Download MBBS 1st Year (First Year) 2023 March 526051 Human Anatomy Paper I Supplementary Cbme MCQs Previous Question Paper || MGR University | MBBS Latest 2024 Previous Year Question MCQs Papers
[MBBS 0323] MARCH 2023 Sub. Code :6051
(For the candidates admitted from the Academic Year 2019-2020)
Q.P. Code: 526051
Time: 30 Minutes
Maximum : 20 Marks
Answer All Questions
Choose one correct answer in the box provided in the Answer Script. No overwriting
should be done. Choice should be given in Capital Letters.
III. Multiple Choice Questions:
(20 x 1 = 20)
1. Meckel's diverticulum is a remnant of
A) Proximal part of allantoic diverticulum B) Proximal part of vitello-intestinal duct
C) Distal part of allantoic diverticulum D) Distal part of vitello-intestinal duct
2. Sensory innervation to the dorsum of first intermetatarsal space is
A) Medial plantar nerve B) Lateral plantar nerve
C) Deep peroneal nerve D) Superfacial peroneal nerve
3. Which one of the following is the content of gastro-phrenic ligament?
A) Left gastric artery B) Short gastric arteries
C) Left gastro-epiploic artery D) Hepatic artery
4. Splenic venous sinusoids are lined by
A) Kupffer's cells B) Squamous cells C) Stave cells D) Ito cells
5. Alpha feto protein in amniotic fluid is increased in
A) Oesophageal atresia B) Renal agenesis
C) Neural tube defects D) Cardiac anomalies
6. Abdominal aorta is crossed superficially by all of the following structures except
A) Splenic vein B) Left renal vein
C) Superior mesenteric vein D) 3rd part of duodenum
7. All the following are derivatives of mesonephric duct in males except
A) Trigone of urinary bladder B) Epididymis C) Vas deferens D) Testis
8. 4th perforating artery is a
A) Continuation of profunda femoris artery
B) Branch from medial circumflex femoral artery
C) Branch from lateral circumflex femoral artery
D) Branch from descending genicular artery
9. The thick segment of loop of Henle is lined by
A) Simple squamous epithelium B) Simple cuboidal epithelium
C) Simple columnar epithelium D) Stratified cuboidal epithelium
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10. Nerve supply of Teres major is
A) Axillary nerve B) Subscapular nerve
C) Suprascapular nerve D) Dorsal scapular nerve
11. Sacrotuberous ligament is a morphological remnant of
A) Semimembranosus B) Adductor magnus
C) Long head of biceps femoris D) Semitendinosus
12. Epiploic foramen is not bounded by
A) Right free margin of lesser omentum B) First part of duodenum
C) Papillary process of liver D) Inferior vena cava
13. Tennis elbow is due to
A) Tear of the radial collateral ligament B) Tear of the medial collateral ligament
C) Inflammation of common flexor tendon D) Inflammation of synovial membrane
14. Remnant of Notochord in adult is
A) Nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc B) Endoneurium
C) Sclera D) Basal lamina of all epithelia
15. Axillary sheath is derived from
A) Clavipectoral fascia B) Prevertebral layer of deep cervical fascia
C) Investing layer of deep cervical fascia D) Pectoral fascia
16. Conjoint tendon is formed by fusion of the aponeuroses of the fibers of
A) Internal oblique and External oblique
B) Internal oblique and Transversus abdominis
C) External oblique and Transversus abdominis
D) External oblique, internal oblique and transversus abdominis
17. Inferior fascia of urogenital diaphragm is formed by
A) Fascia colles B) Perineal membrane C) Lunate fascia D) Perianal fascia
18. The muscle inserted in to the radial side of the base of the first metacarpal bone is
A) Extensor pollicis brevis B) Extensor pollicis longus
C) Abductor pollicis longus D) Abductor pollicis brevis
19. Ligamentum teres hepatis is a remnant of obliterated
A) Left umbilical vein B) Right umbilical vein
C) Umbilical artery D) Ductus venosus
20. Nerve piercing the femoral sheath is
A) Ilio-inguinal nerve B) Medial femoral cutaneous nerve
C) Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve D) Femoral branch of genito-femoral nerve
[MBBS 0323]
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