Download MBBS 3rd Year 2023 Feb 526075 Forensic Medicine And Toxicology MCQs Question Paper

Download MBBS 3rd Year (Third Year) 2023 Feb 526075 Forensic Medicine And Toxicology Previous MCQs Question Paper || MGR University 3rd Year | MBBS Latest 2024 Previous Year Question Theory Papers

[MBBS 0223] FEBRUARY 2023 Sub. Code :6075

(For the candidates admitted from the Academic Year 2019-2020 Batch onwards)


Q.P. Code: 526075
Time: 30 Minutes

Maximum : 20 Marks
Answer All Questions

Choose one correct answer in the box provided in the Answer Script. No overwriting
should be done. Choice should be given in Capital Letters.

III. Multiple Choice Questions:

(20 x 1 = 20)

1. First autopsy in Indian was done by
A) Buckeley in Chennai B) Mackenzie in Kolkata
C) Woodford in Mumbai D) Hamilton in Delhi
2. Dowry death is included in the following section of Indian Penal Code
A) 304 A B) 304 B C) 320 D) 498 A
3. Hostile witness is one who?
A) Threatens the Judge B) Threatens the Lawyer
C) Does not speak the truth or willfully utters false D) Refuses to answer questions
4. As per Krogman's degree of accuracy in sexing adult skeleton remains, maximum accuracy
obtained from the single bone is
A) Skull B) Pelvis C) Long bone D) Sternum
5. Sex chromatin is found in
A) Lymphocytes B) Leucocytes
C) Monocytes D) All of the above
6. Preservative commonly used for preservation of viscera for toxicological purpose
A) 10% formalin B) 40% formalin
C) Saturated solution of common salt D) Alcohol
7. Time limit for exhumation of a body in India
A) 1 year B) 10 years C) 20 years D) No limit
8. Dermal nitrate test detects
A) Blood stains B) Gun powder residue
C) Nitric salt poisoning D) Nerve gases poisoning
9. Important sign of antemortem drowning is indicated by
A) Cutis anserine B) Frothy fluid in mouth and nostril
C) Grass and weeds in hands D) Washer woman's hands
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10. The fertilization of a second ovum in a women who is already pregnant
A) Fecundation B) Superfecundation C) Superfoetation D) None of the above
11. Medical termination of pregnancy can be done by one doctor if gestation is less than
A) 8 weeks B) 12 weeks C) 20 weeks D) 24 weeks
12. Spalding sign is seen in
A) Still born B) Dead born C) Live born D) Intrauterine growth retardation
13. Which of the following is used to identify human blood in stains?
A) Precipitin test B) Benzidine test
C) Haemin crystal test D) Any of the above
14. Gastric-lavage is contraindicated in poisoning of
A) Kerosne B) Morphine C) Carbon acid D) Diazepam
15. Phossy jaw' is caused by
A) Strychnine B) Tetanus C) White phosphorus D) Red phosphorus
16. `Mee's lines' are seen in
A) Lead poisoning B) Arsenic poisoning
C) Tinea infection of nails D) Measles
17. Ophitoxaemia denotes poisoning by
A) Amphibian B) Spider C) Snake D) Abrus precatorius
18. McEwan's sign' seen in
A) Alcoholic intoxication B) Organophosphorous poisoning
C) Barbiturate poisoning D) Datura poisoning
19. In cyanide poisoning not used is
A) Thiocyanate B) Amyl nitrate C) BAL D) Oxygen
20. Lucid interval is seen in
A) Intracerebral haemorrhage B) Insanity
C) Subdural haemorrhage D) Alcohol intake.
[MBBS 0223]

This post was last modified on 30 November 2024