Pharma D 2nd Year Pharmacology-I Important Questions

Pharma D Second Year (Second Year) Pharmacology-I Important Question Bank


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Essay Questions Pharma D 2nd Year


  1. Describe the types of cholinoceptors (4). Classify the cholinergic agonist (8).
    Write briefly about its pharmacological actions (8)
  2. Define biotransformation. Discuss the synthetic and non synthetic reaction of drug
    metabolism with suitable example
  3. Define and classify anticholinergic agents. Explain the pharmacological actions, side effects,
    drug interactions and uses of Atropine.
  4. a) Classify adrenergic drugs. Discuss about adrenergic receptors types and its locations.
    b) Explain the pharmacological actions and therapeutic uses of catecholamine.
  5. a) Classify sedative and hypnotics and write the mechanism of barbiturates.
    b) Explain the pharmacological actions, adverse effects and therapeutic uses of barbiturates.
  6. a) Define arrhythmias.
    b) Write the classification of antiarrythmics.
    c) Enumerate mechanism of action, adverse effects, pharmacological action and
    uses of any one class of antiarrythmics.
  7. Enumerate various factors modifying the drug effects.
  8. a) Define congestive cardiac failure.
    b) Classify drugs used in the treatment of congestive cardiac failure.
    c) Write the mechanism of action of Digoxin.
    d) Mention its adverse effects of digoxin
  9. What is epilepsy? Classify them. Write the classification of antiepileptics,
    Enumerate any one class with Mechanism of action, adverse effects and
    pharmacological action.
  10. a) Classify anti-cholinergic agents.
    b) Write the pharmacological actions of atropine.
    c) Write the manifestations and treatment in belladonna poisoning.
  11. Write on the various modes of transport of drugs across biological membranes
    with special emphasis on active transport in detail.
  12. a) Classify anti-arrhythmic agents.
    b) Describe – secondary depolarizations and reentry arrhythmias.
  13. a) Classify NSAIDs.
    b) Write the pharmacological actions and the therapeutic uses of aspirin
  14. a) Classify drugs in Parkinson’s disease.
    b) Write the pharmacological actions of L-dopa on CNS.
    c) Write the adverse effects of L-dopa at the initiation of therapy and after prolonged therapy.
  15. Write with examples, biotransformation reactions involving microsomal and
    non-microsomal enzymes.
  16. a) Classify antihistamines.
    b) Write the pharmacological actions, adverse effects and therapeutic uses.
  17. a) Brief on the steps involved in the synthesis of thyroid hormones.
    b) Classify thyroid inhibitors and write its therapeutic uses.
  18. Write in detail, the factors modifying drug effects.
  19. (a) Classify adrenergic drugs.
    (b) Write the pharmacological actions and therapeutic uses of adrenaline
  20. (a) Write the sources of cardiac glycosides.
    (b) Write the mechanism of action of digitalis and its pharmacological actions on
    cardiovascular system
  21. Classify Anticholinesterases, describe their mechanism of action and therapeutic
  22. Write the Biosynthesis, actions and Pathophysiological roles of Prostaglandins,
    Thromboxanes and Prostacyclin
  23. a) Classify Anti-depressants.
    b) Write the Mechanism of action, Pharmacological actions and therapeutic uses of Tricyclic Anti-depressants
  24. a) Classify Anti-anginal drugs.
    b) Write the Mechanism of action, Pharmacological actions and Therapeutic uses of Nitrates.
  25. Discuss drug interaction with suitable example.
  26. Classify local anaesthetics. Discuss the Pharmacology and uses of Cocaine.
  27. Classify anti-cholinergics agents. Discuss the pharmacology, adverse effects and
    uses of Atropine.
  28. Define and classify antihyperlipidemics. Write the mechanism of action and side
    effects of HMG CoA Reductase Inhibitors and Fibrates
  29. a) Define and classify local Anaesthetics.
    b) Describe the mechanism of action and uses of Lignocaine.
  30. a) Define and classify two major types of Diabetes Mellitus.
    b) Write on the conventional preparations of Insulin.
  31. Write the mechanism of action, adverse effects and uses of Lithium Carbonate.
  32. Classify oral hypoglycemic agents. Discuss the mechanism, pharmacological
    actions and side effects of sulfonylureas.
  33. Classify Anti-convulsant drugs. Discuss the MOA, adverse drug reactions and
  34. Classify Anti-hypertensives drugs. Discuss the mechanism of action, adverse drug
    reactions and uses of ACE inhibitors and beta blockers.
  35. Classify Anti-anginal drugs. Write the pharmacological actions of nitrates.
  36. Explain the synthesis, release, mechanism of action, pharmacological actions of
    various preparations of Insulin.
  37. Classify Anti-hypertensive agents according to their sites of action. Explain the
    mechanism of action, pharmacological actions, adverse effects and therapeutic
    uses of calcium channel blockers.
  38. Classify Anti-cholinergic agents. Explain the mechanism of action,
    pharmacological actions, adverse effects and therapeutic uses of any one drug.
  39. Classify drugs used in treatment Parkinsonism. Explain the actions of levodopa
    and its combination with carbidopa.
  40. Classify peripherally acting skeletal muscle relaxants. Compare and contrast the
    pharmacology of both the classes of drugs
  41. Classify drugs used in the treatment of seizures. Explain the mechanism of action,
    pharmacological actions, adverse effects and therapeutic uses of Phenytoin.
  42. Explain the synthesis, storage, release, post synaptic receptors and their agonist
    and antagonists of histamine.
  43. Classify drugs used in Congestive Cardiac failure. Explain the mechanism of
    action, pharmacological actions and adverse effects of digoxin. Add a note on
  44. Write in detail about the pathophysiological role and pharmacological actions of
  45. Define Epilepsy. Write the classification of antiepileptics. Enumerate Phenytoin
    with mechanism of action, adverse effects and pharmacological action
  46. Write about the metabolism of drugs.
  47. Define and classify Anti Adrenergic agents. Explain the pharmacological actions,
    side effects and Therapeutic uses of Propanolol.
  48. Classify cholinergic agonists. Explain, in detail, the pharmacology of cholinesters.
  49. Define Asthma. Classify anti-asthmatic drugs and explain about Mast cell
  50. What is angina? Classify antianginal agents. Explain, in detail, the pharmacology
    of nitrates
  51. Classify the drugs used in the treatment of various types of epilepsy according to
    their mechanism of action. Explain the pharmacological actions and adverse
    effects of phenytoin.



Short Questions



  1. Explain the various stages of general anaesthesia with a neat illustration.
  2. What are the various types of insulin? List out the various marketed preparations
    of insulin.
  3. Describe the structure, release, mechanism of action, physiological role and
    therapeutic uses of oxytocin.
  4. Describe the mechanism of action and physiological role of oestrogens.
  5. Classify histamine 2 receptor antagonists. List their therapeutic uses and adverse
  6. Define local anaesthesia and give examples. Explain the mechanism of action of
    local anaesthetics.
  7. Classify sedative and hypnotics and write the mechanism of barbiturates.
  8. Write the pharmacological action of muscarinic cholinergic receptor blockers.
  9. Describe – secondary depolarization and reentry arrhythmias.
  10. Write the adverse effects, pharmacological action and uses of Angiotensin
    converting enzyme inhibitors.
  11. Brief on the mechanism of action of hormonal contraceptives.
  12. What are the factors influencing Drug Absorption?
  13. Explain the various routes of drug administration.
  14. Enumerate factors modifying drug effects.
  15. Discuss the pharmacology of drugs used in the treatment of hyperthyroidism.
  16. Discuss about the mechanism of action and types of local anaesthetics.
  17. Explain about the pharmacology of beta adrenergic receptor blockers.
  18. What are antitussives? Classify and explain their pharmacology.
  19. Pre-clinical evaluations of new drugs.
  20. Explain the mechanism of action and pharmacological actions of drugs acting on
    GABA receptors.
  21. Classify Anti-dyslipidaemic agents. Explain about bile acid sequestrants.
  22. Discuss about histaminergic receptor antagonists.
  23. Explain about the pharmacology of oxytocin.
  24. What are Anti-tussives? Classify and explain their pharmacology.
  25. Define local anaesthetics with examples. Write the mechanism of lignocaine.
  26. Mention the uses and mechanism of action of Barbiturates
  27. Write notes on nasal decongestants
  28. Define the term Oxytocics. Write the pharmacological actions and uses of Oxytocin.
  29. Classify Anti-histamine. Write notes on histamine receptors.
  30. Pre-clinical evaluations of new drugs.
  31. Classify Anti-dyslipidaemic agents. Explain about bile acid sequestrants.
  32. Discuss about histaminergic receptor antagonists
  33. Explain about the pharmacology of oxytocin
  34. What are Anti-tussives? Classify and explain their pharmacology.
  35. Classify Anti-histamine. Write notes on histamine receptors.
  36. Write on Kinetics of elimination
  37. Describe G-protein coupled receptors
  38. Describe the manifestations and treatment of Barbiturate poisoning.
  39. Compare and contrast the mechanism of actions of Barbiturates and Benzodiazepines.
  40. Write a note on Anti-arrhythmic agents.
  41. Write a note on Thyroid Inhibitors
  42. Discuss the mechanism of action of NSAIDS with examples.
  43. Classify oral contraceptives. Write notes on Mini – Pill.
  44. Write notes on 5 – Hydroxytryptamine and its antagonist
  45. Mention the symptoms and treatment of Organophosphorus Compound Poisoning
  46. Classify anti-asthmatic agents. Discuss the Mechanism of action and uses of Theophylline.
  47. Define the term neuroleptics. Classify it. Discuss the mechanism of action of chlorpromazine.
  48. Write on CNS stimulants and cognition enhancers
  49. Classify and write the therapeutic uses of Antihistamines.
  50. Describe the manifestations and treatment of Atropine poisoning.
  51. What are the factors influencing Drug Absorption.
  52. Write a note on Bronchodilators
  53. Write on pre-clinical evaluations
  54. Write on opioid analgesics
  55. Define diabetes mellitus and add a note on hypoglycemic agents.
  56. Define cough and write briefly on drugs used in cough.
  57. Classify anti-depressants.
  58. Define mydriasis and write the effect of atropine on eye.
  59. Write on different routes of drug administration.
  60. Classify anti-hypertensive drugs.
  61. Briefly discuss the therapeutic applications of local anesthetics.
  62. Write the pharmacological actions and therapeutic uses of oxytocin.
  63. What is vasomotor reversal of Dale?
  64. Compare and contrast barbiturates and benzodiazepines.
  65. Define a) Clearence b) Plasma half-life c) First order kinetics.
  66. Classify receptors and add a note on G Protein coupled receptors
  67. Brief on the mechanism of action of hormonal contraceptives.
  68. Write a note on drug interactions
  69. Classify bronchodilators and add a note on allergens.
  70. Write the therapeutic applications of lithium carbonate
  71. Define sedatives and hypnotics
  72. What are oral contraceptives?
  73. Why levodopa combined with carbidopa?
  74. Drug interactions
  75. Write the pharmacological action of β adrenergic receptor blocker
  76. What are mucolytics? give examples.
  77. What are antithyroid drugs. Write the uses of the same.
  78. What is anti myasthenia gravis? What are anti myastheniac drugs and add note on its adverse effects
  79. Write a note on antihistamines and their uses.
  80. What are anti inflammatory drugs?
  81. Write the mechanism adverse effects of diazepam?
  82. pharmacodynamics
  83. Write the pharmacological action of muscarinic cholinergic receptor blockers
  84. What are nasal decongestants? Give examples.
  85. What are psychotropic drugs?
  86. Write the adverse effects, pharmacological action and uses of antianginal drugs
  87. Pre anaesthetic medication.
  88. Write a note on local anaesthetics and their uses.
  89. Insulin analogues and their Pharmacological action and uses.
  90. Write the reason for the combination of carbidopa and levodopa.
  91. Classify anti-cholinestrase and write its mechanism of action
  92. Define epilepsy and write the mode of action of phenytoin
  93. Classify anti-anxiety drugs
  94. What is angine pectroris and discuss briefly its type.
  95. Write the mode of action of digitalis.
  96. Classify non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  97. Write notes on microsomal enzyme induction.
  98. Briefly discuss about the stages of general anaesthesia.
  99. Classify β-adrenergic blocking agents and pharmacological action of propranolol.
  100. Write notes on insulin and its preparations
  101. Define the term mydriactics and miotics. Give example.
  102. Write the mechanism of action and uses of Disulfirm
  103. Define acute toxicity, sub acute toxicity and chronic toxicity
  104. Classify anti histamines and add note on histamine recept
  105. Write notes on oral contraceptives.
  106. Define and classify local anaesthetics. Write the mechanism of action and uses of lignocaine
  107. Write the pharmacological actions of COX-2 inhibitors
  108. Write the synthesis, storage and metabolism of 5-Hydroxytryptamine
  109. Describe the various routes of drug administration.
  110. Write a note on HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors.
  111. Write the clinical uses of Nitrates in angina.
  112. Explain the Dopamine theory of Schizophrenia.
  113. Explain the stages of general anaesthesia.
  114. Write briefly about the phases involved in Bio-transformation.



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Pharma D Last 10 Years 2011-2021 Papers





Above question papers are applicable for below universities

Pondicherry University
NTR University of Health Sciences, VijayWada
Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management (GITAM University) Deemed, Visakhapatnam
Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences (SVIMS), Tirupati
Srimanta Shankardeva University of Health Sciences
Statutory Autonomous, AIIMS
Aryabhatta Knowledge University, Patna
Indira Gandhi Instt of Medical Sciences (Deemed University), Patna
B.N. Mandal University
Veer Kunwar Singh University,Bihar
Ayush and Health Sciences University, Raipur
Punjab University
Chhattisgarh Ayush and Health Sciences University, Raipur
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
University of Jamia Hamdard (Hamdard University)
Delhi University
Goa University
Gujarat University
Saurashtra University
Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University,Patan
MS University of Baroda
Veer Narmad South Gujarat University
Maharaja Krishnakumarsinghji Bhavnagar University
KSKV Kachchh University, Bhuj
Parul University, Vadodara
Sardar Patel University
Sumandeep Vidyapeeth University (Deemed), Vadodra
PT. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak
Maharishi Marakandeshwar University (Deemed), Ambala
Himachal Pradesh University
Maharishi Marakandeshwar University, Kumarhatti, Solan
Jammu University
Kashmir University
Deemed University, Jammu & Kashmir
Kolhan University, Chaibasa
Vinoba Bhave University
Ranchi University
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
KLE Academy of Higher Education & Research (Deemed), Belgaum
JSS University, Mysore
Manipal Academy of Higher Education (Deemed University), Manipal
Nitte University (Deemed), Mangalore
Sri Devaraj Urs Academy of Higher Education and Research (Deemed University), Kolar
Sri Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumkur
Yenepoya University of Health Sciences (Deemed), Mangalore
Kerala University of Health Sciences, Thrissur
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University (Deemed), Coimbatore
Calicut University
Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala
Barkatullah University
Madhya Pradesh Medical Science University, Jabalpur
Dr. Harising Gour University,Sagar
Jiwaji University
Devi Ahilya Vishwa Vidyalaya
Rani Durgavati Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur
Peoples University, Bhopal
Vikram University, Ujjain
AP Singh University
Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik
Bharati Vidyapeeth University (Deemed), Pune
Dr. D Y Patil University (Deemed), Pimpri, Pune
D.Y. Patil Education Society (Deemed University), Kolhapur
Datta Meghe Instt. of Medical Sciences (Deemed University), Nagpur
Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University (Deemed), Karad
MGM Institute of Health Sciences (Deemed University), Navi Mumbai
Padmashree Dr. D Y Patil University (Deemed), Navi Mumbai
Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed University), Ahmednagar
Manipur University
North Eastern Hill University, Shillong
Utkal University
Sambalpur University
KIIT University (Deemed), Bhubaneswar
Berhampur University
North Odisha University, Baripada, Odisha
Vinayaka Missions University (Deemed), Salem
Statutory Autonomous, Puducherry
Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth (Deemed University), Pondicherry
Bharath University (Deemed), Chennai
Adesh University, Bathinda
Baba Farid University of Health Sciences,Faridkot
Rajasthan University of Health Sciences
Rajasthan University
Jaipur National University (Private Univ.)
NIMS University (Deemed), Jaipur
Pacific Medical University, Udaipur
Sikkim Manipal Univ. of Health,Medical & Tech. Scs
Dr. MGR Educational and Research Institute (Deemed University), Chennai
The Tamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical University,Chennai
Chettinad Academy of Research and Education (Deemed University), Chettinad
Meenakshi University (Deemed), Chennai
Annamalai University
Saveetha University (Deemed), Chennai
Sri Ramachandra University (Deemed), Chennai
SRM Institute of Science & Technology
Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences, Warangal
Tripura University
Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Uttarakhand Medical Education University
Kumaon University, Nainital
Swami Rama Himalayan University, Dehradun
H. N. B Garhwal University
Uttrakhand Technical University, Dehradun
Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur
Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Avadh University, Faizabad
King Georges Medical University,Lucknow
Dr B R Ambedkar University,Agra, U.P.
Glocal University, Saharanpur
Ch. Charan Singh Universitiy, Meerut
C.S.J.M. University, Kanpur
Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith, Varanasi
Banaras Hindu University
Integral University, Lucknow
Aligarh Muslim University
Bundelkhand University
M J P Rohilkhand University
Santosh University
Sharda University, Greater Noida
Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut
Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Moradabad
Dr. Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University, Lucknow
Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University
Shri Venkateshwara University, Gajraula
West Bengal University of Health Sciences, Kolkata


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