Download JIPMER 2016 May Solved Question Paper
under control without any medications. Her
sisters and mother also have history of
JIPMER May 2016
increased blood glucose during pregnancy,all
Qn1.A 50 yr male with symptoms of fatigue
were euglycemic after delivery.What is the
and he has swelling of feet and loss of
enzyme defect?
sensations in legs and anaemia, He also has
a) Glucokinase
dilatation of ventricle and high cardiac output
b) PFK
state.What is the vitamin deficiency
c) Aldolase
associated with this presentation?
d) Enolase
a) Vitamin B1
Qn4.Utilisation of ketone bodies extra hepatic
b) Vitamin B2
tissues is by
c) Vitamin B12
A) HMG CoA lyase
d) Vitamin B3
B) HMG CoA synthase
C ) 3 hydroxy dehydrogenase
Thiamine (or vitamin B1) deficiency, also
D ) Thiophorase
known as beriberi, has traditionally been
Qn 5Hormone elevated in a alzheimers
divided into two major types: a "dry" form, in
patient who was found wandering outside for
which features of peripheral neuropathy
24 hours without water and food.that
predominate, and a "wet" form, in which signs
particular hormone can act on the intra
and symptoms of right-sided heart failure
cellular receptor(normal euglycemic patient)
with normal or high cardiac output are the
presenting features. A fulminant variant,
A)glucagon (act on Membrane receptor)
termed Shoshin beriberi (from the Japanese
B)growth hormone
sho meaning acute damage, and shin meaning
C)epinephrine (act on membrane receptor)
heart), complicating either one of the two
types, may occur with severe biventricular
Qn 6.A baby boy 10 month old comes with
failure, metabolic acidosis, variable cardiac
vomiting severe jaundice, hepatomegaly and
output with vascular collapse, peripheral
cyanosis and eventually death This syndrome
features of irritability on starting weaning
is usually preceded by non-specific symptoms
with fruit juice .which of the following
such as generalized fatigue, loss of appetite,
enzymes is defective ?
and abdominal pain
a) aldolase B
Qn 2.Not a reversible reaction in ETC
b) Fructokinase
a) succinate dehydrogenase
c) glucose 6 phosphatase
b) Cyt B
d) Galactose 1 Phosphate Uridyl
c) Cytochrome c Oxidase
d) NADH reductase
Qn7Version1).What happens to the /Which
?keto acid receives amino group of alanine
released from muscle after exercise before
getting converted to glucose?
a) Oxaloacetate
b) Malate
c) Alpha Keto Glutarate
d) ?
Qn3.A 27 year lady developed severe
Qn7Version 2.What happens to alanine
hyperglycemia in pregnancy and it returned to
released from muscle after exercise before
normal after delivery.Her blood sugar is well
getting converted to glucose?
a) Oxaloacetate
b) Malate
c) Alpha Keto Glutarate
Nov 2015
d) ?
1.SNP without a prior sequence information
is best identified by
Alanine is converted to Pyruvate
a)DNA Microarray
,Pyruvate to Oxaloacetate to Glucose
b) PCR
& Amino group received by Alpha
c) DNA Sequencing
Keto Glutarate to form Glutamate
d)?Fusion gene microarray
Qn 8.A 60 year old female presents for routine
examination.She is taking fruits vegetables
Using Microarray certain known SNP are
and multivitamin tablets regularly.Her LMP
arranged and unknown labeled
oligonucleotide carrying or suspecting
is 5 years ago.She is very much concerned
polymorphism is added.So a prior information
about the wrinkles around the eyes.Formation
is needed.
of wrinkles is due to defect in
Repeat length Polymorphisms(VNTR) can be
detected by Real time PCR or Amplicon length
a) Fibrillin Synthesis
b) Collagenase
2.FISH used
collagen cross linking
To locate a known genetic loci
d) Collagen fibrils
Qn 9 Why hemolysis occurs in G6pd deficiency
3.Suicidal bag organelle-
a) Lysosomes
a) 6 phospho gulanolactone not formed
b) Endoplasmic reticulum
b) ?*Decreased oxidative glutathione
c) Peroxisome
c) lipid peroxides accumulation in RBC
d) Mitochondria
d) Due to to methemoglobin formation
Explanation: In G6PD deficiency,NADPH
4.Apolipoprotein unique to Chylomicron
a) B48
level is reduced ,so Decreased
b) B100
ReducedGlutathione cannot be formed
c) A1
...>Which leads to accumulation of free
d) CII
radicals(Lipid peroxides also)
Option b says decreased oxidative Glutathione
5.Repeat nucleotide in Telomere results in
Qn 10.In a case of classic homocystinuria
a) Decreased cell division
what should be supplemented in the diet to
b) Increased cell division)
c)Addition of Poly A tail
prevent heart attacks
d)Addition of SNPs
a) pyridoxine.
b) methionine
6.What is the first physiological response
c) methyl cobalmine
following hypoglycemia
d) Niacin
a) Increase in cortisol
Qn 11 Endoplasmic reticulum is not site for ?
b) Decrease in insulin level
a) Glycolysis
c) Increase in epinephrine
b) Protein synthesis
d) Increase in Glucagon
Ref Stryer-Biochemistry 7/e Also Harper 30/e
c) Protein package
The early fasting state. The blood-glucose
d) Cell signaling
level begins to drop several hours after a
meal, leading to a decrease in insulin
secretion and a rise in glucagon secretion;
glucagon is secreted by the cells of the
pancreas in response to alow blood-sugar level
in the fasting state. Just as insulin signals the
12.Which of the following is wrongly matched
fed state, glucagon signals the starved state.
a) Folate-Anaemia
It serves to mobilize glycogen stores when
b) Zinc-Immunodeficiency
there is no dietary intake of glucose. The main
c) Iodine ?Dry Skin(This is the least
target organ of glucagon is the liver.
7.False about Gauchers disease
d) Iron-Anaemia
a) Enzyme replacement therapy not available
b) Splenomegaly is massive and progressive
13.DNA melting depends on
c) Infants present with opisthotonus and
a) Length of DNA
b) Hydrogen bond between Purines
d) ?No mental retardation
c) ?Hydrogen bond between Pyrimidines
d) G-C Pairs
8. Denaturation of Proteins
a) Primary structure intact
14.Enzyme that remove hydrogen from
b) ?Secondary structure intact
substrate to Oxygen is
c) ?Tertiary structure intact
a) Oxygenase
d) ?No loss of folding
b) Oxidase
c) Dehydrogenase
9.Both Triglycerides and HDL increased
a) Smoking
15.Megaloblastic anaemia seen in
b) Athletes
a) Ornithine Transcarbamoylase defect
c) Statin/Anabolic steroid abusers
d) Alcoholism
c) Citrullinemia
Ref Harrison19/e Regular alcohol consumption
d) Orotic aciduria
has a variable effect on plasma lipid levels.
The most common effect of alcohol is to
16.Vitamin whose RDA depends on Protein
increase plasma triglyceride levels. Alcohol
intake is Pyridoxine( Reference Park)
consumption stimulates hepatic secretion of
Park clearly says RDA of Niacin depends on
VLDL, possibly by inhibiting the hepatic
enegy intake NOT on Protein intake alone.
oxidation of free fatty acids, which then
Biochemical reason-Almost all amino acid
promote hepatic triglyceride synthesis and
metabolism is dependent on Pyridoxine.
VLDL secretion. The usual lipoprotein pattern
RDA of Thiamine depends on carbohydrate
seen with alcohol consumption is Type IV
(increased VLDLs), but persons with an
May 2015
underlying primary lipid disorder may develop
1. Which of the following is true about Krebs
severe hypertriglyceridemia (Type V) if they
Cycle?JipmerMay 2015
drink alcohol. Regular alcohol use also raises
plasma levels of HDL-C.
A. Pyruvate condenses with Oxaloacetate
to form Citrate
10.Which is true about G6PD deficiency?
B. Alpha keto Glutarate is a five Carbon
a) Autosomal dominant inheritance
b) Does not give protection against malarial
C. Oxidative Phosphorylation occurs in
the cytoplasm only
c) Presents as chronic hemolytic anaemia
D. Krebs cycle can operate in anaerobic
d) Commonly cause neonatal jaundice
11.Carbohydrate related to Blood group
2. Mousy body odour is due to ( Jipmer May
a) Fucose
A. Phenyl Alanine
b) Xylose
B. Phenyl Acetate
c) Xylulose
C. Phenyl Butazone
d) Arabinose
D. Phenyl Acetyl Glutamine
3. Which is the test used to identify mRNA
B. PRPP Synthetase
A. Southern Blot
C. Carbamoyl Phosphate Synthetase I
B. Northern Blot
D. AIR Carboxylase
C. Western Blot
D. South Western Blot
3.A vitamin derived from amino acid is
A. Biotin
B. Pantothenic acid
4. Regarding Hb A1 C true is
C. Niacin
D. Folic acid
A. Hemoglobin with a Sugar moiety
B. Cannot be used to stratify the renal
4.N Acetyl Cysteine replenishes
complication in Diabetes Mellitus
C. Increase in Diabetic patient with
A. Glutathione
Sickle cell anaemia
B. Glycine
D. Absent in people without Diabetes
C. Glutamate
D. ?
5 .True about bilirubin is
5.Enzyme common for synthesis of both
ketone bodies and Cholesterol
A. Conjugated with Glycerine
B. Facilitate absorption of carbohydrates
A. HMG CoA Reductase
from diet.
B. HMG CoA Synthase
C. Is a steroid
C. Acetyl CoA Carboxylase
D. Bound to Albumin in circulation
D. HMG CoA Lyase
6.About DNA which of the following is true
6.Glucose intolerance is seen in deficiency of
A. The nucleotide of one strand form
A. Chromium
bonds with nucleotide of opposite
B. Selenium
C. Molybdenum
B. Cytosine and Uracil differ by one
D. Zinc
ribose sugar
7. Mucopolysaccharide that doesn't
C. The information from DNA is copied in
containUronic acid residue is
the form of tRNA
D. Each nucleotide pair includes two
a) Heparan Sulphate
b) Heparin
c) Chondroitin Sulphate
Nov 2014
d) Keratan Sulphate
1.Northern blot is used for
8.True statement regarding telomerase is
a) It is a reverse transcriptase
b) Active in somatic cells
C. Protein
c) Involved in translation
D. Antigen
d) Helps in shortening of DNA
2.Rate limiting enzyme of Purine synthesis is
9.Function of Pseudouridine arm of tRNA
A. PRPP Glutamyl Amidotransferase
a) Helps in initiation of translation
15.Substrate level Phosphorylation not seen
b) Serves as the recognition site of amino
acyl tRNA synthetase
a. PhosphoFructokinase
c) Recognises the triple nucleotide codon
b. PhosphoGlycerate kinase
present in the mRNA.
c. Succinate Thiokinase
d. Pyruvate Kinase
d) Helps in initiation of transcription
Substrate level Phosphorylations are:
? 1,3BisphosphoGlycerate Kinase
? Pyruvate Kinase
? Succinate Thiokinase
10.Vitamin for which RDA is based on protein
intake is
a) Niacin
16 Which enzyme is absent in muscle?
(a) Glucose-6-Phosphatase
(b) Glycogen phosphorylase
(c) Enolase
11.In PKU which is true
(d) Thiophorase
a) Tyrosine level decreases
Enzymes absent in the muscles are
b) Decreased Phenyl alanine products
? Glucose 6 Phosphatase
c) Increase in Phenyl Alanine
? Glycerol Kinase (also absent in the
White Adipose Tissue)
d) Dihydrobiopterin reductase deficiency
17. Ketone bodies not utilised by:
12.Enzyme increased in the fed state is
(a) RBC (b) liver
(c) brain (d) heart
a) Acetyl CoA Carboxylase
b) Glucose 6 Phosphatase
c) CPS-1
18. Which of the following is false about
d) HMGCoA Oxidase
(a) Releases lipoprotein lipase
13.All are poly unsaturated fatty acid except
(b) Releases hormone sensitive lipase
(c) It is an anticoagulant
a) Linoleic acid
(d) It is a Glycosaminoglycan
b) Palmitic acid
19.. Which of the following is a Lyase?
c) Arachidonic acid
(a) Aldolase B
d) Eicosa Pentaenoic acid
(b) Acetyl Co A Synthetase
14.Epigenetic changes among the following
(c) Fatty Acyl CoA Dehydrogenase
are all except
(d) Acetyl CoA Carboxylase
Some examples of Lyases are
a) SnRNA interference
? HMG CoA Lyase
b) Poly A tailing of the mRNA
? ArgininoSuccinateLyase
c) Histone acetylation
? ATP Citrate Lyase
d) DNA methylation
? Aldolase
? Fumarase
20. Insulin dependent glucose transport
(c) hypokalemia
not present in:)
(d) ketone bodies
a. Liver
Factors that favour Insulin secretion are:
b. Adipose tissue
? Glucose
c. Heart
? Amino Acids
d. Skeletal muscles
? Free fatty Acid
21. Which is true about enzyme kinetics
? Ketone Bodies
for competitive inhibition:
? Glucagon
(a) low km high affinity
? Secretin
(b) high km high affinity
? Sulfonyl Urea drugs tolbutamide
(c) High Km low affinity
and Glybiuride
(d) Low Km low affinity
Factors that block the release of Insulin:
Features of competitive inhibition:
? Epinephrine
? Km increases, hence the affinity is
? Norepinephrine
Insulin and serum Potassium:
? Vmax remains the same
? Insulin pumps extracellular K+ to
Features of noncompetitive Inhibition:
intracellular compartment.
? Km remains the same
? Hence insulin causes Hypokalemia
? Vmax decreases
? But Hypokalemia never favour insulin
Significance of Km (Michaelis Constant):
Km is substrate concentration at
25.Lipoprotein a resembles: (Jipmer 2014)
(a) plasminogen (b) plasmin
Constant for an enzyme substrate pair
(c) thrombin (d) prothrombin
It is called signature of the enzyme
? Higher the Km ,lower is the affinity of
26 Which is a reverse transcriptase:
the enzyme towards the substrate
(a) Topoisomerase
? Lower the Km,higher is the affinity of
(b) Telomerase
the enzyme towards the substrate
(c) RNA polymerase II
23 Regarding electron transport chain which
(d) DNA polymerase alpha
is true:
Reverse transcriptase is RNA dependent DNA
(a) Cyanide stops the ETC but allows
production of AT
Option A: Topoisomerase is a nicking
(b) Oligomycin deplete the ADP
resealing enzyme,not a reverse transcriptase
(c) Atractiloside inhibit the proton
transfer through FoSubcomplex
transcriptase activity.
(d) Aspirin cause uncoupling of
Option C: RNA polymerase II is an DNA
Oxidative phosphorylation
dependent RNA Polymerase, not a reverse
Option A: Cyanide inhibit Complex IV of ETC,
and therefore totally arrest respiration
Option D: DNAP alpha is a eukaryotic DNA
Option B: Oligomycin blocks the flow of
dependent DNA Polymerase But also has
protons through the ATP Sythase
Primase activity. Primase is DNA dependent
Option C: Atractyloside inhibit the transport
RNA Polymerase, not a reverse transcriptase
of ADP and ATP.
27.Which of the following is not an aldose?
Option D: High dose Aspirin is an uncoupler
of Oxidative Phosphorylation.
A. Glucose
Hence the answer is d
B. Mannose
24. Which of the following will not favour
C. Fructose
favour insulin secretion?
D. Galactose
(a) glucagon
28.The enzyme deficient in Refsum's disease
(b) amino acid
A. Phytanic acid Oxidase
34.Glycogenolysis in the muscle do not raise
B. Lysyl Hydroxylase
the blood glucose due to lack of which enzyme?
C. Malate Dehydrogenase
D. DNA Polymerase
A. Arginino Succinate Lyase
B. Lactate Dehydrogenase
29.FAD dependent reaction is
C. Glucose 6 Phosphatase
D. Pyruvate Kinase
A. Succinate to Fumarate
B. Fumarate to Malate
35.Major function of HMP is to provide
C. Glucose to Glycogen
D. Ketoglutarate to Succinate
36.In which of the following copper acts as
30.One of the following is obtained in the by
A. Carboxy peptidase
beta oxidation of odd chain fatty acids
B. Pyruvate Carboxylase
Cytochrome Oxidase
Acetyl CoA + Acetyl CoA
Carbonic Anhydrase
Acetyl CoA + Propionyl CoA
C. Propionyl CoA + Propionyl CoA
37.The source of Ammonia in urine is
D. Acetyl CoA alone
A. Glutaminase
31.The number of double bonds in the
B. Urease
Arachidonic acid
C. Arginase
Glutamate Dehydrogenase
B. 2
38.Which of the following is not from
C. 3
D. 4
A. Anserine
32.Restriction Endonuclease is used in
B. Glucose
39.The function of Cori's Cycle
A. Fatty acid transport
33.The Maple Syrup Urine disease is due to
B. 2,3 Bisphospho Glycerate transport
defect in
C. Reutilisation of Lactate
Transport of Amino acid across the
B. Hydroxylation
C. Deamination
40.Carbon Dioxide is not released in the
D. Decarboxylation
following reactions
A. Hydroxy Butyrate Dehydrogenase
B. KetoGlutarate Dehydrogenase
B. Arginine
C. Isocitrate Dehydrogenase
C. Glutamate
D. Malic Enzyme
D. Aspartate
41.The conversion of Uroporphyrinogen III to
47.The synthesis of 1 peptide bond involves
Coproporphyrinogen III is an example of
A. 1 ATP
A. Deamination
B. 2 ATPs
B. Hydrogenation
C. 3 ATPs
C. Decarboxylation
D. 4 ATPs
D. Dehydrogenation
48.Selenium is a cofactor in the following
42.Which is an activator of LCAT?
A. Apo E
A. Glutathione Peroxidase
B. Apo AI
B. Cytochrome Oxidase
C. Apo B48
C. Cytochrome Reductase
D. Apo B100
D. Xanthine Oxidase
49.Thiamine act as a cofactor in
A. Pyruvate to Oxaloacetate
B. Malonate to Oxaloacetate
43.Which of the following is a glycolipid?
C. Succinate to Fumarate
Pyruvate to Acetyl CoA
B. Plamalogen
50.Enzyme not involved in DNA replication is
C. Sphingomyelin
D. Lecithin
A. Telomerase
B. Reverse Transcriptase
44.All the enzyme activities are increased in
C. Restriction Endonuclease
fasting state EXCEPT
D. DNA Ligase
A. Acety CoA Carboxylase
51.Copper is required in the collagen
B. Carnitine Acyl Transferase
synthesis for
D. Pyruvate Carboxylase
A. Lysyl Hydroxylase
B. Lysyl Oxidase
45.Which of the following is both polar and
C. Prolyl Hydroxylase
D. Prolyl Oxidase
A. Arginine
52.Amino acid not involved in Protein
B. Asparagine
C. Glutamine
D. Leucine
A. Ornithine
B. Alanine
46.The amino acid which on decarboxylation
C. Asparagine
gives rise to a potent vasodilator
D. Cysteine
A. Histidine
53.Niemann Pick Disease is due to deficiency
D. Amino acids
60.All the following require Biotin as a
A. Sphingomyelinase
coenzyme except
B. Gangliosidoses
C. Glucucerebrosidase
A. Propionyl CoA Carboxylase
D. Ceramidase
B. Acetyl CoA Carboxylase
C. Pyruvate Carboxylase
54.Tay Sachs disease is due to accumulation of
D. Pyruvate Dehydrogenase
A. GM2 Ganglioside
61.The major fuel in the brain after several
B. GM1 Ganglioside
weeks of starvation is:
C. Glucocerebroside
D. Galactocerebroside
A. Glucose
B. Fatty Acid
55.Hereditary Fructose Intolerance is due to
C. Hydroxy Butyrate
deficiency of
D. Glycerol
A. Aldolase B
62.The storage Tri acyl Glycerol are
B. Aldolase A
hydrolysed by
C. Fructokinase
D. Sucrase
A. Pancreatic Lipase
B. Lipoprotein Lipase
56.Second messenger is produced from
C. Lysosomal Lipase
D. Hormone sensitive Lipase
A. Phosphatidyl inositol
B. Phosphatidyl Serine
C. Phosphatidyl Choline
D. None
57.Pseudotumour cerebri is caused by
hypervitaminosis of
A. Vitamin D
B. Vitamin A
C. Vitamin E
D. Vitamin K
58.Suicidal enzyme is
A. Cyclooxygenase
B. Lipoxygenase
C. Dehydrogenase
D. Pyruvate Kinase
59.Bile acids are derived from
A. Bilirubin
B. Fatty acid
C. Cholesterol
This post was last modified on 31 July 2021