Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) B-Tech 4th Semester (Fourth Semester) 2014-15 Electronic Measurements And Instrumentation Question Paper
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(Fqllowing Paper ID and Ron No. to be fined in your Answer Book)
PAPER ID : 131403~N
Roll No.
B. Tech.
Time] ; 3 Hours] . . [Total Marks : 100
Note : (1) Attempt all questions.
(2) All questions carry equal marks.
1 Attempt any four parts : 5X4=20
(a) De?ne measurement. Calculate percentage error in
determination of time period of a pendulum given by
T=21t J1
Where 1- and g are measured in i- 2% and i 3% errors.
(b) Differentiate between G1'oss errors and Systematic
errors. List a few ways of minimizing the effect of errors
in measurement.
(c) A batch Of resistors that each have a nominal resistance
of 3309 are to be tested and classi?ed as :t 10 %
components at 25 ?C. Iftheir temperature coe?icient
is -300ppm/ ?C, calculate the maximum and minimum
resistance for these components at 100 ?C.
13l403-N] 1 [ Contd...
A thin wire has a length of 21.7 cm and radius
0.46 cm. Calculate the volume ofothe wire correct to
required signi?cant ?gures.
Explain the construction of a PMMC instrument,
Mathematically prove that the scale of such an instrument
is linear.
Explain the concept of Swamping resistance. What are
the materials generally used for manufacturing these
_ resistances.
2 Attempt any four parts :
" (d)
5 X4=20
What do you mean by Loading Effect? How does
electronic voltmeter help in minimizing the loading effect?
Draw and explain the FET input voltmeter circuit with
range changing.
Explain the -working of precision recti?er based
A Halfwave recti?er Op-Amp based voltage ampli?er
circuit has, a feedback resistance of 2.4kQ and a
resistance between the ground and the inverting terminal
of 4.9kQ. Ifthe r.m.s. input voltage to be measured
is 89.40 mV at the F SD of the de?ection instrument
with Rs = 1009 and Rin = 2009. Find the FSD
ofthe meter.
Write a short note on multimeter probes.
Draw and explain the block diagram of a Digital
F requency meter system.
2 [ Contd...
Attempt any two parts :
Attempt any two parts:
Attempt any two paxts:
Give numerical example to explain the sensitivity of a
Wheatstone bridge. What is the main advantage of using
Kelw'n's bridge over Wheatstone bridge?
Explain how AC bridges are balanced with proper
phase diagrams. Derive the expressions of converting
sen'es inductor circuits into parallel equivalent circuits.
Write the mathematical expressions for inductor
Q-factor and capacitor D-factor. Explain the working ,
of inductance Comparison Bridge,
Draw and explain the block diagram of Oscilloscope
automatic time base with proper waveforms at the
output of each block.
Explain the operation of Sampling OScilloscopes. Also
explain individual circuits of staircase generator and
sampling gate.
What do you mean by interpolation? Brie?y explain the
operation of a DSO storage and display system. ?
On what factors does the fremency of instrumentation
calibration depend? Explain how A.C. voltmeter
calibration can be done.
Discuss how D.C. source and Potentiometer may be
developed in laboratories for calibration purpose.
Write a short note on working and applications of
X-Y plotter. -
3 [9900]
This post was last modified on 29 January 2020