Download MBBS 3rd Year 2023 Feb 526071 Ophthalmology Theory Question Paper

Download MBBS 3rd Year (Third Year) 2023 Feb 526071 Ophthalmology PreviousTheory Question Paper || MGR University 3rd Year | MBBS Latest 2024 Previous Year Question Theory Papers

[MBBS 0223] FEBRUARY 2023 Sub. Code :6071
(For the candidates admitted from the Academic Year 2019-2020 Batch onwards)


Q.P. Code: 526071

Time: Three hours Maximum : 100 Marks (80 Theory + 20MCQs)
Answer all the Questions
I. Essay:

(2 x 15 = 30)

1. 65 year old diabetic patient c/o of both eye progressive painless loss of vision over
the past one year. What is the probable differential diagnosis? On examination
there is a greyish white reflex in the pulpillary area of the right eye.
a) What is the diagnosis, clinical symptoms and signs and management of the
2. 40 year old farmer had injury with vegetable foreign body in the left eye following
which he developed watering, redness and defective vision:
a) What is the diagnosis?
b) What are the aetiopathogenesis, clinical features and management of the above
II. Write notes on: (10 x 5 = 50)
1. Definition, types and management of Hypermetropia.
2. Causes, clinical features and management of Papilledema.
3. WHO classification of Vitamin A deficiency.
4. Keratoconus.
5. How will you counsel a case of cataract with poor visual prognosis?
6. Strum's Conoid.
7. Retinoblastoma.
8. Trachoma.
9. Orbital cellulitis.
10. Vitreous haemorrhage.

This post was last modified on 30 November 2024