Download OU (Osmania University) BSc (Bachelor of Science - Maths, Electronics, Statistics, Computer Science, Biochemistry, Chemistry & Biotechnology) 2019 June-July 3rd Year 2nd Semester (6th Semester & 7th Semester) (3-2) 3318 Mathematics Previous Question Paper
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"? ? ? ' ' PART-A~(5Ex-.-.3
? (Short Amway?
Note : Answer any?FlVE-?Of thetfollom
.A/?I'f? F = (y.x.z) and C is the curve given by x anode. 3m. 12:?? iii?
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then evaluate IF .d r
2 De?ne conservative vector field with example. \q: ? '
. Ml?Jla) c(l-lla-v/In abc I
J Show that I I I dz dy =?6?. /
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X Find the angle between the surfaces of the sphere x!? +22 =2 and the ?77??
x1 +y2 = lat a point where they intersect. I T-
5" If -f. : grad (:3 4?):3 +33 ?3.wz)?nd CUI'. ??Eoifz?f
4?6/ Find unit normal to the surface )1: r 4:32?t?at?the point (1. 2. 1). t/
92/ Give the physical interpretation of curIJ-.-..;_;?;5
DB/Show that culr (grad ?)= (5 if d) isza scalar ?eld./ _?
nmp??w x 15 = 45 Marks)
tn. ?{(?tsay Answer Type) -
Note?fAn?wer ALL from the questions. HI
9 (3) Evaluate the surface integral of u=(y . x2 . 22) over the surface S whereSisthae I .
triangular surface on x = 0 with y 2 0, z 2 0, y + z s 1, with the nonhaljx.i'i??.l?"_ff'.?,
in the pqsitive?direction of x ? axis. .
?3? OR ? h;
(b) 71u?ta?t?elineintegral [F x d r where is the vector ?eld (y.x.0)and??2?'
i l? r _
t rvey=sinx.z=0betweenx=0andx=n. I
10 (a) A cube has a variable density given by p = 1 + x + y + 2. What fs?th??t?rmhl?zi
the cube?
(b) Find the volume integral of the scalar ?eld 4? = x2 + y? + z2 ovarthe
specifiedby03x51.1sy52.052$3. '
11 (a) Show that
3= 022.42 siny+2xyz, chosy+y?x) ? M-
is irrotational. Find the corresponding potential?fuhggcfg?z.
(b) Find the gradient and Laplacian of f=sin
This post was last modified on 06 February 2020