Download JNTUA M.Tech 2nd Sem 2019 Feb 17D08102 Network Security And Cryptography Question Paper

Download JNTUA (JNTU Anantapur) M.Tech ( Master of Technology) 2nd Semester 2019 Feb 17D08102 Network Security And Cryptography Previous Question Paper || Download M.Tech 2nd Sem 17D08102 Network Security And Cryptography Question Paper || JNTU Anantapur M.Tech Previous Question Paper

Code: 17D08102

M.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations January/February 2019
(Common to CSE & CS)
(For students admitted in 2017 only)

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 60

Answer all the questions

1 C = (P x K
+ K
) mod26; P = ((C-K
) x K
) mod26 is the affine cipher to encrypt and decrypt with
mod26 where K
is the multiplicative inverse of K
and ?K
is the additive inverse of K
. Use it to
encrypt the message ?Helo? to ?ZEBW? with the key pair (7, 2) in mod26. A gain decrypt the
message ?ZEBW? with the key pair (7, 2) in mod26.
2 Differentiate between block and stream ciphers. Explain the block cipher modes of operations?
What are the attacks on block ciphers?

3 Explain the encryption, decryption and key generation in RSA with neat diagrams. Also write the
pseudo code associated with them? Give the taxonomy of practical attacks on RSA.
4 Give an overview of SHA-512 by explaining processing steps very clearly.

5 Distinguish between MDC (modification detection code) and MAC (message authentication code).
6 What is digital signature and what process involved in it? Differentiate between conventional and
digital signatures. How it provides the major security service directly? What are the possible
attacks over it?

7 One of the major roles of public-key encryption has been to address the problem of key
distribution, with two distinct aspects:
(i) The distribution of public keys.
(ii) The use of public-key encryption to distribute secret keys.
Explain clearly with neat diagram.
8 The pretty good privacy (PGP) secure email program, is a remarkable phenomenon, has grown
explosively and is now widely used. The actual operation of PGP consists of five services:
authentication, confidentiality, compression, e-mail compatibility and segmentation. Explain each
service very clearly with proper steps.

9 By implementing security at the IP level, an organization can ensure secure networking not only
for applications that have security mechanisms but also for the many security-ignorant
applications. Write about IP security: Uses, benefits and services. What is encapsulating security
10 What is a firewall and limitations? Explain in detail the three common types of firewalls: Packet
filters, application-level gateways & circuit-level gateways?

***** - FirstRanker's Choice

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