Download AIIMS PG 2020 PSM Solved Paper
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are recall based questions and hence the options and reconstruction of
questions may slightly vary from original questions)
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1. Disease not screened under Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK)
A. Vitamin A deficiency
B. Congenital glaucoma
C. Congenital cataract
D. Retinopathy of prematurity
The correct answer is B. Congenital Glaucoma
1. Neural tube
10. Anemia
15. Skin
21. Vision
2. Down's
22. Hearing
11. Vit A
Eczema &
3. Cleft lip and
23. Neuro ? motor
4. Club foot
16. Otitis
24. Motor delay
5. Developmental
12. Vit D
25. Cognitive delay
Dysplasia of
17. Rheumati
26. Language
c heart
6. Congenital
13. Severe
27. Behavior
18. Reactive
7. Congenital
28. Learning
8. Congenital
14. Goitre
19. Dental
Heart diseases
29. At ention Deficit
9. Retinopathy of
20. Convulsiv
30. Congenital
, Sickle cell
Anemia, Beta
Ref: Park 25th Edition, Pg No. 498
2. Rubber gloves discarded in
A. Red bag
B. Blue bag
C. Yel ow bag
D. White bag
The correct answer is A. Red bag (Gloves ? recyclable waste; Recyclable waste ?
Red bag)
3. Pacemaker from cardiac wing in hospitals is discarded in
A. Red bag
B. Blue bag
C. Yel ow bag
D. White bag
The correct answer is B. Blue bag (Pacemaker Metallic Implant; Metallic Implant
& glassware Blue bag)
4. Nikshay Poshan Yojana is
A. Diet counselling
B. Mid-day meal everyday
C. Rs. 500/Month financial benefit
D. Rs. 500/week financial benefit
The correct answer is C. Rs. 500/month. Financial benefit of Rs. 500/month for
nutritional support for tuberculosis patients until completion of treatment is being
5. Glassgow Coma scale is
A. Nominal scale
B. Ordinal scale
C. Ratio scale
D. Interval scale
The correct answer is B. Ordinal Scale. Glassgow Coma Scale has perfect ranking
and order. Score of 8 ? Severe Brain Injury; 9 ? 12 ? Moderate brain injury; 13
? Mild brain Injury
6. Which among the following is a non-parametric test
A. Student t test
C. Pearson correlation test
D. Friedman test
The correct answer is D. Friedman test.
Non Parametric Test
Used for
1-sample sign test
Estimates the median of a population and
compare it to a reference value or target
1-sample Wilcoxon signed rank test
Estimates the median of a population and
compare it to a reference value or target
value for symmetric distribution
Goodman Kruska's Gamma
Test of association for ranked variables
Friedman test
Test for differences between groups with
ordinal dependent variables.
Mann-Kendall Trend Test
trends in time-series data
Kruskal-Wallis test
Ranks of data points are compared
Mann-Whitney test
Compare differences between two
independent groups when dependent
variables are either ordinal or continuous
Mood's Median test
Used instead of the sign test when there
are two independent samples
Spearman Rank Correlation
to find a correlation between two sets of
Chi Square test
Compare two or more independent
7. Diphtheria vaccine type
A. Live vaccine
B. Kil ed vaccine
C. Toxoid
D. Recombinant vaccine
The correct answer is C. Toxoid.
Examples of Toxoid vaccines - Diphtheria, Tetanus, Acellular Pertussis, Anthrax
and Influenza Subunit vaccine
8. Formula for maternal mortality ratio is
A. Total no. of Maternal deaths/Total no. of live births ?1000
B. Total no. of Maternal deaths/ Total no. of pregnant women ?100000
C. Total no. of Maternal deaths/Total no. of live births ?100000
D. Total no. of Maternal deaths/ Total no. of women in reproductive age group ?100000
The correct answer is C. Total no. of Maternal deaths/Total no. of live births
Current MMR of India (SRS 2019) 122/ 1lakh live births
9. What should be the minimum dose of tetanus antitoxin in body to provide optimal
A. 0.1 IU/ml
B. 0.01 IU/ml
C. 0.001 IU/ml
D. 1 IU/ml
The correct answer is B. 0.01 IU/ml. The protective level of antitoxin required is
0.01 IU/ml serum throughout life.
Ref: Park 25th Edition, Pg. No. 340
10. Which of these is possible use of serum antibody testing in a patient affected with
A. To know the duration of disease
B. To identify previous infection in asymptomatic patient
C. To quantify viral load in patient
D. To identify the type of antigen responsible for disease
The correct answer is B. To identify previous infection in asymptomatic or mild
symptomatic patient
11. Which of these require prevention to prevent spread through droplet infection?
A. Measles
B. Influenza (H1N1)
C. Diphtheria
D. Pertussis
The correct answer is B. Influenza (H1N1).
Ref: Park 25th edition, Pg No. 170.
12. Which of the following are not included in sentinel surveil ance of HIV?
A. Antenatal women
B. STD clinic attendees
C. Single migrants
D. Long distance truckers
The correct answer is B. STD clinic Attendees.
Sentinel surveil ance includes High risk groups, Bridge population and General
High risk groups includes Intravenous drug abusers, Males having sex with males,
Female sex workers and transgender
Bridge population includes single male migrants and long distance truckers
General population includes pregnant women attending antenatal clinic
Ref: Park 25th edition, Pg. No. 467
13. Which of the following is the best for post exposure prophylaxis of HIV due to needle
prick injury?
A. Zidovudine + Lamivudine
B. Zidovudine + Lamivudine + Indinavir
C. Zidovudine + Lamivudine + Nevirapine
D. Zidovudine + Nevirapine
The best possible answer can be A. Zidovudine + Lamivudine
The recent WHO guidelines (2016) for Post exposure prophylaxis suggests use of
Tenofovir + Lamivudine
14. Dose of IFA tablet for adolescent girl under Anemia Mukt Bharat
A. 60mg of elemental iron and 500 mcg of Folic acid daily once
B. 60 mg of elemental iron and 500 mcg of folic acid weekly once
C. 60 mg of elemental iron and 400 mcg of folic acid daily once
D. 60 mg of elemental iron and 400 mcg of folic acid weekly once
The correct answer is B. 60 mg of elemental iron & 500 mcg of folic acid weekly
Blue colored tablet with dose of 60 mg of elemental iron and 500 mcg of folic acid
is given weekly once to adolescents (10 19 years) under Anemia Mukt Bharat
15. In women to calculate RDA which parameters are used?
A. 1.73 m height
B. 55kg weight
C. 10 hours of work
D. 18 - 30 year age group
The correct answer is B. 55kgs weight.
Reference women 1.61 meters height, 55 kgs weight, 18 29 years age group
and 8 hours of work
16. Identify the vector in the given disease cycle
A. Hard tick
B. Soft tick
C. Louse
D. Trombiculid mite
The correct answer is A. Hard tick.
The life cycle being shown is of Ricketsia ricketsii. Ricketsia ricketsii causes
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Transovarian transmission of Vector is seen.
Human is accidental host.
17. Biosafety level of Covid 19 lab?
A. BSL 1
B. BSL 2
C. BSL 3
D. BSL 4
The correct answer is D. BSL 4
Activities and projects conducted in biological laboratories are categorized by
biosafety level. The four biosafety levels are BSL-1, BSL-2, BSL-3, and BSL-4,
with BSL-4 being the highest (maximum) level of containment.
Safety level of lab
Used for
Biosafety Level 1 (BSL 1)
Study infectious agents or toxins not
known to consistently cause diseases in
healthy adults
Biosafety Level 2 (BSL 2)
Study moderate-risk infectious agents or
toxins that pose a risk if accidentally
inhaled, swallowed, or exposed to the
Biosafety Level 3 (BSL 3)
Study infectious agents or toxins that may
be transmitted through the air and cause
potentially lethal infection through
inhalation exposure
Biosafety Level 4 (BSL 4)
Study infectious agents or toxins that
pose a high risk of aerosol-transmitted
laboratory infections and life-threatening
disease for which no vaccine or therapy is
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This post was last modified on 31 July 2021