Pharma D 2nd Year Pharmacognosy and Phytopharmaceuticals Important Questions

Pharma D Second Year (Second Year) Pharmacognosy and Phytopharmaceuticals Important Question Bank


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Essay Questions Pharma D 2nd Year



  1. What are Volatile oils? Give example for Phenol volatile oil.
    Explain about Pharmacognostical characters of any one of the drugs.
  2. Write in detail about Insecticides
  3. Give a detailed account on plant classification
  4. Discuss in detail about methods of cultivation, collection, drying and processing.
  5. Define adulteration and write a detailed note on different
    methods of adulteration of crude drugs.
  6. Explain in detail about the source, chemistry and method of
    extraction of lipids. Write in detail about any two lipid containing drugs.
  7. Briefly discuss the various system of classification
    of crude drugs from natural origin with examples?
  8. Write the pharmacognosy of any two fruit drugs  Which you have studied?3
  9. Explain the pharmacognosy of any two crude drugs from carbohydrates?
  10. Elaborate the detail study of medicinal value drugs from Natural pesticide?
  11. Define Fibers, classify with examples and write a detailed account on plant fibers
    used in surgical dressing and related products.
  12. Define and classify proteins, write a note on chemistry, method of extraction, method
    of analysis of proteins, write a note on any one protein containing drug.
  13. Give a detailed account on various methods of cultivation, collection, processing of
    crude drugs.
  14. Define and classify carbohydrates with examples. Give details about any three
    carbohydrate containing drugs.
  15. Discuss the importance of microscopical studies for the evaluation of crude
    drugs with suitable examples and diagrams.
  16. What are volatile oils? How are these classified?
    Write their properties, methods of extraction and uses.
  17. Describe the chemistry, extraction methods, and methods of analysis of proteins.
    Write a note on any one drug containing protein.
  18. Write the cultivation, collection, biological source, chemical constituents and
    adulterants of any two drugs from volatile oil
  19. Definition, History and scope of Pharmacognosy
  20. What are fibres? Write about plant fibres used in surgical dressings.
  21. Explain the different methods of adulteration of crude drugs.
  22. Describe the microscopical characters, chemical constituents, chemical tests and
    uses of any one crude drug from carbohydrates.
  23. Discuss the different methods of cultivation used for propagating medicinal plants.
  24. Define lipids. Write a note on chemistry, method of analysis of lipids.
  25. How will you evaluate the adulteration by macroscopically, microscopically and
  26. Write the factors affecting the cultivation of crude drugs.
  27. Write the difference between the Acacia and Tragacanth.
  28. Write notes on cell wall and cell inclusions
  29. Explain in detail about Natural Pesticides.
  30. Write the Pharmacognosy of any two fruit drugs which you have studied.
  31. Write in detail about storage of Crude Drugs
  32. Describe the source, Macroscopy, Microscopy and uses of Senna and Cinnamon Bark.
  33. Describe the importance of soil fertility, irrigation, altitude and Bio-pesticide in
    plant cultivation.
  34. Discuss about the taxonomical, morphological and pharmacological classification
    of Crude Drugs with suitable examples.
  35. Define Crude Drugs. Discuss in detail about Pharmacognosy of any two Crude Drugs.
  36. Define and classify Proteins. Explain its chemistry and method of analysis
  37. Give a detailed account on various methods of cultivation, collection and
    processing of crude drugs.
  38. Define carbohydrates. Give details about any two carbohydrate containing drugs.
  39. Classify of plant fibres and explain two important plant fibres used in surgical
  40. Define adulteration. Give a detailed account on different methods of adulteration
    of crude drugs with suitable examples.
  41. Define volatile oil. Explain any two volatile oil containing fruit drugs.
  42. How will you evaluate the adulterations in crude drugs?
  43. Describe the chemistry and methods of analysis of proteins. Write note on any one
    protein containing drug
  44. Brief note on natural pesticides and explain in detail about any two natural
  45. Discuss about the different methods of classification of crude drugs along with
    their advantages and disadvantages.
  46. Explain briefly about factors affecting cultivation of medicinal plants.
  47. Write the source, preparation, chemical constituents, identification tests and uses
    of absorbent cotton.
  48. Definition, classification and methods of analysis of protein with examples. Write
    the source, preparation, chemical constituents, chemical tests and uses of Gelatin.
  49. Define crude drug. Write the classification of crude drugs with examples.
  50. Write in detail about cell and cell inclusions
  51. Define carbohydrates. Write in detail about one carbohydrate containing drug.
  52. Write the factors affecting the cultivation of medicinal plants
  53. Define Protein. Write any one Protein drug.
  54. What are Fibers? Write any two Plant Fibers
  55. Definition, history and scope of Pharmacognosy
  56. Define Fats and Waxes. Write in detail of any two Lipid containing crude drugs
  57. Define adulteration. Write the types of adulteration
  58. Define lipids. Write in detail about any two marine source oils.
  59. Write notes on collection and processing of crude drugs
  60. Write about any two natural pesticides.



Short Questions



  1. Types of Adulteration
  2. Isapgol
  3. Auxins
  4. Pharmacological classification
  5. Jute
  6. Castor Oil.
  7. Write the source, active constituents and uses of digitalis.
  8. Write a note on pectin.
  9. Write the names of plant fibers and explain about absorbent cotton.
  10. Write a note on various methods of extraction of fixed oils.
  11. Morphological characters of cinchona.
  12. Definition and scope of pharmacognosy.
  13. Enumerate the history and scope of Pharmacognosy
  14. Draw neat labeled diagnostic characters of fruit drugs and
    explain the types with examples
  15. Define the term proteins, classify them and write a note on
    method of analysis of proteins with examples
  16. Explain the methods of cultivation of crude drugs with
  17. Define the term crude drugs and explain the classification
    of crude drugs with examples.
  18. Describe the macroscopy and microscopy of senna
    with a note on its adulterants
  19. Describe the historical background of pharmacognosy
  20. Explain about the various types of Extraction of volatile oils?
  21. Give a note on current and upcoming Scope of pharmacognosy
  22. Write a note on preparation process of cotton and silk
  23. Elaborate the Basic principle of ayurvedic system of medicine?
  24. Write a note on any one oil obtained from marine animal source
  25. How clove is collected, what are its adulterants, how are they detected?
  26. Detail study of methods of cultivation of medicine plants
  27. Discuss the method of preparation of starch from different source
  28. What are fibers? Write detail about any one plant fiber?
  29. Write briefly about the Storage condition of crude drugs?
  30. Demonstrate the Pharmcognestic study of Acacia?
  31. Write detail on pharmacognosy of honey?
  32. Write about the classification of proteins with examples?
  33. Briefly describe the use of crude drugs in the indigenous system of medicine?
  34. Discuss about the Merits and demerits of cultivation of medicinal plants?
  35. Write a note on natural pesticides with examples and give details about any one
    natural pesticides.
  36. Write a note on plant fibers used in surgical dressings
  37. Enumerate the history and scope of Pharmacognosy
  38. Write a short note on cell constitutes with their different functions
  39. Explain about the chemotaxonomy with suitable examples
  40. Compare & contrast volatile oils and fixed oils with examples.
  41. Write in detail about any two carbohydrate containing drugs.
  42. Write a note on chemistry of lipids, Explain any one lipid containing drug.
  43. Brief note on cell inclusions
  44. Isapgol
  45. Definition & scope of pharmacognosy.
  46. Method of analysis of proteins
  47. Write a difference between volatile oil & fixed oil.
  48. Cotton
  49. Powder microscopic characters of any one leaf drug
  50. General chemical tests for alkaloids.
  51. Write a note on chemistry of lipids.
  52. Define adulteration & mention the types of adulteration
  53. Write a note on cell wall constituents
  54. What are the advantages and disadvantages of cultivation?
  55. Classify carbohydrates with suitable examples
  56. What are adulterants? Mention few adulterants in the adulteration of crude drugs
  57. Write the source, preparation and uses of absorbent cotton
  58. How are proteins detected by chemical test?
  59. Discuss the methods of extraction of fixed oils.
  60. Write a brief note on scope of Pharmacognosy.
  61. Write the source, chemical constituents, uses of shark liver oil and castor oil.
  62. Plant growth regulators
  63. Explain in detail about natural pesticides
  64. Give the identification test for agar and tragacanth.
  65. Write the powder microscopical characteristics of any one bark drug.
  66. Write the morphological and chemical classification of crude drugs with examples
  67. Write the classification of volatile oil with example and explain any one drug.
  68. Write a note on study of cell wall constituents
  69. Explain powder microscopical study of any two leaf drugs.
  70. Discuss the method of preparation of starch from different sourc
  71. Brief note on Absorbent cotton
  72. Write an account of storage condition of crude drugs.
  73. Honey
  74. Gelatin
  75. Hydrous wool fat.
  76. Insect flower
  77. Systematic study of crude drugs.
  78. Any one anti-xeropthalmic oil.
  79. Agar
  80. Nuxvomica Seed.
  81. Source, constituents, chemical test and medicinal uses of Ginger.
  82. Morphological characters of Cinchona Bark
  83. Jute
  84. Isapgol
  85. Adulterants used in Cinnamon Bark
  86. General methods of extraction of Lipids.
  87. Neem and Pyrethrum
  88. Differentiate between organised and unorganised drugs
  89. Honey and Starch
  90. Give detail about the common plant fibre used as surgical dressings
  91. Define natural pesticides and explain about pyrethrum
  92. Write a brief note on storage of crude drugs
  93. Definition and scope of pharmacognosy
  94. Preparation of medicinal castor oil
  95. Write a difference between volatile oil and fixed oil with examples
  96. Describe macroscopy and microscopy of any one leaf drug.
  97. Identification tests for carbohydrates and proteins.
  98. Write the names of plant fibres with sources and explain about absorbent cotton.
  99. Discuss the methods of preparation of starch from various sources.
  100. Macroscopy and powder microscopic characters of any one flower drug.
  101. Explain the pharmacological and chemotaxonomy classification of crude drugs.
  102. Write briefly about processing and storage of crude drugs.
  103. Write in details about cell wall constituents
  104. Differentiate cassia bark from Ceylon cinnamon bark.
  105. Macroscopy and microscopy of any one alcohol type of volatile oil containing drug.
  106. Write the biological source, chemical constituents, chemical tests and uses of Agar.
  107. History and scope of Pharmacognosy
  108. Insect flower.
  109. Macroscopy and Powder Microscopical character of any one bark drug.
  110. Absorbent cotton.
  111. Types of adulteration.
  112. Chemistry of lipids.
  113. Write note on taxonomical and pharmacological classification.
  114. Advantages and disadvantages of cultivation.
  115. Preparation of starch from various sources.
  116. Macroscopy and Powder Microscopical character of any one leaf drug
  117. Systematic study of crude drugs with examples
  118. Any one anti-xeropthalmic oil
  119. Chemical test for honey and gelatin
  120. Chemistry and methods of analysis of protein
  121. General methods of isolation of volatile oils.
  122. Macroscopy and Powder Microscopical character of any one fruit drug.
  123. Adulteration used in clove
  124. Jesuit’s bark.




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Pharma D Last 10 Years 2011-2021 Papers





Above question papers are applicable for below universities

Pondicherry University
NTR University of Health Sciences, VijayWada
Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management (GITAM University) Deemed, Visakhapatnam
Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences (SVIMS), Tirupati
Srimanta Shankardeva University of Health Sciences
Statutory Autonomous, AIIMS
Aryabhatta Knowledge University, Patna
Indira Gandhi Instt of Medical Sciences (Deemed University), Patna
B.N. Mandal University
Veer Kunwar Singh University,Bihar
Ayush and Health Sciences University, Raipur
Punjab University
Chhattisgarh Ayush and Health Sciences University, Raipur
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
University of Jamia Hamdard (Hamdard University)
Delhi University
Goa University
Gujarat University
Saurashtra University
Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University,Patan
MS University of Baroda
Veer Narmad South Gujarat University
Maharaja Krishnakumarsinghji Bhavnagar University
KSKV Kachchh University, Bhuj
Parul University, Vadodara
Sardar Patel University
Sumandeep Vidyapeeth University (Deemed), Vadodra
PT. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak
Maharishi Marakandeshwar University (Deemed), Ambala
Himachal Pradesh University
Maharishi Marakandeshwar University, Kumarhatti, Solan
Jammu University
Kashmir University
Deemed University, Jammu & Kashmir
Kolhan University, Chaibasa
Vinoba Bhave University
Ranchi University
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
KLE Academy of Higher Education & Research (Deemed), Belgaum
JSS University, Mysore
Manipal Academy of Higher Education (Deemed University), Manipal
Nitte University (Deemed), Mangalore
Sri Devaraj Urs Academy of Higher Education and Research (Deemed University), Kolar
Sri Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumkur
Yenepoya University of Health Sciences (Deemed), Mangalore
Kerala University of Health Sciences, Thrissur
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University (Deemed), Coimbatore
Calicut University
Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala
Barkatullah University
Madhya Pradesh Medical Science University, Jabalpur
Dr. Harising Gour University,Sagar
Jiwaji University
Devi Ahilya Vishwa Vidyalaya
Rani Durgavati Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur
Peoples University, Bhopal
Vikram University, Ujjain
AP Singh University
Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik
Bharati Vidyapeeth University (Deemed), Pune
Dr. D Y Patil University (Deemed), Pimpri, Pune
D.Y. Patil Education Society (Deemed University), Kolhapur
Datta Meghe Instt. of Medical Sciences (Deemed University), Nagpur
Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University (Deemed), Karad
MGM Institute of Health Sciences (Deemed University), Navi Mumbai
Padmashree Dr. D Y Patil University (Deemed), Navi Mumbai
Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed University), Ahmednagar
Manipur University
North Eastern Hill University, Shillong
Utkal University
Sambalpur University
KIIT University (Deemed), Bhubaneswar
Berhampur University
North Odisha University, Baripada, Odisha
Vinayaka Missions University (Deemed), Salem
Statutory Autonomous, Puducherry
Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth (Deemed University), Pondicherry
Bharath University (Deemed), Chennai
Adesh University, Bathinda
Baba Farid University of Health Sciences,Faridkot
Rajasthan University of Health Sciences
Rajasthan University
Jaipur National University (Private Univ.)
NIMS University (Deemed), Jaipur
Pacific Medical University, Udaipur
Sikkim Manipal Univ. of Health,Medical & Tech. Scs
Dr. MGR Educational and Research Institute (Deemed University), Chennai
The Tamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical University,Chennai
Chettinad Academy of Research and Education (Deemed University), Chettinad
Meenakshi University (Deemed), Chennai
Annamalai University
Saveetha University (Deemed), Chennai
Sri Ramachandra University (Deemed), Chennai
SRM Institute of Science & Technology
Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences, Warangal
Tripura University
Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Uttarakhand Medical Education University
Kumaon University, Nainital
Swami Rama Himalayan University, Dehradun
H. N. B Garhwal University
Uttrakhand Technical University, Dehradun
Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur
Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Avadh University, Faizabad
King Georges Medical University,Lucknow
Dr B R Ambedkar University,Agra, U.P.
Glocal University, Saharanpur
Ch. Charan Singh Universitiy, Meerut
C.S.J.M. University, Kanpur
Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith, Varanasi
Banaras Hindu University
Integral University, Lucknow
Aligarh Muslim University
Bundelkhand University
M J P Rohilkhand University
Santosh University
Sharda University, Greater Noida
Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut
Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Moradabad
Dr. Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University, Lucknow
Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University
Shri Venkateshwara University, Gajraula
West Bengal University of Health Sciences, Kolkata



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