Download MBBS 1st Year (First Year) 2024 Sept 526051 Human Anatomy Paper I Supplementary MCQs Previous Question Paper || MGR University | MBBS Latest 2024 Previous Year Question MCQs Papers
[MBBS 0924]
SEPTEMBER 2024 Sub. Code: 6051
(For the candidates admitted from the Academic Year 2020 -2021 Onwards)
Q.P. Code: 526051
Time: 20 Minutes
Maximum: 20 Marks
Answer All Questions
Choose one correct answer in the box provided in the Answer Script.
No overwriting should be done. Choice should be given in Capital Letters.
III. Multiple Choice Questions:
(20 x 1 = 20)
1. Superficial inguinal ring is a defect in aponeurosis of
A) External oblique aponeurosis B) Internal oblique aponeurosis
C) Transversalis fascia D) Internal spermatic fascia
2. Boundaries of epiploic foramen are all EXCEPT
A) Anteriorly by free margin of lesser omentum
B) Posteriorly by inferior vena cava
C) Superiorly by caudate process of liver
D) Inferiorly by third part of duodenum
3. Ankle joint is most stable in following position
A) Fully dorsiflexed B) Partially dorsiflexed
C) Fully plantar flexed D) Partially plantar flexed
4. Obturator artery is branch of
A) External iliac artery B) Common iliac artery
C) Anterior division of internal iliac artery D) Posterior division of internal iliac artery
5. The expansion of which tendon forms Oblique Popliteal ligament?
A) Semimembranosus B) Semitendinosus
C) Adductor Magnus D) Popliteus
6. Which of the following pierces the interosseous membrane?
A) Anterior interosseous artery B) Anterior interosseous nerve
C) Posterior interosseous artery D) Posterior interosseous nerve
7. Splenunculi is known as
A) Accessory spleen B) Splenomegaly C) Normal spleen D) Polysplenia
8. Sympathetic ganglion is
A) Unipolar neuron B) Multipolar neuron
C) Pseudo unipolar neuron D) Bipolar neuron
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9. Which bursa is affected in Clergyman's knee?
A) Prepatellar B) Suprapatellar
C) Sub Cutaneous infrapatellar D) Deep infrapatellar
10. Hassall's corpuscles are the characteristic feature of
A) Thymus B) Lymph node C) Spleen D) Tonsil
11. Riedel lobe seen in
A) Spleen B) Liver C) Kidney D) Pancreas
12. Saturday nerve palsy is due to compression of
A) Radial nerve B) Median nerve
C) Ulnar nerve D) Anterior interosseous nerve
13. Pes anserinus do not include insertion of
A) Semitendinosus B) Sartorius C) Semimembranosus D) Gracilis
14. Nerve of second pharyngeal arch is
A) Hypoglossal nerve B) Glossopharyngeal nerve
C) Vagus nerve D) Facial nerve
15. Perichondrium is not present in
A) Hyaline cartilage B) Elastic cartilage
C) White fibro cartilage D) All of the above
16. Left gonadal vein drains into
A) Left renal vein B) Left supra renal vein
C) Inferior vena cava D) Splenic vein
17. Node of Rosenmuller is
A) Superficial inguinal lymph node B) Deep inguinal lymph node
C) Internal iliac lymph node D) Pelvic node
18. All are ectoderm derivatives EXCEPT
A) Epidermis B) Lens of eye C) Dermis D) Corneal epithelium
19. Sites of ureteric constrictions are all EXCEPT
A) Pelviureteric junction B) At the pelvic brim
C) Intravesical part D) Crossed by common iliac vessels
20. Surface marking of saphenous opening is
A) Superomedial to pubic tubercle
B) Superolateral to public tubercle
C) 3- 4 cm inferolateral to pubic tubercle
D) 3- 4 cm lateral to pubic tubercle
[MBBS 0924]
This post was last modified on 30 November 2024