Download MBBS 3rd Year (Third Year) 2024 Feb 526074 Community Medicine Ii Previous MCQs Question Paper || MGR University 3rd Year | MBBS Latest 2024 Previous Year Question Theory Papers
[MBBS 0224] FEBRUARY 2024 Sub. Code :6074
(For the candidates admitted from the Academic Year 2019-2020 Batch onwards)
Q.P. Code: 526074
Time: 30 Minutes
Maximum : 20 Marks
Answer All Questions
Choose one correct answer in the box provided in the Answer Script.
No overwriting should be done. Choice should be given in Capital Letters.
III. Multiple Choice Questions:
(20 x 1 = 20)
1. A 24 year old primigravida weighing 57 kg with Hb 11.0 gm% visits an antenatal clinic
during 2nd trimester of pregnancy seeking advice on dietary intake. She should be
A) Additional intake of 350 Kcal B) Additional intake of 550 Kcal
C) Additional intake of 650 Kcal D) No extra Kcal
2. All of the following are minimum standards for sanitation of schools and its environs in
India except
A) Desks to be of `Minus type'
B) Combined doors + windows area = 25 % of floor space area
C) Maximum 40 students per classroom
D) One urinal for 10 students and one latrine for 25 students
3. All of the following are chromosomal disorder except
A) Marfans syndrome B) Turners syndrome
C) Down's syndrome D) Klienfelter syndrome
4. Most common cause of maternal death in India:
A) Unsafe abortion B) Obstructed labour
C) Perpueral sepsis
D) Obstetric haemorrhage
5. Road to health card or the growth chart was first designed by
A) Edwin Chadwick B) David Morley C) C. Gopalan D) C.E. Winslow
6. Ujjwala scheme is for prevention of:
A) Child abuse B) Child trafficking C) Child labour D) Child marriage
7. Geriatric age group is
A) >60 B) > 55 C) >50 D) >45
8. Xerophthalmia is a problem in a community if the prevalence of Bitot's spots is
more than:
A) 1 % B) 0.5 % C) 5 % D) 25 %
9. Most sensitive test for evaluating iron status is
A) Serum transferrin B) Serum ferritin C) Serum iron D) Hemoglobin
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10. Perinatal period includes:
A) < 28 weeks of gestation
B) > 28 weeks of gestation till birth
C) > 28 weeks of gestation till first 7 days life
D) > 28 weeks of gestation till first 4 weeks of life
11. PHC covers a population of _____ in a plain area
A) 20,000 B) 30,000 C) 40,000 D) 5000
12. The Mechanism of action of IUD does not include
A) Inducing mild inflammatory changes and foreign body reaction in the endometrium
B) Incapacitating the sperms and ovum, preventing sperm from fertilizing the ovum
C) Making the uterine environment inhospitable for the blastocyst to be implanted
D) Increasing the reverse peristalsis of uterus
13. Failure rate of OCP is
A) 1 HWY
B) 2-3 HWY C) 0.1 HWY D) 10 HWY
14. GOBI includes all except
A) Growth monitoring B) Oral Rehydration therapy
C) Balanced diet D) Immunization
15. Which of the following statement is TRUE for critical path method in health management
A) It is a path in a network which takes the shortest time
B) It is a path in a network which takes the longest time
C) It is a path in a network which requires the maximum budget
D) It is a path in a network which requires the minimum budget
16. All the following are temporary contraceptive methods except
A) Condom B) IUCD C) Oral pills D) NSAID
17. During a disaster, rapidly classifying the injured on the basis of likelihood of their survival
with prompt medical intervention, is a part of:
A) Search, rescue and first aid B) Triage C) Tagging D) Disaster mitigation
18. The most commonly reported disease in the immediate post disaster period is
A) Gastroenteritis B) Malaria C) Leptospirosis D) Tetanus
19. Which of the following is NOT included in the 4 D's of RBSK screening Program
A) Defect
B) Deficiency C) Diseases D) Diarrhea
20. Improving the quality of care in labour room and maternity OT is the aim of which
A) LAQSHYA B) Surakshit Matritva Aashwasan
C) Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan D) Vandemataram
[MBBS 0224]
This post was last modified on 30 November 2024