Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) B-Tech 5th Semester (Fifth Semester) 2015-2016 Fundametals Of E.M. Theory Eec 508 Question Paper
(Following Paper ID and Roll No. to be filled in your
_ Answer Book)
m Ron No. I I
' ' 'B.TECH ? ?
[Time : 3 hours] ' [MaximumMarksz 1'00]
Note : The Question.Paper contains Three Sections.
l- Attempt all parts of the following. All parts carry equal
marks. Write answer of each part in short. (2X10=20)
(a) Write Maxwell?s Equation in a simple, non-
conducting and source-free region?
(b) What is wave number?
(c) De?ne Divergence theorem.
(d) What is? unit vector?
(6) Explain the physical interpretation of Gradient.
.10400 ' I _ (1) P.T.O.
(f) Explain Electric potential. Write the relation
between electric potential and electric ?eld
(g) De?ne skin depth.
(h) Transform the point P(2,2,5) in spherical
coodinate system.
(i) De?ne Surface Integral.
(i) Give the wave equation in terms of electric ?eld
and magnetic ?eld.
Attempt any five of the following : (SXIO=50)
2. Derive expression the expression for aund? in
lossless dielectric medium.
3. State and prove continuity equation. Also explain
relaxation time.
4. Explain re?ection of plane wave incident normally at
the dielectric-dielectric interface. Discuss about
re?ection & transngission coef?cient.
10400 (2) EEC508
What are the boundary conditions for static electric
?elds in the general form at the interface between two
different dielectric media? Explain.
De?ne displacement and conduction current desities and
derive Maxwell?s equation associated With faraday law
and modi?ed ampere?s circuital law.
Discuss the wave propagation in lossy dielectric also
determine propagation constant, intrinsic impedance.
. , A positive point charge Q is at the center of a spherical
dielectric shell of an inner radius Ri and an outer radius
Ro dielectric constant of the shell is 5,. Determine
17:, V, Band f) as a ?mctions of the radial distance R.
According to W,=%HLdev'=%HL(V.D)Vdv,
show that the stored electic energy given by
m ?315.56?.
10400 (3) P.T.O.
Attempt any two questions from this section}.
Derive a general expression for the magnetic ?ux density
B at any point along the axis of a long solenoid. Sketch
the variation of B from point to point along the axis.
Derive an expression for the energy stored in the
magnetic ?eld of a coil possesing an inductance of L
Henry when the current in the cOil is 1 Jamp and
considering toroidal coil, derive and expression for
energy density.
What is Vector; Helmholtz equation? A 100 MHz
uniform plane wave E = 5&Ex propogates in the +2
direction. Suppose 8, = 4, ,u, = 1, 0' = O ,and it has a
7 maximum value of 10? V/m at F0 and z=0. 125m.
(a) Write the instantaneous expressions for fond H.
(b) Determine the location where E? is a positive
maximum when t=108 sec.
10400 (4) ' EEC508
This post was last modified on 29 January 2020