Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) B-Tech 3rd Semester (Third Semester) 2018-2019 Material Science Rme 301 Question Paper
Paperld: l40301| RollNo:l I J [ FL I Tl I 1
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 70
Notes: Assume any Missing Data.
1. Attempt all questions in brief. (217 = 14)
3) Define recrystalhzation temperature?
b) De?ne ?critical cooling mtc? 1n TTT diagram with neat sketch.
0) What are refractory materials? Give some examples.
d) De?ne the term strain hardening.
e) Di?erentiate between toughness and resilience. Also define the endurance )1m1t.
f) Why hardening is followed by tempering?
3) What are Bravai?s space lattices?
2. Attempt any three parts of the following : Y"? (7x3=21)
a) Define the term diffusion. Explain ?ck 514? 111 case of steady state diffusion
b) What 15 non?destructive testing (NDT)? Bipiain 1n detail anv two NDT methods ?
c) What is phase diagram? Draw a IQ? ?ghetch of iron-carbon diagram and ?3.9111111 the
var1ous phases present 1n 1t and th?q?mportant reactions occurring
d) What do you mean by heat ,tteatment process? Name various ty pes of hardening
processes and explain 1n dewl:N1tr1dmg process with its mer1ts and demerits
e) What are Ceramics? What: 'different types of ceramics? Also write their properties
SECTION C . ? '?
3. Attempt any one part of the following: / , '1 ~? (7x1=7)
a) How many atoms per square millimeter are there mthe (l O 0) plane of lead Lead has
FCC structure Assume the interatomic distance 110136 3 499 A
b) NaCl structure has FCC structure The density QfN'aCl 1s 2 18 cm3. Calculate the distance
between two adjacent atoms
4. Attempt any Olll' part of the following: , ? " (7xl=7)
a) What 15 a dislocation? What are different types of dislocatmn?? Explain Draw their neat
sketches and mark burger vector 1h.?11ch case.
h") Expla1n the term creep, its mpghanism and stages.
5. Attempt any one part of the f?llowing 2 (711:7)
3) Write short notes on Solid solution and its types
b) What do you understand by lever rule? Determine the mass fraction of the phases
present at 184'C in a sample of lead & tin with 45% tin in it.
. Attempt any one part of the following : (7x1=7)
8) Draw and explain the WT diagram for eutectoid steel. Explain important
transformations taking place in it on cooling.
b) What are brasses and bronzes? How are they classi?ed? Give the composition,
propemes, microstructure and applications of any two of each.
. Attempt any one part of the following : (7xl=7)
a) What are various methods of plastic processing?
b) Explain in detail classi?cation and applications of composite materials.
This post was last modified on 29 January 2020