Download MBBS 2nd Year 2023 February 526064 Pathology Paper II Theory Question Paper

Download MBBS 2nd Year (Second Year) 2023 February 526064 Pathology Paper II Theory Previous Question Paper || MGR University 2nd Year | MBBS Latest 2024 Previous Year Question TheoryPapers

[MBBS 0223] FEBRUARY 2023 Sub. Code :6064
(For the candidates admitted from the Academic Year 2019-2020)



Q.P. Code: 526064

Time: Three hours
Maximum : 100 Marks (80 Theory + 20MCQs)

Answer all the Questions
I. Essay:

(2 x 15 = 30)

1. 50 years male presented with polyuria, polydipsia his Hba1c was 8.2. He also had
oliguria and puffiness of face. What is your diagnosis? What is the pathogenesis
of the underlying disease and its complications? What are the investigations
required to confirm?
2. 15 years male presented with lytic lesion lower end of femur. X-Ray revealed
codman's triangle and sun ray appearance. What is your diagnosis? What are the
genetic alterations associated with this condition? Describe the morphology of this
lesion. Classify bone tumors and add a note on imaging findings in various bone
II. Write Short notes on:

(10 x 5 = 50)

1. 50 years male sudden death, autopsy of the heart revealed gray white area in left
ventricle. What is the diagnosis? What are the morphological changes in heart
during autopsy to identify the age of lesion?
2. 55 years male chronic smoker had persistent productive cough for 3 months. He
had similar episode last year too. In which group of disorders you will categorize
them. Write briefly about the pathogenesis & morphology.
3. 30 years male presented with yellowish discolouration of conjunctiva. He had
history of blood transfusion (Multiple units) in the recent few months following
RTA as an emergency. How will you investigate the patient?
4. 30 years male presented with heart burns and dyspepsia. A breath test and biopsy
were ordered to confirm the diagnosis. What is your diagnosis? Write about the
morphology and complications of this disease.
5. What is the role of ascitic fluid cytology in diagnosis?
6. 15 years female presented with unilateral ovarian mass. Gross examination of the
mass revealed hair in it. What is your diagnosis? What is the morphology?
It belongs to which group of ovarian lesions. Enumerate the other lesions in this
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7. 45 / male presented with cauliflower like growth in the penis? He also had
multiple inguinal nodes. What is your diagnosis? Describe the microscopic
appearance. What are the preneoplastic conditions?
8. Role of urine chemical examinations for proteins in diagnosis.
9. 20 years female presented with solitary thyroid nodule. Microscopy revealed
Orphan Annie appearance of nuclei. What is your diagnosis? Describe the
Morphology of this condition.
10. Name two benign breast diseases. Write about the morphology of both the
[MBBS 0223]

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