Download MBBS 1st Year (First Year) 2024 January 526052 Human Anatomy Paper II Supplementary Cbme MCQs Previous Question Paper || MGR University | MBBS Latest 2024 Previous Year Question MCQs Papers
[MBBS 0124] JANUARY 2024 Sub. Code : 6052
(For the candidates admitted from the Academic Year 2019-2020)
Q.P. Code: 526052
Time: 30 Minutes
Maximum: 20 Marks
Answer All Questions
Choose one correct answer in the box provided in the Answer Script.
No overwriting should be done. Choice should be given in Capital Letters.
III. Multiple Choice Questions:
(20 x 1 = 20)
1. Cardiac dominance depends on
A) Anterior interventicular artery B) Posterior Interventricular artery
C) Diagonal artery D) Cirumflex artery
2. Example of Elastic artery is
A) Cornary artery B) Common iliac artery
C) Femoral artery D) Aorta
3. Thoracic duct enters the thoracic cavity through the
A) Aortic opening of diaphragm B) Esophageal opening diaphragm
C) Right crus of diaphragm D) Vena caval opening of diaphragm
4. The safety muscle of tongue is
A) Palatoglossus B) Styloglossus C) Genioglossus D) Chondroglossus
5. Fibres arising from Edinger -westpal nucleus relay in
A) Ciliary ganglion B) Coeliac ganglion
C) Pterygopalatine ganglion D) Superior cervical ganglion
6. Duramater extends upto which vertebral level
A) L5 B) S1 C) S2 D) S3
7. Which is not related to temporomandibular joint laterally?
A) Lateral pterygoid muscle B) Auriculotemporal nerve
C) Maxillary artery D) Chorda tympani nerve
8. Horner's Syndrome is characterized by all except
A) Ptosis B) Miosis C) Anhidrosis D) Exophthalmos
9. Structure related to the lateral wall of cavernous sinus are all except
A) 3rd CN B) 4th CN
C) 6th CN D) Maxillary division of 5th CN
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10. Where is Broca's motor speech area represented in the cerebral hemisphere?
A) Pars triangularis of inferior frontal gyrus
B) Posterior part of superior temporal gyrus
C) Precentral gyrus
D) Postcentral gyrus
11. Which nerve encircles the middle meningeal artery in infratemporal fossa?
A) Nerve of pterygoid canal B) Nasopalatine nerve
C) Nervus Spinosus D) Auriculotemporal nerve
12. Which of the following structures contain Herring bodies?
A) Adenohypophysis B) Neurohypophysis C) Thymus D) Pineal gland
13. Which cranial nerve represents the efferent pathway for Pupillary light reflex?
A) Optic nerve B) Oculomotor nerve C) Trigeminal nerve D) Facial nerve
14. Which structure is not present between cranial base and upper border of superior
A) Pharyngotympanic tube B) Pharyngobasilar fascia
C) Levator veli palatine D) Buccopharyngeal fascia
15. Which artery is not involved in the formation of Kiesselbach's plexus in Nasal septum?
A) Sphenopalatine artery B) Posterior ethmoidal artery
C) Greater palatine artery D) Superior labial artery
16. Name the unsupported pharyngeal mucosa that lies between thyropharyngeus and
A) Thyroglossal cyst B) Kiesselbach's plexus
C) Branchial cyst D) Killian's dehiscence
17. Which of the following structure has Blood brain barrier?
A) Pineal gland B) Anterior lobe of pituitary
C) Posterior lobe of pituitary D) Area postrema
18. Which movement leads to increase in transverse diameter of thoracic cage?
A) Contraction of diaphragm B) Bucket handle movement of Ribs
C) Pump handle movement of ribs D) Relaxation of diaphragm
19. Which nerve hooks around Ligamentum arteriosum?
A) Right recurrent laryngeal nerve B) left recurrent laryngeal nerve
C) left phrenic nerve D) Right Phrenic nerve
20. What is the root value of cervical nerves that unite to form Phrenic Nerve?
A) C2 to C6 B) C3 to C5 C) C3 to C7 D) C4 to C8
[MBBS 0124]
This post was last modified on 30 November 2024