg?IFl6 E}TFtD[lT 5|F6Fo ??
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
DF\;FN[J\ 1FTFT? l1F5\ XF[l6T\ ;\5|l;rIT[ ??
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
$P 5]^0ZLS[6 ; ? X\ ?NI\ :IFNWF[D]BD? ?
HFU|T:Tl?S;lT :J5T`R lGDL,lT ??
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
lNJF:J%G`R T'8?X},lC?SF HL6F"lT;FlZ6FD? ??
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
&P .lg?IFY["QJ ;\5|Fl%TUF{ZJ\ H'dE6\ S,Do ?
lG?FT":I[J I:I[CF T:I Tg?F\ lJlGlN"X[T? ??
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
*P lNJFZF+F{ R I[ lGtI\ :J%GHFUZ6F[lRTFo ?
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
(P lG?FlTIF[U[ JDG\ lCT\ ;\XF[WGFlG R ?
, ? WG\ Z?TDF[1F`R DGF[jIFS],FGFlG R ??
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
Part B 50 Marks
Page 23 of 27

Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
!_P lJQFHFTF[ IYF SL8F[ G lJQF[6 lJ5nT[ ?
T?t5|S'TIF[ DtI"\ XSG]JlgT G AFlWT]D? ??
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.

For 5 Marks Questions :
Write a short note on :

!P ;Fl?JS5|S'lT:
2P ZFH;5|S'lT:
# TFD;5|S'lT:
$P lGN|F ;FtdILS'TF I{:T] ZF+F{ R IlN JF lNJF ? Explain
?P 5`RDL 5]ZLQFWZF GFD4 IF@gTo SF[Q9[ D,DlElJEHT[ 5?JFXI:YF ?? Explain
&P ;%TDL X]?WZF GFD? IF ;J"5|Fl6GF\ ;J"XZLZjIFl5GL ?? Explain
*P S,F B(P l?TLIF Z?TWZF DF\;:IFeIgTZTo4 T:IF\ XF[l6T\ lJX[QFT`R l;ZF;] IS't%,LCF[`R EJlT ?? Explain
)P RT]YL" `,[QDWZF GFD? ;J";lgWQF] 5|F6E'TF\ EJlT ?? Explain

;]z]T;\lCTF Sandhi
For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Do the process of sandhi:
(A) ?????? (B)?????? @??????? (c) ????
2 .Do the process of sandhi:
(A) ???+?? (B) ????? (c) ??????????
3.Do the process of sandhi:
(A)?? @?? (B) ?????? (c) ?????????
4.Do the process of sandhi:
Page 24 of 27

(A) ???????? (B) ?????? (c)? ??????
5.Do the process of sandhi:
(A) ????????? ?? (B) ????????? (c)??@?????:
6.Do the process of sandhi:
(A)???@????????? (B) ????????????? (c) ??@?????: Etc.

Sushrut Samhita,sareera sthanam chepter_4
Identify the name of Roopa
For 5Marks Questions :
1.Identify the name of Roopa :
(A) ???? ?????: (B) ???????? (c)????
2.Identify the name of Roopa :
(A) ???: (B) ???????? (c) ??????
3.Identify the name of Roopa :
(A) ??? : (B) ????? (c) ????

4.Identify the name of Roopa :
(A) ???: (B) ??????? (c)????
5.Identify the name of Roopa :
(A) ??????? (B) ??????? (c)??????????
Sushrut Samhita,sareera sthanam chepter_4

For 5Marks Questions :
Page 25 of 27

1. Write the name of Samasa:
(A) ?????? (B) ???????? (c) ?????? ?? ??????????????:
2. Write the name of Samasa:
(A) ??????? (B) ??????? (c) ???????????:
3. Write the name of Samasa:
(A) ?????? (B) ????????????? (c) ?S'??????????
4. Write the name of Samasa:
(A) ????????? (B)????? (c) ??????
5. Write the name of Samasa:
(A) ????????? (B)????? (c) ???????? Etc. - FirstRanker's Choice
Page 1 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions

1 Write the "prRFZ6 :YFG" the all alphabets.
2. ItGF[l?WFo VFeIFgTZ AF?xR ? Explain.
3. Explain with examples the Sthan and Prayatnas of letters.
4. Write Shiva Sutras and explain in detail "Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra.
5. Write the meaning with examples of any five following terms.
(A) U]6 (B) 5|FlT5lNS (C) 8L (D) DF+F (E) NLW" (F) pNF?
6. Write Shiva Sutras with their manifistation and explain in detail
"Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra and example.
7. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
8. Explain the classification of the vowels.
9. Explain with Sutrartha & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) VG]GFl;So (C) 8L (D) VJ;FGo
10. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) ;J6" (C) U]6 (D) :JlZT
11. How many places are there in mouth. Explain them with sootra.
For 5 Marks Questions :
Explain the sajnaas.
1 ?????? & ????? & ?????
2 ???? & ?????? & ??????
3 ??
4 ?? & ????
5 ?????
Part A 50 Marks

Page 2 of 27

6 ?????? & ?????
7 ??????????? ????? ? Explain
8 ????????????? @???????:? Explain
9 ????????????????? ???????? Explain
10 ??????????????? ??@???????:? Explain
11 ??: ????????: ?????? ? Explain
12 ???@??????: ?????:? Explain
13 ?????????? Explain
14 ?????????: ? Explain
15 ????? ?? ???:? Explain
16 ???????????:? Explain
17 ??????: ??????:? Explain

For 2 Marks Questions :
Give the answer of following question
1. How many Vowels are there according to aachaarya Paanini.
2. Which letters are knowing as Semivowels / ardhaswara.
3. Which letters are consider as GUNA .
4. Write down the all MAAHESHWARSOOTRA.
5. What is LOP explain with sootra.
6. Explain ?IT? with sootra.

Page 3 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions :
1) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) WFT' + V\X (B) DCF + .g?
(C) lJQ6J[ (D) zLXo
2) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding
(A) lJ8? + D}+;\U|C (B) S{lRN? + UEF"lN
(C) TT? + z]tJF (D) 5IF"I{ZFI]~rIT[
3) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) ;F1FL + .tI]rIT[ (B) ZDF + .lQ8o
(C) lNjI + VF{QFlWo (D) 5FJSo
4) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) QF0? + DF;Fo (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) TT? + 8LSF (D) 5]Go + ZDT[
5) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) U]~ + pNIo (B) DCF + .g?
(C) jIFlW + VFT]Z (D) lJQ6J[
6) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) 5|FS? + >J (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) 5]Go + ZDT[ (D) l5A[gGZo
7) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) ZDF + .lQ8o (B) lNjI + VF{QFlWo
(C) ;C;F + >J (D) GFjID?

8) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
Part A 50 Marks

Page 4 of 27

(A) WFT' +V\X (B) VF;G[+ VF:T[
(C) NX"G + VF{t;]?ID? (D) U|LQDT]"o
9) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DW] + VlZ (B) DCF+ .g?
(C) 5]G;? + ZDT[ (D) DClQF"o
10) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) VG? + lRT
(C) lRT? + VFGgN (D) HUrKlgTo
11) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) IlN + Vl5 (B) VlE + pNIo
(C) ;}I" + pNI (D) CF[T'SFZo
12) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) lRT? + VFGgNo
(C) VG? + lRT (D) 5]G;? + ZDT[
13) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??: (B) ???? + ???
(C) ????? + ????? (D) ??? + ??
14) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?
? ? ?+ ? (B) ?? + ??:
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?? + ??
15. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ???+?????:
(C) ? ? ??+ ???? (D) ??+?????
16. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????????? (B) ????????
(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :
17. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
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(A) ???+???? (B) ???+?
(C) ?? + ? ? ? ? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
18. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ??+??:
(C) ?? +??: (D) ??+ ??:
19. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+???? (B) ??+???
(C) ???? + ? (D) ? ? ? + ?
20. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ???+??
(C) ??+ ??: (D) ??+ ??:
21. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????? (B) ????
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
22. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ??????????
(C) ??? ?? + ? ??? ? ? (D) ? ? ??+ ????
23. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ??? ? ?? + ? ?
? ? ? (D) ? ? ?? ?
? ? ? ?
24. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ????? ? : (D) ? ?
?+ ?? ? ?:
25. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+???? (B) ???+?????
Page 6 of 27

(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :

26. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?? (B) ???+?????
(C) ? ?
?+??: (D) ??????? :
27. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+???? ???? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+ ?? (D) ???????
28. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+?? (B) ??:+?? ?
(C) ?
?:+ ???? (D) ?? :+ ??
29. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+????? (B) ??:+????
(C) ? ?? :+ ?? ?? (D) ?? :+ ? ?? ?
30. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ???:+????? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+?? : (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
31. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+????? (B) ????+???????
(C) ???? + ? ?? (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
32. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ? ?? ? : (B) ???+???????
(C) ? ? ? ? ? + ??? ? : (D) ? ? ? ? ? +?? :
33. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??? ? (B) ????+????:
Page 7 of 27

(C) ? ? ? ? ? + ?? ?? : (D) ? ? ? + ?: Etc.
For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf .lT + VgI[ sBf 5]G~l?T sCf 5`RFT? + Vl5

2. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf I:DFT? + VY[[" sBf lJnFrKF:+ sCf 5]Go + J{nF
3. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf TT? + VlWS'tI sBf T:DFlNtIFlN sCf R[Q8F
4. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf IYF + pJFR sBf >TFgI[J sCf QF^DW]ZFNIo
5. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf D]lG + >?ID? sBf klQF + p5F;GF sCf DD[J
6. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf 5\R + .lg?IFl6 sBf p5[g?o sCf :JFUTD?
7. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf DW] + VlZo sBf l5T' + VFN[Xo sCf ,FS'lTo
8. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf DGo + VG]S}, sBf DCT? + R?D? sCf DCT? + K+D?
Page 8 of 27

JFrI5|IF[UFo ( ST"lZ SD"l6 EFJJFrI5|IF[UFo )
For 2 Marks Questions :
(1) Make Vachya Parivartana of the following Sentences.
Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(1) tJIF lS\ l?IT[ m
(2) ;o .:T[G 5]:TS\ U'C6FlT ?
(3) lJnF lJGI\ NNFlT ?
(4) tJIF 5]Z:SFZo U'?T[ ?
(5) KF+[6 5F9o VeI:T[ ?
(6) VC\ l5TZF{ JgN[ ?
(7) VFZ1FSFo ZFQ8=\ Z1FlgT
(8) ,TF ZFQ8=ULT\ UFIlT ?
(9) ;o .:T[G 5]:TS\ U'C6FlT ?
(10) DIF GF8S\ N'xIT[ ?
(11) ;5F"o 5JG\ l5AlgT ?
(12) DI]Z{o G'tIT[ ?
(13) T[G J'1FFo ? xIgT[ ?
(14) DLZF T0FU[ SD,FlG 5xIlT ?
(15) 5]+o l5TZ\ ;[JT[ ?
(16) DLZIF O,FlG BFngT[ ?
(17) tJIF 5]Z:SFZo U'?T[ ?
(18) KF+FlEo lX1FSF\ VlEGgnT[ ?
(19) DIF 5F9o :DI"T[ ?
(20) DLZF T0FU[ SD,FlG 5xIlgT ?
Part A 50 Marks
JFrI5|IF[UFo ( ST"lZ SD"l6 EFJJFrI5|IF[UFo )

Page 9 of 27

(21) T[G\ J'1FFo ? xIgT[ ?
(22) VC\ 5|lTlNG\ U'CSFI"\ SZF[lD ?
(23) HGFo 5|NX"GL\ 5xIlgT ?
(24) ,TF ZFQ8=ULT\ UFIlT ?
(25) KF+[6 5F9o VeI:IT[ ?
(26) N[Jo 5|FTo ;%TJFN[G lJnF,I\ UrKlT ?Etc.
Page 10 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) ClZQIFDo (B) C; (C) 5xIlT (D) NNlT
2. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) V:T] (B) V59D? (C) V5RG? (D) A|JLlD (E) NNlT
3. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 59[ID? (B) GDT] (C) 5xIFlD (D) VlTQ9T? (E) HI[o
4. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 59[ID? (B) GDT] (C) 5xIFlD (D) VlTQ9T? (E) HI[o
5. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) VEJG? (B) :DlZQIFDo (C) HIT] (D) lTQ9[I]o (E) GDgT]
6. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) .ZT] (B) S]IF"T? (C) EJlgT (D) .rKFlD (E) VRF[ZIT?
7. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) ,ET] (B) V5RT? (C) ClZQIlT (D) HlGQI;[ (E) VG'tID?
8. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 5xIFlD (B) V;[JT? (C) V,E[ (D) HIT] (E) VRF[ZIT?
Part A 50 Marks

Page 11 of 27

5 Marks
For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Write a short note write a short note on Tt5]~QF;DF;
2. Write a short note write a short note on VjIILEFJ;DF;
3. Write a short note write a short note on AC]J|LlC;DF;
4. Give two example of ?g?;DF; with explanation
5. J'1FXFBF Tt5]~QFo xJ[TFxJo SD"WFZIo ?
Z?TJ:+F[ AC]A|LlCo ?g?xRg?lNJFSZF{ ? Explain
6. 5NFGF\ I]U5ntJ\ ;DF;o ;F[@lEWLIT[ ? Explain
7. T+FQ8WF Tt5]~QFo ;%TWF SD"WFZIo ?
;%TWF R AC]ALlClN"U]ZFEFlQFTF[ l?WF ?? Explain

Part A 50 Marks
Page 12 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ??????? ?? ? (B) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
(c) ? ? ? ? ??? ??? ? ? ? (D) ??? ?? ? ? ? ?
2. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??? ????? ? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ? ? ? ? ??? ??? ? ? ? (D) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
3. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ?? ? ? ? ? ? : (B) ? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ?: (D) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
4. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??? ? ???? ? ? ?? ?? ? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ????????? (D) ? ? ??? ? ?
5. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ???? (B) ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ????????? (D) ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
6. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ?????? (B) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?? ?? ?? ???? (D) ??? ?? ? ? ? ?
7. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ?: (B) ?? ? ?? ? :
Page 13 of 27

(c) ?? ? ????? : (D) ? ? ? ? ? ?
8. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?????? (B) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (c) ?? ? ?? ?? (D) ??? ? ?
? ? ? ?
9.Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ??? ?? ?? :
(c) ?
? ? ? ? ?: (D) ? ? ? ? ? ?
10. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ??? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ? ? ? ?
? ? ?
(c) ??????? ?? ? (D) ???? ?? :
11. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??????? ?? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ?
? ? ? ? ? ? (D) ?????? ??
12. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? (B) ????? ??
(c) ???? ??? (D) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
13. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?? ?? ? (D) ?? ??? ? ?
14. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?? ? ? ?? ? (B) ? ??? :
(c) ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? (D) ??????
15. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ?? ? ? ??? ? ? (B) ? ? ? ?
? ? ?
Page 14 of 27

(c) ??????? : (D) ? ? ?? ? ? ?

For 5 Marks Questions

1. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf l?lJW sBf ;CF[?ZTg+[6 sCf IXF[?Z[
2. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf IYF[JFR sBf lGJT"lgT sCf ;lJ\XG
3. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf QFF[0XlJWo sBf IYF[JFR sCf l?lJ`Ro
4. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf TYFp%IF sBf XLTF[Q6\ sCf 5LTFdAZo
5. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf IYFN[XD? sBf p5U'CD? sCf WDF"tDF
6. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf 5|tIn CD? sBf .g?FuGL sCf lR+U]o
7. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf N?F[5N[Xo sBf ;D1FD? sCf N]oBFTLT
8. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf XLTF[Q6\ sBf IYFN[XD? sCf l?lJW
Page 15 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) A, + DT]5 (B) lSXF[Z + 0L5
(C) J{xI + 8F5 (D) Xl?T + V6?
(E) ?F{6 + .?F?
2. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) GLlT + DT]5 (B) UF[5 + 0L5
(C) ?I[Q9 + 8F5? (D) Xl?T + V6?
(E) lGQFFN? + .?F?
3. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) 5F,? + TjID? (B) S, + .G?
(C) ,E + XFGR? (D) ;%T + .S?
(E) zwWF + DT]5
4. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) ,3] + tJ (B) XF[EG + 8F5
(C) ;DFH + .S (D) G{lTS + 0L5?
(E) U]6 + DT]5
5. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) 59 + TjID? (B) U]6 + .G?
(C) IH? + XFGR? (D) GFIS + 8F5
(E) Xl?T + DT]<

Part A 50 Marks

Page 16 of 27


For 10 Marks Questions
1. Write any four usage of the Panchami Vibhakti
2. What is Karan ? which Vibhakti is useful for it ? Write the usage ? any
3. Where the Chaturthi Vibhakti is used ? Explain in the context of Karaka.
4. Where the Dwity Vibhakti is used ? Explain in context of Karaka.
5. What is V5FNFG ? Which Vibhakti is useful for it ? Write usage any four.

?????????? ? ? :

For 2 Marks Questions
1. Make the correction of sentence.
ZFDo DD :G[C5F+o ?
2. Make the correction of sentence.
J'1F:I O,\ 5TlT ?
3. Make the correction of sentence.
T[ U]ZJ[ GDo ?
4. Translate the sentence in to English.
tJD[J 5FSD? SZF[lQF lSD? ?
5. Translate the sentence in to English.
SlT AF,SFo T+ ;lgT ?
6. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Hetal killed Roma.

Part A 50 Marks
?????????? ? ? :
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7. Make the correction of sentence
T[ U]ZJ[ GDo ?
8. Make the correction of sentence.

9. Make the correction of sentence.
UF[lJgNF[ UF[5F,[G lJ??Zo ?
10. Translate the sentence in to English.
11. Translate the sentence in to English.
tJD[J 5FSD? SZF[lQF lSD? ?

12. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Krishna is playing with ball.
13. Make the correction of sentence.
VC\ H,\ IFlD ?
14. Make the correction of sentence.
UF[lJgNF[ UF[5F,[G lJ??Zo ?
15. Make the correction of sentence.
J'1FFl6 5+Fl6 5TlgT ?
16. Translate the sentence in to English.
HFT:I lC W|]JF[ D'tI]o ?
17. Translate the sentence in to English.
DCFHGF[ I[G UTFo ; 5gYFo ?
18. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Gentlemen are always admirable.
19. Make the correction of sentence.
7FGFT? lJGF ;]B\ GFl:T ?
20. Make the correction of sentence.
;o ZY:I lJnF,I\ UrKlT ?
21. Make the correction of sentence.
Page 18 of 27

U]~ lXQI\ ?]wIlT ?

22. Translate the sentence in to English.
tJD[J 5FS\ SZF[lQF lSD? ?

23. Translate the sentence in to English.
SlT AF,SFo T+ ;lgT ?
24. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
It was Sanday yesterday.
25. Make the correction of sentence.
N[J:I GDo ?
26. Make the correction of sentence.
;o ;}I"D? 5xIFlD ?
27. Make the correction of sentence.
H8FI]o 5|F6\ TtIFH ?
28. Translate the sentence in to English.
;o :GFG\ XLW|\ SZF[T] ?
29. Translate the sentence in to English.
U|FD:I Nl1F6To JGD? Vl:T ?
30. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Ganga starts from the Himalaya.

Page 19 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Identify the Roopa
sAf XF:+\ sBf S:DFT? sCf lGlN"X[T?
2. Identify the Roopa
sAf pJFR sBf T:DFT? sCf 5]~QF:I
3. Identify the Roopa
sAf I:I sBf >T[QFF\ sCf I:DFT?
4. Identify the Roopa
sAf lXQI:I sBf 59lgT sCf S:DFT?
5. Identify the Roopa
sAf J'QFFT? sBf G'tIlgT sCf 59lT
6. Identify the Roopa
sAf O,[ sBf ;BLQF] sCf Gn{
7. Identify the Roopa
sAf ,1DLo sBf GNLQF] sCf O,[QF]
8. Identify the Roopa
sAf ,TF sBf ClZ6F sCf ZFDF6FD?
Part A 50 Marks

Page 20 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions :
1. lCTFlCT\ ;]B\ N]oBDFI]:T:I lCTF@lCT\ ?
DFG\ R TrR I+F[?TDFI]J["N:; prIT[ ??
2. IFJN?l:DG XZLZ[ 5|F6F[ J;lT TFJNJFI]o ? Explain
3. VFgTlZ1FD]NSFGF\ s5yITDtJ[ z[Q9TDD?f Explain and write about water.
4. Explain cc VIYFA,DFZdEo 5|F6F[5ZF[lWGFD?cc and write about Vyayama.
5. RZS:;]z]TxR{J JFuE8xR TYF@5Zo ?
D]bIFxR ;\lCTF JFrIFl:T:+ >J I]U[ I]U[ ??
T?NFZF[uINFG:I GFgTF[ J{ lJnT[ ?JlRT? ??
7. lGNFG[ DFWJo z[Q9o ;}+:YFG[ T] JFuE8o ?
XZLZ[ X]z]To z[Q9o RZS:T] lRlSlt;T[ ?? Explain
8. jIFIFDo :I{Y" SZF6FD? ? Explain and write about physical exercises :
9. ;no O,lT UFgWJ"D? DF;D[S\ 5]ZF6SD? ?
J[NFo O,lgT SF,[QF] ?IF[lTJ{"nF{ lGZgTZD? ?? Explain
10. Il:DG? 7FT[ ;J"lDN\ 7FTD? EJlT lGlxRT\ ?
Tl:DG? 5lZzDo SFI"o lSDgIT? XF:+EFlQFT\ ?? Explain
11. VQ8F\U;\U|C[ 7FT[ J'YF 5|F?Tg+IF[o zDo ?
VQ8F\U;\U|C[@7FT[ J'YF 5|F?Tg+IF[o zDo ?? Explain

Part B 50 Marks

Page 21 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Write a short note on : C\;F[NSD?
2. Write a short note on : Hygiene.
3. Write a short note on : Vayu
4. Write a short note on : Types of Bath.
5. Write a short note on : Divine physician.
6. Write a short note on water
7. lGNFW[ DFWJo z[Q9o ;}+:YFG[ T] JFuE8o ?
XFZLZ[ ;]z]To z[Q9`RZS:T] lRlSt;S[ ?? Explain.

Page 22 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions :
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
2P VluGo ;F[DF[ JFI]o ;?J\ ZH:TDo
5`R[lg?IFl6 E}TFtD[lT 5|F6Fo ??
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
DF\;FN[J\ 1FTFT? l1F5\ XF[l6T\ ;\5|l;rIT[ ??
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
$P 5]^0ZLS[6 ; ? X\ ?NI\ :IFNWF[D]BD? ?
HFU|T:Tl?S;lT :J5T`R lGDL,lT ??
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
lNJF:J%G`R T'8?X},lC?SF HL6F"lT;FlZ6FD? ??
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
&P .lg?IFY["QJ ;\5|Fl%TUF{ZJ\ H'dE6\ S,Do ?
lG?FT":I[J I:I[CF T:I Tg?F\ lJlGlN"X[T? ??
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
*P lNJFZF+F{ R I[ lGtI\ :J%GHFUZ6F[lRTFo ?
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
(P lG?FlTIF[U[ JDG\ lCT\ ;\XF[WGFlG R ?
, ? WG\ Z?TDF[1F`R DGF[jIFS],FGFlG R ??
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
Part B 50 Marks
Page 23 of 27

Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
!_P lJQFHFTF[ IYF SL8F[ G lJQF[6 lJ5nT[ ?
T?t5|S'TIF[ DtI"\ XSG]JlgT G AFlWT]D? ??
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.

For 5 Marks Questions :
Write a short note on :

!P ;Fl?JS5|S'lT:
2P ZFH;5|S'lT:
# TFD;5|S'lT:
$P lGN|F ;FtdILS'TF I{:T] ZF+F{ R IlN JF lNJF ? Explain
?P 5`RDL 5]ZLQFWZF GFD4 IF@gTo SF[Q9[ D,DlElJEHT[ 5?JFXI:YF ?? Explain
&P ;%TDL X]?WZF GFD? IF ;J"5|Fl6GF\ ;J"XZLZjIFl5GL ?? Explain
*P S,F B(P l?TLIF Z?TWZF DF\;:IFeIgTZTo4 T:IF\ XF[l6T\ lJX[QFT`R l;ZF;] IS't%,LCF[`R EJlT ?? Explain
)P RT]YL" `,[QDWZF GFD? ;J";lgWQF] 5|F6E'TF\ EJlT ?? Explain

;]z]T;\lCTF Sandhi
For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Do the process of sandhi:
(A) ?????? (B)?????? @??????? (c) ????
2 .Do the process of sandhi:
(A) ???+?? (B) ????? (c) ??????????
3.Do the process of sandhi:
(A)?? @?? (B) ?????? (c) ?????????
4.Do the process of sandhi:
Page 24 of 27

(A) ???????? (B) ?????? (c)? ??????
5.Do the process of sandhi:
(A) ????????? ?? (B) ????????? (c)??@?????:
6.Do the process of sandhi:
(A)???@????????? (B) ????????????? (c) ??@?????: Etc.

Sushrut Samhita,sareera sthanam chepter_4
Identify the name of Roopa
For 5Marks Questions :
1.Identify the name of Roopa :
(A) ???? ?????: (B) ???????? (c)????
2.Identify the name of Roopa :
(A) ???: (B) ???????? (c) ??????
3.Identify the name of Roopa :
(A) ??? : (B) ????? (c) ????

4.Identify the name of Roopa :
(A) ???: (B) ??????? (c)????
5.Identify the name of Roopa :
(A) ??????? (B) ??????? (c)??????????
Sushrut Samhita,sareera sthanam chepter_4

For 5Marks Questions :
Page 25 of 27

1. Write the name of Samasa:
(A) ?????? (B) ???????? (c) ?????? ?? ??????????????:
2. Write the name of Samasa:
(A) ??????? (B) ??????? (c) ???????????:
3. Write the name of Samasa:
(A) ?????? (B) ????????????? (c) ?S'??????????
4. Write the name of Samasa:
(A) ????????? (B)????? (c) ??????
5. Write the name of Samasa:
(A) ????????? (B)????? (c) ???????? Etc.

Page 26 of 27

For 2 Marks Question
1. Write the moral of 1F56S v SYF
2. Write the moral of ,F[EF lJQ8 R?WZ SYF
3. Explain the relation between animal and human being describe in
cA|F?6L GS], SYFc
4. Write the Moral of l;\CSFZSFD}B" A|F?6 SYF
5. Write the moral of cD}B"5l^0TvSYFc
6. Write the moral of ,F[EFlJQ8 R?WZ SYF
7. Write the social status of the poor described in 5\RT\+
8. Who wrote Panchatantra ? What is the aim of V5lZl1FTSFZSD?
9. Write the main massage of V5lZl1FTSFZSD?

10. Translate the verse.
S]N]Q8\ S]5lZ7FT\ S]z]T\ S]5ZLl1FTD? ?
TgGZ[6 G ST"jI\ GFl5T[GF@+ ItS'TD? ??
11. Translate the verse.
DFGF[ JF N5F[" JF lJ7FG\ lJE|Do ;]A]l?JF" ?
;J"\ 5|6xIlT ;D\4 lJ?lJCLGF[ INF 5]~QFo ??
12. Translate the verse.
VlT,F[EF[ G ST"jIF[ ,F[E\ G{J 5lZtIH[T? ?
VlT,F[EF@lEE}T:I R?\ E|DlT D:TS[ ??
13. Translate the verse :
A]?[A]"l?DTF\ ,F[S[ GF@:tIUdI\ lC lS?RGF ?
A]?IF ITF[ CTF GgNF `RF6?I[GFl;5F6Io ??

Part B 50 Marks
5?RTg+D? - FirstRanker's Choice
Page 1 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions

1 Write the "prRFZ6 :YFG" the all alphabets.
2. ItGF[l?WFo VFeIFgTZ AF?xR ? Explain.
3. Explain with examples the Sthan and Prayatnas of letters.
4. Write Shiva Sutras and explain in detail "Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra.
5. Write the meaning with examples of any five following terms.
(A) U]6 (B) 5|FlT5lNS (C) 8L (D) DF+F (E) NLW" (F) pNF?
6. Write Shiva Sutras with their manifistation and explain in detail
"Pratyahara Vidhi" with Sootra and example.
7. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
8. Explain the classification of the vowels.
9. Explain with Sutrartha & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) VG]GFl;So (C) 8L (D) VJ;FGo
10. Explain with Sutrath & example following Sangnas.
(A) 5ND? (B) ;J6" (C) U]6 (D) :JlZT
11. How many places are there in mouth. Explain them with sootra.
For 5 Marks Questions :
Explain the sajnaas.
1 ?????? & ????? & ?????
2 ???? & ?????? & ??????
3 ??
4 ?? & ????
5 ?????
Part A 50 Marks

Page 2 of 27

6 ?????? & ?????
7 ??????????? ????? ? Explain
8 ????????????? @???????:? Explain
9 ????????????????? ???????? Explain
10 ??????????????? ??@???????:? Explain
11 ??: ????????: ?????? ? Explain
12 ???@??????: ?????:? Explain
13 ?????????? Explain
14 ?????????: ? Explain
15 ????? ?? ???:? Explain
16 ???????????:? Explain
17 ??????: ??????:? Explain

For 2 Marks Questions :
Give the answer of following question
1. How many Vowels are there according to aachaarya Paanini.
2. Which letters are knowing as Semivowels / ardhaswara.
3. Which letters are consider as GUNA .
4. Write down the all MAAHESHWARSOOTRA.
5. What is LOP explain with sootra.
6. Explain ?IT? with sootra.

Page 3 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions :
1) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) WFT' + V\X (B) DCF + .g?
(C) lJQ6J[ (D) zLXo
2) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding
(A) lJ8? + D}+;\U|C (B) S{lRN? + UEF"lN
(C) TT? + z]tJF (D) 5IF"I{ZFI]~rIT[
3) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) ;F1FL + .tI]rIT[ (B) ZDF + .lQ8o
(C) lNjI + VF{QFlWo (D) 5FJSo
4) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sutra) regarding.
(A) QF0? + DF;Fo (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) TT? + 8LSF (D) 5]Go + ZDT[
5) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) U]~ + pNIo (B) DCF + .g?
(C) jIFlW + VFT]Z (D) lJQ6J[
6) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) 5|FS? + >J (B) lXJo + VrI"o
(C) 5]Go + ZDT[ (D) l5A[gGZo
7) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) ZDF + .lQ8o (B) lNjI + VF{QFlWo
(C) ;C;F + >J (D) GFjID?

8) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
Part A 50 Marks

Page 4 of 27

(A) WFT' +V\X (B) VF;G[+ VF:T[
(C) NX"G + VF{t;]?ID? (D) U|LQDT]"o
9) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DW] + VlZ (B) DCF+ .g?
(C) 5]G;? + ZDT[ (D) DClQF"o
10) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) VG? + lRT
(C) lRT? + VFGgN (D) HUrKlgTo
11) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) IlN + Vl5 (B) VlE + pNIo
(C) ;}I" + pNI (D) CF[T'SFZo
12) Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(A) DT? + 8LSF (B) lRT? + VFGgNo
(C) VG? + lRT (D) 5]G;? + ZDT[
13) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??: (B) ???? + ???
(C) ????? + ????? (D) ??? + ??
14) Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?
? ? ?+ ? (B) ?? + ??:
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?? + ??
15. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ???+?????:
(C) ? ? ??+ ???? (D) ??+?????
16. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????????? (B) ????????
(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :
17. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
Page 5 of 27

(A) ???+???? (B) ???+?
(C) ?? + ? ? ? ? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
18. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ??+??:
(C) ?? +??: (D) ??+ ??:
19. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+???? (B) ??+???
(C) ???? + ? (D) ? ? ? + ?
20. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??+??: (B) ???+??
(C) ??+ ??: (D) ??+ ??:
21. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????? (B) ????
(C) ?? + ?? (D) ?
? ? ?+ ?
22. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ??????????
(C) ??? ?? + ? ??? ? ? (D) ? ? ??+ ????
23. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ??? ? ?? + ? ?
? ? ? (D) ? ? ?? ?
? ? ? ?
24. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+?????? (B) ????????
(C) ????? ? : (D) ? ?
?+ ?? ? ?:
25. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+???? (B) ???+?????
Page 6 of 27

(C) ?? ????? ? ? : (D) ??????? :

26. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ?????+?? (B) ???+?????
(C) ? ?
?+??: (D) ??????? :
27. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+???? ???? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+ ?? (D) ???????
28. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+?? (B) ??:+?? ?
(C) ?
?:+ ???? (D) ?? :+ ??
29. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??:+????? (B) ??:+????
(C) ? ?? :+ ?? ?? (D) ?? :+ ? ?? ?
30. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ???:+????? (B) ??:+???
(C) ?? :+?? : (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
31. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ????+????? (B) ????+???????
(C) ???? + ? ?? (D) ? ? ? :+ ? ? ?
32. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ? ?? ? : (B) ???+???????
(C) ? ? ? ? ? + ??? ? : (D) ? ? ? ? ? +?? :
33. Do the process of sandhi with specify the rules (sootra) regarding
(A) ??? + ??? ? (B) ????+????:
Page 7 of 27

(C) ? ? ? ? ? + ?? ?? : (D) ? ? ? + ?: Etc.
For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf .lT + VgI[ sBf 5]G~l?T sCf 5`RFT? + Vl5

2. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf I:DFT? + VY[[" sBf lJnFrKF:+ sCf 5]Go + J{nF
3. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf TT? + VlWS'tI sBf T:DFlNtIFlN sCf R[Q8F
4. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf IYF + pJFR sBf >TFgI[J sCf QF^DW]ZFNIo
5. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf D]lG + >?ID? sBf klQF + p5F;GF sCf DD[J
6. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf 5\R + .lg?IFl6 sBf p5[g?o sCf :JFUTD?
7. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf DW] + VlZo sBf l5T' + VFN[Xo sCf ,FS'lTo
8. Do the process of sandhi :
sAf DGo + VG]S}, sBf DCT? + R?D? sCf DCT? + K+D?
Page 8 of 27

JFrI5|IF[UFo ( ST"lZ SD"l6 EFJJFrI5|IF[UFo )
For 2 Marks Questions :
(1) Make Vachya Parivartana of the following Sentences.
Do the process of Sandhi with specify the rules (Sootra) regarding.
(1) tJIF lS\ l?IT[ m
(2) ;o .:T[G 5]:TS\ U'C6FlT ?
(3) lJnF lJGI\ NNFlT ?
(4) tJIF 5]Z:SFZo U'?T[ ?
(5) KF+[6 5F9o VeI:T[ ?
(6) VC\ l5TZF{ JgN[ ?
(7) VFZ1FSFo ZFQ8=\ Z1FlgT
(8) ,TF ZFQ8=ULT\ UFIlT ?
(9) ;o .:T[G 5]:TS\ U'C6FlT ?
(10) DIF GF8S\ N'xIT[ ?
(11) ;5F"o 5JG\ l5AlgT ?
(12) DI]Z{o G'tIT[ ?
(13) T[G J'1FFo ? xIgT[ ?
(14) DLZF T0FU[ SD,FlG 5xIlT ?
(15) 5]+o l5TZ\ ;[JT[ ?
(16) DLZIF O,FlG BFngT[ ?
(17) tJIF 5]Z:SFZo U'?T[ ?
(18) KF+FlEo lX1FSF\ VlEGgnT[ ?
(19) DIF 5F9o :DI"T[ ?
(20) DLZF T0FU[ SD,FlG 5xIlgT ?
Part A 50 Marks
JFrI5|IF[UFo ( ST"lZ SD"l6 EFJJFrI5|IF[UFo )

Page 9 of 27

(21) T[G\ J'1FFo ? xIgT[ ?
(22) VC\ 5|lTlNG\ U'CSFI"\ SZF[lD ?
(23) HGFo 5|NX"GL\ 5xIlgT ?
(24) ,TF ZFQ8=ULT\ UFIlT ?
(25) KF+[6 5F9o VeI:IT[ ?
(26) N[Jo 5|FTo ;%TJFN[G lJnF,I\ UrKlT ?Etc.
Page 10 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) ClZQIFDo (B) C; (C) 5xIlT (D) NNlT
2. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) V:T] (B) V59D? (C) V5RG? (D) A|JLlD (E) NNlT
3. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 59[ID? (B) GDT] (C) 5xIFlD (D) VlTQ9T? (E) HI[o
4. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 59[ID? (B) GDT] (C) 5xIFlD (D) VlTQ9T? (E) HI[o
5. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) VEJG? (B) :DlZQIFDo (C) HIT] (D) lTQ9[I]o (E) GDgT]
6. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) .ZT] (B) S]IF"T? (C) EJlgT (D) .rKFlD (E) VRF[ZIT?
7. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) ,ET] (B) V5RT? (C) ClZQIlT (D) HlGQI;[ (E) VG'tID?
8. Prepare one sentence from each of the following verbs.
(A) 5xIFlD (B) V;[JT? (C) V,E[ (D) HIT] (E) VRF[ZIT?
Part A 50 Marks

Page 11 of 27

5 Marks
For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Write a short note write a short note on Tt5]~QF;DF;
2. Write a short note write a short note on VjIILEFJ;DF;
3. Write a short note write a short note on AC]J|LlC;DF;
4. Give two example of ?g?;DF; with explanation
5. J'1FXFBF Tt5]~QFo xJ[TFxJo SD"WFZIo ?
Z?TJ:+F[ AC]A|LlCo ?g?xRg?lNJFSZF{ ? Explain
6. 5NFGF\ I]U5ntJ\ ;DF;o ;F[@lEWLIT[ ? Explain
7. T+FQ8WF Tt5]~QFo ;%TWF SD"WFZIo ?
;%TWF R AC]ALlClN"U]ZFEFlQFTF[ l?WF ?? Explain

Part A 50 Marks
Page 12 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ??????? ?? ? (B) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
(c) ? ? ? ? ??? ??? ? ? ? (D) ??? ?? ? ? ? ?
2. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??? ????? ? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ? ? ? ? ??? ??? ? ? ? (D) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
3. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ?? ? ? ? ? ? : (B) ? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ?: (D) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
4. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??? ? ???? ? ? ?? ?? ? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ????????? (D) ? ? ??? ? ?
5. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ???? (B) ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ????????? (D) ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
6. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ?????? (B) ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?? ?? ?? ???? (D) ??? ?? ? ? ? ?
7. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ?: (B) ?? ? ?? ? :
Page 13 of 27

(c) ?? ? ????? : (D) ? ? ? ? ? ?
8. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?????? (B) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (c) ?? ? ?? ?? (D) ??? ? ?
? ? ? ?
9.Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ??? ?? ?? :
(c) ?
? ? ? ? ?: (D) ? ? ? ? ? ?
10. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?
? ??? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ? ? ? ?
? ? ?
(c) ??????? ?? ? (D) ???? ?? :
11. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ??????? ?? (B) ? ? ??? ?
(c) ?
? ? ? ? ? ? (D) ?????? ??
12. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? (B) ????? ??
(c) ???? ??? (D) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
13. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (B) ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
(c) ?? ?? ? (D) ?? ??? ? ?
14. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ?? ? ? ?? ? (B) ? ??? :
(c) ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? (D) ??????
15. Write the name of samasa:
(A) ? ?? ? ? ??? ? ? (B) ? ? ? ?
? ? ?
Page 14 of 27

(c) ??????? : (D) ? ? ?? ? ? ?

For 5 Marks Questions

1. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf l?lJW sBf ;CF[?ZTg+[6 sCf IXF[?Z[
2. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf IYF[JFR sBf lGJT"lgT sCf ;lJ\XG
3. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf QFF[0XlJWo sBf IYF[JFR sCf l?lJ`Ro
4. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf TYFp%IF sBf XLTF[Q6\ sCf 5LTFdAZo
5. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf IYFN[XD? sBf p5U'CD? sCf WDF"tDF
6. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf 5|tIn CD? sBf .g?FuGL sCf lR+U]o
7. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf N?F[5N[Xo sBf ;D1FD? sCf N]oBFTLT
8. Write the name of Samasa :
sAf XLTF[Q6\ sBf IYFN[XD? sCf l?lJW
Page 15 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) A, + DT]5 (B) lSXF[Z + 0L5
(C) J{xI + 8F5 (D) Xl?T + V6?
(E) ?F{6 + .?F?
2. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) GLlT + DT]5 (B) UF[5 + 0L5
(C) ?I[Q9 + 8F5? (D) Xl?T + V6?
(E) lGQFFN? + .?F?
3. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) 5F,? + TjID? (B) S, + .G?
(C) ,E + XFGR? (D) ;%T + .S?
(E) zwWF + DT]5
4. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) ,3] + tJ (B) XF[EG + 8F5
(C) ;DFH + .S (D) G{lTS + 0L5?
(E) U]6 + DT]5
5. VWF[l,lBT XaN{o ;C 5|tII\ IF[HIT ?
(A) 59 + TjID? (B) U]6 + .G?
(C) IH? + XFGR? (D) GFIS + 8F5
(E) Xl?T + DT]<

Part A 50 Marks

Page 16 of 27


For 10 Marks Questions
1. Write any four usage of the Panchami Vibhakti
2. What is Karan ? which Vibhakti is useful for it ? Write the usage ? any
3. Where the Chaturthi Vibhakti is used ? Explain in the context of Karaka.
4. Where the Dwity Vibhakti is used ? Explain in context of Karaka.
5. What is V5FNFG ? Which Vibhakti is useful for it ? Write usage any four.

?????????? ? ? :

For 2 Marks Questions
1. Make the correction of sentence.
ZFDo DD :G[C5F+o ?
2. Make the correction of sentence.
J'1F:I O,\ 5TlT ?
3. Make the correction of sentence.
T[ U]ZJ[ GDo ?
4. Translate the sentence in to English.
tJD[J 5FSD? SZF[lQF lSD? ?
5. Translate the sentence in to English.
SlT AF,SFo T+ ;lgT ?
6. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Hetal killed Roma.

Part A 50 Marks
?????????? ? ? :
Page 17 of 27

7. Make the correction of sentence
T[ U]ZJ[ GDo ?
8. Make the correction of sentence.

9. Make the correction of sentence.
UF[lJgNF[ UF[5F,[G lJ??Zo ?
10. Translate the sentence in to English.
11. Translate the sentence in to English.
tJD[J 5FSD? SZF[lQF lSD? ?

12. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Krishna is playing with ball.
13. Make the correction of sentence.
VC\ H,\ IFlD ?
14. Make the correction of sentence.
UF[lJgNF[ UF[5F,[G lJ??Zo ?
15. Make the correction of sentence.
J'1FFl6 5+Fl6 5TlgT ?
16. Translate the sentence in to English.
HFT:I lC W|]JF[ D'tI]o ?
17. Translate the sentence in to English.
DCFHGF[ I[G UTFo ; 5gYFo ?
18. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Gentlemen are always admirable.
19. Make the correction of sentence.
7FGFT? lJGF ;]B\ GFl:T ?
20. Make the correction of sentence.
;o ZY:I lJnF,I\ UrKlT ?
21. Make the correction of sentence.
Page 18 of 27

U]~ lXQI\ ?]wIlT ?

22. Translate the sentence in to English.
tJD[J 5FS\ SZF[lQF lSD? ?

23. Translate the sentence in to English.
SlT AF,SFo T+ ;lgT ?
24. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
It was Sanday yesterday.
25. Make the correction of sentence.
N[J:I GDo ?
26. Make the correction of sentence.
;o ;}I"D? 5xIFlD ?
27. Make the correction of sentence.
H8FI]o 5|F6\ TtIFH ?
28. Translate the sentence in to English.
;o :GFG\ XLW|\ SZF[T] ?
29. Translate the sentence in to English.
U|FD:I Nl1F6To JGD? Vl:T ?
30. Translate the sentence in to Sanskrit.
Ganga starts from the Himalaya.

Page 19 of 27

For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Identify the Roopa
sAf XF:+\ sBf S:DFT? sCf lGlN"X[T?
2. Identify the Roopa
sAf pJFR sBf T:DFT? sCf 5]~QF:I
3. Identify the Roopa
sAf I:I sBf >T[QFF\ sCf I:DFT?
4. Identify the Roopa
sAf lXQI:I sBf 59lgT sCf S:DFT?
5. Identify the Roopa
sAf J'QFFT? sBf G'tIlgT sCf 59lT
6. Identify the Roopa
sAf O,[ sBf ;BLQF] sCf Gn{
7. Identify the Roopa
sAf ,1DLo sBf GNLQF] sCf O,[QF]
8. Identify the Roopa
sAf ,TF sBf ClZ6F sCf ZFDF6FD?
Part A 50 Marks

Page 20 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions :
1. lCTFlCT\ ;]B\ N]oBDFI]:T:I lCTF@lCT\ ?
DFG\ R TrR I+F[?TDFI]J["N:; prIT[ ??
2. IFJN?l:DG XZLZ[ 5|F6F[ J;lT TFJNJFI]o ? Explain
3. VFgTlZ1FD]NSFGF\ s5yITDtJ[ z[Q9TDD?f Explain and write about water.
4. Explain cc VIYFA,DFZdEo 5|F6F[5ZF[lWGFD?cc and write about Vyayama.
5. RZS:;]z]TxR{J JFuE8xR TYF@5Zo ?
D]bIFxR ;\lCTF JFrIFl:T:+ >J I]U[ I]U[ ??
T?NFZF[uINFG:I GFgTF[ J{ lJnT[ ?JlRT? ??
7. lGNFG[ DFWJo z[Q9o ;}+:YFG[ T] JFuE8o ?
XZLZ[ X]z]To z[Q9o RZS:T] lRlSlt;T[ ?? Explain
8. jIFIFDo :I{Y" SZF6FD? ? Explain and write about physical exercises :
9. ;no O,lT UFgWJ"D? DF;D[S\ 5]ZF6SD? ?
J[NFo O,lgT SF,[QF] ?IF[lTJ{"nF{ lGZgTZD? ?? Explain
10. Il:DG? 7FT[ ;J"lDN\ 7FTD? EJlT lGlxRT\ ?
Tl:DG? 5lZzDo SFI"o lSDgIT? XF:+EFlQFT\ ?? Explain
11. VQ8F\U;\U|C[ 7FT[ J'YF 5|F?Tg+IF[o zDo ?
VQ8F\U;\U|C[@7FT[ J'YF 5|F?Tg+IF[o zDo ?? Explain

Part B 50 Marks

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For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Write a short note on : C\;F[NSD?
2. Write a short note on : Hygiene.
3. Write a short note on : Vayu
4. Write a short note on : Types of Bath.
5. Write a short note on : Divine physician.
6. Write a short note on water
7. lGNFW[ DFWJo z[Q9o ;}+:YFG[ T] JFuE8o ?
XFZLZ[ ;]z]To z[Q9`RZS:T] lRlSt;S[ ?? Explain.

Page 22 of 27

For 10 Marks Questions :
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
2P VluGo ;F[DF[ JFI]o ;?J\ ZH:TDo
5`R[lg?IFl6 E}TFtD[lT 5|F6Fo ??
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
DF\;FN[J\ 1FTFT? l1F5\ XF[l6T\ ;\5|l;rIT[ ??
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
$P 5]^0ZLS[6 ; ? X\ ?NI\ :IFNWF[D]BD? ?
HFU|T:Tl?S;lT :J5T`R lGDL,lT ??
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
lNJF:J%G`R T'8?X},lC?SF HL6F"lT;FlZ6FD? ??
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
&P .lg?IFY["QJ ;\5|Fl%TUF{ZJ\ H'dE6\ S,Do ?
lG?FT":I[J I:I[CF T:I Tg?F\ lJlGlN"X[T? ??
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
*P lNJFZF+F{ R I[ lGtI\ :J%GHFUZ6F[lRTFo ?
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
(P lG?FlTIF[U[ JDG\ lCT\ ;\XF[WGFlG R ?
, ? WG\ Z?TDF[1F`R DGF[jIFS],FGFlG R ??
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
Part B 50 Marks
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Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.
!_P lJQFHFTF[ IYF SL8F[ G lJQF[6 lJ5nT[ ?
T?t5|S'TIF[ DtI"\ XSG]JlgT G AFlWT]D? ??
Translate in to English and explain sandhi, samasa and roop of the same.

For 5 Marks Questions :
Write a short note on :

!P ;Fl?JS5|S'lT:
2P ZFH;5|S'lT:
# TFD;5|S'lT:
$P lGN|F ;FtdILS'TF I{:T] ZF+F{ R IlN JF lNJF ? Explain
?P 5`RDL 5]ZLQFWZF GFD4 IF@gTo SF[Q9[ D,DlElJEHT[ 5?JFXI:YF ?? Explain
&P ;%TDL X]?WZF GFD? IF ;J"5|Fl6GF\ ;J"XZLZjIFl5GL ?? Explain
*P S,F B(P l?TLIF Z?TWZF DF\;:IFeIgTZTo4 T:IF\ XF[l6T\ lJX[QFT`R l;ZF;] IS't%,LCF[`R EJlT ?? Explain
)P RT]YL" `,[QDWZF GFD? ;J";lgWQF] 5|F6E'TF\ EJlT ?? Explain

;]z]T;\lCTF Sandhi
For 5 Marks Questions :
1. Do the process of sandhi:
(A) ?????? (B)?????? @??????? (c) ????
2 .Do the process of sandhi:
(A) ???+?? (B) ????? (c) ??????????
3.Do the process of sandhi:
(A)?? @?? (B) ?????? (c) ?????????
4.Do the process of sandhi:
Page 24 of 27

(A) ???????? (B) ?????? (c)? ??????
5.Do the process of sandhi:
(A) ????????? ?? (B) ????????? (c)??@?????:
6.Do the process of sandhi:
(A)???@????????? (B) ????????????? (c) ??@?????: Etc.

Sushrut Samhita,sareera sthanam chepter_4
Identify the name of Roopa
For 5Marks Questions :
1.Identify the name of Roopa :
(A) ???? ?????: (B) ???????? (c)????
2.Identify the name of Roopa :
(A) ???: (B) ???????? (c) ??????
3.Identify the name of Roopa :
(A) ??? : (B) ????? (c) ????

4.Identify the name of Roopa :
(A) ???: (B) ??????? (c)????
5.Identify the name of Roopa :
(A) ??????? (B) ??????? (c)??????????
Sushrut Samhita,sareera sthanam chepter_4

For 5Marks Questions :
Page 25 of 27

1. Write the name of Samasa:
(A) ?????? (B) ???????? (c) ?????? ?? ??????????????:
2. Write the name of Samasa:
(A) ??????? (B) ??????? (c) ???????????:
3. Write the name of Samasa:
(A) ?????? (B) ????????????? (c) ?S'??????????
4. Write the name of Samasa:
(A) ????????? (B)????? (c) ??????
5. Write the name of Samasa:
(A) ????????? (B)????? (c) ???????? Etc.

Page 26 of 27

For 2 Marks Question
1. Write the moral of 1F56S v SYF
2. Write the moral of ,F[EF lJQ8 R?WZ SYF
3. Explain the relation between animal and human being describe in
cA|F?6L GS], SYFc
4. Write the Moral of l;\CSFZSFD}B" A|F?6 SYF
5. Write the moral of cD}B"5l^0TvSYFc
6. Write the moral of ,F[EFlJQ8 R?WZ SYF
7. Write the social status of the poor described in 5\RT\+
8. Who wrote Panchatantra ? What is the aim of V5lZl1FTSFZSD?
9. Write the main massage of V5lZl1FTSFZSD?

10. Translate the verse.
S]N]Q8\ S]5lZ7FT\ S]z]T\ S]5ZLl1FTD? ?
TgGZ[6 G ST"jI\ GFl5T[GF@+ ItS'TD? ??
11. Translate the verse.
DFGF[ JF N5F[" JF lJ7FG\ lJE|Do ;]A]l?JF" ?
;J"\ 5|6xIlT ;D\4 lJ?lJCLGF[ INF 5]~QFo ??
12. Translate the verse.
VlT,F[EF[ G ST"jIF[ ,F[E\ G{J 5lZtIH[T? ?
VlT,F[EF@lEE}T:I R?\ E|DlT D:TS[ ??
13. Translate the verse :
A]?[A]"l?DTF\ ,F[S[ GF@:tIUdI\ lC lS?RGF ?
A]?IF ITF[ CTF GgNF `RF6?I[GFl;5F6Io ??

Part B 50 Marks
Page 27 of 27

14. Translate the verses
;J"GFX[ ;D]t5gG[ VW"\ tIHlT 5l^0To ?
VW["G S]~T[ SFI"\ ;J"GFXF[ lC N]oBCo ??

15. Translate the verses.

16. Translate the verse :
5|lTlNJ;\ IFlT ,I\ J;gTJFTFCT[J lXlXZzLo ?
A]l?A]"l?DTFDlT S]8]dAEZlRgTIF ;TTD? ??
17. Translate the verse :
>SFSL U'C;\tI?T 5Fl6IF+F[ lNUdAZo ?
;F[@l5 ;\JF?T[ ,F[S[ T'Q6FIF 5xI SF{T]SD? ??
18. Translate the verse :
,F[SF 5|5F,S:IFlI IYF 5]+:I AgWGD? ??
19. Translate the verses.
S]5]+F[@l5 EJ[t5]\;F\ CNIFGgNSFZSo ?
N]lJ"GLTo S]~5F[@l54 D}BF["@l54 jI;GL4 B,o ??
20. Translate the verses
X}Zo ;]~5 ;]EU `R JFuDL4 XF:+Fl6 X:+Fl6 lJNF\SZF[T] ?
VY"\ lJGF G{J IX `R DFG\ 5|F%GF[lT DtIF["@+ DG]QI,F[S[ ??
21. Translate the verses.
VI\ lGHo 5ZF[ J[lT U6GF ,3]R[T;FD? ?
pNFZRlZTFGF\T] J;]W{J S]8]dASD? ?? - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 26 December 2019