Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 4th Sem Industrial Chemistry Material Science n Industrial Pollution Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 4th Sem Industrial Chemistry Material Science n Industrial Pollution Previous Question Paper

AVV-l 713
B.Sc. (Part?ll) Semestcr?IV Examination
(Material Science and Industrial Pollution)
Time : Three Hours] |Maximum Marks : 8O
N.B. :? (1) Question No. l is compulsory and carries 8 marks.
I. (A)
(2) Remaining all questions carry 12 marks each.
(3) Draw diagram wherever necessary.
(4) Use of scienti?c calculator is allowed.
Fill in the blanks :
(i) Thermoplastic polymers become __ ? on heating.
(ii) Alum is the most popular used both in water and waste water treatment.
(iii) Oxides of carbon, sulfur and nitrogen arc the examples of air pollutant.
(iv) Decibel is the unit for the measurement of? level. 2
Choose the correct alternatives from the following :
(i) Which of the following is a synthetic polymer 7
(:1) W001 (b) Silk
(c) Te?on (d) Leather
(ii) Sterlization treatment of watcr includes removal or killing of 7
(u) Bacteria (h) Viruses
(c) Fungi (d) All of thcsc
(iii) Which one of the following is not a constituent of cement ??
(u) Silica (b) Lime
(c) Alumina (d1) Dolamitc
(iv) Ion exchange is used as _ method for water treatment.
(a) Primary (b) Secondary
(c) Tertiary (d) All of these 2
Answer in one scntcncc :
(i) What is dcgrec of Polymerization ?
(ii) De?ne Air Pollution.
(iii) Dc?nc Soft Glass.
(iv) What is Hardness of Water ?? 4
YBC 715284 | (Contdi)

3. (P)
4. (A)
5. (P)
6. (A)
7. (P)
What arc ceramics ?? Gi\L? H?: types 01? ceramics and its applications.
Explain the l'ollmwing typm )t' glass 2
(i) Soda-lime glass
(ii) Potash?limc glass.
Discuss any two formantm processes of ceramics.
Givc tht: raw materials rcqu rcd for manufacture of refractories.
Draw and explain the I?mmr'acturc of glass by pot furnace process.
Explain the formation prams 01? ccramics :
(i) Slip casting
(ii) Sol't mud process.
Draw and explain nmnut?mturc process of cement by wet process.
Explain the procedure "or testing the tensile strength of cement.
Discuss the high alumina u-mcnt with advantages and disadvantages.
Dcscril?c the setting and hardening of cement.
Discuss the following tcstmg methods of ccmcnt :
(i) Fineness
(ii) Speci?c gravity.
Discuss. any four additives nt? cement.
Discuss Organic and Inorganic Polymer.
Explain the manufacturing of Te?on.
Give the properties and applications of nylon 6:6.
Explain the manuthclur'ing nf? Polystyrene.
Givc 21:1 account of addition and condensation polymerization.
Give' the properties and applications of polyethylene.
YBC?l5284 7

YBC?15284 3
(C )
. (A)
Discus the following quality parameters of water :
(i) Acidity
(ii) Alkalinity. 4
Explain water pollution due [0 paper industry. 4
Discuss water pollution due tomineral acid. 4
Explain the following water quality parameters :
(i) COD
(ii) BOD. 6
Give any four standard (maxium permissible limits) for drinking water as per WHO.
Discuss water pollution due to Arsenic heavy metal. 4
Give an account of coagulation method of waste water treatment. 4
Discuss prelimnary treatment of waste water. 4
Explain activated sludge process. 4
Explain chlorination and UV. irradiation methods of sterilization. 4
Give rm account of trickling ?lter. 4
Discuss adsorption and evaporation methods of water treatment for inorganic chemicals.
Draw and explain electrostatic prccipitator used in air pollution control. 4
Discuss any four methods of noise pollution control. 4
How is Solid Particulate Matter (SPM) determined with the help of high volume
sampler ? 4
Explain the classi?cation of air pollutants. 4
Discuss harmful effects of hydrocarbons on human being and plants. 4
Give an account of absorption method for collection of air samples. 4

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020