Download AKTU B-Tech 2nd Sem 2014-15 NEE201 Basic Electrical Engineering Question Paper

Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU)) B-Tech 2nd Semester (Second Semester) 2014-15 NEE201 Basic Electrical Engineering Question Paper

Printed Pages : 4 ?
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(Following PaperlD and Roll No. to bef?led inyourAnswer Book) '
PAPER ID : 199227
Roll No.
B. Tech.
Time : 3 Hours} [Total Marks : 100
Attempt all parts of this question. Each part cam'es lOX2=20
equal marks. .
1 (3) De?ne ideal voltage and current source.
(b) State maximmn power transfer theorem.
(c) De?ne Form Factor and Peak Factor.
((1) Ase?escim?thasR=100hm,L=0.02HandC=3pF.
Calculate Q-factor of the circuit.
(e) What is the major difference between PMMC type and
dynamometer type of instruments ?
(0 Draw connection diagmm for power mwsurement in three
phase delta circuit using two wattmeter methods.
(g) De?ne MMF and write its unit.
(h) Draw equivalent circuit diagram of single phase transformer.
(1) Draw spwd - torque characteristic of DC series motor.
(D Write? applications of single phase induction motor.
199227] 1 [ Contd...

Attempt am
2 (a)
{b t
3 (a)
4 (a)
5 (a)
6 (a)
three questions from 2. 3. 4, 5 & 6. 3X10=30
Use superposmon theorem to compute the 5
current through. ?\ Q resistor of Fig. l
Deru'e the delta to star transformation. 5
Derive resonance conditions in series circuit. 5
Also derive the expression for Bandwidth.
A coil having a resistance of 30 Q and 5
inductance of 0.05 H is connected in series with a capacitor
of 100 uF The whole circuit has been connected to a single
phase 230 V, 50 Hz supply Calculate impedance, current, power
factor. power and apparent power of the cimlit.
In the two wattmeter method of power 5
measurement in a three phase circuit, the readings of
the wattmeter's are 2000 W and 500 W. What is the total
power and power factor of the load?
Explain with neat diagram, working principle 5
of PMMC type electrical?measuring instruments.
Derive and explain the equivalent circuit of a 5
tmnsfonner. ,
De?ne e?'lciency of transformen Find 5
condition for maximum ef?ciency of transformer.
Why single phase induction motor is not 5
self-starting machine 7 Explain it.
Classify DC motors and write current and 5
voltage equation for each type.
2 [Contd...
Attempt any one part from each question of this SXI0=50
section. Each part carries equal marks.
7 (3) Use source transformation method to 10
compute the current through 6 Q resistor of Fig. 2.
20 ,
so; so
\ . ' B
(b) Determine the e??ective resistance between 10
terminals A-B in the network of Fig. 3.
8 (a) Explain Parallel Resonance. A circuit of a resistance of 10
20 Q , and inductance of0.3 H and ayatiable capacitance
in series across a 220 V, 50 Hz supply. Calculate:
(i) The value of capacitance to produce resonance
(n) The voltage across the capacitance and inductance
(1h) The Q-factor of the circuit.
199227] 3 [ Contd...

9 (a)
10 (_a)
' (a)
Find form factor and peak factor for given waveform. 10
v: 30 V
T 4? t
?05?; . 3 Sec
Explain the principle of operation of attraction 10
type of moving iron instruments.
A moving coil instrument gives a full scale de?ection of 30 mA
when a potential difference. of 70 mV is applied. Calculate the
series reSistance to measure 750 V on full scale.
Derive the relation between line and phase 10
voltage and current for a delta connected 3- phase balanced
system. A , balanced delta-connected load of impedance,
Z=30 L 60?Q is connected to line voltage of 440 V. Obtain
the current and power supplied to load. '
A coil of 200 tums is wound mn?fonnly on an 10
.iron ring of mean circumference 10 cm and across
sectional area 5 c1112. Current 10 Amp is ?owing through
coil. Relative permeability of the material is 3000. Find
(i) MMF (i1) Magnetizing force
(iii) Total ?ux (iv) Reluctance.
Derive the emf equation of a single phase transformer. 10
Asingle phaseloo kVA, 6.6 kV/230 V, 50 Hz n'ansfomm has 90%"
e?iciencyat.813ggingpowerfactorbothat?1!lloadand alsoathalf
load. Determine iron and copper loss at ?ll] load for transformer.
(i) Draw and explain the torque-slip 10
characteristics of a three phase induction motor.
(ii) Explain working principle of synchronous
motor and two applications.
(i) Find Torque equation of a dc Motor. 10
(i1) Explain the principle of operation of an Alternator.
4 [47025]

This post was last modified on 29 January 2020