Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 5th Sem Physics Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 5th Sem Physics Previous Question Paper

AW?l 738
B.Sc. (Part?III) Semestcr?V Examination
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :? (I) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary.
Constants : me = 9.11 X 10'? kg, h = 6.63 is 10 ? .13, m" = 1.67 X 10 3? kg
1. (A) Fill in the blanks :? 2
(i) The localized structure fomied by the superposition of large number ol?matter waves 01'
different frequencies is called .................. .
(ii) The diode which works on the principle of barrier penetration is called ..................
(iii) In Raman spectra, much more intense lines are .................. .
(iv) The potential applied to stop the photoelectrons is called as .................. .
(B) Choose correct altemative :
(i) Compton effect is associated with :
(a) a irays (b) B?rays
(c) X-rays (d) Positive rays
(ii) The rate oi'change of collector current with respect to collector leakage current is
called __
(a) Current gain (b) Stablimtion
(c) Stability factor (d) All ofthese
(iii) The radiation counters 0r detectors are not operated in
(a) GM region (b) Proportiohal region
((2) Recombination region (d) None of these
(iv) When one alpha particle is emitted from the nucleus, the atomic number and mass
number ofdaughter nucleus is changed respectively by :
(a) Four and Two (b) Two and Two
(c) Two and Four (d) Four and Four
(C) Answer in one sentence :
(i) What is phase distortion ??
(ii) What is mass defect ?
(iii) What is nuclear fusion ?
(iv) State the condition for nonnalized wave function.
YBC??l5306 l (Contd.)

Give assumptions 01
r black body radiation.
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? ? n k 5 Quantum lheory. . ?
[h c mial in Photoelectm
a'? _ ? .
ih') Discuss tln: effect of imemil)? 0f in?del? mdmuon 0n Hopping pa? 3
cfl?ccl. . ,
(c) Whm is gr )up Velocity and phase velocity '? Obtain the rclauon between them. 3
(p) Explain \\ cin?s displacement law of black body radiation. 3
((1) Describe Davisson and Gcrmcr experiment to conlim wave nature of electrons. 6
(r) Discuss the spectral distribution 01' black body radiation. 3
(a) Write an equation for a wave function associated with free particle. Give its physical
signi?cance. - 4
(b) Solve Schrodinger equation for a particle in one dimensional rigid box. 6
Find the Eigen value and Eigen function :
(c) Find the cr ergy of thc clcctron in ground state moving in one dimensional box of width
2 AL?. 2
(p) Obtain a quantum mechanical operator for kimtic energy. 4
(q) Derive one dimensional time independent Schrodinger wave equation. 6
- (r) Find the lowest encrg) ofa neutron con?ned to a nucleus ofsize 10"? m. 2
(3) Explain the concept ul?spacc quantization and spin quantization. 4
(b) Describe Stem (icrlach experiment Lmd dlscuss its results. 6
(c) What is L-S coupling ?? 2
(p) State and ex; lain Moseley?s law. Give its impun ance. 4
(q) Describe expsriemial set up used to study Raman Effect. 4
(1') Explain Chara cteristics X?ray spectra and its origin. 4
YBC?15306 2 ?

\'BC ?I 5306
(21) Describe the construction and working of nuclear reactor. Write the function of cadmium
rods used in it. 5
(b) Explain Pauli?s neutrino theory of beta decay. 4
(c) Draw labeled diagram of GM. counter with proper graph showing GM region. 3
(p) De?ne:
(1) Binding energy of nucleus (ii) Nuclear fusion
(iii) Dead lime in GM counter (iv) Recovery time in GM counter 4
(q) What is nuclear ?ssion ? 2
(r) State Geigcr-Nuttal law. 2
(5) What is beta decay ? Explain its modes. 4
(3) Obtain any two basic equations of hybrid parameters. 5
(b) Draw hybrid equivalent circuit for CE ampli?er. Obtain and expression for input impedance
and current gain of it. 5
(c) What is operating point ? 2
(p) State and explain different types of distortion in ampli?er. 6
((1) Explain Class A. B and C amplifier. 6
(a) With proper circuit diagram, explain detailed construction and working of phase shift
oscillator. 6
(b) Give the construction and working of monostable multivibrator. 4
(c) Explain feedback in amplifier. 2
(p) What is Barkhausen criterion ? 2
(q) Draw circuit diagram of Hartley oscillator and explain its working.
(r) Explain the working of Astable multivibrator.

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020