Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU)) B-Tech 1st Semester (First Semester) 2016-2017 RAS 101 Engineering Physics 1 Question Paper
(Fgllowih? Paper ID and RollNo. tobe ?lled inyolar
Answer Books)
Paper ID : 2014075 Roll No.
Regular Theory Examination (Odd Sem-l), 2016?17
T ime : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70
NotezA, B and C are three sections in this question paper.
Attempt all seven parts from section A, any three
parts from section B and all questions from
section C.
1. Attempt all parts of this section. (7X2=14)
a) What is proper length of a rod.
b) Explain the concept ofrest mass ofphoton.
c) What is Wien?s Law?
d) Explain the factor responsible for changing fringe
width in wedge shaped ?lm.
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e) What happens to diffraction pattern when slit width
ofsingle slit experiment increases?
f) What are metastable states?
g) What precautions are needed to minimize material
Attempt any three parts (3 X7=21)
a) Describe Michelson - Morley experiment and
explain the out come of the experiment.
b) Derive time independent Schrodinger wave equation
and give physical interpretation of wave function.
Also explain eigenvalue and eigen function.
0) What do you understand by Newton?s ring? Explain
their experimental arrangement. How can you
determine the wavelength of light with this
(1) What is the concept of four level laser systems?
Give the construction and working of He?Ne laser.
e) What do you understand by modes of an optical
?ber? Discuss propagation of light in single mode,
multimode and graded index ?bers.
101/12/2016/95660 (2)
RAS- l 01
Attempt any two parts. (2 x31/z=7)
a) What do you mean by length contraction? Explain
b) Deduce and discuss Einstein? s mass ? energy
relation, E= me2
0) Calculate the percentage contraction of a rod
moving with a velocity of 0.8 c in a direction at 60"
to its own length.
Attempt any two parts V (2X31/z=7)
a) Describe energy distribution in black body radiation.
b) Explain the modi?ed and unmodi?ed radiations in
Compton scattering?
c) Calculate the wavelength of an electron associated
with kinetic energy of 6.95 x 10?25Joules
Attempt any two parts (2 X31/2=7)
a) Explain the missing orders in the spectra of a plane
transmission grating
b) Explain Rayleigh criterion of resolution.
101/12/2016/95660 (3) [pro
c) A plane transmission grating has 15000 lines per
inch. Find the resolving power of grating and the
smallest wavelength difference that can be resolved
with a light of wavelength 6000 A0 in the second
6. Attempt any two parts (2X31/2=7)
a) Show that the plane polarized and circularly
polarized light are the special cases of elliptically
polarized light
b) What are Einstein?s coef?cients? Obtain a relation
between them.
c) A certain length of 5% solution causes the optical
rotation of 20?. How much length of 10% solution
of the same substance will cause 350 rotation?
7. Attempt any two parts (2X3l/2=7)
a) Describe different types of losses in optical ?ber.
b) Explain the construction and reconstruction of
image in holography.
c) Calculate the acceptance angle and numerical
aperture of the optical ?ber if the refractive index
Ofcore and cladding are 1.50 and 1.45 respectively.
101/12/2016/95660 (4)
This post was last modified on 29 January 2020