Download GAU (Gujarat Ayurved University Jamnagar) BAMS (Bachelor of Ayurvedic medicine and Surgery) 2nd Year Charaka Samhita Purvardha Question Bank Question Bank (Important Questions)
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A
? Sutra Sthana - 40 marks
? Indriya Sthaa - 10 marks
1. One compulsory questions 10 marks
2. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
3. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each 20 marks
4. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-3 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Part B
? Nidana Sthana - 15 marks
? Vimana Sthana - 20 marks
? Sharira Sthana - 15 marks
5. One compulsory questions 10 marks
6. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
7. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each. 20 marks
8. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-6 should include Sutra with its meaning) - FirstRanker's Choice
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(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A
? Sutra Sthana - 40 marks
? Indriya Sthaa - 10 marks
1. One compulsory questions 10 marks
2. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
3. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each 20 marks
4. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-3 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Part B
? Nidana Sthana - 15 marks
? Vimana Sthana - 20 marks
? Sharira Sthana - 15 marks
5. One compulsory questions 10 marks
6. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
7. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each. 20 marks
8. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-6 should include Sutra with its meaning)
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Q.1 Describe the importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.2 Explain ?
Q.3 Explain ?
Q.4 Explain Matrashitiya Adhyaya.
Q.5 Explain Shishira Ritucharya.
Q.6 Explain Vasanta Ritucharya.
Q.7 Exlain Grishma Ritucharya.
Q.8 Explain Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.9 Explain Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.10 Explain Hemanta Ritucharya.
Q.11 Write the subject matter of ?na Vegandharniya? Adhyaya.
Q.12Write diseases and treatment of Mala Vegadharan, mutraVega
Dharan, Virya Vegadharana, Apanavayu Vegadharan.
Q.13 Write disease and treatment of ChardiNigrah, Khavathudharan,Udgara
Nigraha and Jrumbha Nigraha.
Q.14 Write diseases and treatment of Kshudha, Trashna, Bashpa, Nidra and Shram-
Q.15 Explain about Dharaniya Vega.
Q.16 Write about Indriya panch panchak.
Q.17 Describe the subject matter of Khuddak Chatuspad.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
10 marks Questions - FirstRanker's Choice
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(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A
? Sutra Sthana - 40 marks
? Indriya Sthaa - 10 marks
1. One compulsory questions 10 marks
2. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
3. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each 20 marks
4. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-3 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Part B
? Nidana Sthana - 15 marks
? Vimana Sthana - 20 marks
? Sharira Sthana - 15 marks
5. One compulsory questions 10 marks
6. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
7. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each. 20 marks
8. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-6 should include Sutra with its meaning)
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Q.1 Describe the importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.2 Explain ?
Q.3 Explain ?
Q.4 Explain Matrashitiya Adhyaya.
Q.5 Explain Shishira Ritucharya.
Q.6 Explain Vasanta Ritucharya.
Q.7 Exlain Grishma Ritucharya.
Q.8 Explain Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.9 Explain Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.10 Explain Hemanta Ritucharya.
Q.11 Write the subject matter of ?na Vegandharniya? Adhyaya.
Q.12Write diseases and treatment of Mala Vegadharan, mutraVega
Dharan, Virya Vegadharana, Apanavayu Vegadharan.
Q.13 Write disease and treatment of ChardiNigrah, Khavathudharan,Udgara
Nigraha and Jrumbha Nigraha.
Q.14 Write diseases and treatment of Kshudha, Trashna, Bashpa, Nidra and Shram-
Q.15 Explain about Dharaniya Vega.
Q.16 Write about Indriya panch panchak.
Q.17 Describe the subject matter of Khuddak Chatuspad.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 3 of 28
Q.18 Explain ?
Q.19 Explain the subject of Maha Chatuspad
Q.20 Describe the subject matter of Vatakalakaliya.
Q.22 What is Ojas? Write the symptoms of Ojokshaya.
Q.23 Write the subject matter of AstauninditiyaAdhyaya.
Q.24 Describe Hitakara and Ahitakara ahar by nature.
Q.25 Write about Shada Upakrama according to Sutra Sthana.
Q.26 Write about Sneha described in Snehadhyay. Describe in detail about Kala
of Snehapana.
Q.27 Explain ?
Q.28 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachatuska.
Q.29 Explain?
Q.30 Write in detail about Santarpana.
Q.31 Write in detail about Swedana.
Q.32 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachutuska.
Q.33 Write in detail about Chaturvidh Pramanas described in Tistraishaneeya
Q.34 Write the difference between Uttarayana and Dakshinayana?
Write in detail about Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.35 Explain ?
Q.36 Explain ?
? - FirstRanker's Choice
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(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A
? Sutra Sthana - 40 marks
? Indriya Sthaa - 10 marks
1. One compulsory questions 10 marks
2. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
3. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each 20 marks
4. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-3 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Part B
? Nidana Sthana - 15 marks
? Vimana Sthana - 20 marks
? Sharira Sthana - 15 marks
5. One compulsory questions 10 marks
6. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
7. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each. 20 marks
8. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-6 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Page 2 of 28
Q.1 Describe the importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.2 Explain ?
Q.3 Explain ?
Q.4 Explain Matrashitiya Adhyaya.
Q.5 Explain Shishira Ritucharya.
Q.6 Explain Vasanta Ritucharya.
Q.7 Exlain Grishma Ritucharya.
Q.8 Explain Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.9 Explain Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.10 Explain Hemanta Ritucharya.
Q.11 Write the subject matter of ?na Vegandharniya? Adhyaya.
Q.12Write diseases and treatment of Mala Vegadharan, mutraVega
Dharan, Virya Vegadharana, Apanavayu Vegadharan.
Q.13 Write disease and treatment of ChardiNigrah, Khavathudharan,Udgara
Nigraha and Jrumbha Nigraha.
Q.14 Write diseases and treatment of Kshudha, Trashna, Bashpa, Nidra and Shram-
Q.15 Explain about Dharaniya Vega.
Q.16 Write about Indriya panch panchak.
Q.17 Describe the subject matter of Khuddak Chatuspad.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 3 of 28
Q.18 Explain ?
Q.19 Explain the subject of Maha Chatuspad
Q.20 Describe the subject matter of Vatakalakaliya.
Q.22 What is Ojas? Write the symptoms of Ojokshaya.
Q.23 Write the subject matter of AstauninditiyaAdhyaya.
Q.24 Describe Hitakara and Ahitakara ahar by nature.
Q.25 Write about Shada Upakrama according to Sutra Sthana.
Q.26 Write about Sneha described in Snehadhyay. Describe in detail about Kala
of Snehapana.
Q.27 Explain ?
Q.28 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachatuska.
Q.29 Explain?
Q.30 Write in detail about Santarpana.
Q.31 Write in detail about Swedana.
Q.32 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachutuska.
Q.33 Write in detail about Chaturvidh Pramanas described in Tistraishaneeya
Q.34 Write the difference between Uttarayana and Dakshinayana?
Write in detail about Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.35 Explain ?
Q.36 Explain ?
Page 4 of 28
Q.1 short note on Sadacharana.
Q.2 worthy of doing Sadavartans.
Q.3 Q.4 Write the Gunas of Vaidya.
Q.4 Write the Gunas of Aushadha Dravya according to Khuddak chatuspad.
Q.5 Write the Gunas of Paricharaka.
Q. 6Write the Gunas of Rogi.
Q.7 Describe the importance of Vaidya in chatuspad.
Q.8 Explain ? ?
Q.9 Explain ? ?
Q.10 Write symptoms of Sukha Sadhya dieses.
Q.11 write symptoms of Krichha Sadhya dieses.
Q.12 Write about Trividh Eshanas.
Q.13 Describe Trividh Bala.
Q.14 Describe Trividh Vaidya.
Q.15 Describe Trividh aushadha.
Q.16 Describe the Karma of Vata.
Q.17 Describe the Karma of Pita.
Q.18 Describe the Karma of Kapha.
Q.19 Why Ghrit is best among all Sneha Dravya.
Q.20 Explain ?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
5 marks Questions - FirstRanker's Choice
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(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A
? Sutra Sthana - 40 marks
? Indriya Sthaa - 10 marks
1. One compulsory questions 10 marks
2. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
3. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each 20 marks
4. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-3 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Part B
? Nidana Sthana - 15 marks
? Vimana Sthana - 20 marks
? Sharira Sthana - 15 marks
5. One compulsory questions 10 marks
6. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
7. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each. 20 marks
8. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-6 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Page 2 of 28
Q.1 Describe the importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.2 Explain ?
Q.3 Explain ?
Q.4 Explain Matrashitiya Adhyaya.
Q.5 Explain Shishira Ritucharya.
Q.6 Explain Vasanta Ritucharya.
Q.7 Exlain Grishma Ritucharya.
Q.8 Explain Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.9 Explain Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.10 Explain Hemanta Ritucharya.
Q.11 Write the subject matter of ?na Vegandharniya? Adhyaya.
Q.12Write diseases and treatment of Mala Vegadharan, mutraVega
Dharan, Virya Vegadharana, Apanavayu Vegadharan.
Q.13 Write disease and treatment of ChardiNigrah, Khavathudharan,Udgara
Nigraha and Jrumbha Nigraha.
Q.14 Write diseases and treatment of Kshudha, Trashna, Bashpa, Nidra and Shram-
Q.15 Explain about Dharaniya Vega.
Q.16 Write about Indriya panch panchak.
Q.17 Describe the subject matter of Khuddak Chatuspad.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 3 of 28
Q.18 Explain ?
Q.19 Explain the subject of Maha Chatuspad
Q.20 Describe the subject matter of Vatakalakaliya.
Q.22 What is Ojas? Write the symptoms of Ojokshaya.
Q.23 Write the subject matter of AstauninditiyaAdhyaya.
Q.24 Describe Hitakara and Ahitakara ahar by nature.
Q.25 Write about Shada Upakrama according to Sutra Sthana.
Q.26 Write about Sneha described in Snehadhyay. Describe in detail about Kala
of Snehapana.
Q.27 Explain ?
Q.28 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachatuska.
Q.29 Explain?
Q.30 Write in detail about Santarpana.
Q.31 Write in detail about Swedana.
Q.32 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachutuska.
Q.33 Write in detail about Chaturvidh Pramanas described in Tistraishaneeya
Q.34 Write the difference between Uttarayana and Dakshinayana?
Write in detail about Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.35 Explain ?
Q.36 Explain ?
Page 4 of 28
Q.1 short note on Sadacharana.
Q.2 worthy of doing Sadavartans.
Q.3 Q.4 Write the Gunas of Vaidya.
Q.4 Write the Gunas of Aushadha Dravya according to Khuddak chatuspad.
Q.5 Write the Gunas of Paricharaka.
Q. 6Write the Gunas of Rogi.
Q.7 Describe the importance of Vaidya in chatuspad.
Q.8 Explain ? ?
Q.9 Explain ? ?
Q.10 Write symptoms of Sukha Sadhya dieses.
Q.11 write symptoms of Krichha Sadhya dieses.
Q.12 Write about Trividh Eshanas.
Q.13 Describe Trividh Bala.
Q.14 Describe Trividh Vaidya.
Q.15 Describe Trividh aushadha.
Q.16 Describe the Karma of Vata.
Q.17 Describe the Karma of Pita.
Q.18 Describe the Karma of Kapha.
Q.19 Why Ghrit is best among all Sneha Dravya.
Q.20 Explain ?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 5 of 28
Q.21 Explain - |
Q.22 Write about Doshgati according to Kiyantashirasiya Adhyaya.
Q.23 What is called NijaRoga?
Q.24 What is called AgantukaRoga?
Q.25 Enlistthe Nanatmaja Vatavikara.
Q.26 Enlist Nanatmaja pitavikara.
Q.27 Enlist Nanatmaja kaphavikara.
Q.28 Explain
Q.29 Explain about Nindra.
Q.30 Write the syptoms of Samyaka langhana.
Q.31 Write about Samtarpan.
Q.32 Write about Apatarpana.
Q.33 Write ten Shrestha Ahar Dravya.
Q.34 Write shortnote about types of Dravya.
Q.35 Write shortnote about Samanya and Vishes.
Q.36 Dosha Sangraha of Sharira and Mana.
Q.37 Explain-
Q.38 Write Pathya and Apathhya Padartha of swasthya.
Q.39 Write short note on Udvartana.
Q.40 Explain-
Q.41 Write about Vyayama.
Q.42 Explain-
Q.43 Explain ?Dadhiseven?
Q.44 Give short note on Adanakala.
Q.45 Give short note on Visargakala.
Q.46 Give short note on Rutu Sandhi. - FirstRanker's Choice
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(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A
? Sutra Sthana - 40 marks
? Indriya Sthaa - 10 marks
1. One compulsory questions 10 marks
2. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
3. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each 20 marks
4. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-3 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Part B
? Nidana Sthana - 15 marks
? Vimana Sthana - 20 marks
? Sharira Sthana - 15 marks
5. One compulsory questions 10 marks
6. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
7. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each. 20 marks
8. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-6 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Page 2 of 28
Q.1 Describe the importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.2 Explain ?
Q.3 Explain ?
Q.4 Explain Matrashitiya Adhyaya.
Q.5 Explain Shishira Ritucharya.
Q.6 Explain Vasanta Ritucharya.
Q.7 Exlain Grishma Ritucharya.
Q.8 Explain Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.9 Explain Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.10 Explain Hemanta Ritucharya.
Q.11 Write the subject matter of ?na Vegandharniya? Adhyaya.
Q.12Write diseases and treatment of Mala Vegadharan, mutraVega
Dharan, Virya Vegadharana, Apanavayu Vegadharan.
Q.13 Write disease and treatment of ChardiNigrah, Khavathudharan,Udgara
Nigraha and Jrumbha Nigraha.
Q.14 Write diseases and treatment of Kshudha, Trashna, Bashpa, Nidra and Shram-
Q.15 Explain about Dharaniya Vega.
Q.16 Write about Indriya panch panchak.
Q.17 Describe the subject matter of Khuddak Chatuspad.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 3 of 28
Q.18 Explain ?
Q.19 Explain the subject of Maha Chatuspad
Q.20 Describe the subject matter of Vatakalakaliya.
Q.22 What is Ojas? Write the symptoms of Ojokshaya.
Q.23 Write the subject matter of AstauninditiyaAdhyaya.
Q.24 Describe Hitakara and Ahitakara ahar by nature.
Q.25 Write about Shada Upakrama according to Sutra Sthana.
Q.26 Write about Sneha described in Snehadhyay. Describe in detail about Kala
of Snehapana.
Q.27 Explain ?
Q.28 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachatuska.
Q.29 Explain?
Q.30 Write in detail about Santarpana.
Q.31 Write in detail about Swedana.
Q.32 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachutuska.
Q.33 Write in detail about Chaturvidh Pramanas described in Tistraishaneeya
Q.34 Write the difference between Uttarayana and Dakshinayana?
Write in detail about Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.35 Explain ?
Q.36 Explain ?
Page 4 of 28
Q.1 short note on Sadacharana.
Q.2 worthy of doing Sadavartans.
Q.3 Q.4 Write the Gunas of Vaidya.
Q.4 Write the Gunas of Aushadha Dravya according to Khuddak chatuspad.
Q.5 Write the Gunas of Paricharaka.
Q. 6Write the Gunas of Rogi.
Q.7 Describe the importance of Vaidya in chatuspad.
Q.8 Explain ? ?
Q.9 Explain ? ?
Q.10 Write symptoms of Sukha Sadhya dieses.
Q.11 write symptoms of Krichha Sadhya dieses.
Q.12 Write about Trividh Eshanas.
Q.13 Describe Trividh Bala.
Q.14 Describe Trividh Vaidya.
Q.15 Describe Trividh aushadha.
Q.16 Describe the Karma of Vata.
Q.17 Describe the Karma of Pita.
Q.18 Describe the Karma of Kapha.
Q.19 Why Ghrit is best among all Sneha Dravya.
Q.20 Explain ?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 5 of 28
Q.21 Explain - |
Q.22 Write about Doshgati according to Kiyantashirasiya Adhyaya.
Q.23 What is called NijaRoga?
Q.24 What is called AgantukaRoga?
Q.25 Enlistthe Nanatmaja Vatavikara.
Q.26 Enlist Nanatmaja pitavikara.
Q.27 Enlist Nanatmaja kaphavikara.
Q.28 Explain
Q.29 Explain about Nindra.
Q.30 Write the syptoms of Samyaka langhana.
Q.31 Write about Samtarpan.
Q.32 Write about Apatarpana.
Q.33 Write ten Shrestha Ahar Dravya.
Q.34 Write shortnote about types of Dravya.
Q.35 Write shortnote about Samanya and Vishes.
Q.36 Dosha Sangraha of Sharira and Mana.
Q.37 Explain-
Q.38 Write Pathya and Apathhya Padartha of swasthya.
Q.39 Write short note on Udvartana.
Q.40 Explain-
Q.41 Write about Vyayama.
Q.42 Explain-
Q.43 Explain ?Dadhiseven?
Q.44 Give short note on Adanakala.
Q.45 Give short note on Visargakala.
Q.46 Give short note on Rutu Sandhi.
Page 6 of 28
Q.47 Explain-
Q.48 Write about Santarpana.
Q.49 Write about Koshtha according to SnehAdhyaya.
Q.50 Explain-
Q.51 Write about short on Apatarpana.
Q.52 Write the symptoms of Hina and Aviyoga of Vamana.
Q.54 Describe Hridaya on basis of ?ArthedashmahamuliyAdhyaya?.
Q.55 Describe common qualities of Phala varga.
Q.56 Describe the indications of Swedana.
Q.57 Write short note on:Importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.58 Write short note on:Trividha Rogamarga.
Q.59 Describe the Contraindications of Swedana.
Q.60 Describe the Atiyoga Lakshanas of Vamana.
Q.61 Describe the common qualities of Ikhshuvarga.
Q.62 Write about Santarpanottha Vikara.
Q.63 Explain Dharaneeya Vega.
Q.64 Describe Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.65 Describe the subjects mention in Mahachatuspada Adhyaya of Charaka
Q.66 Write the name of Drugs of Jeevsneeya and Deepaneeya Mahakashaya.
Q.67 Write types and functions of Vayu.
Q.68 Write about types of the Rejectoors of Rebirth.
Q.79 Write causes and types of Shotha Roga.
Q.80 Write definition and types of Langhana.
Q.81 Mention the Panchabhautikatva of Rasa.
Q.82 What is Yojana Chatuska? Mention the name of Adhyaya of it.
Q.83 Write about Pranabhisara Vaidya. - FirstRanker's Choice
Page 1 of 28
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A
? Sutra Sthana - 40 marks
? Indriya Sthaa - 10 marks
1. One compulsory questions 10 marks
2. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
3. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each 20 marks
4. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-3 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Part B
? Nidana Sthana - 15 marks
? Vimana Sthana - 20 marks
? Sharira Sthana - 15 marks
5. One compulsory questions 10 marks
6. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
7. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each. 20 marks
8. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-6 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Page 2 of 28
Q.1 Describe the importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.2 Explain ?
Q.3 Explain ?
Q.4 Explain Matrashitiya Adhyaya.
Q.5 Explain Shishira Ritucharya.
Q.6 Explain Vasanta Ritucharya.
Q.7 Exlain Grishma Ritucharya.
Q.8 Explain Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.9 Explain Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.10 Explain Hemanta Ritucharya.
Q.11 Write the subject matter of ?na Vegandharniya? Adhyaya.
Q.12Write diseases and treatment of Mala Vegadharan, mutraVega
Dharan, Virya Vegadharana, Apanavayu Vegadharan.
Q.13 Write disease and treatment of ChardiNigrah, Khavathudharan,Udgara
Nigraha and Jrumbha Nigraha.
Q.14 Write diseases and treatment of Kshudha, Trashna, Bashpa, Nidra and Shram-
Q.15 Explain about Dharaniya Vega.
Q.16 Write about Indriya panch panchak.
Q.17 Describe the subject matter of Khuddak Chatuspad.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 3 of 28
Q.18 Explain ?
Q.19 Explain the subject of Maha Chatuspad
Q.20 Describe the subject matter of Vatakalakaliya.
Q.22 What is Ojas? Write the symptoms of Ojokshaya.
Q.23 Write the subject matter of AstauninditiyaAdhyaya.
Q.24 Describe Hitakara and Ahitakara ahar by nature.
Q.25 Write about Shada Upakrama according to Sutra Sthana.
Q.26 Write about Sneha described in Snehadhyay. Describe in detail about Kala
of Snehapana.
Q.27 Explain ?
Q.28 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachatuska.
Q.29 Explain?
Q.30 Write in detail about Santarpana.
Q.31 Write in detail about Swedana.
Q.32 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachutuska.
Q.33 Write in detail about Chaturvidh Pramanas described in Tistraishaneeya
Q.34 Write the difference between Uttarayana and Dakshinayana?
Write in detail about Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.35 Explain ?
Q.36 Explain ?
Page 4 of 28
Q.1 short note on Sadacharana.
Q.2 worthy of doing Sadavartans.
Q.3 Q.4 Write the Gunas of Vaidya.
Q.4 Write the Gunas of Aushadha Dravya according to Khuddak chatuspad.
Q.5 Write the Gunas of Paricharaka.
Q. 6Write the Gunas of Rogi.
Q.7 Describe the importance of Vaidya in chatuspad.
Q.8 Explain ? ?
Q.9 Explain ? ?
Q.10 Write symptoms of Sukha Sadhya dieses.
Q.11 write symptoms of Krichha Sadhya dieses.
Q.12 Write about Trividh Eshanas.
Q.13 Describe Trividh Bala.
Q.14 Describe Trividh Vaidya.
Q.15 Describe Trividh aushadha.
Q.16 Describe the Karma of Vata.
Q.17 Describe the Karma of Pita.
Q.18 Describe the Karma of Kapha.
Q.19 Why Ghrit is best among all Sneha Dravya.
Q.20 Explain ?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 5 of 28
Q.21 Explain - |
Q.22 Write about Doshgati according to Kiyantashirasiya Adhyaya.
Q.23 What is called NijaRoga?
Q.24 What is called AgantukaRoga?
Q.25 Enlistthe Nanatmaja Vatavikara.
Q.26 Enlist Nanatmaja pitavikara.
Q.27 Enlist Nanatmaja kaphavikara.
Q.28 Explain
Q.29 Explain about Nindra.
Q.30 Write the syptoms of Samyaka langhana.
Q.31 Write about Samtarpan.
Q.32 Write about Apatarpana.
Q.33 Write ten Shrestha Ahar Dravya.
Q.34 Write shortnote about types of Dravya.
Q.35 Write shortnote about Samanya and Vishes.
Q.36 Dosha Sangraha of Sharira and Mana.
Q.37 Explain-
Q.38 Write Pathya and Apathhya Padartha of swasthya.
Q.39 Write short note on Udvartana.
Q.40 Explain-
Q.41 Write about Vyayama.
Q.42 Explain-
Q.43 Explain ?Dadhiseven?
Q.44 Give short note on Adanakala.
Q.45 Give short note on Visargakala.
Q.46 Give short note on Rutu Sandhi.
Page 6 of 28
Q.47 Explain-
Q.48 Write about Santarpana.
Q.49 Write about Koshtha according to SnehAdhyaya.
Q.50 Explain-
Q.51 Write about short on Apatarpana.
Q.52 Write the symptoms of Hina and Aviyoga of Vamana.
Q.54 Describe Hridaya on basis of ?ArthedashmahamuliyAdhyaya?.
Q.55 Describe common qualities of Phala varga.
Q.56 Describe the indications of Swedana.
Q.57 Write short note on:Importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.58 Write short note on:Trividha Rogamarga.
Q.59 Describe the Contraindications of Swedana.
Q.60 Describe the Atiyoga Lakshanas of Vamana.
Q.61 Describe the common qualities of Ikhshuvarga.
Q.62 Write about Santarpanottha Vikara.
Q.63 Explain Dharaneeya Vega.
Q.64 Describe Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.65 Describe the subjects mention in Mahachatuspada Adhyaya of Charaka
Q.66 Write the name of Drugs of Jeevsneeya and Deepaneeya Mahakashaya.
Q.67 Write types and functions of Vayu.
Q.68 Write about types of the Rejectoors of Rebirth.
Q.79 Write causes and types of Shotha Roga.
Q.80 Write definition and types of Langhana.
Q.81 Mention the Panchabhautikatva of Rasa.
Q.82 What is Yojana Chatuska? Mention the name of Adhyaya of it.
Q.83 Write about Pranabhisara Vaidya.
Page 7 of 28
Q.84 Write about Kalpana Chatuska.
Q.85 Write about Trividha Apatarpana.
Q.86 Write the types of Vaidys.
Q.87 Write about Karsu and Kuti Sweda.
Q.88 Explain in detail the types of HridRoga.
Q.89 Write the characteristics Yapya and Anupakramya Vyadhi
Q.90 Write about Yukti Pramana.
Q.91 Explain Roga Chatuska.
Q.92 Give the details of Kritanna Varga.
Q.93 Write short note on : Shada Upakrama.
Q.93 Write short note on : Ashtaunindita Purusha.
Q.95 Write short note on : Panchapanchaka.
Q.96 Which disease are manifested due to Aptarpana?
Q.97 Write about Krimija HridRoga.
Q.98 Write a short note on MatrasheetiyAdhyaya.
Q.99 Enlist Apatarpana Janita Vyadhi.
Q.100 What is the meaning of Langhana? Explain.
Q.101 Write the indications of Sneha.
Q.102 How many Mahakashayas described in Sutrasthana? Write the name of
the drug from any two Mahakashayas.
Q.103 Write short note on: Dasha Pranayatana.
Q.104 Explain-
Q.105 Explain -
Q.106 Explain-
Q.107 Explain-
Q.108 Explain- - FirstRanker's Choice
Page 1 of 28
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A
? Sutra Sthana - 40 marks
? Indriya Sthaa - 10 marks
1. One compulsory questions 10 marks
2. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
3. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each 20 marks
4. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-3 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Part B
? Nidana Sthana - 15 marks
? Vimana Sthana - 20 marks
? Sharira Sthana - 15 marks
5. One compulsory questions 10 marks
6. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
7. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each. 20 marks
8. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-6 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Page 2 of 28
Q.1 Describe the importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.2 Explain ?
Q.3 Explain ?
Q.4 Explain Matrashitiya Adhyaya.
Q.5 Explain Shishira Ritucharya.
Q.6 Explain Vasanta Ritucharya.
Q.7 Exlain Grishma Ritucharya.
Q.8 Explain Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.9 Explain Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.10 Explain Hemanta Ritucharya.
Q.11 Write the subject matter of ?na Vegandharniya? Adhyaya.
Q.12Write diseases and treatment of Mala Vegadharan, mutraVega
Dharan, Virya Vegadharana, Apanavayu Vegadharan.
Q.13 Write disease and treatment of ChardiNigrah, Khavathudharan,Udgara
Nigraha and Jrumbha Nigraha.
Q.14 Write diseases and treatment of Kshudha, Trashna, Bashpa, Nidra and Shram-
Q.15 Explain about Dharaniya Vega.
Q.16 Write about Indriya panch panchak.
Q.17 Describe the subject matter of Khuddak Chatuspad.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 3 of 28
Q.18 Explain ?
Q.19 Explain the subject of Maha Chatuspad
Q.20 Describe the subject matter of Vatakalakaliya.
Q.22 What is Ojas? Write the symptoms of Ojokshaya.
Q.23 Write the subject matter of AstauninditiyaAdhyaya.
Q.24 Describe Hitakara and Ahitakara ahar by nature.
Q.25 Write about Shada Upakrama according to Sutra Sthana.
Q.26 Write about Sneha described in Snehadhyay. Describe in detail about Kala
of Snehapana.
Q.27 Explain ?
Q.28 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachatuska.
Q.29 Explain?
Q.30 Write in detail about Santarpana.
Q.31 Write in detail about Swedana.
Q.32 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachutuska.
Q.33 Write in detail about Chaturvidh Pramanas described in Tistraishaneeya
Q.34 Write the difference between Uttarayana and Dakshinayana?
Write in detail about Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.35 Explain ?
Q.36 Explain ?
Page 4 of 28
Q.1 short note on Sadacharana.
Q.2 worthy of doing Sadavartans.
Q.3 Q.4 Write the Gunas of Vaidya.
Q.4 Write the Gunas of Aushadha Dravya according to Khuddak chatuspad.
Q.5 Write the Gunas of Paricharaka.
Q. 6Write the Gunas of Rogi.
Q.7 Describe the importance of Vaidya in chatuspad.
Q.8 Explain ? ?
Q.9 Explain ? ?
Q.10 Write symptoms of Sukha Sadhya dieses.
Q.11 write symptoms of Krichha Sadhya dieses.
Q.12 Write about Trividh Eshanas.
Q.13 Describe Trividh Bala.
Q.14 Describe Trividh Vaidya.
Q.15 Describe Trividh aushadha.
Q.16 Describe the Karma of Vata.
Q.17 Describe the Karma of Pita.
Q.18 Describe the Karma of Kapha.
Q.19 Why Ghrit is best among all Sneha Dravya.
Q.20 Explain ?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 5 of 28
Q.21 Explain - |
Q.22 Write about Doshgati according to Kiyantashirasiya Adhyaya.
Q.23 What is called NijaRoga?
Q.24 What is called AgantukaRoga?
Q.25 Enlistthe Nanatmaja Vatavikara.
Q.26 Enlist Nanatmaja pitavikara.
Q.27 Enlist Nanatmaja kaphavikara.
Q.28 Explain
Q.29 Explain about Nindra.
Q.30 Write the syptoms of Samyaka langhana.
Q.31 Write about Samtarpan.
Q.32 Write about Apatarpana.
Q.33 Write ten Shrestha Ahar Dravya.
Q.34 Write shortnote about types of Dravya.
Q.35 Write shortnote about Samanya and Vishes.
Q.36 Dosha Sangraha of Sharira and Mana.
Q.37 Explain-
Q.38 Write Pathya and Apathhya Padartha of swasthya.
Q.39 Write short note on Udvartana.
Q.40 Explain-
Q.41 Write about Vyayama.
Q.42 Explain-
Q.43 Explain ?Dadhiseven?
Q.44 Give short note on Adanakala.
Q.45 Give short note on Visargakala.
Q.46 Give short note on Rutu Sandhi.
Page 6 of 28
Q.47 Explain-
Q.48 Write about Santarpana.
Q.49 Write about Koshtha according to SnehAdhyaya.
Q.50 Explain-
Q.51 Write about short on Apatarpana.
Q.52 Write the symptoms of Hina and Aviyoga of Vamana.
Q.54 Describe Hridaya on basis of ?ArthedashmahamuliyAdhyaya?.
Q.55 Describe common qualities of Phala varga.
Q.56 Describe the indications of Swedana.
Q.57 Write short note on:Importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.58 Write short note on:Trividha Rogamarga.
Q.59 Describe the Contraindications of Swedana.
Q.60 Describe the Atiyoga Lakshanas of Vamana.
Q.61 Describe the common qualities of Ikhshuvarga.
Q.62 Write about Santarpanottha Vikara.
Q.63 Explain Dharaneeya Vega.
Q.64 Describe Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.65 Describe the subjects mention in Mahachatuspada Adhyaya of Charaka
Q.66 Write the name of Drugs of Jeevsneeya and Deepaneeya Mahakashaya.
Q.67 Write types and functions of Vayu.
Q.68 Write about types of the Rejectoors of Rebirth.
Q.79 Write causes and types of Shotha Roga.
Q.80 Write definition and types of Langhana.
Q.81 Mention the Panchabhautikatva of Rasa.
Q.82 What is Yojana Chatuska? Mention the name of Adhyaya of it.
Q.83 Write about Pranabhisara Vaidya.
Page 7 of 28
Q.84 Write about Kalpana Chatuska.
Q.85 Write about Trividha Apatarpana.
Q.86 Write the types of Vaidys.
Q.87 Write about Karsu and Kuti Sweda.
Q.88 Explain in detail the types of HridRoga.
Q.89 Write the characteristics Yapya and Anupakramya Vyadhi
Q.90 Write about Yukti Pramana.
Q.91 Explain Roga Chatuska.
Q.92 Give the details of Kritanna Varga.
Q.93 Write short note on : Shada Upakrama.
Q.93 Write short note on : Ashtaunindita Purusha.
Q.95 Write short note on : Panchapanchaka.
Q.96 Which disease are manifested due to Aptarpana?
Q.97 Write about Krimija HridRoga.
Q.98 Write a short note on MatrasheetiyAdhyaya.
Q.99 Enlist Apatarpana Janita Vyadhi.
Q.100 What is the meaning of Langhana? Explain.
Q.101 Write the indications of Sneha.
Q.102 How many Mahakashayas described in Sutrasthana? Write the name of
the drug from any two Mahakashayas.
Q.103 Write short note on: Dasha Pranayatana.
Q.104 Explain-
Q.105 Explain -
Q.106 Explain-
Q.107 Explain-
Q.108 Explain-
Page 8 of 28
Q.109 Explain ...... ||
Q.110 Explain
Q.111 Explain -
Q.112 Explain- - FirstRanker's Choice
Page 1 of 28
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A
? Sutra Sthana - 40 marks
? Indriya Sthaa - 10 marks
1. One compulsory questions 10 marks
2. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
3. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each 20 marks
4. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-3 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Part B
? Nidana Sthana - 15 marks
? Vimana Sthana - 20 marks
? Sharira Sthana - 15 marks
5. One compulsory questions 10 marks
6. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
7. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each. 20 marks
8. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-6 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Page 2 of 28
Q.1 Describe the importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.2 Explain ?
Q.3 Explain ?
Q.4 Explain Matrashitiya Adhyaya.
Q.5 Explain Shishira Ritucharya.
Q.6 Explain Vasanta Ritucharya.
Q.7 Exlain Grishma Ritucharya.
Q.8 Explain Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.9 Explain Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.10 Explain Hemanta Ritucharya.
Q.11 Write the subject matter of ?na Vegandharniya? Adhyaya.
Q.12Write diseases and treatment of Mala Vegadharan, mutraVega
Dharan, Virya Vegadharana, Apanavayu Vegadharan.
Q.13 Write disease and treatment of ChardiNigrah, Khavathudharan,Udgara
Nigraha and Jrumbha Nigraha.
Q.14 Write diseases and treatment of Kshudha, Trashna, Bashpa, Nidra and Shram-
Q.15 Explain about Dharaniya Vega.
Q.16 Write about Indriya panch panchak.
Q.17 Describe the subject matter of Khuddak Chatuspad.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 3 of 28
Q.18 Explain ?
Q.19 Explain the subject of Maha Chatuspad
Q.20 Describe the subject matter of Vatakalakaliya.
Q.22 What is Ojas? Write the symptoms of Ojokshaya.
Q.23 Write the subject matter of AstauninditiyaAdhyaya.
Q.24 Describe Hitakara and Ahitakara ahar by nature.
Q.25 Write about Shada Upakrama according to Sutra Sthana.
Q.26 Write about Sneha described in Snehadhyay. Describe in detail about Kala
of Snehapana.
Q.27 Explain ?
Q.28 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachatuska.
Q.29 Explain?
Q.30 Write in detail about Santarpana.
Q.31 Write in detail about Swedana.
Q.32 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachutuska.
Q.33 Write in detail about Chaturvidh Pramanas described in Tistraishaneeya
Q.34 Write the difference between Uttarayana and Dakshinayana?
Write in detail about Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.35 Explain ?
Q.36 Explain ?
Page 4 of 28
Q.1 short note on Sadacharana.
Q.2 worthy of doing Sadavartans.
Q.3 Q.4 Write the Gunas of Vaidya.
Q.4 Write the Gunas of Aushadha Dravya according to Khuddak chatuspad.
Q.5 Write the Gunas of Paricharaka.
Q. 6Write the Gunas of Rogi.
Q.7 Describe the importance of Vaidya in chatuspad.
Q.8 Explain ? ?
Q.9 Explain ? ?
Q.10 Write symptoms of Sukha Sadhya dieses.
Q.11 write symptoms of Krichha Sadhya dieses.
Q.12 Write about Trividh Eshanas.
Q.13 Describe Trividh Bala.
Q.14 Describe Trividh Vaidya.
Q.15 Describe Trividh aushadha.
Q.16 Describe the Karma of Vata.
Q.17 Describe the Karma of Pita.
Q.18 Describe the Karma of Kapha.
Q.19 Why Ghrit is best among all Sneha Dravya.
Q.20 Explain ?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 5 of 28
Q.21 Explain - |
Q.22 Write about Doshgati according to Kiyantashirasiya Adhyaya.
Q.23 What is called NijaRoga?
Q.24 What is called AgantukaRoga?
Q.25 Enlistthe Nanatmaja Vatavikara.
Q.26 Enlist Nanatmaja pitavikara.
Q.27 Enlist Nanatmaja kaphavikara.
Q.28 Explain
Q.29 Explain about Nindra.
Q.30 Write the syptoms of Samyaka langhana.
Q.31 Write about Samtarpan.
Q.32 Write about Apatarpana.
Q.33 Write ten Shrestha Ahar Dravya.
Q.34 Write shortnote about types of Dravya.
Q.35 Write shortnote about Samanya and Vishes.
Q.36 Dosha Sangraha of Sharira and Mana.
Q.37 Explain-
Q.38 Write Pathya and Apathhya Padartha of swasthya.
Q.39 Write short note on Udvartana.
Q.40 Explain-
Q.41 Write about Vyayama.
Q.42 Explain-
Q.43 Explain ?Dadhiseven?
Q.44 Give short note on Adanakala.
Q.45 Give short note on Visargakala.
Q.46 Give short note on Rutu Sandhi.
Page 6 of 28
Q.47 Explain-
Q.48 Write about Santarpana.
Q.49 Write about Koshtha according to SnehAdhyaya.
Q.50 Explain-
Q.51 Write about short on Apatarpana.
Q.52 Write the symptoms of Hina and Aviyoga of Vamana.
Q.54 Describe Hridaya on basis of ?ArthedashmahamuliyAdhyaya?.
Q.55 Describe common qualities of Phala varga.
Q.56 Describe the indications of Swedana.
Q.57 Write short note on:Importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.58 Write short note on:Trividha Rogamarga.
Q.59 Describe the Contraindications of Swedana.
Q.60 Describe the Atiyoga Lakshanas of Vamana.
Q.61 Describe the common qualities of Ikhshuvarga.
Q.62 Write about Santarpanottha Vikara.
Q.63 Explain Dharaneeya Vega.
Q.64 Describe Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.65 Describe the subjects mention in Mahachatuspada Adhyaya of Charaka
Q.66 Write the name of Drugs of Jeevsneeya and Deepaneeya Mahakashaya.
Q.67 Write types and functions of Vayu.
Q.68 Write about types of the Rejectoors of Rebirth.
Q.79 Write causes and types of Shotha Roga.
Q.80 Write definition and types of Langhana.
Q.81 Mention the Panchabhautikatva of Rasa.
Q.82 What is Yojana Chatuska? Mention the name of Adhyaya of it.
Q.83 Write about Pranabhisara Vaidya.
Page 7 of 28
Q.84 Write about Kalpana Chatuska.
Q.85 Write about Trividha Apatarpana.
Q.86 Write the types of Vaidys.
Q.87 Write about Karsu and Kuti Sweda.
Q.88 Explain in detail the types of HridRoga.
Q.89 Write the characteristics Yapya and Anupakramya Vyadhi
Q.90 Write about Yukti Pramana.
Q.91 Explain Roga Chatuska.
Q.92 Give the details of Kritanna Varga.
Q.93 Write short note on : Shada Upakrama.
Q.93 Write short note on : Ashtaunindita Purusha.
Q.95 Write short note on : Panchapanchaka.
Q.96 Which disease are manifested due to Aptarpana?
Q.97 Write about Krimija HridRoga.
Q.98 Write a short note on MatrasheetiyAdhyaya.
Q.99 Enlist Apatarpana Janita Vyadhi.
Q.100 What is the meaning of Langhana? Explain.
Q.101 Write the indications of Sneha.
Q.102 How many Mahakashayas described in Sutrasthana? Write the name of
the drug from any two Mahakashayas.
Q.103 Write short note on: Dasha Pranayatana.
Q.104 Explain-
Q.105 Explain -
Q.106 Explain-
Q.107 Explain-
Q.108 Explain-
Page 8 of 28
Q.109 Explain ...... ||
Q.110 Explain
Q.111 Explain -
Q.112 Explain-
Page 9 of 28
Q.1 Enlist quality of Aushadha according to Sutra Sthana 9.
Q.2 Hansodaka.
Q.3 Enlist Ashatunindniya.
Q.4 Enlist Shudha Rakta Lakshana according to VidhishonitiyAdhyaya.
Q.5 Enlist quality of Paricharika according to Sutra sthana.
Q.6 Enlist Aishana.
Q.7 How many types of Kshayas are describe in KiyantakshirashiyAdhyaya?
Q.21 Indicates special qualities of Suddha Rakta..
Q.22 Enlist common qualities of Langhana Dravyas according to
Q.23 Write the name of chapters included in Bheshaja Chatuska.
Q.24 Write any two indications of Swedana.
Q.25 Write the name of Niragni Sweda.
Q.26 Write the types of Milk.
Q.27 Write the types and importance of Fat.
Q.28 Write the name of drugs which are useful in Vamana.
Q.29 Write about five types of Extract preparations.
Q.30 Write about Samanya and Vishesha.
Q.31 What is Vatakalakaliya?
Q.32 What is Trisutra?
Q.33 Which karan Dravyas in gyanendriyas?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
2 marks Questions - FirstRanker's Choice
Page 1 of 28
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A
? Sutra Sthana - 40 marks
? Indriya Sthaa - 10 marks
1. One compulsory questions 10 marks
2. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
3. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each 20 marks
4. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-3 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Part B
? Nidana Sthana - 15 marks
? Vimana Sthana - 20 marks
? Sharira Sthana - 15 marks
5. One compulsory questions 10 marks
6. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
7. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each. 20 marks
8. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-6 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Page 2 of 28
Q.1 Describe the importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.2 Explain ?
Q.3 Explain ?
Q.4 Explain Matrashitiya Adhyaya.
Q.5 Explain Shishira Ritucharya.
Q.6 Explain Vasanta Ritucharya.
Q.7 Exlain Grishma Ritucharya.
Q.8 Explain Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.9 Explain Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.10 Explain Hemanta Ritucharya.
Q.11 Write the subject matter of ?na Vegandharniya? Adhyaya.
Q.12Write diseases and treatment of Mala Vegadharan, mutraVega
Dharan, Virya Vegadharana, Apanavayu Vegadharan.
Q.13 Write disease and treatment of ChardiNigrah, Khavathudharan,Udgara
Nigraha and Jrumbha Nigraha.
Q.14 Write diseases and treatment of Kshudha, Trashna, Bashpa, Nidra and Shram-
Q.15 Explain about Dharaniya Vega.
Q.16 Write about Indriya panch panchak.
Q.17 Describe the subject matter of Khuddak Chatuspad.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 3 of 28
Q.18 Explain ?
Q.19 Explain the subject of Maha Chatuspad
Q.20 Describe the subject matter of Vatakalakaliya.
Q.22 What is Ojas? Write the symptoms of Ojokshaya.
Q.23 Write the subject matter of AstauninditiyaAdhyaya.
Q.24 Describe Hitakara and Ahitakara ahar by nature.
Q.25 Write about Shada Upakrama according to Sutra Sthana.
Q.26 Write about Sneha described in Snehadhyay. Describe in detail about Kala
of Snehapana.
Q.27 Explain ?
Q.28 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachatuska.
Q.29 Explain?
Q.30 Write in detail about Santarpana.
Q.31 Write in detail about Swedana.
Q.32 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachutuska.
Q.33 Write in detail about Chaturvidh Pramanas described in Tistraishaneeya
Q.34 Write the difference between Uttarayana and Dakshinayana?
Write in detail about Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.35 Explain ?
Q.36 Explain ?
Page 4 of 28
Q.1 short note on Sadacharana.
Q.2 worthy of doing Sadavartans.
Q.3 Q.4 Write the Gunas of Vaidya.
Q.4 Write the Gunas of Aushadha Dravya according to Khuddak chatuspad.
Q.5 Write the Gunas of Paricharaka.
Q. 6Write the Gunas of Rogi.
Q.7 Describe the importance of Vaidya in chatuspad.
Q.8 Explain ? ?
Q.9 Explain ? ?
Q.10 Write symptoms of Sukha Sadhya dieses.
Q.11 write symptoms of Krichha Sadhya dieses.
Q.12 Write about Trividh Eshanas.
Q.13 Describe Trividh Bala.
Q.14 Describe Trividh Vaidya.
Q.15 Describe Trividh aushadha.
Q.16 Describe the Karma of Vata.
Q.17 Describe the Karma of Pita.
Q.18 Describe the Karma of Kapha.
Q.19 Why Ghrit is best among all Sneha Dravya.
Q.20 Explain ?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 5 of 28
Q.21 Explain - |
Q.22 Write about Doshgati according to Kiyantashirasiya Adhyaya.
Q.23 What is called NijaRoga?
Q.24 What is called AgantukaRoga?
Q.25 Enlistthe Nanatmaja Vatavikara.
Q.26 Enlist Nanatmaja pitavikara.
Q.27 Enlist Nanatmaja kaphavikara.
Q.28 Explain
Q.29 Explain about Nindra.
Q.30 Write the syptoms of Samyaka langhana.
Q.31 Write about Samtarpan.
Q.32 Write about Apatarpana.
Q.33 Write ten Shrestha Ahar Dravya.
Q.34 Write shortnote about types of Dravya.
Q.35 Write shortnote about Samanya and Vishes.
Q.36 Dosha Sangraha of Sharira and Mana.
Q.37 Explain-
Q.38 Write Pathya and Apathhya Padartha of swasthya.
Q.39 Write short note on Udvartana.
Q.40 Explain-
Q.41 Write about Vyayama.
Q.42 Explain-
Q.43 Explain ?Dadhiseven?
Q.44 Give short note on Adanakala.
Q.45 Give short note on Visargakala.
Q.46 Give short note on Rutu Sandhi.
Page 6 of 28
Q.47 Explain-
Q.48 Write about Santarpana.
Q.49 Write about Koshtha according to SnehAdhyaya.
Q.50 Explain-
Q.51 Write about short on Apatarpana.
Q.52 Write the symptoms of Hina and Aviyoga of Vamana.
Q.54 Describe Hridaya on basis of ?ArthedashmahamuliyAdhyaya?.
Q.55 Describe common qualities of Phala varga.
Q.56 Describe the indications of Swedana.
Q.57 Write short note on:Importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.58 Write short note on:Trividha Rogamarga.
Q.59 Describe the Contraindications of Swedana.
Q.60 Describe the Atiyoga Lakshanas of Vamana.
Q.61 Describe the common qualities of Ikhshuvarga.
Q.62 Write about Santarpanottha Vikara.
Q.63 Explain Dharaneeya Vega.
Q.64 Describe Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.65 Describe the subjects mention in Mahachatuspada Adhyaya of Charaka
Q.66 Write the name of Drugs of Jeevsneeya and Deepaneeya Mahakashaya.
Q.67 Write types and functions of Vayu.
Q.68 Write about types of the Rejectoors of Rebirth.
Q.79 Write causes and types of Shotha Roga.
Q.80 Write definition and types of Langhana.
Q.81 Mention the Panchabhautikatva of Rasa.
Q.82 What is Yojana Chatuska? Mention the name of Adhyaya of it.
Q.83 Write about Pranabhisara Vaidya.
Page 7 of 28
Q.84 Write about Kalpana Chatuska.
Q.85 Write about Trividha Apatarpana.
Q.86 Write the types of Vaidys.
Q.87 Write about Karsu and Kuti Sweda.
Q.88 Explain in detail the types of HridRoga.
Q.89 Write the characteristics Yapya and Anupakramya Vyadhi
Q.90 Write about Yukti Pramana.
Q.91 Explain Roga Chatuska.
Q.92 Give the details of Kritanna Varga.
Q.93 Write short note on : Shada Upakrama.
Q.93 Write short note on : Ashtaunindita Purusha.
Q.95 Write short note on : Panchapanchaka.
Q.96 Which disease are manifested due to Aptarpana?
Q.97 Write about Krimija HridRoga.
Q.98 Write a short note on MatrasheetiyAdhyaya.
Q.99 Enlist Apatarpana Janita Vyadhi.
Q.100 What is the meaning of Langhana? Explain.
Q.101 Write the indications of Sneha.
Q.102 How many Mahakashayas described in Sutrasthana? Write the name of
the drug from any two Mahakashayas.
Q.103 Write short note on: Dasha Pranayatana.
Q.104 Explain-
Q.105 Explain -
Q.106 Explain-
Q.107 Explain-
Q.108 Explain-
Page 8 of 28
Q.109 Explain ...... ||
Q.110 Explain
Q.111 Explain -
Q.112 Explain-
Page 9 of 28
Q.1 Enlist quality of Aushadha according to Sutra Sthana 9.
Q.2 Hansodaka.
Q.3 Enlist Ashatunindniya.
Q.4 Enlist Shudha Rakta Lakshana according to VidhishonitiyAdhyaya.
Q.5 Enlist quality of Paricharika according to Sutra sthana.
Q.6 Enlist Aishana.
Q.7 How many types of Kshayas are describe in KiyantakshirashiyAdhyaya?
Q.21 Indicates special qualities of Suddha Rakta..
Q.22 Enlist common qualities of Langhana Dravyas according to
Q.23 Write the name of chapters included in Bheshaja Chatuska.
Q.24 Write any two indications of Swedana.
Q.25 Write the name of Niragni Sweda.
Q.26 Write the types of Milk.
Q.27 Write the types and importance of Fat.
Q.28 Write the name of drugs which are useful in Vamana.
Q.29 Write about five types of Extract preparations.
Q.30 Write about Samanya and Vishesha.
Q.31 What is Vatakalakaliya?
Q.32 What is Trisutra?
Q.33 Which karan Dravyas in gyanendriyas?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
2 marks Questions
Page 10 of 28
Q.34Which are adhytma Dravya?
Q.35 Who keeps central on indriyas?
Q.36 Define Pranabhisara Vaidya.
Q.37 What is meant by Yapya?
Q.38 What is meant by Pratyakhyeya?
Q.39 Write the name of Trividh Eshnas.
Q.40 What is meant by Praneshna.
Q.41What is considered in tri Upastambh.
Q.42 How many types of Bala?
Q.43 Write the types of Sneha.
Q.44 How many Pravicharana of Sneha.
Q.45 Write the Anupana of Sneha.
Q.46 Write the types of Sweda.
Q.47 Write symptom of Chikitsa .
Q.48 Which is Uttam Anga?
Q.49 Define Ojas.
Q.50 How many pidaka occur in upekshaya of madhumeha.
Q.51 Anlist Udar Roga.
Q.52 Anlist Kustha Roga.
Q.53 Anlist Gulm.
Q.54 What is meant by Langhan.
Q.55 Define Brumhana.
Q.56 Define Rukshan.
Q.57 Define Stambhana.
Q.58 Define Snehan.
Q.59 Write the symptom of Vishuddha shonita.
Q.60 What is called Pathya?
Q.61 What is called Apathy?
Q.62 Enlist the Asava. - FirstRanker's Choice
Page 1 of 28
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A
? Sutra Sthana - 40 marks
? Indriya Sthaa - 10 marks
1. One compulsory questions 10 marks
2. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
3. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each 20 marks
4. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-3 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Part B
? Nidana Sthana - 15 marks
? Vimana Sthana - 20 marks
? Sharira Sthana - 15 marks
5. One compulsory questions 10 marks
6. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
7. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each. 20 marks
8. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-6 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Page 2 of 28
Q.1 Describe the importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.2 Explain ?
Q.3 Explain ?
Q.4 Explain Matrashitiya Adhyaya.
Q.5 Explain Shishira Ritucharya.
Q.6 Explain Vasanta Ritucharya.
Q.7 Exlain Grishma Ritucharya.
Q.8 Explain Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.9 Explain Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.10 Explain Hemanta Ritucharya.
Q.11 Write the subject matter of ?na Vegandharniya? Adhyaya.
Q.12Write diseases and treatment of Mala Vegadharan, mutraVega
Dharan, Virya Vegadharana, Apanavayu Vegadharan.
Q.13 Write disease and treatment of ChardiNigrah, Khavathudharan,Udgara
Nigraha and Jrumbha Nigraha.
Q.14 Write diseases and treatment of Kshudha, Trashna, Bashpa, Nidra and Shram-
Q.15 Explain about Dharaniya Vega.
Q.16 Write about Indriya panch panchak.
Q.17 Describe the subject matter of Khuddak Chatuspad.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 3 of 28
Q.18 Explain ?
Q.19 Explain the subject of Maha Chatuspad
Q.20 Describe the subject matter of Vatakalakaliya.
Q.22 What is Ojas? Write the symptoms of Ojokshaya.
Q.23 Write the subject matter of AstauninditiyaAdhyaya.
Q.24 Describe Hitakara and Ahitakara ahar by nature.
Q.25 Write about Shada Upakrama according to Sutra Sthana.
Q.26 Write about Sneha described in Snehadhyay. Describe in detail about Kala
of Snehapana.
Q.27 Explain ?
Q.28 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachatuska.
Q.29 Explain?
Q.30 Write in detail about Santarpana.
Q.31 Write in detail about Swedana.
Q.32 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachutuska.
Q.33 Write in detail about Chaturvidh Pramanas described in Tistraishaneeya
Q.34 Write the difference between Uttarayana and Dakshinayana?
Write in detail about Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.35 Explain ?
Q.36 Explain ?
Page 4 of 28
Q.1 short note on Sadacharana.
Q.2 worthy of doing Sadavartans.
Q.3 Q.4 Write the Gunas of Vaidya.
Q.4 Write the Gunas of Aushadha Dravya according to Khuddak chatuspad.
Q.5 Write the Gunas of Paricharaka.
Q. 6Write the Gunas of Rogi.
Q.7 Describe the importance of Vaidya in chatuspad.
Q.8 Explain ? ?
Q.9 Explain ? ?
Q.10 Write symptoms of Sukha Sadhya dieses.
Q.11 write symptoms of Krichha Sadhya dieses.
Q.12 Write about Trividh Eshanas.
Q.13 Describe Trividh Bala.
Q.14 Describe Trividh Vaidya.
Q.15 Describe Trividh aushadha.
Q.16 Describe the Karma of Vata.
Q.17 Describe the Karma of Pita.
Q.18 Describe the Karma of Kapha.
Q.19 Why Ghrit is best among all Sneha Dravya.
Q.20 Explain ?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 5 of 28
Q.21 Explain - |
Q.22 Write about Doshgati according to Kiyantashirasiya Adhyaya.
Q.23 What is called NijaRoga?
Q.24 What is called AgantukaRoga?
Q.25 Enlistthe Nanatmaja Vatavikara.
Q.26 Enlist Nanatmaja pitavikara.
Q.27 Enlist Nanatmaja kaphavikara.
Q.28 Explain
Q.29 Explain about Nindra.
Q.30 Write the syptoms of Samyaka langhana.
Q.31 Write about Samtarpan.
Q.32 Write about Apatarpana.
Q.33 Write ten Shrestha Ahar Dravya.
Q.34 Write shortnote about types of Dravya.
Q.35 Write shortnote about Samanya and Vishes.
Q.36 Dosha Sangraha of Sharira and Mana.
Q.37 Explain-
Q.38 Write Pathya and Apathhya Padartha of swasthya.
Q.39 Write short note on Udvartana.
Q.40 Explain-
Q.41 Write about Vyayama.
Q.42 Explain-
Q.43 Explain ?Dadhiseven?
Q.44 Give short note on Adanakala.
Q.45 Give short note on Visargakala.
Q.46 Give short note on Rutu Sandhi.
Page 6 of 28
Q.47 Explain-
Q.48 Write about Santarpana.
Q.49 Write about Koshtha according to SnehAdhyaya.
Q.50 Explain-
Q.51 Write about short on Apatarpana.
Q.52 Write the symptoms of Hina and Aviyoga of Vamana.
Q.54 Describe Hridaya on basis of ?ArthedashmahamuliyAdhyaya?.
Q.55 Describe common qualities of Phala varga.
Q.56 Describe the indications of Swedana.
Q.57 Write short note on:Importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.58 Write short note on:Trividha Rogamarga.
Q.59 Describe the Contraindications of Swedana.
Q.60 Describe the Atiyoga Lakshanas of Vamana.
Q.61 Describe the common qualities of Ikhshuvarga.
Q.62 Write about Santarpanottha Vikara.
Q.63 Explain Dharaneeya Vega.
Q.64 Describe Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.65 Describe the subjects mention in Mahachatuspada Adhyaya of Charaka
Q.66 Write the name of Drugs of Jeevsneeya and Deepaneeya Mahakashaya.
Q.67 Write types and functions of Vayu.
Q.68 Write about types of the Rejectoors of Rebirth.
Q.79 Write causes and types of Shotha Roga.
Q.80 Write definition and types of Langhana.
Q.81 Mention the Panchabhautikatva of Rasa.
Q.82 What is Yojana Chatuska? Mention the name of Adhyaya of it.
Q.83 Write about Pranabhisara Vaidya.
Page 7 of 28
Q.84 Write about Kalpana Chatuska.
Q.85 Write about Trividha Apatarpana.
Q.86 Write the types of Vaidys.
Q.87 Write about Karsu and Kuti Sweda.
Q.88 Explain in detail the types of HridRoga.
Q.89 Write the characteristics Yapya and Anupakramya Vyadhi
Q.90 Write about Yukti Pramana.
Q.91 Explain Roga Chatuska.
Q.92 Give the details of Kritanna Varga.
Q.93 Write short note on : Shada Upakrama.
Q.93 Write short note on : Ashtaunindita Purusha.
Q.95 Write short note on : Panchapanchaka.
Q.96 Which disease are manifested due to Aptarpana?
Q.97 Write about Krimija HridRoga.
Q.98 Write a short note on MatrasheetiyAdhyaya.
Q.99 Enlist Apatarpana Janita Vyadhi.
Q.100 What is the meaning of Langhana? Explain.
Q.101 Write the indications of Sneha.
Q.102 How many Mahakashayas described in Sutrasthana? Write the name of
the drug from any two Mahakashayas.
Q.103 Write short note on: Dasha Pranayatana.
Q.104 Explain-
Q.105 Explain -
Q.106 Explain-
Q.107 Explain-
Q.108 Explain-
Page 8 of 28
Q.109 Explain ...... ||
Q.110 Explain
Q.111 Explain -
Q.112 Explain-
Page 9 of 28
Q.1 Enlist quality of Aushadha according to Sutra Sthana 9.
Q.2 Hansodaka.
Q.3 Enlist Ashatunindniya.
Q.4 Enlist Shudha Rakta Lakshana according to VidhishonitiyAdhyaya.
Q.5 Enlist quality of Paricharika according to Sutra sthana.
Q.6 Enlist Aishana.
Q.7 How many types of Kshayas are describe in KiyantakshirashiyAdhyaya?
Q.21 Indicates special qualities of Suddha Rakta..
Q.22 Enlist common qualities of Langhana Dravyas according to
Q.23 Write the name of chapters included in Bheshaja Chatuska.
Q.24 Write any two indications of Swedana.
Q.25 Write the name of Niragni Sweda.
Q.26 Write the types of Milk.
Q.27 Write the types and importance of Fat.
Q.28 Write the name of drugs which are useful in Vamana.
Q.29 Write about five types of Extract preparations.
Q.30 Write about Samanya and Vishesha.
Q.31 What is Vatakalakaliya?
Q.32 What is Trisutra?
Q.33 Which karan Dravyas in gyanendriyas?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
2 marks Questions
Page 10 of 28
Q.34Which are adhytma Dravya?
Q.35 Who keeps central on indriyas?
Q.36 Define Pranabhisara Vaidya.
Q.37 What is meant by Yapya?
Q.38 What is meant by Pratyakhyeya?
Q.39 Write the name of Trividh Eshnas.
Q.40 What is meant by Praneshna.
Q.41What is considered in tri Upastambh.
Q.42 How many types of Bala?
Q.43 Write the types of Sneha.
Q.44 How many Pravicharana of Sneha.
Q.45 Write the Anupana of Sneha.
Q.46 Write the types of Sweda.
Q.47 Write symptom of Chikitsa .
Q.48 Which is Uttam Anga?
Q.49 Define Ojas.
Q.50 How many pidaka occur in upekshaya of madhumeha.
Q.51 Anlist Udar Roga.
Q.52 Anlist Kustha Roga.
Q.53 Anlist Gulm.
Q.54 What is meant by Langhan.
Q.55 Define Brumhana.
Q.56 Define Rukshan.
Q.57 Define Stambhana.
Q.58 Define Snehan.
Q.59 Write the symptom of Vishuddha shonita.
Q.60 What is called Pathya?
Q.61 What is called Apathy?
Q.62 Enlist the Asava.
Page 11 of 28
Q.63 Define Ayu.
Q.64 Define Ayurveda.
Q.65 Enlist Mulini.
Q.66 Enlist Phalini.
Q.67 Enlist Sneha.
Q.68 Enlist Lavana.
Q.69 Write sympoms of Uttam Vaidya.
Q.70 Enlist yavagu of Apamarga tanduliya Adhyaya.
Q.71 Enlist churn pralepa of Aragavadhiya Adhyaya.
Q.72 Enlist Virechana yoga.
Q.73 Enlist and give name of virechana ashraya.
Q.74 Enlist Kashaya yoni.
Q.75 Enlist and give Kashay ?.
Q.76 Enlist adharaniya Vegas.
Q.77 Which Lakshana happen by Mala Nigraha?
Q.78 Which Lakshana happen by Mutra Nigraha
Q.79 Which Lakshana happen by stopping Vega of virya?
Q.80 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Mala Nigrah?
Q.81 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Mutra Nigrah?
Q.82 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Virya Nigrah?
Q.83 Which Lakshanas are happen by stopping Vega of sneezing?
Q.84Which treatment should be given in Khavathu Nigraha?
Q.85 People of which Prakriti are always ill?
Q.86 What happen by stopping of Vega Vomitting?
Q.87 Which Lakshanas are happened by Apanavayu Nigrah?
Q.88 Which treatment should be given in disease caused by apanavayu Nigrah?
Q.89 Which Lakshanas are happen by kshudha Nigrah?
Q.90 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Kshudha Nigrah?
Q.91 Which Lakshanas are happen by Nindra Nigrah? - FirstRanker's Choice
Page 1 of 28
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A
? Sutra Sthana - 40 marks
? Indriya Sthaa - 10 marks
1. One compulsory questions 10 marks
2. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
3. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each 20 marks
4. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-3 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Part B
? Nidana Sthana - 15 marks
? Vimana Sthana - 20 marks
? Sharira Sthana - 15 marks
5. One compulsory questions 10 marks
6. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
7. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each. 20 marks
8. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-6 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Page 2 of 28
Q.1 Describe the importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.2 Explain ?
Q.3 Explain ?
Q.4 Explain Matrashitiya Adhyaya.
Q.5 Explain Shishira Ritucharya.
Q.6 Explain Vasanta Ritucharya.
Q.7 Exlain Grishma Ritucharya.
Q.8 Explain Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.9 Explain Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.10 Explain Hemanta Ritucharya.
Q.11 Write the subject matter of ?na Vegandharniya? Adhyaya.
Q.12Write diseases and treatment of Mala Vegadharan, mutraVega
Dharan, Virya Vegadharana, Apanavayu Vegadharan.
Q.13 Write disease and treatment of ChardiNigrah, Khavathudharan,Udgara
Nigraha and Jrumbha Nigraha.
Q.14 Write diseases and treatment of Kshudha, Trashna, Bashpa, Nidra and Shram-
Q.15 Explain about Dharaniya Vega.
Q.16 Write about Indriya panch panchak.
Q.17 Describe the subject matter of Khuddak Chatuspad.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 3 of 28
Q.18 Explain ?
Q.19 Explain the subject of Maha Chatuspad
Q.20 Describe the subject matter of Vatakalakaliya.
Q.22 What is Ojas? Write the symptoms of Ojokshaya.
Q.23 Write the subject matter of AstauninditiyaAdhyaya.
Q.24 Describe Hitakara and Ahitakara ahar by nature.
Q.25 Write about Shada Upakrama according to Sutra Sthana.
Q.26 Write about Sneha described in Snehadhyay. Describe in detail about Kala
of Snehapana.
Q.27 Explain ?
Q.28 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachatuska.
Q.29 Explain?
Q.30 Write in detail about Santarpana.
Q.31 Write in detail about Swedana.
Q.32 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachutuska.
Q.33 Write in detail about Chaturvidh Pramanas described in Tistraishaneeya
Q.34 Write the difference between Uttarayana and Dakshinayana?
Write in detail about Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.35 Explain ?
Q.36 Explain ?
Page 4 of 28
Q.1 short note on Sadacharana.
Q.2 worthy of doing Sadavartans.
Q.3 Q.4 Write the Gunas of Vaidya.
Q.4 Write the Gunas of Aushadha Dravya according to Khuddak chatuspad.
Q.5 Write the Gunas of Paricharaka.
Q. 6Write the Gunas of Rogi.
Q.7 Describe the importance of Vaidya in chatuspad.
Q.8 Explain ? ?
Q.9 Explain ? ?
Q.10 Write symptoms of Sukha Sadhya dieses.
Q.11 write symptoms of Krichha Sadhya dieses.
Q.12 Write about Trividh Eshanas.
Q.13 Describe Trividh Bala.
Q.14 Describe Trividh Vaidya.
Q.15 Describe Trividh aushadha.
Q.16 Describe the Karma of Vata.
Q.17 Describe the Karma of Pita.
Q.18 Describe the Karma of Kapha.
Q.19 Why Ghrit is best among all Sneha Dravya.
Q.20 Explain ?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 5 of 28
Q.21 Explain - |
Q.22 Write about Doshgati according to Kiyantashirasiya Adhyaya.
Q.23 What is called NijaRoga?
Q.24 What is called AgantukaRoga?
Q.25 Enlistthe Nanatmaja Vatavikara.
Q.26 Enlist Nanatmaja pitavikara.
Q.27 Enlist Nanatmaja kaphavikara.
Q.28 Explain
Q.29 Explain about Nindra.
Q.30 Write the syptoms of Samyaka langhana.
Q.31 Write about Samtarpan.
Q.32 Write about Apatarpana.
Q.33 Write ten Shrestha Ahar Dravya.
Q.34 Write shortnote about types of Dravya.
Q.35 Write shortnote about Samanya and Vishes.
Q.36 Dosha Sangraha of Sharira and Mana.
Q.37 Explain-
Q.38 Write Pathya and Apathhya Padartha of swasthya.
Q.39 Write short note on Udvartana.
Q.40 Explain-
Q.41 Write about Vyayama.
Q.42 Explain-
Q.43 Explain ?Dadhiseven?
Q.44 Give short note on Adanakala.
Q.45 Give short note on Visargakala.
Q.46 Give short note on Rutu Sandhi.
Page 6 of 28
Q.47 Explain-
Q.48 Write about Santarpana.
Q.49 Write about Koshtha according to SnehAdhyaya.
Q.50 Explain-
Q.51 Write about short on Apatarpana.
Q.52 Write the symptoms of Hina and Aviyoga of Vamana.
Q.54 Describe Hridaya on basis of ?ArthedashmahamuliyAdhyaya?.
Q.55 Describe common qualities of Phala varga.
Q.56 Describe the indications of Swedana.
Q.57 Write short note on:Importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.58 Write short note on:Trividha Rogamarga.
Q.59 Describe the Contraindications of Swedana.
Q.60 Describe the Atiyoga Lakshanas of Vamana.
Q.61 Describe the common qualities of Ikhshuvarga.
Q.62 Write about Santarpanottha Vikara.
Q.63 Explain Dharaneeya Vega.
Q.64 Describe Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.65 Describe the subjects mention in Mahachatuspada Adhyaya of Charaka
Q.66 Write the name of Drugs of Jeevsneeya and Deepaneeya Mahakashaya.
Q.67 Write types and functions of Vayu.
Q.68 Write about types of the Rejectoors of Rebirth.
Q.79 Write causes and types of Shotha Roga.
Q.80 Write definition and types of Langhana.
Q.81 Mention the Panchabhautikatva of Rasa.
Q.82 What is Yojana Chatuska? Mention the name of Adhyaya of it.
Q.83 Write about Pranabhisara Vaidya.
Page 7 of 28
Q.84 Write about Kalpana Chatuska.
Q.85 Write about Trividha Apatarpana.
Q.86 Write the types of Vaidys.
Q.87 Write about Karsu and Kuti Sweda.
Q.88 Explain in detail the types of HridRoga.
Q.89 Write the characteristics Yapya and Anupakramya Vyadhi
Q.90 Write about Yukti Pramana.
Q.91 Explain Roga Chatuska.
Q.92 Give the details of Kritanna Varga.
Q.93 Write short note on : Shada Upakrama.
Q.93 Write short note on : Ashtaunindita Purusha.
Q.95 Write short note on : Panchapanchaka.
Q.96 Which disease are manifested due to Aptarpana?
Q.97 Write about Krimija HridRoga.
Q.98 Write a short note on MatrasheetiyAdhyaya.
Q.99 Enlist Apatarpana Janita Vyadhi.
Q.100 What is the meaning of Langhana? Explain.
Q.101 Write the indications of Sneha.
Q.102 How many Mahakashayas described in Sutrasthana? Write the name of
the drug from any two Mahakashayas.
Q.103 Write short note on: Dasha Pranayatana.
Q.104 Explain-
Q.105 Explain -
Q.106 Explain-
Q.107 Explain-
Q.108 Explain-
Page 8 of 28
Q.109 Explain ...... ||
Q.110 Explain
Q.111 Explain -
Q.112 Explain-
Page 9 of 28
Q.1 Enlist quality of Aushadha according to Sutra Sthana 9.
Q.2 Hansodaka.
Q.3 Enlist Ashatunindniya.
Q.4 Enlist Shudha Rakta Lakshana according to VidhishonitiyAdhyaya.
Q.5 Enlist quality of Paricharika according to Sutra sthana.
Q.6 Enlist Aishana.
Q.7 How many types of Kshayas are describe in KiyantakshirashiyAdhyaya?
Q.21 Indicates special qualities of Suddha Rakta..
Q.22 Enlist common qualities of Langhana Dravyas according to
Q.23 Write the name of chapters included in Bheshaja Chatuska.
Q.24 Write any two indications of Swedana.
Q.25 Write the name of Niragni Sweda.
Q.26 Write the types of Milk.
Q.27 Write the types and importance of Fat.
Q.28 Write the name of drugs which are useful in Vamana.
Q.29 Write about five types of Extract preparations.
Q.30 Write about Samanya and Vishesha.
Q.31 What is Vatakalakaliya?
Q.32 What is Trisutra?
Q.33 Which karan Dravyas in gyanendriyas?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
2 marks Questions
Page 10 of 28
Q.34Which are adhytma Dravya?
Q.35 Who keeps central on indriyas?
Q.36 Define Pranabhisara Vaidya.
Q.37 What is meant by Yapya?
Q.38 What is meant by Pratyakhyeya?
Q.39 Write the name of Trividh Eshnas.
Q.40 What is meant by Praneshna.
Q.41What is considered in tri Upastambh.
Q.42 How many types of Bala?
Q.43 Write the types of Sneha.
Q.44 How many Pravicharana of Sneha.
Q.45 Write the Anupana of Sneha.
Q.46 Write the types of Sweda.
Q.47 Write symptom of Chikitsa .
Q.48 Which is Uttam Anga?
Q.49 Define Ojas.
Q.50 How many pidaka occur in upekshaya of madhumeha.
Q.51 Anlist Udar Roga.
Q.52 Anlist Kustha Roga.
Q.53 Anlist Gulm.
Q.54 What is meant by Langhan.
Q.55 Define Brumhana.
Q.56 Define Rukshan.
Q.57 Define Stambhana.
Q.58 Define Snehan.
Q.59 Write the symptom of Vishuddha shonita.
Q.60 What is called Pathya?
Q.61 What is called Apathy?
Q.62 Enlist the Asava.
Page 11 of 28
Q.63 Define Ayu.
Q.64 Define Ayurveda.
Q.65 Enlist Mulini.
Q.66 Enlist Phalini.
Q.67 Enlist Sneha.
Q.68 Enlist Lavana.
Q.69 Write sympoms of Uttam Vaidya.
Q.70 Enlist yavagu of Apamarga tanduliya Adhyaya.
Q.71 Enlist churn pralepa of Aragavadhiya Adhyaya.
Q.72 Enlist Virechana yoga.
Q.73 Enlist and give name of virechana ashraya.
Q.74 Enlist Kashaya yoni.
Q.75 Enlist and give Kashay ?.
Q.76 Enlist adharaniya Vegas.
Q.77 Which Lakshana happen by Mala Nigraha?
Q.78 Which Lakshana happen by Mutra Nigraha
Q.79 Which Lakshana happen by stopping Vega of virya?
Q.80 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Mala Nigrah?
Q.81 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Mutra Nigrah?
Q.82 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Virya Nigrah?
Q.83 Which Lakshanas are happen by stopping Vega of sneezing?
Q.84Which treatment should be given in Khavathu Nigraha?
Q.85 People of which Prakriti are always ill?
Q.86 What happen by stopping of Vega Vomitting?
Q.87 Which Lakshanas are happened by Apanavayu Nigrah?
Q.88 Which treatment should be given in disease caused by apanavayu Nigrah?
Q.89 Which Lakshanas are happen by kshudha Nigrah?
Q.90 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Kshudha Nigrah?
Q.91 Which Lakshanas are happen by Nindra Nigrah?
Page 12 of 28
Q.92 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Nindra Nigrah
Q.93 Give the name of the chapters of ?ANNAPAN CHATUSKA?
Q.94 Write any two indications of Swedana.
Q.95 Write the name of Niragni Sweda.
Q.96 Enlist the names of Shat Upakrama.
Q.97 Enlist the names of Shat Shodhana Vriksha.
Q.98 Write about Lekhaneeya Mahakashaya.
Q.99 Write about Trividh Apatarpana. - FirstRanker's Choice
Page 1 of 28
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A
? Sutra Sthana - 40 marks
? Indriya Sthaa - 10 marks
1. One compulsory questions 10 marks
2. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
3. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each 20 marks
4. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-3 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Part B
? Nidana Sthana - 15 marks
? Vimana Sthana - 20 marks
? Sharira Sthana - 15 marks
5. One compulsory questions 10 marks
6. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
7. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each. 20 marks
8. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-6 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Page 2 of 28
Q.1 Describe the importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.2 Explain ?
Q.3 Explain ?
Q.4 Explain Matrashitiya Adhyaya.
Q.5 Explain Shishira Ritucharya.
Q.6 Explain Vasanta Ritucharya.
Q.7 Exlain Grishma Ritucharya.
Q.8 Explain Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.9 Explain Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.10 Explain Hemanta Ritucharya.
Q.11 Write the subject matter of ?na Vegandharniya? Adhyaya.
Q.12Write diseases and treatment of Mala Vegadharan, mutraVega
Dharan, Virya Vegadharana, Apanavayu Vegadharan.
Q.13 Write disease and treatment of ChardiNigrah, Khavathudharan,Udgara
Nigraha and Jrumbha Nigraha.
Q.14 Write diseases and treatment of Kshudha, Trashna, Bashpa, Nidra and Shram-
Q.15 Explain about Dharaniya Vega.
Q.16 Write about Indriya panch panchak.
Q.17 Describe the subject matter of Khuddak Chatuspad.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 3 of 28
Q.18 Explain ?
Q.19 Explain the subject of Maha Chatuspad
Q.20 Describe the subject matter of Vatakalakaliya.
Q.22 What is Ojas? Write the symptoms of Ojokshaya.
Q.23 Write the subject matter of AstauninditiyaAdhyaya.
Q.24 Describe Hitakara and Ahitakara ahar by nature.
Q.25 Write about Shada Upakrama according to Sutra Sthana.
Q.26 Write about Sneha described in Snehadhyay. Describe in detail about Kala
of Snehapana.
Q.27 Explain ?
Q.28 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachatuska.
Q.29 Explain?
Q.30 Write in detail about Santarpana.
Q.31 Write in detail about Swedana.
Q.32 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachutuska.
Q.33 Write in detail about Chaturvidh Pramanas described in Tistraishaneeya
Q.34 Write the difference between Uttarayana and Dakshinayana?
Write in detail about Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.35 Explain ?
Q.36 Explain ?
Page 4 of 28
Q.1 short note on Sadacharana.
Q.2 worthy of doing Sadavartans.
Q.3 Q.4 Write the Gunas of Vaidya.
Q.4 Write the Gunas of Aushadha Dravya according to Khuddak chatuspad.
Q.5 Write the Gunas of Paricharaka.
Q. 6Write the Gunas of Rogi.
Q.7 Describe the importance of Vaidya in chatuspad.
Q.8 Explain ? ?
Q.9 Explain ? ?
Q.10 Write symptoms of Sukha Sadhya dieses.
Q.11 write symptoms of Krichha Sadhya dieses.
Q.12 Write about Trividh Eshanas.
Q.13 Describe Trividh Bala.
Q.14 Describe Trividh Vaidya.
Q.15 Describe Trividh aushadha.
Q.16 Describe the Karma of Vata.
Q.17 Describe the Karma of Pita.
Q.18 Describe the Karma of Kapha.
Q.19 Why Ghrit is best among all Sneha Dravya.
Q.20 Explain ?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 5 of 28
Q.21 Explain - |
Q.22 Write about Doshgati according to Kiyantashirasiya Adhyaya.
Q.23 What is called NijaRoga?
Q.24 What is called AgantukaRoga?
Q.25 Enlistthe Nanatmaja Vatavikara.
Q.26 Enlist Nanatmaja pitavikara.
Q.27 Enlist Nanatmaja kaphavikara.
Q.28 Explain
Q.29 Explain about Nindra.
Q.30 Write the syptoms of Samyaka langhana.
Q.31 Write about Samtarpan.
Q.32 Write about Apatarpana.
Q.33 Write ten Shrestha Ahar Dravya.
Q.34 Write shortnote about types of Dravya.
Q.35 Write shortnote about Samanya and Vishes.
Q.36 Dosha Sangraha of Sharira and Mana.
Q.37 Explain-
Q.38 Write Pathya and Apathhya Padartha of swasthya.
Q.39 Write short note on Udvartana.
Q.40 Explain-
Q.41 Write about Vyayama.
Q.42 Explain-
Q.43 Explain ?Dadhiseven?
Q.44 Give short note on Adanakala.
Q.45 Give short note on Visargakala.
Q.46 Give short note on Rutu Sandhi.
Page 6 of 28
Q.47 Explain-
Q.48 Write about Santarpana.
Q.49 Write about Koshtha according to SnehAdhyaya.
Q.50 Explain-
Q.51 Write about short on Apatarpana.
Q.52 Write the symptoms of Hina and Aviyoga of Vamana.
Q.54 Describe Hridaya on basis of ?ArthedashmahamuliyAdhyaya?.
Q.55 Describe common qualities of Phala varga.
Q.56 Describe the indications of Swedana.
Q.57 Write short note on:Importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.58 Write short note on:Trividha Rogamarga.
Q.59 Describe the Contraindications of Swedana.
Q.60 Describe the Atiyoga Lakshanas of Vamana.
Q.61 Describe the common qualities of Ikhshuvarga.
Q.62 Write about Santarpanottha Vikara.
Q.63 Explain Dharaneeya Vega.
Q.64 Describe Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.65 Describe the subjects mention in Mahachatuspada Adhyaya of Charaka
Q.66 Write the name of Drugs of Jeevsneeya and Deepaneeya Mahakashaya.
Q.67 Write types and functions of Vayu.
Q.68 Write about types of the Rejectoors of Rebirth.
Q.79 Write causes and types of Shotha Roga.
Q.80 Write definition and types of Langhana.
Q.81 Mention the Panchabhautikatva of Rasa.
Q.82 What is Yojana Chatuska? Mention the name of Adhyaya of it.
Q.83 Write about Pranabhisara Vaidya.
Page 7 of 28
Q.84 Write about Kalpana Chatuska.
Q.85 Write about Trividha Apatarpana.
Q.86 Write the types of Vaidys.
Q.87 Write about Karsu and Kuti Sweda.
Q.88 Explain in detail the types of HridRoga.
Q.89 Write the characteristics Yapya and Anupakramya Vyadhi
Q.90 Write about Yukti Pramana.
Q.91 Explain Roga Chatuska.
Q.92 Give the details of Kritanna Varga.
Q.93 Write short note on : Shada Upakrama.
Q.93 Write short note on : Ashtaunindita Purusha.
Q.95 Write short note on : Panchapanchaka.
Q.96 Which disease are manifested due to Aptarpana?
Q.97 Write about Krimija HridRoga.
Q.98 Write a short note on MatrasheetiyAdhyaya.
Q.99 Enlist Apatarpana Janita Vyadhi.
Q.100 What is the meaning of Langhana? Explain.
Q.101 Write the indications of Sneha.
Q.102 How many Mahakashayas described in Sutrasthana? Write the name of
the drug from any two Mahakashayas.
Q.103 Write short note on: Dasha Pranayatana.
Q.104 Explain-
Q.105 Explain -
Q.106 Explain-
Q.107 Explain-
Q.108 Explain-
Page 8 of 28
Q.109 Explain ...... ||
Q.110 Explain
Q.111 Explain -
Q.112 Explain-
Page 9 of 28
Q.1 Enlist quality of Aushadha according to Sutra Sthana 9.
Q.2 Hansodaka.
Q.3 Enlist Ashatunindniya.
Q.4 Enlist Shudha Rakta Lakshana according to VidhishonitiyAdhyaya.
Q.5 Enlist quality of Paricharika according to Sutra sthana.
Q.6 Enlist Aishana.
Q.7 How many types of Kshayas are describe in KiyantakshirashiyAdhyaya?
Q.21 Indicates special qualities of Suddha Rakta..
Q.22 Enlist common qualities of Langhana Dravyas according to
Q.23 Write the name of chapters included in Bheshaja Chatuska.
Q.24 Write any two indications of Swedana.
Q.25 Write the name of Niragni Sweda.
Q.26 Write the types of Milk.
Q.27 Write the types and importance of Fat.
Q.28 Write the name of drugs which are useful in Vamana.
Q.29 Write about five types of Extract preparations.
Q.30 Write about Samanya and Vishesha.
Q.31 What is Vatakalakaliya?
Q.32 What is Trisutra?
Q.33 Which karan Dravyas in gyanendriyas?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
2 marks Questions
Page 10 of 28
Q.34Which are adhytma Dravya?
Q.35 Who keeps central on indriyas?
Q.36 Define Pranabhisara Vaidya.
Q.37 What is meant by Yapya?
Q.38 What is meant by Pratyakhyeya?
Q.39 Write the name of Trividh Eshnas.
Q.40 What is meant by Praneshna.
Q.41What is considered in tri Upastambh.
Q.42 How many types of Bala?
Q.43 Write the types of Sneha.
Q.44 How many Pravicharana of Sneha.
Q.45 Write the Anupana of Sneha.
Q.46 Write the types of Sweda.
Q.47 Write symptom of Chikitsa .
Q.48 Which is Uttam Anga?
Q.49 Define Ojas.
Q.50 How many pidaka occur in upekshaya of madhumeha.
Q.51 Anlist Udar Roga.
Q.52 Anlist Kustha Roga.
Q.53 Anlist Gulm.
Q.54 What is meant by Langhan.
Q.55 Define Brumhana.
Q.56 Define Rukshan.
Q.57 Define Stambhana.
Q.58 Define Snehan.
Q.59 Write the symptom of Vishuddha shonita.
Q.60 What is called Pathya?
Q.61 What is called Apathy?
Q.62 Enlist the Asava.
Page 11 of 28
Q.63 Define Ayu.
Q.64 Define Ayurveda.
Q.65 Enlist Mulini.
Q.66 Enlist Phalini.
Q.67 Enlist Sneha.
Q.68 Enlist Lavana.
Q.69 Write sympoms of Uttam Vaidya.
Q.70 Enlist yavagu of Apamarga tanduliya Adhyaya.
Q.71 Enlist churn pralepa of Aragavadhiya Adhyaya.
Q.72 Enlist Virechana yoga.
Q.73 Enlist and give name of virechana ashraya.
Q.74 Enlist Kashaya yoni.
Q.75 Enlist and give Kashay ?.
Q.76 Enlist adharaniya Vegas.
Q.77 Which Lakshana happen by Mala Nigraha?
Q.78 Which Lakshana happen by Mutra Nigraha
Q.79 Which Lakshana happen by stopping Vega of virya?
Q.80 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Mala Nigrah?
Q.81 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Mutra Nigrah?
Q.82 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Virya Nigrah?
Q.83 Which Lakshanas are happen by stopping Vega of sneezing?
Q.84Which treatment should be given in Khavathu Nigraha?
Q.85 People of which Prakriti are always ill?
Q.86 What happen by stopping of Vega Vomitting?
Q.87 Which Lakshanas are happened by Apanavayu Nigrah?
Q.88 Which treatment should be given in disease caused by apanavayu Nigrah?
Q.89 Which Lakshanas are happen by kshudha Nigrah?
Q.90 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Kshudha Nigrah?
Q.91 Which Lakshanas are happen by Nindra Nigrah?
Page 12 of 28
Q.92 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Nindra Nigrah
Q.93 Give the name of the chapters of ?ANNAPAN CHATUSKA?
Q.94 Write any two indications of Swedana.
Q.95 Write the name of Niragni Sweda.
Q.96 Enlist the names of Shat Upakrama.
Q.97 Enlist the names of Shat Shodhana Vriksha.
Q.98 Write about Lekhaneeya Mahakashaya.
Q.99 Write about Trividh Apatarpana.
Page 13 of 28
1. Write short note on Sadhyomaranendriya Adhyaya.
2. Write in short about AvakashirashendriyAdhyaya.
3. Write an essay on Indriya Sthana.
4. Write the short note on Indriya Sthana and describe the subjects of
chapter-7 of Indriya Sthana.
5. Is Indriya Sthana important in these era?How?
6. Write about the Arishtas described in Katamani Shaririyamindriyam.
7. Write about the chapter on cow dung like powder.
8. Describe Sadhya Maraniya Indriya.
9. Write any five Arishtas described in poorvarupiyam Adhyaya.
10. Write about Parimarshaneeyamindriyam
11. Write about Indriyaneekamindriyama.
12. Define Arishtha and write ten Roga?s arishtha according to Charaka.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
10 marks Questions - FirstRanker's Choice
Page 1 of 28
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A
? Sutra Sthana - 40 marks
? Indriya Sthaa - 10 marks
1. One compulsory questions 10 marks
2. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
3. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each 20 marks
4. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-3 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Part B
? Nidana Sthana - 15 marks
? Vimana Sthana - 20 marks
? Sharira Sthana - 15 marks
5. One compulsory questions 10 marks
6. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
7. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each. 20 marks
8. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-6 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Page 2 of 28
Q.1 Describe the importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.2 Explain ?
Q.3 Explain ?
Q.4 Explain Matrashitiya Adhyaya.
Q.5 Explain Shishira Ritucharya.
Q.6 Explain Vasanta Ritucharya.
Q.7 Exlain Grishma Ritucharya.
Q.8 Explain Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.9 Explain Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.10 Explain Hemanta Ritucharya.
Q.11 Write the subject matter of ?na Vegandharniya? Adhyaya.
Q.12Write diseases and treatment of Mala Vegadharan, mutraVega
Dharan, Virya Vegadharana, Apanavayu Vegadharan.
Q.13 Write disease and treatment of ChardiNigrah, Khavathudharan,Udgara
Nigraha and Jrumbha Nigraha.
Q.14 Write diseases and treatment of Kshudha, Trashna, Bashpa, Nidra and Shram-
Q.15 Explain about Dharaniya Vega.
Q.16 Write about Indriya panch panchak.
Q.17 Describe the subject matter of Khuddak Chatuspad.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 3 of 28
Q.18 Explain ?
Q.19 Explain the subject of Maha Chatuspad
Q.20 Describe the subject matter of Vatakalakaliya.
Q.22 What is Ojas? Write the symptoms of Ojokshaya.
Q.23 Write the subject matter of AstauninditiyaAdhyaya.
Q.24 Describe Hitakara and Ahitakara ahar by nature.
Q.25 Write about Shada Upakrama according to Sutra Sthana.
Q.26 Write about Sneha described in Snehadhyay. Describe in detail about Kala
of Snehapana.
Q.27 Explain ?
Q.28 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachatuska.
Q.29 Explain?
Q.30 Write in detail about Santarpana.
Q.31 Write in detail about Swedana.
Q.32 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachutuska.
Q.33 Write in detail about Chaturvidh Pramanas described in Tistraishaneeya
Q.34 Write the difference between Uttarayana and Dakshinayana?
Write in detail about Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.35 Explain ?
Q.36 Explain ?
Page 4 of 28
Q.1 short note on Sadacharana.
Q.2 worthy of doing Sadavartans.
Q.3 Q.4 Write the Gunas of Vaidya.
Q.4 Write the Gunas of Aushadha Dravya according to Khuddak chatuspad.
Q.5 Write the Gunas of Paricharaka.
Q. 6Write the Gunas of Rogi.
Q.7 Describe the importance of Vaidya in chatuspad.
Q.8 Explain ? ?
Q.9 Explain ? ?
Q.10 Write symptoms of Sukha Sadhya dieses.
Q.11 write symptoms of Krichha Sadhya dieses.
Q.12 Write about Trividh Eshanas.
Q.13 Describe Trividh Bala.
Q.14 Describe Trividh Vaidya.
Q.15 Describe Trividh aushadha.
Q.16 Describe the Karma of Vata.
Q.17 Describe the Karma of Pita.
Q.18 Describe the Karma of Kapha.
Q.19 Why Ghrit is best among all Sneha Dravya.
Q.20 Explain ?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 5 of 28
Q.21 Explain - |
Q.22 Write about Doshgati according to Kiyantashirasiya Adhyaya.
Q.23 What is called NijaRoga?
Q.24 What is called AgantukaRoga?
Q.25 Enlistthe Nanatmaja Vatavikara.
Q.26 Enlist Nanatmaja pitavikara.
Q.27 Enlist Nanatmaja kaphavikara.
Q.28 Explain
Q.29 Explain about Nindra.
Q.30 Write the syptoms of Samyaka langhana.
Q.31 Write about Samtarpan.
Q.32 Write about Apatarpana.
Q.33 Write ten Shrestha Ahar Dravya.
Q.34 Write shortnote about types of Dravya.
Q.35 Write shortnote about Samanya and Vishes.
Q.36 Dosha Sangraha of Sharira and Mana.
Q.37 Explain-
Q.38 Write Pathya and Apathhya Padartha of swasthya.
Q.39 Write short note on Udvartana.
Q.40 Explain-
Q.41 Write about Vyayama.
Q.42 Explain-
Q.43 Explain ?Dadhiseven?
Q.44 Give short note on Adanakala.
Q.45 Give short note on Visargakala.
Q.46 Give short note on Rutu Sandhi.
Page 6 of 28
Q.47 Explain-
Q.48 Write about Santarpana.
Q.49 Write about Koshtha according to SnehAdhyaya.
Q.50 Explain-
Q.51 Write about short on Apatarpana.
Q.52 Write the symptoms of Hina and Aviyoga of Vamana.
Q.54 Describe Hridaya on basis of ?ArthedashmahamuliyAdhyaya?.
Q.55 Describe common qualities of Phala varga.
Q.56 Describe the indications of Swedana.
Q.57 Write short note on:Importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.58 Write short note on:Trividha Rogamarga.
Q.59 Describe the Contraindications of Swedana.
Q.60 Describe the Atiyoga Lakshanas of Vamana.
Q.61 Describe the common qualities of Ikhshuvarga.
Q.62 Write about Santarpanottha Vikara.
Q.63 Explain Dharaneeya Vega.
Q.64 Describe Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.65 Describe the subjects mention in Mahachatuspada Adhyaya of Charaka
Q.66 Write the name of Drugs of Jeevsneeya and Deepaneeya Mahakashaya.
Q.67 Write types and functions of Vayu.
Q.68 Write about types of the Rejectoors of Rebirth.
Q.79 Write causes and types of Shotha Roga.
Q.80 Write definition and types of Langhana.
Q.81 Mention the Panchabhautikatva of Rasa.
Q.82 What is Yojana Chatuska? Mention the name of Adhyaya of it.
Q.83 Write about Pranabhisara Vaidya.
Page 7 of 28
Q.84 Write about Kalpana Chatuska.
Q.85 Write about Trividha Apatarpana.
Q.86 Write the types of Vaidys.
Q.87 Write about Karsu and Kuti Sweda.
Q.88 Explain in detail the types of HridRoga.
Q.89 Write the characteristics Yapya and Anupakramya Vyadhi
Q.90 Write about Yukti Pramana.
Q.91 Explain Roga Chatuska.
Q.92 Give the details of Kritanna Varga.
Q.93 Write short note on : Shada Upakrama.
Q.93 Write short note on : Ashtaunindita Purusha.
Q.95 Write short note on : Panchapanchaka.
Q.96 Which disease are manifested due to Aptarpana?
Q.97 Write about Krimija HridRoga.
Q.98 Write a short note on MatrasheetiyAdhyaya.
Q.99 Enlist Apatarpana Janita Vyadhi.
Q.100 What is the meaning of Langhana? Explain.
Q.101 Write the indications of Sneha.
Q.102 How many Mahakashayas described in Sutrasthana? Write the name of
the drug from any two Mahakashayas.
Q.103 Write short note on: Dasha Pranayatana.
Q.104 Explain-
Q.105 Explain -
Q.106 Explain-
Q.107 Explain-
Q.108 Explain-
Page 8 of 28
Q.109 Explain ...... ||
Q.110 Explain
Q.111 Explain -
Q.112 Explain-
Page 9 of 28
Q.1 Enlist quality of Aushadha according to Sutra Sthana 9.
Q.2 Hansodaka.
Q.3 Enlist Ashatunindniya.
Q.4 Enlist Shudha Rakta Lakshana according to VidhishonitiyAdhyaya.
Q.5 Enlist quality of Paricharika according to Sutra sthana.
Q.6 Enlist Aishana.
Q.7 How many types of Kshayas are describe in KiyantakshirashiyAdhyaya?
Q.21 Indicates special qualities of Suddha Rakta..
Q.22 Enlist common qualities of Langhana Dravyas according to
Q.23 Write the name of chapters included in Bheshaja Chatuska.
Q.24 Write any two indications of Swedana.
Q.25 Write the name of Niragni Sweda.
Q.26 Write the types of Milk.
Q.27 Write the types and importance of Fat.
Q.28 Write the name of drugs which are useful in Vamana.
Q.29 Write about five types of Extract preparations.
Q.30 Write about Samanya and Vishesha.
Q.31 What is Vatakalakaliya?
Q.32 What is Trisutra?
Q.33 Which karan Dravyas in gyanendriyas?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
2 marks Questions
Page 10 of 28
Q.34Which are adhytma Dravya?
Q.35 Who keeps central on indriyas?
Q.36 Define Pranabhisara Vaidya.
Q.37 What is meant by Yapya?
Q.38 What is meant by Pratyakhyeya?
Q.39 Write the name of Trividh Eshnas.
Q.40 What is meant by Praneshna.
Q.41What is considered in tri Upastambh.
Q.42 How many types of Bala?
Q.43 Write the types of Sneha.
Q.44 How many Pravicharana of Sneha.
Q.45 Write the Anupana of Sneha.
Q.46 Write the types of Sweda.
Q.47 Write symptom of Chikitsa .
Q.48 Which is Uttam Anga?
Q.49 Define Ojas.
Q.50 How many pidaka occur in upekshaya of madhumeha.
Q.51 Anlist Udar Roga.
Q.52 Anlist Kustha Roga.
Q.53 Anlist Gulm.
Q.54 What is meant by Langhan.
Q.55 Define Brumhana.
Q.56 Define Rukshan.
Q.57 Define Stambhana.
Q.58 Define Snehan.
Q.59 Write the symptom of Vishuddha shonita.
Q.60 What is called Pathya?
Q.61 What is called Apathy?
Q.62 Enlist the Asava.
Page 11 of 28
Q.63 Define Ayu.
Q.64 Define Ayurveda.
Q.65 Enlist Mulini.
Q.66 Enlist Phalini.
Q.67 Enlist Sneha.
Q.68 Enlist Lavana.
Q.69 Write sympoms of Uttam Vaidya.
Q.70 Enlist yavagu of Apamarga tanduliya Adhyaya.
Q.71 Enlist churn pralepa of Aragavadhiya Adhyaya.
Q.72 Enlist Virechana yoga.
Q.73 Enlist and give name of virechana ashraya.
Q.74 Enlist Kashaya yoni.
Q.75 Enlist and give Kashay ?.
Q.76 Enlist adharaniya Vegas.
Q.77 Which Lakshana happen by Mala Nigraha?
Q.78 Which Lakshana happen by Mutra Nigraha
Q.79 Which Lakshana happen by stopping Vega of virya?
Q.80 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Mala Nigrah?
Q.81 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Mutra Nigrah?
Q.82 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Virya Nigrah?
Q.83 Which Lakshanas are happen by stopping Vega of sneezing?
Q.84Which treatment should be given in Khavathu Nigraha?
Q.85 People of which Prakriti are always ill?
Q.86 What happen by stopping of Vega Vomitting?
Q.87 Which Lakshanas are happened by Apanavayu Nigrah?
Q.88 Which treatment should be given in disease caused by apanavayu Nigrah?
Q.89 Which Lakshanas are happen by kshudha Nigrah?
Q.90 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Kshudha Nigrah?
Q.91 Which Lakshanas are happen by Nindra Nigrah?
Page 12 of 28
Q.92 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Nindra Nigrah
Q.93 Give the name of the chapters of ?ANNAPAN CHATUSKA?
Q.94 Write any two indications of Swedana.
Q.95 Write the name of Niragni Sweda.
Q.96 Enlist the names of Shat Upakrama.
Q.97 Enlist the names of Shat Shodhana Vriksha.
Q.98 Write about Lekhaneeya Mahakashaya.
Q.99 Write about Trividh Apatarpana.
Page 13 of 28
1. Write short note on Sadhyomaranendriya Adhyaya.
2. Write in short about AvakashirashendriyAdhyaya.
3. Write an essay on Indriya Sthana.
4. Write the short note on Indriya Sthana and describe the subjects of
chapter-7 of Indriya Sthana.
5. Is Indriya Sthana important in these era?How?
6. Write about the Arishtas described in Katamani Shaririyamindriyam.
7. Write about the chapter on cow dung like powder.
8. Describe Sadhya Maraniya Indriya.
9. Write any five Arishtas described in poorvarupiyam Adhyaya.
10. Write about Parimarshaneeyamindriyam
11. Write about Indriyaneekamindriyama.
12. Define Arishtha and write ten Roga?s arishtha according to Charaka.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 14 of 28
1. Write about Chaya.
2. Write about Prabha.
3. Explain importance of Indriyasthana.
4. Is knowledge of Indriya Stahana useful in Chikitsa?How?
5. Describe Arishtas related to Gandh(smell) and Rasa(taste).
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
5 marks Questions - FirstRanker's Choice
Page 1 of 28
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A
? Sutra Sthana - 40 marks
? Indriya Sthaa - 10 marks
1. One compulsory questions 10 marks
2. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
3. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each 20 marks
4. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-3 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Part B
? Nidana Sthana - 15 marks
? Vimana Sthana - 20 marks
? Sharira Sthana - 15 marks
5. One compulsory questions 10 marks
6. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
7. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each. 20 marks
8. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-6 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Page 2 of 28
Q.1 Describe the importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.2 Explain ?
Q.3 Explain ?
Q.4 Explain Matrashitiya Adhyaya.
Q.5 Explain Shishira Ritucharya.
Q.6 Explain Vasanta Ritucharya.
Q.7 Exlain Grishma Ritucharya.
Q.8 Explain Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.9 Explain Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.10 Explain Hemanta Ritucharya.
Q.11 Write the subject matter of ?na Vegandharniya? Adhyaya.
Q.12Write diseases and treatment of Mala Vegadharan, mutraVega
Dharan, Virya Vegadharana, Apanavayu Vegadharan.
Q.13 Write disease and treatment of ChardiNigrah, Khavathudharan,Udgara
Nigraha and Jrumbha Nigraha.
Q.14 Write diseases and treatment of Kshudha, Trashna, Bashpa, Nidra and Shram-
Q.15 Explain about Dharaniya Vega.
Q.16 Write about Indriya panch panchak.
Q.17 Describe the subject matter of Khuddak Chatuspad.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 3 of 28
Q.18 Explain ?
Q.19 Explain the subject of Maha Chatuspad
Q.20 Describe the subject matter of Vatakalakaliya.
Q.22 What is Ojas? Write the symptoms of Ojokshaya.
Q.23 Write the subject matter of AstauninditiyaAdhyaya.
Q.24 Describe Hitakara and Ahitakara ahar by nature.
Q.25 Write about Shada Upakrama according to Sutra Sthana.
Q.26 Write about Sneha described in Snehadhyay. Describe in detail about Kala
of Snehapana.
Q.27 Explain ?
Q.28 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachatuska.
Q.29 Explain?
Q.30 Write in detail about Santarpana.
Q.31 Write in detail about Swedana.
Q.32 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachutuska.
Q.33 Write in detail about Chaturvidh Pramanas described in Tistraishaneeya
Q.34 Write the difference between Uttarayana and Dakshinayana?
Write in detail about Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.35 Explain ?
Q.36 Explain ?
Page 4 of 28
Q.1 short note on Sadacharana.
Q.2 worthy of doing Sadavartans.
Q.3 Q.4 Write the Gunas of Vaidya.
Q.4 Write the Gunas of Aushadha Dravya according to Khuddak chatuspad.
Q.5 Write the Gunas of Paricharaka.
Q. 6Write the Gunas of Rogi.
Q.7 Describe the importance of Vaidya in chatuspad.
Q.8 Explain ? ?
Q.9 Explain ? ?
Q.10 Write symptoms of Sukha Sadhya dieses.
Q.11 write symptoms of Krichha Sadhya dieses.
Q.12 Write about Trividh Eshanas.
Q.13 Describe Trividh Bala.
Q.14 Describe Trividh Vaidya.
Q.15 Describe Trividh aushadha.
Q.16 Describe the Karma of Vata.
Q.17 Describe the Karma of Pita.
Q.18 Describe the Karma of Kapha.
Q.19 Why Ghrit is best among all Sneha Dravya.
Q.20 Explain ?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 5 of 28
Q.21 Explain - |
Q.22 Write about Doshgati according to Kiyantashirasiya Adhyaya.
Q.23 What is called NijaRoga?
Q.24 What is called AgantukaRoga?
Q.25 Enlistthe Nanatmaja Vatavikara.
Q.26 Enlist Nanatmaja pitavikara.
Q.27 Enlist Nanatmaja kaphavikara.
Q.28 Explain
Q.29 Explain about Nindra.
Q.30 Write the syptoms of Samyaka langhana.
Q.31 Write about Samtarpan.
Q.32 Write about Apatarpana.
Q.33 Write ten Shrestha Ahar Dravya.
Q.34 Write shortnote about types of Dravya.
Q.35 Write shortnote about Samanya and Vishes.
Q.36 Dosha Sangraha of Sharira and Mana.
Q.37 Explain-
Q.38 Write Pathya and Apathhya Padartha of swasthya.
Q.39 Write short note on Udvartana.
Q.40 Explain-
Q.41 Write about Vyayama.
Q.42 Explain-
Q.43 Explain ?Dadhiseven?
Q.44 Give short note on Adanakala.
Q.45 Give short note on Visargakala.
Q.46 Give short note on Rutu Sandhi.
Page 6 of 28
Q.47 Explain-
Q.48 Write about Santarpana.
Q.49 Write about Koshtha according to SnehAdhyaya.
Q.50 Explain-
Q.51 Write about short on Apatarpana.
Q.52 Write the symptoms of Hina and Aviyoga of Vamana.
Q.54 Describe Hridaya on basis of ?ArthedashmahamuliyAdhyaya?.
Q.55 Describe common qualities of Phala varga.
Q.56 Describe the indications of Swedana.
Q.57 Write short note on:Importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.58 Write short note on:Trividha Rogamarga.
Q.59 Describe the Contraindications of Swedana.
Q.60 Describe the Atiyoga Lakshanas of Vamana.
Q.61 Describe the common qualities of Ikhshuvarga.
Q.62 Write about Santarpanottha Vikara.
Q.63 Explain Dharaneeya Vega.
Q.64 Describe Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.65 Describe the subjects mention in Mahachatuspada Adhyaya of Charaka
Q.66 Write the name of Drugs of Jeevsneeya and Deepaneeya Mahakashaya.
Q.67 Write types and functions of Vayu.
Q.68 Write about types of the Rejectoors of Rebirth.
Q.79 Write causes and types of Shotha Roga.
Q.80 Write definition and types of Langhana.
Q.81 Mention the Panchabhautikatva of Rasa.
Q.82 What is Yojana Chatuska? Mention the name of Adhyaya of it.
Q.83 Write about Pranabhisara Vaidya.
Page 7 of 28
Q.84 Write about Kalpana Chatuska.
Q.85 Write about Trividha Apatarpana.
Q.86 Write the types of Vaidys.
Q.87 Write about Karsu and Kuti Sweda.
Q.88 Explain in detail the types of HridRoga.
Q.89 Write the characteristics Yapya and Anupakramya Vyadhi
Q.90 Write about Yukti Pramana.
Q.91 Explain Roga Chatuska.
Q.92 Give the details of Kritanna Varga.
Q.93 Write short note on : Shada Upakrama.
Q.93 Write short note on : Ashtaunindita Purusha.
Q.95 Write short note on : Panchapanchaka.
Q.96 Which disease are manifested due to Aptarpana?
Q.97 Write about Krimija HridRoga.
Q.98 Write a short note on MatrasheetiyAdhyaya.
Q.99 Enlist Apatarpana Janita Vyadhi.
Q.100 What is the meaning of Langhana? Explain.
Q.101 Write the indications of Sneha.
Q.102 How many Mahakashayas described in Sutrasthana? Write the name of
the drug from any two Mahakashayas.
Q.103 Write short note on: Dasha Pranayatana.
Q.104 Explain-
Q.105 Explain -
Q.106 Explain-
Q.107 Explain-
Q.108 Explain-
Page 8 of 28
Q.109 Explain ...... ||
Q.110 Explain
Q.111 Explain -
Q.112 Explain-
Page 9 of 28
Q.1 Enlist quality of Aushadha according to Sutra Sthana 9.
Q.2 Hansodaka.
Q.3 Enlist Ashatunindniya.
Q.4 Enlist Shudha Rakta Lakshana according to VidhishonitiyAdhyaya.
Q.5 Enlist quality of Paricharika according to Sutra sthana.
Q.6 Enlist Aishana.
Q.7 How many types of Kshayas are describe in KiyantakshirashiyAdhyaya?
Q.21 Indicates special qualities of Suddha Rakta..
Q.22 Enlist common qualities of Langhana Dravyas according to
Q.23 Write the name of chapters included in Bheshaja Chatuska.
Q.24 Write any two indications of Swedana.
Q.25 Write the name of Niragni Sweda.
Q.26 Write the types of Milk.
Q.27 Write the types and importance of Fat.
Q.28 Write the name of drugs which are useful in Vamana.
Q.29 Write about five types of Extract preparations.
Q.30 Write about Samanya and Vishesha.
Q.31 What is Vatakalakaliya?
Q.32 What is Trisutra?
Q.33 Which karan Dravyas in gyanendriyas?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
2 marks Questions
Page 10 of 28
Q.34Which are adhytma Dravya?
Q.35 Who keeps central on indriyas?
Q.36 Define Pranabhisara Vaidya.
Q.37 What is meant by Yapya?
Q.38 What is meant by Pratyakhyeya?
Q.39 Write the name of Trividh Eshnas.
Q.40 What is meant by Praneshna.
Q.41What is considered in tri Upastambh.
Q.42 How many types of Bala?
Q.43 Write the types of Sneha.
Q.44 How many Pravicharana of Sneha.
Q.45 Write the Anupana of Sneha.
Q.46 Write the types of Sweda.
Q.47 Write symptom of Chikitsa .
Q.48 Which is Uttam Anga?
Q.49 Define Ojas.
Q.50 How many pidaka occur in upekshaya of madhumeha.
Q.51 Anlist Udar Roga.
Q.52 Anlist Kustha Roga.
Q.53 Anlist Gulm.
Q.54 What is meant by Langhan.
Q.55 Define Brumhana.
Q.56 Define Rukshan.
Q.57 Define Stambhana.
Q.58 Define Snehan.
Q.59 Write the symptom of Vishuddha shonita.
Q.60 What is called Pathya?
Q.61 What is called Apathy?
Q.62 Enlist the Asava.
Page 11 of 28
Q.63 Define Ayu.
Q.64 Define Ayurveda.
Q.65 Enlist Mulini.
Q.66 Enlist Phalini.
Q.67 Enlist Sneha.
Q.68 Enlist Lavana.
Q.69 Write sympoms of Uttam Vaidya.
Q.70 Enlist yavagu of Apamarga tanduliya Adhyaya.
Q.71 Enlist churn pralepa of Aragavadhiya Adhyaya.
Q.72 Enlist Virechana yoga.
Q.73 Enlist and give name of virechana ashraya.
Q.74 Enlist Kashaya yoni.
Q.75 Enlist and give Kashay ?.
Q.76 Enlist adharaniya Vegas.
Q.77 Which Lakshana happen by Mala Nigraha?
Q.78 Which Lakshana happen by Mutra Nigraha
Q.79 Which Lakshana happen by stopping Vega of virya?
Q.80 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Mala Nigrah?
Q.81 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Mutra Nigrah?
Q.82 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Virya Nigrah?
Q.83 Which Lakshanas are happen by stopping Vega of sneezing?
Q.84Which treatment should be given in Khavathu Nigraha?
Q.85 People of which Prakriti are always ill?
Q.86 What happen by stopping of Vega Vomitting?
Q.87 Which Lakshanas are happened by Apanavayu Nigrah?
Q.88 Which treatment should be given in disease caused by apanavayu Nigrah?
Q.89 Which Lakshanas are happen by kshudha Nigrah?
Q.90 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Kshudha Nigrah?
Q.91 Which Lakshanas are happen by Nindra Nigrah?
Page 12 of 28
Q.92 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Nindra Nigrah
Q.93 Give the name of the chapters of ?ANNAPAN CHATUSKA?
Q.94 Write any two indications of Swedana.
Q.95 Write the name of Niragni Sweda.
Q.96 Enlist the names of Shat Upakrama.
Q.97 Enlist the names of Shat Shodhana Vriksha.
Q.98 Write about Lekhaneeya Mahakashaya.
Q.99 Write about Trividh Apatarpana.
Page 13 of 28
1. Write short note on Sadhyomaranendriya Adhyaya.
2. Write in short about AvakashirashendriyAdhyaya.
3. Write an essay on Indriya Sthana.
4. Write the short note on Indriya Sthana and describe the subjects of
chapter-7 of Indriya Sthana.
5. Is Indriya Sthana important in these era?How?
6. Write about the Arishtas described in Katamani Shaririyamindriyam.
7. Write about the chapter on cow dung like powder.
8. Describe Sadhya Maraniya Indriya.
9. Write any five Arishtas described in poorvarupiyam Adhyaya.
10. Write about Parimarshaneeyamindriyam
11. Write about Indriyaneekamindriyama.
12. Define Arishtha and write ten Roga?s arishtha according to Charaka.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 14 of 28
1. Write about Chaya.
2. Write about Prabha.
3. Explain importance of Indriyasthana.
4. Is knowledge of Indriya Stahana useful in Chikitsa?How?
5. Describe Arishtas related to Gandh(smell) and Rasa(taste).
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 15 of 28
1. Enlist Prakruta swara according to Indriya Stahana.
2. Write Swapna Aristha of Gulma.
3. Mention Swapna Arista of Unmada.
4. Enlist the types of Vikruti.
5. Define Arishta.
6. Write the difference between Chhya and Prabha.
7. Write Swara Vishayaka Arishta.
8. Define Aabhasi Chhaya.
9. What is Chhaya?
10. Enlist the Aristas related to skin on the basis of
11. How many Vaikruta Varna described in Indriya Sthana?
12. Enlist Svapna arishta of Kushtha.
13. Enlist Arishta of Shankhaka Roga.
14. How many Prakrut Varna described in Indriya Sthana?
15. Enlist Swapna Arishta of Gulma.
16. What is Prabha?
17. Enumerate:Vikruta Varna.
18. Describe Purvarupiya Arishta of Gulma.
19. Enlist characteristics of Samprakruti.
20. What is Prabha? Explain shortly.
21. What are the Chatuspad Vishayak Arishta?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
2 marks Questions - FirstRanker's Choice
Page 1 of 28
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A
? Sutra Sthana - 40 marks
? Indriya Sthaa - 10 marks
1. One compulsory questions 10 marks
2. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
3. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each 20 marks
4. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-3 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Part B
? Nidana Sthana - 15 marks
? Vimana Sthana - 20 marks
? Sharira Sthana - 15 marks
5. One compulsory questions 10 marks
6. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
7. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each. 20 marks
8. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-6 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Page 2 of 28
Q.1 Describe the importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.2 Explain ?
Q.3 Explain ?
Q.4 Explain Matrashitiya Adhyaya.
Q.5 Explain Shishira Ritucharya.
Q.6 Explain Vasanta Ritucharya.
Q.7 Exlain Grishma Ritucharya.
Q.8 Explain Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.9 Explain Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.10 Explain Hemanta Ritucharya.
Q.11 Write the subject matter of ?na Vegandharniya? Adhyaya.
Q.12Write diseases and treatment of Mala Vegadharan, mutraVega
Dharan, Virya Vegadharana, Apanavayu Vegadharan.
Q.13 Write disease and treatment of ChardiNigrah, Khavathudharan,Udgara
Nigraha and Jrumbha Nigraha.
Q.14 Write diseases and treatment of Kshudha, Trashna, Bashpa, Nidra and Shram-
Q.15 Explain about Dharaniya Vega.
Q.16 Write about Indriya panch panchak.
Q.17 Describe the subject matter of Khuddak Chatuspad.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 3 of 28
Q.18 Explain ?
Q.19 Explain the subject of Maha Chatuspad
Q.20 Describe the subject matter of Vatakalakaliya.
Q.22 What is Ojas? Write the symptoms of Ojokshaya.
Q.23 Write the subject matter of AstauninditiyaAdhyaya.
Q.24 Describe Hitakara and Ahitakara ahar by nature.
Q.25 Write about Shada Upakrama according to Sutra Sthana.
Q.26 Write about Sneha described in Snehadhyay. Describe in detail about Kala
of Snehapana.
Q.27 Explain ?
Q.28 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachatuska.
Q.29 Explain?
Q.30 Write in detail about Santarpana.
Q.31 Write in detail about Swedana.
Q.32 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachutuska.
Q.33 Write in detail about Chaturvidh Pramanas described in Tistraishaneeya
Q.34 Write the difference between Uttarayana and Dakshinayana?
Write in detail about Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.35 Explain ?
Q.36 Explain ?
Page 4 of 28
Q.1 short note on Sadacharana.
Q.2 worthy of doing Sadavartans.
Q.3 Q.4 Write the Gunas of Vaidya.
Q.4 Write the Gunas of Aushadha Dravya according to Khuddak chatuspad.
Q.5 Write the Gunas of Paricharaka.
Q. 6Write the Gunas of Rogi.
Q.7 Describe the importance of Vaidya in chatuspad.
Q.8 Explain ? ?
Q.9 Explain ? ?
Q.10 Write symptoms of Sukha Sadhya dieses.
Q.11 write symptoms of Krichha Sadhya dieses.
Q.12 Write about Trividh Eshanas.
Q.13 Describe Trividh Bala.
Q.14 Describe Trividh Vaidya.
Q.15 Describe Trividh aushadha.
Q.16 Describe the Karma of Vata.
Q.17 Describe the Karma of Pita.
Q.18 Describe the Karma of Kapha.
Q.19 Why Ghrit is best among all Sneha Dravya.
Q.20 Explain ?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 5 of 28
Q.21 Explain - |
Q.22 Write about Doshgati according to Kiyantashirasiya Adhyaya.
Q.23 What is called NijaRoga?
Q.24 What is called AgantukaRoga?
Q.25 Enlistthe Nanatmaja Vatavikara.
Q.26 Enlist Nanatmaja pitavikara.
Q.27 Enlist Nanatmaja kaphavikara.
Q.28 Explain
Q.29 Explain about Nindra.
Q.30 Write the syptoms of Samyaka langhana.
Q.31 Write about Samtarpan.
Q.32 Write about Apatarpana.
Q.33 Write ten Shrestha Ahar Dravya.
Q.34 Write shortnote about types of Dravya.
Q.35 Write shortnote about Samanya and Vishes.
Q.36 Dosha Sangraha of Sharira and Mana.
Q.37 Explain-
Q.38 Write Pathya and Apathhya Padartha of swasthya.
Q.39 Write short note on Udvartana.
Q.40 Explain-
Q.41 Write about Vyayama.
Q.42 Explain-
Q.43 Explain ?Dadhiseven?
Q.44 Give short note on Adanakala.
Q.45 Give short note on Visargakala.
Q.46 Give short note on Rutu Sandhi.
Page 6 of 28
Q.47 Explain-
Q.48 Write about Santarpana.
Q.49 Write about Koshtha according to SnehAdhyaya.
Q.50 Explain-
Q.51 Write about short on Apatarpana.
Q.52 Write the symptoms of Hina and Aviyoga of Vamana.
Q.54 Describe Hridaya on basis of ?ArthedashmahamuliyAdhyaya?.
Q.55 Describe common qualities of Phala varga.
Q.56 Describe the indications of Swedana.
Q.57 Write short note on:Importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.58 Write short note on:Trividha Rogamarga.
Q.59 Describe the Contraindications of Swedana.
Q.60 Describe the Atiyoga Lakshanas of Vamana.
Q.61 Describe the common qualities of Ikhshuvarga.
Q.62 Write about Santarpanottha Vikara.
Q.63 Explain Dharaneeya Vega.
Q.64 Describe Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.65 Describe the subjects mention in Mahachatuspada Adhyaya of Charaka
Q.66 Write the name of Drugs of Jeevsneeya and Deepaneeya Mahakashaya.
Q.67 Write types and functions of Vayu.
Q.68 Write about types of the Rejectoors of Rebirth.
Q.79 Write causes and types of Shotha Roga.
Q.80 Write definition and types of Langhana.
Q.81 Mention the Panchabhautikatva of Rasa.
Q.82 What is Yojana Chatuska? Mention the name of Adhyaya of it.
Q.83 Write about Pranabhisara Vaidya.
Page 7 of 28
Q.84 Write about Kalpana Chatuska.
Q.85 Write about Trividha Apatarpana.
Q.86 Write the types of Vaidys.
Q.87 Write about Karsu and Kuti Sweda.
Q.88 Explain in detail the types of HridRoga.
Q.89 Write the characteristics Yapya and Anupakramya Vyadhi
Q.90 Write about Yukti Pramana.
Q.91 Explain Roga Chatuska.
Q.92 Give the details of Kritanna Varga.
Q.93 Write short note on : Shada Upakrama.
Q.93 Write short note on : Ashtaunindita Purusha.
Q.95 Write short note on : Panchapanchaka.
Q.96 Which disease are manifested due to Aptarpana?
Q.97 Write about Krimija HridRoga.
Q.98 Write a short note on MatrasheetiyAdhyaya.
Q.99 Enlist Apatarpana Janita Vyadhi.
Q.100 What is the meaning of Langhana? Explain.
Q.101 Write the indications of Sneha.
Q.102 How many Mahakashayas described in Sutrasthana? Write the name of
the drug from any two Mahakashayas.
Q.103 Write short note on: Dasha Pranayatana.
Q.104 Explain-
Q.105 Explain -
Q.106 Explain-
Q.107 Explain-
Q.108 Explain-
Page 8 of 28
Q.109 Explain ...... ||
Q.110 Explain
Q.111 Explain -
Q.112 Explain-
Page 9 of 28
Q.1 Enlist quality of Aushadha according to Sutra Sthana 9.
Q.2 Hansodaka.
Q.3 Enlist Ashatunindniya.
Q.4 Enlist Shudha Rakta Lakshana according to VidhishonitiyAdhyaya.
Q.5 Enlist quality of Paricharika according to Sutra sthana.
Q.6 Enlist Aishana.
Q.7 How many types of Kshayas are describe in KiyantakshirashiyAdhyaya?
Q.21 Indicates special qualities of Suddha Rakta..
Q.22 Enlist common qualities of Langhana Dravyas according to
Q.23 Write the name of chapters included in Bheshaja Chatuska.
Q.24 Write any two indications of Swedana.
Q.25 Write the name of Niragni Sweda.
Q.26 Write the types of Milk.
Q.27 Write the types and importance of Fat.
Q.28 Write the name of drugs which are useful in Vamana.
Q.29 Write about five types of Extract preparations.
Q.30 Write about Samanya and Vishesha.
Q.31 What is Vatakalakaliya?
Q.32 What is Trisutra?
Q.33 Which karan Dravyas in gyanendriyas?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
2 marks Questions
Page 10 of 28
Q.34Which are adhytma Dravya?
Q.35 Who keeps central on indriyas?
Q.36 Define Pranabhisara Vaidya.
Q.37 What is meant by Yapya?
Q.38 What is meant by Pratyakhyeya?
Q.39 Write the name of Trividh Eshnas.
Q.40 What is meant by Praneshna.
Q.41What is considered in tri Upastambh.
Q.42 How many types of Bala?
Q.43 Write the types of Sneha.
Q.44 How many Pravicharana of Sneha.
Q.45 Write the Anupana of Sneha.
Q.46 Write the types of Sweda.
Q.47 Write symptom of Chikitsa .
Q.48 Which is Uttam Anga?
Q.49 Define Ojas.
Q.50 How many pidaka occur in upekshaya of madhumeha.
Q.51 Anlist Udar Roga.
Q.52 Anlist Kustha Roga.
Q.53 Anlist Gulm.
Q.54 What is meant by Langhan.
Q.55 Define Brumhana.
Q.56 Define Rukshan.
Q.57 Define Stambhana.
Q.58 Define Snehan.
Q.59 Write the symptom of Vishuddha shonita.
Q.60 What is called Pathya?
Q.61 What is called Apathy?
Q.62 Enlist the Asava.
Page 11 of 28
Q.63 Define Ayu.
Q.64 Define Ayurveda.
Q.65 Enlist Mulini.
Q.66 Enlist Phalini.
Q.67 Enlist Sneha.
Q.68 Enlist Lavana.
Q.69 Write sympoms of Uttam Vaidya.
Q.70 Enlist yavagu of Apamarga tanduliya Adhyaya.
Q.71 Enlist churn pralepa of Aragavadhiya Adhyaya.
Q.72 Enlist Virechana yoga.
Q.73 Enlist and give name of virechana ashraya.
Q.74 Enlist Kashaya yoni.
Q.75 Enlist and give Kashay ?.
Q.76 Enlist adharaniya Vegas.
Q.77 Which Lakshana happen by Mala Nigraha?
Q.78 Which Lakshana happen by Mutra Nigraha
Q.79 Which Lakshana happen by stopping Vega of virya?
Q.80 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Mala Nigrah?
Q.81 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Mutra Nigrah?
Q.82 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Virya Nigrah?
Q.83 Which Lakshanas are happen by stopping Vega of sneezing?
Q.84Which treatment should be given in Khavathu Nigraha?
Q.85 People of which Prakriti are always ill?
Q.86 What happen by stopping of Vega Vomitting?
Q.87 Which Lakshanas are happened by Apanavayu Nigrah?
Q.88 Which treatment should be given in disease caused by apanavayu Nigrah?
Q.89 Which Lakshanas are happen by kshudha Nigrah?
Q.90 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Kshudha Nigrah?
Q.91 Which Lakshanas are happen by Nindra Nigrah?
Page 12 of 28
Q.92 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Nindra Nigrah
Q.93 Give the name of the chapters of ?ANNAPAN CHATUSKA?
Q.94 Write any two indications of Swedana.
Q.95 Write the name of Niragni Sweda.
Q.96 Enlist the names of Shat Upakrama.
Q.97 Enlist the names of Shat Shodhana Vriksha.
Q.98 Write about Lekhaneeya Mahakashaya.
Q.99 Write about Trividh Apatarpana.
Page 13 of 28
1. Write short note on Sadhyomaranendriya Adhyaya.
2. Write in short about AvakashirashendriyAdhyaya.
3. Write an essay on Indriya Sthana.
4. Write the short note on Indriya Sthana and describe the subjects of
chapter-7 of Indriya Sthana.
5. Is Indriya Sthana important in these era?How?
6. Write about the Arishtas described in Katamani Shaririyamindriyam.
7. Write about the chapter on cow dung like powder.
8. Describe Sadhya Maraniya Indriya.
9. Write any five Arishtas described in poorvarupiyam Adhyaya.
10. Write about Parimarshaneeyamindriyam
11. Write about Indriyaneekamindriyama.
12. Define Arishtha and write ten Roga?s arishtha according to Charaka.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 14 of 28
1. Write about Chaya.
2. Write about Prabha.
3. Explain importance of Indriyasthana.
4. Is knowledge of Indriya Stahana useful in Chikitsa?How?
5. Describe Arishtas related to Gandh(smell) and Rasa(taste).
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 15 of 28
1. Enlist Prakruta swara according to Indriya Stahana.
2. Write Swapna Aristha of Gulma.
3. Mention Swapna Arista of Unmada.
4. Enlist the types of Vikruti.
5. Define Arishta.
6. Write the difference between Chhya and Prabha.
7. Write Swara Vishayaka Arishta.
8. Define Aabhasi Chhaya.
9. What is Chhaya?
10. Enlist the Aristas related to skin on the basis of
11. How many Vaikruta Varna described in Indriya Sthana?
12. Enlist Svapna arishta of Kushtha.
13. Enlist Arishta of Shankhaka Roga.
14. How many Prakrut Varna described in Indriya Sthana?
15. Enlist Swapna Arishta of Gulma.
16. What is Prabha?
17. Enumerate:Vikruta Varna.
18. Describe Purvarupiya Arishta of Gulma.
19. Enlist characteristics of Samprakruti.
20. What is Prabha? Explain shortly.
21. What are the Chatuspad Vishayak Arishta?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
2 marks Questions
Page 16 of 28
22. Describe Swara Vishyak Arishta.
23. Write any two Arishtas related to Sparsha.
24. Write the types of Pralriti described in Indriyasthana.
25. Write the Prodromal Aristhas related to Gulma.
26. Write about Netra Vishyak Arishta.
27. Write signs of Prasasta Doota.
28. Write about Samsthan according to Pannarupeeya Adhyaya.
29. Write Premonitory Arishta of Gulma.
30. Write Premonitory Aridhts of Kustha.
31. What is Anujyoti?
32. Write about Chatuspada Vishayak Aristha.
33. Write Netra Vishayak Arishta.
34. Mention Premonitory Arishta of Jwara.
35. Write importance Arishta in Chikitsa.
36. Write types of Prabha.
37. Write Prodromal Arishtas related to Prameha.
38. Describe Arishtas related to Netra.
39. Write the definition of Arishta.
40. Write about Gomaya Churneeyam.
41. Write about abnormal complexion.
42. What is palpable entities?
43. Explain Raktagata Arishtha.
44. Write any two Arishtas related to Jihva(Rasanendriya).
45. Write the types of Svapna.
46. Enlist the Arishta of Shankhaka Roga.
47. How many Prakruta Varna describrd in Indriya Sthana?
48. Enlist the types of Vikruti.
49. Write the resemblance between Pushpa and Aristha.
50. Write the definition of Indriyasthana. - FirstRanker's Choice
Page 1 of 28
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A
? Sutra Sthana - 40 marks
? Indriya Sthaa - 10 marks
1. One compulsory questions 10 marks
2. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
3. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each 20 marks
4. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-3 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Part B
? Nidana Sthana - 15 marks
? Vimana Sthana - 20 marks
? Sharira Sthana - 15 marks
5. One compulsory questions 10 marks
6. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
7. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each. 20 marks
8. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-6 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Page 2 of 28
Q.1 Describe the importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.2 Explain ?
Q.3 Explain ?
Q.4 Explain Matrashitiya Adhyaya.
Q.5 Explain Shishira Ritucharya.
Q.6 Explain Vasanta Ritucharya.
Q.7 Exlain Grishma Ritucharya.
Q.8 Explain Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.9 Explain Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.10 Explain Hemanta Ritucharya.
Q.11 Write the subject matter of ?na Vegandharniya? Adhyaya.
Q.12Write diseases and treatment of Mala Vegadharan, mutraVega
Dharan, Virya Vegadharana, Apanavayu Vegadharan.
Q.13 Write disease and treatment of ChardiNigrah, Khavathudharan,Udgara
Nigraha and Jrumbha Nigraha.
Q.14 Write diseases and treatment of Kshudha, Trashna, Bashpa, Nidra and Shram-
Q.15 Explain about Dharaniya Vega.
Q.16 Write about Indriya panch panchak.
Q.17 Describe the subject matter of Khuddak Chatuspad.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 3 of 28
Q.18 Explain ?
Q.19 Explain the subject of Maha Chatuspad
Q.20 Describe the subject matter of Vatakalakaliya.
Q.22 What is Ojas? Write the symptoms of Ojokshaya.
Q.23 Write the subject matter of AstauninditiyaAdhyaya.
Q.24 Describe Hitakara and Ahitakara ahar by nature.
Q.25 Write about Shada Upakrama according to Sutra Sthana.
Q.26 Write about Sneha described in Snehadhyay. Describe in detail about Kala
of Snehapana.
Q.27 Explain ?
Q.28 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachatuska.
Q.29 Explain?
Q.30 Write in detail about Santarpana.
Q.31 Write in detail about Swedana.
Q.32 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachutuska.
Q.33 Write in detail about Chaturvidh Pramanas described in Tistraishaneeya
Q.34 Write the difference between Uttarayana and Dakshinayana?
Write in detail about Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.35 Explain ?
Q.36 Explain ?
Page 4 of 28
Q.1 short note on Sadacharana.
Q.2 worthy of doing Sadavartans.
Q.3 Q.4 Write the Gunas of Vaidya.
Q.4 Write the Gunas of Aushadha Dravya according to Khuddak chatuspad.
Q.5 Write the Gunas of Paricharaka.
Q. 6Write the Gunas of Rogi.
Q.7 Describe the importance of Vaidya in chatuspad.
Q.8 Explain ? ?
Q.9 Explain ? ?
Q.10 Write symptoms of Sukha Sadhya dieses.
Q.11 write symptoms of Krichha Sadhya dieses.
Q.12 Write about Trividh Eshanas.
Q.13 Describe Trividh Bala.
Q.14 Describe Trividh Vaidya.
Q.15 Describe Trividh aushadha.
Q.16 Describe the Karma of Vata.
Q.17 Describe the Karma of Pita.
Q.18 Describe the Karma of Kapha.
Q.19 Why Ghrit is best among all Sneha Dravya.
Q.20 Explain ?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 5 of 28
Q.21 Explain - |
Q.22 Write about Doshgati according to Kiyantashirasiya Adhyaya.
Q.23 What is called NijaRoga?
Q.24 What is called AgantukaRoga?
Q.25 Enlistthe Nanatmaja Vatavikara.
Q.26 Enlist Nanatmaja pitavikara.
Q.27 Enlist Nanatmaja kaphavikara.
Q.28 Explain
Q.29 Explain about Nindra.
Q.30 Write the syptoms of Samyaka langhana.
Q.31 Write about Samtarpan.
Q.32 Write about Apatarpana.
Q.33 Write ten Shrestha Ahar Dravya.
Q.34 Write shortnote about types of Dravya.
Q.35 Write shortnote about Samanya and Vishes.
Q.36 Dosha Sangraha of Sharira and Mana.
Q.37 Explain-
Q.38 Write Pathya and Apathhya Padartha of swasthya.
Q.39 Write short note on Udvartana.
Q.40 Explain-
Q.41 Write about Vyayama.
Q.42 Explain-
Q.43 Explain ?Dadhiseven?
Q.44 Give short note on Adanakala.
Q.45 Give short note on Visargakala.
Q.46 Give short note on Rutu Sandhi.
Page 6 of 28
Q.47 Explain-
Q.48 Write about Santarpana.
Q.49 Write about Koshtha according to SnehAdhyaya.
Q.50 Explain-
Q.51 Write about short on Apatarpana.
Q.52 Write the symptoms of Hina and Aviyoga of Vamana.
Q.54 Describe Hridaya on basis of ?ArthedashmahamuliyAdhyaya?.
Q.55 Describe common qualities of Phala varga.
Q.56 Describe the indications of Swedana.
Q.57 Write short note on:Importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.58 Write short note on:Trividha Rogamarga.
Q.59 Describe the Contraindications of Swedana.
Q.60 Describe the Atiyoga Lakshanas of Vamana.
Q.61 Describe the common qualities of Ikhshuvarga.
Q.62 Write about Santarpanottha Vikara.
Q.63 Explain Dharaneeya Vega.
Q.64 Describe Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.65 Describe the subjects mention in Mahachatuspada Adhyaya of Charaka
Q.66 Write the name of Drugs of Jeevsneeya and Deepaneeya Mahakashaya.
Q.67 Write types and functions of Vayu.
Q.68 Write about types of the Rejectoors of Rebirth.
Q.79 Write causes and types of Shotha Roga.
Q.80 Write definition and types of Langhana.
Q.81 Mention the Panchabhautikatva of Rasa.
Q.82 What is Yojana Chatuska? Mention the name of Adhyaya of it.
Q.83 Write about Pranabhisara Vaidya.
Page 7 of 28
Q.84 Write about Kalpana Chatuska.
Q.85 Write about Trividha Apatarpana.
Q.86 Write the types of Vaidys.
Q.87 Write about Karsu and Kuti Sweda.
Q.88 Explain in detail the types of HridRoga.
Q.89 Write the characteristics Yapya and Anupakramya Vyadhi
Q.90 Write about Yukti Pramana.
Q.91 Explain Roga Chatuska.
Q.92 Give the details of Kritanna Varga.
Q.93 Write short note on : Shada Upakrama.
Q.93 Write short note on : Ashtaunindita Purusha.
Q.95 Write short note on : Panchapanchaka.
Q.96 Which disease are manifested due to Aptarpana?
Q.97 Write about Krimija HridRoga.
Q.98 Write a short note on MatrasheetiyAdhyaya.
Q.99 Enlist Apatarpana Janita Vyadhi.
Q.100 What is the meaning of Langhana? Explain.
Q.101 Write the indications of Sneha.
Q.102 How many Mahakashayas described in Sutrasthana? Write the name of
the drug from any two Mahakashayas.
Q.103 Write short note on: Dasha Pranayatana.
Q.104 Explain-
Q.105 Explain -
Q.106 Explain-
Q.107 Explain-
Q.108 Explain-
Page 8 of 28
Q.109 Explain ...... ||
Q.110 Explain
Q.111 Explain -
Q.112 Explain-
Page 9 of 28
Q.1 Enlist quality of Aushadha according to Sutra Sthana 9.
Q.2 Hansodaka.
Q.3 Enlist Ashatunindniya.
Q.4 Enlist Shudha Rakta Lakshana according to VidhishonitiyAdhyaya.
Q.5 Enlist quality of Paricharika according to Sutra sthana.
Q.6 Enlist Aishana.
Q.7 How many types of Kshayas are describe in KiyantakshirashiyAdhyaya?
Q.21 Indicates special qualities of Suddha Rakta..
Q.22 Enlist common qualities of Langhana Dravyas according to
Q.23 Write the name of chapters included in Bheshaja Chatuska.
Q.24 Write any two indications of Swedana.
Q.25 Write the name of Niragni Sweda.
Q.26 Write the types of Milk.
Q.27 Write the types and importance of Fat.
Q.28 Write the name of drugs which are useful in Vamana.
Q.29 Write about five types of Extract preparations.
Q.30 Write about Samanya and Vishesha.
Q.31 What is Vatakalakaliya?
Q.32 What is Trisutra?
Q.33 Which karan Dravyas in gyanendriyas?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
2 marks Questions
Page 10 of 28
Q.34Which are adhytma Dravya?
Q.35 Who keeps central on indriyas?
Q.36 Define Pranabhisara Vaidya.
Q.37 What is meant by Yapya?
Q.38 What is meant by Pratyakhyeya?
Q.39 Write the name of Trividh Eshnas.
Q.40 What is meant by Praneshna.
Q.41What is considered in tri Upastambh.
Q.42 How many types of Bala?
Q.43 Write the types of Sneha.
Q.44 How many Pravicharana of Sneha.
Q.45 Write the Anupana of Sneha.
Q.46 Write the types of Sweda.
Q.47 Write symptom of Chikitsa .
Q.48 Which is Uttam Anga?
Q.49 Define Ojas.
Q.50 How many pidaka occur in upekshaya of madhumeha.
Q.51 Anlist Udar Roga.
Q.52 Anlist Kustha Roga.
Q.53 Anlist Gulm.
Q.54 What is meant by Langhan.
Q.55 Define Brumhana.
Q.56 Define Rukshan.
Q.57 Define Stambhana.
Q.58 Define Snehan.
Q.59 Write the symptom of Vishuddha shonita.
Q.60 What is called Pathya?
Q.61 What is called Apathy?
Q.62 Enlist the Asava.
Page 11 of 28
Q.63 Define Ayu.
Q.64 Define Ayurveda.
Q.65 Enlist Mulini.
Q.66 Enlist Phalini.
Q.67 Enlist Sneha.
Q.68 Enlist Lavana.
Q.69 Write sympoms of Uttam Vaidya.
Q.70 Enlist yavagu of Apamarga tanduliya Adhyaya.
Q.71 Enlist churn pralepa of Aragavadhiya Adhyaya.
Q.72 Enlist Virechana yoga.
Q.73 Enlist and give name of virechana ashraya.
Q.74 Enlist Kashaya yoni.
Q.75 Enlist and give Kashay ?.
Q.76 Enlist adharaniya Vegas.
Q.77 Which Lakshana happen by Mala Nigraha?
Q.78 Which Lakshana happen by Mutra Nigraha
Q.79 Which Lakshana happen by stopping Vega of virya?
Q.80 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Mala Nigrah?
Q.81 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Mutra Nigrah?
Q.82 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Virya Nigrah?
Q.83 Which Lakshanas are happen by stopping Vega of sneezing?
Q.84Which treatment should be given in Khavathu Nigraha?
Q.85 People of which Prakriti are always ill?
Q.86 What happen by stopping of Vega Vomitting?
Q.87 Which Lakshanas are happened by Apanavayu Nigrah?
Q.88 Which treatment should be given in disease caused by apanavayu Nigrah?
Q.89 Which Lakshanas are happen by kshudha Nigrah?
Q.90 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Kshudha Nigrah?
Q.91 Which Lakshanas are happen by Nindra Nigrah?
Page 12 of 28
Q.92 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Nindra Nigrah
Q.93 Give the name of the chapters of ?ANNAPAN CHATUSKA?
Q.94 Write any two indications of Swedana.
Q.95 Write the name of Niragni Sweda.
Q.96 Enlist the names of Shat Upakrama.
Q.97 Enlist the names of Shat Shodhana Vriksha.
Q.98 Write about Lekhaneeya Mahakashaya.
Q.99 Write about Trividh Apatarpana.
Page 13 of 28
1. Write short note on Sadhyomaranendriya Adhyaya.
2. Write in short about AvakashirashendriyAdhyaya.
3. Write an essay on Indriya Sthana.
4. Write the short note on Indriya Sthana and describe the subjects of
chapter-7 of Indriya Sthana.
5. Is Indriya Sthana important in these era?How?
6. Write about the Arishtas described in Katamani Shaririyamindriyam.
7. Write about the chapter on cow dung like powder.
8. Describe Sadhya Maraniya Indriya.
9. Write any five Arishtas described in poorvarupiyam Adhyaya.
10. Write about Parimarshaneeyamindriyam
11. Write about Indriyaneekamindriyama.
12. Define Arishtha and write ten Roga?s arishtha according to Charaka.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 14 of 28
1. Write about Chaya.
2. Write about Prabha.
3. Explain importance of Indriyasthana.
4. Is knowledge of Indriya Stahana useful in Chikitsa?How?
5. Describe Arishtas related to Gandh(smell) and Rasa(taste).
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 15 of 28
1. Enlist Prakruta swara according to Indriya Stahana.
2. Write Swapna Aristha of Gulma.
3. Mention Swapna Arista of Unmada.
4. Enlist the types of Vikruti.
5. Define Arishta.
6. Write the difference between Chhya and Prabha.
7. Write Swara Vishayaka Arishta.
8. Define Aabhasi Chhaya.
9. What is Chhaya?
10. Enlist the Aristas related to skin on the basis of
11. How many Vaikruta Varna described in Indriya Sthana?
12. Enlist Svapna arishta of Kushtha.
13. Enlist Arishta of Shankhaka Roga.
14. How many Prakrut Varna described in Indriya Sthana?
15. Enlist Swapna Arishta of Gulma.
16. What is Prabha?
17. Enumerate:Vikruta Varna.
18. Describe Purvarupiya Arishta of Gulma.
19. Enlist characteristics of Samprakruti.
20. What is Prabha? Explain shortly.
21. What are the Chatuspad Vishayak Arishta?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
2 marks Questions
Page 16 of 28
22. Describe Swara Vishyak Arishta.
23. Write any two Arishtas related to Sparsha.
24. Write the types of Pralriti described in Indriyasthana.
25. Write the Prodromal Aristhas related to Gulma.
26. Write about Netra Vishyak Arishta.
27. Write signs of Prasasta Doota.
28. Write about Samsthan according to Pannarupeeya Adhyaya.
29. Write Premonitory Arishta of Gulma.
30. Write Premonitory Aridhts of Kustha.
31. What is Anujyoti?
32. Write about Chatuspada Vishayak Aristha.
33. Write Netra Vishayak Arishta.
34. Mention Premonitory Arishta of Jwara.
35. Write importance Arishta in Chikitsa.
36. Write types of Prabha.
37. Write Prodromal Arishtas related to Prameha.
38. Describe Arishtas related to Netra.
39. Write the definition of Arishta.
40. Write about Gomaya Churneeyam.
41. Write about abnormal complexion.
42. What is palpable entities?
43. Explain Raktagata Arishtha.
44. Write any two Arishtas related to Jihva(Rasanendriya).
45. Write the types of Svapna.
46. Enlist the Arishta of Shankhaka Roga.
47. How many Prakruta Varna describrd in Indriya Sthana?
48. Enlist the types of Vikruti.
49. Write the resemblance between Pushpa and Aristha.
50. Write the definition of Indriyasthana.
Page 17 of 28
51. Define Pannaroopa.
52. Write about Arishtas related to Rasa.
53. Write the types of Prakruti described in Varnasvarindriyamindriyam
Q.1 Describe Nidanpanchak.
Q.2 Write Nidana, Purvarupa, Upashay and Samprapti of Jwara.
Q.3 Write Nirukti, Nidana,Types and sadhya- asadhyata of Raktapitta.
Q.4 Write Nirukti, Nidana,Samprapti, Lakshanas and sadhyya- asdhyata of
Q.5 Write Nidana, Samprapti and types of Prameha.
Q.6 Write Nidana, Purvarupa, Rupa and types of Kustha.
Q.7 Define Rajyakshya and write Nidana,Purvarupa,Rupa,types and sadhya-
Asadhyata of Rajyakshama.
Q.8 Write Nidana,Samprapti,Types and Rupa of Unmada.
Q.9 Define Apasmara and write Samprapti and Lakshanas according to its types.
Q.10 Write in detail about Gulma Nidana Adhyaya.
Q.11 Write in detail about Shosha Nidana Adhyaya.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Nidanasthana
10 marks Questions - FirstRanker's Choice
Page 1 of 28
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A
? Sutra Sthana - 40 marks
? Indriya Sthaa - 10 marks
1. One compulsory questions 10 marks
2. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
3. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each 20 marks
4. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-3 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Part B
? Nidana Sthana - 15 marks
? Vimana Sthana - 20 marks
? Sharira Sthana - 15 marks
5. One compulsory questions 10 marks
6. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
7. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each. 20 marks
8. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-6 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Page 2 of 28
Q.1 Describe the importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.2 Explain ?
Q.3 Explain ?
Q.4 Explain Matrashitiya Adhyaya.
Q.5 Explain Shishira Ritucharya.
Q.6 Explain Vasanta Ritucharya.
Q.7 Exlain Grishma Ritucharya.
Q.8 Explain Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.9 Explain Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.10 Explain Hemanta Ritucharya.
Q.11 Write the subject matter of ?na Vegandharniya? Adhyaya.
Q.12Write diseases and treatment of Mala Vegadharan, mutraVega
Dharan, Virya Vegadharana, Apanavayu Vegadharan.
Q.13 Write disease and treatment of ChardiNigrah, Khavathudharan,Udgara
Nigraha and Jrumbha Nigraha.
Q.14 Write diseases and treatment of Kshudha, Trashna, Bashpa, Nidra and Shram-
Q.15 Explain about Dharaniya Vega.
Q.16 Write about Indriya panch panchak.
Q.17 Describe the subject matter of Khuddak Chatuspad.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 3 of 28
Q.18 Explain ?
Q.19 Explain the subject of Maha Chatuspad
Q.20 Describe the subject matter of Vatakalakaliya.
Q.22 What is Ojas? Write the symptoms of Ojokshaya.
Q.23 Write the subject matter of AstauninditiyaAdhyaya.
Q.24 Describe Hitakara and Ahitakara ahar by nature.
Q.25 Write about Shada Upakrama according to Sutra Sthana.
Q.26 Write about Sneha described in Snehadhyay. Describe in detail about Kala
of Snehapana.
Q.27 Explain ?
Q.28 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachatuska.
Q.29 Explain?
Q.30 Write in detail about Santarpana.
Q.31 Write in detail about Swedana.
Q.32 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachutuska.
Q.33 Write in detail about Chaturvidh Pramanas described in Tistraishaneeya
Q.34 Write the difference between Uttarayana and Dakshinayana?
Write in detail about Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.35 Explain ?
Q.36 Explain ?
Page 4 of 28
Q.1 short note on Sadacharana.
Q.2 worthy of doing Sadavartans.
Q.3 Q.4 Write the Gunas of Vaidya.
Q.4 Write the Gunas of Aushadha Dravya according to Khuddak chatuspad.
Q.5 Write the Gunas of Paricharaka.
Q. 6Write the Gunas of Rogi.
Q.7 Describe the importance of Vaidya in chatuspad.
Q.8 Explain ? ?
Q.9 Explain ? ?
Q.10 Write symptoms of Sukha Sadhya dieses.
Q.11 write symptoms of Krichha Sadhya dieses.
Q.12 Write about Trividh Eshanas.
Q.13 Describe Trividh Bala.
Q.14 Describe Trividh Vaidya.
Q.15 Describe Trividh aushadha.
Q.16 Describe the Karma of Vata.
Q.17 Describe the Karma of Pita.
Q.18 Describe the Karma of Kapha.
Q.19 Why Ghrit is best among all Sneha Dravya.
Q.20 Explain ?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 5 of 28
Q.21 Explain - |
Q.22 Write about Doshgati according to Kiyantashirasiya Adhyaya.
Q.23 What is called NijaRoga?
Q.24 What is called AgantukaRoga?
Q.25 Enlistthe Nanatmaja Vatavikara.
Q.26 Enlist Nanatmaja pitavikara.
Q.27 Enlist Nanatmaja kaphavikara.
Q.28 Explain
Q.29 Explain about Nindra.
Q.30 Write the syptoms of Samyaka langhana.
Q.31 Write about Samtarpan.
Q.32 Write about Apatarpana.
Q.33 Write ten Shrestha Ahar Dravya.
Q.34 Write shortnote about types of Dravya.
Q.35 Write shortnote about Samanya and Vishes.
Q.36 Dosha Sangraha of Sharira and Mana.
Q.37 Explain-
Q.38 Write Pathya and Apathhya Padartha of swasthya.
Q.39 Write short note on Udvartana.
Q.40 Explain-
Q.41 Write about Vyayama.
Q.42 Explain-
Q.43 Explain ?Dadhiseven?
Q.44 Give short note on Adanakala.
Q.45 Give short note on Visargakala.
Q.46 Give short note on Rutu Sandhi.
Page 6 of 28
Q.47 Explain-
Q.48 Write about Santarpana.
Q.49 Write about Koshtha according to SnehAdhyaya.
Q.50 Explain-
Q.51 Write about short on Apatarpana.
Q.52 Write the symptoms of Hina and Aviyoga of Vamana.
Q.54 Describe Hridaya on basis of ?ArthedashmahamuliyAdhyaya?.
Q.55 Describe common qualities of Phala varga.
Q.56 Describe the indications of Swedana.
Q.57 Write short note on:Importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.58 Write short note on:Trividha Rogamarga.
Q.59 Describe the Contraindications of Swedana.
Q.60 Describe the Atiyoga Lakshanas of Vamana.
Q.61 Describe the common qualities of Ikhshuvarga.
Q.62 Write about Santarpanottha Vikara.
Q.63 Explain Dharaneeya Vega.
Q.64 Describe Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.65 Describe the subjects mention in Mahachatuspada Adhyaya of Charaka
Q.66 Write the name of Drugs of Jeevsneeya and Deepaneeya Mahakashaya.
Q.67 Write types and functions of Vayu.
Q.68 Write about types of the Rejectoors of Rebirth.
Q.79 Write causes and types of Shotha Roga.
Q.80 Write definition and types of Langhana.
Q.81 Mention the Panchabhautikatva of Rasa.
Q.82 What is Yojana Chatuska? Mention the name of Adhyaya of it.
Q.83 Write about Pranabhisara Vaidya.
Page 7 of 28
Q.84 Write about Kalpana Chatuska.
Q.85 Write about Trividha Apatarpana.
Q.86 Write the types of Vaidys.
Q.87 Write about Karsu and Kuti Sweda.
Q.88 Explain in detail the types of HridRoga.
Q.89 Write the characteristics Yapya and Anupakramya Vyadhi
Q.90 Write about Yukti Pramana.
Q.91 Explain Roga Chatuska.
Q.92 Give the details of Kritanna Varga.
Q.93 Write short note on : Shada Upakrama.
Q.93 Write short note on : Ashtaunindita Purusha.
Q.95 Write short note on : Panchapanchaka.
Q.96 Which disease are manifested due to Aptarpana?
Q.97 Write about Krimija HridRoga.
Q.98 Write a short note on MatrasheetiyAdhyaya.
Q.99 Enlist Apatarpana Janita Vyadhi.
Q.100 What is the meaning of Langhana? Explain.
Q.101 Write the indications of Sneha.
Q.102 How many Mahakashayas described in Sutrasthana? Write the name of
the drug from any two Mahakashayas.
Q.103 Write short note on: Dasha Pranayatana.
Q.104 Explain-
Q.105 Explain -
Q.106 Explain-
Q.107 Explain-
Q.108 Explain-
Page 8 of 28
Q.109 Explain ...... ||
Q.110 Explain
Q.111 Explain -
Q.112 Explain-
Page 9 of 28
Q.1 Enlist quality of Aushadha according to Sutra Sthana 9.
Q.2 Hansodaka.
Q.3 Enlist Ashatunindniya.
Q.4 Enlist Shudha Rakta Lakshana according to VidhishonitiyAdhyaya.
Q.5 Enlist quality of Paricharika according to Sutra sthana.
Q.6 Enlist Aishana.
Q.7 How many types of Kshayas are describe in KiyantakshirashiyAdhyaya?
Q.21 Indicates special qualities of Suddha Rakta..
Q.22 Enlist common qualities of Langhana Dravyas according to
Q.23 Write the name of chapters included in Bheshaja Chatuska.
Q.24 Write any two indications of Swedana.
Q.25 Write the name of Niragni Sweda.
Q.26 Write the types of Milk.
Q.27 Write the types and importance of Fat.
Q.28 Write the name of drugs which are useful in Vamana.
Q.29 Write about five types of Extract preparations.
Q.30 Write about Samanya and Vishesha.
Q.31 What is Vatakalakaliya?
Q.32 What is Trisutra?
Q.33 Which karan Dravyas in gyanendriyas?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
2 marks Questions
Page 10 of 28
Q.34Which are adhytma Dravya?
Q.35 Who keeps central on indriyas?
Q.36 Define Pranabhisara Vaidya.
Q.37 What is meant by Yapya?
Q.38 What is meant by Pratyakhyeya?
Q.39 Write the name of Trividh Eshnas.
Q.40 What is meant by Praneshna.
Q.41What is considered in tri Upastambh.
Q.42 How many types of Bala?
Q.43 Write the types of Sneha.
Q.44 How many Pravicharana of Sneha.
Q.45 Write the Anupana of Sneha.
Q.46 Write the types of Sweda.
Q.47 Write symptom of Chikitsa .
Q.48 Which is Uttam Anga?
Q.49 Define Ojas.
Q.50 How many pidaka occur in upekshaya of madhumeha.
Q.51 Anlist Udar Roga.
Q.52 Anlist Kustha Roga.
Q.53 Anlist Gulm.
Q.54 What is meant by Langhan.
Q.55 Define Brumhana.
Q.56 Define Rukshan.
Q.57 Define Stambhana.
Q.58 Define Snehan.
Q.59 Write the symptom of Vishuddha shonita.
Q.60 What is called Pathya?
Q.61 What is called Apathy?
Q.62 Enlist the Asava.
Page 11 of 28
Q.63 Define Ayu.
Q.64 Define Ayurveda.
Q.65 Enlist Mulini.
Q.66 Enlist Phalini.
Q.67 Enlist Sneha.
Q.68 Enlist Lavana.
Q.69 Write sympoms of Uttam Vaidya.
Q.70 Enlist yavagu of Apamarga tanduliya Adhyaya.
Q.71 Enlist churn pralepa of Aragavadhiya Adhyaya.
Q.72 Enlist Virechana yoga.
Q.73 Enlist and give name of virechana ashraya.
Q.74 Enlist Kashaya yoni.
Q.75 Enlist and give Kashay ?.
Q.76 Enlist adharaniya Vegas.
Q.77 Which Lakshana happen by Mala Nigraha?
Q.78 Which Lakshana happen by Mutra Nigraha
Q.79 Which Lakshana happen by stopping Vega of virya?
Q.80 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Mala Nigrah?
Q.81 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Mutra Nigrah?
Q.82 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Virya Nigrah?
Q.83 Which Lakshanas are happen by stopping Vega of sneezing?
Q.84Which treatment should be given in Khavathu Nigraha?
Q.85 People of which Prakriti are always ill?
Q.86 What happen by stopping of Vega Vomitting?
Q.87 Which Lakshanas are happened by Apanavayu Nigrah?
Q.88 Which treatment should be given in disease caused by apanavayu Nigrah?
Q.89 Which Lakshanas are happen by kshudha Nigrah?
Q.90 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Kshudha Nigrah?
Q.91 Which Lakshanas are happen by Nindra Nigrah?
Page 12 of 28
Q.92 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Nindra Nigrah
Q.93 Give the name of the chapters of ?ANNAPAN CHATUSKA?
Q.94 Write any two indications of Swedana.
Q.95 Write the name of Niragni Sweda.
Q.96 Enlist the names of Shat Upakrama.
Q.97 Enlist the names of Shat Shodhana Vriksha.
Q.98 Write about Lekhaneeya Mahakashaya.
Q.99 Write about Trividh Apatarpana.
Page 13 of 28
1. Write short note on Sadhyomaranendriya Adhyaya.
2. Write in short about AvakashirashendriyAdhyaya.
3. Write an essay on Indriya Sthana.
4. Write the short note on Indriya Sthana and describe the subjects of
chapter-7 of Indriya Sthana.
5. Is Indriya Sthana important in these era?How?
6. Write about the Arishtas described in Katamani Shaririyamindriyam.
7. Write about the chapter on cow dung like powder.
8. Describe Sadhya Maraniya Indriya.
9. Write any five Arishtas described in poorvarupiyam Adhyaya.
10. Write about Parimarshaneeyamindriyam
11. Write about Indriyaneekamindriyama.
12. Define Arishtha and write ten Roga?s arishtha according to Charaka.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 14 of 28
1. Write about Chaya.
2. Write about Prabha.
3. Explain importance of Indriyasthana.
4. Is knowledge of Indriya Stahana useful in Chikitsa?How?
5. Describe Arishtas related to Gandh(smell) and Rasa(taste).
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 15 of 28
1. Enlist Prakruta swara according to Indriya Stahana.
2. Write Swapna Aristha of Gulma.
3. Mention Swapna Arista of Unmada.
4. Enlist the types of Vikruti.
5. Define Arishta.
6. Write the difference between Chhya and Prabha.
7. Write Swara Vishayaka Arishta.
8. Define Aabhasi Chhaya.
9. What is Chhaya?
10. Enlist the Aristas related to skin on the basis of
11. How many Vaikruta Varna described in Indriya Sthana?
12. Enlist Svapna arishta of Kushtha.
13. Enlist Arishta of Shankhaka Roga.
14. How many Prakrut Varna described in Indriya Sthana?
15. Enlist Swapna Arishta of Gulma.
16. What is Prabha?
17. Enumerate:Vikruta Varna.
18. Describe Purvarupiya Arishta of Gulma.
19. Enlist characteristics of Samprakruti.
20. What is Prabha? Explain shortly.
21. What are the Chatuspad Vishayak Arishta?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
2 marks Questions
Page 16 of 28
22. Describe Swara Vishyak Arishta.
23. Write any two Arishtas related to Sparsha.
24. Write the types of Pralriti described in Indriyasthana.
25. Write the Prodromal Aristhas related to Gulma.
26. Write about Netra Vishyak Arishta.
27. Write signs of Prasasta Doota.
28. Write about Samsthan according to Pannarupeeya Adhyaya.
29. Write Premonitory Arishta of Gulma.
30. Write Premonitory Aridhts of Kustha.
31. What is Anujyoti?
32. Write about Chatuspada Vishayak Aristha.
33. Write Netra Vishayak Arishta.
34. Mention Premonitory Arishta of Jwara.
35. Write importance Arishta in Chikitsa.
36. Write types of Prabha.
37. Write Prodromal Arishtas related to Prameha.
38. Describe Arishtas related to Netra.
39. Write the definition of Arishta.
40. Write about Gomaya Churneeyam.
41. Write about abnormal complexion.
42. What is palpable entities?
43. Explain Raktagata Arishtha.
44. Write any two Arishtas related to Jihva(Rasanendriya).
45. Write the types of Svapna.
46. Enlist the Arishta of Shankhaka Roga.
47. How many Prakruta Varna describrd in Indriya Sthana?
48. Enlist the types of Vikruti.
49. Write the resemblance between Pushpa and Aristha.
50. Write the definition of Indriyasthana.
Page 17 of 28
51. Define Pannaroopa.
52. Write about Arishtas related to Rasa.
53. Write the types of Prakruti described in Varnasvarindriyamindriyam
Q.1 Describe Nidanpanchak.
Q.2 Write Nidana, Purvarupa, Upashay and Samprapti of Jwara.
Q.3 Write Nirukti, Nidana,Types and sadhya- asadhyata of Raktapitta.
Q.4 Write Nirukti, Nidana,Samprapti, Lakshanas and sadhyya- asdhyata of
Q.5 Write Nidana, Samprapti and types of Prameha.
Q.6 Write Nidana, Purvarupa, Rupa and types of Kustha.
Q.7 Define Rajyakshya and write Nidana,Purvarupa,Rupa,types and sadhya-
Asadhyata of Rajyakshama.
Q.8 Write Nidana,Samprapti,Types and Rupa of Unmada.
Q.9 Define Apasmara and write Samprapti and Lakshanas according to its types.
Q.10 Write in detail about Gulma Nidana Adhyaya.
Q.11 Write in detail about Shosha Nidana Adhyaya.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Nidanasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 18 of 28
1. Write short note note on Upashaya.
2. Write short note on importance of Ghrata in girna Jwara.
3. Write short note on sadhys-asadhyata of Rakta-pitta.
4. Write short note on types of Rakta-pitta.
5. Write short note on Raktaj Gulma.
6. Write short note on Dosha-Dushya of Prameha.
7. Write short note on Dosha-Dushya of Kushtha.
8. Write short note on Purvarupa of Kushtha.
9. Write syptoms of Kaphaj Kushtha.
10. Write symptoms of Mandala Kushtha.
11. Write symptoms of Udumber Kushtha.
12. Write about Nidana of Rajyakshama.
13. Write about Ekadash Rupa of Rajyakshama.
14. Write Samprapti of Unmada.
15. Write samprapti of Apasmara.
16. Explain Nidanarthaka Roga.
17. Write about Vyadhi sankar.
18. Write a short note on Dashvidh pariksha.
17. How many type of Pittaja Prameha according to Charaka Samhita?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Nidanasthana
5 marks Questions - FirstRanker's Choice
Page 1 of 28
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A
? Sutra Sthana - 40 marks
? Indriya Sthaa - 10 marks
1. One compulsory questions 10 marks
2. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
3. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each 20 marks
4. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-3 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Part B
? Nidana Sthana - 15 marks
? Vimana Sthana - 20 marks
? Sharira Sthana - 15 marks
5. One compulsory questions 10 marks
6. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
7. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each. 20 marks
8. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-6 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Page 2 of 28
Q.1 Describe the importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.2 Explain ?
Q.3 Explain ?
Q.4 Explain Matrashitiya Adhyaya.
Q.5 Explain Shishira Ritucharya.
Q.6 Explain Vasanta Ritucharya.
Q.7 Exlain Grishma Ritucharya.
Q.8 Explain Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.9 Explain Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.10 Explain Hemanta Ritucharya.
Q.11 Write the subject matter of ?na Vegandharniya? Adhyaya.
Q.12Write diseases and treatment of Mala Vegadharan, mutraVega
Dharan, Virya Vegadharana, Apanavayu Vegadharan.
Q.13 Write disease and treatment of ChardiNigrah, Khavathudharan,Udgara
Nigraha and Jrumbha Nigraha.
Q.14 Write diseases and treatment of Kshudha, Trashna, Bashpa, Nidra and Shram-
Q.15 Explain about Dharaniya Vega.
Q.16 Write about Indriya panch panchak.
Q.17 Describe the subject matter of Khuddak Chatuspad.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 3 of 28
Q.18 Explain ?
Q.19 Explain the subject of Maha Chatuspad
Q.20 Describe the subject matter of Vatakalakaliya.
Q.22 What is Ojas? Write the symptoms of Ojokshaya.
Q.23 Write the subject matter of AstauninditiyaAdhyaya.
Q.24 Describe Hitakara and Ahitakara ahar by nature.
Q.25 Write about Shada Upakrama according to Sutra Sthana.
Q.26 Write about Sneha described in Snehadhyay. Describe in detail about Kala
of Snehapana.
Q.27 Explain ?
Q.28 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachatuska.
Q.29 Explain?
Q.30 Write in detail about Santarpana.
Q.31 Write in detail about Swedana.
Q.32 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachutuska.
Q.33 Write in detail about Chaturvidh Pramanas described in Tistraishaneeya
Q.34 Write the difference between Uttarayana and Dakshinayana?
Write in detail about Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.35 Explain ?
Q.36 Explain ?
Page 4 of 28
Q.1 short note on Sadacharana.
Q.2 worthy of doing Sadavartans.
Q.3 Q.4 Write the Gunas of Vaidya.
Q.4 Write the Gunas of Aushadha Dravya according to Khuddak chatuspad.
Q.5 Write the Gunas of Paricharaka.
Q. 6Write the Gunas of Rogi.
Q.7 Describe the importance of Vaidya in chatuspad.
Q.8 Explain ? ?
Q.9 Explain ? ?
Q.10 Write symptoms of Sukha Sadhya dieses.
Q.11 write symptoms of Krichha Sadhya dieses.
Q.12 Write about Trividh Eshanas.
Q.13 Describe Trividh Bala.
Q.14 Describe Trividh Vaidya.
Q.15 Describe Trividh aushadha.
Q.16 Describe the Karma of Vata.
Q.17 Describe the Karma of Pita.
Q.18 Describe the Karma of Kapha.
Q.19 Why Ghrit is best among all Sneha Dravya.
Q.20 Explain ?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 5 of 28
Q.21 Explain - |
Q.22 Write about Doshgati according to Kiyantashirasiya Adhyaya.
Q.23 What is called NijaRoga?
Q.24 What is called AgantukaRoga?
Q.25 Enlistthe Nanatmaja Vatavikara.
Q.26 Enlist Nanatmaja pitavikara.
Q.27 Enlist Nanatmaja kaphavikara.
Q.28 Explain
Q.29 Explain about Nindra.
Q.30 Write the syptoms of Samyaka langhana.
Q.31 Write about Samtarpan.
Q.32 Write about Apatarpana.
Q.33 Write ten Shrestha Ahar Dravya.
Q.34 Write shortnote about types of Dravya.
Q.35 Write shortnote about Samanya and Vishes.
Q.36 Dosha Sangraha of Sharira and Mana.
Q.37 Explain-
Q.38 Write Pathya and Apathhya Padartha of swasthya.
Q.39 Write short note on Udvartana.
Q.40 Explain-
Q.41 Write about Vyayama.
Q.42 Explain-
Q.43 Explain ?Dadhiseven?
Q.44 Give short note on Adanakala.
Q.45 Give short note on Visargakala.
Q.46 Give short note on Rutu Sandhi.
Page 6 of 28
Q.47 Explain-
Q.48 Write about Santarpana.
Q.49 Write about Koshtha according to SnehAdhyaya.
Q.50 Explain-
Q.51 Write about short on Apatarpana.
Q.52 Write the symptoms of Hina and Aviyoga of Vamana.
Q.54 Describe Hridaya on basis of ?ArthedashmahamuliyAdhyaya?.
Q.55 Describe common qualities of Phala varga.
Q.56 Describe the indications of Swedana.
Q.57 Write short note on:Importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.58 Write short note on:Trividha Rogamarga.
Q.59 Describe the Contraindications of Swedana.
Q.60 Describe the Atiyoga Lakshanas of Vamana.
Q.61 Describe the common qualities of Ikhshuvarga.
Q.62 Write about Santarpanottha Vikara.
Q.63 Explain Dharaneeya Vega.
Q.64 Describe Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.65 Describe the subjects mention in Mahachatuspada Adhyaya of Charaka
Q.66 Write the name of Drugs of Jeevsneeya and Deepaneeya Mahakashaya.
Q.67 Write types and functions of Vayu.
Q.68 Write about types of the Rejectoors of Rebirth.
Q.79 Write causes and types of Shotha Roga.
Q.80 Write definition and types of Langhana.
Q.81 Mention the Panchabhautikatva of Rasa.
Q.82 What is Yojana Chatuska? Mention the name of Adhyaya of it.
Q.83 Write about Pranabhisara Vaidya.
Page 7 of 28
Q.84 Write about Kalpana Chatuska.
Q.85 Write about Trividha Apatarpana.
Q.86 Write the types of Vaidys.
Q.87 Write about Karsu and Kuti Sweda.
Q.88 Explain in detail the types of HridRoga.
Q.89 Write the characteristics Yapya and Anupakramya Vyadhi
Q.90 Write about Yukti Pramana.
Q.91 Explain Roga Chatuska.
Q.92 Give the details of Kritanna Varga.
Q.93 Write short note on : Shada Upakrama.
Q.93 Write short note on : Ashtaunindita Purusha.
Q.95 Write short note on : Panchapanchaka.
Q.96 Which disease are manifested due to Aptarpana?
Q.97 Write about Krimija HridRoga.
Q.98 Write a short note on MatrasheetiyAdhyaya.
Q.99 Enlist Apatarpana Janita Vyadhi.
Q.100 What is the meaning of Langhana? Explain.
Q.101 Write the indications of Sneha.
Q.102 How many Mahakashayas described in Sutrasthana? Write the name of
the drug from any two Mahakashayas.
Q.103 Write short note on: Dasha Pranayatana.
Q.104 Explain-
Q.105 Explain -
Q.106 Explain-
Q.107 Explain-
Q.108 Explain-
Page 8 of 28
Q.109 Explain ...... ||
Q.110 Explain
Q.111 Explain -
Q.112 Explain-
Page 9 of 28
Q.1 Enlist quality of Aushadha according to Sutra Sthana 9.
Q.2 Hansodaka.
Q.3 Enlist Ashatunindniya.
Q.4 Enlist Shudha Rakta Lakshana according to VidhishonitiyAdhyaya.
Q.5 Enlist quality of Paricharika according to Sutra sthana.
Q.6 Enlist Aishana.
Q.7 How many types of Kshayas are describe in KiyantakshirashiyAdhyaya?
Q.21 Indicates special qualities of Suddha Rakta..
Q.22 Enlist common qualities of Langhana Dravyas according to
Q.23 Write the name of chapters included in Bheshaja Chatuska.
Q.24 Write any two indications of Swedana.
Q.25 Write the name of Niragni Sweda.
Q.26 Write the types of Milk.
Q.27 Write the types and importance of Fat.
Q.28 Write the name of drugs which are useful in Vamana.
Q.29 Write about five types of Extract preparations.
Q.30 Write about Samanya and Vishesha.
Q.31 What is Vatakalakaliya?
Q.32 What is Trisutra?
Q.33 Which karan Dravyas in gyanendriyas?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
2 marks Questions
Page 10 of 28
Q.34Which are adhytma Dravya?
Q.35 Who keeps central on indriyas?
Q.36 Define Pranabhisara Vaidya.
Q.37 What is meant by Yapya?
Q.38 What is meant by Pratyakhyeya?
Q.39 Write the name of Trividh Eshnas.
Q.40 What is meant by Praneshna.
Q.41What is considered in tri Upastambh.
Q.42 How many types of Bala?
Q.43 Write the types of Sneha.
Q.44 How many Pravicharana of Sneha.
Q.45 Write the Anupana of Sneha.
Q.46 Write the types of Sweda.
Q.47 Write symptom of Chikitsa .
Q.48 Which is Uttam Anga?
Q.49 Define Ojas.
Q.50 How many pidaka occur in upekshaya of madhumeha.
Q.51 Anlist Udar Roga.
Q.52 Anlist Kustha Roga.
Q.53 Anlist Gulm.
Q.54 What is meant by Langhan.
Q.55 Define Brumhana.
Q.56 Define Rukshan.
Q.57 Define Stambhana.
Q.58 Define Snehan.
Q.59 Write the symptom of Vishuddha shonita.
Q.60 What is called Pathya?
Q.61 What is called Apathy?
Q.62 Enlist the Asava.
Page 11 of 28
Q.63 Define Ayu.
Q.64 Define Ayurveda.
Q.65 Enlist Mulini.
Q.66 Enlist Phalini.
Q.67 Enlist Sneha.
Q.68 Enlist Lavana.
Q.69 Write sympoms of Uttam Vaidya.
Q.70 Enlist yavagu of Apamarga tanduliya Adhyaya.
Q.71 Enlist churn pralepa of Aragavadhiya Adhyaya.
Q.72 Enlist Virechana yoga.
Q.73 Enlist and give name of virechana ashraya.
Q.74 Enlist Kashaya yoni.
Q.75 Enlist and give Kashay ?.
Q.76 Enlist adharaniya Vegas.
Q.77 Which Lakshana happen by Mala Nigraha?
Q.78 Which Lakshana happen by Mutra Nigraha
Q.79 Which Lakshana happen by stopping Vega of virya?
Q.80 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Mala Nigrah?
Q.81 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Mutra Nigrah?
Q.82 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Virya Nigrah?
Q.83 Which Lakshanas are happen by stopping Vega of sneezing?
Q.84Which treatment should be given in Khavathu Nigraha?
Q.85 People of which Prakriti are always ill?
Q.86 What happen by stopping of Vega Vomitting?
Q.87 Which Lakshanas are happened by Apanavayu Nigrah?
Q.88 Which treatment should be given in disease caused by apanavayu Nigrah?
Q.89 Which Lakshanas are happen by kshudha Nigrah?
Q.90 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Kshudha Nigrah?
Q.91 Which Lakshanas are happen by Nindra Nigrah?
Page 12 of 28
Q.92 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Nindra Nigrah
Q.93 Give the name of the chapters of ?ANNAPAN CHATUSKA?
Q.94 Write any two indications of Swedana.
Q.95 Write the name of Niragni Sweda.
Q.96 Enlist the names of Shat Upakrama.
Q.97 Enlist the names of Shat Shodhana Vriksha.
Q.98 Write about Lekhaneeya Mahakashaya.
Q.99 Write about Trividh Apatarpana.
Page 13 of 28
1. Write short note on Sadhyomaranendriya Adhyaya.
2. Write in short about AvakashirashendriyAdhyaya.
3. Write an essay on Indriya Sthana.
4. Write the short note on Indriya Sthana and describe the subjects of
chapter-7 of Indriya Sthana.
5. Is Indriya Sthana important in these era?How?
6. Write about the Arishtas described in Katamani Shaririyamindriyam.
7. Write about the chapter on cow dung like powder.
8. Describe Sadhya Maraniya Indriya.
9. Write any five Arishtas described in poorvarupiyam Adhyaya.
10. Write about Parimarshaneeyamindriyam
11. Write about Indriyaneekamindriyama.
12. Define Arishtha and write ten Roga?s arishtha according to Charaka.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 14 of 28
1. Write about Chaya.
2. Write about Prabha.
3. Explain importance of Indriyasthana.
4. Is knowledge of Indriya Stahana useful in Chikitsa?How?
5. Describe Arishtas related to Gandh(smell) and Rasa(taste).
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 15 of 28
1. Enlist Prakruta swara according to Indriya Stahana.
2. Write Swapna Aristha of Gulma.
3. Mention Swapna Arista of Unmada.
4. Enlist the types of Vikruti.
5. Define Arishta.
6. Write the difference between Chhya and Prabha.
7. Write Swara Vishayaka Arishta.
8. Define Aabhasi Chhaya.
9. What is Chhaya?
10. Enlist the Aristas related to skin on the basis of
11. How many Vaikruta Varna described in Indriya Sthana?
12. Enlist Svapna arishta of Kushtha.
13. Enlist Arishta of Shankhaka Roga.
14. How many Prakrut Varna described in Indriya Sthana?
15. Enlist Swapna Arishta of Gulma.
16. What is Prabha?
17. Enumerate:Vikruta Varna.
18. Describe Purvarupiya Arishta of Gulma.
19. Enlist characteristics of Samprakruti.
20. What is Prabha? Explain shortly.
21. What are the Chatuspad Vishayak Arishta?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
2 marks Questions
Page 16 of 28
22. Describe Swara Vishyak Arishta.
23. Write any two Arishtas related to Sparsha.
24. Write the types of Pralriti described in Indriyasthana.
25. Write the Prodromal Aristhas related to Gulma.
26. Write about Netra Vishyak Arishta.
27. Write signs of Prasasta Doota.
28. Write about Samsthan according to Pannarupeeya Adhyaya.
29. Write Premonitory Arishta of Gulma.
30. Write Premonitory Aridhts of Kustha.
31. What is Anujyoti?
32. Write about Chatuspada Vishayak Aristha.
33. Write Netra Vishayak Arishta.
34. Mention Premonitory Arishta of Jwara.
35. Write importance Arishta in Chikitsa.
36. Write types of Prabha.
37. Write Prodromal Arishtas related to Prameha.
38. Describe Arishtas related to Netra.
39. Write the definition of Arishta.
40. Write about Gomaya Churneeyam.
41. Write about abnormal complexion.
42. What is palpable entities?
43. Explain Raktagata Arishtha.
44. Write any two Arishtas related to Jihva(Rasanendriya).
45. Write the types of Svapna.
46. Enlist the Arishta of Shankhaka Roga.
47. How many Prakruta Varna describrd in Indriya Sthana?
48. Enlist the types of Vikruti.
49. Write the resemblance between Pushpa and Aristha.
50. Write the definition of Indriyasthana.
Page 17 of 28
51. Define Pannaroopa.
52. Write about Arishtas related to Rasa.
53. Write the types of Prakruti described in Varnasvarindriyamindriyam
Q.1 Describe Nidanpanchak.
Q.2 Write Nidana, Purvarupa, Upashay and Samprapti of Jwara.
Q.3 Write Nirukti, Nidana,Types and sadhya- asadhyata of Raktapitta.
Q.4 Write Nirukti, Nidana,Samprapti, Lakshanas and sadhyya- asdhyata of
Q.5 Write Nidana, Samprapti and types of Prameha.
Q.6 Write Nidana, Purvarupa, Rupa and types of Kustha.
Q.7 Define Rajyakshya and write Nidana,Purvarupa,Rupa,types and sadhya-
Asadhyata of Rajyakshama.
Q.8 Write Nidana,Samprapti,Types and Rupa of Unmada.
Q.9 Define Apasmara and write Samprapti and Lakshanas according to its types.
Q.10 Write in detail about Gulma Nidana Adhyaya.
Q.11 Write in detail about Shosha Nidana Adhyaya.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Nidanasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 18 of 28
1. Write short note note on Upashaya.
2. Write short note on importance of Ghrata in girna Jwara.
3. Write short note on sadhys-asadhyata of Rakta-pitta.
4. Write short note on types of Rakta-pitta.
5. Write short note on Raktaj Gulma.
6. Write short note on Dosha-Dushya of Prameha.
7. Write short note on Dosha-Dushya of Kushtha.
8. Write short note on Purvarupa of Kushtha.
9. Write syptoms of Kaphaj Kushtha.
10. Write symptoms of Mandala Kushtha.
11. Write symptoms of Udumber Kushtha.
12. Write about Nidana of Rajyakshama.
13. Write about Ekadash Rupa of Rajyakshama.
14. Write Samprapti of Unmada.
15. Write samprapti of Apasmara.
16. Explain Nidanarthaka Roga.
17. Write about Vyadhi sankar.
18. Write a short note on Dashvidh pariksha.
17. How many type of Pittaja Prameha according to Charaka Samhita?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Nidanasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 19 of 28
Write its common symptoms.
18. Explain ?Chatvarishoshsyaaayatanani?.
33. What may be the result to neglect the Sadhya Roga? Explain.
34. Write short note about Unmada.
35. Write the symptoms of Vataja Prameha.
36. Enlist all types of Prameha.
37. What is the meaning of Nidanarthak Roga?
38. Write in detail about Nidana Panchaka.
39. Write the Nidana of Kshya Roga with Samprapti.
40. Write about Nidana Panchaka.
41. Describe the samprapti of Prameha Roga.
42. Explain the types of Raktapitta.
43. Explain the types of Kaphaja and Pittaja Prameha.
44. Write about Nidanarthakara Roga.
45. Write in details the types of Samprapt
46. Write short note on: Rogi Pareeksha.
47. Write symptoms of Kaphaja Prameha.
48. Write in Detail about Shleshmaja Krimi.
49. Write the types and Sadhyasadhyatva of Kustha Roga.
50. What may be the result to neglect the curable Kustha? Explain. - FirstRanker's Choice
Page 1 of 28
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A
? Sutra Sthana - 40 marks
? Indriya Sthaa - 10 marks
1. One compulsory questions 10 marks
2. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
3. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each 20 marks
4. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-3 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Part B
? Nidana Sthana - 15 marks
? Vimana Sthana - 20 marks
? Sharira Sthana - 15 marks
5. One compulsory questions 10 marks
6. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
7. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each. 20 marks
8. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-6 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Page 2 of 28
Q.1 Describe the importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.2 Explain ?
Q.3 Explain ?
Q.4 Explain Matrashitiya Adhyaya.
Q.5 Explain Shishira Ritucharya.
Q.6 Explain Vasanta Ritucharya.
Q.7 Exlain Grishma Ritucharya.
Q.8 Explain Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.9 Explain Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.10 Explain Hemanta Ritucharya.
Q.11 Write the subject matter of ?na Vegandharniya? Adhyaya.
Q.12Write diseases and treatment of Mala Vegadharan, mutraVega
Dharan, Virya Vegadharana, Apanavayu Vegadharan.
Q.13 Write disease and treatment of ChardiNigrah, Khavathudharan,Udgara
Nigraha and Jrumbha Nigraha.
Q.14 Write diseases and treatment of Kshudha, Trashna, Bashpa, Nidra and Shram-
Q.15 Explain about Dharaniya Vega.
Q.16 Write about Indriya panch panchak.
Q.17 Describe the subject matter of Khuddak Chatuspad.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 3 of 28
Q.18 Explain ?
Q.19 Explain the subject of Maha Chatuspad
Q.20 Describe the subject matter of Vatakalakaliya.
Q.22 What is Ojas? Write the symptoms of Ojokshaya.
Q.23 Write the subject matter of AstauninditiyaAdhyaya.
Q.24 Describe Hitakara and Ahitakara ahar by nature.
Q.25 Write about Shada Upakrama according to Sutra Sthana.
Q.26 Write about Sneha described in Snehadhyay. Describe in detail about Kala
of Snehapana.
Q.27 Explain ?
Q.28 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachatuska.
Q.29 Explain?
Q.30 Write in detail about Santarpana.
Q.31 Write in detail about Swedana.
Q.32 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachutuska.
Q.33 Write in detail about Chaturvidh Pramanas described in Tistraishaneeya
Q.34 Write the difference between Uttarayana and Dakshinayana?
Write in detail about Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.35 Explain ?
Q.36 Explain ?
Page 4 of 28
Q.1 short note on Sadacharana.
Q.2 worthy of doing Sadavartans.
Q.3 Q.4 Write the Gunas of Vaidya.
Q.4 Write the Gunas of Aushadha Dravya according to Khuddak chatuspad.
Q.5 Write the Gunas of Paricharaka.
Q. 6Write the Gunas of Rogi.
Q.7 Describe the importance of Vaidya in chatuspad.
Q.8 Explain ? ?
Q.9 Explain ? ?
Q.10 Write symptoms of Sukha Sadhya dieses.
Q.11 write symptoms of Krichha Sadhya dieses.
Q.12 Write about Trividh Eshanas.
Q.13 Describe Trividh Bala.
Q.14 Describe Trividh Vaidya.
Q.15 Describe Trividh aushadha.
Q.16 Describe the Karma of Vata.
Q.17 Describe the Karma of Pita.
Q.18 Describe the Karma of Kapha.
Q.19 Why Ghrit is best among all Sneha Dravya.
Q.20 Explain ?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 5 of 28
Q.21 Explain - |
Q.22 Write about Doshgati according to Kiyantashirasiya Adhyaya.
Q.23 What is called NijaRoga?
Q.24 What is called AgantukaRoga?
Q.25 Enlistthe Nanatmaja Vatavikara.
Q.26 Enlist Nanatmaja pitavikara.
Q.27 Enlist Nanatmaja kaphavikara.
Q.28 Explain
Q.29 Explain about Nindra.
Q.30 Write the syptoms of Samyaka langhana.
Q.31 Write about Samtarpan.
Q.32 Write about Apatarpana.
Q.33 Write ten Shrestha Ahar Dravya.
Q.34 Write shortnote about types of Dravya.
Q.35 Write shortnote about Samanya and Vishes.
Q.36 Dosha Sangraha of Sharira and Mana.
Q.37 Explain-
Q.38 Write Pathya and Apathhya Padartha of swasthya.
Q.39 Write short note on Udvartana.
Q.40 Explain-
Q.41 Write about Vyayama.
Q.42 Explain-
Q.43 Explain ?Dadhiseven?
Q.44 Give short note on Adanakala.
Q.45 Give short note on Visargakala.
Q.46 Give short note on Rutu Sandhi.
Page 6 of 28
Q.47 Explain-
Q.48 Write about Santarpana.
Q.49 Write about Koshtha according to SnehAdhyaya.
Q.50 Explain-
Q.51 Write about short on Apatarpana.
Q.52 Write the symptoms of Hina and Aviyoga of Vamana.
Q.54 Describe Hridaya on basis of ?ArthedashmahamuliyAdhyaya?.
Q.55 Describe common qualities of Phala varga.
Q.56 Describe the indications of Swedana.
Q.57 Write short note on:Importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.58 Write short note on:Trividha Rogamarga.
Q.59 Describe the Contraindications of Swedana.
Q.60 Describe the Atiyoga Lakshanas of Vamana.
Q.61 Describe the common qualities of Ikhshuvarga.
Q.62 Write about Santarpanottha Vikara.
Q.63 Explain Dharaneeya Vega.
Q.64 Describe Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.65 Describe the subjects mention in Mahachatuspada Adhyaya of Charaka
Q.66 Write the name of Drugs of Jeevsneeya and Deepaneeya Mahakashaya.
Q.67 Write types and functions of Vayu.
Q.68 Write about types of the Rejectoors of Rebirth.
Q.79 Write causes and types of Shotha Roga.
Q.80 Write definition and types of Langhana.
Q.81 Mention the Panchabhautikatva of Rasa.
Q.82 What is Yojana Chatuska? Mention the name of Adhyaya of it.
Q.83 Write about Pranabhisara Vaidya.
Page 7 of 28
Q.84 Write about Kalpana Chatuska.
Q.85 Write about Trividha Apatarpana.
Q.86 Write the types of Vaidys.
Q.87 Write about Karsu and Kuti Sweda.
Q.88 Explain in detail the types of HridRoga.
Q.89 Write the characteristics Yapya and Anupakramya Vyadhi
Q.90 Write about Yukti Pramana.
Q.91 Explain Roga Chatuska.
Q.92 Give the details of Kritanna Varga.
Q.93 Write short note on : Shada Upakrama.
Q.93 Write short note on : Ashtaunindita Purusha.
Q.95 Write short note on : Panchapanchaka.
Q.96 Which disease are manifested due to Aptarpana?
Q.97 Write about Krimija HridRoga.
Q.98 Write a short note on MatrasheetiyAdhyaya.
Q.99 Enlist Apatarpana Janita Vyadhi.
Q.100 What is the meaning of Langhana? Explain.
Q.101 Write the indications of Sneha.
Q.102 How many Mahakashayas described in Sutrasthana? Write the name of
the drug from any two Mahakashayas.
Q.103 Write short note on: Dasha Pranayatana.
Q.104 Explain-
Q.105 Explain -
Q.106 Explain-
Q.107 Explain-
Q.108 Explain-
Page 8 of 28
Q.109 Explain ...... ||
Q.110 Explain
Q.111 Explain -
Q.112 Explain-
Page 9 of 28
Q.1 Enlist quality of Aushadha according to Sutra Sthana 9.
Q.2 Hansodaka.
Q.3 Enlist Ashatunindniya.
Q.4 Enlist Shudha Rakta Lakshana according to VidhishonitiyAdhyaya.
Q.5 Enlist quality of Paricharika according to Sutra sthana.
Q.6 Enlist Aishana.
Q.7 How many types of Kshayas are describe in KiyantakshirashiyAdhyaya?
Q.21 Indicates special qualities of Suddha Rakta..
Q.22 Enlist common qualities of Langhana Dravyas according to
Q.23 Write the name of chapters included in Bheshaja Chatuska.
Q.24 Write any two indications of Swedana.
Q.25 Write the name of Niragni Sweda.
Q.26 Write the types of Milk.
Q.27 Write the types and importance of Fat.
Q.28 Write the name of drugs which are useful in Vamana.
Q.29 Write about five types of Extract preparations.
Q.30 Write about Samanya and Vishesha.
Q.31 What is Vatakalakaliya?
Q.32 What is Trisutra?
Q.33 Which karan Dravyas in gyanendriyas?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
2 marks Questions
Page 10 of 28
Q.34Which are adhytma Dravya?
Q.35 Who keeps central on indriyas?
Q.36 Define Pranabhisara Vaidya.
Q.37 What is meant by Yapya?
Q.38 What is meant by Pratyakhyeya?
Q.39 Write the name of Trividh Eshnas.
Q.40 What is meant by Praneshna.
Q.41What is considered in tri Upastambh.
Q.42 How many types of Bala?
Q.43 Write the types of Sneha.
Q.44 How many Pravicharana of Sneha.
Q.45 Write the Anupana of Sneha.
Q.46 Write the types of Sweda.
Q.47 Write symptom of Chikitsa .
Q.48 Which is Uttam Anga?
Q.49 Define Ojas.
Q.50 How many pidaka occur in upekshaya of madhumeha.
Q.51 Anlist Udar Roga.
Q.52 Anlist Kustha Roga.
Q.53 Anlist Gulm.
Q.54 What is meant by Langhan.
Q.55 Define Brumhana.
Q.56 Define Rukshan.
Q.57 Define Stambhana.
Q.58 Define Snehan.
Q.59 Write the symptom of Vishuddha shonita.
Q.60 What is called Pathya?
Q.61 What is called Apathy?
Q.62 Enlist the Asava.
Page 11 of 28
Q.63 Define Ayu.
Q.64 Define Ayurveda.
Q.65 Enlist Mulini.
Q.66 Enlist Phalini.
Q.67 Enlist Sneha.
Q.68 Enlist Lavana.
Q.69 Write sympoms of Uttam Vaidya.
Q.70 Enlist yavagu of Apamarga tanduliya Adhyaya.
Q.71 Enlist churn pralepa of Aragavadhiya Adhyaya.
Q.72 Enlist Virechana yoga.
Q.73 Enlist and give name of virechana ashraya.
Q.74 Enlist Kashaya yoni.
Q.75 Enlist and give Kashay ?.
Q.76 Enlist adharaniya Vegas.
Q.77 Which Lakshana happen by Mala Nigraha?
Q.78 Which Lakshana happen by Mutra Nigraha
Q.79 Which Lakshana happen by stopping Vega of virya?
Q.80 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Mala Nigrah?
Q.81 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Mutra Nigrah?
Q.82 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Virya Nigrah?
Q.83 Which Lakshanas are happen by stopping Vega of sneezing?
Q.84Which treatment should be given in Khavathu Nigraha?
Q.85 People of which Prakriti are always ill?
Q.86 What happen by stopping of Vega Vomitting?
Q.87 Which Lakshanas are happened by Apanavayu Nigrah?
Q.88 Which treatment should be given in disease caused by apanavayu Nigrah?
Q.89 Which Lakshanas are happen by kshudha Nigrah?
Q.90 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Kshudha Nigrah?
Q.91 Which Lakshanas are happen by Nindra Nigrah?
Page 12 of 28
Q.92 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Nindra Nigrah
Q.93 Give the name of the chapters of ?ANNAPAN CHATUSKA?
Q.94 Write any two indications of Swedana.
Q.95 Write the name of Niragni Sweda.
Q.96 Enlist the names of Shat Upakrama.
Q.97 Enlist the names of Shat Shodhana Vriksha.
Q.98 Write about Lekhaneeya Mahakashaya.
Q.99 Write about Trividh Apatarpana.
Page 13 of 28
1. Write short note on Sadhyomaranendriya Adhyaya.
2. Write in short about AvakashirashendriyAdhyaya.
3. Write an essay on Indriya Sthana.
4. Write the short note on Indriya Sthana and describe the subjects of
chapter-7 of Indriya Sthana.
5. Is Indriya Sthana important in these era?How?
6. Write about the Arishtas described in Katamani Shaririyamindriyam.
7. Write about the chapter on cow dung like powder.
8. Describe Sadhya Maraniya Indriya.
9. Write any five Arishtas described in poorvarupiyam Adhyaya.
10. Write about Parimarshaneeyamindriyam
11. Write about Indriyaneekamindriyama.
12. Define Arishtha and write ten Roga?s arishtha according to Charaka.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 14 of 28
1. Write about Chaya.
2. Write about Prabha.
3. Explain importance of Indriyasthana.
4. Is knowledge of Indriya Stahana useful in Chikitsa?How?
5. Describe Arishtas related to Gandh(smell) and Rasa(taste).
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 15 of 28
1. Enlist Prakruta swara according to Indriya Stahana.
2. Write Swapna Aristha of Gulma.
3. Mention Swapna Arista of Unmada.
4. Enlist the types of Vikruti.
5. Define Arishta.
6. Write the difference between Chhya and Prabha.
7. Write Swara Vishayaka Arishta.
8. Define Aabhasi Chhaya.
9. What is Chhaya?
10. Enlist the Aristas related to skin on the basis of
11. How many Vaikruta Varna described in Indriya Sthana?
12. Enlist Svapna arishta of Kushtha.
13. Enlist Arishta of Shankhaka Roga.
14. How many Prakrut Varna described in Indriya Sthana?
15. Enlist Swapna Arishta of Gulma.
16. What is Prabha?
17. Enumerate:Vikruta Varna.
18. Describe Purvarupiya Arishta of Gulma.
19. Enlist characteristics of Samprakruti.
20. What is Prabha? Explain shortly.
21. What are the Chatuspad Vishayak Arishta?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
2 marks Questions
Page 16 of 28
22. Describe Swara Vishyak Arishta.
23. Write any two Arishtas related to Sparsha.
24. Write the types of Pralriti described in Indriyasthana.
25. Write the Prodromal Aristhas related to Gulma.
26. Write about Netra Vishyak Arishta.
27. Write signs of Prasasta Doota.
28. Write about Samsthan according to Pannarupeeya Adhyaya.
29. Write Premonitory Arishta of Gulma.
30. Write Premonitory Aridhts of Kustha.
31. What is Anujyoti?
32. Write about Chatuspada Vishayak Aristha.
33. Write Netra Vishayak Arishta.
34. Mention Premonitory Arishta of Jwara.
35. Write importance Arishta in Chikitsa.
36. Write types of Prabha.
37. Write Prodromal Arishtas related to Prameha.
38. Describe Arishtas related to Netra.
39. Write the definition of Arishta.
40. Write about Gomaya Churneeyam.
41. Write about abnormal complexion.
42. What is palpable entities?
43. Explain Raktagata Arishtha.
44. Write any two Arishtas related to Jihva(Rasanendriya).
45. Write the types of Svapna.
46. Enlist the Arishta of Shankhaka Roga.
47. How many Prakruta Varna describrd in Indriya Sthana?
48. Enlist the types of Vikruti.
49. Write the resemblance between Pushpa and Aristha.
50. Write the definition of Indriyasthana.
Page 17 of 28
51. Define Pannaroopa.
52. Write about Arishtas related to Rasa.
53. Write the types of Prakruti described in Varnasvarindriyamindriyam
Q.1 Describe Nidanpanchak.
Q.2 Write Nidana, Purvarupa, Upashay and Samprapti of Jwara.
Q.3 Write Nirukti, Nidana,Types and sadhya- asadhyata of Raktapitta.
Q.4 Write Nirukti, Nidana,Samprapti, Lakshanas and sadhyya- asdhyata of
Q.5 Write Nidana, Samprapti and types of Prameha.
Q.6 Write Nidana, Purvarupa, Rupa and types of Kustha.
Q.7 Define Rajyakshya and write Nidana,Purvarupa,Rupa,types and sadhya-
Asadhyata of Rajyakshama.
Q.8 Write Nidana,Samprapti,Types and Rupa of Unmada.
Q.9 Define Apasmara and write Samprapti and Lakshanas according to its types.
Q.10 Write in detail about Gulma Nidana Adhyaya.
Q.11 Write in detail about Shosha Nidana Adhyaya.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Nidanasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 18 of 28
1. Write short note note on Upashaya.
2. Write short note on importance of Ghrata in girna Jwara.
3. Write short note on sadhys-asadhyata of Rakta-pitta.
4. Write short note on types of Rakta-pitta.
5. Write short note on Raktaj Gulma.
6. Write short note on Dosha-Dushya of Prameha.
7. Write short note on Dosha-Dushya of Kushtha.
8. Write short note on Purvarupa of Kushtha.
9. Write syptoms of Kaphaj Kushtha.
10. Write symptoms of Mandala Kushtha.
11. Write symptoms of Udumber Kushtha.
12. Write about Nidana of Rajyakshama.
13. Write about Ekadash Rupa of Rajyakshama.
14. Write Samprapti of Unmada.
15. Write samprapti of Apasmara.
16. Explain Nidanarthaka Roga.
17. Write about Vyadhi sankar.
18. Write a short note on Dashvidh pariksha.
17. How many type of Pittaja Prameha according to Charaka Samhita?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Nidanasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 19 of 28
Write its common symptoms.
18. Explain ?Chatvarishoshsyaaayatanani?.
33. What may be the result to neglect the Sadhya Roga? Explain.
34. Write short note about Unmada.
35. Write the symptoms of Vataja Prameha.
36. Enlist all types of Prameha.
37. What is the meaning of Nidanarthak Roga?
38. Write in detail about Nidana Panchaka.
39. Write the Nidana of Kshya Roga with Samprapti.
40. Write about Nidana Panchaka.
41. Describe the samprapti of Prameha Roga.
42. Explain the types of Raktapitta.
43. Explain the types of Kaphaja and Pittaja Prameha.
44. Write about Nidanarthakara Roga.
45. Write in details the types of Samprapt
46. Write short note on: Rogi Pareeksha.
47. Write symptoms of Kaphaja Prameha.
48. Write in Detail about Shleshmaja Krimi.
49. Write the types and Sadhyasadhyatva of Kustha Roga.
50. What may be the result to neglect the curable Kustha? Explain.
Page 20 of 28
Q.1 Write symptoms of Roga.
Q.2 Write kakshana of Roga.
Q.3 Write Lakshana of Upashya.
Q.4 Enlist Samprapti.
Q.5 Write Viprakrishtha karana of Jwara.
Q.6 Enlist type of Jwara.
Q.7 Enlist type of Rakta-pitta.
Q.8 Enlist Dushya of Prameha.
Q.9 Write name of Kaphaj Prameha.
Q.10 Write name of Pittaj Prameha
Q.11 Write name of Vataj Prameha.
Q.12 Define Unmada.
Q.13 Define Apasmara.
Q.14 Define Rajyakshama.
Q.15 Enlist Prameha.
Q.16 What are Pratyatma Lakshanas of Apasram?
Q.17 Enlist Gulma.
Q.18 Write the causative factore of Smruti.
Q.19 Enlist Gulma.
Q.20 Enlist Kushtha.
Q.21 Define Rupa.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Nidanasthana
2 marks Questions - FirstRanker's Choice
Page 1 of 28
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A
? Sutra Sthana - 40 marks
? Indriya Sthaa - 10 marks
1. One compulsory questions 10 marks
2. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
3. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each 20 marks
4. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-3 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Part B
? Nidana Sthana - 15 marks
? Vimana Sthana - 20 marks
? Sharira Sthana - 15 marks
5. One compulsory questions 10 marks
6. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
7. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each. 20 marks
8. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-6 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Page 2 of 28
Q.1 Describe the importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.2 Explain ?
Q.3 Explain ?
Q.4 Explain Matrashitiya Adhyaya.
Q.5 Explain Shishira Ritucharya.
Q.6 Explain Vasanta Ritucharya.
Q.7 Exlain Grishma Ritucharya.
Q.8 Explain Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.9 Explain Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.10 Explain Hemanta Ritucharya.
Q.11 Write the subject matter of ?na Vegandharniya? Adhyaya.
Q.12Write diseases and treatment of Mala Vegadharan, mutraVega
Dharan, Virya Vegadharana, Apanavayu Vegadharan.
Q.13 Write disease and treatment of ChardiNigrah, Khavathudharan,Udgara
Nigraha and Jrumbha Nigraha.
Q.14 Write diseases and treatment of Kshudha, Trashna, Bashpa, Nidra and Shram-
Q.15 Explain about Dharaniya Vega.
Q.16 Write about Indriya panch panchak.
Q.17 Describe the subject matter of Khuddak Chatuspad.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 3 of 28
Q.18 Explain ?
Q.19 Explain the subject of Maha Chatuspad
Q.20 Describe the subject matter of Vatakalakaliya.
Q.22 What is Ojas? Write the symptoms of Ojokshaya.
Q.23 Write the subject matter of AstauninditiyaAdhyaya.
Q.24 Describe Hitakara and Ahitakara ahar by nature.
Q.25 Write about Shada Upakrama according to Sutra Sthana.
Q.26 Write about Sneha described in Snehadhyay. Describe in detail about Kala
of Snehapana.
Q.27 Explain ?
Q.28 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachatuska.
Q.29 Explain?
Q.30 Write in detail about Santarpana.
Q.31 Write in detail about Swedana.
Q.32 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachutuska.
Q.33 Write in detail about Chaturvidh Pramanas described in Tistraishaneeya
Q.34 Write the difference between Uttarayana and Dakshinayana?
Write in detail about Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.35 Explain ?
Q.36 Explain ?
Page 4 of 28
Q.1 short note on Sadacharana.
Q.2 worthy of doing Sadavartans.
Q.3 Q.4 Write the Gunas of Vaidya.
Q.4 Write the Gunas of Aushadha Dravya according to Khuddak chatuspad.
Q.5 Write the Gunas of Paricharaka.
Q. 6Write the Gunas of Rogi.
Q.7 Describe the importance of Vaidya in chatuspad.
Q.8 Explain ? ?
Q.9 Explain ? ?
Q.10 Write symptoms of Sukha Sadhya dieses.
Q.11 write symptoms of Krichha Sadhya dieses.
Q.12 Write about Trividh Eshanas.
Q.13 Describe Trividh Bala.
Q.14 Describe Trividh Vaidya.
Q.15 Describe Trividh aushadha.
Q.16 Describe the Karma of Vata.
Q.17 Describe the Karma of Pita.
Q.18 Describe the Karma of Kapha.
Q.19 Why Ghrit is best among all Sneha Dravya.
Q.20 Explain ?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 5 of 28
Q.21 Explain - |
Q.22 Write about Doshgati according to Kiyantashirasiya Adhyaya.
Q.23 What is called NijaRoga?
Q.24 What is called AgantukaRoga?
Q.25 Enlistthe Nanatmaja Vatavikara.
Q.26 Enlist Nanatmaja pitavikara.
Q.27 Enlist Nanatmaja kaphavikara.
Q.28 Explain
Q.29 Explain about Nindra.
Q.30 Write the syptoms of Samyaka langhana.
Q.31 Write about Samtarpan.
Q.32 Write about Apatarpana.
Q.33 Write ten Shrestha Ahar Dravya.
Q.34 Write shortnote about types of Dravya.
Q.35 Write shortnote about Samanya and Vishes.
Q.36 Dosha Sangraha of Sharira and Mana.
Q.37 Explain-
Q.38 Write Pathya and Apathhya Padartha of swasthya.
Q.39 Write short note on Udvartana.
Q.40 Explain-
Q.41 Write about Vyayama.
Q.42 Explain-
Q.43 Explain ?Dadhiseven?
Q.44 Give short note on Adanakala.
Q.45 Give short note on Visargakala.
Q.46 Give short note on Rutu Sandhi.
Page 6 of 28
Q.47 Explain-
Q.48 Write about Santarpana.
Q.49 Write about Koshtha according to SnehAdhyaya.
Q.50 Explain-
Q.51 Write about short on Apatarpana.
Q.52 Write the symptoms of Hina and Aviyoga of Vamana.
Q.54 Describe Hridaya on basis of ?ArthedashmahamuliyAdhyaya?.
Q.55 Describe common qualities of Phala varga.
Q.56 Describe the indications of Swedana.
Q.57 Write short note on:Importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.58 Write short note on:Trividha Rogamarga.
Q.59 Describe the Contraindications of Swedana.
Q.60 Describe the Atiyoga Lakshanas of Vamana.
Q.61 Describe the common qualities of Ikhshuvarga.
Q.62 Write about Santarpanottha Vikara.
Q.63 Explain Dharaneeya Vega.
Q.64 Describe Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.65 Describe the subjects mention in Mahachatuspada Adhyaya of Charaka
Q.66 Write the name of Drugs of Jeevsneeya and Deepaneeya Mahakashaya.
Q.67 Write types and functions of Vayu.
Q.68 Write about types of the Rejectoors of Rebirth.
Q.79 Write causes and types of Shotha Roga.
Q.80 Write definition and types of Langhana.
Q.81 Mention the Panchabhautikatva of Rasa.
Q.82 What is Yojana Chatuska? Mention the name of Adhyaya of it.
Q.83 Write about Pranabhisara Vaidya.
Page 7 of 28
Q.84 Write about Kalpana Chatuska.
Q.85 Write about Trividha Apatarpana.
Q.86 Write the types of Vaidys.
Q.87 Write about Karsu and Kuti Sweda.
Q.88 Explain in detail the types of HridRoga.
Q.89 Write the characteristics Yapya and Anupakramya Vyadhi
Q.90 Write about Yukti Pramana.
Q.91 Explain Roga Chatuska.
Q.92 Give the details of Kritanna Varga.
Q.93 Write short note on : Shada Upakrama.
Q.93 Write short note on : Ashtaunindita Purusha.
Q.95 Write short note on : Panchapanchaka.
Q.96 Which disease are manifested due to Aptarpana?
Q.97 Write about Krimija HridRoga.
Q.98 Write a short note on MatrasheetiyAdhyaya.
Q.99 Enlist Apatarpana Janita Vyadhi.
Q.100 What is the meaning of Langhana? Explain.
Q.101 Write the indications of Sneha.
Q.102 How many Mahakashayas described in Sutrasthana? Write the name of
the drug from any two Mahakashayas.
Q.103 Write short note on: Dasha Pranayatana.
Q.104 Explain-
Q.105 Explain -
Q.106 Explain-
Q.107 Explain-
Q.108 Explain-
Page 8 of 28
Q.109 Explain ...... ||
Q.110 Explain
Q.111 Explain -
Q.112 Explain-
Page 9 of 28
Q.1 Enlist quality of Aushadha according to Sutra Sthana 9.
Q.2 Hansodaka.
Q.3 Enlist Ashatunindniya.
Q.4 Enlist Shudha Rakta Lakshana according to VidhishonitiyAdhyaya.
Q.5 Enlist quality of Paricharika according to Sutra sthana.
Q.6 Enlist Aishana.
Q.7 How many types of Kshayas are describe in KiyantakshirashiyAdhyaya?
Q.21 Indicates special qualities of Suddha Rakta..
Q.22 Enlist common qualities of Langhana Dravyas according to
Q.23 Write the name of chapters included in Bheshaja Chatuska.
Q.24 Write any two indications of Swedana.
Q.25 Write the name of Niragni Sweda.
Q.26 Write the types of Milk.
Q.27 Write the types and importance of Fat.
Q.28 Write the name of drugs which are useful in Vamana.
Q.29 Write about five types of Extract preparations.
Q.30 Write about Samanya and Vishesha.
Q.31 What is Vatakalakaliya?
Q.32 What is Trisutra?
Q.33 Which karan Dravyas in gyanendriyas?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
2 marks Questions
Page 10 of 28
Q.34Which are adhytma Dravya?
Q.35 Who keeps central on indriyas?
Q.36 Define Pranabhisara Vaidya.
Q.37 What is meant by Yapya?
Q.38 What is meant by Pratyakhyeya?
Q.39 Write the name of Trividh Eshnas.
Q.40 What is meant by Praneshna.
Q.41What is considered in tri Upastambh.
Q.42 How many types of Bala?
Q.43 Write the types of Sneha.
Q.44 How many Pravicharana of Sneha.
Q.45 Write the Anupana of Sneha.
Q.46 Write the types of Sweda.
Q.47 Write symptom of Chikitsa .
Q.48 Which is Uttam Anga?
Q.49 Define Ojas.
Q.50 How many pidaka occur in upekshaya of madhumeha.
Q.51 Anlist Udar Roga.
Q.52 Anlist Kustha Roga.
Q.53 Anlist Gulm.
Q.54 What is meant by Langhan.
Q.55 Define Brumhana.
Q.56 Define Rukshan.
Q.57 Define Stambhana.
Q.58 Define Snehan.
Q.59 Write the symptom of Vishuddha shonita.
Q.60 What is called Pathya?
Q.61 What is called Apathy?
Q.62 Enlist the Asava.
Page 11 of 28
Q.63 Define Ayu.
Q.64 Define Ayurveda.
Q.65 Enlist Mulini.
Q.66 Enlist Phalini.
Q.67 Enlist Sneha.
Q.68 Enlist Lavana.
Q.69 Write sympoms of Uttam Vaidya.
Q.70 Enlist yavagu of Apamarga tanduliya Adhyaya.
Q.71 Enlist churn pralepa of Aragavadhiya Adhyaya.
Q.72 Enlist Virechana yoga.
Q.73 Enlist and give name of virechana ashraya.
Q.74 Enlist Kashaya yoni.
Q.75 Enlist and give Kashay ?.
Q.76 Enlist adharaniya Vegas.
Q.77 Which Lakshana happen by Mala Nigraha?
Q.78 Which Lakshana happen by Mutra Nigraha
Q.79 Which Lakshana happen by stopping Vega of virya?
Q.80 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Mala Nigrah?
Q.81 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Mutra Nigrah?
Q.82 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Virya Nigrah?
Q.83 Which Lakshanas are happen by stopping Vega of sneezing?
Q.84Which treatment should be given in Khavathu Nigraha?
Q.85 People of which Prakriti are always ill?
Q.86 What happen by stopping of Vega Vomitting?
Q.87 Which Lakshanas are happened by Apanavayu Nigrah?
Q.88 Which treatment should be given in disease caused by apanavayu Nigrah?
Q.89 Which Lakshanas are happen by kshudha Nigrah?
Q.90 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Kshudha Nigrah?
Q.91 Which Lakshanas are happen by Nindra Nigrah?
Page 12 of 28
Q.92 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Nindra Nigrah
Q.93 Give the name of the chapters of ?ANNAPAN CHATUSKA?
Q.94 Write any two indications of Swedana.
Q.95 Write the name of Niragni Sweda.
Q.96 Enlist the names of Shat Upakrama.
Q.97 Enlist the names of Shat Shodhana Vriksha.
Q.98 Write about Lekhaneeya Mahakashaya.
Q.99 Write about Trividh Apatarpana.
Page 13 of 28
1. Write short note on Sadhyomaranendriya Adhyaya.
2. Write in short about AvakashirashendriyAdhyaya.
3. Write an essay on Indriya Sthana.
4. Write the short note on Indriya Sthana and describe the subjects of
chapter-7 of Indriya Sthana.
5. Is Indriya Sthana important in these era?How?
6. Write about the Arishtas described in Katamani Shaririyamindriyam.
7. Write about the chapter on cow dung like powder.
8. Describe Sadhya Maraniya Indriya.
9. Write any five Arishtas described in poorvarupiyam Adhyaya.
10. Write about Parimarshaneeyamindriyam
11. Write about Indriyaneekamindriyama.
12. Define Arishtha and write ten Roga?s arishtha according to Charaka.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 14 of 28
1. Write about Chaya.
2. Write about Prabha.
3. Explain importance of Indriyasthana.
4. Is knowledge of Indriya Stahana useful in Chikitsa?How?
5. Describe Arishtas related to Gandh(smell) and Rasa(taste).
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 15 of 28
1. Enlist Prakruta swara according to Indriya Stahana.
2. Write Swapna Aristha of Gulma.
3. Mention Swapna Arista of Unmada.
4. Enlist the types of Vikruti.
5. Define Arishta.
6. Write the difference between Chhya and Prabha.
7. Write Swara Vishayaka Arishta.
8. Define Aabhasi Chhaya.
9. What is Chhaya?
10. Enlist the Aristas related to skin on the basis of
11. How many Vaikruta Varna described in Indriya Sthana?
12. Enlist Svapna arishta of Kushtha.
13. Enlist Arishta of Shankhaka Roga.
14. How many Prakrut Varna described in Indriya Sthana?
15. Enlist Swapna Arishta of Gulma.
16. What is Prabha?
17. Enumerate:Vikruta Varna.
18. Describe Purvarupiya Arishta of Gulma.
19. Enlist characteristics of Samprakruti.
20. What is Prabha? Explain shortly.
21. What are the Chatuspad Vishayak Arishta?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
2 marks Questions
Page 16 of 28
22. Describe Swara Vishyak Arishta.
23. Write any two Arishtas related to Sparsha.
24. Write the types of Pralriti described in Indriyasthana.
25. Write the Prodromal Aristhas related to Gulma.
26. Write about Netra Vishyak Arishta.
27. Write signs of Prasasta Doota.
28. Write about Samsthan according to Pannarupeeya Adhyaya.
29. Write Premonitory Arishta of Gulma.
30. Write Premonitory Aridhts of Kustha.
31. What is Anujyoti?
32. Write about Chatuspada Vishayak Aristha.
33. Write Netra Vishayak Arishta.
34. Mention Premonitory Arishta of Jwara.
35. Write importance Arishta in Chikitsa.
36. Write types of Prabha.
37. Write Prodromal Arishtas related to Prameha.
38. Describe Arishtas related to Netra.
39. Write the definition of Arishta.
40. Write about Gomaya Churneeyam.
41. Write about abnormal complexion.
42. What is palpable entities?
43. Explain Raktagata Arishtha.
44. Write any two Arishtas related to Jihva(Rasanendriya).
45. Write the types of Svapna.
46. Enlist the Arishta of Shankhaka Roga.
47. How many Prakruta Varna describrd in Indriya Sthana?
48. Enlist the types of Vikruti.
49. Write the resemblance between Pushpa and Aristha.
50. Write the definition of Indriyasthana.
Page 17 of 28
51. Define Pannaroopa.
52. Write about Arishtas related to Rasa.
53. Write the types of Prakruti described in Varnasvarindriyamindriyam
Q.1 Describe Nidanpanchak.
Q.2 Write Nidana, Purvarupa, Upashay and Samprapti of Jwara.
Q.3 Write Nirukti, Nidana,Types and sadhya- asadhyata of Raktapitta.
Q.4 Write Nirukti, Nidana,Samprapti, Lakshanas and sadhyya- asdhyata of
Q.5 Write Nidana, Samprapti and types of Prameha.
Q.6 Write Nidana, Purvarupa, Rupa and types of Kustha.
Q.7 Define Rajyakshya and write Nidana,Purvarupa,Rupa,types and sadhya-
Asadhyata of Rajyakshama.
Q.8 Write Nidana,Samprapti,Types and Rupa of Unmada.
Q.9 Define Apasmara and write Samprapti and Lakshanas according to its types.
Q.10 Write in detail about Gulma Nidana Adhyaya.
Q.11 Write in detail about Shosha Nidana Adhyaya.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Nidanasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 18 of 28
1. Write short note note on Upashaya.
2. Write short note on importance of Ghrata in girna Jwara.
3. Write short note on sadhys-asadhyata of Rakta-pitta.
4. Write short note on types of Rakta-pitta.
5. Write short note on Raktaj Gulma.
6. Write short note on Dosha-Dushya of Prameha.
7. Write short note on Dosha-Dushya of Kushtha.
8. Write short note on Purvarupa of Kushtha.
9. Write syptoms of Kaphaj Kushtha.
10. Write symptoms of Mandala Kushtha.
11. Write symptoms of Udumber Kushtha.
12. Write about Nidana of Rajyakshama.
13. Write about Ekadash Rupa of Rajyakshama.
14. Write Samprapti of Unmada.
15. Write samprapti of Apasmara.
16. Explain Nidanarthaka Roga.
17. Write about Vyadhi sankar.
18. Write a short note on Dashvidh pariksha.
17. How many type of Pittaja Prameha according to Charaka Samhita?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Nidanasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 19 of 28
Write its common symptoms.
18. Explain ?Chatvarishoshsyaaayatanani?.
33. What may be the result to neglect the Sadhya Roga? Explain.
34. Write short note about Unmada.
35. Write the symptoms of Vataja Prameha.
36. Enlist all types of Prameha.
37. What is the meaning of Nidanarthak Roga?
38. Write in detail about Nidana Panchaka.
39. Write the Nidana of Kshya Roga with Samprapti.
40. Write about Nidana Panchaka.
41. Describe the samprapti of Prameha Roga.
42. Explain the types of Raktapitta.
43. Explain the types of Kaphaja and Pittaja Prameha.
44. Write about Nidanarthakara Roga.
45. Write in details the types of Samprapt
46. Write short note on: Rogi Pareeksha.
47. Write symptoms of Kaphaja Prameha.
48. Write in Detail about Shleshmaja Krimi.
49. Write the types and Sadhyasadhyatva of Kustha Roga.
50. What may be the result to neglect the curable Kustha? Explain.
Page 20 of 28
Q.1 Write symptoms of Roga.
Q.2 Write kakshana of Roga.
Q.3 Write Lakshana of Upashya.
Q.4 Enlist Samprapti.
Q.5 Write Viprakrishtha karana of Jwara.
Q.6 Enlist type of Jwara.
Q.7 Enlist type of Rakta-pitta.
Q.8 Enlist Dushya of Prameha.
Q.9 Write name of Kaphaj Prameha.
Q.10 Write name of Pittaj Prameha
Q.11 Write name of Vataj Prameha.
Q.12 Define Unmada.
Q.13 Define Apasmara.
Q.14 Define Rajyakshama.
Q.15 Enlist Prameha.
Q.16 What are Pratyatma Lakshanas of Apasram?
Q.17 Enlist Gulma.
Q.18 Write the causative factore of Smruti.
Q.19 Enlist Gulma.
Q.20 Enlist Kushtha.
Q.21 Define Rupa.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Nidanasthana
2 marks Questions
Page 21 of 28
Q.22 Classify Samprapti.
Q.25 Clasify Vyadhi according to ? Jwaranidana?.
Q.26 What is Pratyatma Lakshana of Jwara?
Q.27 What are synonyms of Nidana?
Q.28 Write the UpaDravyas of Kastha.
Q.29 Write Chikitsa sutra of Gulma.
Q.30 Write Asadhya Lakshanas of Kshaya.
Q.31 Write the Updravyas of Raktapittaa.
Q.32 Write the synonyms of Hetu.
Q.33 Write the types of Unmada.
Q.34 Write the Updrav of Prameha.
Q.35 Write the types of Kustha accroding to Nidana Sthana.
Q.36 Write Chikitsa Sutra of Sadhya Apasmara.
Q.37 Write about Nidanarthakara Roga.
Q.38 What is Purvaroopas?
Q.39 Write the types of Samprapti.
Q.40 What is Pratyatma Lakshana of Jwara?
Q.41 Write the four causes of Shosha.
Q.42 Write about Prameha Sadhyasadhyatva.
Q.43 Write about Raktapitta Sadhyasadhyatva. - FirstRanker's Choice
Page 1 of 28
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A
? Sutra Sthana - 40 marks
? Indriya Sthaa - 10 marks
1. One compulsory questions 10 marks
2. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
3. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each 20 marks
4. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-3 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Part B
? Nidana Sthana - 15 marks
? Vimana Sthana - 20 marks
? Sharira Sthana - 15 marks
5. One compulsory questions 10 marks
6. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
7. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each. 20 marks
8. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-6 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Page 2 of 28
Q.1 Describe the importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.2 Explain ?
Q.3 Explain ?
Q.4 Explain Matrashitiya Adhyaya.
Q.5 Explain Shishira Ritucharya.
Q.6 Explain Vasanta Ritucharya.
Q.7 Exlain Grishma Ritucharya.
Q.8 Explain Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.9 Explain Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.10 Explain Hemanta Ritucharya.
Q.11 Write the subject matter of ?na Vegandharniya? Adhyaya.
Q.12Write diseases and treatment of Mala Vegadharan, mutraVega
Dharan, Virya Vegadharana, Apanavayu Vegadharan.
Q.13 Write disease and treatment of ChardiNigrah, Khavathudharan,Udgara
Nigraha and Jrumbha Nigraha.
Q.14 Write diseases and treatment of Kshudha, Trashna, Bashpa, Nidra and Shram-
Q.15 Explain about Dharaniya Vega.
Q.16 Write about Indriya panch panchak.
Q.17 Describe the subject matter of Khuddak Chatuspad.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 3 of 28
Q.18 Explain ?
Q.19 Explain the subject of Maha Chatuspad
Q.20 Describe the subject matter of Vatakalakaliya.
Q.22 What is Ojas? Write the symptoms of Ojokshaya.
Q.23 Write the subject matter of AstauninditiyaAdhyaya.
Q.24 Describe Hitakara and Ahitakara ahar by nature.
Q.25 Write about Shada Upakrama according to Sutra Sthana.
Q.26 Write about Sneha described in Snehadhyay. Describe in detail about Kala
of Snehapana.
Q.27 Explain ?
Q.28 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachatuska.
Q.29 Explain?
Q.30 Write in detail about Santarpana.
Q.31 Write in detail about Swedana.
Q.32 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachutuska.
Q.33 Write in detail about Chaturvidh Pramanas described in Tistraishaneeya
Q.34 Write the difference between Uttarayana and Dakshinayana?
Write in detail about Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.35 Explain ?
Q.36 Explain ?
Page 4 of 28
Q.1 short note on Sadacharana.
Q.2 worthy of doing Sadavartans.
Q.3 Q.4 Write the Gunas of Vaidya.
Q.4 Write the Gunas of Aushadha Dravya according to Khuddak chatuspad.
Q.5 Write the Gunas of Paricharaka.
Q. 6Write the Gunas of Rogi.
Q.7 Describe the importance of Vaidya in chatuspad.
Q.8 Explain ? ?
Q.9 Explain ? ?
Q.10 Write symptoms of Sukha Sadhya dieses.
Q.11 write symptoms of Krichha Sadhya dieses.
Q.12 Write about Trividh Eshanas.
Q.13 Describe Trividh Bala.
Q.14 Describe Trividh Vaidya.
Q.15 Describe Trividh aushadha.
Q.16 Describe the Karma of Vata.
Q.17 Describe the Karma of Pita.
Q.18 Describe the Karma of Kapha.
Q.19 Why Ghrit is best among all Sneha Dravya.
Q.20 Explain ?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 5 of 28
Q.21 Explain - |
Q.22 Write about Doshgati according to Kiyantashirasiya Adhyaya.
Q.23 What is called NijaRoga?
Q.24 What is called AgantukaRoga?
Q.25 Enlistthe Nanatmaja Vatavikara.
Q.26 Enlist Nanatmaja pitavikara.
Q.27 Enlist Nanatmaja kaphavikara.
Q.28 Explain
Q.29 Explain about Nindra.
Q.30 Write the syptoms of Samyaka langhana.
Q.31 Write about Samtarpan.
Q.32 Write about Apatarpana.
Q.33 Write ten Shrestha Ahar Dravya.
Q.34 Write shortnote about types of Dravya.
Q.35 Write shortnote about Samanya and Vishes.
Q.36 Dosha Sangraha of Sharira and Mana.
Q.37 Explain-
Q.38 Write Pathya and Apathhya Padartha of swasthya.
Q.39 Write short note on Udvartana.
Q.40 Explain-
Q.41 Write about Vyayama.
Q.42 Explain-
Q.43 Explain ?Dadhiseven?
Q.44 Give short note on Adanakala.
Q.45 Give short note on Visargakala.
Q.46 Give short note on Rutu Sandhi.
Page 6 of 28
Q.47 Explain-
Q.48 Write about Santarpana.
Q.49 Write about Koshtha according to SnehAdhyaya.
Q.50 Explain-
Q.51 Write about short on Apatarpana.
Q.52 Write the symptoms of Hina and Aviyoga of Vamana.
Q.54 Describe Hridaya on basis of ?ArthedashmahamuliyAdhyaya?.
Q.55 Describe common qualities of Phala varga.
Q.56 Describe the indications of Swedana.
Q.57 Write short note on:Importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.58 Write short note on:Trividha Rogamarga.
Q.59 Describe the Contraindications of Swedana.
Q.60 Describe the Atiyoga Lakshanas of Vamana.
Q.61 Describe the common qualities of Ikhshuvarga.
Q.62 Write about Santarpanottha Vikara.
Q.63 Explain Dharaneeya Vega.
Q.64 Describe Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.65 Describe the subjects mention in Mahachatuspada Adhyaya of Charaka
Q.66 Write the name of Drugs of Jeevsneeya and Deepaneeya Mahakashaya.
Q.67 Write types and functions of Vayu.
Q.68 Write about types of the Rejectoors of Rebirth.
Q.79 Write causes and types of Shotha Roga.
Q.80 Write definition and types of Langhana.
Q.81 Mention the Panchabhautikatva of Rasa.
Q.82 What is Yojana Chatuska? Mention the name of Adhyaya of it.
Q.83 Write about Pranabhisara Vaidya.
Page 7 of 28
Q.84 Write about Kalpana Chatuska.
Q.85 Write about Trividha Apatarpana.
Q.86 Write the types of Vaidys.
Q.87 Write about Karsu and Kuti Sweda.
Q.88 Explain in detail the types of HridRoga.
Q.89 Write the characteristics Yapya and Anupakramya Vyadhi
Q.90 Write about Yukti Pramana.
Q.91 Explain Roga Chatuska.
Q.92 Give the details of Kritanna Varga.
Q.93 Write short note on : Shada Upakrama.
Q.93 Write short note on : Ashtaunindita Purusha.
Q.95 Write short note on : Panchapanchaka.
Q.96 Which disease are manifested due to Aptarpana?
Q.97 Write about Krimija HridRoga.
Q.98 Write a short note on MatrasheetiyAdhyaya.
Q.99 Enlist Apatarpana Janita Vyadhi.
Q.100 What is the meaning of Langhana? Explain.
Q.101 Write the indications of Sneha.
Q.102 How many Mahakashayas described in Sutrasthana? Write the name of
the drug from any two Mahakashayas.
Q.103 Write short note on: Dasha Pranayatana.
Q.104 Explain-
Q.105 Explain -
Q.106 Explain-
Q.107 Explain-
Q.108 Explain-
Page 8 of 28
Q.109 Explain ...... ||
Q.110 Explain
Q.111 Explain -
Q.112 Explain-
Page 9 of 28
Q.1 Enlist quality of Aushadha according to Sutra Sthana 9.
Q.2 Hansodaka.
Q.3 Enlist Ashatunindniya.
Q.4 Enlist Shudha Rakta Lakshana according to VidhishonitiyAdhyaya.
Q.5 Enlist quality of Paricharika according to Sutra sthana.
Q.6 Enlist Aishana.
Q.7 How many types of Kshayas are describe in KiyantakshirashiyAdhyaya?
Q.21 Indicates special qualities of Suddha Rakta..
Q.22 Enlist common qualities of Langhana Dravyas according to
Q.23 Write the name of chapters included in Bheshaja Chatuska.
Q.24 Write any two indications of Swedana.
Q.25 Write the name of Niragni Sweda.
Q.26 Write the types of Milk.
Q.27 Write the types and importance of Fat.
Q.28 Write the name of drugs which are useful in Vamana.
Q.29 Write about five types of Extract preparations.
Q.30 Write about Samanya and Vishesha.
Q.31 What is Vatakalakaliya?
Q.32 What is Trisutra?
Q.33 Which karan Dravyas in gyanendriyas?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
2 marks Questions
Page 10 of 28
Q.34Which are adhytma Dravya?
Q.35 Who keeps central on indriyas?
Q.36 Define Pranabhisara Vaidya.
Q.37 What is meant by Yapya?
Q.38 What is meant by Pratyakhyeya?
Q.39 Write the name of Trividh Eshnas.
Q.40 What is meant by Praneshna.
Q.41What is considered in tri Upastambh.
Q.42 How many types of Bala?
Q.43 Write the types of Sneha.
Q.44 How many Pravicharana of Sneha.
Q.45 Write the Anupana of Sneha.
Q.46 Write the types of Sweda.
Q.47 Write symptom of Chikitsa .
Q.48 Which is Uttam Anga?
Q.49 Define Ojas.
Q.50 How many pidaka occur in upekshaya of madhumeha.
Q.51 Anlist Udar Roga.
Q.52 Anlist Kustha Roga.
Q.53 Anlist Gulm.
Q.54 What is meant by Langhan.
Q.55 Define Brumhana.
Q.56 Define Rukshan.
Q.57 Define Stambhana.
Q.58 Define Snehan.
Q.59 Write the symptom of Vishuddha shonita.
Q.60 What is called Pathya?
Q.61 What is called Apathy?
Q.62 Enlist the Asava.
Page 11 of 28
Q.63 Define Ayu.
Q.64 Define Ayurveda.
Q.65 Enlist Mulini.
Q.66 Enlist Phalini.
Q.67 Enlist Sneha.
Q.68 Enlist Lavana.
Q.69 Write sympoms of Uttam Vaidya.
Q.70 Enlist yavagu of Apamarga tanduliya Adhyaya.
Q.71 Enlist churn pralepa of Aragavadhiya Adhyaya.
Q.72 Enlist Virechana yoga.
Q.73 Enlist and give name of virechana ashraya.
Q.74 Enlist Kashaya yoni.
Q.75 Enlist and give Kashay ?.
Q.76 Enlist adharaniya Vegas.
Q.77 Which Lakshana happen by Mala Nigraha?
Q.78 Which Lakshana happen by Mutra Nigraha
Q.79 Which Lakshana happen by stopping Vega of virya?
Q.80 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Mala Nigrah?
Q.81 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Mutra Nigrah?
Q.82 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Virya Nigrah?
Q.83 Which Lakshanas are happen by stopping Vega of sneezing?
Q.84Which treatment should be given in Khavathu Nigraha?
Q.85 People of which Prakriti are always ill?
Q.86 What happen by stopping of Vega Vomitting?
Q.87 Which Lakshanas are happened by Apanavayu Nigrah?
Q.88 Which treatment should be given in disease caused by apanavayu Nigrah?
Q.89 Which Lakshanas are happen by kshudha Nigrah?
Q.90 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Kshudha Nigrah?
Q.91 Which Lakshanas are happen by Nindra Nigrah?
Page 12 of 28
Q.92 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Nindra Nigrah
Q.93 Give the name of the chapters of ?ANNAPAN CHATUSKA?
Q.94 Write any two indications of Swedana.
Q.95 Write the name of Niragni Sweda.
Q.96 Enlist the names of Shat Upakrama.
Q.97 Enlist the names of Shat Shodhana Vriksha.
Q.98 Write about Lekhaneeya Mahakashaya.
Q.99 Write about Trividh Apatarpana.
Page 13 of 28
1. Write short note on Sadhyomaranendriya Adhyaya.
2. Write in short about AvakashirashendriyAdhyaya.
3. Write an essay on Indriya Sthana.
4. Write the short note on Indriya Sthana and describe the subjects of
chapter-7 of Indriya Sthana.
5. Is Indriya Sthana important in these era?How?
6. Write about the Arishtas described in Katamani Shaririyamindriyam.
7. Write about the chapter on cow dung like powder.
8. Describe Sadhya Maraniya Indriya.
9. Write any five Arishtas described in poorvarupiyam Adhyaya.
10. Write about Parimarshaneeyamindriyam
11. Write about Indriyaneekamindriyama.
12. Define Arishtha and write ten Roga?s arishtha according to Charaka.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 14 of 28
1. Write about Chaya.
2. Write about Prabha.
3. Explain importance of Indriyasthana.
4. Is knowledge of Indriya Stahana useful in Chikitsa?How?
5. Describe Arishtas related to Gandh(smell) and Rasa(taste).
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 15 of 28
1. Enlist Prakruta swara according to Indriya Stahana.
2. Write Swapna Aristha of Gulma.
3. Mention Swapna Arista of Unmada.
4. Enlist the types of Vikruti.
5. Define Arishta.
6. Write the difference between Chhya and Prabha.
7. Write Swara Vishayaka Arishta.
8. Define Aabhasi Chhaya.
9. What is Chhaya?
10. Enlist the Aristas related to skin on the basis of
11. How many Vaikruta Varna described in Indriya Sthana?
12. Enlist Svapna arishta of Kushtha.
13. Enlist Arishta of Shankhaka Roga.
14. How many Prakrut Varna described in Indriya Sthana?
15. Enlist Swapna Arishta of Gulma.
16. What is Prabha?
17. Enumerate:Vikruta Varna.
18. Describe Purvarupiya Arishta of Gulma.
19. Enlist characteristics of Samprakruti.
20. What is Prabha? Explain shortly.
21. What are the Chatuspad Vishayak Arishta?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
2 marks Questions
Page 16 of 28
22. Describe Swara Vishyak Arishta.
23. Write any two Arishtas related to Sparsha.
24. Write the types of Pralriti described in Indriyasthana.
25. Write the Prodromal Aristhas related to Gulma.
26. Write about Netra Vishyak Arishta.
27. Write signs of Prasasta Doota.
28. Write about Samsthan according to Pannarupeeya Adhyaya.
29. Write Premonitory Arishta of Gulma.
30. Write Premonitory Aridhts of Kustha.
31. What is Anujyoti?
32. Write about Chatuspada Vishayak Aristha.
33. Write Netra Vishayak Arishta.
34. Mention Premonitory Arishta of Jwara.
35. Write importance Arishta in Chikitsa.
36. Write types of Prabha.
37. Write Prodromal Arishtas related to Prameha.
38. Describe Arishtas related to Netra.
39. Write the definition of Arishta.
40. Write about Gomaya Churneeyam.
41. Write about abnormal complexion.
42. What is palpable entities?
43. Explain Raktagata Arishtha.
44. Write any two Arishtas related to Jihva(Rasanendriya).
45. Write the types of Svapna.
46. Enlist the Arishta of Shankhaka Roga.
47. How many Prakruta Varna describrd in Indriya Sthana?
48. Enlist the types of Vikruti.
49. Write the resemblance between Pushpa and Aristha.
50. Write the definition of Indriyasthana.
Page 17 of 28
51. Define Pannaroopa.
52. Write about Arishtas related to Rasa.
53. Write the types of Prakruti described in Varnasvarindriyamindriyam
Q.1 Describe Nidanpanchak.
Q.2 Write Nidana, Purvarupa, Upashay and Samprapti of Jwara.
Q.3 Write Nirukti, Nidana,Types and sadhya- asadhyata of Raktapitta.
Q.4 Write Nirukti, Nidana,Samprapti, Lakshanas and sadhyya- asdhyata of
Q.5 Write Nidana, Samprapti and types of Prameha.
Q.6 Write Nidana, Purvarupa, Rupa and types of Kustha.
Q.7 Define Rajyakshya and write Nidana,Purvarupa,Rupa,types and sadhya-
Asadhyata of Rajyakshama.
Q.8 Write Nidana,Samprapti,Types and Rupa of Unmada.
Q.9 Define Apasmara and write Samprapti and Lakshanas according to its types.
Q.10 Write in detail about Gulma Nidana Adhyaya.
Q.11 Write in detail about Shosha Nidana Adhyaya.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Nidanasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 18 of 28
1. Write short note note on Upashaya.
2. Write short note on importance of Ghrata in girna Jwara.
3. Write short note on sadhys-asadhyata of Rakta-pitta.
4. Write short note on types of Rakta-pitta.
5. Write short note on Raktaj Gulma.
6. Write short note on Dosha-Dushya of Prameha.
7. Write short note on Dosha-Dushya of Kushtha.
8. Write short note on Purvarupa of Kushtha.
9. Write syptoms of Kaphaj Kushtha.
10. Write symptoms of Mandala Kushtha.
11. Write symptoms of Udumber Kushtha.
12. Write about Nidana of Rajyakshama.
13. Write about Ekadash Rupa of Rajyakshama.
14. Write Samprapti of Unmada.
15. Write samprapti of Apasmara.
16. Explain Nidanarthaka Roga.
17. Write about Vyadhi sankar.
18. Write a short note on Dashvidh pariksha.
17. How many type of Pittaja Prameha according to Charaka Samhita?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Nidanasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 19 of 28
Write its common symptoms.
18. Explain ?Chatvarishoshsyaaayatanani?.
33. What may be the result to neglect the Sadhya Roga? Explain.
34. Write short note about Unmada.
35. Write the symptoms of Vataja Prameha.
36. Enlist all types of Prameha.
37. What is the meaning of Nidanarthak Roga?
38. Write in detail about Nidana Panchaka.
39. Write the Nidana of Kshya Roga with Samprapti.
40. Write about Nidana Panchaka.
41. Describe the samprapti of Prameha Roga.
42. Explain the types of Raktapitta.
43. Explain the types of Kaphaja and Pittaja Prameha.
44. Write about Nidanarthakara Roga.
45. Write in details the types of Samprapt
46. Write short note on: Rogi Pareeksha.
47. Write symptoms of Kaphaja Prameha.
48. Write in Detail about Shleshmaja Krimi.
49. Write the types and Sadhyasadhyatva of Kustha Roga.
50. What may be the result to neglect the curable Kustha? Explain.
Page 20 of 28
Q.1 Write symptoms of Roga.
Q.2 Write kakshana of Roga.
Q.3 Write Lakshana of Upashya.
Q.4 Enlist Samprapti.
Q.5 Write Viprakrishtha karana of Jwara.
Q.6 Enlist type of Jwara.
Q.7 Enlist type of Rakta-pitta.
Q.8 Enlist Dushya of Prameha.
Q.9 Write name of Kaphaj Prameha.
Q.10 Write name of Pittaj Prameha
Q.11 Write name of Vataj Prameha.
Q.12 Define Unmada.
Q.13 Define Apasmara.
Q.14 Define Rajyakshama.
Q.15 Enlist Prameha.
Q.16 What are Pratyatma Lakshanas of Apasram?
Q.17 Enlist Gulma.
Q.18 Write the causative factore of Smruti.
Q.19 Enlist Gulma.
Q.20 Enlist Kushtha.
Q.21 Define Rupa.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Nidanasthana
2 marks Questions
Page 21 of 28
Q.22 Classify Samprapti.
Q.25 Clasify Vyadhi according to ? Jwaranidana?.
Q.26 What is Pratyatma Lakshana of Jwara?
Q.27 What are synonyms of Nidana?
Q.28 Write the UpaDravyas of Kastha.
Q.29 Write Chikitsa sutra of Gulma.
Q.30 Write Asadhya Lakshanas of Kshaya.
Q.31 Write the Updravyas of Raktapittaa.
Q.32 Write the synonyms of Hetu.
Q.33 Write the types of Unmada.
Q.34 Write the Updrav of Prameha.
Q.35 Write the types of Kustha accroding to Nidana Sthana.
Q.36 Write Chikitsa Sutra of Sadhya Apasmara.
Q.37 Write about Nidanarthakara Roga.
Q.38 What is Purvaroopas?
Q.39 Write the types of Samprapti.
Q.40 What is Pratyatma Lakshana of Jwara?
Q.41 Write the four causes of Shosha.
Q.42 Write about Prameha Sadhyasadhyatva.
Q.43 Write about Raktapitta Sadhyasadhyatva.
Page 22 of 28
Q.1 Write Nirukti of Vimana and give importance of Viman Sthana.
Q.2 Describe Ashta Ahar Vidhi visheshayatanani..
Q.3 Write the subject matter of Janapadodhvnaniya Vimana.
Q.4 Write the subject matter of Stroto Vimana.
Q.5 Describe Ahar Vidhi Vidhana.
Q.6 Write an essay on Krimi.
Q.7 Write the causative factors, symptoms and line of treatment of srotodushti.
Q.8 Write in detail about Trividh Kulsheeyam Vimana Adhyaya.
Q.9 Write in short about Trividha kukkhiya VimanAdhyaya.
Q.10 Describe Nishthiki Chikitsa.
Q.11 Describe Satmya.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Vimanasthana
10 marks Questions - FirstRanker's Choice
Page 1 of 28
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A
? Sutra Sthana - 40 marks
? Indriya Sthaa - 10 marks
1. One compulsory questions 10 marks
2. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
3. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each 20 marks
4. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-3 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Part B
? Nidana Sthana - 15 marks
? Vimana Sthana - 20 marks
? Sharira Sthana - 15 marks
5. One compulsory questions 10 marks
6. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
7. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each. 20 marks
8. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-6 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Page 2 of 28
Q.1 Describe the importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.2 Explain ?
Q.3 Explain ?
Q.4 Explain Matrashitiya Adhyaya.
Q.5 Explain Shishira Ritucharya.
Q.6 Explain Vasanta Ritucharya.
Q.7 Exlain Grishma Ritucharya.
Q.8 Explain Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.9 Explain Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.10 Explain Hemanta Ritucharya.
Q.11 Write the subject matter of ?na Vegandharniya? Adhyaya.
Q.12Write diseases and treatment of Mala Vegadharan, mutraVega
Dharan, Virya Vegadharana, Apanavayu Vegadharan.
Q.13 Write disease and treatment of ChardiNigrah, Khavathudharan,Udgara
Nigraha and Jrumbha Nigraha.
Q.14 Write diseases and treatment of Kshudha, Trashna, Bashpa, Nidra and Shram-
Q.15 Explain about Dharaniya Vega.
Q.16 Write about Indriya panch panchak.
Q.17 Describe the subject matter of Khuddak Chatuspad.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 3 of 28
Q.18 Explain ?
Q.19 Explain the subject of Maha Chatuspad
Q.20 Describe the subject matter of Vatakalakaliya.
Q.22 What is Ojas? Write the symptoms of Ojokshaya.
Q.23 Write the subject matter of AstauninditiyaAdhyaya.
Q.24 Describe Hitakara and Ahitakara ahar by nature.
Q.25 Write about Shada Upakrama according to Sutra Sthana.
Q.26 Write about Sneha described in Snehadhyay. Describe in detail about Kala
of Snehapana.
Q.27 Explain ?
Q.28 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachatuska.
Q.29 Explain?
Q.30 Write in detail about Santarpana.
Q.31 Write in detail about Swedana.
Q.32 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachutuska.
Q.33 Write in detail about Chaturvidh Pramanas described in Tistraishaneeya
Q.34 Write the difference between Uttarayana and Dakshinayana?
Write in detail about Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.35 Explain ?
Q.36 Explain ?
Page 4 of 28
Q.1 short note on Sadacharana.
Q.2 worthy of doing Sadavartans.
Q.3 Q.4 Write the Gunas of Vaidya.
Q.4 Write the Gunas of Aushadha Dravya according to Khuddak chatuspad.
Q.5 Write the Gunas of Paricharaka.
Q. 6Write the Gunas of Rogi.
Q.7 Describe the importance of Vaidya in chatuspad.
Q.8 Explain ? ?
Q.9 Explain ? ?
Q.10 Write symptoms of Sukha Sadhya dieses.
Q.11 write symptoms of Krichha Sadhya dieses.
Q.12 Write about Trividh Eshanas.
Q.13 Describe Trividh Bala.
Q.14 Describe Trividh Vaidya.
Q.15 Describe Trividh aushadha.
Q.16 Describe the Karma of Vata.
Q.17 Describe the Karma of Pita.
Q.18 Describe the Karma of Kapha.
Q.19 Why Ghrit is best among all Sneha Dravya.
Q.20 Explain ?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 5 of 28
Q.21 Explain - |
Q.22 Write about Doshgati according to Kiyantashirasiya Adhyaya.
Q.23 What is called NijaRoga?
Q.24 What is called AgantukaRoga?
Q.25 Enlistthe Nanatmaja Vatavikara.
Q.26 Enlist Nanatmaja pitavikara.
Q.27 Enlist Nanatmaja kaphavikara.
Q.28 Explain
Q.29 Explain about Nindra.
Q.30 Write the syptoms of Samyaka langhana.
Q.31 Write about Samtarpan.
Q.32 Write about Apatarpana.
Q.33 Write ten Shrestha Ahar Dravya.
Q.34 Write shortnote about types of Dravya.
Q.35 Write shortnote about Samanya and Vishes.
Q.36 Dosha Sangraha of Sharira and Mana.
Q.37 Explain-
Q.38 Write Pathya and Apathhya Padartha of swasthya.
Q.39 Write short note on Udvartana.
Q.40 Explain-
Q.41 Write about Vyayama.
Q.42 Explain-
Q.43 Explain ?Dadhiseven?
Q.44 Give short note on Adanakala.
Q.45 Give short note on Visargakala.
Q.46 Give short note on Rutu Sandhi.
Page 6 of 28
Q.47 Explain-
Q.48 Write about Santarpana.
Q.49 Write about Koshtha according to SnehAdhyaya.
Q.50 Explain-
Q.51 Write about short on Apatarpana.
Q.52 Write the symptoms of Hina and Aviyoga of Vamana.
Q.54 Describe Hridaya on basis of ?ArthedashmahamuliyAdhyaya?.
Q.55 Describe common qualities of Phala varga.
Q.56 Describe the indications of Swedana.
Q.57 Write short note on:Importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.58 Write short note on:Trividha Rogamarga.
Q.59 Describe the Contraindications of Swedana.
Q.60 Describe the Atiyoga Lakshanas of Vamana.
Q.61 Describe the common qualities of Ikhshuvarga.
Q.62 Write about Santarpanottha Vikara.
Q.63 Explain Dharaneeya Vega.
Q.64 Describe Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.65 Describe the subjects mention in Mahachatuspada Adhyaya of Charaka
Q.66 Write the name of Drugs of Jeevsneeya and Deepaneeya Mahakashaya.
Q.67 Write types and functions of Vayu.
Q.68 Write about types of the Rejectoors of Rebirth.
Q.79 Write causes and types of Shotha Roga.
Q.80 Write definition and types of Langhana.
Q.81 Mention the Panchabhautikatva of Rasa.
Q.82 What is Yojana Chatuska? Mention the name of Adhyaya of it.
Q.83 Write about Pranabhisara Vaidya.
Page 7 of 28
Q.84 Write about Kalpana Chatuska.
Q.85 Write about Trividha Apatarpana.
Q.86 Write the types of Vaidys.
Q.87 Write about Karsu and Kuti Sweda.
Q.88 Explain in detail the types of HridRoga.
Q.89 Write the characteristics Yapya and Anupakramya Vyadhi
Q.90 Write about Yukti Pramana.
Q.91 Explain Roga Chatuska.
Q.92 Give the details of Kritanna Varga.
Q.93 Write short note on : Shada Upakrama.
Q.93 Write short note on : Ashtaunindita Purusha.
Q.95 Write short note on : Panchapanchaka.
Q.96 Which disease are manifested due to Aptarpana?
Q.97 Write about Krimija HridRoga.
Q.98 Write a short note on MatrasheetiyAdhyaya.
Q.99 Enlist Apatarpana Janita Vyadhi.
Q.100 What is the meaning of Langhana? Explain.
Q.101 Write the indications of Sneha.
Q.102 How many Mahakashayas described in Sutrasthana? Write the name of
the drug from any two Mahakashayas.
Q.103 Write short note on: Dasha Pranayatana.
Q.104 Explain-
Q.105 Explain -
Q.106 Explain-
Q.107 Explain-
Q.108 Explain-
Page 8 of 28
Q.109 Explain ...... ||
Q.110 Explain
Q.111 Explain -
Q.112 Explain-
Page 9 of 28
Q.1 Enlist quality of Aushadha according to Sutra Sthana 9.
Q.2 Hansodaka.
Q.3 Enlist Ashatunindniya.
Q.4 Enlist Shudha Rakta Lakshana according to VidhishonitiyAdhyaya.
Q.5 Enlist quality of Paricharika according to Sutra sthana.
Q.6 Enlist Aishana.
Q.7 How many types of Kshayas are describe in KiyantakshirashiyAdhyaya?
Q.21 Indicates special qualities of Suddha Rakta..
Q.22 Enlist common qualities of Langhana Dravyas according to
Q.23 Write the name of chapters included in Bheshaja Chatuska.
Q.24 Write any two indications of Swedana.
Q.25 Write the name of Niragni Sweda.
Q.26 Write the types of Milk.
Q.27 Write the types and importance of Fat.
Q.28 Write the name of drugs which are useful in Vamana.
Q.29 Write about five types of Extract preparations.
Q.30 Write about Samanya and Vishesha.
Q.31 What is Vatakalakaliya?
Q.32 What is Trisutra?
Q.33 Which karan Dravyas in gyanendriyas?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
2 marks Questions
Page 10 of 28
Q.34Which are adhytma Dravya?
Q.35 Who keeps central on indriyas?
Q.36 Define Pranabhisara Vaidya.
Q.37 What is meant by Yapya?
Q.38 What is meant by Pratyakhyeya?
Q.39 Write the name of Trividh Eshnas.
Q.40 What is meant by Praneshna.
Q.41What is considered in tri Upastambh.
Q.42 How many types of Bala?
Q.43 Write the types of Sneha.
Q.44 How many Pravicharana of Sneha.
Q.45 Write the Anupana of Sneha.
Q.46 Write the types of Sweda.
Q.47 Write symptom of Chikitsa .
Q.48 Which is Uttam Anga?
Q.49 Define Ojas.
Q.50 How many pidaka occur in upekshaya of madhumeha.
Q.51 Anlist Udar Roga.
Q.52 Anlist Kustha Roga.
Q.53 Anlist Gulm.
Q.54 What is meant by Langhan.
Q.55 Define Brumhana.
Q.56 Define Rukshan.
Q.57 Define Stambhana.
Q.58 Define Snehan.
Q.59 Write the symptom of Vishuddha shonita.
Q.60 What is called Pathya?
Q.61 What is called Apathy?
Q.62 Enlist the Asava.
Page 11 of 28
Q.63 Define Ayu.
Q.64 Define Ayurveda.
Q.65 Enlist Mulini.
Q.66 Enlist Phalini.
Q.67 Enlist Sneha.
Q.68 Enlist Lavana.
Q.69 Write sympoms of Uttam Vaidya.
Q.70 Enlist yavagu of Apamarga tanduliya Adhyaya.
Q.71 Enlist churn pralepa of Aragavadhiya Adhyaya.
Q.72 Enlist Virechana yoga.
Q.73 Enlist and give name of virechana ashraya.
Q.74 Enlist Kashaya yoni.
Q.75 Enlist and give Kashay ?.
Q.76 Enlist adharaniya Vegas.
Q.77 Which Lakshana happen by Mala Nigraha?
Q.78 Which Lakshana happen by Mutra Nigraha
Q.79 Which Lakshana happen by stopping Vega of virya?
Q.80 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Mala Nigrah?
Q.81 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Mutra Nigrah?
Q.82 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Virya Nigrah?
Q.83 Which Lakshanas are happen by stopping Vega of sneezing?
Q.84Which treatment should be given in Khavathu Nigraha?
Q.85 People of which Prakriti are always ill?
Q.86 What happen by stopping of Vega Vomitting?
Q.87 Which Lakshanas are happened by Apanavayu Nigrah?
Q.88 Which treatment should be given in disease caused by apanavayu Nigrah?
Q.89 Which Lakshanas are happen by kshudha Nigrah?
Q.90 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Kshudha Nigrah?
Q.91 Which Lakshanas are happen by Nindra Nigrah?
Page 12 of 28
Q.92 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Nindra Nigrah
Q.93 Give the name of the chapters of ?ANNAPAN CHATUSKA?
Q.94 Write any two indications of Swedana.
Q.95 Write the name of Niragni Sweda.
Q.96 Enlist the names of Shat Upakrama.
Q.97 Enlist the names of Shat Shodhana Vriksha.
Q.98 Write about Lekhaneeya Mahakashaya.
Q.99 Write about Trividh Apatarpana.
Page 13 of 28
1. Write short note on Sadhyomaranendriya Adhyaya.
2. Write in short about AvakashirashendriyAdhyaya.
3. Write an essay on Indriya Sthana.
4. Write the short note on Indriya Sthana and describe the subjects of
chapter-7 of Indriya Sthana.
5. Is Indriya Sthana important in these era?How?
6. Write about the Arishtas described in Katamani Shaririyamindriyam.
7. Write about the chapter on cow dung like powder.
8. Describe Sadhya Maraniya Indriya.
9. Write any five Arishtas described in poorvarupiyam Adhyaya.
10. Write about Parimarshaneeyamindriyam
11. Write about Indriyaneekamindriyama.
12. Define Arishtha and write ten Roga?s arishtha according to Charaka.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 14 of 28
1. Write about Chaya.
2. Write about Prabha.
3. Explain importance of Indriyasthana.
4. Is knowledge of Indriya Stahana useful in Chikitsa?How?
5. Describe Arishtas related to Gandh(smell) and Rasa(taste).
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 15 of 28
1. Enlist Prakruta swara according to Indriya Stahana.
2. Write Swapna Aristha of Gulma.
3. Mention Swapna Arista of Unmada.
4. Enlist the types of Vikruti.
5. Define Arishta.
6. Write the difference between Chhya and Prabha.
7. Write Swara Vishayaka Arishta.
8. Define Aabhasi Chhaya.
9. What is Chhaya?
10. Enlist the Aristas related to skin on the basis of
11. How many Vaikruta Varna described in Indriya Sthana?
12. Enlist Svapna arishta of Kushtha.
13. Enlist Arishta of Shankhaka Roga.
14. How many Prakrut Varna described in Indriya Sthana?
15. Enlist Swapna Arishta of Gulma.
16. What is Prabha?
17. Enumerate:Vikruta Varna.
18. Describe Purvarupiya Arishta of Gulma.
19. Enlist characteristics of Samprakruti.
20. What is Prabha? Explain shortly.
21. What are the Chatuspad Vishayak Arishta?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
2 marks Questions
Page 16 of 28
22. Describe Swara Vishyak Arishta.
23. Write any two Arishtas related to Sparsha.
24. Write the types of Pralriti described in Indriyasthana.
25. Write the Prodromal Aristhas related to Gulma.
26. Write about Netra Vishyak Arishta.
27. Write signs of Prasasta Doota.
28. Write about Samsthan according to Pannarupeeya Adhyaya.
29. Write Premonitory Arishta of Gulma.
30. Write Premonitory Aridhts of Kustha.
31. What is Anujyoti?
32. Write about Chatuspada Vishayak Aristha.
33. Write Netra Vishayak Arishta.
34. Mention Premonitory Arishta of Jwara.
35. Write importance Arishta in Chikitsa.
36. Write types of Prabha.
37. Write Prodromal Arishtas related to Prameha.
38. Describe Arishtas related to Netra.
39. Write the definition of Arishta.
40. Write about Gomaya Churneeyam.
41. Write about abnormal complexion.
42. What is palpable entities?
43. Explain Raktagata Arishtha.
44. Write any two Arishtas related to Jihva(Rasanendriya).
45. Write the types of Svapna.
46. Enlist the Arishta of Shankhaka Roga.
47. How many Prakruta Varna describrd in Indriya Sthana?
48. Enlist the types of Vikruti.
49. Write the resemblance between Pushpa and Aristha.
50. Write the definition of Indriyasthana.
Page 17 of 28
51. Define Pannaroopa.
52. Write about Arishtas related to Rasa.
53. Write the types of Prakruti described in Varnasvarindriyamindriyam
Q.1 Describe Nidanpanchak.
Q.2 Write Nidana, Purvarupa, Upashay and Samprapti of Jwara.
Q.3 Write Nirukti, Nidana,Types and sadhya- asadhyata of Raktapitta.
Q.4 Write Nirukti, Nidana,Samprapti, Lakshanas and sadhyya- asdhyata of
Q.5 Write Nidana, Samprapti and types of Prameha.
Q.6 Write Nidana, Purvarupa, Rupa and types of Kustha.
Q.7 Define Rajyakshya and write Nidana,Purvarupa,Rupa,types and sadhya-
Asadhyata of Rajyakshama.
Q.8 Write Nidana,Samprapti,Types and Rupa of Unmada.
Q.9 Define Apasmara and write Samprapti and Lakshanas according to its types.
Q.10 Write in detail about Gulma Nidana Adhyaya.
Q.11 Write in detail about Shosha Nidana Adhyaya.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Nidanasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 18 of 28
1. Write short note note on Upashaya.
2. Write short note on importance of Ghrata in girna Jwara.
3. Write short note on sadhys-asadhyata of Rakta-pitta.
4. Write short note on types of Rakta-pitta.
5. Write short note on Raktaj Gulma.
6. Write short note on Dosha-Dushya of Prameha.
7. Write short note on Dosha-Dushya of Kushtha.
8. Write short note on Purvarupa of Kushtha.
9. Write syptoms of Kaphaj Kushtha.
10. Write symptoms of Mandala Kushtha.
11. Write symptoms of Udumber Kushtha.
12. Write about Nidana of Rajyakshama.
13. Write about Ekadash Rupa of Rajyakshama.
14. Write Samprapti of Unmada.
15. Write samprapti of Apasmara.
16. Explain Nidanarthaka Roga.
17. Write about Vyadhi sankar.
18. Write a short note on Dashvidh pariksha.
17. How many type of Pittaja Prameha according to Charaka Samhita?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Nidanasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 19 of 28
Write its common symptoms.
18. Explain ?Chatvarishoshsyaaayatanani?.
33. What may be the result to neglect the Sadhya Roga? Explain.
34. Write short note about Unmada.
35. Write the symptoms of Vataja Prameha.
36. Enlist all types of Prameha.
37. What is the meaning of Nidanarthak Roga?
38. Write in detail about Nidana Panchaka.
39. Write the Nidana of Kshya Roga with Samprapti.
40. Write about Nidana Panchaka.
41. Describe the samprapti of Prameha Roga.
42. Explain the types of Raktapitta.
43. Explain the types of Kaphaja and Pittaja Prameha.
44. Write about Nidanarthakara Roga.
45. Write in details the types of Samprapt
46. Write short note on: Rogi Pareeksha.
47. Write symptoms of Kaphaja Prameha.
48. Write in Detail about Shleshmaja Krimi.
49. Write the types and Sadhyasadhyatva of Kustha Roga.
50. What may be the result to neglect the curable Kustha? Explain.
Page 20 of 28
Q.1 Write symptoms of Roga.
Q.2 Write kakshana of Roga.
Q.3 Write Lakshana of Upashya.
Q.4 Enlist Samprapti.
Q.5 Write Viprakrishtha karana of Jwara.
Q.6 Enlist type of Jwara.
Q.7 Enlist type of Rakta-pitta.
Q.8 Enlist Dushya of Prameha.
Q.9 Write name of Kaphaj Prameha.
Q.10 Write name of Pittaj Prameha
Q.11 Write name of Vataj Prameha.
Q.12 Define Unmada.
Q.13 Define Apasmara.
Q.14 Define Rajyakshama.
Q.15 Enlist Prameha.
Q.16 What are Pratyatma Lakshanas of Apasram?
Q.17 Enlist Gulma.
Q.18 Write the causative factore of Smruti.
Q.19 Enlist Gulma.
Q.20 Enlist Kushtha.
Q.21 Define Rupa.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Nidanasthana
2 marks Questions
Page 21 of 28
Q.22 Classify Samprapti.
Q.25 Clasify Vyadhi according to ? Jwaranidana?.
Q.26 What is Pratyatma Lakshana of Jwara?
Q.27 What are synonyms of Nidana?
Q.28 Write the UpaDravyas of Kastha.
Q.29 Write Chikitsa sutra of Gulma.
Q.30 Write Asadhya Lakshanas of Kshaya.
Q.31 Write the Updravyas of Raktapittaa.
Q.32 Write the synonyms of Hetu.
Q.33 Write the types of Unmada.
Q.34 Write the Updrav of Prameha.
Q.35 Write the types of Kustha accroding to Nidana Sthana.
Q.36 Write Chikitsa Sutra of Sadhya Apasmara.
Q.37 Write about Nidanarthakara Roga.
Q.38 What is Purvaroopas?
Q.39 Write the types of Samprapti.
Q.40 What is Pratyatma Lakshana of Jwara?
Q.41 Write the four causes of Shosha.
Q.42 Write about Prameha Sadhyasadhyatva.
Q.43 Write about Raktapitta Sadhyasadhyatva.
Page 22 of 28
Q.1 Write Nirukti of Vimana and give importance of Viman Sthana.
Q.2 Describe Ashta Ahar Vidhi visheshayatanani..
Q.3 Write the subject matter of Janapadodhvnaniya Vimana.
Q.4 Write the subject matter of Stroto Vimana.
Q.5 Describe Ahar Vidhi Vidhana.
Q.6 Write an essay on Krimi.
Q.7 Write the causative factors, symptoms and line of treatment of srotodushti.
Q.8 Write in detail about Trividh Kulsheeyam Vimana Adhyaya.
Q.9 Write in short about Trividha kukkhiya VimanAdhyaya.
Q.10 Describe Nishthiki Chikitsa.
Q.11 Describe Satmya.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Vimanasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 23 of 28
Q.1 Describe rules of taking food.
Q.2 Write short note on Ama Pradosh.
Q.3 Tail is Vatahar give the reasons.
Q.4 Ghrit is Pitahar give the reasons.
Q.5 Honey is Kaphahar give the reasons.
Q.6 Write the symptoms of appropriate Aahar.
Q.7 Write the general treatment in Janaoadodhvans.
Q.8 Write the causes and symptoms of Janaoadodhvans.
Q.9 Write the Anumanagamyabhavavishesha.
Q.10 Write the root symptoms of Vikruti and its treatment of Pranavaha strotas.
Q.11 Write the root symptoms of Vikruti and its treatment of Annavaha strotas.
Q.12 Write the general causes and general Vikrut symptoms of Strotas.
Q.13 Write about Sandhya Sambhasha.
Q.14 Write about Vigruhya Sambhasha.
Q.15 Explain Ahara Parinamakara Bhava.
Q.16 Write about Mootravaha Srotodushti Lakshana.
Q.17 Write short note on Pragnaparadha.
Q.18 Write short note on: Importance of Vimana Sthana.
Q.19 Write short note on:Parishad(Types of conference).
Q.20 Explain Lokapurush Samya Siddhanta.
Q.21 What is Siddhanta? Describe its all types.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Vimanasthana
5 marks Questions - FirstRanker's Choice
Page 1 of 28
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A
? Sutra Sthana - 40 marks
? Indriya Sthaa - 10 marks
1. One compulsory questions 10 marks
2. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
3. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each 20 marks
4. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-3 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Part B
? Nidana Sthana - 15 marks
? Vimana Sthana - 20 marks
? Sharira Sthana - 15 marks
5. One compulsory questions 10 marks
6. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
7. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each. 20 marks
8. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-6 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Page 2 of 28
Q.1 Describe the importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.2 Explain ?
Q.3 Explain ?
Q.4 Explain Matrashitiya Adhyaya.
Q.5 Explain Shishira Ritucharya.
Q.6 Explain Vasanta Ritucharya.
Q.7 Exlain Grishma Ritucharya.
Q.8 Explain Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.9 Explain Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.10 Explain Hemanta Ritucharya.
Q.11 Write the subject matter of ?na Vegandharniya? Adhyaya.
Q.12Write diseases and treatment of Mala Vegadharan, mutraVega
Dharan, Virya Vegadharana, Apanavayu Vegadharan.
Q.13 Write disease and treatment of ChardiNigrah, Khavathudharan,Udgara
Nigraha and Jrumbha Nigraha.
Q.14 Write diseases and treatment of Kshudha, Trashna, Bashpa, Nidra and Shram-
Q.15 Explain about Dharaniya Vega.
Q.16 Write about Indriya panch panchak.
Q.17 Describe the subject matter of Khuddak Chatuspad.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 3 of 28
Q.18 Explain ?
Q.19 Explain the subject of Maha Chatuspad
Q.20 Describe the subject matter of Vatakalakaliya.
Q.22 What is Ojas? Write the symptoms of Ojokshaya.
Q.23 Write the subject matter of AstauninditiyaAdhyaya.
Q.24 Describe Hitakara and Ahitakara ahar by nature.
Q.25 Write about Shada Upakrama according to Sutra Sthana.
Q.26 Write about Sneha described in Snehadhyay. Describe in detail about Kala
of Snehapana.
Q.27 Explain ?
Q.28 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachatuska.
Q.29 Explain?
Q.30 Write in detail about Santarpana.
Q.31 Write in detail about Swedana.
Q.32 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachutuska.
Q.33 Write in detail about Chaturvidh Pramanas described in Tistraishaneeya
Q.34 Write the difference between Uttarayana and Dakshinayana?
Write in detail about Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.35 Explain ?
Q.36 Explain ?
Page 4 of 28
Q.1 short note on Sadacharana.
Q.2 worthy of doing Sadavartans.
Q.3 Q.4 Write the Gunas of Vaidya.
Q.4 Write the Gunas of Aushadha Dravya according to Khuddak chatuspad.
Q.5 Write the Gunas of Paricharaka.
Q. 6Write the Gunas of Rogi.
Q.7 Describe the importance of Vaidya in chatuspad.
Q.8 Explain ? ?
Q.9 Explain ? ?
Q.10 Write symptoms of Sukha Sadhya dieses.
Q.11 write symptoms of Krichha Sadhya dieses.
Q.12 Write about Trividh Eshanas.
Q.13 Describe Trividh Bala.
Q.14 Describe Trividh Vaidya.
Q.15 Describe Trividh aushadha.
Q.16 Describe the Karma of Vata.
Q.17 Describe the Karma of Pita.
Q.18 Describe the Karma of Kapha.
Q.19 Why Ghrit is best among all Sneha Dravya.
Q.20 Explain ?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 5 of 28
Q.21 Explain - |
Q.22 Write about Doshgati according to Kiyantashirasiya Adhyaya.
Q.23 What is called NijaRoga?
Q.24 What is called AgantukaRoga?
Q.25 Enlistthe Nanatmaja Vatavikara.
Q.26 Enlist Nanatmaja pitavikara.
Q.27 Enlist Nanatmaja kaphavikara.
Q.28 Explain
Q.29 Explain about Nindra.
Q.30 Write the syptoms of Samyaka langhana.
Q.31 Write about Samtarpan.
Q.32 Write about Apatarpana.
Q.33 Write ten Shrestha Ahar Dravya.
Q.34 Write shortnote about types of Dravya.
Q.35 Write shortnote about Samanya and Vishes.
Q.36 Dosha Sangraha of Sharira and Mana.
Q.37 Explain-
Q.38 Write Pathya and Apathhya Padartha of swasthya.
Q.39 Write short note on Udvartana.
Q.40 Explain-
Q.41 Write about Vyayama.
Q.42 Explain-
Q.43 Explain ?Dadhiseven?
Q.44 Give short note on Adanakala.
Q.45 Give short note on Visargakala.
Q.46 Give short note on Rutu Sandhi.
Page 6 of 28
Q.47 Explain-
Q.48 Write about Santarpana.
Q.49 Write about Koshtha according to SnehAdhyaya.
Q.50 Explain-
Q.51 Write about short on Apatarpana.
Q.52 Write the symptoms of Hina and Aviyoga of Vamana.
Q.54 Describe Hridaya on basis of ?ArthedashmahamuliyAdhyaya?.
Q.55 Describe common qualities of Phala varga.
Q.56 Describe the indications of Swedana.
Q.57 Write short note on:Importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.58 Write short note on:Trividha Rogamarga.
Q.59 Describe the Contraindications of Swedana.
Q.60 Describe the Atiyoga Lakshanas of Vamana.
Q.61 Describe the common qualities of Ikhshuvarga.
Q.62 Write about Santarpanottha Vikara.
Q.63 Explain Dharaneeya Vega.
Q.64 Describe Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.65 Describe the subjects mention in Mahachatuspada Adhyaya of Charaka
Q.66 Write the name of Drugs of Jeevsneeya and Deepaneeya Mahakashaya.
Q.67 Write types and functions of Vayu.
Q.68 Write about types of the Rejectoors of Rebirth.
Q.79 Write causes and types of Shotha Roga.
Q.80 Write definition and types of Langhana.
Q.81 Mention the Panchabhautikatva of Rasa.
Q.82 What is Yojana Chatuska? Mention the name of Adhyaya of it.
Q.83 Write about Pranabhisara Vaidya.
Page 7 of 28
Q.84 Write about Kalpana Chatuska.
Q.85 Write about Trividha Apatarpana.
Q.86 Write the types of Vaidys.
Q.87 Write about Karsu and Kuti Sweda.
Q.88 Explain in detail the types of HridRoga.
Q.89 Write the characteristics Yapya and Anupakramya Vyadhi
Q.90 Write about Yukti Pramana.
Q.91 Explain Roga Chatuska.
Q.92 Give the details of Kritanna Varga.
Q.93 Write short note on : Shada Upakrama.
Q.93 Write short note on : Ashtaunindita Purusha.
Q.95 Write short note on : Panchapanchaka.
Q.96 Which disease are manifested due to Aptarpana?
Q.97 Write about Krimija HridRoga.
Q.98 Write a short note on MatrasheetiyAdhyaya.
Q.99 Enlist Apatarpana Janita Vyadhi.
Q.100 What is the meaning of Langhana? Explain.
Q.101 Write the indications of Sneha.
Q.102 How many Mahakashayas described in Sutrasthana? Write the name of
the drug from any two Mahakashayas.
Q.103 Write short note on: Dasha Pranayatana.
Q.104 Explain-
Q.105 Explain -
Q.106 Explain-
Q.107 Explain-
Q.108 Explain-
Page 8 of 28
Q.109 Explain ...... ||
Q.110 Explain
Q.111 Explain -
Q.112 Explain-
Page 9 of 28
Q.1 Enlist quality of Aushadha according to Sutra Sthana 9.
Q.2 Hansodaka.
Q.3 Enlist Ashatunindniya.
Q.4 Enlist Shudha Rakta Lakshana according to VidhishonitiyAdhyaya.
Q.5 Enlist quality of Paricharika according to Sutra sthana.
Q.6 Enlist Aishana.
Q.7 How many types of Kshayas are describe in KiyantakshirashiyAdhyaya?
Q.21 Indicates special qualities of Suddha Rakta..
Q.22 Enlist common qualities of Langhana Dravyas according to
Q.23 Write the name of chapters included in Bheshaja Chatuska.
Q.24 Write any two indications of Swedana.
Q.25 Write the name of Niragni Sweda.
Q.26 Write the types of Milk.
Q.27 Write the types and importance of Fat.
Q.28 Write the name of drugs which are useful in Vamana.
Q.29 Write about five types of Extract preparations.
Q.30 Write about Samanya and Vishesha.
Q.31 What is Vatakalakaliya?
Q.32 What is Trisutra?
Q.33 Which karan Dravyas in gyanendriyas?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
2 marks Questions
Page 10 of 28
Q.34Which are adhytma Dravya?
Q.35 Who keeps central on indriyas?
Q.36 Define Pranabhisara Vaidya.
Q.37 What is meant by Yapya?
Q.38 What is meant by Pratyakhyeya?
Q.39 Write the name of Trividh Eshnas.
Q.40 What is meant by Praneshna.
Q.41What is considered in tri Upastambh.
Q.42 How many types of Bala?
Q.43 Write the types of Sneha.
Q.44 How many Pravicharana of Sneha.
Q.45 Write the Anupana of Sneha.
Q.46 Write the types of Sweda.
Q.47 Write symptom of Chikitsa .
Q.48 Which is Uttam Anga?
Q.49 Define Ojas.
Q.50 How many pidaka occur in upekshaya of madhumeha.
Q.51 Anlist Udar Roga.
Q.52 Anlist Kustha Roga.
Q.53 Anlist Gulm.
Q.54 What is meant by Langhan.
Q.55 Define Brumhana.
Q.56 Define Rukshan.
Q.57 Define Stambhana.
Q.58 Define Snehan.
Q.59 Write the symptom of Vishuddha shonita.
Q.60 What is called Pathya?
Q.61 What is called Apathy?
Q.62 Enlist the Asava.
Page 11 of 28
Q.63 Define Ayu.
Q.64 Define Ayurveda.
Q.65 Enlist Mulini.
Q.66 Enlist Phalini.
Q.67 Enlist Sneha.
Q.68 Enlist Lavana.
Q.69 Write sympoms of Uttam Vaidya.
Q.70 Enlist yavagu of Apamarga tanduliya Adhyaya.
Q.71 Enlist churn pralepa of Aragavadhiya Adhyaya.
Q.72 Enlist Virechana yoga.
Q.73 Enlist and give name of virechana ashraya.
Q.74 Enlist Kashaya yoni.
Q.75 Enlist and give Kashay ?.
Q.76 Enlist adharaniya Vegas.
Q.77 Which Lakshana happen by Mala Nigraha?
Q.78 Which Lakshana happen by Mutra Nigraha
Q.79 Which Lakshana happen by stopping Vega of virya?
Q.80 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Mala Nigrah?
Q.81 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Mutra Nigrah?
Q.82 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Virya Nigrah?
Q.83 Which Lakshanas are happen by stopping Vega of sneezing?
Q.84Which treatment should be given in Khavathu Nigraha?
Q.85 People of which Prakriti are always ill?
Q.86 What happen by stopping of Vega Vomitting?
Q.87 Which Lakshanas are happened by Apanavayu Nigrah?
Q.88 Which treatment should be given in disease caused by apanavayu Nigrah?
Q.89 Which Lakshanas are happen by kshudha Nigrah?
Q.90 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Kshudha Nigrah?
Q.91 Which Lakshanas are happen by Nindra Nigrah?
Page 12 of 28
Q.92 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Nindra Nigrah
Q.93 Give the name of the chapters of ?ANNAPAN CHATUSKA?
Q.94 Write any two indications of Swedana.
Q.95 Write the name of Niragni Sweda.
Q.96 Enlist the names of Shat Upakrama.
Q.97 Enlist the names of Shat Shodhana Vriksha.
Q.98 Write about Lekhaneeya Mahakashaya.
Q.99 Write about Trividh Apatarpana.
Page 13 of 28
1. Write short note on Sadhyomaranendriya Adhyaya.
2. Write in short about AvakashirashendriyAdhyaya.
3. Write an essay on Indriya Sthana.
4. Write the short note on Indriya Sthana and describe the subjects of
chapter-7 of Indriya Sthana.
5. Is Indriya Sthana important in these era?How?
6. Write about the Arishtas described in Katamani Shaririyamindriyam.
7. Write about the chapter on cow dung like powder.
8. Describe Sadhya Maraniya Indriya.
9. Write any five Arishtas described in poorvarupiyam Adhyaya.
10. Write about Parimarshaneeyamindriyam
11. Write about Indriyaneekamindriyama.
12. Define Arishtha and write ten Roga?s arishtha according to Charaka.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 14 of 28
1. Write about Chaya.
2. Write about Prabha.
3. Explain importance of Indriyasthana.
4. Is knowledge of Indriya Stahana useful in Chikitsa?How?
5. Describe Arishtas related to Gandh(smell) and Rasa(taste).
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 15 of 28
1. Enlist Prakruta swara according to Indriya Stahana.
2. Write Swapna Aristha of Gulma.
3. Mention Swapna Arista of Unmada.
4. Enlist the types of Vikruti.
5. Define Arishta.
6. Write the difference between Chhya and Prabha.
7. Write Swara Vishayaka Arishta.
8. Define Aabhasi Chhaya.
9. What is Chhaya?
10. Enlist the Aristas related to skin on the basis of
11. How many Vaikruta Varna described in Indriya Sthana?
12. Enlist Svapna arishta of Kushtha.
13. Enlist Arishta of Shankhaka Roga.
14. How many Prakrut Varna described in Indriya Sthana?
15. Enlist Swapna Arishta of Gulma.
16. What is Prabha?
17. Enumerate:Vikruta Varna.
18. Describe Purvarupiya Arishta of Gulma.
19. Enlist characteristics of Samprakruti.
20. What is Prabha? Explain shortly.
21. What are the Chatuspad Vishayak Arishta?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
2 marks Questions
Page 16 of 28
22. Describe Swara Vishyak Arishta.
23. Write any two Arishtas related to Sparsha.
24. Write the types of Pralriti described in Indriyasthana.
25. Write the Prodromal Aristhas related to Gulma.
26. Write about Netra Vishyak Arishta.
27. Write signs of Prasasta Doota.
28. Write about Samsthan according to Pannarupeeya Adhyaya.
29. Write Premonitory Arishta of Gulma.
30. Write Premonitory Aridhts of Kustha.
31. What is Anujyoti?
32. Write about Chatuspada Vishayak Aristha.
33. Write Netra Vishayak Arishta.
34. Mention Premonitory Arishta of Jwara.
35. Write importance Arishta in Chikitsa.
36. Write types of Prabha.
37. Write Prodromal Arishtas related to Prameha.
38. Describe Arishtas related to Netra.
39. Write the definition of Arishta.
40. Write about Gomaya Churneeyam.
41. Write about abnormal complexion.
42. What is palpable entities?
43. Explain Raktagata Arishtha.
44. Write any two Arishtas related to Jihva(Rasanendriya).
45. Write the types of Svapna.
46. Enlist the Arishta of Shankhaka Roga.
47. How many Prakruta Varna describrd in Indriya Sthana?
48. Enlist the types of Vikruti.
49. Write the resemblance between Pushpa and Aristha.
50. Write the definition of Indriyasthana.
Page 17 of 28
51. Define Pannaroopa.
52. Write about Arishtas related to Rasa.
53. Write the types of Prakruti described in Varnasvarindriyamindriyam
Q.1 Describe Nidanpanchak.
Q.2 Write Nidana, Purvarupa, Upashay and Samprapti of Jwara.
Q.3 Write Nirukti, Nidana,Types and sadhya- asadhyata of Raktapitta.
Q.4 Write Nirukti, Nidana,Samprapti, Lakshanas and sadhyya- asdhyata of
Q.5 Write Nidana, Samprapti and types of Prameha.
Q.6 Write Nidana, Purvarupa, Rupa and types of Kustha.
Q.7 Define Rajyakshya and write Nidana,Purvarupa,Rupa,types and sadhya-
Asadhyata of Rajyakshama.
Q.8 Write Nidana,Samprapti,Types and Rupa of Unmada.
Q.9 Define Apasmara and write Samprapti and Lakshanas according to its types.
Q.10 Write in detail about Gulma Nidana Adhyaya.
Q.11 Write in detail about Shosha Nidana Adhyaya.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Nidanasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 18 of 28
1. Write short note note on Upashaya.
2. Write short note on importance of Ghrata in girna Jwara.
3. Write short note on sadhys-asadhyata of Rakta-pitta.
4. Write short note on types of Rakta-pitta.
5. Write short note on Raktaj Gulma.
6. Write short note on Dosha-Dushya of Prameha.
7. Write short note on Dosha-Dushya of Kushtha.
8. Write short note on Purvarupa of Kushtha.
9. Write syptoms of Kaphaj Kushtha.
10. Write symptoms of Mandala Kushtha.
11. Write symptoms of Udumber Kushtha.
12. Write about Nidana of Rajyakshama.
13. Write about Ekadash Rupa of Rajyakshama.
14. Write Samprapti of Unmada.
15. Write samprapti of Apasmara.
16. Explain Nidanarthaka Roga.
17. Write about Vyadhi sankar.
18. Write a short note on Dashvidh pariksha.
17. How many type of Pittaja Prameha according to Charaka Samhita?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Nidanasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 19 of 28
Write its common symptoms.
18. Explain ?Chatvarishoshsyaaayatanani?.
33. What may be the result to neglect the Sadhya Roga? Explain.
34. Write short note about Unmada.
35. Write the symptoms of Vataja Prameha.
36. Enlist all types of Prameha.
37. What is the meaning of Nidanarthak Roga?
38. Write in detail about Nidana Panchaka.
39. Write the Nidana of Kshya Roga with Samprapti.
40. Write about Nidana Panchaka.
41. Describe the samprapti of Prameha Roga.
42. Explain the types of Raktapitta.
43. Explain the types of Kaphaja and Pittaja Prameha.
44. Write about Nidanarthakara Roga.
45. Write in details the types of Samprapt
46. Write short note on: Rogi Pareeksha.
47. Write symptoms of Kaphaja Prameha.
48. Write in Detail about Shleshmaja Krimi.
49. Write the types and Sadhyasadhyatva of Kustha Roga.
50. What may be the result to neglect the curable Kustha? Explain.
Page 20 of 28
Q.1 Write symptoms of Roga.
Q.2 Write kakshana of Roga.
Q.3 Write Lakshana of Upashya.
Q.4 Enlist Samprapti.
Q.5 Write Viprakrishtha karana of Jwara.
Q.6 Enlist type of Jwara.
Q.7 Enlist type of Rakta-pitta.
Q.8 Enlist Dushya of Prameha.
Q.9 Write name of Kaphaj Prameha.
Q.10 Write name of Pittaj Prameha
Q.11 Write name of Vataj Prameha.
Q.12 Define Unmada.
Q.13 Define Apasmara.
Q.14 Define Rajyakshama.
Q.15 Enlist Prameha.
Q.16 What are Pratyatma Lakshanas of Apasram?
Q.17 Enlist Gulma.
Q.18 Write the causative factore of Smruti.
Q.19 Enlist Gulma.
Q.20 Enlist Kushtha.
Q.21 Define Rupa.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Nidanasthana
2 marks Questions
Page 21 of 28
Q.22 Classify Samprapti.
Q.25 Clasify Vyadhi according to ? Jwaranidana?.
Q.26 What is Pratyatma Lakshana of Jwara?
Q.27 What are synonyms of Nidana?
Q.28 Write the UpaDravyas of Kastha.
Q.29 Write Chikitsa sutra of Gulma.
Q.30 Write Asadhya Lakshanas of Kshaya.
Q.31 Write the Updravyas of Raktapittaa.
Q.32 Write the synonyms of Hetu.
Q.33 Write the types of Unmada.
Q.34 Write the Updrav of Prameha.
Q.35 Write the types of Kustha accroding to Nidana Sthana.
Q.36 Write Chikitsa Sutra of Sadhya Apasmara.
Q.37 Write about Nidanarthakara Roga.
Q.38 What is Purvaroopas?
Q.39 Write the types of Samprapti.
Q.40 What is Pratyatma Lakshana of Jwara?
Q.41 Write the four causes of Shosha.
Q.42 Write about Prameha Sadhyasadhyatva.
Q.43 Write about Raktapitta Sadhyasadhyatva.
Page 22 of 28
Q.1 Write Nirukti of Vimana and give importance of Viman Sthana.
Q.2 Describe Ashta Ahar Vidhi visheshayatanani..
Q.3 Write the subject matter of Janapadodhvnaniya Vimana.
Q.4 Write the subject matter of Stroto Vimana.
Q.5 Describe Ahar Vidhi Vidhana.
Q.6 Write an essay on Krimi.
Q.7 Write the causative factors, symptoms and line of treatment of srotodushti.
Q.8 Write in detail about Trividh Kulsheeyam Vimana Adhyaya.
Q.9 Write in short about Trividha kukkhiya VimanAdhyaya.
Q.10 Describe Nishthiki Chikitsa.
Q.11 Describe Satmya.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Vimanasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 23 of 28
Q.1 Describe rules of taking food.
Q.2 Write short note on Ama Pradosh.
Q.3 Tail is Vatahar give the reasons.
Q.4 Ghrit is Pitahar give the reasons.
Q.5 Honey is Kaphahar give the reasons.
Q.6 Write the symptoms of appropriate Aahar.
Q.7 Write the general treatment in Janaoadodhvans.
Q.8 Write the causes and symptoms of Janaoadodhvans.
Q.9 Write the Anumanagamyabhavavishesha.
Q.10 Write the root symptoms of Vikruti and its treatment of Pranavaha strotas.
Q.11 Write the root symptoms of Vikruti and its treatment of Annavaha strotas.
Q.12 Write the general causes and general Vikrut symptoms of Strotas.
Q.13 Write about Sandhya Sambhasha.
Q.14 Write about Vigruhya Sambhasha.
Q.15 Explain Ahara Parinamakara Bhava.
Q.16 Write about Mootravaha Srotodushti Lakshana.
Q.17 Write short note on Pragnaparadha.
Q.18 Write short note on: Importance of Vimana Sthana.
Q.19 Write short note on:Parishad(Types of conference).
Q.20 Explain Lokapurush Samya Siddhanta.
Q.21 What is Siddhanta? Describe its all types.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Vimanasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 24 of 28
Q.22 Write names of Mulas of Srotas.
Q.23 Which three substance should not use excessively? Why?
Q.24 Write about Siddhanta.
Q.25 Write about study and teaching.
Q.26 Write short note on: Dashvidh Pareekshya Bhava.
Q.27 Write short note on: silent feature of Vimana Sthana.
Q.28 Write short note on: Agni.
Q.29 Write short note on Adhyayana-Adhyapana Vidhi.
Q.30 Write about Pippali, Kshara and Lavana.
Q.31 Write about Vakyadosha. - FirstRanker's Choice
Page 1 of 28
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A
? Sutra Sthana - 40 marks
? Indriya Sthaa - 10 marks
1. One compulsory questions 10 marks
2. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
3. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each 20 marks
4. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-3 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Part B
? Nidana Sthana - 15 marks
? Vimana Sthana - 20 marks
? Sharira Sthana - 15 marks
5. One compulsory questions 10 marks
6. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
7. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each. 20 marks
8. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-6 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Page 2 of 28
Q.1 Describe the importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.2 Explain ?
Q.3 Explain ?
Q.4 Explain Matrashitiya Adhyaya.
Q.5 Explain Shishira Ritucharya.
Q.6 Explain Vasanta Ritucharya.
Q.7 Exlain Grishma Ritucharya.
Q.8 Explain Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.9 Explain Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.10 Explain Hemanta Ritucharya.
Q.11 Write the subject matter of ?na Vegandharniya? Adhyaya.
Q.12Write diseases and treatment of Mala Vegadharan, mutraVega
Dharan, Virya Vegadharana, Apanavayu Vegadharan.
Q.13 Write disease and treatment of ChardiNigrah, Khavathudharan,Udgara
Nigraha and Jrumbha Nigraha.
Q.14 Write diseases and treatment of Kshudha, Trashna, Bashpa, Nidra and Shram-
Q.15 Explain about Dharaniya Vega.
Q.16 Write about Indriya panch panchak.
Q.17 Describe the subject matter of Khuddak Chatuspad.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 3 of 28
Q.18 Explain ?
Q.19 Explain the subject of Maha Chatuspad
Q.20 Describe the subject matter of Vatakalakaliya.
Q.22 What is Ojas? Write the symptoms of Ojokshaya.
Q.23 Write the subject matter of AstauninditiyaAdhyaya.
Q.24 Describe Hitakara and Ahitakara ahar by nature.
Q.25 Write about Shada Upakrama according to Sutra Sthana.
Q.26 Write about Sneha described in Snehadhyay. Describe in detail about Kala
of Snehapana.
Q.27 Explain ?
Q.28 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachatuska.
Q.29 Explain?
Q.30 Write in detail about Santarpana.
Q.31 Write in detail about Swedana.
Q.32 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachutuska.
Q.33 Write in detail about Chaturvidh Pramanas described in Tistraishaneeya
Q.34 Write the difference between Uttarayana and Dakshinayana?
Write in detail about Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.35 Explain ?
Q.36 Explain ?
Page 4 of 28
Q.1 short note on Sadacharana.
Q.2 worthy of doing Sadavartans.
Q.3 Q.4 Write the Gunas of Vaidya.
Q.4 Write the Gunas of Aushadha Dravya according to Khuddak chatuspad.
Q.5 Write the Gunas of Paricharaka.
Q. 6Write the Gunas of Rogi.
Q.7 Describe the importance of Vaidya in chatuspad.
Q.8 Explain ? ?
Q.9 Explain ? ?
Q.10 Write symptoms of Sukha Sadhya dieses.
Q.11 write symptoms of Krichha Sadhya dieses.
Q.12 Write about Trividh Eshanas.
Q.13 Describe Trividh Bala.
Q.14 Describe Trividh Vaidya.
Q.15 Describe Trividh aushadha.
Q.16 Describe the Karma of Vata.
Q.17 Describe the Karma of Pita.
Q.18 Describe the Karma of Kapha.
Q.19 Why Ghrit is best among all Sneha Dravya.
Q.20 Explain ?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 5 of 28
Q.21 Explain - |
Q.22 Write about Doshgati according to Kiyantashirasiya Adhyaya.
Q.23 What is called NijaRoga?
Q.24 What is called AgantukaRoga?
Q.25 Enlistthe Nanatmaja Vatavikara.
Q.26 Enlist Nanatmaja pitavikara.
Q.27 Enlist Nanatmaja kaphavikara.
Q.28 Explain
Q.29 Explain about Nindra.
Q.30 Write the syptoms of Samyaka langhana.
Q.31 Write about Samtarpan.
Q.32 Write about Apatarpana.
Q.33 Write ten Shrestha Ahar Dravya.
Q.34 Write shortnote about types of Dravya.
Q.35 Write shortnote about Samanya and Vishes.
Q.36 Dosha Sangraha of Sharira and Mana.
Q.37 Explain-
Q.38 Write Pathya and Apathhya Padartha of swasthya.
Q.39 Write short note on Udvartana.
Q.40 Explain-
Q.41 Write about Vyayama.
Q.42 Explain-
Q.43 Explain ?Dadhiseven?
Q.44 Give short note on Adanakala.
Q.45 Give short note on Visargakala.
Q.46 Give short note on Rutu Sandhi.
Page 6 of 28
Q.47 Explain-
Q.48 Write about Santarpana.
Q.49 Write about Koshtha according to SnehAdhyaya.
Q.50 Explain-
Q.51 Write about short on Apatarpana.
Q.52 Write the symptoms of Hina and Aviyoga of Vamana.
Q.54 Describe Hridaya on basis of ?ArthedashmahamuliyAdhyaya?.
Q.55 Describe common qualities of Phala varga.
Q.56 Describe the indications of Swedana.
Q.57 Write short note on:Importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.58 Write short note on:Trividha Rogamarga.
Q.59 Describe the Contraindications of Swedana.
Q.60 Describe the Atiyoga Lakshanas of Vamana.
Q.61 Describe the common qualities of Ikhshuvarga.
Q.62 Write about Santarpanottha Vikara.
Q.63 Explain Dharaneeya Vega.
Q.64 Describe Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.65 Describe the subjects mention in Mahachatuspada Adhyaya of Charaka
Q.66 Write the name of Drugs of Jeevsneeya and Deepaneeya Mahakashaya.
Q.67 Write types and functions of Vayu.
Q.68 Write about types of the Rejectoors of Rebirth.
Q.79 Write causes and types of Shotha Roga.
Q.80 Write definition and types of Langhana.
Q.81 Mention the Panchabhautikatva of Rasa.
Q.82 What is Yojana Chatuska? Mention the name of Adhyaya of it.
Q.83 Write about Pranabhisara Vaidya.
Page 7 of 28
Q.84 Write about Kalpana Chatuska.
Q.85 Write about Trividha Apatarpana.
Q.86 Write the types of Vaidys.
Q.87 Write about Karsu and Kuti Sweda.
Q.88 Explain in detail the types of HridRoga.
Q.89 Write the characteristics Yapya and Anupakramya Vyadhi
Q.90 Write about Yukti Pramana.
Q.91 Explain Roga Chatuska.
Q.92 Give the details of Kritanna Varga.
Q.93 Write short note on : Shada Upakrama.
Q.93 Write short note on : Ashtaunindita Purusha.
Q.95 Write short note on : Panchapanchaka.
Q.96 Which disease are manifested due to Aptarpana?
Q.97 Write about Krimija HridRoga.
Q.98 Write a short note on MatrasheetiyAdhyaya.
Q.99 Enlist Apatarpana Janita Vyadhi.
Q.100 What is the meaning of Langhana? Explain.
Q.101 Write the indications of Sneha.
Q.102 How many Mahakashayas described in Sutrasthana? Write the name of
the drug from any two Mahakashayas.
Q.103 Write short note on: Dasha Pranayatana.
Q.104 Explain-
Q.105 Explain -
Q.106 Explain-
Q.107 Explain-
Q.108 Explain-
Page 8 of 28
Q.109 Explain ...... ||
Q.110 Explain
Q.111 Explain -
Q.112 Explain-
Page 9 of 28
Q.1 Enlist quality of Aushadha according to Sutra Sthana 9.
Q.2 Hansodaka.
Q.3 Enlist Ashatunindniya.
Q.4 Enlist Shudha Rakta Lakshana according to VidhishonitiyAdhyaya.
Q.5 Enlist quality of Paricharika according to Sutra sthana.
Q.6 Enlist Aishana.
Q.7 How many types of Kshayas are describe in KiyantakshirashiyAdhyaya?
Q.21 Indicates special qualities of Suddha Rakta..
Q.22 Enlist common qualities of Langhana Dravyas according to
Q.23 Write the name of chapters included in Bheshaja Chatuska.
Q.24 Write any two indications of Swedana.
Q.25 Write the name of Niragni Sweda.
Q.26 Write the types of Milk.
Q.27 Write the types and importance of Fat.
Q.28 Write the name of drugs which are useful in Vamana.
Q.29 Write about five types of Extract preparations.
Q.30 Write about Samanya and Vishesha.
Q.31 What is Vatakalakaliya?
Q.32 What is Trisutra?
Q.33 Which karan Dravyas in gyanendriyas?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
2 marks Questions
Page 10 of 28
Q.34Which are adhytma Dravya?
Q.35 Who keeps central on indriyas?
Q.36 Define Pranabhisara Vaidya.
Q.37 What is meant by Yapya?
Q.38 What is meant by Pratyakhyeya?
Q.39 Write the name of Trividh Eshnas.
Q.40 What is meant by Praneshna.
Q.41What is considered in tri Upastambh.
Q.42 How many types of Bala?
Q.43 Write the types of Sneha.
Q.44 How many Pravicharana of Sneha.
Q.45 Write the Anupana of Sneha.
Q.46 Write the types of Sweda.
Q.47 Write symptom of Chikitsa .
Q.48 Which is Uttam Anga?
Q.49 Define Ojas.
Q.50 How many pidaka occur in upekshaya of madhumeha.
Q.51 Anlist Udar Roga.
Q.52 Anlist Kustha Roga.
Q.53 Anlist Gulm.
Q.54 What is meant by Langhan.
Q.55 Define Brumhana.
Q.56 Define Rukshan.
Q.57 Define Stambhana.
Q.58 Define Snehan.
Q.59 Write the symptom of Vishuddha shonita.
Q.60 What is called Pathya?
Q.61 What is called Apathy?
Q.62 Enlist the Asava.
Page 11 of 28
Q.63 Define Ayu.
Q.64 Define Ayurveda.
Q.65 Enlist Mulini.
Q.66 Enlist Phalini.
Q.67 Enlist Sneha.
Q.68 Enlist Lavana.
Q.69 Write sympoms of Uttam Vaidya.
Q.70 Enlist yavagu of Apamarga tanduliya Adhyaya.
Q.71 Enlist churn pralepa of Aragavadhiya Adhyaya.
Q.72 Enlist Virechana yoga.
Q.73 Enlist and give name of virechana ashraya.
Q.74 Enlist Kashaya yoni.
Q.75 Enlist and give Kashay ?.
Q.76 Enlist adharaniya Vegas.
Q.77 Which Lakshana happen by Mala Nigraha?
Q.78 Which Lakshana happen by Mutra Nigraha
Q.79 Which Lakshana happen by stopping Vega of virya?
Q.80 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Mala Nigrah?
Q.81 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Mutra Nigrah?
Q.82 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Virya Nigrah?
Q.83 Which Lakshanas are happen by stopping Vega of sneezing?
Q.84Which treatment should be given in Khavathu Nigraha?
Q.85 People of which Prakriti are always ill?
Q.86 What happen by stopping of Vega Vomitting?
Q.87 Which Lakshanas are happened by Apanavayu Nigrah?
Q.88 Which treatment should be given in disease caused by apanavayu Nigrah?
Q.89 Which Lakshanas are happen by kshudha Nigrah?
Q.90 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Kshudha Nigrah?
Q.91 Which Lakshanas are happen by Nindra Nigrah?
Page 12 of 28
Q.92 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Nindra Nigrah
Q.93 Give the name of the chapters of ?ANNAPAN CHATUSKA?
Q.94 Write any two indications of Swedana.
Q.95 Write the name of Niragni Sweda.
Q.96 Enlist the names of Shat Upakrama.
Q.97 Enlist the names of Shat Shodhana Vriksha.
Q.98 Write about Lekhaneeya Mahakashaya.
Q.99 Write about Trividh Apatarpana.
Page 13 of 28
1. Write short note on Sadhyomaranendriya Adhyaya.
2. Write in short about AvakashirashendriyAdhyaya.
3. Write an essay on Indriya Sthana.
4. Write the short note on Indriya Sthana and describe the subjects of
chapter-7 of Indriya Sthana.
5. Is Indriya Sthana important in these era?How?
6. Write about the Arishtas described in Katamani Shaririyamindriyam.
7. Write about the chapter on cow dung like powder.
8. Describe Sadhya Maraniya Indriya.
9. Write any five Arishtas described in poorvarupiyam Adhyaya.
10. Write about Parimarshaneeyamindriyam
11. Write about Indriyaneekamindriyama.
12. Define Arishtha and write ten Roga?s arishtha according to Charaka.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 14 of 28
1. Write about Chaya.
2. Write about Prabha.
3. Explain importance of Indriyasthana.
4. Is knowledge of Indriya Stahana useful in Chikitsa?How?
5. Describe Arishtas related to Gandh(smell) and Rasa(taste).
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 15 of 28
1. Enlist Prakruta swara according to Indriya Stahana.
2. Write Swapna Aristha of Gulma.
3. Mention Swapna Arista of Unmada.
4. Enlist the types of Vikruti.
5. Define Arishta.
6. Write the difference between Chhya and Prabha.
7. Write Swara Vishayaka Arishta.
8. Define Aabhasi Chhaya.
9. What is Chhaya?
10. Enlist the Aristas related to skin on the basis of
11. How many Vaikruta Varna described in Indriya Sthana?
12. Enlist Svapna arishta of Kushtha.
13. Enlist Arishta of Shankhaka Roga.
14. How many Prakrut Varna described in Indriya Sthana?
15. Enlist Swapna Arishta of Gulma.
16. What is Prabha?
17. Enumerate:Vikruta Varna.
18. Describe Purvarupiya Arishta of Gulma.
19. Enlist characteristics of Samprakruti.
20. What is Prabha? Explain shortly.
21. What are the Chatuspad Vishayak Arishta?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
2 marks Questions
Page 16 of 28
22. Describe Swara Vishyak Arishta.
23. Write any two Arishtas related to Sparsha.
24. Write the types of Pralriti described in Indriyasthana.
25. Write the Prodromal Aristhas related to Gulma.
26. Write about Netra Vishyak Arishta.
27. Write signs of Prasasta Doota.
28. Write about Samsthan according to Pannarupeeya Adhyaya.
29. Write Premonitory Arishta of Gulma.
30. Write Premonitory Aridhts of Kustha.
31. What is Anujyoti?
32. Write about Chatuspada Vishayak Aristha.
33. Write Netra Vishayak Arishta.
34. Mention Premonitory Arishta of Jwara.
35. Write importance Arishta in Chikitsa.
36. Write types of Prabha.
37. Write Prodromal Arishtas related to Prameha.
38. Describe Arishtas related to Netra.
39. Write the definition of Arishta.
40. Write about Gomaya Churneeyam.
41. Write about abnormal complexion.
42. What is palpable entities?
43. Explain Raktagata Arishtha.
44. Write any two Arishtas related to Jihva(Rasanendriya).
45. Write the types of Svapna.
46. Enlist the Arishta of Shankhaka Roga.
47. How many Prakruta Varna describrd in Indriya Sthana?
48. Enlist the types of Vikruti.
49. Write the resemblance between Pushpa and Aristha.
50. Write the definition of Indriyasthana.
Page 17 of 28
51. Define Pannaroopa.
52. Write about Arishtas related to Rasa.
53. Write the types of Prakruti described in Varnasvarindriyamindriyam
Q.1 Describe Nidanpanchak.
Q.2 Write Nidana, Purvarupa, Upashay and Samprapti of Jwara.
Q.3 Write Nirukti, Nidana,Types and sadhya- asadhyata of Raktapitta.
Q.4 Write Nirukti, Nidana,Samprapti, Lakshanas and sadhyya- asdhyata of
Q.5 Write Nidana, Samprapti and types of Prameha.
Q.6 Write Nidana, Purvarupa, Rupa and types of Kustha.
Q.7 Define Rajyakshya and write Nidana,Purvarupa,Rupa,types and sadhya-
Asadhyata of Rajyakshama.
Q.8 Write Nidana,Samprapti,Types and Rupa of Unmada.
Q.9 Define Apasmara and write Samprapti and Lakshanas according to its types.
Q.10 Write in detail about Gulma Nidana Adhyaya.
Q.11 Write in detail about Shosha Nidana Adhyaya.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Nidanasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 18 of 28
1. Write short note note on Upashaya.
2. Write short note on importance of Ghrata in girna Jwara.
3. Write short note on sadhys-asadhyata of Rakta-pitta.
4. Write short note on types of Rakta-pitta.
5. Write short note on Raktaj Gulma.
6. Write short note on Dosha-Dushya of Prameha.
7. Write short note on Dosha-Dushya of Kushtha.
8. Write short note on Purvarupa of Kushtha.
9. Write syptoms of Kaphaj Kushtha.
10. Write symptoms of Mandala Kushtha.
11. Write symptoms of Udumber Kushtha.
12. Write about Nidana of Rajyakshama.
13. Write about Ekadash Rupa of Rajyakshama.
14. Write Samprapti of Unmada.
15. Write samprapti of Apasmara.
16. Explain Nidanarthaka Roga.
17. Write about Vyadhi sankar.
18. Write a short note on Dashvidh pariksha.
17. How many type of Pittaja Prameha according to Charaka Samhita?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Nidanasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 19 of 28
Write its common symptoms.
18. Explain ?Chatvarishoshsyaaayatanani?.
33. What may be the result to neglect the Sadhya Roga? Explain.
34. Write short note about Unmada.
35. Write the symptoms of Vataja Prameha.
36. Enlist all types of Prameha.
37. What is the meaning of Nidanarthak Roga?
38. Write in detail about Nidana Panchaka.
39. Write the Nidana of Kshya Roga with Samprapti.
40. Write about Nidana Panchaka.
41. Describe the samprapti of Prameha Roga.
42. Explain the types of Raktapitta.
43. Explain the types of Kaphaja and Pittaja Prameha.
44. Write about Nidanarthakara Roga.
45. Write in details the types of Samprapt
46. Write short note on: Rogi Pareeksha.
47. Write symptoms of Kaphaja Prameha.
48. Write in Detail about Shleshmaja Krimi.
49. Write the types and Sadhyasadhyatva of Kustha Roga.
50. What may be the result to neglect the curable Kustha? Explain.
Page 20 of 28
Q.1 Write symptoms of Roga.
Q.2 Write kakshana of Roga.
Q.3 Write Lakshana of Upashya.
Q.4 Enlist Samprapti.
Q.5 Write Viprakrishtha karana of Jwara.
Q.6 Enlist type of Jwara.
Q.7 Enlist type of Rakta-pitta.
Q.8 Enlist Dushya of Prameha.
Q.9 Write name of Kaphaj Prameha.
Q.10 Write name of Pittaj Prameha
Q.11 Write name of Vataj Prameha.
Q.12 Define Unmada.
Q.13 Define Apasmara.
Q.14 Define Rajyakshama.
Q.15 Enlist Prameha.
Q.16 What are Pratyatma Lakshanas of Apasram?
Q.17 Enlist Gulma.
Q.18 Write the causative factore of Smruti.
Q.19 Enlist Gulma.
Q.20 Enlist Kushtha.
Q.21 Define Rupa.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Nidanasthana
2 marks Questions
Page 21 of 28
Q.22 Classify Samprapti.
Q.25 Clasify Vyadhi according to ? Jwaranidana?.
Q.26 What is Pratyatma Lakshana of Jwara?
Q.27 What are synonyms of Nidana?
Q.28 Write the UpaDravyas of Kastha.
Q.29 Write Chikitsa sutra of Gulma.
Q.30 Write Asadhya Lakshanas of Kshaya.
Q.31 Write the Updravyas of Raktapittaa.
Q.32 Write the synonyms of Hetu.
Q.33 Write the types of Unmada.
Q.34 Write the Updrav of Prameha.
Q.35 Write the types of Kustha accroding to Nidana Sthana.
Q.36 Write Chikitsa Sutra of Sadhya Apasmara.
Q.37 Write about Nidanarthakara Roga.
Q.38 What is Purvaroopas?
Q.39 Write the types of Samprapti.
Q.40 What is Pratyatma Lakshana of Jwara?
Q.41 Write the four causes of Shosha.
Q.42 Write about Prameha Sadhyasadhyatva.
Q.43 Write about Raktapitta Sadhyasadhyatva.
Page 22 of 28
Q.1 Write Nirukti of Vimana and give importance of Viman Sthana.
Q.2 Describe Ashta Ahar Vidhi visheshayatanani..
Q.3 Write the subject matter of Janapadodhvnaniya Vimana.
Q.4 Write the subject matter of Stroto Vimana.
Q.5 Describe Ahar Vidhi Vidhana.
Q.6 Write an essay on Krimi.
Q.7 Write the causative factors, symptoms and line of treatment of srotodushti.
Q.8 Write in detail about Trividh Kulsheeyam Vimana Adhyaya.
Q.9 Write in short about Trividha kukkhiya VimanAdhyaya.
Q.10 Describe Nishthiki Chikitsa.
Q.11 Describe Satmya.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Vimanasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 23 of 28
Q.1 Describe rules of taking food.
Q.2 Write short note on Ama Pradosh.
Q.3 Tail is Vatahar give the reasons.
Q.4 Ghrit is Pitahar give the reasons.
Q.5 Honey is Kaphahar give the reasons.
Q.6 Write the symptoms of appropriate Aahar.
Q.7 Write the general treatment in Janaoadodhvans.
Q.8 Write the causes and symptoms of Janaoadodhvans.
Q.9 Write the Anumanagamyabhavavishesha.
Q.10 Write the root symptoms of Vikruti and its treatment of Pranavaha strotas.
Q.11 Write the root symptoms of Vikruti and its treatment of Annavaha strotas.
Q.12 Write the general causes and general Vikrut symptoms of Strotas.
Q.13 Write about Sandhya Sambhasha.
Q.14 Write about Vigruhya Sambhasha.
Q.15 Explain Ahara Parinamakara Bhava.
Q.16 Write about Mootravaha Srotodushti Lakshana.
Q.17 Write short note on Pragnaparadha.
Q.18 Write short note on: Importance of Vimana Sthana.
Q.19 Write short note on:Parishad(Types of conference).
Q.20 Explain Lokapurush Samya Siddhanta.
Q.21 What is Siddhanta? Describe its all types.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Vimanasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 24 of 28
Q.22 Write names of Mulas of Srotas.
Q.23 Which three substance should not use excessively? Why?
Q.24 Write about Siddhanta.
Q.25 Write about study and teaching.
Q.26 Write short note on: Dashvidh Pareekshya Bhava.
Q.27 Write short note on: silent feature of Vimana Sthana.
Q.28 Write short note on: Agni.
Q.29 Write short note on Adhyayana-Adhyapana Vidhi.
Q.30 Write about Pippali, Kshara and Lavana.
Q.31 Write about Vakyadosha.
Page 25 of 28
Q.1 Enlist Sanshodhana kaala according to Charaka Viamana 8.
Q.2 Enlist Aahar Parinamakara Bhava.
Q.3 Enlist the Dravya which should not be taken for long time according
To Charaka Vimana 1.
Q.4 Classify bones according to Charaka Vimanna Sthana.
Q.5 Which are three fold sources of knoeledge about disease according to
Charaka Vimana 4.
Q.6 Enumerate types of Nindra.
Q.7 Define Vimana.
Q.8 Write Srotodushti Samanya Lakshanas.
Q.9 Define Srotasa.
Q.10 Write the name of Srotasa.
Q.11 Enlist Ahetu according to Charak Samhita.
Q.12 Enlist Shabda according to Vimana Sthana.
Q.13 Classify Srotasa.
Q.14 Vakya Prashamsa.
Q.15 Enlist Shabda.
Q.16 Write the entities which are to be known with inference.
Q.17 Write the names of Srotasa.
Q.18 Write the types of Amapradosha.
Q.19 Write the Sroto Dushti Lakshana.
Q.20 Enlist Shabda according to Vimana Sthana.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Vimanasthana
2 marks Questions - FirstRanker's Choice
Page 1 of 28
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A
? Sutra Sthana - 40 marks
? Indriya Sthaa - 10 marks
1. One compulsory questions 10 marks
2. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
3. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each 20 marks
4. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-3 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Part B
? Nidana Sthana - 15 marks
? Vimana Sthana - 20 marks
? Sharira Sthana - 15 marks
5. One compulsory questions 10 marks
6. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
7. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each. 20 marks
8. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-6 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Page 2 of 28
Q.1 Describe the importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.2 Explain ?
Q.3 Explain ?
Q.4 Explain Matrashitiya Adhyaya.
Q.5 Explain Shishira Ritucharya.
Q.6 Explain Vasanta Ritucharya.
Q.7 Exlain Grishma Ritucharya.
Q.8 Explain Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.9 Explain Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.10 Explain Hemanta Ritucharya.
Q.11 Write the subject matter of ?na Vegandharniya? Adhyaya.
Q.12Write diseases and treatment of Mala Vegadharan, mutraVega
Dharan, Virya Vegadharana, Apanavayu Vegadharan.
Q.13 Write disease and treatment of ChardiNigrah, Khavathudharan,Udgara
Nigraha and Jrumbha Nigraha.
Q.14 Write diseases and treatment of Kshudha, Trashna, Bashpa, Nidra and Shram-
Q.15 Explain about Dharaniya Vega.
Q.16 Write about Indriya panch panchak.
Q.17 Describe the subject matter of Khuddak Chatuspad.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 3 of 28
Q.18 Explain ?
Q.19 Explain the subject of Maha Chatuspad
Q.20 Describe the subject matter of Vatakalakaliya.
Q.22 What is Ojas? Write the symptoms of Ojokshaya.
Q.23 Write the subject matter of AstauninditiyaAdhyaya.
Q.24 Describe Hitakara and Ahitakara ahar by nature.
Q.25 Write about Shada Upakrama according to Sutra Sthana.
Q.26 Write about Sneha described in Snehadhyay. Describe in detail about Kala
of Snehapana.
Q.27 Explain ?
Q.28 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachatuska.
Q.29 Explain?
Q.30 Write in detail about Santarpana.
Q.31 Write in detail about Swedana.
Q.32 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachutuska.
Q.33 Write in detail about Chaturvidh Pramanas described in Tistraishaneeya
Q.34 Write the difference between Uttarayana and Dakshinayana?
Write in detail about Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.35 Explain ?
Q.36 Explain ?
Page 4 of 28
Q.1 short note on Sadacharana.
Q.2 worthy of doing Sadavartans.
Q.3 Q.4 Write the Gunas of Vaidya.
Q.4 Write the Gunas of Aushadha Dravya according to Khuddak chatuspad.
Q.5 Write the Gunas of Paricharaka.
Q. 6Write the Gunas of Rogi.
Q.7 Describe the importance of Vaidya in chatuspad.
Q.8 Explain ? ?
Q.9 Explain ? ?
Q.10 Write symptoms of Sukha Sadhya dieses.
Q.11 write symptoms of Krichha Sadhya dieses.
Q.12 Write about Trividh Eshanas.
Q.13 Describe Trividh Bala.
Q.14 Describe Trividh Vaidya.
Q.15 Describe Trividh aushadha.
Q.16 Describe the Karma of Vata.
Q.17 Describe the Karma of Pita.
Q.18 Describe the Karma of Kapha.
Q.19 Why Ghrit is best among all Sneha Dravya.
Q.20 Explain ?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 5 of 28
Q.21 Explain - |
Q.22 Write about Doshgati according to Kiyantashirasiya Adhyaya.
Q.23 What is called NijaRoga?
Q.24 What is called AgantukaRoga?
Q.25 Enlistthe Nanatmaja Vatavikara.
Q.26 Enlist Nanatmaja pitavikara.
Q.27 Enlist Nanatmaja kaphavikara.
Q.28 Explain
Q.29 Explain about Nindra.
Q.30 Write the syptoms of Samyaka langhana.
Q.31 Write about Samtarpan.
Q.32 Write about Apatarpana.
Q.33 Write ten Shrestha Ahar Dravya.
Q.34 Write shortnote about types of Dravya.
Q.35 Write shortnote about Samanya and Vishes.
Q.36 Dosha Sangraha of Sharira and Mana.
Q.37 Explain-
Q.38 Write Pathya and Apathhya Padartha of swasthya.
Q.39 Write short note on Udvartana.
Q.40 Explain-
Q.41 Write about Vyayama.
Q.42 Explain-
Q.43 Explain ?Dadhiseven?
Q.44 Give short note on Adanakala.
Q.45 Give short note on Visargakala.
Q.46 Give short note on Rutu Sandhi.
Page 6 of 28
Q.47 Explain-
Q.48 Write about Santarpana.
Q.49 Write about Koshtha according to SnehAdhyaya.
Q.50 Explain-
Q.51 Write about short on Apatarpana.
Q.52 Write the symptoms of Hina and Aviyoga of Vamana.
Q.54 Describe Hridaya on basis of ?ArthedashmahamuliyAdhyaya?.
Q.55 Describe common qualities of Phala varga.
Q.56 Describe the indications of Swedana.
Q.57 Write short note on:Importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.58 Write short note on:Trividha Rogamarga.
Q.59 Describe the Contraindications of Swedana.
Q.60 Describe the Atiyoga Lakshanas of Vamana.
Q.61 Describe the common qualities of Ikhshuvarga.
Q.62 Write about Santarpanottha Vikara.
Q.63 Explain Dharaneeya Vega.
Q.64 Describe Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.65 Describe the subjects mention in Mahachatuspada Adhyaya of Charaka
Q.66 Write the name of Drugs of Jeevsneeya and Deepaneeya Mahakashaya.
Q.67 Write types and functions of Vayu.
Q.68 Write about types of the Rejectoors of Rebirth.
Q.79 Write causes and types of Shotha Roga.
Q.80 Write definition and types of Langhana.
Q.81 Mention the Panchabhautikatva of Rasa.
Q.82 What is Yojana Chatuska? Mention the name of Adhyaya of it.
Q.83 Write about Pranabhisara Vaidya.
Page 7 of 28
Q.84 Write about Kalpana Chatuska.
Q.85 Write about Trividha Apatarpana.
Q.86 Write the types of Vaidys.
Q.87 Write about Karsu and Kuti Sweda.
Q.88 Explain in detail the types of HridRoga.
Q.89 Write the characteristics Yapya and Anupakramya Vyadhi
Q.90 Write about Yukti Pramana.
Q.91 Explain Roga Chatuska.
Q.92 Give the details of Kritanna Varga.
Q.93 Write short note on : Shada Upakrama.
Q.93 Write short note on : Ashtaunindita Purusha.
Q.95 Write short note on : Panchapanchaka.
Q.96 Which disease are manifested due to Aptarpana?
Q.97 Write about Krimija HridRoga.
Q.98 Write a short note on MatrasheetiyAdhyaya.
Q.99 Enlist Apatarpana Janita Vyadhi.
Q.100 What is the meaning of Langhana? Explain.
Q.101 Write the indications of Sneha.
Q.102 How many Mahakashayas described in Sutrasthana? Write the name of
the drug from any two Mahakashayas.
Q.103 Write short note on: Dasha Pranayatana.
Q.104 Explain-
Q.105 Explain -
Q.106 Explain-
Q.107 Explain-
Q.108 Explain-
Page 8 of 28
Q.109 Explain ...... ||
Q.110 Explain
Q.111 Explain -
Q.112 Explain-
Page 9 of 28
Q.1 Enlist quality of Aushadha according to Sutra Sthana 9.
Q.2 Hansodaka.
Q.3 Enlist Ashatunindniya.
Q.4 Enlist Shudha Rakta Lakshana according to VidhishonitiyAdhyaya.
Q.5 Enlist quality of Paricharika according to Sutra sthana.
Q.6 Enlist Aishana.
Q.7 How many types of Kshayas are describe in KiyantakshirashiyAdhyaya?
Q.21 Indicates special qualities of Suddha Rakta..
Q.22 Enlist common qualities of Langhana Dravyas according to
Q.23 Write the name of chapters included in Bheshaja Chatuska.
Q.24 Write any two indications of Swedana.
Q.25 Write the name of Niragni Sweda.
Q.26 Write the types of Milk.
Q.27 Write the types and importance of Fat.
Q.28 Write the name of drugs which are useful in Vamana.
Q.29 Write about five types of Extract preparations.
Q.30 Write about Samanya and Vishesha.
Q.31 What is Vatakalakaliya?
Q.32 What is Trisutra?
Q.33 Which karan Dravyas in gyanendriyas?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
2 marks Questions
Page 10 of 28
Q.34Which are adhytma Dravya?
Q.35 Who keeps central on indriyas?
Q.36 Define Pranabhisara Vaidya.
Q.37 What is meant by Yapya?
Q.38 What is meant by Pratyakhyeya?
Q.39 Write the name of Trividh Eshnas.
Q.40 What is meant by Praneshna.
Q.41What is considered in tri Upastambh.
Q.42 How many types of Bala?
Q.43 Write the types of Sneha.
Q.44 How many Pravicharana of Sneha.
Q.45 Write the Anupana of Sneha.
Q.46 Write the types of Sweda.
Q.47 Write symptom of Chikitsa .
Q.48 Which is Uttam Anga?
Q.49 Define Ojas.
Q.50 How many pidaka occur in upekshaya of madhumeha.
Q.51 Anlist Udar Roga.
Q.52 Anlist Kustha Roga.
Q.53 Anlist Gulm.
Q.54 What is meant by Langhan.
Q.55 Define Brumhana.
Q.56 Define Rukshan.
Q.57 Define Stambhana.
Q.58 Define Snehan.
Q.59 Write the symptom of Vishuddha shonita.
Q.60 What is called Pathya?
Q.61 What is called Apathy?
Q.62 Enlist the Asava.
Page 11 of 28
Q.63 Define Ayu.
Q.64 Define Ayurveda.
Q.65 Enlist Mulini.
Q.66 Enlist Phalini.
Q.67 Enlist Sneha.
Q.68 Enlist Lavana.
Q.69 Write sympoms of Uttam Vaidya.
Q.70 Enlist yavagu of Apamarga tanduliya Adhyaya.
Q.71 Enlist churn pralepa of Aragavadhiya Adhyaya.
Q.72 Enlist Virechana yoga.
Q.73 Enlist and give name of virechana ashraya.
Q.74 Enlist Kashaya yoni.
Q.75 Enlist and give Kashay ?.
Q.76 Enlist adharaniya Vegas.
Q.77 Which Lakshana happen by Mala Nigraha?
Q.78 Which Lakshana happen by Mutra Nigraha
Q.79 Which Lakshana happen by stopping Vega of virya?
Q.80 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Mala Nigrah?
Q.81 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Mutra Nigrah?
Q.82 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Virya Nigrah?
Q.83 Which Lakshanas are happen by stopping Vega of sneezing?
Q.84Which treatment should be given in Khavathu Nigraha?
Q.85 People of which Prakriti are always ill?
Q.86 What happen by stopping of Vega Vomitting?
Q.87 Which Lakshanas are happened by Apanavayu Nigrah?
Q.88 Which treatment should be given in disease caused by apanavayu Nigrah?
Q.89 Which Lakshanas are happen by kshudha Nigrah?
Q.90 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Kshudha Nigrah?
Q.91 Which Lakshanas are happen by Nindra Nigrah?
Page 12 of 28
Q.92 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Nindra Nigrah
Q.93 Give the name of the chapters of ?ANNAPAN CHATUSKA?
Q.94 Write any two indications of Swedana.
Q.95 Write the name of Niragni Sweda.
Q.96 Enlist the names of Shat Upakrama.
Q.97 Enlist the names of Shat Shodhana Vriksha.
Q.98 Write about Lekhaneeya Mahakashaya.
Q.99 Write about Trividh Apatarpana.
Page 13 of 28
1. Write short note on Sadhyomaranendriya Adhyaya.
2. Write in short about AvakashirashendriyAdhyaya.
3. Write an essay on Indriya Sthana.
4. Write the short note on Indriya Sthana and describe the subjects of
chapter-7 of Indriya Sthana.
5. Is Indriya Sthana important in these era?How?
6. Write about the Arishtas described in Katamani Shaririyamindriyam.
7. Write about the chapter on cow dung like powder.
8. Describe Sadhya Maraniya Indriya.
9. Write any five Arishtas described in poorvarupiyam Adhyaya.
10. Write about Parimarshaneeyamindriyam
11. Write about Indriyaneekamindriyama.
12. Define Arishtha and write ten Roga?s arishtha according to Charaka.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 14 of 28
1. Write about Chaya.
2. Write about Prabha.
3. Explain importance of Indriyasthana.
4. Is knowledge of Indriya Stahana useful in Chikitsa?How?
5. Describe Arishtas related to Gandh(smell) and Rasa(taste).
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 15 of 28
1. Enlist Prakruta swara according to Indriya Stahana.
2. Write Swapna Aristha of Gulma.
3. Mention Swapna Arista of Unmada.
4. Enlist the types of Vikruti.
5. Define Arishta.
6. Write the difference between Chhya and Prabha.
7. Write Swara Vishayaka Arishta.
8. Define Aabhasi Chhaya.
9. What is Chhaya?
10. Enlist the Aristas related to skin on the basis of
11. How many Vaikruta Varna described in Indriya Sthana?
12. Enlist Svapna arishta of Kushtha.
13. Enlist Arishta of Shankhaka Roga.
14. How many Prakrut Varna described in Indriya Sthana?
15. Enlist Swapna Arishta of Gulma.
16. What is Prabha?
17. Enumerate:Vikruta Varna.
18. Describe Purvarupiya Arishta of Gulma.
19. Enlist characteristics of Samprakruti.
20. What is Prabha? Explain shortly.
21. What are the Chatuspad Vishayak Arishta?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
2 marks Questions
Page 16 of 28
22. Describe Swara Vishyak Arishta.
23. Write any two Arishtas related to Sparsha.
24. Write the types of Pralriti described in Indriyasthana.
25. Write the Prodromal Aristhas related to Gulma.
26. Write about Netra Vishyak Arishta.
27. Write signs of Prasasta Doota.
28. Write about Samsthan according to Pannarupeeya Adhyaya.
29. Write Premonitory Arishta of Gulma.
30. Write Premonitory Aridhts of Kustha.
31. What is Anujyoti?
32. Write about Chatuspada Vishayak Aristha.
33. Write Netra Vishayak Arishta.
34. Mention Premonitory Arishta of Jwara.
35. Write importance Arishta in Chikitsa.
36. Write types of Prabha.
37. Write Prodromal Arishtas related to Prameha.
38. Describe Arishtas related to Netra.
39. Write the definition of Arishta.
40. Write about Gomaya Churneeyam.
41. Write about abnormal complexion.
42. What is palpable entities?
43. Explain Raktagata Arishtha.
44. Write any two Arishtas related to Jihva(Rasanendriya).
45. Write the types of Svapna.
46. Enlist the Arishta of Shankhaka Roga.
47. How many Prakruta Varna describrd in Indriya Sthana?
48. Enlist the types of Vikruti.
49. Write the resemblance between Pushpa and Aristha.
50. Write the definition of Indriyasthana.
Page 17 of 28
51. Define Pannaroopa.
52. Write about Arishtas related to Rasa.
53. Write the types of Prakruti described in Varnasvarindriyamindriyam
Q.1 Describe Nidanpanchak.
Q.2 Write Nidana, Purvarupa, Upashay and Samprapti of Jwara.
Q.3 Write Nirukti, Nidana,Types and sadhya- asadhyata of Raktapitta.
Q.4 Write Nirukti, Nidana,Samprapti, Lakshanas and sadhyya- asdhyata of
Q.5 Write Nidana, Samprapti and types of Prameha.
Q.6 Write Nidana, Purvarupa, Rupa and types of Kustha.
Q.7 Define Rajyakshya and write Nidana,Purvarupa,Rupa,types and sadhya-
Asadhyata of Rajyakshama.
Q.8 Write Nidana,Samprapti,Types and Rupa of Unmada.
Q.9 Define Apasmara and write Samprapti and Lakshanas according to its types.
Q.10 Write in detail about Gulma Nidana Adhyaya.
Q.11 Write in detail about Shosha Nidana Adhyaya.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Nidanasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 18 of 28
1. Write short note note on Upashaya.
2. Write short note on importance of Ghrata in girna Jwara.
3. Write short note on sadhys-asadhyata of Rakta-pitta.
4. Write short note on types of Rakta-pitta.
5. Write short note on Raktaj Gulma.
6. Write short note on Dosha-Dushya of Prameha.
7. Write short note on Dosha-Dushya of Kushtha.
8. Write short note on Purvarupa of Kushtha.
9. Write syptoms of Kaphaj Kushtha.
10. Write symptoms of Mandala Kushtha.
11. Write symptoms of Udumber Kushtha.
12. Write about Nidana of Rajyakshama.
13. Write about Ekadash Rupa of Rajyakshama.
14. Write Samprapti of Unmada.
15. Write samprapti of Apasmara.
16. Explain Nidanarthaka Roga.
17. Write about Vyadhi sankar.
18. Write a short note on Dashvidh pariksha.
17. How many type of Pittaja Prameha according to Charaka Samhita?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Nidanasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 19 of 28
Write its common symptoms.
18. Explain ?Chatvarishoshsyaaayatanani?.
33. What may be the result to neglect the Sadhya Roga? Explain.
34. Write short note about Unmada.
35. Write the symptoms of Vataja Prameha.
36. Enlist all types of Prameha.
37. What is the meaning of Nidanarthak Roga?
38. Write in detail about Nidana Panchaka.
39. Write the Nidana of Kshya Roga with Samprapti.
40. Write about Nidana Panchaka.
41. Describe the samprapti of Prameha Roga.
42. Explain the types of Raktapitta.
43. Explain the types of Kaphaja and Pittaja Prameha.
44. Write about Nidanarthakara Roga.
45. Write in details the types of Samprapt
46. Write short note on: Rogi Pareeksha.
47. Write symptoms of Kaphaja Prameha.
48. Write in Detail about Shleshmaja Krimi.
49. Write the types and Sadhyasadhyatva of Kustha Roga.
50. What may be the result to neglect the curable Kustha? Explain.
Page 20 of 28
Q.1 Write symptoms of Roga.
Q.2 Write kakshana of Roga.
Q.3 Write Lakshana of Upashya.
Q.4 Enlist Samprapti.
Q.5 Write Viprakrishtha karana of Jwara.
Q.6 Enlist type of Jwara.
Q.7 Enlist type of Rakta-pitta.
Q.8 Enlist Dushya of Prameha.
Q.9 Write name of Kaphaj Prameha.
Q.10 Write name of Pittaj Prameha
Q.11 Write name of Vataj Prameha.
Q.12 Define Unmada.
Q.13 Define Apasmara.
Q.14 Define Rajyakshama.
Q.15 Enlist Prameha.
Q.16 What are Pratyatma Lakshanas of Apasram?
Q.17 Enlist Gulma.
Q.18 Write the causative factore of Smruti.
Q.19 Enlist Gulma.
Q.20 Enlist Kushtha.
Q.21 Define Rupa.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Nidanasthana
2 marks Questions
Page 21 of 28
Q.22 Classify Samprapti.
Q.25 Clasify Vyadhi according to ? Jwaranidana?.
Q.26 What is Pratyatma Lakshana of Jwara?
Q.27 What are synonyms of Nidana?
Q.28 Write the UpaDravyas of Kastha.
Q.29 Write Chikitsa sutra of Gulma.
Q.30 Write Asadhya Lakshanas of Kshaya.
Q.31 Write the Updravyas of Raktapittaa.
Q.32 Write the synonyms of Hetu.
Q.33 Write the types of Unmada.
Q.34 Write the Updrav of Prameha.
Q.35 Write the types of Kustha accroding to Nidana Sthana.
Q.36 Write Chikitsa Sutra of Sadhya Apasmara.
Q.37 Write about Nidanarthakara Roga.
Q.38 What is Purvaroopas?
Q.39 Write the types of Samprapti.
Q.40 What is Pratyatma Lakshana of Jwara?
Q.41 Write the four causes of Shosha.
Q.42 Write about Prameha Sadhyasadhyatva.
Q.43 Write about Raktapitta Sadhyasadhyatva.
Page 22 of 28
Q.1 Write Nirukti of Vimana and give importance of Viman Sthana.
Q.2 Describe Ashta Ahar Vidhi visheshayatanani..
Q.3 Write the subject matter of Janapadodhvnaniya Vimana.
Q.4 Write the subject matter of Stroto Vimana.
Q.5 Describe Ahar Vidhi Vidhana.
Q.6 Write an essay on Krimi.
Q.7 Write the causative factors, symptoms and line of treatment of srotodushti.
Q.8 Write in detail about Trividh Kulsheeyam Vimana Adhyaya.
Q.9 Write in short about Trividha kukkhiya VimanAdhyaya.
Q.10 Describe Nishthiki Chikitsa.
Q.11 Describe Satmya.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Vimanasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 23 of 28
Q.1 Describe rules of taking food.
Q.2 Write short note on Ama Pradosh.
Q.3 Tail is Vatahar give the reasons.
Q.4 Ghrit is Pitahar give the reasons.
Q.5 Honey is Kaphahar give the reasons.
Q.6 Write the symptoms of appropriate Aahar.
Q.7 Write the general treatment in Janaoadodhvans.
Q.8 Write the causes and symptoms of Janaoadodhvans.
Q.9 Write the Anumanagamyabhavavishesha.
Q.10 Write the root symptoms of Vikruti and its treatment of Pranavaha strotas.
Q.11 Write the root symptoms of Vikruti and its treatment of Annavaha strotas.
Q.12 Write the general causes and general Vikrut symptoms of Strotas.
Q.13 Write about Sandhya Sambhasha.
Q.14 Write about Vigruhya Sambhasha.
Q.15 Explain Ahara Parinamakara Bhava.
Q.16 Write about Mootravaha Srotodushti Lakshana.
Q.17 Write short note on Pragnaparadha.
Q.18 Write short note on: Importance of Vimana Sthana.
Q.19 Write short note on:Parishad(Types of conference).
Q.20 Explain Lokapurush Samya Siddhanta.
Q.21 What is Siddhanta? Describe its all types.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Vimanasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 24 of 28
Q.22 Write names of Mulas of Srotas.
Q.23 Which three substance should not use excessively? Why?
Q.24 Write about Siddhanta.
Q.25 Write about study and teaching.
Q.26 Write short note on: Dashvidh Pareekshya Bhava.
Q.27 Write short note on: silent feature of Vimana Sthana.
Q.28 Write short note on: Agni.
Q.29 Write short note on Adhyayana-Adhyapana Vidhi.
Q.30 Write about Pippali, Kshara and Lavana.
Q.31 Write about Vakyadosha.
Page 25 of 28
Q.1 Enlist Sanshodhana kaala according to Charaka Viamana 8.
Q.2 Enlist Aahar Parinamakara Bhava.
Q.3 Enlist the Dravya which should not be taken for long time according
To Charaka Vimana 1.
Q.4 Classify bones according to Charaka Vimanna Sthana.
Q.5 Which are three fold sources of knoeledge about disease according to
Charaka Vimana 4.
Q.6 Enumerate types of Nindra.
Q.7 Define Vimana.
Q.8 Write Srotodushti Samanya Lakshanas.
Q.9 Define Srotasa.
Q.10 Write the name of Srotasa.
Q.11 Enlist Ahetu according to Charak Samhita.
Q.12 Enlist Shabda according to Vimana Sthana.
Q.13 Classify Srotasa.
Q.14 Vakya Prashamsa.
Q.15 Enlist Shabda.
Q.16 Write the entities which are to be known with inference.
Q.17 Write the names of Srotasa.
Q.18 Write the types of Amapradosha.
Q.19 Write the Sroto Dushti Lakshana.
Q.20 Enlist Shabda according to Vimana Sthana.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Vimanasthana
2 marks Questions
Page 26 of 28
Q.1 Write on essay on Manasa Prakriti according to Sharira Sthana.
Q.2 Describe Pusamavanan according to Charak Sharira 8.
Q.3 Define Mana and write Lakshanas,Vishay and Karma of Mana.
Q.4 Explain-
Q.5 Write Masanumasik Vruddhi of Garbha.
Q.6 Write Garbhini Charya.
Q.7 Define Prakriti and write types and importance of Prakriti.
Q.8 Explain -
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Sharirasthana
10 marks Questions - FirstRanker's Choice
Page 1 of 28
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A
? Sutra Sthana - 40 marks
? Indriya Sthaa - 10 marks
1. One compulsory questions 10 marks
2. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
3. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each 20 marks
4. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-3 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Part B
? Nidana Sthana - 15 marks
? Vimana Sthana - 20 marks
? Sharira Sthana - 15 marks
5. One compulsory questions 10 marks
6. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
7. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each. 20 marks
8. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-6 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Page 2 of 28
Q.1 Describe the importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.2 Explain ?
Q.3 Explain ?
Q.4 Explain Matrashitiya Adhyaya.
Q.5 Explain Shishira Ritucharya.
Q.6 Explain Vasanta Ritucharya.
Q.7 Exlain Grishma Ritucharya.
Q.8 Explain Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.9 Explain Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.10 Explain Hemanta Ritucharya.
Q.11 Write the subject matter of ?na Vegandharniya? Adhyaya.
Q.12Write diseases and treatment of Mala Vegadharan, mutraVega
Dharan, Virya Vegadharana, Apanavayu Vegadharan.
Q.13 Write disease and treatment of ChardiNigrah, Khavathudharan,Udgara
Nigraha and Jrumbha Nigraha.
Q.14 Write diseases and treatment of Kshudha, Trashna, Bashpa, Nidra and Shram-
Q.15 Explain about Dharaniya Vega.
Q.16 Write about Indriya panch panchak.
Q.17 Describe the subject matter of Khuddak Chatuspad.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 3 of 28
Q.18 Explain ?
Q.19 Explain the subject of Maha Chatuspad
Q.20 Describe the subject matter of Vatakalakaliya.
Q.22 What is Ojas? Write the symptoms of Ojokshaya.
Q.23 Write the subject matter of AstauninditiyaAdhyaya.
Q.24 Describe Hitakara and Ahitakara ahar by nature.
Q.25 Write about Shada Upakrama according to Sutra Sthana.
Q.26 Write about Sneha described in Snehadhyay. Describe in detail about Kala
of Snehapana.
Q.27 Explain ?
Q.28 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachatuska.
Q.29 Explain?
Q.30 Write in detail about Santarpana.
Q.31 Write in detail about Swedana.
Q.32 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachutuska.
Q.33 Write in detail about Chaturvidh Pramanas described in Tistraishaneeya
Q.34 Write the difference between Uttarayana and Dakshinayana?
Write in detail about Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.35 Explain ?
Q.36 Explain ?
Page 4 of 28
Q.1 short note on Sadacharana.
Q.2 worthy of doing Sadavartans.
Q.3 Q.4 Write the Gunas of Vaidya.
Q.4 Write the Gunas of Aushadha Dravya according to Khuddak chatuspad.
Q.5 Write the Gunas of Paricharaka.
Q. 6Write the Gunas of Rogi.
Q.7 Describe the importance of Vaidya in chatuspad.
Q.8 Explain ? ?
Q.9 Explain ? ?
Q.10 Write symptoms of Sukha Sadhya dieses.
Q.11 write symptoms of Krichha Sadhya dieses.
Q.12 Write about Trividh Eshanas.
Q.13 Describe Trividh Bala.
Q.14 Describe Trividh Vaidya.
Q.15 Describe Trividh aushadha.
Q.16 Describe the Karma of Vata.
Q.17 Describe the Karma of Pita.
Q.18 Describe the Karma of Kapha.
Q.19 Why Ghrit is best among all Sneha Dravya.
Q.20 Explain ?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 5 of 28
Q.21 Explain - |
Q.22 Write about Doshgati according to Kiyantashirasiya Adhyaya.
Q.23 What is called NijaRoga?
Q.24 What is called AgantukaRoga?
Q.25 Enlistthe Nanatmaja Vatavikara.
Q.26 Enlist Nanatmaja pitavikara.
Q.27 Enlist Nanatmaja kaphavikara.
Q.28 Explain
Q.29 Explain about Nindra.
Q.30 Write the syptoms of Samyaka langhana.
Q.31 Write about Samtarpan.
Q.32 Write about Apatarpana.
Q.33 Write ten Shrestha Ahar Dravya.
Q.34 Write shortnote about types of Dravya.
Q.35 Write shortnote about Samanya and Vishes.
Q.36 Dosha Sangraha of Sharira and Mana.
Q.37 Explain-
Q.38 Write Pathya and Apathhya Padartha of swasthya.
Q.39 Write short note on Udvartana.
Q.40 Explain-
Q.41 Write about Vyayama.
Q.42 Explain-
Q.43 Explain ?Dadhiseven?
Q.44 Give short note on Adanakala.
Q.45 Give short note on Visargakala.
Q.46 Give short note on Rutu Sandhi.
Page 6 of 28
Q.47 Explain-
Q.48 Write about Santarpana.
Q.49 Write about Koshtha according to SnehAdhyaya.
Q.50 Explain-
Q.51 Write about short on Apatarpana.
Q.52 Write the symptoms of Hina and Aviyoga of Vamana.
Q.54 Describe Hridaya on basis of ?ArthedashmahamuliyAdhyaya?.
Q.55 Describe common qualities of Phala varga.
Q.56 Describe the indications of Swedana.
Q.57 Write short note on:Importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.58 Write short note on:Trividha Rogamarga.
Q.59 Describe the Contraindications of Swedana.
Q.60 Describe the Atiyoga Lakshanas of Vamana.
Q.61 Describe the common qualities of Ikhshuvarga.
Q.62 Write about Santarpanottha Vikara.
Q.63 Explain Dharaneeya Vega.
Q.64 Describe Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.65 Describe the subjects mention in Mahachatuspada Adhyaya of Charaka
Q.66 Write the name of Drugs of Jeevsneeya and Deepaneeya Mahakashaya.
Q.67 Write types and functions of Vayu.
Q.68 Write about types of the Rejectoors of Rebirth.
Q.79 Write causes and types of Shotha Roga.
Q.80 Write definition and types of Langhana.
Q.81 Mention the Panchabhautikatva of Rasa.
Q.82 What is Yojana Chatuska? Mention the name of Adhyaya of it.
Q.83 Write about Pranabhisara Vaidya.
Page 7 of 28
Q.84 Write about Kalpana Chatuska.
Q.85 Write about Trividha Apatarpana.
Q.86 Write the types of Vaidys.
Q.87 Write about Karsu and Kuti Sweda.
Q.88 Explain in detail the types of HridRoga.
Q.89 Write the characteristics Yapya and Anupakramya Vyadhi
Q.90 Write about Yukti Pramana.
Q.91 Explain Roga Chatuska.
Q.92 Give the details of Kritanna Varga.
Q.93 Write short note on : Shada Upakrama.
Q.93 Write short note on : Ashtaunindita Purusha.
Q.95 Write short note on : Panchapanchaka.
Q.96 Which disease are manifested due to Aptarpana?
Q.97 Write about Krimija HridRoga.
Q.98 Write a short note on MatrasheetiyAdhyaya.
Q.99 Enlist Apatarpana Janita Vyadhi.
Q.100 What is the meaning of Langhana? Explain.
Q.101 Write the indications of Sneha.
Q.102 How many Mahakashayas described in Sutrasthana? Write the name of
the drug from any two Mahakashayas.
Q.103 Write short note on: Dasha Pranayatana.
Q.104 Explain-
Q.105 Explain -
Q.106 Explain-
Q.107 Explain-
Q.108 Explain-
Page 8 of 28
Q.109 Explain ...... ||
Q.110 Explain
Q.111 Explain -
Q.112 Explain-
Page 9 of 28
Q.1 Enlist quality of Aushadha according to Sutra Sthana 9.
Q.2 Hansodaka.
Q.3 Enlist Ashatunindniya.
Q.4 Enlist Shudha Rakta Lakshana according to VidhishonitiyAdhyaya.
Q.5 Enlist quality of Paricharika according to Sutra sthana.
Q.6 Enlist Aishana.
Q.7 How many types of Kshayas are describe in KiyantakshirashiyAdhyaya?
Q.21 Indicates special qualities of Suddha Rakta..
Q.22 Enlist common qualities of Langhana Dravyas according to
Q.23 Write the name of chapters included in Bheshaja Chatuska.
Q.24 Write any two indications of Swedana.
Q.25 Write the name of Niragni Sweda.
Q.26 Write the types of Milk.
Q.27 Write the types and importance of Fat.
Q.28 Write the name of drugs which are useful in Vamana.
Q.29 Write about five types of Extract preparations.
Q.30 Write about Samanya and Vishesha.
Q.31 What is Vatakalakaliya?
Q.32 What is Trisutra?
Q.33 Which karan Dravyas in gyanendriyas?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
2 marks Questions
Page 10 of 28
Q.34Which are adhytma Dravya?
Q.35 Who keeps central on indriyas?
Q.36 Define Pranabhisara Vaidya.
Q.37 What is meant by Yapya?
Q.38 What is meant by Pratyakhyeya?
Q.39 Write the name of Trividh Eshnas.
Q.40 What is meant by Praneshna.
Q.41What is considered in tri Upastambh.
Q.42 How many types of Bala?
Q.43 Write the types of Sneha.
Q.44 How many Pravicharana of Sneha.
Q.45 Write the Anupana of Sneha.
Q.46 Write the types of Sweda.
Q.47 Write symptom of Chikitsa .
Q.48 Which is Uttam Anga?
Q.49 Define Ojas.
Q.50 How many pidaka occur in upekshaya of madhumeha.
Q.51 Anlist Udar Roga.
Q.52 Anlist Kustha Roga.
Q.53 Anlist Gulm.
Q.54 What is meant by Langhan.
Q.55 Define Brumhana.
Q.56 Define Rukshan.
Q.57 Define Stambhana.
Q.58 Define Snehan.
Q.59 Write the symptom of Vishuddha shonita.
Q.60 What is called Pathya?
Q.61 What is called Apathy?
Q.62 Enlist the Asava.
Page 11 of 28
Q.63 Define Ayu.
Q.64 Define Ayurveda.
Q.65 Enlist Mulini.
Q.66 Enlist Phalini.
Q.67 Enlist Sneha.
Q.68 Enlist Lavana.
Q.69 Write sympoms of Uttam Vaidya.
Q.70 Enlist yavagu of Apamarga tanduliya Adhyaya.
Q.71 Enlist churn pralepa of Aragavadhiya Adhyaya.
Q.72 Enlist Virechana yoga.
Q.73 Enlist and give name of virechana ashraya.
Q.74 Enlist Kashaya yoni.
Q.75 Enlist and give Kashay ?.
Q.76 Enlist adharaniya Vegas.
Q.77 Which Lakshana happen by Mala Nigraha?
Q.78 Which Lakshana happen by Mutra Nigraha
Q.79 Which Lakshana happen by stopping Vega of virya?
Q.80 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Mala Nigrah?
Q.81 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Mutra Nigrah?
Q.82 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Virya Nigrah?
Q.83 Which Lakshanas are happen by stopping Vega of sneezing?
Q.84Which treatment should be given in Khavathu Nigraha?
Q.85 People of which Prakriti are always ill?
Q.86 What happen by stopping of Vega Vomitting?
Q.87 Which Lakshanas are happened by Apanavayu Nigrah?
Q.88 Which treatment should be given in disease caused by apanavayu Nigrah?
Q.89 Which Lakshanas are happen by kshudha Nigrah?
Q.90 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Kshudha Nigrah?
Q.91 Which Lakshanas are happen by Nindra Nigrah?
Page 12 of 28
Q.92 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Nindra Nigrah
Q.93 Give the name of the chapters of ?ANNAPAN CHATUSKA?
Q.94 Write any two indications of Swedana.
Q.95 Write the name of Niragni Sweda.
Q.96 Enlist the names of Shat Upakrama.
Q.97 Enlist the names of Shat Shodhana Vriksha.
Q.98 Write about Lekhaneeya Mahakashaya.
Q.99 Write about Trividh Apatarpana.
Page 13 of 28
1. Write short note on Sadhyomaranendriya Adhyaya.
2. Write in short about AvakashirashendriyAdhyaya.
3. Write an essay on Indriya Sthana.
4. Write the short note on Indriya Sthana and describe the subjects of
chapter-7 of Indriya Sthana.
5. Is Indriya Sthana important in these era?How?
6. Write about the Arishtas described in Katamani Shaririyamindriyam.
7. Write about the chapter on cow dung like powder.
8. Describe Sadhya Maraniya Indriya.
9. Write any five Arishtas described in poorvarupiyam Adhyaya.
10. Write about Parimarshaneeyamindriyam
11. Write about Indriyaneekamindriyama.
12. Define Arishtha and write ten Roga?s arishtha according to Charaka.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 14 of 28
1. Write about Chaya.
2. Write about Prabha.
3. Explain importance of Indriyasthana.
4. Is knowledge of Indriya Stahana useful in Chikitsa?How?
5. Describe Arishtas related to Gandh(smell) and Rasa(taste).
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 15 of 28
1. Enlist Prakruta swara according to Indriya Stahana.
2. Write Swapna Aristha of Gulma.
3. Mention Swapna Arista of Unmada.
4. Enlist the types of Vikruti.
5. Define Arishta.
6. Write the difference between Chhya and Prabha.
7. Write Swara Vishayaka Arishta.
8. Define Aabhasi Chhaya.
9. What is Chhaya?
10. Enlist the Aristas related to skin on the basis of
11. How many Vaikruta Varna described in Indriya Sthana?
12. Enlist Svapna arishta of Kushtha.
13. Enlist Arishta of Shankhaka Roga.
14. How many Prakrut Varna described in Indriya Sthana?
15. Enlist Swapna Arishta of Gulma.
16. What is Prabha?
17. Enumerate:Vikruta Varna.
18. Describe Purvarupiya Arishta of Gulma.
19. Enlist characteristics of Samprakruti.
20. What is Prabha? Explain shortly.
21. What are the Chatuspad Vishayak Arishta?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
2 marks Questions
Page 16 of 28
22. Describe Swara Vishyak Arishta.
23. Write any two Arishtas related to Sparsha.
24. Write the types of Pralriti described in Indriyasthana.
25. Write the Prodromal Aristhas related to Gulma.
26. Write about Netra Vishyak Arishta.
27. Write signs of Prasasta Doota.
28. Write about Samsthan according to Pannarupeeya Adhyaya.
29. Write Premonitory Arishta of Gulma.
30. Write Premonitory Aridhts of Kustha.
31. What is Anujyoti?
32. Write about Chatuspada Vishayak Aristha.
33. Write Netra Vishayak Arishta.
34. Mention Premonitory Arishta of Jwara.
35. Write importance Arishta in Chikitsa.
36. Write types of Prabha.
37. Write Prodromal Arishtas related to Prameha.
38. Describe Arishtas related to Netra.
39. Write the definition of Arishta.
40. Write about Gomaya Churneeyam.
41. Write about abnormal complexion.
42. What is palpable entities?
43. Explain Raktagata Arishtha.
44. Write any two Arishtas related to Jihva(Rasanendriya).
45. Write the types of Svapna.
46. Enlist the Arishta of Shankhaka Roga.
47. How many Prakruta Varna describrd in Indriya Sthana?
48. Enlist the types of Vikruti.
49. Write the resemblance between Pushpa and Aristha.
50. Write the definition of Indriyasthana.
Page 17 of 28
51. Define Pannaroopa.
52. Write about Arishtas related to Rasa.
53. Write the types of Prakruti described in Varnasvarindriyamindriyam
Q.1 Describe Nidanpanchak.
Q.2 Write Nidana, Purvarupa, Upashay and Samprapti of Jwara.
Q.3 Write Nirukti, Nidana,Types and sadhya- asadhyata of Raktapitta.
Q.4 Write Nirukti, Nidana,Samprapti, Lakshanas and sadhyya- asdhyata of
Q.5 Write Nidana, Samprapti and types of Prameha.
Q.6 Write Nidana, Purvarupa, Rupa and types of Kustha.
Q.7 Define Rajyakshya and write Nidana,Purvarupa,Rupa,types and sadhya-
Asadhyata of Rajyakshama.
Q.8 Write Nidana,Samprapti,Types and Rupa of Unmada.
Q.9 Define Apasmara and write Samprapti and Lakshanas according to its types.
Q.10 Write in detail about Gulma Nidana Adhyaya.
Q.11 Write in detail about Shosha Nidana Adhyaya.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Nidanasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 18 of 28
1. Write short note note on Upashaya.
2. Write short note on importance of Ghrata in girna Jwara.
3. Write short note on sadhys-asadhyata of Rakta-pitta.
4. Write short note on types of Rakta-pitta.
5. Write short note on Raktaj Gulma.
6. Write short note on Dosha-Dushya of Prameha.
7. Write short note on Dosha-Dushya of Kushtha.
8. Write short note on Purvarupa of Kushtha.
9. Write syptoms of Kaphaj Kushtha.
10. Write symptoms of Mandala Kushtha.
11. Write symptoms of Udumber Kushtha.
12. Write about Nidana of Rajyakshama.
13. Write about Ekadash Rupa of Rajyakshama.
14. Write Samprapti of Unmada.
15. Write samprapti of Apasmara.
16. Explain Nidanarthaka Roga.
17. Write about Vyadhi sankar.
18. Write a short note on Dashvidh pariksha.
17. How many type of Pittaja Prameha according to Charaka Samhita?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Nidanasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 19 of 28
Write its common symptoms.
18. Explain ?Chatvarishoshsyaaayatanani?.
33. What may be the result to neglect the Sadhya Roga? Explain.
34. Write short note about Unmada.
35. Write the symptoms of Vataja Prameha.
36. Enlist all types of Prameha.
37. What is the meaning of Nidanarthak Roga?
38. Write in detail about Nidana Panchaka.
39. Write the Nidana of Kshya Roga with Samprapti.
40. Write about Nidana Panchaka.
41. Describe the samprapti of Prameha Roga.
42. Explain the types of Raktapitta.
43. Explain the types of Kaphaja and Pittaja Prameha.
44. Write about Nidanarthakara Roga.
45. Write in details the types of Samprapt
46. Write short note on: Rogi Pareeksha.
47. Write symptoms of Kaphaja Prameha.
48. Write in Detail about Shleshmaja Krimi.
49. Write the types and Sadhyasadhyatva of Kustha Roga.
50. What may be the result to neglect the curable Kustha? Explain.
Page 20 of 28
Q.1 Write symptoms of Roga.
Q.2 Write kakshana of Roga.
Q.3 Write Lakshana of Upashya.
Q.4 Enlist Samprapti.
Q.5 Write Viprakrishtha karana of Jwara.
Q.6 Enlist type of Jwara.
Q.7 Enlist type of Rakta-pitta.
Q.8 Enlist Dushya of Prameha.
Q.9 Write name of Kaphaj Prameha.
Q.10 Write name of Pittaj Prameha
Q.11 Write name of Vataj Prameha.
Q.12 Define Unmada.
Q.13 Define Apasmara.
Q.14 Define Rajyakshama.
Q.15 Enlist Prameha.
Q.16 What are Pratyatma Lakshanas of Apasram?
Q.17 Enlist Gulma.
Q.18 Write the causative factore of Smruti.
Q.19 Enlist Gulma.
Q.20 Enlist Kushtha.
Q.21 Define Rupa.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Nidanasthana
2 marks Questions
Page 21 of 28
Q.22 Classify Samprapti.
Q.25 Clasify Vyadhi according to ? Jwaranidana?.
Q.26 What is Pratyatma Lakshana of Jwara?
Q.27 What are synonyms of Nidana?
Q.28 Write the UpaDravyas of Kastha.
Q.29 Write Chikitsa sutra of Gulma.
Q.30 Write Asadhya Lakshanas of Kshaya.
Q.31 Write the Updravyas of Raktapittaa.
Q.32 Write the synonyms of Hetu.
Q.33 Write the types of Unmada.
Q.34 Write the Updrav of Prameha.
Q.35 Write the types of Kustha accroding to Nidana Sthana.
Q.36 Write Chikitsa Sutra of Sadhya Apasmara.
Q.37 Write about Nidanarthakara Roga.
Q.38 What is Purvaroopas?
Q.39 Write the types of Samprapti.
Q.40 What is Pratyatma Lakshana of Jwara?
Q.41 Write the four causes of Shosha.
Q.42 Write about Prameha Sadhyasadhyatva.
Q.43 Write about Raktapitta Sadhyasadhyatva.
Page 22 of 28
Q.1 Write Nirukti of Vimana and give importance of Viman Sthana.
Q.2 Describe Ashta Ahar Vidhi visheshayatanani..
Q.3 Write the subject matter of Janapadodhvnaniya Vimana.
Q.4 Write the subject matter of Stroto Vimana.
Q.5 Describe Ahar Vidhi Vidhana.
Q.6 Write an essay on Krimi.
Q.7 Write the causative factors, symptoms and line of treatment of srotodushti.
Q.8 Write in detail about Trividh Kulsheeyam Vimana Adhyaya.
Q.9 Write in short about Trividha kukkhiya VimanAdhyaya.
Q.10 Describe Nishthiki Chikitsa.
Q.11 Describe Satmya.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Vimanasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 23 of 28
Q.1 Describe rules of taking food.
Q.2 Write short note on Ama Pradosh.
Q.3 Tail is Vatahar give the reasons.
Q.4 Ghrit is Pitahar give the reasons.
Q.5 Honey is Kaphahar give the reasons.
Q.6 Write the symptoms of appropriate Aahar.
Q.7 Write the general treatment in Janaoadodhvans.
Q.8 Write the causes and symptoms of Janaoadodhvans.
Q.9 Write the Anumanagamyabhavavishesha.
Q.10 Write the root symptoms of Vikruti and its treatment of Pranavaha strotas.
Q.11 Write the root symptoms of Vikruti and its treatment of Annavaha strotas.
Q.12 Write the general causes and general Vikrut symptoms of Strotas.
Q.13 Write about Sandhya Sambhasha.
Q.14 Write about Vigruhya Sambhasha.
Q.15 Explain Ahara Parinamakara Bhava.
Q.16 Write about Mootravaha Srotodushti Lakshana.
Q.17 Write short note on Pragnaparadha.
Q.18 Write short note on: Importance of Vimana Sthana.
Q.19 Write short note on:Parishad(Types of conference).
Q.20 Explain Lokapurush Samya Siddhanta.
Q.21 What is Siddhanta? Describe its all types.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Vimanasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 24 of 28
Q.22 Write names of Mulas of Srotas.
Q.23 Which three substance should not use excessively? Why?
Q.24 Write about Siddhanta.
Q.25 Write about study and teaching.
Q.26 Write short note on: Dashvidh Pareekshya Bhava.
Q.27 Write short note on: silent feature of Vimana Sthana.
Q.28 Write short note on: Agni.
Q.29 Write short note on Adhyayana-Adhyapana Vidhi.
Q.30 Write about Pippali, Kshara and Lavana.
Q.31 Write about Vakyadosha.
Page 25 of 28
Q.1 Enlist Sanshodhana kaala according to Charaka Viamana 8.
Q.2 Enlist Aahar Parinamakara Bhava.
Q.3 Enlist the Dravya which should not be taken for long time according
To Charaka Vimana 1.
Q.4 Classify bones according to Charaka Vimanna Sthana.
Q.5 Which are three fold sources of knoeledge about disease according to
Charaka Vimana 4.
Q.6 Enumerate types of Nindra.
Q.7 Define Vimana.
Q.8 Write Srotodushti Samanya Lakshanas.
Q.9 Define Srotasa.
Q.10 Write the name of Srotasa.
Q.11 Enlist Ahetu according to Charak Samhita.
Q.12 Enlist Shabda according to Vimana Sthana.
Q.13 Classify Srotasa.
Q.14 Vakya Prashamsa.
Q.15 Enlist Shabda.
Q.16 Write the entities which are to be known with inference.
Q.17 Write the names of Srotasa.
Q.18 Write the types of Amapradosha.
Q.19 Write the Sroto Dushti Lakshana.
Q.20 Enlist Shabda according to Vimana Sthana.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Vimanasthana
2 marks Questions
Page 26 of 28
Q.1 Write on essay on Manasa Prakriti according to Sharira Sthana.
Q.2 Describe Pusamavanan according to Charak Sharira 8.
Q.3 Define Mana and write Lakshanas,Vishay and Karma of Mana.
Q.4 Explain-
Q.5 Write Masanumasik Vruddhi of Garbha.
Q.6 Write Garbhini Charya.
Q.7 Define Prakriti and write types and importance of Prakriti.
Q.8 Explain -
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Sharirasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 27 of 28
Q.1 Write importance of Atma.
Q.2 Write about hygienic rules for Doshic equilibrium according to Charak
Sharira 6.
Q.3 Write short note on Upadha.
Q.4 Write short note on Ativahika sharira.
Q.5 Write Atmaja bhava of Garbha.
Q.6 Write types of Mana.
Q.7 Write Garbhotpatti kram.
Q.8 Write importance of Dahrud lakshanas.
Q.9 Write about method of conception according to Sharira Sthana.
Q.10 Describe Sattvika Manas Prakruti.
Q.11 What is Garbhavakranti? Explain.
Q.12 Write the importance of Sharirasthana.
Q.13 Write the features of Vata Prakriti.
Q.14 Write the characteristics of Aatma.
Q.15 What are the ?Garbha Vinashaka Bhavas? according to Acharya Charaka.
Q.16 What man and old woman should do for excellent pregnancy?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Sharirasthana
5 marks Questions - FirstRanker's Choice
Page 1 of 28
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A
? Sutra Sthana - 40 marks
? Indriya Sthaa - 10 marks
1. One compulsory questions 10 marks
2. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
3. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each 20 marks
4. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-3 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Part B
? Nidana Sthana - 15 marks
? Vimana Sthana - 20 marks
? Sharira Sthana - 15 marks
5. One compulsory questions 10 marks
6. one questions out of two questions of 10 marks each. 10 marks
7. Four questions out of five questions of 05 marks each. 20 marks
8. Five questions out of six questions, 02 marks each. 10 marks
(One question in Q-6 should include Sutra with its meaning)
Page 2 of 28
Q.1 Describe the importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.2 Explain ?
Q.3 Explain ?
Q.4 Explain Matrashitiya Adhyaya.
Q.5 Explain Shishira Ritucharya.
Q.6 Explain Vasanta Ritucharya.
Q.7 Exlain Grishma Ritucharya.
Q.8 Explain Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.9 Explain Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.10 Explain Hemanta Ritucharya.
Q.11 Write the subject matter of ?na Vegandharniya? Adhyaya.
Q.12Write diseases and treatment of Mala Vegadharan, mutraVega
Dharan, Virya Vegadharana, Apanavayu Vegadharan.
Q.13 Write disease and treatment of ChardiNigrah, Khavathudharan,Udgara
Nigraha and Jrumbha Nigraha.
Q.14 Write diseases and treatment of Kshudha, Trashna, Bashpa, Nidra and Shram-
Q.15 Explain about Dharaniya Vega.
Q.16 Write about Indriya panch panchak.
Q.17 Describe the subject matter of Khuddak Chatuspad.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 3 of 28
Q.18 Explain ?
Q.19 Explain the subject of Maha Chatuspad
Q.20 Describe the subject matter of Vatakalakaliya.
Q.22 What is Ojas? Write the symptoms of Ojokshaya.
Q.23 Write the subject matter of AstauninditiyaAdhyaya.
Q.24 Describe Hitakara and Ahitakara ahar by nature.
Q.25 Write about Shada Upakrama according to Sutra Sthana.
Q.26 Write about Sneha described in Snehadhyay. Describe in detail about Kala
of Snehapana.
Q.27 Explain ?
Q.28 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachatuska.
Q.29 Explain?
Q.30 Write in detail about Santarpana.
Q.31 Write in detail about Swedana.
Q.32 Explain the contents of chapter which are included in Bhesajachutuska.
Q.33 Write in detail about Chaturvidh Pramanas described in Tistraishaneeya
Q.34 Write the difference between Uttarayana and Dakshinayana?
Write in detail about Varsha Ritucharya.
Q.35 Explain ?
Q.36 Explain ?
Page 4 of 28
Q.1 short note on Sadacharana.
Q.2 worthy of doing Sadavartans.
Q.3 Q.4 Write the Gunas of Vaidya.
Q.4 Write the Gunas of Aushadha Dravya according to Khuddak chatuspad.
Q.5 Write the Gunas of Paricharaka.
Q. 6Write the Gunas of Rogi.
Q.7 Describe the importance of Vaidya in chatuspad.
Q.8 Explain ? ?
Q.9 Explain ? ?
Q.10 Write symptoms of Sukha Sadhya dieses.
Q.11 write symptoms of Krichha Sadhya dieses.
Q.12 Write about Trividh Eshanas.
Q.13 Describe Trividh Bala.
Q.14 Describe Trividh Vaidya.
Q.15 Describe Trividh aushadha.
Q.16 Describe the Karma of Vata.
Q.17 Describe the Karma of Pita.
Q.18 Describe the Karma of Kapha.
Q.19 Why Ghrit is best among all Sneha Dravya.
Q.20 Explain ?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 5 of 28
Q.21 Explain - |
Q.22 Write about Doshgati according to Kiyantashirasiya Adhyaya.
Q.23 What is called NijaRoga?
Q.24 What is called AgantukaRoga?
Q.25 Enlistthe Nanatmaja Vatavikara.
Q.26 Enlist Nanatmaja pitavikara.
Q.27 Enlist Nanatmaja kaphavikara.
Q.28 Explain
Q.29 Explain about Nindra.
Q.30 Write the syptoms of Samyaka langhana.
Q.31 Write about Samtarpan.
Q.32 Write about Apatarpana.
Q.33 Write ten Shrestha Ahar Dravya.
Q.34 Write shortnote about types of Dravya.
Q.35 Write shortnote about Samanya and Vishes.
Q.36 Dosha Sangraha of Sharira and Mana.
Q.37 Explain-
Q.38 Write Pathya and Apathhya Padartha of swasthya.
Q.39 Write short note on Udvartana.
Q.40 Explain-
Q.41 Write about Vyayama.
Q.42 Explain-
Q.43 Explain ?Dadhiseven?
Q.44 Give short note on Adanakala.
Q.45 Give short note on Visargakala.
Q.46 Give short note on Rutu Sandhi.
Page 6 of 28
Q.47 Explain-
Q.48 Write about Santarpana.
Q.49 Write about Koshtha according to SnehAdhyaya.
Q.50 Explain-
Q.51 Write about short on Apatarpana.
Q.52 Write the symptoms of Hina and Aviyoga of Vamana.
Q.54 Describe Hridaya on basis of ?ArthedashmahamuliyAdhyaya?.
Q.55 Describe common qualities of Phala varga.
Q.56 Describe the indications of Swedana.
Q.57 Write short note on:Importance of Sutrasthana.
Q.58 Write short note on:Trividha Rogamarga.
Q.59 Describe the Contraindications of Swedana.
Q.60 Describe the Atiyoga Lakshanas of Vamana.
Q.61 Describe the common qualities of Ikhshuvarga.
Q.62 Write about Santarpanottha Vikara.
Q.63 Explain Dharaneeya Vega.
Q.64 Describe Sharad Ritucharya.
Q.65 Describe the subjects mention in Mahachatuspada Adhyaya of Charaka
Q.66 Write the name of Drugs of Jeevsneeya and Deepaneeya Mahakashaya.
Q.67 Write types and functions of Vayu.
Q.68 Write about types of the Rejectoors of Rebirth.
Q.79 Write causes and types of Shotha Roga.
Q.80 Write definition and types of Langhana.
Q.81 Mention the Panchabhautikatva of Rasa.
Q.82 What is Yojana Chatuska? Mention the name of Adhyaya of it.
Q.83 Write about Pranabhisara Vaidya.
Page 7 of 28
Q.84 Write about Kalpana Chatuska.
Q.85 Write about Trividha Apatarpana.
Q.86 Write the types of Vaidys.
Q.87 Write about Karsu and Kuti Sweda.
Q.88 Explain in detail the types of HridRoga.
Q.89 Write the characteristics Yapya and Anupakramya Vyadhi
Q.90 Write about Yukti Pramana.
Q.91 Explain Roga Chatuska.
Q.92 Give the details of Kritanna Varga.
Q.93 Write short note on : Shada Upakrama.
Q.93 Write short note on : Ashtaunindita Purusha.
Q.95 Write short note on : Panchapanchaka.
Q.96 Which disease are manifested due to Aptarpana?
Q.97 Write about Krimija HridRoga.
Q.98 Write a short note on MatrasheetiyAdhyaya.
Q.99 Enlist Apatarpana Janita Vyadhi.
Q.100 What is the meaning of Langhana? Explain.
Q.101 Write the indications of Sneha.
Q.102 How many Mahakashayas described in Sutrasthana? Write the name of
the drug from any two Mahakashayas.
Q.103 Write short note on: Dasha Pranayatana.
Q.104 Explain-
Q.105 Explain -
Q.106 Explain-
Q.107 Explain-
Q.108 Explain-
Page 8 of 28
Q.109 Explain ...... ||
Q.110 Explain
Q.111 Explain -
Q.112 Explain-
Page 9 of 28
Q.1 Enlist quality of Aushadha according to Sutra Sthana 9.
Q.2 Hansodaka.
Q.3 Enlist Ashatunindniya.
Q.4 Enlist Shudha Rakta Lakshana according to VidhishonitiyAdhyaya.
Q.5 Enlist quality of Paricharika according to Sutra sthana.
Q.6 Enlist Aishana.
Q.7 How many types of Kshayas are describe in KiyantakshirashiyAdhyaya?
Q.21 Indicates special qualities of Suddha Rakta..
Q.22 Enlist common qualities of Langhana Dravyas according to
Q.23 Write the name of chapters included in Bheshaja Chatuska.
Q.24 Write any two indications of Swedana.
Q.25 Write the name of Niragni Sweda.
Q.26 Write the types of Milk.
Q.27 Write the types and importance of Fat.
Q.28 Write the name of drugs which are useful in Vamana.
Q.29 Write about five types of Extract preparations.
Q.30 Write about Samanya and Vishesha.
Q.31 What is Vatakalakaliya?
Q.32 What is Trisutra?
Q.33 Which karan Dravyas in gyanendriyas?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Sutrasthana
2 marks Questions
Page 10 of 28
Q.34Which are adhytma Dravya?
Q.35 Who keeps central on indriyas?
Q.36 Define Pranabhisara Vaidya.
Q.37 What is meant by Yapya?
Q.38 What is meant by Pratyakhyeya?
Q.39 Write the name of Trividh Eshnas.
Q.40 What is meant by Praneshna.
Q.41What is considered in tri Upastambh.
Q.42 How many types of Bala?
Q.43 Write the types of Sneha.
Q.44 How many Pravicharana of Sneha.
Q.45 Write the Anupana of Sneha.
Q.46 Write the types of Sweda.
Q.47 Write symptom of Chikitsa .
Q.48 Which is Uttam Anga?
Q.49 Define Ojas.
Q.50 How many pidaka occur in upekshaya of madhumeha.
Q.51 Anlist Udar Roga.
Q.52 Anlist Kustha Roga.
Q.53 Anlist Gulm.
Q.54 What is meant by Langhan.
Q.55 Define Brumhana.
Q.56 Define Rukshan.
Q.57 Define Stambhana.
Q.58 Define Snehan.
Q.59 Write the symptom of Vishuddha shonita.
Q.60 What is called Pathya?
Q.61 What is called Apathy?
Q.62 Enlist the Asava.
Page 11 of 28
Q.63 Define Ayu.
Q.64 Define Ayurveda.
Q.65 Enlist Mulini.
Q.66 Enlist Phalini.
Q.67 Enlist Sneha.
Q.68 Enlist Lavana.
Q.69 Write sympoms of Uttam Vaidya.
Q.70 Enlist yavagu of Apamarga tanduliya Adhyaya.
Q.71 Enlist churn pralepa of Aragavadhiya Adhyaya.
Q.72 Enlist Virechana yoga.
Q.73 Enlist and give name of virechana ashraya.
Q.74 Enlist Kashaya yoni.
Q.75 Enlist and give Kashay ?.
Q.76 Enlist adharaniya Vegas.
Q.77 Which Lakshana happen by Mala Nigraha?
Q.78 Which Lakshana happen by Mutra Nigraha
Q.79 Which Lakshana happen by stopping Vega of virya?
Q.80 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Mala Nigrah?
Q.81 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Mutra Nigrah?
Q.82 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Virya Nigrah?
Q.83 Which Lakshanas are happen by stopping Vega of sneezing?
Q.84Which treatment should be given in Khavathu Nigraha?
Q.85 People of which Prakriti are always ill?
Q.86 What happen by stopping of Vega Vomitting?
Q.87 Which Lakshanas are happened by Apanavayu Nigrah?
Q.88 Which treatment should be given in disease caused by apanavayu Nigrah?
Q.89 Which Lakshanas are happen by kshudha Nigrah?
Q.90 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Kshudha Nigrah?
Q.91 Which Lakshanas are happen by Nindra Nigrah?
Page 12 of 28
Q.92 What treatment should be given in disease caused by Nindra Nigrah
Q.93 Give the name of the chapters of ?ANNAPAN CHATUSKA?
Q.94 Write any two indications of Swedana.
Q.95 Write the name of Niragni Sweda.
Q.96 Enlist the names of Shat Upakrama.
Q.97 Enlist the names of Shat Shodhana Vriksha.
Q.98 Write about Lekhaneeya Mahakashaya.
Q.99 Write about Trividh Apatarpana.
Page 13 of 28
1. Write short note on Sadhyomaranendriya Adhyaya.
2. Write in short about AvakashirashendriyAdhyaya.
3. Write an essay on Indriya Sthana.
4. Write the short note on Indriya Sthana and describe the subjects of
chapter-7 of Indriya Sthana.
5. Is Indriya Sthana important in these era?How?
6. Write about the Arishtas described in Katamani Shaririyamindriyam.
7. Write about the chapter on cow dung like powder.
8. Describe Sadhya Maraniya Indriya.
9. Write any five Arishtas described in poorvarupiyam Adhyaya.
10. Write about Parimarshaneeyamindriyam
11. Write about Indriyaneekamindriyama.
12. Define Arishtha and write ten Roga?s arishtha according to Charaka.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 14 of 28
1. Write about Chaya.
2. Write about Prabha.
3. Explain importance of Indriyasthana.
4. Is knowledge of Indriya Stahana useful in Chikitsa?How?
5. Describe Arishtas related to Gandh(smell) and Rasa(taste).
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 15 of 28
1. Enlist Prakruta swara according to Indriya Stahana.
2. Write Swapna Aristha of Gulma.
3. Mention Swapna Arista of Unmada.
4. Enlist the types of Vikruti.
5. Define Arishta.
6. Write the difference between Chhya and Prabha.
7. Write Swara Vishayaka Arishta.
8. Define Aabhasi Chhaya.
9. What is Chhaya?
10. Enlist the Aristas related to skin on the basis of
11. How many Vaikruta Varna described in Indriya Sthana?
12. Enlist Svapna arishta of Kushtha.
13. Enlist Arishta of Shankhaka Roga.
14. How many Prakrut Varna described in Indriya Sthana?
15. Enlist Swapna Arishta of Gulma.
16. What is Prabha?
17. Enumerate:Vikruta Varna.
18. Describe Purvarupiya Arishta of Gulma.
19. Enlist characteristics of Samprakruti.
20. What is Prabha? Explain shortly.
21. What are the Chatuspad Vishayak Arishta?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part A- Indriyasthana
2 marks Questions
Page 16 of 28
22. Describe Swara Vishyak Arishta.
23. Write any two Arishtas related to Sparsha.
24. Write the types of Pralriti described in Indriyasthana.
25. Write the Prodromal Aristhas related to Gulma.
26. Write about Netra Vishyak Arishta.
27. Write signs of Prasasta Doota.
28. Write about Samsthan according to Pannarupeeya Adhyaya.
29. Write Premonitory Arishta of Gulma.
30. Write Premonitory Aridhts of Kustha.
31. What is Anujyoti?
32. Write about Chatuspada Vishayak Aristha.
33. Write Netra Vishayak Arishta.
34. Mention Premonitory Arishta of Jwara.
35. Write importance Arishta in Chikitsa.
36. Write types of Prabha.
37. Write Prodromal Arishtas related to Prameha.
38. Describe Arishtas related to Netra.
39. Write the definition of Arishta.
40. Write about Gomaya Churneeyam.
41. Write about abnormal complexion.
42. What is palpable entities?
43. Explain Raktagata Arishtha.
44. Write any two Arishtas related to Jihva(Rasanendriya).
45. Write the types of Svapna.
46. Enlist the Arishta of Shankhaka Roga.
47. How many Prakruta Varna describrd in Indriya Sthana?
48. Enlist the types of Vikruti.
49. Write the resemblance between Pushpa and Aristha.
50. Write the definition of Indriyasthana.
Page 17 of 28
51. Define Pannaroopa.
52. Write about Arishtas related to Rasa.
53. Write the types of Prakruti described in Varnasvarindriyamindriyam
Q.1 Describe Nidanpanchak.
Q.2 Write Nidana, Purvarupa, Upashay and Samprapti of Jwara.
Q.3 Write Nirukti, Nidana,Types and sadhya- asadhyata of Raktapitta.
Q.4 Write Nirukti, Nidana,Samprapti, Lakshanas and sadhyya- asdhyata of
Q.5 Write Nidana, Samprapti and types of Prameha.
Q.6 Write Nidana, Purvarupa, Rupa and types of Kustha.
Q.7 Define Rajyakshya and write Nidana,Purvarupa,Rupa,types and sadhya-
Asadhyata of Rajyakshama.
Q.8 Write Nidana,Samprapti,Types and Rupa of Unmada.
Q.9 Define Apasmara and write Samprapti and Lakshanas according to its types.
Q.10 Write in detail about Gulma Nidana Adhyaya.
Q.11 Write in detail about Shosha Nidana Adhyaya.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Nidanasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 18 of 28
1. Write short note note on Upashaya.
2. Write short note on importance of Ghrata in girna Jwara.
3. Write short note on sadhys-asadhyata of Rakta-pitta.
4. Write short note on types of Rakta-pitta.
5. Write short note on Raktaj Gulma.
6. Write short note on Dosha-Dushya of Prameha.
7. Write short note on Dosha-Dushya of Kushtha.
8. Write short note on Purvarupa of Kushtha.
9. Write syptoms of Kaphaj Kushtha.
10. Write symptoms of Mandala Kushtha.
11. Write symptoms of Udumber Kushtha.
12. Write about Nidana of Rajyakshama.
13. Write about Ekadash Rupa of Rajyakshama.
14. Write Samprapti of Unmada.
15. Write samprapti of Apasmara.
16. Explain Nidanarthaka Roga.
17. Write about Vyadhi sankar.
18. Write a short note on Dashvidh pariksha.
17. How many type of Pittaja Prameha according to Charaka Samhita?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Nidanasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 19 of 28
Write its common symptoms.
18. Explain ?Chatvarishoshsyaaayatanani?.
33. What may be the result to neglect the Sadhya Roga? Explain.
34. Write short note about Unmada.
35. Write the symptoms of Vataja Prameha.
36. Enlist all types of Prameha.
37. What is the meaning of Nidanarthak Roga?
38. Write in detail about Nidana Panchaka.
39. Write the Nidana of Kshya Roga with Samprapti.
40. Write about Nidana Panchaka.
41. Describe the samprapti of Prameha Roga.
42. Explain the types of Raktapitta.
43. Explain the types of Kaphaja and Pittaja Prameha.
44. Write about Nidanarthakara Roga.
45. Write in details the types of Samprapt
46. Write short note on: Rogi Pareeksha.
47. Write symptoms of Kaphaja Prameha.
48. Write in Detail about Shleshmaja Krimi.
49. Write the types and Sadhyasadhyatva of Kustha Roga.
50. What may be the result to neglect the curable Kustha? Explain.
Page 20 of 28
Q.1 Write symptoms of Roga.
Q.2 Write kakshana of Roga.
Q.3 Write Lakshana of Upashya.
Q.4 Enlist Samprapti.
Q.5 Write Viprakrishtha karana of Jwara.
Q.6 Enlist type of Jwara.
Q.7 Enlist type of Rakta-pitta.
Q.8 Enlist Dushya of Prameha.
Q.9 Write name of Kaphaj Prameha.
Q.10 Write name of Pittaj Prameha
Q.11 Write name of Vataj Prameha.
Q.12 Define Unmada.
Q.13 Define Apasmara.
Q.14 Define Rajyakshama.
Q.15 Enlist Prameha.
Q.16 What are Pratyatma Lakshanas of Apasram?
Q.17 Enlist Gulma.
Q.18 Write the causative factore of Smruti.
Q.19 Enlist Gulma.
Q.20 Enlist Kushtha.
Q.21 Define Rupa.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Nidanasthana
2 marks Questions
Page 21 of 28
Q.22 Classify Samprapti.
Q.25 Clasify Vyadhi according to ? Jwaranidana?.
Q.26 What is Pratyatma Lakshana of Jwara?
Q.27 What are synonyms of Nidana?
Q.28 Write the UpaDravyas of Kastha.
Q.29 Write Chikitsa sutra of Gulma.
Q.30 Write Asadhya Lakshanas of Kshaya.
Q.31 Write the Updravyas of Raktapittaa.
Q.32 Write the synonyms of Hetu.
Q.33 Write the types of Unmada.
Q.34 Write the Updrav of Prameha.
Q.35 Write the types of Kustha accroding to Nidana Sthana.
Q.36 Write Chikitsa Sutra of Sadhya Apasmara.
Q.37 Write about Nidanarthakara Roga.
Q.38 What is Purvaroopas?
Q.39 Write the types of Samprapti.
Q.40 What is Pratyatma Lakshana of Jwara?
Q.41 Write the four causes of Shosha.
Q.42 Write about Prameha Sadhyasadhyatva.
Q.43 Write about Raktapitta Sadhyasadhyatva.
Page 22 of 28
Q.1 Write Nirukti of Vimana and give importance of Viman Sthana.
Q.2 Describe Ashta Ahar Vidhi visheshayatanani..
Q.3 Write the subject matter of Janapadodhvnaniya Vimana.
Q.4 Write the subject matter of Stroto Vimana.
Q.5 Describe Ahar Vidhi Vidhana.
Q.6 Write an essay on Krimi.
Q.7 Write the causative factors, symptoms and line of treatment of srotodushti.
Q.8 Write in detail about Trividh Kulsheeyam Vimana Adhyaya.
Q.9 Write in short about Trividha kukkhiya VimanAdhyaya.
Q.10 Describe Nishthiki Chikitsa.
Q.11 Describe Satmya.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Vimanasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 23 of 28
Q.1 Describe rules of taking food.
Q.2 Write short note on Ama Pradosh.
Q.3 Tail is Vatahar give the reasons.
Q.4 Ghrit is Pitahar give the reasons.
Q.5 Honey is Kaphahar give the reasons.
Q.6 Write the symptoms of appropriate Aahar.
Q.7 Write the general treatment in Janaoadodhvans.
Q.8 Write the causes and symptoms of Janaoadodhvans.
Q.9 Write the Anumanagamyabhavavishesha.
Q.10 Write the root symptoms of Vikruti and its treatment of Pranavaha strotas.
Q.11 Write the root symptoms of Vikruti and its treatment of Annavaha strotas.
Q.12 Write the general causes and general Vikrut symptoms of Strotas.
Q.13 Write about Sandhya Sambhasha.
Q.14 Write about Vigruhya Sambhasha.
Q.15 Explain Ahara Parinamakara Bhava.
Q.16 Write about Mootravaha Srotodushti Lakshana.
Q.17 Write short note on Pragnaparadha.
Q.18 Write short note on: Importance of Vimana Sthana.
Q.19 Write short note on:Parishad(Types of conference).
Q.20 Explain Lokapurush Samya Siddhanta.
Q.21 What is Siddhanta? Describe its all types.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Vimanasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 24 of 28
Q.22 Write names of Mulas of Srotas.
Q.23 Which three substance should not use excessively? Why?
Q.24 Write about Siddhanta.
Q.25 Write about study and teaching.
Q.26 Write short note on: Dashvidh Pareekshya Bhava.
Q.27 Write short note on: silent feature of Vimana Sthana.
Q.28 Write short note on: Agni.
Q.29 Write short note on Adhyayana-Adhyapana Vidhi.
Q.30 Write about Pippali, Kshara and Lavana.
Q.31 Write about Vakyadosha.
Page 25 of 28
Q.1 Enlist Sanshodhana kaala according to Charaka Viamana 8.
Q.2 Enlist Aahar Parinamakara Bhava.
Q.3 Enlist the Dravya which should not be taken for long time according
To Charaka Vimana 1.
Q.4 Classify bones according to Charaka Vimanna Sthana.
Q.5 Which are three fold sources of knoeledge about disease according to
Charaka Vimana 4.
Q.6 Enumerate types of Nindra.
Q.7 Define Vimana.
Q.8 Write Srotodushti Samanya Lakshanas.
Q.9 Define Srotasa.
Q.10 Write the name of Srotasa.
Q.11 Enlist Ahetu according to Charak Samhita.
Q.12 Enlist Shabda according to Vimana Sthana.
Q.13 Classify Srotasa.
Q.14 Vakya Prashamsa.
Q.15 Enlist Shabda.
Q.16 Write the entities which are to be known with inference.
Q.17 Write the names of Srotasa.
Q.18 Write the types of Amapradosha.
Q.19 Write the Sroto Dushti Lakshana.
Q.20 Enlist Shabda according to Vimana Sthana.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Vimanasthana
2 marks Questions
Page 26 of 28
Q.1 Write on essay on Manasa Prakriti according to Sharira Sthana.
Q.2 Describe Pusamavanan according to Charak Sharira 8.
Q.3 Define Mana and write Lakshanas,Vishay and Karma of Mana.
Q.4 Explain-
Q.5 Write Masanumasik Vruddhi of Garbha.
Q.6 Write Garbhini Charya.
Q.7 Define Prakriti and write types and importance of Prakriti.
Q.8 Explain -
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Sharirasthana
10 marks Questions
Page 27 of 28
Q.1 Write importance of Atma.
Q.2 Write about hygienic rules for Doshic equilibrium according to Charak
Sharira 6.
Q.3 Write short note on Upadha.
Q.4 Write short note on Ativahika sharira.
Q.5 Write Atmaja bhava of Garbha.
Q.6 Write types of Mana.
Q.7 Write Garbhotpatti kram.
Q.8 Write importance of Dahrud lakshanas.
Q.9 Write about method of conception according to Sharira Sthana.
Q.10 Describe Sattvika Manas Prakruti.
Q.11 What is Garbhavakranti? Explain.
Q.12 Write the importance of Sharirasthana.
Q.13 Write the features of Vata Prakriti.
Q.14 Write the characteristics of Aatma.
Q.15 What are the ?Garbha Vinashaka Bhavas? according to Acharya Charaka.
Q.16 What man and old woman should do for excellent pregnancy?
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Sharirasthana
5 marks Questions
Page 28 of 28
Q.1 Enlist ?Shandha? according to Sharira Sthana.
Q.2 Enlist Aatmaj Bhava according to Charaka.
Q.3 What are the sings of Dohruda?
Q.4 Define Stanayasampata.
Q.5 Write the number of Snayu,Sira,Dhamani,Peshi.
Q.6 Define Sharira.
Q.7 Write the characteristics of Nivrutti(Emabcipation).
Q.8 Write the Lakshanas of Smrutibhramsha.
Q.9 Write the types of Sattva.
Q.10 What is Rashi Purusha?
Q.11 Write the definition of Garbha.
Q.12 What does it mean by Atulyagotriya?
Q.13 Write the types of Tamsik Manas Prakruti.
Q.14 What should be done if foetus is benumbed and dose note quiken?
Q.15 Write about the construction of the marernity home.
Q.16 Who is known as Purusha?
Q.17 Write about the causes of misery.
Q.18 Enlist the names of Sharira Vriddhikara Bhava.
Q.19 Write the functions of Mana.
Q.20 Define Stanyasampata.
Q.21 Enlist the Ashtavidha Siddhi of Yogi.
Q.22 Enlist the types of Rajasa Sattva.
Q.23 Write the synonyms of Mokhsa.
Q.24 Enlist the layer of skin according to Charaka Samhita.
(Sutrasthana, Nidanasthana, Vimanasthana, Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana)
Part B- Sharirasthana
2 marks Questions - FirstRanker's Choice
This post was last modified on 26 December 2019