Download AKTU B-Tech 5th Sem 2018-2019 RCS 501 Data Base Management System Question Paper

Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) B-Tech 5th Semester (Fifth Semester) 2018-2019 RCS 501 Data Base Management System Question Paper

Printed pages: 02 Sub Code: RCS-501
mm: 1mm- mm. mm
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 70
Note: I. Attempt all Sections.
l. Attempt all questions in brief. 2 x 7 = 14
a Expla1n the difference between a weak and a strong entity set with example,
1'). Discuss three level of abstractions or schemas architecture ofDBMS.
c De?ne constraint and its t3 pcs 1n DBMS.
d Explain the difterencc between phvsmal and logical data independence wiih
What are the different types of anomaiics assoLiated 111th database
Write the difference between supu kcy ghd' caiididate kc;
g. Why do we normalize database?
?E??ITiUN B , 3
2. \ttempt any three of the following 3'7 x 3 = 21
a. Dc?nc Transaction 31 ?xplain 115 properties with suitable cmmple
b. What is scheduE? What me its types? Explain VLCW seriahzable and
cascadcless ?chc1fhlc with suitable cxmnple 0| each
c What is log ?ie W'1ite thL steps ior log based I??cmcrv (If a 515?th With
suiiablc example
d. What is deadlock? What are necessan cond1t1u11? for 11?? How 1102111 bL
deLted and ram eicd?.?
c. 01311 overall stleurc 01 DBMS and cxplam its components in brief,
3. Mtempl any one part 01'th foliuwmg 7 11 l =
(21?; C omparc Generaliz: 111011, Spngallzauon and ziggr cgaiion with suitable examples
11)) Write d1ffcrencc bcmeenrtross Join Natural .lo1n lcft outer join and rlght outer
join with suitable exampie
4. Attempt any one part ofthe following: 7 1 l = 7
(:1) Define pam'al functional dependency. Consider the following two sets of
functional dependencies F= {A ->C. AC ->D, E ->AD, E ->H?, and
(3 ?? {A ->CD, 1? ->AH}. Check whether 01' not they are equivalent.

('b) Define Minimal Cover. Suppose arelation R (ARC) has FD set F T
{A--+B, BHC? A-aC, ABHB, AB~+C, AC~+B} convert this FD set into
minimal cover.
Attempt any one part of the following: 7 x 1 = 7
(a) Explain two phase locking protocol with suitable example.
(b) Write the salient features of graph based locking protocol with suitable example
Attempt any one part of the foliowing: 7 x 1 = 7
(a) Which of the following schedules are con?icts senalizahle?.? For each serializable
schedule ?nd the equivalent schedule.
SI: r1(x): r3(_x?); w3(x); w1(x); r2(?x)
52' r30"); r20); W306; rl(x); w](x)
S3: ru?x?}: r2(x); r301}.wl(x);r2(z);r2(y);w2(y,|
(h) Write the difference between SNF and DCNF. ?17in normal f0m1 nf relalion
R(A.B,C.1),E) having FD sat F={ A->B,BC->E EB->A}n
Attempt any one part 0fthe following: 7 x l = 7
(a) Suppose there are two relations
Rm. 8. L"). S( D, Ii. F) 4
Write TRC and SQ]. fur thq?fg'i?t?gn'ing RAs
i) l'LaJaU) ~. I.
ii} OBx?( r)
in) m. F?:oc:gp?x??? )) ,
(b; What do yonar'rncan by multi granularity? How th?cynncinn'ency is xllamta'med
in Lhis case. the the concun?cnl transactionsgor'the following graph.
I /\.,/
?26) 9
T1 wants to access liem (f in read mode
T2 wants to access item D in Exclusive mode
T3 wants to read all the children of item B
T4 wants to access all items in read mode

This post was last modified on 29 January 2020
