Download MBBS 1st Year 2024 August 6056 Biochemistry Paper II Mcqs MCQs Question Paper

Download MBBS 1st Year (First Year) 2024 August 6056 Biochemistry Paper II Mcqs MCQs Previous Question Paper || MGR University | MBBS Latest 2024 Previous Year Question MCQs Papers

[MBBS 0824]
AUGUST 2024 Sub. Code :6056

(For the candidates admitted from the Academic Year 2020 -2021 Onwards)


Time: 20 Minutes

Maximum : 20 Marks
Answer All Questions

Choose one correct answer in the box provided in the Answer Script.
No overwriting should be done. Choice should be given in Capital Letters.
III. Multiple Choice Questions:

(20 x 1 = 20)
1. All of the following are Examples for Fibrous proteins, except
A) Albumin B) Collagen C) Elastin D) Keratin
2. The drug that inhibits HMG-CoA reductase is
A) Lovastatin B) Sulphonamide C) Methotrexate D) Allopurinol
3. Citrullinemia results due to deficiency of
A) Arginosuccinate synthetase B) Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase II deficiency
C) Ornithine Transporter defect D) Ornithine Transcarbamoylase deficiency
4. Transmethylation of Carnosine results in formation of
A) Anserine B) Choline C) Epinephrine D) Melatonin
5. Decarboxylation of Lysine results in formation of
A) Cadaverine B) Taurine C) Putrescine D) Serotonin
6. Urine becomes Black on standing in
A) Phenylketonuria B) Alkaptonuria C) Albinism D) Hawkinsinuria
7. FIGLU excretion test is used to diagnose
A) Folic acid deficiency B) Hartnup's disease C) Carcinoid tumor D) Albinism
8. Test for Synthetic function of liver is
A) Prothrombin Time \
B) Estimation of serum bilirubin
C) Estimation of serum Alkaline Phosphatase
D) Estimation of serum gamma glutamyl transferase
9. The test used to assess Tubular function is
A) Clearance test B) Estimation of Glomerular filtration rate
C) Measurement of Osmolality D) Estimation of Cystatin C
10. Urinary Osmolality is normal in
A) Central Diabetes Insipidus B) Osmotic Diuresis
C) Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus D) Compulsive water drinking
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11. The Electrophoretic pattern in Multiple Myeloma is
A) Prominent Alpha 2 fraction B) Prominent M band
C) Fused Beta and Gamma fraction D) Increased Gamma globulins
12. All of the following are the examples of Chain breaking Antioxidants, except
A) Catalase B) Superoxide Dismutase C) Alpha Tocopherol D) Uric acid
13. Alzheimer's disease is due to
A) Mercury poisoning B) Aluminium toxicity
C) Organophosphorus poisoning D) Lead poisoning
14. The source of N3 and N9 for synthesis of Purine nucleotide is
A) Aspartic acid B) Glycine C) Glutamine D) Glutamate
15. The inhibitor of DNA replication acting on Human Topoisomerase is
A) Adriamycin B) Ciprofloxacin C) 5-Flurouracil D) Nalidixic acid
16. The irreversible post translational modifications are
A) Proteolysis B) Glycosylation C) Phosphorylation D) Acylation
17. The hormone of Gastro intestinal tract having Ghrelin opposing action is
A) Gastrin B) Secretin C) Encephalin D) Obestatin
18. The immunoglobulin mediating Anaphylaxis is
A) IgA B) IgE C) IgM D) IgG
19. The human oncogenic virus associated with Kaposi Sarcoma is
A) Hepatitis B virus B) Ebstein Barr Virus
C) Human papilloma virus D) Human immunodeficiency virus
20. The tumor marker elevated in serum of patients with Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma is
A) Carcino Embryogenic Antigen B) Neuron Specific Enolase
C) Beta HCG D) Calcitonin
[MBBS 0824]

This post was last modified on 30 November 2024